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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 1, 2024 10:50am-12:00pm MSK

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some kind of relaxation, everyone burst out laughing and moved on, these are just facts of life, tell me another character was telling, which means i come to the clinic at the reception, i say, give me a coupon for today, she says only for tomorrow, i say, i’ll die until tomorrow, then she doesn’t need a coupon for today, but then she got fried, gave me a coupon for room twenty-four, i come, there are two men in white caps, white coats, take off your clothes, he says, i took off my clothes, that means they’re after me looked, looked, looked, looked, oh, they say, oh, you’ve neglected yourself, oh , you only have until monday to live, i say, what do they tell me , and you should ask the doctor, who are you, we are painters, we whitewash the ceilings here, this also happens, little leon, well, today is absolutely right for you day and day of your colleagues who write amazingly, who are very educated people, because people without a large developed brain do not have a sense of humor, what do you wish for everyone?
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today is april 1st, april fool's day, well, i can only say one thing: laugh for your health and not only on april 1st, but throughout the year, thank you to you, my dear, and i want to add , here we have named how to do it correctly, how to laugh correctly, correctly, no matter what is in your soul, smile right away, smile now, remove the expression of sorrow from your faces, smile. everyone , especially those over fifty , faces like these, any joke will stick, you will react to any joke, so today you just have to smile all day so that the frontal lobe begins to react with humor to everything that happens, april 1, yes i mean , april fool's day, our holiday, we have to do it somehow.
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but there was laughter, but i was the only one laughing, and not for long, until the glass reached my head, that’s it, dear friends, we had a good time, may you live well, great, thank you. the information channel begins broadcasting on the first, time will tell the program, it is working live, in the studio of oles losev, ruslan atashko. vladimir zelensky is now an outlaw. yesterday there should have been elections for a new president in ukraine, but as you know, elections. did not take place, although on the other
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hand we can say that there were no violations in the elections recorded, and everything seems to be fine, and now you can officially read that zelensky has usurped power, all that remains is to wait for the time when his powers legally expire, the new president should have taken office to write him off completely, but zelensky apparently decided to renounce the legitimacy of power and act exclusively by terrorist methods, the head of ukrainian intelligence kirill budanov again began to threaten us, this time by blowing up the railway that is being built in new territories, just yesterday the russian foreign ministry officially demanded from kiev to extradite all those involved in the terrorist attacks, including in crocus city hall, and also to arrest the head of the sbu malyuk. he officially admitted kiev’s involvement in the attack on the crimean bridge and other murders of journalists on our territory. well, malyuk apparently decided that with recognition he is a nobody, with recognition, or rather, without recognition he is a nobody, with recognition he is a nobody, that’s what we will do, how to register this spavin appearance, immediately after a short advertisement.
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french president emmanul macron says he is ready to send in troops and take direct participation in the russian-ukrainian conflict. russia cannot and should not win this war. 200 people are preparing as an advance group. on a certain section of the front , places have already been determined. russia destabilizes and interferes with me. we are pushing him out of africa. uranium is just worth something and there are 16 uranium deposits in ukraine. macron in the most global sense is an unfree figure. a party was created for him, he was placed on the throne. a core component of macron's dna is narcissism. he wants to remain in history, to be equal to napoleon's thing quite dangerous. he admitted the possibility of placing french nuclear weapons on the territory of other eu countries. statements of the gali rooster dictated in the us instructions. the polish-german tank brigade fully supports the french. macron
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got ready for a hike, ate a doll of the heir tutti, today is the first one. in the fifth grade, i watched all the episodes of the police academy, hands up and decided how cool it was, i wanted to be like them, yes, i was just coming from my shift, hands up, i said, on behalf of the investigative committee we are carrying out official pre-investigation check of the turbine, we’re working, i finally and irrevocably realized that your boss, to put it mildly, doesn’t like me, but maybe we’ll sit somewhere and chat, vyacheslav mikhailovich, let’s do it, just... thank you, i was yesterday they called the css, as i understand it, they were given instructions to kill you, who didn’t i tell you like that, in general, meet lyosha, natasha, natasha, lyosha, this is for work, don’t you want to meet, undercover taxi, premiere, watch
