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tv   Neopalimaya Kupina  1TV  March 31, 2024 12:15pm-3:11pm MSK

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in the usa, there is a new incident on the water, the same scenario, a collision with a bridge, only this time in the state of oklahoma, a barge crashed into the crossing, this is the moment. until specialists arrived at the scene, traffic on the section of the highway had to be blocked; the structure, as engineers noted, was not damaged too seriously, so the passage had already been opened. the same cannot be said about the situation in baltimore, this is the state of maryland. there, let me remind you, the crossing collapsed after a container ship crashed into it, six people died as a result of the emergency the economy loses up to 200 million dollars every day, this data is provided by the american ministry of transport, and journalists in the meantime dug up interesting statistics: in the usa there are more than 4,000 bridges, and only a third of them are equipped with collision protection, although there is no evidence that the crossing will withstand in the event of an emergency , reporters never found it. our episode is now complete, stay tuned, now on channel one there is a multi-part military drama, the burning bush. yaroslav. lokomotiv reached the semi-finals
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of the gagarin cup, winning the decisive match against avant-garde hockey players. the seventh meeting of the series in omsk brought the guests their first success in the seventeenth minute. artur kayumov opened the scoring. and the result was summed up at the very beginning of the third period by maxim berezkin. victory 2:0 in the match, 4:3 in the series and lokomotiv continues on its way to the trophy. spartak and metallurg went into action in moscow with a total series score of 3:2. in favor of magnitka and the guests, who, if successful , put a winning point, opened the scoring towards the end of the first period. roman kantserov hit the red-white goal. the metallurgist developed his success in the thirty-eighth minute, and the attack began with the puck bouncing off the goal post of the metal league itself, and denis zernov completed it. 10 minutes before the end of the meeting, a goal by kazakh striker nikita mikhailis practically deprived spartak of any chance.
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in the last minute, the leader of the tyumen team , georgi govtadze, made the score equal to 4-4, so it was again necessary to identify the strongest in a series of six-meter shots, where this time fortune smiled on senari 6:5 on penalties. at the russian biathlon championships, which takes place in tyumen, the last personal race for men. there was a 15 km mass start,
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eduard latypov was in the lead towards the equator, but two mistakes deprived him of his chances for a gold medal, but karim khalili passed all four milestones without errors and won his second victory in tyumen. let us remind you that earlier the twenty-five-year-old biathlete became the best in the sprint. in the women's 4 x 6 km relay, the hanteman autonomous team won a landslide victory. our ayub bleev met with the european champion , representative of france, luka imkhidze. during normal time, none of the opponents managed to achieve an advantage. and
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the showdown continued in the golden score round, which lasts until the first assessment or punishment, here the russian competently caught his opponent with... counterattacks and earned a winning point. let us note that for twenty-six-year-old bliev this is the first gold medal in his career at a grand slam tournament. in the women's weight category up to 63 kg, dali liluashvili won silver. the russian champion lost to the representative of south korea, kim ji, in the final bout. weighing up to 70 kg, madina added a bronze medal to our treasury taymazova. her opponent, dutchwoman kim poling , did not compete for third place due to injury. victor gusev, sports news, channel one.
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"pama irlikam to the soviet people, the victorious people , si. i think that they will kill me in the war.
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don’t be afraid, what’s your name? egor. yegorushka, come, come with me. come with me. quiet, quiet, quiet, he’s afraid of his mother move away . yegorushka, you can’t stay here, here now. there will be shelling, you hear me, let’s go, let’s go, well, let’s go, tonya, we have to go, the germans will close in, let’s go.
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maybe he’ll survive.
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no, whatever you want. i’ll have a drink, wait, to the crepe factory, well, let’s go. come on, take it, give me the money!
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whoever we are chasing, tell me, my girl is underage, she’s a fool, now she’ll screw things up, then we won’t relax, he said, wait until the last minute, it’s okay, reconnaissance, we’ll be in time! i'm shy, what is it, this is your first time? you, no one has ever died from this, zina, go away, there is
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money, sina, go away, tonya, go away, dina, sonya, i’m here, sonya, sina! and she went down and didn’t break it, the porky summer girl, but i myself, now i’m not for it. i know whose ear the zhorechka is, but now i myself don’t know whose
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i'm leaving, i can't delay anything anymore, nothing more fun comes to mind, gathering. so if the father is a smerzovite, it does not mean that it is not necessary, the son is not responsible for the father, the son
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lives his own life, if, if we repeated our parents, it is interesting whether you have a son or a daughter, it is not interesting. the little man suffered, the light was not born, but
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he suffered, i wonder what he would have become, maybe a scientist, or maybe he would just grow up and love his mother. well, the man really hates me a little bit,
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he came through. knitted, hold it, this is for me, for you, for you, for me, try it on, will it fit?
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oh, oh, just in time, i guessed right, come on second, lupa, teach me how to knit, well, i... who will, it’s not zinka’s or the child’s, come here, when he’s born in may, it can be cold in may too
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, look, mother, a person was born there, a girl, let me hold
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her, her baby died once, so she ’s bored, this is what the carpenter created at the station, beauty, you’ll sleep here, and your mother is next to you on... the bed , aunt toni, aunt toni will be on the cot, i need to change the diaper , now, i haven’t come up with a name yet, no,
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the little one has no name, the diapers need to be changed, but we have everything. everything you need , we have it in stock, let me put the kettle on , i have sweets in my tea, and i have potatoes, and bread, stew, be full, don’t worry, i don’t like her, worse, i hate her, nothing i can help it. they took another opornik vysu, look
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at how many syringes there are, now it’s clear why i ’m going to the slaughter with glassy eyes, ukrainian military personnel freely took injecting drugs, and just after that they behaved completely like animals, they repeatedly admitted that under torturing with drugs is much more fun, tranquilizers, painkillers, official, unofficial, you can’t think of anything they don’t use, here they come, really, the guys are coming, their ukrainian soldiers, they shoot at him, release the horn of a machine gun, he comes, this is a drug that blocks the center of pain , that is, they are not afraid of anything and it does not hurt, they also gave me an injection, i gave it to myself, you feel a surge of energy, a lot of courage, american pharmaceutical companies...
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his life, his path and his end. special report, zelensky and his combat junkies. premiere, today on the first. president of france. they created a party for him, they put him on the throne, the main component of macron’s dna is narcissism, he wants to remain in history,
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to be equal to napoleon, a rather dangerous thing, he allowed the possibility of placing french nuclear weapons on the territory of other eu countries. the statements of the gali rooster are dictated by us instructions. the polish-german tank brigade fully supports the french maneuvers and is going to enter ukraine. macron is getting ready to go on a hike. i've eaten enough of tutti's heir doll, tomorrow 's the first one, it's a pity that you don't have children, i can't give birth. if it weren’t for her, i would have gone home completely now,
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it’s warm there now, the air is sweet, go, i don’t want to go with her, go alone, you’re not kidding, no. and you will stay with her, husband, get ready right now, in 2 hours the train will be your ticket, i won’t come back, i understand. i'll express the milk now,
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express it. thank you tony for everything.
