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tv   Vremya  1TV  March 31, 2024 9:00pm-10:52pm MSK

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there was a big story, see you in a week, on the first one. hello, the sunday time program is on air, in the studio of ekaterina andreeva, we will talk about the main events of the day of the outgoing week. forever in our hearts, as
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the victims and relatives of those killed in the terrorist attack in crocus, are supported by a variety of people, from volunteers to stars and the stage, when the count was on the second, come here baby, i can carry you. the story of heroes who saved hundreds of lives will not escape retribution, we know by whose hands this was done a crime against russia and its people. we are interested in who the customer is, a new investigation into a monstrous crime in krasnogorsk.
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cover operation. there is no evidence, absolutely no evidence of ukrainian involvement. what's wrong with the version with the banned group isis. blow after blow. our military is destroying the critical infrastructure of ukraine's air defense system. will the kiev fighters help at 16 if they make it? pollen storms, the snow has melted and allergies are gaining momentum, that is, lightheadedness, dermatitis, swollen eyes, vaccination against polynosis and what exclude medical advice from the menu, pain that cannot be relieved by the terrorist attack in croca city hole, on saturday it was 9 days since the tragedy at... the table of the destroyed concert
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hall - a minute of silence, a light projection on the wall, photographs of those who will never return home, and will not hug loved ones, and cranes soaring into the sky, a sea of ​​flowers, words of condolences and support, and a concert of a symphony orchestra conducted by valery gergiev, music, like a prayer for the dead victims, the still incomplete list of victims of a monstrous crime 144 person. a terrible figure, it could have been higher if not for the feat of the most ordinary people; they, like others, found themselves inside the concert complex, but did not lose their heads in an extreme situation and risked their lives to save others, about the heroes, report by elena pich. is there anyone? is there anyone? and the rapidly
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spreading fire, everything around is filled with acrid smoke even faster, no shots are heard, but no one knows that the terrorists are no longer in the crocus, in these monstrously tense minutes at different ends of the huge building, who retained their composure people are trying to save those who are nearby, help here, help, help, these terrible footage, taken by ilya krasnikov, turned on the phone camera, kept it in his breast pocket, he managed to get out of the crocus in the first minutes of the terrorist attack, but... walking on the street my friends, i decided to go back for them, i moved against the flow of people, and having walked there up to 30 m, almost approaching the path, i saw a girl who was carried by her husband’s arm, what is it, wait, help, the girl had her right leg in the area the knee was injured, it was obvious there is a lot of heavy bleeding, he helps to carry the wounded woman to the mobile paramedic station, here she is given first aid and taken by helicopter to botkin, she will quickly walk. when he gets better, he will later send
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greetings from the hospital to a person who could not pass by, there on the cold asphalt, even those who have already gotten out urgently need help. a young man is doing cardiac massage and artificial respiration of a girl in white clothes, i offered him my help, he told me: take the pulse, i took the pulse, pulse he was weak, but, but he was, i remember telling him, we’re working, that’s it, he continued to do, massage, at that moment an ambulance drove up behind me, ilya again returns to the building again does not have time to go inside, through this hole in glass, guys , guards in black clothes... took the guy by the legs too, we carried him through the fragments, gave him to the doctors, then there seemed
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to be no more thoughts, i realized that i was needed here, and then ran into the building, guys , ambulances from the security forces are rushing towards rocus, but in the first minutes after the attack, people... keeping in touch with his colleagues on the radio, he finds a path along which he can safely, bypassing fire and smoke, take people out into the street, alexey tried to lead us through these corridors several times in order to get us out of there, to save us, we approached the first one, climbed up to the first floor, went up to
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the second, shots were heard everywhere, and there was smoke, and he gave the command back when he had already brought all the people out into the street, so they began to thank me there, thank you very much for a second life. along the side staircases , frightened people are rushing to leave the building, anna berikova, with the last of her strength, drags a wheelchair with her teenage son down the steps; she admits that she was mistaken, thinking that everyone would run past in a panic. the man grabbed the front wheels there, then two more men came up, one from the front there grabbed the second wheel, the second pulled me away like that. he took my hands from me , the three of them carried them away, thanks to this we were saved, these seconds that they spent on us could have cost them their lives. people share water with each other to wet the edges of their clothes and at least somehow protect themselves from smoke, faye is already
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it's hard to breathe. but ilya krasnikov and several other men do not pay attention to this. they ran from person to person, dragged some, others.
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dozens of people are walled up in a technical room, going back to where they came from meant burning alive, the second door was
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closed from the outside, they groped for this door, help break down the door, help , they broke down this door one by one, running out periodically to breathe, and seeing that people there decided to distribute themselves into distance, in order to bring these people up, about a hundred people.
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krasnikov also inhaled smoke, but at that moment ilya returns to the burning building, supports people in shock as he goes, everything is fine, don’t worry, everything is fine, where is the husband, are there children, no, children. at home, what's your name? veronica, veronica, you are smart, come on, where is the husband, and where is the husband, and where is the husband? what's going on there? together with krasnikov, almost by touching the smoke, looking for people, rustam baktebekov, to the last, hoping to save those who were no longer possible to save, searched in the dark places of people, there, suddenly, lay those people who had lost consciousness, which were, yes, were, yes, because of them we just approached those who were already... dead, we had hope to the last that we could save more people, and
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we approached, even pulled those who were already they didn’t need our help, we hoped that they had lost consciousness, we could help them, wake them up or hear some kind of first movement and take them out, hand them over to the doctors. ilya walks around the second floor again, leaving on the escalator and meets a man, bro, is everything okay, are you, are you okay, parents? where say, let's go, go to the toilet second, i checked, there was a toilet and no one was there, he was in despair and could have walked into a fire, that is, in such a state the person was in serious condition, i stopped him near the escalator, in front of his eyes i walked through another toilet, entered the room the toilet, walked through, well, didn’t find anyone there, ran out, i had to tell him that his parents were waiting for him on the street, and i started leading him. to the exit, ilya still cannot forget this meeting, he was so struck by this
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adult son, distraught with grief and fear for his parents, a child who had lost my parents, i had such a difficult moment, an adult child, really, an adult man, yes, who found himself in a very difficult situation, he cried, yes, and what did you do, hugged him, hugged him, let's go, let 's go, that's it, come here, i’m with you, compassionate, fearless, who know how to take responsibility for those who are weaker, who value other people’s lives more than their own, fortunately, hundreds of people who found themselves nearby in a monstrous time, whose names are people they saved, found out later, others asked and thanked immediately as soon as they found themselves in safety, like friends alena and katya, exhausted from searching for a way out and desperate, they were led out by a young guy, mikhail filippov. he finally said that i know where to go, let’s go, i’ll get you out. and miraculously brought us to the escalator, and there was zero visibility
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, we couldn’t see anything, we couldn’t even follow him, because when he did the shub, we lost him from visibility, we just grabbed his sweater from both sides and they walked in single file, just a few days after the tragedy, the picnic group still played together with the st. petersburg the tauride symphony orchestra , artistic director and conductor , who was literally saved by fifty of his musicians, who... were already on stage at the time of the terrorist attack, when 30 seconds later machine gun fire rang out right next to us in the hall, that is, we were separated only the curtain was closed, we heard people screaming, a crowd rushing towards the curtain. here, i already clearly commanded, to quickly leave the stage and began to lead people out to the service entrance. real heroes, names that are now known to millions of russians, they call the very young employees of cropus city hall. islam khalilov and his young colleagues were literally showered with gratitude and gifts. we want to say thank you guys, we want to say thank you to your parents. those who saved
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people, ilya krasnenkov and rustam bagrebekov, without saying a word, recorded each other on their phones. knyazeva, maria mortanova, anastasia berestenko, channel one. all those involved in the monstrous crime will not escape retribution. vladimir putin has instructed to ensure that terrorists and their accomplices receive fair punishment. he constantly receives reports on the progress of the investigation. nine people have already been arrested. it was established that the attackers’ actions were carried out through one of the messengers.