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after the program, i came to the soviet union, i was nineteen years old, and i didn’t have i have a more... strong desire than the desire to be russian, well, this is my school, how were you able to learn our russian language, your russian language, the time for teleconferences has clearly come, we extend our hand to you, we don’t have sex, we went to be honest, he was driving all over america and he was driving himself all the way, such a tomboyish kid, where did you earn your millions, a birch is a birch, that’s right, what will you say when you find yourself... in front of him, my father, he was russian, knew his name by heart, poet, guns, guns, i didn’t think that i would leave my wives, 37 years are still together, you fell in love , very much, the first wish is that all my loved ones, my grandchildren, my great-grandson, that they
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are healthy, then they show it all on television, my reputation will immediately, on the contrary , increase, greatly increase, that's what i wanted to say. to the ninetieth birthday of vladimir pozner, the premiere, today on the first. some argue that the main building of moscow state university is actually a huge, perfectly camouflaged spaceship. to the eighty-fifth birthday of viktor sadovnichy. managing such a university is of course difficult. for me it life, now university science is taking the lead, because we have the most young people, in all countries science is being done by young people, the almamator of every tenth scientist in russia, here they are coming up with our tomorrow,
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at this global level, without false modesty we are not lagging behind the most the best examples, schoolchildren, where do you dream of studying, i believe... i believe in science, that the main development of society will be a vector, a vector of science, a victor of science, premiere on wednesday on the first, anatoly konstantinovich, give me maria as your wife, you can give it away, it’s a good idea to collect your dad’s dowry, we have embroidered shirts here, it’s so beautiful, an amazing ritual has been preserved in the vologda province. dressing up, the bride was placed on a table decorated with a rich tablecloth and her friends helped her put on her wedding attire, which one of us was granted, well, who, who is young, brought out our beauty, well, the groom, to be at the wedding, went, quarreled,
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believed, quarreled , believed, years, we are playing, the wedding is on sunday on the first, the information channel on the first continues, time will tell the program, we are working live, so the russian foreign ministry officially demanded that ukraine hand over all those involved in the terrorist attack in crocos city, and also arrest the head of the sbu, malyuk, who admitted to involvement in the bombing. crimean bridge. the note was transmitted through an established channel through minsk. the bloody terrorist act committed on march 22 in the city of krasnogorsk and shocked the whole world is not the first terrorist attack against our country in recent times. conducted
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by russian competent authorities investigative actions indicate that the traces of all these crimes lead to ukraine. the russian foreign ministry conveyed to the ukrainian authorities demands for the immediate arrest and extradition of all those involved. hats off to the west,
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we are successfully taking off his hat, it’s just that the little one won’t successfully have his head torn off. alexey alekseevich, it turns out that we have already officially recognized kiev as being involved in the terrorist attack. yes, of course, especially since the necessary period needed to carry out investigative actions has passed, and now legal consequences are coming, it is clear that there will be other consequences, but legal ones are also needed, why is this necessary? the drivers of the western intelligence services were unlikely to be happy after malyuk admitted that they praised him for the terrorist attack, and i think that
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in this regard, through the appropriate channels , the russian intelligence services should also react, informing their western colleagues that this kind of action is not something are unacceptable, they are simply criminal and will have consequences, or maybe he did this on purpose to show western curators yes, that we are all in one we are in teams with you. western figures who support the kiev regime, they already very bitterly regretted that they were doing this. yes. vlad, and
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now we have officially put forward demands to ukraine, essentially accusing them of committing a terrorist attack. is there even the slightest chance that ukraine will fulfill these demands, and naturally, if it does not fulfill it, what will be our retaliatory steps? well, we understand that they simply cannot fulfill them, because somehow you cannot tear yourself into pieces, and you cannot distribute them piece by piece. accordingly, in this in this case, of course , the consequences for them will be the same as for... we will wet them, we will find them in the toilet, we will soak them in the toilet, and accordingly, in this case, of course, ukraine will at the same time
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be left without electricity, without gas, without infrastructure , simply because a terrorist state, it should simply be destroyed, there are no rules regarding it, in this case i emphasize, not to the residents, not to the people, to the structure, because the infrastructure belongs to the state, well, sergei evgenievich, we all understand that it’s natural for the little one to arrest anyone, much less extradite him. that the terrorist attacks of the basayev underground began in a stream, they were recognized as terrorists, and after that everything changed,