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keep it up, finished, stop, finished, samuel, i'm important. ivanichna, ivanichna, sign, why am i the least of all , because i earned the least of all, i counted, of course, i also counted, of course, well, for some reason i counted 20. and the men have 25, sign,
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so agab, how is my little swallow here, how is it my dear , everything is fine, mamaash, don’t worry, i’m for three, i’m puffing out my cheeks, i’m crazy, what, we’ll come to you early tomorrow morning, otherwise i’m on duty tomorrow, you know, it won’t work out tomorrow, why? i don’t know, it won’t work out here either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, you
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need to look for another nurse, i can’t more. yes, wait , i paid you a month in advance, you can fatten me up for at least a week , i can at least find someone else, i can’t, mother, a wealthy lady came to me, promising me that kind of money, i can’t, there won’t be enough milk for everyone, i i’ll pay you back in a week , don’t refuse, just tell me how much you need to pay, i can pay more, here’s the bank, i’ve got a job now as a loader, i ’m still working now, please don’t be offended, mom, not for profit, we need money really needed.
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well, you have solved the problem, the definition of the real logarithm, remind me, derivatives of a complex function, the logarithm of the number b to the base a, and ire. but by definition there is a solution, comrade ivanchina, where are you going, i don’t know that she suddenly came in, it seemed like everything was fine, that my little one, come here. tony, what about the exam?
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“feed my girl, do me a favor , i don’t have milk. feed, i’ll pay, i ’ll work, feed him with blood, add sugar to him, you can’t feed him with blood, he has dyspepsia from this, the doctor said only infants can,
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well, feed us a little , i don’t have enough, ask gavrilova, she’s there, pay his window, i i asked, it doesn’t give, what do you want to do? go, prevent the sick from resting , don’t lie, go, ivanchyns, go,
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wow, entit power, great, reconnaissance, sit down, please, sit down, i say, i’ll give you a lift, don’t you remember me, or what? i remember. yes, sorry, i’ll just take you as far as the turn, i have to go further. boy or girl? girl,
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what's your name? nastya. nastya! it’s a good name, well , come here, what are you doing, servets, and what are you throwing under the wheels, well, get out of here, so that you don’t see me here again, dear. it’s a pity there’s no radio, otherwise they’d turn it on now for atmosphere, quietly you, little girl
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, screamed, she died 2 hours ago in the hospital, they didn’t give us breast milk , they kept saying they’d bring it from the maternity hospital, they didn’t bring it , she had a diaper with... she began to suffer from hunger, they starved her to death, etitian power,
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we all your plans have been ruined, oh well. i'll do it tomorrow, i'll take you home, what's your
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name? antonina, listen, tony, i ’ll take you straight to your house, right to your door, in just one place, we’ll drop by on the road for 5 minutes, of course. on march 31, 1814 , the russian liberation campaign ended army and she marched victoriously into paris. alexander i was deeply convinced that if we want to conclude peace, a strong peace, then we must conclude it in paris. the brilliance of our armies entering paris completely amazed the french, who were also told that, like now, that the cossacks were hairy cyclops. alexander walked around paris practically without security. and how local women rushed to him to
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kiss his boot, imagine, russia everyone noted this, acted as generously towards france as no one could even imagine anything close. and now, 210 years later, there is no frenchman again . we don't care about macron himself, what he says, or his restrictions. since history, as you see, repeats itself in the form of a farce, i think the outcome can be predicted. premiere, big story, ours in paris, 1814, today at the first, vveta vodka, product of the stellar group, the suspect is approaching me, i repeat, he is coming to me, all pps outfits and...
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in mariupol allegedly destroying a unique historical landmark, ancient mound. there was an attempt to accuse us of almost looking for some kind of gold there, no one was digging the mound, it was green in the grass. andryushenko again pulls the owl onto the globe. no one knows for sure whether he has a real audience at all; the russian auto industry supposedly owes everything to the italian polmira talati. they are trying to show us as completely helpless, unable to create anything. palmera talati has never produced cars, let's introduce ourselves.
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university is, of course, difficult, but for me this is life. now university science takes the lead because we have the most young people. in all countries, science is done by young people. almamator of every tenth scientist in russia, here they come up with our tomorrow. at this global level, without false modesty, we do not lag behind the best examples. students, where do you dream of studying? i believe in science, i believe that the main
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development of society will be a vector, a vector of science, a vector of science, the premiere on wednesday at the first, what did you buy the car? well, come on for your daughter, as my mother says, she is now in heaven among the angels,
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i didn’t have time to sin, do you believe in god, there is such a thing. but somehow, in your opinion, everything is arranged in heaven, i don’t know, in hell, in hell i know, there sinners die completely, souls burst like soap bubbles, only the bad smell remains, madam, it’s okay, i’m with questions in your team , ivan, fedor, how about you, antonina. “it’s very nice, well, for a meeting in heaven, heaven doesn’t shine for me, stretch out, uh-huh, madam, let me have a paper, you stretch out, fedya, stretch out,
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because, thank you, because...” “lady, you’re definitely going to get into trouble, but if you're there if she doesn’t, then i’ll walk with her through the beautiful garden, arm in arm, you’re not ashamed, oh well, after all, you’ve spent all your money on drink, he ’s talking about heavenly life, go home
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, no, thank you.
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i didn’t buy him, well, just like that, stick around here somewhere, let’s make room, thank you, thank you, stick your little one in, good health to him, you’re good, god forbid, god forbid, what, what are you doing, stop it, stop it, i’m at work born into the family, about sixteen years old, miserable, got hired at a brick factory, that's it. it’s hard for me at first, but then after working for a year, the cheerful light for
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bricks, i fell in love with this one, let the factory drag on, sinking, sinking, and i’m waiting for you here. thank you, hostess, for the treat, fey, cucumber, then, then, hello, hello, and i was walking past here, i thought, let me pop in and see how the working people live, maybe they’ll treat me to tea today? but i was fired, so what? tony , you’re a free man, now, just like
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me, did you get fired too, no, i’m on vacation, well, well done, spend it well, entertain a lady, play the guitar, tony, yes, i ’ve been waiting for you, she asked me to tune my guitar i poured a shot glass, but what do i care, but you didn’t dodge the smuggling,
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i put the dove on the handle, it’s not fun, i’ll transfer it to a friend, the bad luck. i’m laying on a friend, the unlucky one, the dove came home, fly the dove home, fly my dove, yes to your darling, fly, dove home, dear darling.