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pushing the accusations against the security forces of the so-called collective west, then the world has its own version of a terrorist attack. we know that the crime was committed by the hands of radical islamists with an ideology that the islamic
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world itself has been fighting for centuries. we also see that... in the too harsh detention, the united states, through various channels, is trying to convince its satellites and other countries of the world that, according to their intelligence data, the kiev trail in the moscow terrorist attack is allegedly not true, but that the bloody terrorist attack was carried out by followers of islam, members of the isis organization banned in russia. we know by whose hands this atrocity was committed against russia and its people. we are interested in. then the customer. the name of the customer has not yet been named, but the circle is gradually narrowing, or rather the direction is becoming more and more clearly visible. if on the first day it was immediately clear where exactly the terrorists were running along the kiev highway, they were captured as they approached the ukrainian border. this is by the middle of the week after interrogations, and most importantly after checking them mobile phones, as well as analysis of information on financial transactions, evidence of their connection with ukrainian
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nationalists was obtained. the investigation has confirmed data on the admission.
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haven’t received half yet received where i received from card to card transferred yes well how come they offered you to kill people just like that they don’t offer anyone to kill people no i telegramed who detained that sulich’s telegram yes he was listening to the preacher there he was listening to the preacher yes and he’s on you wrote? his assistant wrote to me how the assistant's name? i don’t know, without a name, without a surname, without anything, he wrote to me who this assistant preacher is and in what country he lives, the investigation is finding out, but already 2 days after... the terrorist attack, on a tip from the russian special services, closely cooperating with the turkish ones , there was the training camp was opened and one of the terrorist cells was eliminated. but fariduni, who was in
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crocus a few days before the terrorist attack, where he was accidentally photographed by a photographer of the concert hall along with another one of those arrested by saidakram rajabali zada, before that they went to turkey, and the investigation is confident that the islomov family also knew about the preparation of the terrorist attack. the father and two sons were detained after it became clear what they had sold to the killers. car for carrying out a terrorist attack. according to investigators , shimsidin fariduni first involved one brother islomov in a criminal group, and then the other. ultimately, the entire family was aware of the preparations for the attack on crocus. according to one version, it was the islomovs who financed the terrorists’ trip to turkey. another detainee is alisher kasimov. it was he who rented out an apartment in the village of putilkovo, where the terrorists lived before the attack. it was here that they were brought to conduct an investigative experiment. the investigation became interested in why kasimov did not take him to stand. money for accommodation, this , by the way, confused the mother of one of the terrorists, the same shemseddin fariduni, with whom he called, according to her, just 2 hours before the terrorist attack, saying that he was going to work,
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said that i live here without money, well , this man doesn’t cut the rent, i said, why are there people in russia who - you don’t give me rent, why do you give me rent, but i told him to take it.
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having entered the lobby of the building, and then into the concert hall, they continued shooting at all citizens they noticed, regardless of gender and age. using gasoline they brought with them in plastic bottles, they approached the premises and left the building at 20:11, that is, the entire terrorist attack was busy. just 13 minutes on the road near crocus, terrorists hit a child; the youngest of the terrorists, nineteen-year-old mukhabatir fayzov, was driving; according to some data, it was he who was driving videotaped the terrorist attack for the curator’s report, and
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also carried bottles of gasoline to set fire to the concert hall. before the president , at a meeting with security forces , the layout of this hall was clearly visible; apparently, the investigation noted the places where the most people who came to the concert were injured. the goal, as i already said, is to sow panic in our society. at the same time, show your own population that all is not lost for the kiev regime, you just need to follow the orders of your western curators, fight until the last ukrainian, carry out the command from washington and use it to get new weapons and additional money, a significant part of which can be stolen and put into one’s pocket, as is usual in ukraine today. the investigation is still official. does not reveal what exactly those arrested are talking about during interrogations, but ukrainian participation in this terrorist attack is becoming more and more obvious. on the instructions of the coordinator, after committing the crime, the terrorists drove in a car towards
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the russian-ukrainian border in order to then get to kiev to receive what they had been promised. rewards. the investigation has not yet revealed the details of the plan for the terrorists to cross the border, but the fact is that colleagues also took part in the operation of escorting their cars and during the arrest itself. thus, for now it can be assumed that the location of the possible border crossing was not known to our special services until a certain moment, although... the car was controlled along the entire route, fortunately on the kiev highway there are many cameras recording violations, including speed limits, and in some places white the terrorists walked at a speed of 140 km/h, but
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soon it became...
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it is appropriate to remember here that the special services have such a term: false flag operation, it was invented by the british back in the 15th century, when english corsairs attacked spanish ships under the flag of france. it is clear that the goal of such operations is to convince everyone that someone else is carrying out it, and for the customers it doesn’t matter who, the main thing is to achieve the goal, and it is clear for the collective west and the ukraine it supervises to destabilize the situation in our country as much as possible. one thing is absolutely clear, this promotion. trotting, as i already said, the question immediately arises: who benefits from this? this villain can only be a link in a whole series of attempts by those who, since 2014, have been fighting our country with the hands of the neo-nazi kiev regime; the nazis, as is well known, never disdained to use the most dirty and inhumane means to achieve their goals. perpetrators and the fact that they were caught
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alive and tell a lot during interrogations, hence the detentions of accomplices that began, not only in russia, but also, for example, in tajikistan is greatly irritated by the collective west, because the investigation is getting closer and closer to the mastermind of the inhumane terrorist attack. anton vernitsky, sergey klishin, channel one. together with russia , other countries are mourning the victims of the terrorist attack in kroku cityhole. many states sent condolences, and a special book was opened in the foreign ministry.
