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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  April 1, 2024 10:00am-10:50am MSK

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while you and i are here now, in donetsk, russian people who defend our borders are dying, and if we have such an opportunity, i would like to honor the memory of all those who died with a minute of silence, we have such an opportunity, we do. thank you, let's applaud those who are protecting our borders right now, please. why was it so important for you
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to do this there, not to buy into the glory, yes, but just to remind everyone of what is happening, this is very important, this is what is really happening right now, and so as i’m from donetsk, i just couldn’t help but say about it, it wouldn’t be true, that is , what did i need to do, say, thank you for the statuette, i went, no, no, no way, this is happening there now, you can’t turn a blind eye to this, this is what i’m talking about...
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on february 24, my comrades and i listened to the ukrainian charts, well, there was specific trash, and i just realized that everyone is talking about everyone, but no one is talking about my region , who, if not me, is the person who sang songs for these people, and there before the svo, who, if not me, can talk about to say this, and i decided that the time had come, from ukraine they told me everything, well , in different rude words, as if... we
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said goodbye, and here are the guys from donetsk, who, you know, these people who are the first there they started coming to your concerts , all the very first, so they all expressed huge words of gratitude, and this was the most important thing, simply because the song, and the boy does not sleep, it fell into the hearts of those people who were supposed to hear it, this is for me was the most important thing, let's listen to a fragment of thunder with the audience, the outlet was captivated by the smell morning. on the palm winds , on the poltan, i’m thrown into the pier and won’t let go, there’s been no water for six months, mom , how are you, talking heads like they’ll pour in the facts, god bless the boys, the husband, the son’s protector, the fucking gangsters know who let loose on the rooftop, and guys, there are roses under your feet, tears are drying, this is just an attempt. musical, to show people from my
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region that they are not alone. will you travel around the country, will there be concerts or are you already traveling? we had performances in moscow, in st. petersburg, in sochi, and we performed at the festival, i don’t know what will happen next, we’ll see, but i want to believe that yes, that i would like to notice that young people are indeed becoming more patriotic, this was not the case before, but now it is immediately noticeable that young people are beginning to figure it out, to delve into it, to understand what it’s like, here , if there are some... is it sincere or not? the story is that these people really had 10 years to go to the donbass, help people, these people always needed support, and literally only a few went there, that is, on the fingers of one hand, roughly speaking. comes from sincerity and honesty,
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when there is no truth in this, i would like to ask you if you now have any obstacles with placing on streaming platforms, for example, there are some large music aggregators there, but this is hip-hop, and hip-hop is very rarely played on the radio , as far as i know, are there any problems with the venues, are all the cities accepted by the organizers, not here, now there are no such problems, everything is fine, in this format, yes now everything is fine so far, please tell me again about the clip dima is at home, i know what you need...
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because our programs will continue and it is desirable that they continue with a positive slant, so that we discover new faces for ourselves and for you, and of course , bring our common victory closer as soon as possible, all the best to you, the first channel presents. how to laugh correctly and whether you should laugh in general when it’s not funny, what a person with a sense of humor talks about, about this and much more in the program live healthy, on
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april fool’s day, she is so beautiful, in a hug. passionate, our love comes to life again, this passion is dangerous, i can’t forget her kiss, every night this sweet dream takes us away.
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the voices are amazing, b - these were male voices, this... well, look, you probably haven’t seen this, guys, but we want to show you how a person sings if at that moment he is in the tube of a magnetic resonance imaging scanner, right?
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than they would have been without a voice, they could organize this hunt, and accordingly man turned into a super hunter, food also shaped man, in particular, for example, the ability to eat meat, while there is no such opportunity, man could only limitedly develop only on a vegetarian diet, so the opportunity to reach an agreement changed us very much, and of course this social relationship between us also created, without touching. we were able to convey emotions, this is what you do, you don’t hug
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women while singing, but this happens, anything can happen, nevertheless, you can sing about love in such a way that a woman who doesn’t know you, and maybe she doesn’t love, and will never love, but her heart will stop, this is all that gave the person a voice, now one soloist. what we we sit down, we call the next one, our next topic is not just a voice, but a male voice, how do you think a male voice, specifically a baritone, differs from all other types of voices, in fine terms baritone is the average male voice between bass and tenor, that is, between low and high, and... this is the average voice that makes a man a man, and it
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depends on the magnitude, the thickness of the tension of the vocal cords, correctly, the thicker the cords, the lower the voice, these are facts of life, just like the strings on a guitar, but male voice, on whom it has a magical effect, frequencies of male voices give a signal to the female.