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get a cigarette, and you better speed up, on such roads we’ll always have time for the devil’s funeral, i can’t do it quietly, father. help yourself? no, i don’t smoke, he doesn’t smoke, but his mustache is red and his fingers are yellow, so what, what eyes, i haven’t smoked for seven days, i told the doctor, but you smoke, smoke, why, i’ll at least smell it. this is joy, that’s it, father, we’ve arrived
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, we took you to your place, but we can’t, the sun is high, yes, i, i understand, i understand. well, father, listen, i was thinking, maybe you need an assistant, but we can handle it, but i’m good at mowing, we can handle it, we can handle it, so, tony, look, here’s the tree from that, here’s to the fishing line, you ’ll follow that one lane, i’m nearby, you’re a little further away, i’ll go a little closer. listen, father, go about your business, but i
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have a penny’s worth of work to do, i’m going to see my brother, but he’s unlikely to be happy. "my wife died, at home for sure alone, so i’m going out of melancholy, maybe he’ll be happy, brother, of course, but it’s different , he’ll be happy, he’ll be happy, drown, but you know how to mow, you know how to do it yourself, let’s go to the races, look at that leaf, come on!" take off your grunt, it’s hot, you’ll manage
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, well, as you know, catch up, reconnaissance, i’ll catch up now. i hear you sneaking after me , she hears, and a scout is better than a mower, i’m tired, tired, i didn’t finish off , threw it, threw away my scythe, yes, yes, i haven’t mowed for 100 years, she hasn’t mowed for 100 years. she got burned in the war, the little one climbed into the stove, i was curious, look, look, see, yeah.
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well, there’s no need, i want to eat, there’s no need , really, we’ll fry it, we’ll eat it, hey , i wouldn’t shoot, but you wouldn’t have hit it, yes, you see, there’s a dry leaf, yeah, you see, uh-huh. that means they didn’t know where we were going, i mean , since i’m a communications operator on the phone, i hear more, i know more, on henisberg, and there in shauliai, we in shauliai a new commander came to us, he
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was promoted, he came to us likhachev, he calls and says: i saw it live, and then he tells me, well, from that day he started take care of it little by little, so quietly, everyone said such a brave, extraordinary battalion commander, when i had a bit of a cold in my throat, well, they quickly treated me there, so he sent it to me,
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he found it somewhere and bought a chicken there. and brought it, but mine, where i stopped , they had nothing, the germans took everything, they were happy, cooked it and supported me, he was so cunning, and they said, you know who sent you, senior lieutenant combat, and then, when we were retreating, he got me a horse, and i knew how to ride a horse, they already taught me, i still managed 80 km horse, but then they took it from me, because we had horse-drawn cannons, the horse was killed there, they took mine, then i had to walk, once i was in a trench, he jumped and said, yes, i’ll kiss you... on the cheek , otherwise i’ll die without kissing you, i say , but you kissed me, and don’t you see , you know, i’m sending you, they say that’s it, i
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’m in love with you, if you don’t marry me, i ’ll live i don’t want to, then, i say, come on, i already married a man who is 8 years older than me, he was a commander, a commander, that means, of the guards, sevastopol, orad of a separate reconnaissance artillery division , of course, outwardly i liked him without a doubt, but as a person i didn’t really know him, of course i looked after the whole hospital too, well, they persuaded me to have a wedding, he invited all his comrades, at home, of course, where he was lived, he had a separate apartment, his comrades came and met me and their wives. everyone looked, but didn’t say anything, they didn’t tell him to marry, not to marry this doctor, well, so they got married, he says, come out, i will serve faithfully and truly
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, i will serve all my life until my last breath, yes, but when i got married, i was at the church, they came to the country, and they laughed there, they say, such a handsome guy, tall, will marry... i say, what is this? and this is our wedding. ours went on the offensive and one of the senior lieutenants, who were paying attention to me, was the first to enter our dugout, began to kiss
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my hands, suddenly said: marry me , i burst into tears, and answered: yes, i began to cry even louder, at that time comes into... the regiment commander comes into the dugout and asks what’s the matter, i’m crying out loud, so the senior lieutenant proposed to me to marry him, so why are you crying, write a report on him, and on february 5 , 1945 there was an order for the regiment, consider us husband and wife. i came to the soviet union, i was nineteen years old, and i had no stronger desire than the desire to be russian. well, this is my school. how were you able to learn our russian language? what is your russian language?
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the time for teleconferences has clearly come, we extend our hand to you, we don’t have sex, we went to be honest, all of america was driving, and he was driving himself all the way, just such a tomboyish kid. where did you earn your millions? birches? my reputation will immediately , on the contrary, increase, greatly increase, i wanted to say this, on the occasion of the ninetieth birthday of vladimir pozner, the prime minister , tomorrow at the first, calmly, comrade, we are coming to
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you, professor, this is the matter, cut off, cut off, you can say that they will come to mind, anything, anything, you are painfully oppressing me, dad, what kind of dad i am to you, my god, i’m only now... beginning to understand what can come out of our little ball, and now do you understand what this shining nonsense is? why, am i worse than people? well, i was married, i don’t care about azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up. take everything and divide it, that’s what i thought, the famous film adaptation of the story heart of a dog on saturday on the first, he is still dancing, dancing, anatoly konstantinovich, mario, give it to me as a wife, you can give it back, it’s a good idea, collect the dowry from your dad, we have it here embroidered shirts, yes. very beautiful, in
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the vologda province an amazing ritual of dressing up has been preserved, the bride was placed on the table, decorated with a rich tablecloth and a friend helped her put on her wedding attire, which of us was invited, well, who, who is young , bring out our beauty, well, the groom , to be at the wedding, we quarreled, we believed, we quarreled, we believed, we are playing the wedding next sunday on first.
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now it’s your turn, come on, take off your gym jacket, am i so embarrassed? yes , yes, yes, well, i feel uncomfortable in front of my mother, yes, come on, no, well, look, drown, well, okay, drown, really, wow, wow, yes, come on, come on, come on, here, hit, sup , oh, no,
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now, come on, come on, here, here , oh, oh, well, get there already, it’s good with you, tan, it’s not boring, i, you know, how boring it can be, what are you doing then, i... tan, i i need to go on a flight, my replacement is sick, you and your mother have lunch, okay, and i’ll go, but for a long time, i don’t know, a day, maybe more.
