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tv   Luchshe vsekh Novii sezon  1TV  March 31, 2024 3:10pm-5:01pm MSK

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light tea, coffee, fruit, napkins, in fact, probably, compared to other artists, it’s modest, i’ll be honest, what other artists have, but for me it’s like that, what’s needed is necessary.
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knows all the songs, you know all the songs , i don’t know everything, you know, for example, i have children, they’re younger, uh, they’re all, and not because i work there, because they just, they know these songs. that since
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our years are scattered by the wind, we are together, which means trouble is not a problem for us, nikolai vyacheslavovich, why do you think the group has lyub gained such popularity? well, probably, the time had come then, everything came together, the music that sounded when...
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there are all sorts of otas, in the end, that’s right, so whoever came to the otas will have to sit through the whole thing, now we’ll play for a change, some- some romance, we can sing together, a wish, call me quietly by name, give me spring water, give me a drink, will my boundless heart respond? unspeakable, stupid, tender, again the sleepless twilight is coming, again the window panes will obscure me, the lilacs and currants are nodding there, call me, quiet homeland, call me, at the end of the day, disgrace me, my friend, my sadness. well, i’m closer to rock, although in romances
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, i don’t have something to play in romances either, they seem to think that these are about simple songs, but there, uh, in their simplicity , there is some kind of complexity, well, because uh, there’s more attention on the guitar concentrated, during performance nikolayvich likes or doesn’t like something, does he remember it? then he says , this is normal, we all say certain things to each other, here you played like this, here you played like this, looked at the song, thought the main thing is, i’m in this, you have all these you need some sounds, you need to look harder, harder, and you can’t hear all this counter-punk you play, it’s normal, for me love is... childhood trauma, i came to the village,
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some cherry eight came, battalion commander , all the battalion commanders were singing around me, you think, well, they say, well, listen. but i studied to be an opera singer, i think, what a strange voice, how, how can you even sing like that? what was it? and i just thought that the first verse, we enter differently after the first and after the second again, what a slob, and then the first rehearsal, i remember a lot of people, some famous artists were running around, everyone was fussing about something. falling in love somewhere in a corner , they put him there, there they are, so they’re standing there, the boss is irritated, it’s just that he’s still smoking all the time, he comes out irritated to the microphone, he’s just saying the first words, and it just turned me over in general, the whole world, because he was just standing
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irritated, smoking, and then he creates some kind of magic, it’s just incredible, there was something in order to live like this, you need to dream, to love you need... to give the yakar, our yakar fate, to live like this, to believe and wait, and to forgive, to understand the anchor of our love, so as to admire the shouts from the audience. “give me a horse, give me a horse, now you, you agree, now give me a horse twice and you’re all free, okay, no, it’s a very
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folk song, it also paints this picture of some lonely horse with some strange man, who somewhere walks through the fields there and , in general, personifies": well, almost all of russia, the most interesting performance of a horse i heard here about a week or two ago, this it was on patricks, on friday, in my opinion , the weather was good, we left the store and two guys in the crowd were walking towards us, well, already on friday evening, they drank, so they shouted a horse song at everyone in patricks in two voices, it was very strange, because well...
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we'll go, we'll go on horseback, across your field, we'll go, we'll stand in your peace, i want in the field of stars, grace, to see no one in the field, just us... we'll go on horseback across the field, just us with the cane we walk across the field, as soon as we stand, we walk across the field,
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as soon as we stand, we walk across the field, my little pole, radniks, distancer to the village lights, golden rye, yes curly laziness, i am in love with you, russia, in love, golden birth, curly ice, i am in love. i am in love with you, rassia is in love, there will be a state not varo, there was all kinds, all kinds of careers, oymadala
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es, my curly hair is your image. we walk with a horse along your path, where does the homeland begin? well, this is a very intimate feeling for everyone, here is my mother, my family, my friends, here is my immediate environment, and the place where i... where i live, nature, what surrounds me there and so on, all this is strung together
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this is all the homeland, people, language, which i understand, which i use myself, which they speak to me, and i understand them all, this is our russian language, i am among my own people, i am at home, this is all called the homeland. and yes, and carrying another three kilometers onto the stone, russia, my russia, from god, from god and the enisey, seven kilometers onto the stone, russia, my russia, from the volga and not sowing, sowing! russia
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went to germany, and we were in the states a couple of times, the last time was about 20 years ago, i swore off going there, said, invites, i send them all at once, i never, i said, i won’t be able to set foot there, that’s all, and i never went, now, and to hell with it, what’s not, on the contrary, they started congratulating me, i said, this is cool, thank you very much, i mean, that means we’re something... then it is significant in this world, if this happened, great, the suspect is approaching me, i repeat, he is coming to me, all pps squads and assigned units are declared in full combat readiness, i’m calling, i just wanted to say, please be... be careful, okay, i'll try, leave tolya alone, let me build a new life with her, or what do i tell you?
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i have to help with this somehow, don’t interfere, undercover taxi, premiere, tomorrow after the program, time, yes, vyacheslav mikhailovich, there is, i’m already eating, cognac, montage.
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his life, his path and his end. special report zelensky and his combat drug addicts. premiere, today on the first. in mariupol , a unique historical landmark, an ancient mound, is allegedly being destroyed. there was an attempt to blame us. that we are almost looking for some kind of gold there, a mound, no one is digging, it is green in the grass, andryushenko again pulls the owl onto the globe, no one is definitely
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knows whether he has a real audience at all, the russian auto industry supposedly owes everything to the italian palmira talati, they are trying to show us as completely helpless, unable to create anything, palmera talati has never produced cars, we will introduce you to the talented, young musicians from donetsk, who made his first hits composed under fire, anti-fake. premiere, tomorrow on the first. some argue that the main building of msu is, in fact, huge, perfectly camouflaged.