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in fact, the timbre of the voice, the color of the voice, is precisely this, it affects the psychology of both men and women, and further, science knows nothing about men, but it knows about women. if a man hears words, that is, i, for example , can tell you, i love you, in fact, i can say, i love you, i love you, i love you, you will hear, no, you will hear, i love you , you are verbal creatures, men, women hear timbre and intonation, low timbre, no words are needed, so you can use the bububu stage in life, it’s clear, sit down, please, there are illnesses when the voice disappears, well, i have situations
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when the voice disappears and you probably encounter such situations, who is the third one to come to us, our third soloist, loss of voice you have had such, of course, and they didn’t do surgery because the ligament is overloaded, when you’re sick, when your schedule is tough, you have to sing, sing a lot. the voice is different, it has nothing to do with but in fact, the most serious reason for the loss of load is the ligament, because the ligaments exist so that we speak or in in your case, they sang, so phoniators like to talk about the load on the ligament and the regime of silence, but this is from a medical point of view. not so much, because we can speak from morning to evening, we have been given a voice, but the reason
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for complete loss of voice is much more serious, and you should know about this as singers, what a hermosha, of course, this is, in principle, an inflammatory process of the vocal cords , it can be chemical, look, this is the stomach, here is acid, here is acid, and this is the esophagus, so when there is reflux, the contents of the stomach are thrown into and...
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whether you have heartburn or not, that’s what is necessary for singers, you had it, yes, how long were you without a voice, and now we were literally on tour, i was also without a voice, and what are you doing, that is, you if you don’t take medicine to reduce acidity, we drink, i drink, you drink, well done, in my opinion, well, this is the oldest drug, even if you drink it, that’s also good, the most important thing is that you should only be examined with an endoscope. modern examination is endoscopy, this is when a thin wire with a television camera is passed through the nose, it is lowered here here to the ligaments and sees your ligaments, this is important for ordinary people, and only this for singers, because phoniatrists usually pull out the tongue, modern medicine
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examines everything through the nose, in general, this is what we wanted to tell about the voice, thank you, the immune system will suffer, the first cause of immune deficiency is protein deficiency. meat, white, not red, you're in the blood test, it's not good for you.
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and normalizes blood pressure, so how to laugh correctly? graffiti is everywhere in sao paulo, it's true that you can choose any place in the city and draw what you want? if you start drawing at some police station, then of course you will be punished, you won’t go to jail, but you will get a fine. what kind of men are here in brazil , very attentive and caring, it’s clear that... someone’s husband can always go to the left, our blood is hot, but we have our own woman, she’s always alone, i see that most of you work here women, we just want the women's coffee business to develop along with the men's equally, the lives of others, the premiere on sunday at the first, some argue that the main building of moscow state university
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in fact, this is a huge, perfectly camouflaged spaceship, for the eighty-fifth anniversary of viktor sadovnichy, managing such a university is of course difficult, but for me this is life. now university science is taking the lead because we have the most young people. in all countries, science is done by young people. alma mator of every tenth scientist in russia, here they come up with our tomorrow. and at this global level, without false modesty, we do not lag behind the best examples, schoolchildren, where do you dream study, i believe in science, i believe that the main development of society will be a vector, a vector of science, a science victor, the premiere on wednesday on
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the first. so, dear friends, we are in the kitchen, vulgarly cutting sausage, and we decided to talk to you about meat, why, because 36% of russians gave up meat completely, this is the story that happened in our huge country, and we thought we did the right thing russians or not, from a medical point of view, the second thing we thought about is that meat can be different, meat can be like this - raw meat, which we cook ourselves, this is meat it’s called unprocessed meat, that is, we can’t eat it in this piece, we have to cook it somehow,