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i prepared a gift for you there, you can take it yourself, okay, you'll lick your fingers with potatoes , let's try it, eat, eat, get healthy, thank you, and i'll drink tea with you, i brew it deliciously, linden, currant leaf, it turns out fragrant, thank you, i had three of them some boys. a fedenka is the last one, here he is the only one i have and returned from the war, he took care of me, god, oh, now i’ll show him to you as a little boy
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, this is the whole family, here’s fedenka, yeah , he was on saturday, his father worked, and he ... he finally contacted me that i didn’t change my mind, that i didn’t do it, thank god, a boxing section opened at the club, so he went, he liked it, he left the company, now he can’t do boxing because of his injury, well, i’ll go, thank you you, just sit still, eat, drink, but i’ll go, but the gymnast is probably not yet dried up, dried up, today is the day. thank you, oh, fedya told you this, but he said, yes, he likes you, i like him too, well , god bless you, if so.
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who? tony, it's me! what, did you wake me up? yes , i had a misunderstanding, first small, then big. do you have vodka? now i ’ll take unyuru, no need to wake her up. i'm not going to, i know where she's keeping.
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here you go. come on, let's take off, but you've lost a lot of blood , sit here in the light, now i'll clean it up, i should go to the hospital, they'll call the police, so what, you know, that's the thing here, i was traveling from city, stopped in the forest, a little, for him, and for me. here the art is booming, and you, you know what my reaction is, i
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also banged, and then i went to look, and there the guy was lying, with a tt from a bullet in his head, dead, i can’t be dead, so what , let me somehow manage without the police. “you could have a fever, streptocytosis, but it’s okay, it won’t cost anything, let’s go to bed, and where i left the car, in the garage, and what the guard said , he didn’t notice anything. the cabin is clean, i don’t
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know, i’ll say, i cut myself, tone , look at this, don’t throw away the medal, i’ll harden it now. i saw how you took vodka , don’t be afraid, i won’t tell you, i think you’ve already forgotten what i’m doing, i’m cunning, yeah, i understand, you buy me some candy today, okay, mint, otherwise nuka doesn't give me candy, yeah. angry nyurka,
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wicked nyurka, do you need cards? a striptocyte is needed. give me some mints, a bag and a small piece of ladka, uh-huh, thank you, good luck. and we have a house next
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to the station, there was such a roar last night, my pet jumped up, i thought, war, horror, what a horror, and what kind of shots, what a mani he says that a policeman was killed at the station this night, so he also killed one, and wounded the driver, but they took the driver, but where did he leave the car and run away, oh, there was no rescue. there’s no place to save me, are you deaf, it’s none of your business.
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uh, from here, you hear me, get out of here, uh, what are you doing, get out of here, you fool, what are you, shoot, you’ve gotten attached, oh, shoot, come on, there’s some woman here who’s gotten attached, i stop her, i tell her, you’re going to smoke ? another supporter of the armed forces of ukraine was poured in. looking at how many syringes there are, now it’s clear why they don’t go to slaughter with glassy eyes.
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ukrainian military personnel freely took injecting drugs, and just after that they behaved, well... like animals, they repeatedly admitted that torture under drugs is much more fun. tranquilizers, painkillers, official, unofficial, you can’t think of anything they don’t use. here they are coming, really, the guys are coming, their ukrainian soldiers, they shoot at him, release the horn of their machine gun, he comes. this is a drug that blocks the pain center, that is, they are not afraid of anything, and it does not hurt. they also gave me an injection, i gave it to myself, you can feel it. a surge of energy, a lot of courage. american pharmaceutical companies came to ukraine and used ukrainians as laboratory rats.
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zelensky and his combat drug addicts. emmanuel macron says he is ready to send troops and take direct part in the russian-ukrainian conflict. russia cannot and should not win this war. 200 people are being prepared as an advance group.
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and draw whatever you want, if you start drawing at some police station, then of course if it comes to you, they won’t jail you, but they’ll slap you with a hefty fine. what kind of men are here in brazil, very attentive and caring, it is clear that sometimes someone’s husband can go to the left, our blood is hot, but we have our own woman, she is always alone. i see that you mostly have women working here. we just
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want the women's coffee business to develop along with the men's coffee business equally. you climb, don’t touch, i bought some candy, drown, drown, i missed you, what took you so long? how
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you want to be stupid, not notice anything, believe everything, it turns out that the whole mind can learn, how can i not understand, the car is always at your disposal, where does the money come from in your pocket, now you know? from where i didn’t want to, but they said that people were saying that a policeman was killed at the station, i knew him, he had two children left, give me some water.
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what did you expect that you would be a fool forever? what did i expect? no matter what, especially, do you think i didn’t know that we weren’t going to be with you for long, or what would you guess? i may have crawled up wounded on purpose so that you understand, well, i understand, so what? and you hand me over, why? i'm tired, i'm tired. i'm bored from i’m bored with myself, i wasn’t bored during the war, your medal was also stolen,
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no, i deserved the medal, it’s a pity they didn’t kill me in the war, i can’t do it myself, i tried, it doesn’t work. well, that means you want life, but it was easier for me in the war too, i understood why i was there, i gave you up, and not there behind the door.
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come on, show me your hands, ah!
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tonya, it's me! and what did you tell your mother, who are you bringing the doll for, a friend’s daughter said, that it’s for her. let, let the mother say that the bird is the souls of the dead, it would be fine if a dove
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flew in, a raven, yes, it doesn’t matter, but i don’t believe in that light, i don’t believe it, there’s no... what after death, why didn’t you write to me, why, now you’ll think, if i had stayed, if i hadn’t left her, she would have been alive, you will, i will, no one ... knows what will happen,
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but if you had come, she’s alive, everything is fine , you would have taken her, i don’t know, but i wouldn’t have given her away, i ’m getting married, well, where are you going, tell me, where are you going? zin, why did you even come? i started dreaming about her.
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hello, tiku, aglo-eaters, how... every
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single day they rip off this faucet, you saw, i have grown a flower in a vat, uh-huh, nephew mine, i didn’t tell you, my sister lives in moscow, well, she lived, she recently died of phthisis, she was rich, she dressed up as an artist, but no, she didn’t communicate with me. now my daughter has nowhere to go, so i’m thinking, take her as your lodger, what are you, love, and what , she’s a good girl, well, a little spoiled, well, where should she come to me, and where should i go, to the vat? but
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then you don’t want to be with strangers, well, if you don’t get along, you’ll say goodbye to everything, and i ’ll pay you little by little for it, love, don’t be ashamed of you, tonya, i understand everything. you now you can’t do it alone, oh, the paint is peeling off, you need to get it to paint it,
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otherwise you’ll get out. rust, here clara, found a corner for you to hide in, with antonina ivanovna, a kind-hearted person. come on , here's a mirror.