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this is for russia, such a tragedy for our planet, and the kind, fair people of the whole world, together with the russians, we, together with the russian people, are confident that we will definitely defeat terrorism, despite that's where they are. the west hastened to declare that isis, banned in russia, is to blame for everything. kiev is allegedly ready for a terrorist attack. not involved, however, many important details, operational data indicate the opposite: those who committed the monstrous terrorist attack in krasnogorsk on radical islamists, it seems, only have beards. the handwriting is completely different, characteristic precisely of the toxic regime of zelensky, a regime that has repeatedly resorted to terror. what else is the kyiv trace? pavel krasnov figured it out. a short video filmed in the faye concert hall with the terrorists themselves, now one of the main arguments of those who attribute this attack, prohibited in
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russia, to... at the beginning of the terrorist attack or at the end of the terrorist attack or in some other way. there is no talk of any kind of self-deprecation here; in fact, this is simply ruled out. an example from the recent past. in early january, in the iranian city of kirman, explosions occurred at a cemetery where a ceremony was held in memory of general sulaymaniyah, killing more than 100 people. then the afghan offshoot of isis was really behind the terrorist attack. the explosion was carried out by suicide bombers, but in crocus everything was different. the attackers clearly weren't
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collecting. immediately, as soon as the first footage appeared from the scene of the terrorist attack, a lot of questions arose about how much of this was happening at all?
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19 short-barreled rifle was used in the chest area and beyond, a control shot in the head, and he remained forever near his place of residence in the moscow region, but i can officially say that the ukrainian security service will not comment on this in any way and will never confirm it. after these words of additional confirmation. only the first layer, behind this layer there are customers, these customers may well be connected with zelensky and his team, in the west they should know this very well, sanaulagafari, a former
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military man, worked with the americans in afghanistan, he also worked in...
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the islamic state could not carry out such solo terrorist attack. in other words, the whole story of the militants belonging to the terrorist group isis is nothing more than a smoke screen. even if the militants believed that they were communicating with the preacher, in this terrorist attack isis could only be a subcontractor, and the terrorists in this case played the role of ordinary mercenaries. by the way, among the mercenaries fighting for the kiev regime there are many former members of terrorist formations in syria and iraq. these scattered barmali groups, they are in general. as i understand it, they can order certain terrorist attacks, it is clear that every serious western intelligence service has quite a large number of agents in various
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radical groups, the perpetrator can be anyone, the organizer is also, of course, important, but most importantly who is the customer and not always coincide uh. in this case , these three points absolutely do not coincide. to establish who exactly planned and prepared the attack, trying to remain in the shadows, is now a matter of honor for... the russian special services. pavel krasnov, dmitry volkov, natalya litovka and pavel evdokimenko, channel one. terror against defenseless people, what else can you call the daily attacks from ukraine in the belgorod region. peaceful neighborhoods, no military targets , kindergartens, hospitals, houses are being hit, from the belgorod border region, anna’s report prokofieva. ukrainian militants struck the private sector of belgorod at 7 am. sunday, a shell hit a residential building
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, firefighters are still eliminating the fires , the siren turned on, my wife and children ran out, ran into the neighbors' basement, there was an explosion , i ran out, it turns out i went to put out the fire in the neighbor's house, help the neighbors, elderly people, the two of them live together, the children left, we were all in the house, with my wife, but how did you escape without getting hurt, as i said, get away from me, get away, well, how did you save? how do i know how i was saved, by god’s providence i was saved, only there is no other way to escape, there were three hits, yes, three holes, there were, this is footage taken by eyewitnesses, a ukrainian drone flies straight into a residential building, a man died, i heard such an explosion, our poplars are tall, the poplars sank right then into window, a man was lying down, resting, but only in the last week from ukrainian shelling...
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i got scared and almost crawled into the corridor , it was scary, of course there was a balcony , there was a ceiling over there, there were windows, and this fragment had already arrived , and here is a fragment over there, the temples. on the other hand, this is not the first, but your arrival, two, is the first the arrival was on the twenty-second , the second on the twenty-seventh, that is, it turns out that you stand so much again, no one anything, i have not yet managed to restore it so that when they heard the missile danger siren, the people who were caught in the shelling on the street could take refuge in them from shrapnel, so so this is what the shelter looks like from the inside, this wall prevents fragments.
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belgorod hospitals, residential buildings, schools, kindergartens, and regions, and the closer the border with ukraine, the more victims of destruction, we enter grayvoron, move in an armored car, because the situation is unstable.
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here was a catering unit for psycho-neurologists, which weapons were used by the bilim staff during the shelling , it was destroyed. the house, it burned down , hello, you live here, yes , why do you think they are doing this, why are they shelling civilians like that, well, it’s just that there are other relatives there, a neighbor in kharkov, you don’t communicate with them, why do i communicate, and how, what do they say, huh? some understand, others don’t,
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he knows how to analyze a little from different sides, he knows, but there are also those who are completely zombified, yes, there are, people have been brainwashed, of course, specifically, the village. there are such small craters everywhere - these are explosions from cluster munitions, there may also be unexploded ammunition here, bells as... they call it, this is just one of such ammunition, traumatic amputation is guaranteed; traces from the impacts of ukrainian shells in border towns and villages are practically on every street, there was an arrival and that’s enough, where the flowers lie, there were
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people who died, the area was bombed, during that shelling, fragments flew into victor’s house, knocked out. well, they often hit you like this there were also constant flights around the city tonight, well, the greyraven is holding on, and it will hold on, it’s a greyraven, the locals don’t give up, the people here are strong-willed, here’s another giant crater in the middle of the street, where there’s nothing else except...
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maybe how to deal with enemy fpv drones, so babaiga, drops, they can drop mines on a car, so the driver accelerates , accelerates at full speed, divides forward, everything went, went, went, went, come on, come on, come on, it’s clear there, the commander of the reconnaissance unit with the call sign highlander, looking
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in the sky, are there any lights , there is a rap in the car, pressure is applied to the enemy’s pividrons, but this is of course not a panacea, the frequencies may be different, although the system says it has already saved. it starts to shake, as a result, it wasn’t a direct hit on my car, it hit the asphalt in the corner, we got to the point, then on foot, we unload quickly , the car can’t stand for a long time, forward, forward, come forward, i’ll soak you, you have to go quickly too , but it’s not easy, there are broken concrete slabs and bricks underfoot.
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accepted to work, coordinates have already been accepted, now they will work, our crews are constantly changing firing points, hitting from new positions, the enemy is also trying to add variety, they are not fools either, they joke, that is, they analyze where they drive, where they are killed, they naturally change routes, try, then there are hiding - everyone there comes up with capes to put on themselves, that is, well , all sorts of things they have, at night they often catch equipment and infantry during ... rotation during the day of enemy combat vehicles, when they jump out to hit our positions. here is the calculation of the anti-tank guns of the 150th southern division a group of troops is hit by an american m-113 armored personnel carrier, in these shots the enemy’s manpower in the unit is mostly volunteers, everyone knows why he is here. firstly, probably,
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patriotism and it’s a shame for the children. he spent a month and a half in the reconnaissance unit, he is from the rostov region, he is a craftsman, he has been making jewelry for more than 20 years. the profession has become the call sign of a jeweler, but the tasks here are completely different, preparing ammunition for dropping from drones. this is our wok, this is the reset used for the ukronazis, also in places, of course, jewelry work, changes a longer cap, installing shanks, wife, three children at home, but he says he couldn’t live and work in peace in his profession, couldn’t find a place for himself, everything was decided in one day, i’m a volunteer, and when we went, he saw hard arrivals.