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sort of meat into the studio and we’ll deal with it. so, first, you can give up meat temporarily, for example, during fasting, or you can give it up permanently. question for our viewers: who thinks that we should give up meat, because why did we give up this meat, please? i believe that we should give up meat because meat is not digested and processed completely in our stomach, why? but because we have
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there is not so much, correct me if i ’m wrong, an alkaline environment, like in predators, for example, which will completely break down animal protein, but we don’t have an alkaline environment in our stomach, that’s right, so alkaline, well, that is , high, you know, we only have that there was a model, bring it... right again , we’ll start with the stomach with its alkaline environment, here we can go here to right here closer to the girl, so look, the fact is that we don’t have any alkaline environment in our stomach at all, the stomach is a highly concentrated acid called hydrochloric acid, acid to such an extent, i love throwing tights into this acid, look, if you throw tights here, the acid will actually dissolve them to a liquid state, a protective mechanism of our body, and do not have any illusions, our meat dissolves in the same way, moreover, in the stomach contains enzymes intended for
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meat, why? because a person is not a cow, a person is a predator, a cow has seven stomachs to digest grass, a person has a small stomach, with a huge amount of acid, in the stomach everything dissolves into trash, and moreover, in the stomach there is... determined evolution, brain growth and so on , this is where the point is put, moreover, this means that cows don’t eat meat, their brains don’t grow, and people ate meat evolutionarily, so their brains grew in general human, but then we temporarily gave up meat, what next? of course, you can temporarily give up meat, they conducted studies , looked at people who gave up meat, let’s say during fasting, and for 7 weeks
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and looked at what happened, well, in principle, positive things happen: it decreases blood pressure, weight loss, triglycerides decrease, bad cholesterol levels decrease, but in one case, if you didn’t... just give up meat, and what did you do, let’s go, if you didn’t just give up meat, you refused to fast from meat, but what did you add, what did you add, of course, you added indigestible fiber, you added vegetables, fruits, which means, look, the fiber was not digested, you added fiber, only in this case there will be an effect, this is our intestines and we are here ... they poured in all sorts of things that we eat, but we don’t eat only good, there are carcinogens , everything else, but there is no meat, now we extract the coarse fiber, add the coarse fiber
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, it swells, is not digested, reaches our large intestine, look what a great power coarse fiber has, then it comes out along with toxins, with cholesterol . a temporary refusal of meat is positive , especially if you initially do not have a vitamin deficiency , there is no deficiency of microelements, and you are not a sick person, absolutely right, now andrey petrovich, let’s move on to a permanent refusal of meat, what will happen if you give up meat? we, unfortunately, in this case we will lose muscle mass, because we do not get additional protein, we will not have a sufficient amount of blood proteins,
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it was, do we have anyone who seems to be a supporter of meat or not, here i am a supporter of meat, tell us a supporter of meat, well, i don’t even have a question at all, you know, all these vegetarians, fruitarians, i don’t know, who else is a sun eater, tell me, it’s a hunt, you need to eat meat, i also think that man is a predator, because you know how herbivores have eyes from the side, and we have eyes in the front, binocular vision, for this reason, to track down
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meat, increased cancer, breast cancer, people who consumed processed intestines, endometrium, lungs and the chance of developing cardiovascular diseases, that is, 100%, this is only 50 g of processed meat, day, per day, what is 50 g? these are three pieces of sausage, like this, or five pieces of smoked sausage, or three pieces of this, i don’t know what etins, probably, or one sausage, this is 50 g of processed meat in soup, this is insignificant doses, and they lead to cancer, to a variety of forms of cancer, so you need to know this, you definitely need to give up this meat.