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tomorrow, and at this global level, without false we do not lag behind the best examples of modesty. students, where do you dream of studying? i believe in science, i believe that the main development of society will be a vector, a vector of science. victor science, premieres wednesday on the first. i gave an essay in a music class at school, we had a topic like tell what your favorite band is, write an essay and attach some song to it. i gave an abstract and staged the song “call me quietly by name.” as if then, my classmates listened to not
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quite the same thing about there. something different that is, any of these didn’t coincide in any way, naturally there was a small one, well, they laughed, like haha, there’s something wrong there, you’re listening , someone said, listen, these, listen, you ’re there, i didn’t listen to anyone, so i still have an essay from school about your group, i ask for an autograph, wow, yes, i’ve kept it for so many years, you can also get tickets for vladik from nikolai, the audience loves any ensemble.
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old ponies, how old we are, what do you say, old - they think so, yes we are still, we are still moving smoothly, we are completely old, how old we are, wrinkled, and so one scene at a time such as a magnet, it attracts.
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our people of our country abroad, and from an early age we listened and listen to the program of the lyube group to this day, i just saw lyube on tv at some concert, i so touched the song about the horse, and i realized that this group is so soulful, and this genre of music is very close to me, well, since
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childhood, i love war songs, so, well, my mother let me listen to it and i really liked it. well, i came here to the concert, there is always a big difference listening to how an artist sings and to accept, these are completely different emotions and impressions, and he is completely different, and he is completely different, and dawn, dawn, dawn, creating the body of god, the fox’s fur is covered. i wrote these lines, they are very personal for me, they are as follows: so it turned out that... my daughter, who is now a grown-up student, she was a very little baby, became very seriously ill with pneumonia, and was hospitalized, and i had such a difficult
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treatment for a month, but in short i am a mother, my wife was with my daughter lisa together, and so to speak, well, naturally , i visited them every day, and i prayed, i and... for such a dinner, what kind of fate, that when everything, everyone gets better, i just believed in it, so i definitely i’ll walk this road, oh, to that clinic, that hospital, where my child was, i’ll bow to every temple that i come across - in our mother throne, everyone got better, and one wonderful day i walked this road, here are the stripes, and after that i wrote these strictly, it was such a sunny day, so i sang it. smile of heaven towards the author, essentially for us creates the life that surrounds us, we
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just need to - with our own, well, our own life, so somehow not to let down what is again called heaven, tries not in vain, covering the fate of our souls. simply put, i wanted to serve in such serious troops, i was a developed, physically strong, young man, so i wanted to serve either in the marine corps or in the airborne forces, so, but i did not pass the medical examination, so the lyuby ensemble was created, his first , the first songs in the ensemble were hooligan, somewhat broken... listen to the first album, here it is then the country developed and we developed together with it, then then the war in chechnya, the first
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company, then the second, we all moved together with the country and the atmosphere and situation in the country dictated the themes of the songs, my father is a military man, i’m there, he’s everything i was on business trips for a while, but here i am with him hand in hand, i was small, which means i was just... very proud that here i am, my father is a military man, so, and then, then to be a military man for a very long time there was no way at all, well, well, that is , businessmen went, well, what military men who are there, i hope, now again some the boys will be proud to walk with their military father. and you will sing, and the maple ones will sigh softly, i will sing along to you again, guys from our
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yard, guys from our yard, when the svo just started, i knew in the front row that i would already go, so in march we are already uh. we went out, volunteered, then trained , with a friend and then went into battle, but i had two business trips, several
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wounds, now after the next wounds i am in rehabilitation, we went on the first business trip, we listened to different music there to support the combat spirit, and in on the second business trip, i bought a radio specifically to listen to, well, some songs, at least for the sake of it, but... friends, these are just songs, these are not some kind of philosophical, calculations there, and so
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on teachings. these are songs that, some of which are very good, that hit the soul right here, everything will melt into place over time, something will remain, and something, something will disappear, you carry me like a river, but for the steep shores. where are the fields, where are the fields, my fields , where are the forests, where are the forests, my forests, you are not, you carry me like a river, and to my native places, where
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lives? where my beauty lives, blue, her eyes are like kitten night, like a fast river, like a lonely one. the moon never fails me, behind the fog there is a fire, how far away it is, oh far away, help me the wind,
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hiss sweet news, i know, it’s waiting, i know, it’s waiting for me, my beauty, my eyes peered into the night, like a dark night, like ... the river is fast, so the lonely moon is waiting in the sky, neneva.
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you carry me like a river, buy me a river, bring me like a lath, over the steep banks, its blue ones. into your eyes, like a dark night, like a fast river, like an adzinokaya, waiting in the sky, money changer.
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ow, ooh, yay! everyone, best of all, on the first yana sea , hello everyone, welcome to the show about the most important issues on earth, why you can’t run away from school if it’s forbidden to run around the school itself, why cabbage is so cheap if you can find a child inside, finally , what's
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happened? something terrible will happen if you eat the cake first and then the soup. on the air of channel one, the biggest show about little geniuses, the best. there is no jury or competition here, only young talents who show their talents throughout the country. first the participant is already ready to jump onto our sofa, and do it better than anyone else. if he imitates you, don’t rush to get angry, he’s not doing it out of malice, it’s just a habit he learned from his comrades. meet the best friend of parrots - artyom kuzmenko.