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i’m here, first for training, now in intelligence , he says, he feels that today he is in his place here, this is his contribution to the common cause, screw in the warhead directly with the capsule, where the stake will occur, screw in the warhead, the head, remove the fuse, accordingly falls from birds, an explosion occurs , a day he remakes 100 such ammunition, they are dropped on the infantry, for example, the bp operator noticed an enemy hiding in a dugout, one is dropped nearby, then the second is right on target, they work at an altitude of 20 to 60 m, than higher
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, the more imperceptible, everything, of course, depends on the nature of the target weather, if the wind is strong, it has a small spread, naturally it is chattered, it does not hang in one place and the spread, well, there is a 2-3 m spread, if there is wind forward, well it pulls you back, then a little you move forward, hold the copter, do a reset, with the unit commander. highlander, we met back in december of twenty-two, when the legendary 150th division liberated marinka. then gorets was a warrant officer, commanded a reconnaissance group, corrected the attacks of our tanks on the front line. he himself has been on the front line since the first days of the northern military district, participated in the liberation of mariupol, was a casualty, received his first wound there, recovered, and returned to duty. in the battles for marinka, the hospital and back were also wounded. now in the artyomovsk direction, but already officer, unit commander with extensive combat experience, went from. private and knows what it means to be a soldier , to be honest, i never would have thought that i could get to this point, well, that is, i didn’t study, no
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matter how i’m not a career officer, i didn’t even have any plans for this, first of all this , probably, duty, honor, honor to defend the homeland, for him, as for everyone who is here, these are not just loud words, this is what they risk their lives for every minute, far from home. he himself comes from maykop, his parent says, of course, they are worried, but understand his choice, he himself is modest, does not like to talk about himself, and was awarded zhukov medals for courage. my highest reward is when my boys are all alive, when you can’t hear the radio station, they are wounded or dead, an even higher reward is to bring all your own boys home, but the boys here are not boys at all. but they call each other the same as in childhood, when they played war games, but now no, no, and something kindly pops up, childish, tagan,
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were you actually in the bathhouse, two foreman came running, that’s it, ok, i got the task, i say , i got it, of course, when it’s ready , we’ll move out tomorrow, we’ll do everything as it should be, you’re not moving out tomorrow, you’re moving out tonight, work day and night, destruction of the enemy observation, among those who fight ukrainian neo-nazism , military pilots. this week, vladimir putin visited the center for combat use and retraining of flight personnel of the ministry of defense in the tvr region.
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you know, you are always welcome on earth, and the effectiveness of your work determines the preservation of your personal compiler, what do you need? thank you very much to you and all of us, now the latest data on the progress of the svo. the ministry of defense reported the destruction of three su-25 attack aircraft of the ukrainian air force in the nikolaev region at the voznesensk airfield. several areas, including near chasovye
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yar. 300 militants were destroyed, the same number of ukrainian armed forces were lost in the avdeevsky sector. in addition, an american tank was hidden among the trees, but it did not help. the target was identified by aerial reconnaissance, and the loitering ammunition lancet set the point. a blow straight to the roof of the tower and a car worth millions of dollars turned into scrap metal also in today’s report from the ministry of defense there are new strikes by the russian army against energy and gas industry facilities in ukraine, as a result of which the work of the enemy’s military-industrial complex enterprises was disrupted. kaneska tes in cherkasy region, dniester station in chernovydska, krivorozhska tes, sredneprovska gs in dnipropetrovsk, burshtynska ts - in ivanovo-frankivsk. ukrainian centerenergo recognized the complete
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destruction of zmeevskaya tes, 50 km from kharkov. besides our own. central the goal was thermal and hydroelectric power plants in in the western regions of ukraine, since all western prodigies have already been spent, the discussion on the supply
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of american f-16 multirole fighters to ukraine has sharply resumed. protecting the skies over the square, but such an increase in rates is extremely risky for the west, if they install the f16 they talk about it, it seems like they are training pilots, i think you understand this like no one else, better than others, we won’t change the situation on the battlefield, and we will destroy their planes just as we destroy their tanks, missile vehicles and other equipment, including of course, if they are used from the airfields of third countries, they become a legitimate target for us, no matter where they are, and the f-16s are also carriers of nuclear weapons, and we will also have to take this into account when organizing. the f-16 can carry
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the b-61 twelfth modification adjustable tactical nuclear bomb. russia has the right to use any means for self-defense, including at airfields outside ukrainian territory, but already now, for the purpose of prevention, ukrainian airfields are being attacked there are few airfields prepared to accept the f-16, since an extended runway is needed, for example, military airfields in stryi, lviv region in starokonstantinov, in khmelnitsky region, they are attacked regularly, in the west they are drawing conclusions and delaying them. underground gas storage, european countries also use it, the total volume of european
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reserves there was approximately 10 billion. the dneproges was disabled by precision hits, the targets were two hydroelectric power stations of the dnieper cascade, the middle dnieper hydroelectric station in kamensky, the former dneproderzhinsk, as well as kanevskaya ges in the cherkasy region, electrical substations in mirgorod, kremenchug and cherkassy glades have been disabled, the kiev authorities are in panic, russian troops are striking methodically, and most importantly, with frightening precision. burshtynskaya and ladyzhinskaya...