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changed very much, and the format of work changed, and the fates of these people changed, recognition, that is, issuing, as alexey alekseevich correctly said, orders to raise the baby, makes him as the head of the main power structure of the state by a terrorist, and this means from a diplomatic point of view that there will be no negotiations, because no one negotiates with terrorists, that is , with... accordingly, ukraine has been given such a diplomatic fork, that is, they have been given conditions that are obviously unfulfillable, we understand perfectly well that, of course, no one will hand over the little one, so. russia says, this is a terrorist, your terrorist, either you extradite him, or then you are all terrorists, accordingly there will be no negotiations, the terrorist attack on the city hall building became, it seems to me, the straw that finally broke the camel’s back , we remember that vladimir vladimirovich and lavrov, sergei viktorovich and everyone else, for a very long time, everything, the entire period of the special military
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operation, said that russia is open to negotiations, well, let's talk already, let's look for some kind of diplomatic... definitely, well, open terrorist acts are a new tactic of ukraine, if previously they tried to hide it somehow , they are now ready to openly report it, the head of the ukrainian intelligence service kirill budanov again confirmed, he announced intention to blow up our railway, which we are building in new territories. russia, in fact, russia, in fact
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, has been building a railway for more than a year to connect with our southern temporarily occupied territories. this process has almost been completed and can become a serious problem for us, but i hope that we will somehow cope with the land section of the railway. we have experience in this, and it is much easier than the issue of the crimean bridge. well, no matter how hard budanov tries, our special services know all the organizers who are behind attacks inside russia by the so-called vlasovites, this was stated by the director of the fsb of russia , alexander bortnikov. the president also said that we should single out names; he said this to a colleague. fsb before vlasovtsev, how is the work moving in this direction? a large layer of work is indeed being carried out on the territory of the country, we see the problems that exist taking into account the events taking place in ukraine, unfortunately, this cannot but worry us, but nevertheless there are those who left and organized, which means fighting
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units, so there are those who intended to do this, in any case, all law enforcement agencies and intelligence services of the country. is actively involved in this, and , as he said, our president, by name, we know who the organizers of the preparation and holding of the action on our territory are, we will do everything necessary to find and punish these scoundrels, so that ukrainian militants do not manage to carry out terrorist attacks on territory of our country, the popular front has created a special application, where anyone who notices something suspicious a drone in the sky, some abandoned and strange object, maybe...
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the defense said that again 10 shells were shot down over the regions by a czech multiple launch rocket system, vampires, a special correspondent of the online publication ridovka stanislav chapsky is in touch with us now, he is in belgorod, stanislav, hello, hello, ruslan , hello, olesya, where do they strike most often now, what areas of belgorod and what weapons do they use, but the nature... of the objects they strike at has not changed, this also apartment buildings, these are social facilities , these are hospitals, clinics where people go, kindergartens, and in the city itself there is a vampire fighting from the rszzo itself, if we take the border area, then these are kamikaze drones, these are artillery shells, mortar shells, also
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directly the city of belgrade is being attacked with the help of drones, but they are stanislav, and we can now say that the intensity of shelling is decreasing slightly, it’s absolutely true that ukrainian militants have switched to a conventional system of night terror, the attacks were carried out mainly at night, around 3-4 o’clock in the morning, again, to alarm the residents who were sleeping peacefully at this time, but yesterday the attack was carried out at 7 am, on a day off, when people were also resting. are comprehensive measures now being taken to protect civilians ? and also directly for a certain long
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time, first aid courses have been conducted, and now the warning system is working much faster, that is, residents have, well, a sufficient number time to get to the nearest shelter, to hide, in principle everything works the same way our government worked. trying to protect us as much as possible from shelling. thank you very much, the correspondent of the online publication ridovka stanislav chapsky was in direct contact with us from belgorod. yesterday , presidential elections were supposed to take place in ukraine, but zelensky decided not to hold them, despite all the calls from the west, and now in ukraine they are wondering where this could all lead and how it will end. the country lives in a full-scale war, there is therefore no presidential election this year, which was supposed to take place on march 31st. in may 2024