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absolutely everyone, no matter how you look at it, because here a dangerous dose is a small dose, it’s clear, that’s what we wanted to tell you about meat, i hope you made some discoveries with us, it’s all about food, it’s time for us to talk about medicine, french president emmanuel macron says he is ready to send troops and take direct part in the russian-ukrainian conflict; russia cannot and should not win this war. they created a party for him, they put him on the throne, the main component of macron’s dna is narcissism, he wants to remain in history. the thing
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is quite dangerous, he admitted the possibility of placing french nuclear weapons on the territory of other eu countries, the statement of the gali rooster was dictated by us instructions, polish-german. language, the time for teleconferences has clearly come, we extend our hand to you, we don’t have sex, we honestly drove all over america and he drove himself all the way, such a straight-up boy, where did you earn your millions,
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birch, this is berezuvsky, it’s correct what you say when you find yourself in front of him, my father, he was russian, he knew his name by heart, the poet, pushkin, pushkin. i didn’t think that i would leave my wife, we’ve been together for 37 years , you fell in love, very much, my first wish is that all my loved ones, my grandchildren, my great-grandson, that they be healthy, then they show it all on television, my reputation , on the contrary, age, will increase greatly, i wanted to say this, by the ninetieth birthday of vladimir pozner, the prime minister, today on the first. monocytes, this word, maybe unknown to someone, or maybe known, stands in our studio, and we start a conversation, and we, more precisely, continue the conversation about white
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blood cells, so, white blood cells are leukocytes , but leukocytes are a heterogeneous group, there are monocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils, and azzinophils. your monocytes, if you have cancer, today these are completely special cells, the cancer vaccine is made from russia, so now andrei petrovich and i are going to our medical site, and here we have a person is given a banal blood test, where we can just look at all these... in order to see how immunity works, the components of reukocytes, after all, there is some knowledge, which means,
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look, the norm will now appear on the screen monocytes, for all of you, all of our experimental nine, we took tests, so if someone’s monocytes are not normal, you press red. they are called monocytes, when they leave the bloodstream, they are called macrophages, that is, those that eat, phagocytosis is eating, phagos is eating, macro is large , large eaters, of course, their task is to find
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to devour, in general, enemies that have penetrated into our body, which means, look, this is how we depicted a white blood cell, a leukocyte. dash monocyte, this is how i add enemies here, andrei petrovich , a monocyte floats in the blood, it comes out of the vessels into the tissues, it is in the tissues in the literal sense, andrei petrovich, they add it, in the literal sense of the word, it devours absolutely all infectious agents, whom i met, of course, let's see how this happens in in the human body, so...
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and the body says: i must increase the number of these cells in order to respond to the infection that has come, and this is precisely the most common reason why they begin... what to do for girls , first of all, undergo a gynecological examination to make sure that there are no processes in the female genital organs. the second is to undergo a urological examination, because the bladder, the urethra, is the second most common area of ​​infection in young girls. yeah, most likely something will be found there, but if it is not found, you need to understand where which ones are. there are infections that
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are precisely characterized by an increase in monocytes , as opposed to other cells, this is a chlomydial infection, this is a mycoplasma infection, a tuberculosis infection, and before, now there is less of this, thank god, syphilis, that is, these are infections that this is not about you, but the fact remains that all infections need to be checked. because monocytes increase when the infection comes to us, okay? now please sit down, and now i want to tell you the most amazing thing about monocytes: it is from monocytes, it is from these cells that they began to make a vaccine against cancer, right now i want to invite you to the petrov institute of oncology in st. petersburg, where such a vaccine is made, they give it to patients at the fourth stage of cancer, when everything is fine. ..
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and what’s in this package, do you know it yourself or not? yes, this package contains the patient's dendritic cells, which are trained in the laboratory to recognize a malignant tumor. so that you understand how the vaccine is prepared, let's start from the beginning, they take from a patient diagnosed with cancer blood, white blood cells are isolated from it, some leukocytes are monocytes, in the norn these are protector cells, every second they destroy cancer cells in our body. you see, a yellow
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cell is cancerous, a red cell eats it, and the yellow cell dies, this is how the immune system works, but in patients with cancer these cells do not recognize the enemy and do not destroy it, as a result the tumor begins to grow, this is cancer, this is colorectal cancer, here it was clearly visible, but it turns into two cells, and literally in a short period of time this entire field will be occupied by this...
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you know the leukocyte formula, then these cells are called monocytes, but they are modified and grown so that they fight the tumor of the same patient, that is, these are your cells. tumors, because under specially selected conditions we, as if in school , teach these cells to recognize tumors and accordingly activate the immune system, in what year was it diagnosed? in 2014, in 2014,
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where was this mole? parts of the blue cavity, here in this place. here is a huge scar, huge, 10 years from the initial diagnosis, the person lives, you work, and a full-fledged life, they live without any restrictions , so this is very cool, this is probably the most basic, or one of the main factors, why this treatment is wonderful, how many such patients do you have, alexey viktorovich, behind you, in total with different, in total, more than 800 people have already received our vaccine, 800.