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kiev has very little, all this has destroyed the logical network for the supply of the armed forces of ukraine, military equipment and ammunition, as well as the transfer of troops, the work of ukrainian defense enterprises at equipment repair bases has stopped, now only clipping work with a sledgehammer is available, from -for interruptions in supply the headquarters vertical control sank sharply. the energy collapse is approaching, many experts assess this as the threshold of more serious events at the front, these are planned strikes to eliminate the energy supply system of ukraine, these
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strikes must be considered in the context of other actions, namely the destruction of the air defense system, every day the destruction of anti-aircraft missile systems is reported , cleaning is underway, the second transition to the use of especially large ammunition, one and a half tons and 3 tons, and there are also five-ton ones, there are also... all this suggests that we are preparing for serious events at the front in the next 2 months. the authoritative publication the economist also foretells problems for the armed forces of ukraine in the near future and notes that ukraine took up the construction of fortifications too late. the government still dreams of a new counter-offensive and dreads the thought that the current front line could turn into something very similar to a border that would cut off a fifth. country and deprive it most of the access to the sea. the idea that this line could become the basis for future peace talks is exactly what zelensky wanted to avoid, but the dangers are now so great that this is the least bad option:
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in recent weeks, the diggers have been in motion , the sowing of the dragon's teeth is starting, but it had to begin much sooner, pray that it is not too late. dragon teeth are concrete tetraders, pyramids about a meter high, they are dug into the ground so that wheeled or tracked... the technology does not could pass. the kiev authorities announced the construction of three fortification lines , 2,000 km long, at a cost of half a billion dollars, but even in ukrainian telegram channels there were rumors that this money did not exist, but would still be small. zelensky demonstratively visited the construction of new concrete barriers in the sumy region so that in an interview with the american television channel cbs he again began begging for money. russia will prepare counter-offensive actions. russia will prepare for a counter-offensive. it will be maybe in may, maybe in june, and before that we we must not only prepare and stabilize the situation, since our partners are very worried about us strengthening, they keep their fists for us, they say, you have
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the strength, we say no, we need help now , additional help, if there is no help from the united states will be , zelensky said, ukraine may lose, the british times publishes an article with a frank headline: territories, deplete the enemy as much as possible, inflict the most possible losses on him, our goal is to prevent the loss of our own , to form and prepare reserves for carrying out offensive actions. why this bravura fantasy? obviously, the resourceful syrsky is currying favor not only with zelensky, but also with western curators, because western discontent is a dangerous thing for the ukrainian clique. here's the chapter. now kham has been appointed ambassador to moldova, and the national security and defense council
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is headed by a career intelligence officer, former head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine, alexander litvinenko. ukrainian telegram channels write that a purge of the cabinet of ministers is coming, which could be headed by the head of zelensky’s office, andriy yermak, everything for retention of power, because after may 20... stop making money from the lives of our fellow villagers. the mobilization failed, in 3 months it was not possible to recruit the planned 140,000 people, and no one even stutters about the announced half a million recruits, but
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the ukrainian military commissars continue to be fierce, and the ukrainians continue to flee. in the turunchuk river, near the border with moldova, border guards caught a twenty-two-year-old odessa resident who got stuck in the reeds and almost died. what are you doing there, you idiot, where are you from? from odessa, suddenly, you’re already getting there, and by yourself the border guards can be fierce, the cloners pay thousands of dollars to swim across the tisa, and the border guard iak74. in the ultranationalist ivano-frankivsk region alone, there are 40 thousand colonists; the threat of mobilization has become so woven into the life of ukrainian society that they are already trying to settle personal scores with its help. the kiev woman didn’t like the way the service center employee handled his job. stetellar group, monte chococa cognac, product of stellor group. rum. gastra product of stellor group. i
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came to the soviet union when i was 19 years old, and i had no stronger desire than the desire to be russian. well, this is my school. how were you able to learn our russian language? what is your russian language? the time for teleconferences has clearly come. we extend our hand to you. we don't have sex. we honestly drove all over america , and he drove the whole way. he was in charge, such a tomboyish guy, where did you earn your millions? birch is berezutsky, right? what will you say when you stand in front of him? my father, he was russian, knew his name by heart, a poet. i do not think, that i will leave my wife, we’ve been together for 37 years, you fell in love, very much. the first wish is for all my loved ones, my grandchildren.
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vladimir pozner, premiere, tomorrow on the first. some claim that the main building of moscow state university is actually a huge, perfectly camouflaged spaceship. on the occasion of viktor sadovnichy’s eighty-fifth birthday , managing such a university is of course difficult, but for me this is life. now university science is taking the lead because we have the most young people. science in all countries done young. alma mator of every tenth scientist in russia, here they come up with our tomorrow. at this global level.
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without false modesty, we do not lag behind the best examples. students, where do you dream of studying? i believe in science, i believe that the main development of society will be a vector, a vector of science. victor science, premiered on wednesday, on the first. graffiti is everywhere in sao paulo. is it true? that you can choose any place in the city and draw whatever you want, if you start drawing at some police station, then of course if you fly in, they won’t put you in jail, but they’ll give you quite a fine, what kind of men are here in brazil, very attentive and caring , it’s clear that sometimes someone’s husband can go to the left, our blood is hot, but we have our own woman, she’s always alone, i i see that you mostly have women working here, we just want the women's coffee business to develop... along with the men's business equally.
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brazil, coffee is simply bliss. the lives of others. premiere. next sunday on the first. it's sunday time and we continue. the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole claimed 144 lives. among. they have five children's lives, the list, alas, may not yet be complete, identification continues, the fate of many remains unknown, relatives still have hope for a miracle, loved ones continue to search for the missing. poignant stories in the report by anatoly lazarev. here we are at crocus, 10 minutes to start the concert, we tried so hard today that we managed to arrive well early, very well indeed.
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i hear men’s voices, here it’s 50/50, they’ll either kill or save, but right in the middle of this the room where i was sitting, two rescuers came in, camilla was in the crocus with her mother and younger sister, it was her mother’s birthday, a picnic and her favorite band, tickets to a concert, a gift, all three survived, and this is another miracle - camilla is sure, on the same stairs they were looking for salvation from smoke, fire and militants , and sergei and his wife stayed on these fire escapes as long as they could, because movement would be visible in the hallway. it’s not clear who was there until the door, the door was already closed, so i lost consciousness, first i, then my wife, both were pulled out of the other world, first by a rescuer, and then by doctors. nadezhda’s daughter was also at the crocus with her husband, they had their 15th wedding anniversary, they decided to celebrate by going to
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a concert, she called me at 17:45 on the 22nd, she said: mom, we are in moscow, we are going to a concert. that's it, after, after that there were no more calls, the son-in-law is in serious condition in the hospital, his wife's documents are in his pocket, where she herself is still unknown, he regained consciousness, but he can see scorched, scorched lungs and he has a pipe lies, well, it’s in his throat, so he can’t talk, but when he came to his senses, the first thing he did was write a note saying where my wife was, that’s all. in a vicious circle, the hotline phone , the hospital, the ministry of emergency situations, the phone again, sergei prudnikov is walking, he is looking for his sister irina, her family, husband and two children. they got these tickets for the concert already 2 months in advance, that is, they were preparing, the family from the address, yaroslav,
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my sister irina and two nephews anastasia and vladislav, we are looking, we are looking, we hope , we called all the hospitals, morgues, there is no information, here photos like this yaroslav. paralympians, table tennis players, this time it’s not just training, training in memory of katya. ekaterina popova, a member of the russian paralympic team, spent a lot of time at these tables.
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a guy, but also a very good person , she taught me a lot, she always supported me, we always went with her to training camps, competitions, together, we did everything together, so for me now, of course, this is a big loss, ekaterina was at the crocus with her mother, places for wheelchair users were next to the stage, my mother went to watch the concert to the balcony, then i couldn’t get through to my daughter, let’s pray to god. on saturday, on the ninth day of the tragedy, a memorial service was held at crocus on the site of a spontaneous memorial. archbishop fama of odintsovo and krasnogorsk performed a ponyhida. this tragedy affected everyone, everyone, not only our country, our friends from hungary called
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, even expressed condolences, saying that we were from russia, a man and a woman ran out and were killed in the back, she tried to get him out of... the concert, but at the time of the tragedy, i happened to be near the crocus on business and rushed to help, through the central entrance he dived into the smoke , pulled people out, took them to the doctors , ran inside again, gave his jacket to one of the victims, as a result... he inhaled carbon monoxide and became very hypothermic, in the morning he was hospitalized with a diagnosis of
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an acute respiratory tract infection, they could not save him . this act fully characterizes the koran, he really was always so responsive, kind, there are really few people who could sacrifice their lives saving others, the most important thing is that we do not kill him, the most important thing is that we they really helped the families, it’s just not like they came here from steel... a few words were said to the court, a photograph in a black mourning frame and flowers are now greeted at the entrance of students of the institute of cinema and television. irina firsova taught russian history, political science and the foundations of russian statehood here. i was at the concert with a friend; they had been friends since school. when the shots started, they hid, probably in some of the toilet rooms. she called her husband, said what they had barricaded, then called she said she couldn’t breathe.