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this is how they sit down from acceleration, and they have names, and this allamosh and this sasha, and what kind of names are these, the choice of names for such allamosh? okay, it’s clear, but why is his name so simple sasha? because my friend sasha loves him very much and i decided to name him after him, do you really like parrots? why is this suddenly not dogs, not cats, parrots? because they look very scary, and these are birds, but they have a different name, why do they look scary, they are very cute, but they are not scary, but if you get them angry, they will say very... scary things, what -those are terrible things, they will say, it’s time to go to work , get up, no, they can kill, there’s nothing worse than this, they can kill, he tells her, i’ll take your entire salary now
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, oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, i knew that there would be something terrible related to work, it’s true, let's say, have you ever seen a real parrot, yes, in parks and even in my house. and he talks, well, he says little words, little ones - what are they, why artyom gosha and goshechka is good, how long does it take to teach a parrot one word, well, about a week, and how did you teach, you came and told him, gosha, good, no, i just took him, sat him on my arm, and for 15 or 20 minutes i told him, he’s good, you have to tell him this every day, right? also, by the way, all sorts of lovebirds are singers, they are more difficult to teach talk, inseparable ones are some kind of pairs, they live, yes, usually parrots and study, it’s a week, what to teach the word, and
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not home-wreckers a week and a half, and if you separate the lovebirds, then they will not be sad and may die, that you say, and if you just meet them for a while... a little, they will put food in each other’s mouths, but it’s true that you have learned to parody some parrots, right? what was the first thing you learned? uh, carella, corella, yes, please tell me good morning, this is on karelian, tell me good night, they look suspiciously similar, but tell me this, i... zhanna made all this up, now i’m fooling you. there are many videos on the internet
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of parrots dancing to different music. i suggest you play a game. we have written five songs here that our parrot videos will dance to. and we... well, give us the next video, oh, like mine, so, so, what kind of melody is this, what do you think, well, style, no, this is astronomy, and
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you have to dance again, come on, dance, dance, come on, well done, the main thing is that it’s fun! clever girl, the one with whom you came to us, your mother, her name is natasha, natasha, hello, hello, tell me, natasha, why a parrot, why not a dog, not a cat? well, for us , it actually started with the fact that a parrot lived with us even before artyom was born, he lived with us for 12 years, then he passed away, then for 2 years he kept asking me to buy him a parrot, and from that moment it began when he appeared, he is calmer than artyom, much, artyom, are you ready to tell more about all the parrots peace, yeah, then i invite you to the jungle, best of all! well, artyom
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, here we are in the jungle, it’s so hot here, by the way, yes, you still have to be careful, the birds can peck, look, look, there’s a parrot flying, you see, yes, what kind of parrot is this, it’s a geocynara, it’s considered one myself. largest parrots in the world, they are also included in the red book, the blue parrot is in the red book, i thought blue parrots were included in the blue book, they live for about 50 years, and where they live, they live in brazil, they also feed on leaves, anyone, they eat wash down the leaves with water, normal, proper nutrition, who karelian can do this? attract their attention, look
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, you attract everyone at once, now tell us about this parrot, they eat millet, chaff, fruits and berries, they also eat regular corn, and i also love corn, they live in australia, at home they live about 10 and 17 years old, in nature they live up to twenty. oh , oh, wavy, wavy, oh, i know this one, it’s a little parrot who has a stepped tail, that is, when he takes off, steps come off or something, no, just like that two go an opener, and there’s a tail in the middle, they ’re kissing there now, oh, they also live in australia, why do they all live there, i don’t know, there’s some kind of parrot hostel in australia, why are they all there? along the way they are very warm, they see and hear very well, their
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heads turn 180°, like this, this is 360, this is like 80, well, this is like this, well, i just couldn’t turn it around, they also see more colors , than a person, what are you talking about, how beautiful they fly, there are varieties, these are the trevally and the miniara, they feed on nuts, they can be given two one nut a day, because they are not very fat , look, something is not like a campaign, yes, they also live 50 years, no, they live 100, but 100 years, which parrot lives from 50 years, that means longevity, this is a nester kaka , this is for...
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because he has such a brown color, weighs a whole 550 g, so tiny, light, he can be blown away by the wind, he doesn’t have long paws with help, if there is a strong wind, they can run away like that with their sharp claws, is there any interesting fact? they have a brush on their tongue, why a brush, does he paint with brushes? no, it’s a proboscis, i’m listening, they suck nectar from all sorts of flowers. yes, what are you talking about, wow, who is that flying? i can’t understand, but oh beauty, this is an amber parrot, this seems to be a female, because females do not have a collar, here is a male, they have short legs, but these are deceiving. everything that you teach the village until it hides
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under warm feathers, who is my dream, seriously, it’s little cockatoo, beautiful, they eat the fruits of trees and even roots, you know that the cockado is my favorite parrot, and mine too, well, you see, yes, again, oh, me i was afraid of such a scale, they still live, let’s put it, they live again in australia. there again, because they adapted all these three to live there, and who are we, these are grays, birds, these are those parrots, and can you imagine? this mouth of african parrots, there are two species in the world, these are red-tailed parrots, yes, yes, i see a red tail, and there is also a brown-tailed one, red-tailed parrots have about 35, and brown-tailed ones have 28, these parrots are also intelligent, they have the intelligence
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of a five-year-old child, yes what, they still understand the meaning of words, seriously, oh, you need to watch your words, well, that’s how it is for me. i like the delight with which you tell this, they can also be taught to talk for only one year, then it’s forbidden, no, it’ll just be a little more difficult. artyom, while you were telling us about parrots, one bird brought us something on its tail. bring in a medal. tired of being with little ones, tired of being small. artyom , you told us everything about parrots, and we reward you with a medal from our show, as well as a backpack full of sweets, and of course, this bunny, may he bring you good luck,
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artyom kuzmenko, he is the best today. our next guest has a unique superpower, she can turn over a truck in a second, she may not be the strongest child in the world, but she definitely has no equal in the speed of turning words, meet the verbal tightrope walker, the barbarian. as you can see, i was preparing for our meeting
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tevirp aviodob, oh, well, i didn’t have enough for more, so i didn’t understand what you said. you turned me over, yes, ours, ours, i know, aviodob, aviodob, do, dob, bo, your last name, zhana badoeva, hello, yes, barbarian, it’s true that you can turn over anything, i mean words, well, yes, exactly, which i know how to spell, for example, the word parallele beeps, i can’t say the opposite, everything is ahead of you, how long ago it started for you, we will have a very interesting dialogue with you, it’s a parallel, yes, so, but you say , it doesn’t work out, just now i thought that it might work out, well, you see, like a sawmill, well done, you just need to think about everything, how long ago your hobby began, from which, about 6