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take some more, please, i 've eaten a lot of them, well, take them too, otherwise i'm bored with her.
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come on, misha, well, we need how the equation is solved, we need x, what is x, did you listen to my explanation? “if a soldier listens to the commander like that, then i think he’s a dead man, you need to listen meaningfully, clearly understand the task, otherwise the commander will say the soldier should go straight to the fork, and
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he will daydream, think, turn by the river , end up right in front of the fascists, and the fascists will eat him for lunch, without salt and onions, that's it for you!" now tanya troshena will tell us how the equations are solved, tan, tan, tanya , can you hear me, dan, i beg you, i should already tell you how they fought, one word : fighting. somehow our geranium is turning yellow, but at my house it feels great, how is your troshino? nothing, everything is fine , i got a bump, everything is fine, it’s not enough sleep for us, i also fell asleep like that once, standing right in the ranks, i ask
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no smoking here from today, but where to smoke then, it’s somehow inconvenient in front of school, what’s wrong with the boys? are you quitting smoking, my dear? i don’t know what to do with my money anymore, she never does her homework, doesn’t read anything, for example , yesterday i asked her who is a bazaar worker by profession, and she gives me the best man, she doesn’t want to study and there’s no need, i think so, i agree with galina vanna, we will raise the question of her expulsion, why about expulsion, well, we have a fresh person, antonina ivanovna. and here we are exhausted and tired of fighting, yes, i tell you, by the way, here’s what i wanted to note, everyone, listen, this may be useful for everyone to hear, when you talk with students , you constantly rely on your front-line experience
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, well, there are all sorts of front-line words, relevant examples, no, it’s not that bad, but it’s not particularly good, much... better to appeal not to your own, but to their life experience. do you understand what it means to appeal? approximately, well, they also understand you approximately, and you must use words that are clear to them and give examples that are clear to them. well, what could be unclear about...
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not everyone, you know, likes it, especially since you are a woman, and where are you ivanchina, let me ask, i really want to smoke, when your commander made a remark to you, did you also turn around like that and leave without listening to him, you are appealing to his experience ? i try, it happened differently, besides, you are not my commander, since i am not the commander of my students. i can’t go, classes are over, go, just
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don’t smoke in front of the children, please, antanina ivanovna, wait. you wouldn’t argue with her, with zinaida, she’s a natural commander here, here you need to be more cunning, you say so exactly, but do it your own way, thanks for the advice, maybe a tram, no, today i’m on the tram to the right, yeah, well, yes, sorry, i just don’t want them to eat you up, but you’re just running into trouble , i understand,
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antonina, a mathematician, antonina, what antonina, why is she here? i came to be poor, and something was spinning briskly around her, but don’t worry, it’s all nonsense, oh, i hurt myself, i hurt myself, no, the rope was bending. “let me help you, be careful, daughter, give me a nail here, be careful, now, son, go to me, take it to the house, put it in a box where i have all the nails, come on, run, bring it,” thank you, don’t scold my tanya,
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our whole family rests on her, she feeds us, does our laundry, she for us and for the mother, for the nanny, well, in class she no longer has the strength, and what kind of lessons can there be when the house stands on three legs, it’s a clean hole, not a house, there’s no shelter from the wind, there’s no rain, we’re walls in winter they covered us with snow, we had dugouts. it was warmer, daughter, but nothing, boards, yes, they moved the barracks to karl marx, but tanya and i were crazy they came to analyze it, they had already taken everything away , we thought maybe there was some kind of frame with glass, where was it, they gnawed everything, purely ants, everything arrived, i’ll move it later, thank you, you come in, i’ll make a fire, we’re making tea. tea, i’ll make tea, we have herbal tea, i
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’m now, i’m on my own, hands up, i give up, hands up, where did this come from, found it, hold it, son, give it here, i won’t give it up, well, we agreed. yura , forgive me, brother, you know i can’t stand such toys. "forgive me,
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son, forgive me, dad, i want to quit school, no, tanya, you can’t leave school, thank you, my words, you can’t leave school, dad, you think that antonina ivanovna cares about me, she ’s being reprimanded, i don’t even feel it, i’ve become insensitive, let’s
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come to an agreement with you like this, i i’ll come after school to help you patch up the house and explain things to you. mathematics, why do you need this? well, i’m telling you, professional pride, patching up the house, why help, why don’t you have anything to do? dan, what are you doing, i don’t have my own affairs, i ’ll listen to mathematics too, of course, no, you won’t, i i’ll plug you in, let’s have a real day off tomorrow. let's go to the cinema , like good people, all together, antonina, come with us tomorrow for company, but i always fall asleep at the cinema, it's okay, i also sometimes fall asleep, the main thing is the children's joy, we are all together, lemonade is again at the buffet, i'll treat you .
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hello, antonina ivanovna, we are already finishing, now one minute, yes please, why are you saying hello? this is a sign: you can’t talk when someone is sewing on you. is it that mirka will remain silent no matter what i say, this doesn’t happen, beautiful fabric, you don’t know where she stole it, we
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’re altering an old thing, antonina ivanovna, an austrian silk dress, yeah, pre-military. and nyurka’s military-style silk dress, where did it come from? anna sergeevna bought it at the market, with what money, nude, speculator, nyuka, and for your information, she lost her husband and child in the war, but i don’t have a profession, my grandmother is crazy, my sister is clueless, and the girl is stupid, everyone wants to eat . it’s good that she has such an ability to sew, she can earn a piece of bread at any time, but i don’t. i have no talent, my appearance is averagely lousy, i spin as hard as i can, i’m not going to die of hunger, well, i’m sorry, i drove you away
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as a client, it’s okay, we’ll finish it tomorrow. put it on instead of boots, flatly instead of a gymnast, you will feel completely different, you will look 5 years younger, please give me a briefcase, yes of course, thank you, thank you.
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“nothing that i smoke here prevents you from smoking, of course, i’m at home, what you just said was true, but i really don’t know where my house is, is there anywhere?” danii navanovna, where are you going? submissive on the stairs. we we were in this very city, tapiao, tapiao,
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near kinksberg, it is located on the railway, so we stood there, not far from kinksberg, yes. well, everything, everything is clear, i just didn’t work, we had some of these same ones, well, they didn’t live in dugouts there in these nenets cities, well, at least they were made of wood. there were houses, where we were located, everything, everything , it had already begun, the whole, the entire front rose, how many there were, you all poured out into the street, shot, shouted, hugged, cried, everyone was happy that the war was over, whoever could, i called likhachev, i said that the captain, i said that there would be some kind of broadcast, i ’ll connect you, and they announced the end of the war, well, it ’s beyond words, there was shooting, then everyone jumped out at 3:00 in the morning, they were shooting, crying
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, hugged, well, the end of the war, this is a great happiness, but war was declared, but our war was not over yet, we still had a war, we had radio stations, two radio stations and telegraph operators separately, that’s when we were born...