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students, denial of terrible news, hope for a miracle - this is a natural defensive reaction of the human psyche. svetlana shkundina worked as a teacher at a school, her husband igor shows a photo of his wife, in the middle of a sentence he stops, does not want and cannot say the word last. and what kind of photos are these, where is the graduation party, here is her last graduation. it came to croc cityhall from a large printed photograph. suddenly someone recognizes svetlana and can tell about her fate. parterre, fifth row. sixty-first place she is not among the dead, she is not among the living
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, which means that emchetov’s headquarters included her in the list of dead by default, because a blood relative, her brother, donated biomaterial for genetic examination, so everyone calls with illnesses, but i believe so, after all while there is no clearly established fact of her death, it is premature, we can only hope for a miracle, for hours of miracles... after all, the tragedy in the crocus is the pain of everyone individually who was directly affected by it, of the entire country as a whole. any psychologist will say that in such moments need to stick together. anatoly lazarev, veronica lvuchenkov, artyom tikhonov, anastasia kobozeva, maria emelyanova, maria mortanova, nika vishnikova. first channel. news marked urgently. the russian foreign ministry, using an established channel through minsk, conveyed to ukraine demands for the immediate arrest and extradition of all those involved in terrorist attacks on the territory of the russian federation. including the head of the sbu vasily malyuk, who admitted to organizing ukraine to blow up the crimean bridge and
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revealing details of the organization of other terrorist attacks in russia. for the lives of those affected in the best doctors in the country are fighting in krasnogorsk. according to the ministry of health, 98 patients have already been discharged from hospitals. another 69 people remain in hospitals, 17 of them are in serious or extremely serious condition. the office of the commissioner for children’s rights under the president is also doing a lot of work. oh, sweetie, one is so good. held a series of working meetings with parliamentarians on the eve of the annual report of the cabinet of ministers in the state duma.
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i especially want to thank the doctors, rescuers and employees of the internal affairs bodies who promptly detained him without delay. involved in this tragedy of criminals and of course all caring people, real heroes who, despite mortal danger, brought people out, protected terrorists, those who were nearby and those people who came... to donor points, who donated blood, your courage , perseverance, the best proof that we do not have someone else’s grief, now there is an investigation into these events, the perpetrators will be punished, they do not deserve mercy, and today our main concern is about the victims of this crime, about the patients who are being treated in medical institutions, with relatives visiting the loved ones of the deceased, who will , of course, need psychological and material help; those who are in trouble
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are supported by the whole country, many decided to donate blood, there were no donors... now he is fighting for life. candles continue to bring flowers to the spontaneous memorial. many perceived the tragedy as a personal grief. people express their support and words of sympathy to all those who lost loved ones in the horrific terrorist attack. and this is happening all over the country. an endless wedge of cranes that rises into the sky, shown on the facades
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of buildings in murmansk and yekaterinburg. 3.00 candles were lit in samara as a sign of grief. in yuzhno-sakhalinsk, schoolchildren cut them out and paper cranes appeared on the windows of teachers’ houses. the tragedy united people, everyone with all their hearts strives to help and show compassion. the toldokin family could not even imagine that they would receive such support. on march 22, they seemed to have experienced the worst, they ran out of the burning concert hall, holding hands tightly, but the same renault with the terrorists flew into them at breakneck speed. eight-year-old ilya suffered the most, when i rushed to ilya, he was lying unconscious, that is, you can understand my emotions, my feelings, i heard my wife scream, literally 2 minutes later they were not indifferent, apparently passers-by said that there were still chances, the child breathes because they are a pulse, a woman, i remember this woman, yes,
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i convey my gratitude to her, the emotions of a father and any parent are difficult to convey at this moment, the world has ended. moment, well , it’s probably scarier to go through something difficult in life. ilya has a concussion traumatic brain injury, broken clavicle and hip, damaged lungs. the doctors did everything possible, several complex operations, now the boy is not in danger, but we have to wait, and ilya, a hockey player, cannot imagine his life without ice. having learned his story, the best hockey players on the planet decided to cheer him up. i heard something happened to you little sister. you are now in the hospital. i know you are a strong, brave, strong guy.
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sees idols who say hello to him, who help, who come to hospital, abandon all their business, preparation for the playoffs. yes, no one can bring back their loved ones or make them forget the horror they experienced, but sometimes words of support or just a warm gesture from a complete stranger helps them understand that you are not alone. movie star steven segal visited the victims at the pirogov surgical center and shook hands with the doctors who were awake at night fighting for every life. and to the fearless workers...
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fourteen-year-old artyom dantskov brought hundreds of people out of crocus hell. almost immediately after tragedy , the russian red cross also announced a collection to help everyone affected by the terrorist attack. at the moment, more than a billion rubles have already been collected. among those who responded and donated part of their income were large retail chains and small cafes in nizhny novgorod and other cities, which without hesitation donated their proceeds over the past weekend.