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years old, now you how many? eight, my dad and i were driving when we were in the car, he was reading words from signs and told me to translate them. your dad also turns out to be able to turn it over worse than me, but i’m better than him, well, i didn’t even doubt it, i also have some words that i can easily turn over, look, for example, grandfather, there will be a grandfather, or hut, there will be hut, or an order, there will be an order, and you know how to turn sayings around, yes, sparklers, and i can also poem fire sides. so let's start with something simple, with sayings, just say it normally first, don't have 100 rubles, have 100 friends, oh so come on, now it's the other way around, and emizurt, from ezurta friends,
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rubles, elbur is rubles , ezurt is friends, tell me, if i sing you a song, you can turn it around, well, let’s better have a few lines, with dad ivan, who, on the contrary, will be like navim, hello, navi, hello, tell me, please, where do you get this passion for turning words around? this skill, i don’t know what to call it, this hobby is more, it appeared to us spontaneously, for me it seemed like it could
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help develop variations in imagination, mental thinking, it started with basic words, there was never an end goal, received pleasure from the process, at some point , probably a year ago, i felt that my skill remained at the most basic level, varya began to ask me a complex phrase in reverse and i... was very far behind, let's say, well, it really, probably somehow develops the brain very strongly, probably it should help in some way, or in school she teaches the elements very easily in school, that is, literally half an hour is enough for her to learn a verse, whoever you want become at all when you grow up? oh, i want to become a teacher, suddenly, when you grow up, there will already be lessons on turning over, yes, you read my thoughts, i want to open my own school, oh, you see, what will happen in the school that you want to create? everything is the other way around, that is, the bell will be for the students
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, and not for the teacher, yes, and i will give it, when the student has studied well, like a mirror five, there will be this two, so i will give a two, you can run during lessons, sit up straight during breaks, gorgeous school, great class, and now i’ve come up with a name for your school, okay? aloksh irav, amarag, oh interesting, i'll start with you now turn everything over, take me to work at your school, i’ll be a cleaner, no , you’ll be a teacher, or maybe i’ll be an accountant, i want to turn over estimates, as you say, so that everything starts from scratch, okay, we’ve prepared more for you one complication, i can handle it, we will show you the text on the screen. and you will have to turn it over, but this is a complex text, there is even a word approximately, i can say it now, but
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it’s clear, i’m very interested in what kind of text it will be, please show us the first one phrase, davar and yes...
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st. petersburg, how can i close my eyes and read? i can't read it with it open. oh, and he’s rude, he’s rude to us, he’s rude to us. i got a headache. in words, on the contrary, i definitely won’t be able to get ahead of you, but i have a good understanding of fashion and things. me too. therefore, i propose to combine these two hobbies, especially if you are also good at this. come on, we have a set of clothes that you and i need to turn over, turn out the jackets, put
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them on backwards, button the caps too buttons on the back, i just said it myself and was scared, how should i do this, but can i ask about the cap, it fits me, it will fit on me, and that’s your problem, but you need to turn it out, ready, yes, one, two, three , let's go, now i, wait, i can't find the button, and the buttons, where are you, the buttons, come back, so, now, wait, the button fell, that's it. it’s as difficult as scratching your back, and the most important thing is that the bulb came off my jacket, so,
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cap, i got dressed, right? actually, wait for me, with a difference of a second i won, i won, i i was the first, you were the first, but the rule is the other way around, which means i won, whoever is first is second, it took a long time to get dressed, yes, i ’m still interested. learn even more about your talent for all viewers to learn, in order to demonstrate the talent of varvara karama, we rise to the stage the best! tired of being small, tired of being small, sergei
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vladimirovich mikhalkov, willpower, i’m honest. i admit that i’m afraid to sleep in the dark, when the window is darkly curtained around me, i just want to jump up quickly turn on the light, i feel it, i’m afraid, but i fight it with willpower, i tell myself, lie down, eyes closed, hold it, and i lie, lie, lie, eyes closed, hold it, fall asleep, finally, well, aren’t i great, could we start by keeping the lights on?
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and of course, this backpack with sweets is also yours, thank you, and this bunny is your souvenir. obs, if i speak in your language, it will be aravrav, yeschul, hesv. barbara is the best . unlike other children, he doesn’t run around, play around or eat sweets, that’s all. because he knows that to become a champion you need discipline. our guest is the future champion of sick wrestling, arthur khudayan. attention to the screen.
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you do freestyle wrestling, right? and what is the main thing in these classes? discipline, for example, you get up in the morning, then you go, do physical exercise, of course, i walk on the street, active and some, i walk on the street, play, so, then i come at 2 o’clock, i have to sleep during the day, this is my favorite item in the schedule day, i’m standing, packing my backpack for training. after training i come home at 10 o’clock lights out, excuse me, how old are you? six, soon it will be seven, and how long do you live in this
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schedule, one might say, my entire career, the goal is to become an olympic champion, if i don’t follow this discipline, then i will not become an olympic champion, this is the basis for achieving success, yes, yes, they listen to the coach, the main thing is in training, yeah. to say, you need to invest in this exercise, there are some punishments for non-compliance with the rules, for example, pressing 60-50 times or even 100 times. wow, i mean, harsh sports punishments, wow, better in the butt get one time than do 60 push-ups, well, that ’s what i think, how many hundreds of times do you do push-ups, well, the last time i did 41, but for me it’s the other way around, at 41 years old. six times since you started wrestling, in general, how did it all begin, my dad and i came to the gym alone when i was little, wrestled with him, trained, my
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career slowly began, so, that is, it turns out, thanks to my dad, yes, he is a coach, and dad is your coach, yes, but he came up with this whole discipline for you, please tell me, who are you with today? he said that becoming an olympic champion is not easy, you have to strive for it all your life, and he wants it so much and tries to keep it all, and weekends are some kind of vacation, i don’t know,
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of course, of course, there’s no way without it , a child should be happy, move, play and somewhere else and indulge, well, everything in its own measure, i wish you progress, of course, so that you achieve. live in such a schedule, everyone will be strong and healthy, it seems to me so, then it seems to me that we should teach this magical exercise to the whole country and me, you ready? yes, then i invite you to the best stage , go ahead! dear friends, welcome to exercise