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, the five-year term of office of the president of ukraine vladimir zelensky expires from the day of his inauguration and there is already an opinion about whether he will remain legitimate after this date, whether his duties can be performed by the chairman of the verkhovna rada and whether presidential elections can be held? regarding the parliament, article ninetieth in relation to the president is article 108, part 1. i will quote literally: the president of ukraine exercises powers until the newly elected president of ukraine assumes office. this means that after the expiration of a five-year period from the time of inauguration, the powers of the president do not automatically terminate. they stop only after the inauguration of a new president, but he will appear only after the elections, and there will be elections only after the end. martial law actions. what does it mean? what does this mean that president
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zelensky will not lose legitimacy after may 20, 2024. narratives about the illegitimacy of the president after may 20 may undermine trust in authorities both within society and at the international level. earlier in the united states , the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe insisted on the need to hold elections in ukraine. during the war, however, zelensky said that this requires changes in legislation, 5 billion for election observers even in the trenches. it is difficult to predict how long zelensky’s tenure will last. however, as long as there is public trust, the president will remain legitimate, elections will simply tear us apart, questions of the legitimacy of the president and other things, i think, are exclusively the plane of the constitutional court, but definitely not the electoral process and the cycle, because if this is an electoral process, then the russians will definitely... exercise
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the constitutional powers of the president, from april 1 is the international day of laughter, already zelensky, already everyone will laugh, zelensky is no longer the president according to the ukrainian constitution. the president will not lose his powers after may 20 , 2024, the president and the rada will continue to exercise their powers until the next elections, this is spelled out in the law on the regime martial law, what the president himself thinks about all this, what about legitimacy, this is not the opinion of western partners or someone, as you said, inside ukraine, this is a narrative and a program.
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well, the president of president zelensky ’s carriage has begun to turn into a poke and will finally turn into it on may 20, here, no matter how you say the magic word, narrative , it will not become sweeter, more legitimate, and the problem, of course, is not for zelensky, or rather the final problem for him, but nevertheless he does not consider this a problem, the problem is coming from the western partners of zelensky, because if there are doubts about the legitimacy of the ukrainian regime, allocating money to them will not only provide assistance, not only... it will be more difficult, maybe even impossible, because there are also lawyers on the other side, they understand perfectly well that the constitutional body of ukrainian statehood began to collapse exactly from
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the so-called third. presidential elections in 2004, since then it has inevitably and completely collapsed; it was finally destroyed by the state during the state revolution of the fourteenth years, that is, in 10 years they simply destroyed their statehood. now, yes, of course there are certain standards that allow zelensky to remain in the position of president, but questions about this arise not only in ukraine, in ukraine there are no questions, everything is prohibited there, so there is no doubt either, yes.
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as an advance group, on a certain section of the front, places have already been determined, they said he is destabilizing for russia and hindering me, we are squeezing him out of africa, free resources, uranium alone is worth it, and 16 zalizhey of uranus in ukraine. macron, in the most global sense, is a non-free figure. they created a party for him, they put him on the throne, the main component of macron’s dna is narcissism, he wants to remain in history,
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being equal to napoleon is a rather dangerous thing. admitted the possibility of placing french nuclear weapons on the territory of other eu countries, a statement from the gal rooster dictated in a us directive. the polish-german tank brigade fully supports the french maneuvers and is about to enter ukraine. macron is ready to go on a campaign i'm full. dolls of the heir tutti. today on the first. the suspect is approaching me, i repeat, he is coming towards me. full combat readiness is declared to all pps detachments and assigned units. i'm calling, i just wanted to say, please be careful, okay? will try. leave toveli alone, let me build a new life with her. or should i somehow help you with this? don't interfere. undercover taxi. premiere. watch the time after the program. i was
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nineteen years old in the soviet union and i no longer had stronger desire than the desire to be russian, well, this is my school. how were you able to learn our russian language? what is your russian language? the time for teleconferences has clearly come, we extend our hand to you, we don’t have sex, we honestly traveled all over america. behind the wheel and he steered himself all the way, just such a tomboyish kid. where did you earn your millions? birch is berezutsky, right? what will you say when you stand in front of him? my father, he was russian, knew his name by heart, a poet. i didn't think that i would leave mine wives, still together for 37 years. have you fallen in love? very much. the first wish is for all my
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loved ones.