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it is captured and destroyed, that is, they are trained on the cancer cells of the patient himself, imagine, this is what we have today, this patient, instead of 2 years, lives for 10, 10, and this is an outstanding scientific miracle and outstanding progress. that's what we wanted tell you about monocytes, white blood cells from the leukocytes category, a unique thing. inside each of us, let's pause for a moment and then continue. in the fifth grade, i watched all the episodes of the police academy, hands up and decided how cool it is, i want to be like them, yes, i was just coming from my shift, hands, i said, on behalf of the investigative committee
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we are carrying out an official pre-investigative check of the turbine, we are working, finally and i irrevocably realized that your boss, to put it mildly , does not like me. or maybe we’ll sit somewhere and chat, vyacheslav mikhailovich, let’s do it this way, for your sake and just glory , yesterday they called me to the css, as i understand it, they were given instructions to kill you, to whom, i didn’t bring it up like that, in general, meet lyosha, natasha, natasha, lyosha, this for work, don't want to meet, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program. how to do this correctly? today we’ll talk about how to laugh correctly? why? because today is april 1, april fool's day, as they say, but we do not treat fools arrogantly, because we love to fool around. we have a wonderful day today
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guest, satirist writer, charming person, leon izmailov. leonchik, come to us. please, well, first of all, i want to give you a book called my best book, with such a sense of humor only ishmael could write, where should we start? well, let’s start with humor, probably yes, and we ’ll end with it, well, since this is a medical program, i want to introduce you to this kind of medical humor. it means the patient says: doctor, my nose is blocked, oh, his nose is blocked, i mortgaged the dacha, mortgaged the apartment, and here you are with your snot, this is just one joke, yes, let's go further, he says, the patient is being taken on a rocking chair, he says, where are you taking me,
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the doctor said to the morgue, so i haven't died yet, so we haven't gotten there yet, let's tell the third joke, medicine will go next, huh? only three , yes it is necessary, if three, please, it means the patient leaves the doctor and says: doctor, kiss me goodbye, he says: why are you laughing, how can this be, i am a doctor, you are a patient, there is medical ethics, i shouldn’t have slept with you, look, we all laughed fervently, and we have a topic on how to do it right this is how to laugh correctly, what do you tell us? or is it ism, i don’t know how to laugh correctly, i laugh as much as i can , i laugh, but i don’t know how correctly, maybe this is right, maybe so, let’s go to our huge brain,
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invisible things happen in our body what changes are german shaevich? laughter reduces mortality and morbidity from cardiovascular
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diseases, look, i have a brain here, this is a hole in the brain, the result of a stroke, so the chance of developing a stroke in people who laugh is much higher below, i understand, that is, you now directly lowered blood pressure and prevented strokes, so i ’ve been doing this all my life, like this. super choke you can say what else, andrey petrovich, humor, laughter, laughter and immunity, laughter helps strengthen the immunity of the oral mucosa, increase the concentration of antibodies in saliva, and what antibodies do, antibodies can take and attack viruses, bacteria that can come to our throat, and after that, accordingly, they simply will not defeat us and we are not for... the risk of strokes drops,
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you're a joke, the antibodies in the oral cavity are strengthening, increasing, the immune system is strengthening, come on, but my blood pressure is still high, which means that if they didn't laugh, it would be even higher, yes, i'm trying, i mean i'm telling you further, two nurses are talking, one nin says, how to write died or died? the second one thinks for a long time, then says: write it, you’re tired. but by the way, if you ask doctors to tell a medical joke, no one will remember anything, right? and if you ask to answer the question of how immunity is formed, we will all start scalding simply, just from scratch. and you know, what’s interesting, it’s also interesting how medical jokes are born, they are born in the most... dramatic situations, when something doesn’t work out like that, suddenly there’s some kind of detente
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, everyone burst out laughing and moved on, these are just facts of life, tell me more, one character told me, which means i come to the clinic at the reception desk, i say, give me a coupon for today, she says only for tomorrow, i say, i’ll die before tomorrow, she says, then you don’t need a coupon for today, but then, then she got fried and gave me a coupon for room twenty-four. i come, there are two men in white caps, white coats, undress, they say, i undressed, which means they looked at me, looked, examined, examined, oh, they say, oh, you've let yourself go, oh , you only have until monday to live, i say , what about me, they say, and you ask the doctor , who are you, we are painters, we whitewash the ceilings here, this also happens, little leon, well, today is absolutely your day and the day of your colleagues, who write amazingly, who are very educated people because...


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