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the families of the victims have already begun to be paid in moscow and the moscow region. those who are treated on an outpatient basis will receive 500,000 rubles each, and those who are in hospitals will receive 1 million rubles. the payment for the deceased is 3 million rubles. to date, 268 compensations have already been paid, in addition, at least eight russian banks have announced that they will write off the loans of victims of the terrorist attack in crocus. it has now been established that 51 clients will be accurately written off for a total amount of about 70 million rubles. and of course, this data is constantly updated and updated on a daily basis. volunteers, ordinary students and high school students have been on duty at the memorial in the moscow region all week. explain how you can help, pour tea, to keep warm, without them it would have been very difficult and it would have been very difficult to stand in long lines to donate blood, because thousands of people came. 3 days after
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the tragedy, employees of the moscow blood center worked until 12:00 at night, six times more people came than usual. as a result , they were able to accept the maximum number of donors, more than 5,500 people in total. when we saw this endless stream, both young and middle-aged people even came. every single day an endless crowd of people comes there to the rock cityhole, laying flowers, for us this is a huge tragedy for the whole
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country, everyone responded, of course. artists and singers of different generations also could not ignore the pain of others, they united to give us all the hope that is so needed today, the hope that we can hear each other through trouble together, they recorded the album hear my voice, in which they sang songs. it is impossible for the country to remain, this is our pain, with which we live today, but these great songs from the repertoire of muslim magamaev, they are like a ray of light, they give us
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we all hope that good will still win, and that together we become stronger. listening to the album with a crocus flower on the cover , it was as if we were holding hands, as if we were breathing together and feeling the same. in just 2 days , songs from the album have already been listened to by 25 million people on various internet platforms. and this number continues to grow, everything that musicians from streaming services collect will be given to those who suffered their families. whatever happens, please live, be happy, i think it worked out, very sincerely, very sincerely, it united us very much, in general people, a chance to live. kristina levieva, elena shtoklova, anna kurbatova and alexey kozlov. first channel. russia does not threaten anyone, but
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is forced to protect its people and its interests. we had no other choice than an ied. the supreme commander announced this at a meeting with military pilots. vladimir putin recalled that after the collapse of the soviet union, moscow offered the west a new security relationship and instead nato went to the east. military. the united states budget is almost 40% of global defense spending, our country spends 10 times less on the army, but scaring the average person with horror stories about the russian military threat is beneficial to the western elites? we don’t have any aggressive relations between these states, and we would never have done anything in ukraine if they had n’t carried out a coup d’etat there, and then started military operations in the donbass, they started the war in 14, so this is complete nonsense. the possibility of an attack on some other countries, on poland, the baltic states, and even all the czechs are kuga, this is just nonsense, another way to deceive
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their population to extract additional expenses from people, force them to bear this premium on their shoulders, that’s all. the reaction of the west to the attack in crocus is very indicative, sincere sympathy of many ordinary people, and formal, routine. politicians and representatives of the intelligence services also found those who sympathize more with non-terrorist victims. and again, daily, almost ritual spells. kiev has nothing to do with it, the west especially, all this is like... the very first hours after the terrorist attack in crocus a narrative about a banned islamic state attacking moscow rapidly occupied western media, like an axiom that did not require proof, the connection between crocus and gil was presented as a reinforced concrete fact, excluding any other possible plots.
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but we simply do not have the right to exclude obvious versions. in trying to prove the opposite, the white house is making up for the lack of arguments so desperately that its representatives are losing face. my uncle used to say that the best manure sellers often carry samples in their mouths, russian officials seem to be quite good manure sellers. of course, this was impossible left unanswered and obviously not through
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moscow’s fault. there are no such proverbs in russian, because they carry manure in their mouths not here, but overseas, but there is our proverb: whoever hurts, speaks about it. by the way, it now becomes clear why the expression “wash your mouth with soap” is common in the states. as for the european media, the statements of the french journalist anniva tend to justify terrorism. by the way, she not only does not rule out a ukrainian trace, but... openly admires the professionalism of killing. if this ukrainians, this is an absolutely masterstroke. i'm not saying it's them. but i emphasize that if it is them, then this is simply a phenomenal blow. let's not forget this. the american agency bloomberg did not disdain to engage in outright manipulation. according to four people directly linked to the kremlin, there is no evidence of ukrainian involvement. putin participated in meetings at which officials agreed that
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there was no connection with kiev. speeches about the heads of law enforcement agencies, whose statements are, in fact, fundamentally refuted this statement of american journalists, but by the way, confirmed another publication in the new york times that the information about the terrorist attack received by the russian intelligence services from their american colleagues was far from complete. hostile relations between washington and moscow have prevented u.s. officials from sharing any more than the bare minimum information about the attack for fear that russian authorities could learn about the sources' methods. american intelligence. behind all such details there is one big silence: ukraine. any attempt to raise this topic in communication with american officials comes down to a conversation about disinformation and propaganda. i believe the russian authorities are promoting propaganda and disinformation. i think it is quite obvious that they are trying to use this terrorist attack, this tragic incident in which, unfortunately, russians died, to justify their aggression in ukraine. and whatever the underlying facts?
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streams where the western press at first even hinted, as was the case in the story about the attack on northern russia, that it was beneficial for them to to annoy europe, and then switched to leaks about kiev saboteurs, because ukraine, as caesar’s wife, is above suspicion, but only until suspicion falls on caesar himself. first channel. in tragic moments for the country, such as the terrorist attack in krasnogorsk near moscow, the values ​​of creativity, humanism and mercy acquire special significance. this was stated by vladimir putin at the awards ceremony for young cultural figures in the field of literature and art for a work for children. it took place in tuesday in catherine hall. in difficult tragic periods
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, the importance of culture and its spiritual, ethical, moral values ​​increases even more. it is extremely important for us now, when we are deeply worried about what happened last friday, to rely on these values ​​of creation. manism and mercy, they unite us in supporting all victims, in our determination to be strong and united, and here a clear, unambiguous position of those who serve culture plays a colossal role. the unifying role of art was also discussed during the working trip. president to the tver region, to the small ancient city of torzhok. there the head of state met with cultural workers.
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well, then there was a meeting of the president with the heads of music schools, libraries, envious museums, they thanked the president for the zemsky cultural worker program, which will help attract young specialists to small towns and villages. head of state. emphasized: true deep patriotism arises precisely where everyone can come to feel like a part of their people, their land, their small and common homeland. many destinations attract tourists precisely because of their rich history and culture, and in order to get to the most interesting places faster and
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have more comfortable accommodation, the country will launch an updated national tourism project. more than 400 billion rubles will be allocated for its implementation until 2030. now we have built and continue to build ours. routes across the whole country, from st. petersburg to moscow and further to the east, of course, this route needs to be developed in such a way that as many people as possible can use them, so that to get to places of visit, to tourist attractive places along the route of transport, i mean in general the expansion of internal and interregional, including air traffic. modernization of the supporting network of roads, which i spoke about, inland waterways, construction of new high-speed railways and highways. what's going on with boeing? the giants of the american aviation industry are in
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trouble. either the chassis will fall off, or something will happen to the emergency oxygen system. 2/3 of workers are afraid to fly on their planes, which are collected. our own united states correspondent, mikhail akinchenko, looked into the reasons for the cool dive-boying.
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fix what doesn't work and return boeing to its previous heights. in the first 3 months of this year, the corporation lost a quarter of its value, and its shares continue to fall with each new aviation accident.