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for the whole country. well, let's start, guys, the first exercise is warming up the wrist joint, here are our hands, now we will warm them up, now we will throw them. legs in a roch, take a wrestling hold and throw , throw, grind, don’t sit, stretch the bones, so five times, now we will do push-ups, well, with reinforcement, push-ups with a clap behind the back, push-ups just with a clap and push-ups one hand, it's definitely a charge. yes, so, while, we repeat, we are not sitting in the hall , we are restoring our breathing, inhale, arms down,
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exhale, this is what they can do, arms up, arms down, now we will do the splits, you need to take the handkerchief with your lips and lift it, this exercise is for those whose hands are busy and their mouth needs to be wiped, please, you can’t touch with your hands, we already understand, arthur, but can i do my exercise with a handkerchief, i have one too, let’s see, let’s see. phew, this is a workout, that’s all, repeat 10-15 times after each workout. all, sorry, move on. now i will go to the front axle, stretch my neck, stand on my head, in the same position go back to the bridge, swing my neck, do runs and rolls. this is just some kind of acrobatics,
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and not exercises, this is breakdancing, not exercises, and after this you must definitely massage your neck, after the bridge muscles. tense, we need to relax them, whoever can’t, let them do it according to how they feel, according to how they feel, this is twice, yes, now i will do a revolution, bending forward, with access to a wrestling bridge, running into the starting position, well , be careful, this exercise is one of the most difficult, you can get injured. so
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five times, bravo, bravo, which means we will now do the crocodile step, well, let’s see how the crocodile walks, after that the arms and legs work, inhale and exhale, i can also inhale and exhale. i’m doing the right thing, i put my hands up, down, well, i brought them up, okay, yes, now we will climb the rope, this will train your hands and fingers, you’re ready, arthur, just come back later. now i will also be away
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do one of the difficult exercises, come on, arthur, it was an amazing exercise, wasn’t it? at first it seems that this is difficult for an ordinary person, but in 2 months we will be walking at a crocodile pace throughout the country. you have changed the lives of all tv viewers, so we want to award you with a medal from our show. arthur, the medal from our show is yours, it’s not for wrestling on the mat, it’s for fighting laziness. this
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backpack with sweets is also yours, young coach from smolensk and future freestyle wrestling champion arthur kudayan, best of all, anatoly konstantinovich, give it to me. can give it away, it’s a good idea to collect a dowry with your dad, we have embroidered shirts here, it’s so very beautiful, in the vologda province an amazing ritual of dressing up has been preserved , the bride was placed on a table decorated with a rich tablecloth, and a friend was helped to put on her wedding dress, someone to granted us , well, who, who is young, bring out our beauty, well , groom, to be at the wedding, let's go, quarreled,
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believed, quarreled, believed, we'll have a wedding next sunday on the first, graffiti in sao paulo all day, really , what you can choose any place in the city and draw whatever you want, if you start drawing at some police station, then of course you will be punished, you will not be imprisoned, but you will receive a fine . what kind of men are here in brazil, very attentive and caring, it is clear that sometimes someone’s husband can go to the left, we have hot blood, but we have our own woman. always alone, i see that you mostly have women working here, we just want the women’s coffee business to develop along with the men’s equally, brazil, coffee is easy bliss, the lives of others, premiere next sunday on the first,
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they say about our next participant that she is always on her own wave, on her board, and in winter on her skis, meet taisiya maksakova.
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let 's go young, let's go young, let's go young , let's go young, let's go young, hello daechka, hello my dear, please sit down, you're so bright, summery, what are you, a summer girl, yes, well,
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i'll tell you, what i saw in the video is simply incredible, thank you, i’m not even i can imagine how to stand on such a board. and you are doing such things there, how old are you now? seven, did you start training at 2 months? no, in the summer, i still ski, do you still ski? yes, what is the difference between a century surf and a flowboard? at a shipyard, the boat creates a wave for you, and you follow the boat along this wave, right? and a flowboard is an artificial wave, and you... and there you need another board, yes, well, yes, there you need a slightly smaller board and a different shape, and i was also at the world championship in wake surfing, and how are you doing there, second place in the semifinals, fourth in the finals, among seven-year-olds
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or not, category up to 13 years old, that is, you competed with thirteen-year-olds, yes, everyone there is older. i didn’t have my age , wow, they were shocked, it seems to me, yes, you love to win or participate, both , and you love the whistle of the wind in your ears, salty splashes on your face, that’s what you love, well, yes, i just haven’t been to the sea for a long time, i dream, but riding big... waves in the ocean, oh, well, it’s very dangerous, don’t you be afraid, but if it's a shark, it's a good job, do you have any kind of record? russian record, the fact that i was the first in russia to do a 360, just like this,
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this is when you sit down and make such a turn, that is, you want to say that no one except you can do it... in russia, no, 7 years, and you can train me a little, what other tricks do you have, ollya, so like this, i could do that before ollya, i just didn’t know, ollya, ole, there’s also a knee, what a knee is needed for, this is a trick, okay , in general, with tricks, it seems to me, even and especially no need to train, who are you with? with mom and brother, what's mom's name? diana, hello! hello, tell me, do you know how to ski something, only alpine skiing? tempted to try? no, are you afraid? i’m still mastering alpine skiing, is it true that she has a record,
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what’s 360? yes, this is about vexurfing, well, it’s incredible that in less than a year, but before that she was doing flowboarding, she’s been doing it since she was 5 and a half years old, well, it ’s artificial, yes, yes, it helps a lot, there’s a good balance there , balance, well, plus she really likes to learn a new trick every time. oh, thank you very much , so, i suggest you play a game related to boards, come on, where there are three boards of the same color, we must either cross out or circle, so, i already found it... everything is floating for me in my eyes, i don’t understand anything, where are three, where are four, so
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i lost, yes, wait, let’s count, let’s go to you, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, you have so many of them, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 , 18, 19, and you have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 this is all because you understand boards like no one else, the most important thing to do at sea, the main thing to do at sea is to do a lot. photos so that you can amaze everyone on social networks, right now i’m inviting you
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to the beach for a photo shoot, there you’ll meet my friend, this is photographer alejandro, he’ll help you take cool photos for us, are you ready? yes, let's run, oh, i love being photographed, come on, i'm tired of being with the little ones, i'm tired of being with the little ones. hi, hi, alejandro, taya, taya, you are the lucky one today get the most gorgeous beach shots, we need a trick, done, let's go, dolphins, dolphins, great, okay, we 're missing something, sun, beach, water, sand, we need more sand. this is, of course, a manay krupan , don’t tell anyone