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calm down, comrade, we are coming to you, professor, on this matter, cut me off, cut me off, you can say whatever comes to their mind, anything, what are you saying to me? you’re painfully oppressing dad, what kind of dad am i to you, my god, i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our little ball, and now we understand what kind of shining nonsense this is, why am i worse than people, well , i was married, i don’t care , azina, innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and divide it, that’s what i thought, the famous film adaptation of the story the heart of a dog, on saturday on the first, he is also... dancing, dancing, graffiti in sao paulo is a mess, it’s true that you can choose any place in the city and paint, what you want? if you start drawing at some police station, then
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of course you will be punished, they won’t put you in jail, but they will give you quite a fine. what kind of men are here in brazil, very attentive and caring, it’s clear that sometimes someone’s husband can go to the left, our blood is in grief. the situation at the front is very very difficult, on the one hand, he stated that, but on the other hand, he very strangely said that the number of liberated positions in the ukrainian armed forces
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was greater than the number of lost ones. the situation in certain directions remains tense, but controlled, the number of positions we have returned exceeds the number lost, if the russians. they will go to kharkov, it will become a fatal city for them, well, this lie will be immediately refuted by the ukrainian propagandist yuri butusov, i want to say that the phrase that the number of positions we returned exceeds the number lost is not true. the phrase that the enemy failed to make significant progress in strategic directions, unfortunately, also does not correspond to reality. according to all data, the enemy is moving forward, and we cannot recapture the entire territory. not because the soldiers don’t want it, the generals don’t want it, the russians have an objective advantage in the number of manpower. well, it’s worth noting that the sirskys proceed from the fact that lies are more understandable to the ukrainian ear, but
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ideological ukrainian propagandists are against the bare fact they cannot resist, and not only are they not going to hide the failures of the army at the front, western journalists in their materials continue to talk about the advancement of our troops, including sad news.
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another alarm signal is given by vladimir zelensky, he explains that ukraine is not ready to withstand the russian offensive, which is supposed to take place in may or june, this is something that has been confirmed for several weeks, several months. do you expect a russian counter-offensive in may-june? think, yes, what weapons do you need to stop this counter-offensive? number one is air defense and artillery shells, that's what we need. i believe that the president of ukraine is somewhat dramatizing the situation, trying to speed up the provision
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of the necessary assistance. after all, i have read other reports that say that ukraine is ready to seize the initiative in the summer, and it is absolutely clear what it needs for this. connected by a metal cable so that they cannot be moved apart by armored vehicles. in addition, the area around is mined, behind them there is a an anti-tank ditch, then the strongholds of our defense. similar borders exist in the area of ​​the city of kharkov, obviously, closer to its northern part, but especially, of course, in the sumy region, because, in principle, these two regions are very closely interconnected in the sense that if there was a military operation, then you can say that she is.
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you know, the funny thing is, i listened to your selection, which you collected from the statements of foreign experts, politicians, and so on, and what’s interesting is these statements by syrsky, which should supposedly encourage the population to enroll in the armed forces of ukraine, or not resist so much when they drag you into the armed forces of ukraine, yes, so now they are already playing against. themselves, that is, as it were, some western politicians say, they also declare that they are preparing to go on a counter-offensive, everything is not so bad for them, it is obvious that now all this is going around the fact that literally in a week, there is a little more, again congress is returning from its next vacation and the issue of military assistance will be considered, everyone is trying to push the situation in their direction, zelensky, of course, their gang in their own, so that money would be allocated , for example, by american republicans, they do not want this money... to be allocated, reasonably declaring that they are americans, not
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practical people, that is, they allocate money for a project that produces results, from the point of view from the point of view of the americans, they understand that the war is lost, what’s the point of spending more money there, if there was a chance to win the war, of course they would have spent the money , they spent it when they had the chance, at least that’s how they saw it, that is, sirsky is similar statements provide some arguments to supporters to supply weapons to ukraine in the west, on the contrary, you misunderstood me. he thus gives arguments not to supply weapons, everything is so good with us, well, not that everything is so good, you heard that selection that just happened, what one of the politicians says, so do you believe these lies, look , they are then preparing to launch a counter-offensive, that is, everything is not as bad for them as they say, that is, it is clearly the republicans who are talking about this, and the democrats , of course, are moaning for the republicans to break and sign the next tranche for ukrainian armed forces, that is, in...