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so far, no one, in the history of world civil aviation, experts assure, such
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incidents have never happened. this is very strange, usually when something like this is associated with air currents, the shaking lasts longer, in in this case, there was a sharp change in vertical speed, and then everything got better, very similar to a computer glitch. meanwhile, it is known that just a month earlier, on the same route, along which a boeing 787 of the same airline was flying, interruptions in the operation of the main power generator were already recorded. whether it was the same plane or a different one is not specified, but many paid attention to an interview four years ago, published in the publication herald of corporate crimes. when installing floor panels on an aircraft, use titanium fasteners, after tightening the nut, the protruding part of the bolt is cut off, leaving razor-sharp titanium scraps up to 3 inches long, which end up in the space under the floor where all the electrical wiring and electronic equipment is located. this is a control system. the plane and the on-board power supply, these
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metal scraps fall there. the publication's interlocutor is a former quality control manager at the boeing plant in charleston, where the 787 series aircraft are assembled. in 2017 john barnett officially retired, but he himself claimed that he was simply forced to resign after his own numerous complaints about neglect of safety standards. from the very first day we were constantly urged to deliver the plane faster. we are behind schedule; we have no time to deal with the problems that you are drawing attention to. the company was in a hurry to start sales in the fall of 2011. the first production dreamliner was transferred to the japanese airline alnipon airways, but a little over a year later, on january 7, 2013 , the battery on board caught fire. the next day on january 8, the american airline united also reported problems with the battery wiring. a month earlier , three more similar aircraft malfunctions were reported. 87 series, but there were still problems
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with engines, brakes, oil leaks , cracked glass in the pilot's cockpit. soon, dreamliner flights were suspended around the world for several months. in 2020, the us civil aviation administration banned the sale of aircraft in this series due to manufacturing defects. another ban, reportedly due to design defects the fuselage was applied less than a month ago. it was canceled on march 10, but there are questions about the quality of the 700. i would not fly on any of these planes, because i see the quality because of everything that happens here. the footage, published by al jazeera, was reportedly taken with a hidden camera in the assembly area of ​​one of booing's factories. of the fifteen employees surveyed, 10 responded that they would never risk using their product themselves. one of the most serious problems was called low qualifications
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workers who also use drugs. cocaine, painkillers and what else? there is weed here, very good weed, no one passes drug tests. i know some people go to lunch and smoke a joint. seriously? well, yes. is it any wonder then that in january of this year , alaska airlines' boeing 737, the newest max series, had its emergency exit door fall off during takeoff. the reason turned out to be poorly tightened bolts, and at an altitude of 5.00 m , not all passengers’ oxygen oxygen masks, the same john barnett a few years ago drew attention to the fact that approximately every fourth oxygen system in new boeing aircraft is defective. the defects, he said, were found in the pressurized bulkheads. since the alaska airlines incident, the us civil aviation administration has reportedly conducted 89 inspections, 33 of which were on boeing aircraft. 33 out of 89 checks failed - that's 37%. this may be good for
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homemade toy airplanes, but in the case of real airplanes, 37% are converted. in metal coffin. and this is far from a metaphor: in october 2018, a lion air boeing 737 crashed on takeoff from jakarta airport. all 189 people on board were killed. the manufacturer hastened to attribute the incident to poor training of the pilots, but 4 months later, another exactly the same disaster occurred. an ethiopian airlines jet crashed near adis. in both cases, the reason turned out to be a new system for improving maneuvering, and during the process. an investigation conducted by the american congress revealed that the corporation's management included i know. one of the first documents we discovered, dated november 2012, is a report from a test pilot following a flight on a simulator and his attempts to activate the maneuvering system. they led him to describe it as a catastrophic event,
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meaning that if such a thing had actually happened, he would have lost the plane. in a situation that even the test pilot could not cope with, ordinary civil airline pilots had no chance. the number of accidents with the company’s aircraft has clearly gone beyond all reasonable limits. in summer a large trial was planned for this year regarding violations in the production of boeing aircraft. the key witness for the prosecution was to be the same former
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quality control manager, john barnett. however, on march 9, he suddenly failed to appear at the preliminary hearing. that same day, his body was discovered in the infusion van. sincerely, because boeing’s potential losses in the event of losing the lawsuit could reach tens of billions of dollars, and this does not count reputational losses, which are already prohibitively high. if if we were talking about another, much less well-known company, then it most likely would have ceased to exist long ago. but booing
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is different, approximately four out of ten aircraft in the world were produced at its factories, and it will not be possible to refuse to use them, and this is not necessary, after all. the greatest danger is posed by new models; their deliveries to russia, by the way, are not planned until 2041. perhaps never before have sanctions been so beneficial. mikhail akinchenko, vyacheslav arkhipov, vitaly zaitsev, channel one, usa. the snow has just melted, and allergy sufferers... problems have already begun. to tame the seasonal attack with the help of vaccination, until recently it was considered impossible, but russian specialists.
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the girl loves figure skating, she also loves to sing and dance, but with the arrival of spring there is no fun or walks, the windows are tightly sealed, relatives leave food at the front door, even her mother does not go outside so as not to accidentally introduce pollen with her clothes, the child has severe allergies, signs are that blood pressure drops, that is, fainting , dermatitis, swollen eyes, in the spring, veronica suffers due to dusting of birch and algae, and in the fall due to the flowering of grasses, so...
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ivan has been allergic since childhood, he cannot go outside without droplets, in the spring his health sharply worsens, his performance at school drops, during pollination they try to mom to go to another country, but there is another problem that you can’t easily escape from. yes, there are many prohibitions, such as stone fruits, fruits, nuts, but some things are allowed, for example, like with apples, but i’m not allowed, they can, for example, be baked, made into a pie, very rarely. i can do it myself allow him to cut straight into very small pieces, eat immediately after that, take
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the necessary medicine, from his favorite apples and nuts, ivan is forced to refuse due to cross- allergy, a condition when the body confuses similar molecules and produces unpleasant symptoms: itching, swelling, inflammation of the mucous membrane. patients with allergies to tree pollen often experience cross-food reactions to apples, pears, stone fruits, peaches, cherries, and cherries. coconuts, nuts, and of course, there is often a barn and carrots, and therefore, of course, our patients want not only to get rid of the symptoms of polynosis, but also from the symptoms of food allergies. for those who do not yet know exactly which products can cause a dangerous reaction, including anaphylactic shock, doctors advise undergoing extensive testing. modern tests detect up to 300 different allergens at a time, but if the result is positive, the only effective method for ositis or immunoprophylaxis of polynosis will help. the patient is given a microdose of the allergen gradually.
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birch pollen allergy device it was developed by specialists from the federal medical and biological agency; it is created from a synthetic protein, so there are practically no negative reactions. the preclinical phase was successfully completed, where it showed the high effectiveness and safety of the vaccine. and literally in october-november of this year, the twenty-fourth, we begin clinical studies on this vaccine at the institute. in our region, the trees are not yet gathering dust, but people have tears in their eyes and but. lays down, according to scientists, the reason for pollen carried by the wind from the south of russia to be special mobile applications will help you be more careful during this period. the program can
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monitor the concentration of allergens in the air. in the very near future we expect the alha and hazel trees to start dusting, and then the birch will begin to dust, and its maximum amount will occur just during the may holidays. in addition, the situation is aggravated by climate change. according to scientists, global warming is leading to an increase in the flowering period. who in the future every second person will suffer from polynosis, doctors remind that preventive measures will help to avoid serious complications, timely implementation of ositis therapy during the season , stay outside as little as possible, wear glasses, a mask, take a shower after a walk and change clothes. yulia nishchenko, maryana soboleva, artyom tikhonov, anna lepatova and sergey klishin, channel one. that's all, keep an eye on the time and stay updated . and now on the first channel, what, where, when the spring series of games starts.


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