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, no one will see in the photo, we lift it like this, like that, let’s go, ready, great, change the location for us, a little to the right, a little to the left, and now turn the handle to the side and hold it sunshine, higher, super. we have a board, there is a sea, there is a beach, but we lack waves, now we we’ll jump, and now like this, look, oops , jump, with a board oops, so you have to do everything yourself, take a photo set, both of you, it was, and now like this, look, as if i... the wave, we repeat, wasn’t there
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, it wasn’t, now it will be, let’s edit it, then we’ll edit it, come on, whoops, you, great, why are you here, hello, ah, we’ve already started without me, we’re ready, we’re always ready, make it beautiful for us, oh, now, i’m a crab i’ll take a photo, alejandra, i took a photo of tasechka, and now i’ll take a photo of me. great, come sit with me and we’ll figure it out poses for zhana, what pose, advise me , bend the legs, where we bend them, they are already bent in life, one, come on, great, it was great, jump, great, it was great, you are the best, girls, let’s do it like this from behind, as if i were a shark, and i’m catching up with you, look. take photos of me, i’m taking photos of you , zhana, well, i’m going, i’m going, excuse me, when
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the photos arrive, i’ve already thrown everything into the cloud, the link is in your email, uh... oh, look, what are you doing, they took the beach for me, yes, you see, super, mine, mine, mine, show me, mine, wow, i didn’t even know that i had fallen through somewhere, it was alejandra who probably added herself to the photo, oh, i’ll send it to you, you’ll definitely post it, give me my next one, show me, alejandra did something, of course, well , in principle, it looks like... it looks like me, and look, what a cool photo, no you are a 6 m wave, now i hope that i will also have such a good one, wow, only my speed saved me, alejandra, of course, five points, so the next one, your tasechka, look at what a gorgeous photo you have at
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sunset, and i also want such a photo, i... what do you think, is it easy? is it light, on one leg, on the head of a shark? yes, just like that, the seagull carried you away, you liked the photographs of alejandra, except this one, except this one, yes, yes, this was the best photograph of yours, for incredible talent, artistry, charm, the medal of our show goes to tasya maksakova, tired of being small, tired of being small, tired of being small, tasechka, you are an incredible girl, so this medal is
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for you, and of course, this backpack with sweets is also yours, and this bunny. good luck to you, may it bring you happiness, thank you, tasya maksakova, she is the best today , thank you my dear, there are many genres in fine art, cubism, surrealism, impressionism, this little girl decided to invent her own directions. kiism and nogism, an artist with a non-standard approach, lisa frickel, come on, let's go young, come on, come on, come on, let's go, let's go, hello, little vison,
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beauty, what city are you from? beautiful emerged from enikh kuznetsky, kemensk region, and you yourself learned to draw, or someone taught you, irina viktorovna, this is your teacher, as far as i know, you draw, as far as i know, with your hands and feet, it’s just that in art we just draw with brushes and not with our hands or feet, and where do you draw with your hands and feet, at home, i still don’t really know how to draw a unicorn, but who do you know? i know how to draw a heart, i know an ice cream, it ’s because you saw both a heart and an ice cream, but you probably haven’t seen a unicorn in your life, you ’ve seen it, you’ve seen it, where, when i went out at night window, and there’s dinozny , what are you saying, lured him, gave him something, yes, a gift, where
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i drew a daughter, the daughter of a unicorn, and what does it look like before... a small, little horse without closed eyes, and that unicorn had wings or not , yes, rainbow, wow, and the little unicorn also has shiny with sparkles, wild with sparkles, what are you, well, you drew it like that, and that the big unicorn was happy, yes, what does he say to you, thank you, in leninsk-kuznetsk? some amazing animals live, except for the unicorn, the mermaid lives with me, have you seen her, i’m wondering how you once went into the bath, and there was a mermaid, yes, that’s what i thought, so what are you saying to her, hello, yes, and she told me, hello, once she went out into the bath again
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and saw a whale, oh my god , what kind of magical house do you have, and can i even do a dirty job? that's right, cross splits, lisa, that is, and how do you draw on... you sit with a mermaid and talk, my god, what an interesting life this is, and my beloved, your beloved life, smart girl, well then all that remains is to look at your paintings, yes, my god, what a beauty, this is a chicken, a chicken with red pants, no, no, i don’t know what it is, it’s just a beautiful red color, god, come on, lisa, tell me, is this a self-portrait? no , i’m walking in the zone, it’s called a self-portrait , why are there so few eyelashes, you counted
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your eyelashes, three, you don’t have three, you have 333, not to victor, he said, so three eyelashes, three eyelashes, no more, izzon is so beautiful, in general, if i saw this painting in a museum, i would stand and... for hours, there is a name for it, yes, a super painting, a super painting, a girl under an umbrella, probably a mermaid, but i understood , here where did all the eyelashes migrate from that painting, all here, golden eyelashes, golden eyelashes, she is swimming in the sea, for some reason it seems to me that this painting should be called a modest mermaid in the sea, she is so modest, such eyes are closed. just like that, she whined and closed it right away, i know this, the picture is dedicated to the famous song: apples to snow, no, apples are not
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toys, i am katyusha, but i am dedicated to katyusha, irina viktorovna said it, i can already feel her handwriting of irina viktorovna, this is a lamb or a goat , goat, why is your goat standing on the globe, or is it round, what? this is grass, grass, and i thought that the goat is the queen of the earth, in the village she is only a covenant, in the village, my god, this is a fly-tsikatuha, who is next to her with a fly, a samoval, looks like a donkey a little bit, as if the fly got bored, she wanted a friend, a donkey, she bought some money, found some money, bought a sambal. i drank a samovar , this is beauty, this is what i understand, the cover of a fashion magazine, this is you, what are you saying, and i
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look, posh, i think, well, just like they painted me, exactly like my glasses, my lipstick, how could you know this, this is rinaviktor, he said, take a pink sponge, for four... years you have an incredible technique, you are very, very talented and you draw amazingly. irina viktorovna came with you? no. who did you come with? with mom. what's your mother's name? julia! julia, hello! hello! how did you realize that your child has such talent? you know, we didn’t reveal much of our talent, we just had this opportunity to go and paint, that’s where the talent is. and opened, one might say, and you yourself you draw, well, a little bit, i help the child , do you remember, we drew together, well, yes, i remember, even today we drew together, yes, we drew
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young girls, by the way, it turned out more beautiful for me, thank you very much julia for bringing us this wonderful artist, this beautiful girl, fox, what is your favorite fairy tale, geese and swans, since geese and swans are your favorite... “lisochka and i are already in the workshop, but we won’t be creating together, another artist has come to our aid, this is a russian blogger, with