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the entire kharkov region, well, the conclusions suggest themselves, they are very much afraid that we are about to launch an offensive in the north of the kharkov region, according to your feelings, according to your data, to what extent do these fears correspond in reality , if we can talk about it, well, they are really afraid, again this is logical, from our point of view, if we have reserves to strike, taking into account the fact that the enemy does not have enough reserves, well, it’s easier to try to stretch front line. enemy it is already clear that concentration
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, well, you know, before there was such an opinion, concentrate more equipment into one fist, strike in one place, and you will break through the defense, unfortunately, given the current realities, this does not work, that is, we can also collect they tried to attack like this, and the enemy, remember the most famous strike from june 6 to 7 , 2023 at the rabotino site, they gathered 150 units of nato armored vehicles in the hope that they would push through our defenses, this brought simply colossal results.
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their pattern is now cracking again in the chasvyar direction, that is, ours repelled counterattacks, they tried to knock them out of the hill that we occupied in the area of ​​chas yar, all attacks were repulsed, yesterday our troops already went on the attack, took the next position to the outskirts of chas yar, there was a little more to the first houses there 600 m, that is, one more push, well, at most two, that’s all, we are already in urban areas, this worries them very much, the same thing in the avdeevsky direction, between avdeevka and maryenka, there... new boundaries, another throw, here both knocked the enemy out of their regular positions, took settlements must be liberated, and this is a wedge that is being driven from the north of krasnogorsk, from which it is, in principle
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, good to go further into the rear of this group, the same novamikhailovka, yesterday our troops took an important strategic height to the south. settlement, from which you can see not only the entire novomikhailovka remnant, which we have not yet liberated the western part, but the neighboring paroskovievka, in principle a convenient position from which you can adjust the fire, again it is convenient to destroy reinforcements, that is, in in general, for the group in the western part of novomikhailoki, the days are numbered, i think the question is one or two days there, i really hope that the enemy will leave there, again this will make it easier for us to further attack on the flank to the rear of ugledar, and our activity in the zaporozhye sector is also interesting perspective in the northern direction.
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in general, settlements in cities, they tried to enter our territory, that is , this is, in general, their general strategy, which is
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actually being implemented, it’s just that for now it is being carried out only by the hands of ukrainians, ukrainians don’t really like this , they would like the rest of us to also share this responsibility with them , so there are such calls, but again we need to understand, let’s say that there is a call from budanov or there is a promise from budanov that we will deal with the iron dear, but they are generally ridiculous for any professional, i really understand the crimean... sergey, is ukraine ready for large-scale terror tactics, they have the resources for this, because loud statements are being made at the front, not everything is good, but do they have resources for what this is how they dream, well, judging by their statements.
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some so-called ukrainian experts not so long ago agreed to the point that look, our drones fly to the samara region, hit the novaya kubyshevsky road and so on, in the near future we will use purely terrorist methods to destroy the production of primary petroleum products and that means there will be famine at the front and so on and so on. the americans banned it for one simple reason, because those known to americans are publicly available. in principle, data that, for example, for diesel production russia doubles its own needs, that is, we, we export 50% of the diesel produced, that is, you can simply cut down exports in order to meet your needs, for gasoline we provide ourselves with a 10-12% share of exports, everything is the same , let me remind you that after the attacks on russian refineries began, our attacks were carried out on gas storage facilities in the lvov region, the largest power plants in western ukraine were put out of action, burshtynskaya has now forgotten why they banned it, because it or
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comprehensive, this is a system of measures and balances, when energy-deficient poland, the czech republic and so on, they stop receiving gas that is accumulated in underground storage facilities, they have a shortage of electricity and the role of russia as a supplier of energy resources increases simply automatically, because you... so in other words, the ukrainians are the opposite of what they say, and what they are saying is, well, judging by the return of russia to the european market, that’s all, but we should expect the intensification of the work of ukrainian sabotage units, unfortunately, sympathizers, who are present, we see, yes, our fsb regularly catch someone, well, not regularly, fortunately, but there is time... they will still work, they will work a lot. alexey alekseevich, will they give them money for
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terrorist acts? they will, but not for this , of course, because as i understand it, the chain there will be quite large, identification and direct communication will be difficult in every possible way, because this is already a criminal case, no musing will help them in principle, because well, responsibility for this comes. automatically plus, of course, western countries do not intend to continue to be accomplices of the ukrainian regime, this is already obvious, so the main emphasis of the information confrontation is now being sharpened on russia again, that is, we will not only get terrorist attacks, but we will also get a tough information confrontation, i remind you that this is exactly what happened in the nineties in time of the chechen conflicts, but there is also... good news in the sense that ukraine, the crime of ukraine's military is difficult to hide, and the public opinion that
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exists in society, in western communities, it begins to dominate, if earlier it could be extinguished by various censorship, lack of information, and so on, now this is no longer possible, the situation is turning unsightly for the leadership of those countries that are especially zealous in supporting ukraine, if it does not affect in any way it has greatly influenced, has already influenced. this process is already practically irreversible, and pay attention to how strong the slogan is now that peace cannot be achieved by strengthening, military strengthening of ukraine, this is something that was previously completely unobvious and that before the western community perceived it as war - this is peace and so on, now this weapon is turned, this weapon is turned, the information weapon is turned against themselves, the people who preached this,
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that they contributed to the criminal and criminal intentions of the kiev regime, we have a direct connection with the director of the department information print, official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs of our country maria vladimirovna zakharova, maria vladimirovna, hello, this is what the demand of our mit to ukraine to hand over everyone means those involved in the terrorist attack in kroku city holi and more. can we consider that we have officially brought charges against them? you know, i would just like to draw your attention to the fact that of course there is a lot.