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well, that’s it they were happy, they kissed in the street, they took out their phones, they danced, just everything strangers walked, everyone greeted everyone, we, the whole army, were marching on berlin. there is such a city in weissensee, near berlin, suddenly we were turned sharply to the south, prague asked for help, the ore armada was there to help, so we turned sharply and went to prague, and before that we took the city of dresden, and we walked day and night, we everyone was walking on their own, we weren’t walking in formation or... we were driving there, but the artillery was driving there , those who had cars were driving, and we were on foot on bicycles, captured bicycles, then suddenly
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at night we woke up from the fact that there was shooting, and we already spent the night with the germans, germany was still there, so we spent the night in a german house, suddenly... what to do next? we didn’t know how to do anything, i ’m from the generation that won, from
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the generation of winners, the generation of the twenties, the generation, 910 it was either knocked out, or captured, or went into captivity itself, it’s no secret, there was a fifth column, not from the germans, but we stayed
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to kiss his boot, imagine, russia everyone noted this, acted as generously towards france as anyone could even imagine close couldn’t and... now, 210 years later , the french are itching again, we don’t care about macron himself, nor what he says, nor his restrictions, since history, as you see, repeats itself in the form of a farce, i think that the outcome is possible predict, premiere, big story, ours in paris, 1814, today on the first, in mariupol they allegedly destroy
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a unique historical landmark, an ancient mound. some argue that the main building of moscow state university is actually a huge, perfectly camouflaged spaceship, for the eighty-fifth birthday of viktor sadovnichy, managing such a university is of course
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difficult, but for me this is life. university science takes the lead because we have the most young people, in all countries science is done by young people, the almator of every tenth scientist in russia, here they come up with our tomorrow, and at this global level, without false modesty, we do not lag behind the best examples. students, where do you dream of studying? i believe in science, i believe that...
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“york, go to your sister, dad will be back now, there’s a man left, are you quiet, calm, what ’s wrong, don’t, he’s drunk, what’s the matter,
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you’ll regret this, what are you doing, oh, it hurts, you’ll answer me for this, let’s go! where are the children? everything is fine? what have i done? and
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that i don’t remember anything. i have failures, i have a bullet stuck here in my head, i don’t remember anything. how do you live with this bullet? this is how i live. “we, we are used to each other, forgive me, i ruined your sunday, kuzmich, stop there at the hospital, we’re going out, why, i want to check your lies about the bullet, cut what?” “you’ll see, maybe it’ll cut who he is to you, an acquaintance, a friend, friends
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you choose, antonina, carelessly, you don’t choose friends, great, great , oh well, “comrade, senior lieutenant, the fact is that i wanted to tell you, i have absolutely nothing to do with it, you offended his son, no, listen to her , the fact is that he pestered my daughter, when they pester, they pull her pigtails, well, hello, that wasn’t enough yet, shut up, what, shut up, i say that, yes, i, by the way, am the director of a bakery and you will answer me for everything. this is a disgrace, we’ll sort it out, citizen, they’ll sort it out, klim sergeevich, i’ll run for cigarettes, no, yes, i’ll be there instantly, they
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’ll be hanging around there for a long time, no, let’s go to the backwaters, but guys, well, they’ll be hanging around there for a long time , you’re always being willful, you’ll run into trouble someday, it’s not your concern. we'll be there soon, and this one, yeah, where will he go? don’t you dare run away, antonina, otherwise i’ll put you on the wanted list.
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don’t be shy, as always, klim sergeevich. well, why are you confused, sit down, but somehow it’s wonderful, people will return, but we’re not there, but we’ll turn around even before them, but we’ll be late, it’s okay, they’ll wait at the bar, these two, you know, where i have it, right here, i know about something about them they know that i know.
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“i’m sorry, i’m sorry, you have her here too, i personally caught her on the roof of bread during the war, i’m sorry, and there is a sincere confession, then her son joined the swamps, but i’m not touching him yet, she’s afraid for him. and fear - a powerful thing, antonina , and i’m here with you too, why are you talking nonsense, i owe you my life, klim doesn’t forget kindness, i’m here with you, and if you want , i can set up a restaurant in a warm place, you’ll manage the food , you want, i'm happy with everything. well, as you know, well
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remember, clem will always help, this guy is funny, the director of the bread factory, he thinks there is no authority over him, let’s break him off antonin, well , you will testify that he hit your friend’s son, that you heard that he said that it would be better if the germans defeated us , he told his wife, he provoked a fight, he almost sent a front-line soldier to the next world, but... you will avenge your friend, but it would be better if it wasn’t mine that killed you then, get up on the way out, cloud clouds, you don’t want to work, citizen, boss, what joy, what a pleasure, let me invite you to dance, you’ll finish the game, dancer.
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well, wherever you are, we’re waiting here like an idiot. do i have to report, come on, klim , you come here, look at the picture, he actually has a bullet in his head, a bullet, you see, but how do you live with it, but he doesn’t live, you read, read, not far , open it up.