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an audience more than 10 million, leading popular youth online projects, lesha younger. hello, i'm lyosha, and i'm a lens, nice to meet you, fox, what are we going to draw? all swans, come on, we can make some glue. we'll use a brush to make the wings, come on, you'll draw the thick of the swan, and you'll be a woman, we also have women, you just sorted us into roles, and whoever we look like, we'll draw in our own way , thank you, god, can i lie down and you lead me around? have you ever been circled with a brush,
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you know i’ve never been circled before. i understand that the time has come, let me go right away i sit on a broom and fly away, look, just don’t fly too far, oh my god, baba iga, don’t move, i’m still lying there, silent, just like that , let’s circle, come on, baba iga, don’t move, don’t move, don’t move, dad iga, what i like most about this show is not moving, god, this is a toilet thing, of course, we’re also circling you with oil. guys, it was me who posed for someone, well, yes, this is a snowman in a shovel, listen, well, this is how we see it, look what a cool nose i have, baba yaga for babaku, and you are an artist, well, i have a baba yaga nose, so let's take the blue one, let's go fox, what's next, little guy, we'll draw an eye, little eye, and what color is the eye, i'm scared, red, of course, okay, i'll try for now.
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somewhere there the sun will burst from the side, what color will the sun be? red , red, of course, so guys, i ask you to decide where the paws are, where the swan’s butt is, it’s very difficult until we understand, lesh, how could you guess, draw the sun in the lower right corner? that is, a woman and a talker, here is her eye, here is a swan’s butt, why the sun? you have there, well, i thought about it with this answer, listen, i’m saving you , draw little green stems, they’ll be flowers, that’s exactly what i wanted, it’s so nice to work with you, colleagues, thank you, but we sent this picture to an exhibition somewhere, of course, then we’ll divide the money, so guys, stop, we’ll all switch to the apple tree , here we’ll draw an apple tree, here, lisa, come on,
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then i’ll draw apples there , let’s make a trunk like this, let’s say an apple here, well done, do it, you make apples, we will make branches, fox, you and i can do it for two draw pictures, we are good at it, i mean, that is, i was lying in a woman’s bed, that doesn’t count, we also have a model, the three of us, let me take you like this, so hop, everything is ready, uh-huh. and one, one, one, come on, come on, oh, oh, your hands haven’t fallen off yet, we drew the leaves, you like the leaves, god, what a beauty, can you help me now, lesh, you can take a hammer , yes, let's break the clouds now, come on, well done, let's keep breaking them, also, i also want,
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of course, let's take a hammer. you break it beyti, well done, let's all go into the red paint together and draw a red sun with our feet, come on, all together, come on, let's be the first one so that i don't save everything, come on, come on, well done, draw, here you go, come on, lyosha, you make rays, lyosha, come on, yes, let's make rays, rays of warmth, let 's look at the screen, wow, wow, that's what we 're looking at... an incredible picture by the inimitable lisa frikel, the three of us drew, such creativity is worthy of a medal . honestly, i would take it for myself, but i’m giving it to you. you are the best today
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, and of course, a backpack with sweets, also yours, wow, and also such a beautiful bunny, good luck for you, young lisa frikel, today is the best, the participant began to walk very early, and besides , he did it exclusively diagonally. the future grandmaster, checkers virtuoso, kolya krasnov, comes out onto the sofa.
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if i didn’t know what you loved, what you were into, i thought you were an orchestra conductor, no, that’s not mine, checkers are yours, yes, you like to play checkers, very much, why checkers, well... what- then it’s fun there, but you’re not playing cards, cards are also fun, i play cards too, and you also play, how old are you, six, i thought you were already 16 , yeah, you look so grown up, yeah, about eight years old, tell me what types of checkers there are, there are hundred squares, hundred squares, yes, there are four rows there, checkers and 100 squares, you’re like that same? you know how to play, and well, more than 64 64 - these are ordinary checkers , you can play hundred-square checkers with four people to make it faster, well, you can, let’s say, one move made this , another move this, another this, another this, and
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how did you become addicted to checkers , confused the board with a box of chocolates, yeah, checkers were drawn with a box of chocolates, opened it, boiled the candy, took it bro, like a checker, huh? and didn’t swallow it, i was drawn to play, but you, yeah, yeah, who taught you to play, vladimir nikolaevich, who is vladimir nikolaevich, this is my teacher, zhalankovsky, well, he later became your teacher, in general, my grandfather got me into this chess, got me involved, yes , yes, he lured me in , yes, so i’ll say, there was nothing to do, and then i just walked him, walked him, let’s go play sports, but he decided to take a rest and practice chess, already on the spot, so that he wouldn’t run anywhere when you have nothing to do and with no one play, you play by yourself, yes in checkers , yes, you change your seat like this, no, i just stand, stop, i go for white, i go for
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black, i go for black, i want for white, who wins more often, i , so you understand that you lose, then more often than not you do too, yes, but what about your hands? you are a future conductor, well, look, i said right away, you even look like him, who, and does it happen to you that you give in to someone in a game? yes, i gave in to the jammer, i think here, but i didn’t see that she could still beat back, she beat one checker, won against me, kolya, look, my nogat ran with you, see what you did to me, yeah, you just infected me, they say you have a kilogram at home. medals, is it true? yes, you no longer count individually, sometimes i count, sometimes i don’t count, you just weigh everything, yes, yeah, mom weighed, there she sits in gray, black, great, what do you like to do
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besides playing checkers, playing cards when nothing happens? to do it for money, well, i taught it to my grandfather, now i don’t play for money, by the way, i tell marina. hello to my godmother and my grandfather, seryozha, what do you want to become when you grow up? i know from there, when i grow up, we’ll find out, well done, yes again, oh, this is not yet at full strength, thank you, no need to contact us, no, who did you come to us with, with your mother, hello, yulia, nikolai is a little overexcited , i understand correctly , i have nothing to add, you yourself generally play checkers, chess, now our whole family plays, grandfather seryozha, the legendary grandfather, this is your dad, a program about your grandfather, yes, and what
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happened with playing cards , and this is their dark history, i don’t delve into it, but what about you? you cope with this energy, with mobility, well, checkers, chess, well, okay, but he doesn’t play checkers and chess 24 hours? well, during this time we manage to do something else with our affairs, and kulya plays , as i understand it, fast lightning checkers, yes, this is his favorite kind, so you do things quickly, you do everything, right, but you would you like kolya to choose a hobby he likes, or would you like some specific direction, i don’t want anything, he can be. gorgeous family, everything is right, let him suffer and think, but you know any interesting facts about checkers, kolya? well , they turned on in the ancient one. egypt, and also checkers - this is one of the most ancient games in the world,
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right now i invite you to travel back in time, along with your favorite game. tired of being small, tired of being small, tired of being small. namaste, nikolai, i have meditated all my life and now i have maximum concentration, you do not have a single chance to defeat me, unless you are meditating.