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“hold on, roll out, both of you, right, senior lieutenant , thank you very much, here, thank you, antonina, i beg you, forgive me , it’s all my fault, i knelt down in front of my daughter, but it’s okay, i understand, i also have a fragment , very convenient, you always know about weather changes, and maybe, you definitely noticed about the weather , it’s really a bullet, i told you, this is a medical report, his doctor wrote from the picture, death was the result of a penetrating bullet wound, i didn’t know anymore that... alive, i was sitting in the corridor, picture
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my sister did it, he didn’t see it, so he decided, since the policeman brought the photo, it means it was taken from a corpse, but the truth is i have wonderful children, however, he is approaching me with suspicion, i repeat, he is coming to me, to everyone
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jean cnop product of the stellar group . “i came to the soviet union, i was nineteen years old, and i didn’t have a stronger desire than the desire to be russian, well, this is my school, how were you able to learn our russian language, your russian language, the time for teleconferences has clearly come, we extend our hand to you, we don’t have sex, we went to be honest , he drove all of america and he drove himself all the way, such a tomboyish kid, where did you earn your millions?" "beryozha is berezutsky, that's right, what will you say when you find yourself in front of him, my father, he was russian, knew by heart what his name was, poetically, i didn’t think that i will leave my wife, 37 years old, still
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together, you fell in love, very much, the first wish is that all my loved ones, my grandchildren, my great-grandson, that they are healthy, then it will all be shown by... i see, on the contrary, my reputation will immediately increase, it will increase greatly, i wanted to say this too, on the occasion of the ninetieth birthday of vladimir pozner, the prime minister, tomorrow on the first. calm down, comrade, we are coming to you , professor, this is the matter, i cut you off, cut you off, you can say whatever comes to their mind, anything, you are painfully oppressing me, dad, what kind of dad am i to you, god! i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our ball, and now we understand what kind of shining nonsense this is, why, i ’m like people, well, i was married, i don’t care, gozina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up , take everything and divide it, i was thinking, the famous film adaptation of the story
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the heart of a dog on saturday on the first, is he still dancing? dancing, that one, troshin, well done , she wrote a four, only one mistake, it’s you, well done, antonina ivanovna, how do you like the colors? beautiful, it’s me who pays for you, what are you doing, lar, what did you come up with, well what kind of dress for what money,
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don’t even think about it, it was the client who left me a piece of gratitude, i want to thank you, he lives like christ in his bosom, i don’t pay a penny, well, thank you, well, well, you? well, why should i pay, lar, i won’t wear it, please, otherwise i ’ll cut it into small pieces now, stop it, don’t, leave it, well, shey, shey, that’s it, shey, where i’m putting it on, for the holiday, on what, but it is necessary... for every day to be a holiday, something is not working out yet, antanina ivanovna, let's let it go, we're late, come on, come on,
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the test is ready, good morning, sit down, we have tests today, but for today's test, i allow you to use textbooks, however, we will have one for you and me for a scientific experiment, so that no one will tell me later, oh, i would write an a, if only the form. i haven’t forgotten, so get out your textbooks, here are the formulas, but the task will not be easy.
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do you have any soya? antonina ivanovna, please sit down for a minute! so, what is this, and i gave them permission, i gave them permission, come on, close your textbooks immediately, i tell you now i’ll explain everything, listen, it’s incomprehensible what you allow yourself to do, and if i hadn’t looked, you understand that this is a control failure, this is pure sabotage, to you, comrade, on a very important matter. “i decided to make inquiries,
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zinadia nikolaevna is very dissatisfied with your moral character, well, for my part , i clarified how you manifest yourself in your current life, well, a fight in the street is a trifle, but a connection with a bandit and a murderer is a serious matter there was no further investigation then, there is nothing to investigate.” well, it’s nothing, i was hiding it wounded bandit, i turned him in, turned him in, you were worried about your own skin, incredible, but what did you think, so, antonina ivanovna, you cannot engage in teaching work while you are under the suspicion of the authorities, i am already silent about your destructive teaching methods, goodbye, yes, all the best, thanks for your help. thank you very much for the signal,
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you don’t want to tell me anything, what do you want to hear, well, there’s klim, i’m sorry, i was wrong , i blurted out in a flash, go away, look, where have you been, you troll? what's behind your cheek who treated me? uh-huh, look who's coming, hello , you want it, no, good day, antonina, son, put it down, you'll be circumcised, the boy is growing up, cramped in the house, always running away to the city, with whom he's there, where you can't keep track. tatyana said that
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this was her first math lesson. yeah, mathematicians, here 's glass, you won't believe where i got it from, my dad gave it to me, i cleaned a well in their monastery, they often give it to me. to earn extra money, i myself don’t work anywhere all the time, they don’t tolerate me for long, but usually my dads pay me for my work with bread, here they they arranged the repairs, they brought the material , i see that the glass is standing, i tell them, give me glass instead of bread, otherwise i have plywood windows in my house and the whole frame is rotten, so i can’t stand it either, they fired me, well, as i understand it, what do you mean to me? it’s okay, we have enough potatoes for the whole winter, why can we hold out, i’m baked, and
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why aren’t you at school, and i left lessons like i left, we agreed, dad, don’t start, you did it on purpose, you did it on purpose, so that you... the school is cleared, yes, you and i agreed that dad, calm down, please, nothing happened , which means it didn’t happen, antonina vana, you told her, nikolai, calm down, we ’ll sit down now, calm down, what is this? but the priests gave it to me, i wanted
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it to be brighter in the house, brighter, dad, i didn’t take bread like cards in a hole, we live in the dark, calm down, i’m not a stranger, calm down, dad, tanya, dad, don't, get out of here, yura, we're all good, that's it, go, yura, what are you thinking? i decided to take the dishes with my bare hands and with my bare hands?
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yura, give me a kettle, we need to take him to the hospital we can’t take him to the hospital, they ’ll send him to a mental hospital, yeah, why should we go straight to a mental hospital, maybe we can help somehow, even more, we went to the doctor, all to no avail, that’s all to the mental hospital, uh-huh, give me something- bandage it somehow. even if you go to a mental hospital, what’s wrong with that? now she ’s going to hell and she’s probably dirty, no, no way, but it’s dangerous to live with him, it’s okay, we
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’re used to it, but we’re all together. it’s easier together, but alone we’ll be lost.
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doctor, this is the conclusion you wrote. yes, you were mistaken, it says here that death occurred as a result of a wound, it did not occur, in what sense, but the person in this photo is alive, don’t talk nonsense, he can be cured, he had an attack from this bullet, he doesn’t remember himself, and unless you’re joking, of course, then the case this one is truly unique, they don’t live with such a wound, although anything can happen. well , okay, bring him, i’ll examine him, and after you examine him, you can help him with something, frankly speaking, he won’t survive the operation almost 100%, i won’t take on such responsibility, no one will, it’s strange, what he in general, he’s still alive, it’s best to provide him with quiet care, then he might last a while longer.
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don't insult me, what is this? a military secret.
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well, in vain! well, why do we need it, you would need it more, well, somehow, why, the bride is raising you and in general for beauty, for comfort, in a word, the gift is not to be discussed, i have to say, the mirror is of course more beautiful, and the room is brighter in three times, thank you for looking after us, no, you have nothing to pay with, are you crazy? "you know, if anything happens, you won't leave my children, but you understand you never know, just move away, otherwise you’ll break it. we can’t swear, we’re a family , we have to hold on to each other, let ’s all sit down, it’s probably already a birthday, after all, dad, daughter, don’t
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worry, i’m just a little bit in moderation, even in half measure, i prepared a gift, what are you saying, what a poem , wow, we built the house ourselves, we will be warm in it, the new sun will shine through its window, well done, i composed it myself, really cool, but you and yurka are like pushkin, yes you need to write books, thank you, son, dad, no cry, i’ll write something else for you, but these ones, no, as one person said in the book, if i were n’t me, yes, if i weren’t me, but
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a normal, healthy man with no poly in his head, i’d be on my knees i would beg you to become my wife. if i weren’t me, i would happily accept your offer, but i’m me, let’s have a happy birthday for you, for everyone, thank you.