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three at once, so honestly, yes, it seems to me, not very much, once, there was a queen and there is no queen, now there will be a king, we'll see about that later, put away the checker, forget to put it away all the time, when you say, i don't put away the checker, you take my two, something is unfair here, you lost to my uncle. it seems that this is a victory, mine, nikolai’s victory
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, choose a mongrel, it’s good that we didn’t play tachmahal, come on, thank you, nikolai, namaste, greetings, young man, i see you have checkers, maybe we’ll play a game, let’s , but victory will be mine, yeah, let’s see, i came here specifically for victory, i stood in line for it for 5 years, that’s how it was young, now old, and this is what everyone will have to do, of course, just like in your future, but there are checkers like this, but have you built them?
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it seems like a draw, kolechka, yes, that everything is a draw , no, but until the victory, i knew that you wouldn’t give up, i walk like this, i missed again, yes, yes, youth, here’s the youth, here’s the youth who don’t know how to play giveaway, but i feel that this party will be behind me, no, well, i’m good at games,
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i’m ancient in history, in our future we only
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have virtual ones, you can touch them, yeah, well, i’ll take the power of thought, now he's gone it turns out you have to do it with your hands. because, come on, i ’ll try, but how to go, how to go, tell me your brains, and if i go like this, how smart you are, and you don’t have as big a brain as me, because you have there are no real brains, and you have fake ones, uh, one , two, queen, queen, but what do i, what will my, my brain tell me, he, but you ’ve already lost, it can’t be, beat, you’ll have to beat, one, two, three, four, it doesn’t fit in my
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brain, it seems my flash drive is frozen, i won, it can’t be, so what? really i won, thank you for the game, it was amazing, it was a pleasure to watch you, i want to reward you with a medal from our show, bring it to the studio, i’m tired of being small, i’m tired of being small, golden. a checker , it can be promoted in a king from any position, now it is yours, of course, as well as a backpack with sweets, it is also yours, specially from the knight, this plush bunny, may it
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bring you good luck, checkers genius from sevastopol, kolya krasnov, better everyone! he sings chistushki so that everyone can hear, clap your hands, you are for the gray misha, well , the way is young, well, the way is young, well, the way is young. let's go young, let's go young, let's go young, let's go, well done, let's go, well done, hello, mishka is such a handsome boy, sit down, and you, when you became interested in cleansing from the age of 5, that is, already 3 years old, you are now eight, yes i can already
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tell you, tell me what is important in cleansing, what are the nuances they have something that the simple ones don’t have. in a simple song it may all be real, in a joke it may not be real, real, in jokes you can make a joke on someone, well, you have to joke on someone carefully, yes, well, a person may not understand humor and be offended, offended, you have had such cases, i have had them, i made a joke on a friend at school, and he was offended, and when you apologized, then you were inside?
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my mother and i performed the fairy tale little little fox and the little fox , and she and i won the same grand prize, but are you worried? before a performance, well, yes, it happens, but how do you get ready? dad always supports me, he can make me laugh, and i will always be positive, you relax, yes, yes, so, who did you come to us with, i came with my family, my mother dasha, my father, lyosha, and my older brother nikita, and my
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producer, natasha, wait, this is something new, producer is yours? my personal, how did it happen that such a young man already has a producer? and natasha, at first she was a friend in the family, but then - when i started learning a poem, i started singing, she started helping me, in the end she became my producer, she gets a salary, well, she doesn’t get a salary, but you feed her , for what he works, for free, and i i want such a producer, mom, das , hello, hello, i understand that you have a theater with a child, well... well , in general, this is where you can say it all started, i’m the director of a children’s ethnic theater, but it all started with a bear, yes from our
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home performance, so to speak, because misha always loved fairy tales, stories, poems, but then somehow it all grew so much, and now he is the soloist of our ethnotheater, outside the theater he helps you, well, if i’m honest, no , honestly, thank god, otherwise i thought it would start now. so stop, stop, mom, when i tell you help, when i help you bake pancakes, well, yes, dough, dough, misha, i’m telling you a secret, when you sincerely help, no one notices, our dad is the most responsible for preparing the preparation, i understand correctly what you contain family theater, main investor, yes, well, in order to support the theater, you need to be partly a parabass. can you hang someone on a nail like a pinocchio for disobedience? well, no, my dad works in the police.


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