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so the mattress was ruined, but what happened? the police came, they looked for the gun, they asked me, am i going to give up? i didn’t see what kind of gun, who asked, it’s so unpleasant short, klim, yes, klim for sure , the mirror has disappeared somewhere, alar, go get some cigarettes, otherwise i’m tired and have no strength, it’s already late, where will they be found, go to nyurka, she probably has some, she doesn’t she’s still sleeping, you ’re friends with her.
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pause, anna sergeevna said that she herself wants to treat you, look, she was just being silly, that she’s a neighbor, you’re disdainful to come in yourself, you’re sending a little girl, you should have come to the scandal, nude, no, just to see what ’s going on here, otherwise the police came, searched, what were they looking for, if only you would go right, they would bend you, i feel sorry for you, antonina , i feel sorry for you, klim, if he takes on something , he brings it to the end, there is justice in the world, what kind of justice that you bring, ordinary, you will be imprisoned, they will give us this room, and if it weren’t for
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you, we if only they had lived here a long time ago, what are you looking at, but you will smoke, i found it mine, as you wish, don’t be sad, we love you. this is true? what will happen to me? don't listen to her. everything will be fine. everything always goes well with good people.
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so, citizens, come on, let me pass, let me go.
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thank you, hello, hello, citizen ivanshchina. how’s life , you’ll excuse us for not cleaning up after ourselves yesterday, for walking around here, for what we found, what we lost, oh, what’s in the briefcase, open it, you’ll manage, open the briefcase, i said, open the briefcase, yur, go, damn, why are you waving these weapons around, open the briefcase, or
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do you want me to open it myself? give me the briefcase, they took it away, the police, help me, stand, stand, i say,
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it’s him, he stole the wallet. just don’t tell dad you were at the market, please, i won’t tell you. no need, yur, don’t touch him, let him rest.
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the fragment got stuck in, blocked the artery, this caused death, the war caught up with it, that’s what. and i told the police that i’ll look after you for now. everything will be fine, with good people, it won’t be any different. it happens,
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in short, get lost here. unfortunately, this is not interesting to me, the paintings, and the paintings have already been sold, but let there be more? listen, but in principle i have something better to offer you, yes, uh, go ahead, put it on, okay, yes, i ’ll call you back now. let’s put it here,
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that’s it, help! hello, today is august 10, 1945, tell me something else.
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or rather, by our, i don’t want to say, vlasovites, we knocked out the vlasovites, they had nowhere to go , the germans had already dropped them, the germans went to the americans, and left vlasov’s army in prague as a barrier, they fought and had enough, they fought for a few more days, why? i uh , we met with the americans, just outside of prague there is such a small town... roketsany and dobrov,
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we met in these two towns, i was there after the war, there is a memorial sign there, written in english, in... czech in russian, i have a photo of this sign, that’s what 19 met here may, soviet and american troops , here is the homeland, it is alone, that’s how it was... then you fly from there, you just lie down when
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the plane, that you have arrived on your native land, this probably remains until the end of my life, when i was at the conference in the tenth year , in 2010 in stalingrad, well, volgograd now there are professors, professors, historians from... from england, from america and from germany, they had a conference there, the adenaur foundation was there, the tables were set, for some reason they were so white, like lacquered , there was nothing there, there were no tablecloths, but it was for a conference, and commanded this chairman was there , he had known me for a long time, he came from... germany, he is 40 years old, such a good guy, he
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says, we are a new generation, we are even surprised that such cruel ones were ours, we say a new generation, well, we accepted him at school in our base 479, it is famous throughout moscow, it takes first place, well, in short, he gave his word there, there was one earphone for translation in only one ear, and they translated, for...
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the blue ones her eyes are like a dark night, like a fast river, like... we often wonder question: are there now among singers and musicians those whom we can call the tuning fork of the era? probably not, years will have to pass to determine this, but
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we can definitely say that over the 30-odd years of the lyube group’s existence, several generations have grown up listening to its songs. including mine. many people know these compositions; they can be heard within the garden ring, and somewhere on a hike in the wilderness of the village, at military training camps. these songs are an inseparable part of me, my parents and my homeland. since nikolai and i are well rude to talk about one pioneer camp, so well, we ’re doing it well, i said goodbye to
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my youth more easily, but i still don’t care about spring. we put together such halls there, well, they probably came together in russian culture, i mean there abroad, the seven-string guitar , why sit there, it was burning, because the night is so moonlit, it’s a pity, it’s a delicate thing, but come on
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nikolai, play the ringing guitar, you know, i have a song by the guys from our yard and that’s how we all do it. i've been traveling around the country since '78, when my musical career began, so there was an audience.
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when several songs appeared, well, i began to think that, that is, i thought that nikolai could definitely try to sing there, that we were conducting some experiments with the sound, well, we tried, we already started recording an album, we recorded that or something reminds me, it’s time. insert, we are writing everything, yes, in that era we
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lived in one stop from each other, that is, fate decreed that in the geographical boundlessness of our mother-throne, she settled us in one stop from each other so that we would not spend time for unnecessary travel, but we just composed our songs around the world, yes... igor, a musical idea, to combine choral singing into verses like this is also called modern, so we composed songs, yes, they were in our briefcases for a year and a half, not there was an opportunity to write them down, then one day it all happened and yes, the loving group, body of hands, red, devil, dead from the spit, bereft of the king, scarlet was doing,
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scarlet was doing, scarlet was doing, about this time, somewhere in in eighty-nine, ninety, i created my own production center igor matvienko. it was probably one of the first centers, and we didn’t even know how to write correctly, on this poster in our documents it says so, producer with two s, this is roughly speaking, such ivanushki international, because that is, ivanushki - this is russian, well, this is a production center, here we will, yes, while we are still with you...
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me - well, he sang the most important songs for me, you see, in his performing talent and talent, there is something that uh, very valuable, that's all the underlying intonations, and often additional ones he found, they all sound in his voice in his performance, it is a great happiness that we met each other; at our first acquaintance, i personally had no opportunity to guess the future folk artist. well, it’s good that no one really asked for my opinion then, this is our household radar, the same thing, light, tea, coffee, fruit,
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napkins, in fact, probably modest compared to other artists. to be honest, i feel like other artists, but that’s how it is for me what you need is necessary, then you can’t eat before a concert, it’s harmful, the artist must be angry and hungry, it’s just that artists are divided into two categories, one category is such aliens, like kirkorov, leontyev, well, people like that don’t walk the streets, the second category - these are the guys from our yard, this is , in general, and... well, this style is closer to me, that is, this is a pop style, that is, such an intimate conversation with the audience, accordingly,
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the clothing design should be like this...


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