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the fact that they committed them and we have such information from our law enforcement agencies, they then took responsibility for committing these terrorist attacks, this was done both by persons who called themselves militants, employees of these battalions of the nationalist armed forces of ukraine, and by people who occupied government positions and still hold them, or occupy other government positions, but in...
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we drew the attention of the entire international community to this, literally every day, un platforms, osce, special representatives in these and other structures, our ambassadors, permanent representatives to international organizations on a daily basis, doing this publicly through diplomatic channels, during official meetings, they informed the whole world, and not just the tourist entity.
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in ukraine the relevant documents are was done through diplomatic channels, we are talking about requirements under the international convention for the suppression of terrorist bombings and the international convention for the suppression of the financing of terrorism. we are talking about the demand to immediately arrest and extradite all those involved in these terrorist attacks. after this, we heard a lot of interesting things about how these requirements are supposedly insignificant. we have also heard assessments that it would be possible to simply issue a warrant, and so on and so forth. what is it about? we are talking, this is the most important thing, about pre-trial claims, which were transferred officially, this is the necessary procedure. hence the question arises, what next, this is the only action, this, by the way, i also read a lot in the past hours after
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we published a message that this is... well, in information terms, some kind of some kind of propaganda step, nothing like that, speech it means that russia intends to appeal to international courts, the relevant documents are now being prepared and these documents are being passed, our country is going through the relevant mandatory procedures, accordingly, sending such a document is part of a mandatory procedure , we will definitely inform you what further steps will be, now regarding the situation around the crocus... i would like to note that the note does not contain requirements for a terrorist attack around the crocus of city hall, there are there are materials references to the explosion of the crimean bridge, the murder of daria dugin and vladlen tatarsky, the assassination attempt on zakhar prilepin, which resulted in the death of his comrade-in-arms, why we are not talking
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about crocus cityhole at this stage, because necessary... materials that law enforcement agencies must provide and must be completed or law enforcement agencies must collect the appropriate invoice. and the president of the russian federation has repeatedly and clearly made it clear that this procedure must be in full accordance with the law, it must not be politicized. everyone assumes that now law enforcement agencies must double-check and present this information as part of the investigation. accordingly, as new information becomes available about participation, possible participation accomplished.
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they are trying to laugh it off, as you rightly said, to say that all this is insignificant, but you very clearly and correctly noted that this is a strategic big move, and this is only the first mandatory step, like a pre-trial claim put forward through official diplomatic channels, i am correct as i hear that we understand that there will be next steps, and the final step is precisely the international court, and there is an understanding of which court will be ready to consider this case and...
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they had time to , as you said, understand, they did not take advantage of this time, they made this choice, as we understand, consciously, i don’t know, whether under the influence of pressure from outside influences, their own, so to speak, through efforts we came to this conclusion, i cannot tell you, this is history, i think it will tell us about it, but one way or another the kiev regime made its choice. they took the path of extremism and terrorism and made repeated statements that not only do they not repent or condemn the actions of their charges in the armed forces of ukraine, but the national battalions of azov and with them, but
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they support this in every possible way, the official authorities did this at the bank, this was done, by the way, they say, and the general public, those same ones , of course, in the context of ukraine, these are the leaders in quotes. opinions, which we call kiev-regime propagandists and so on and so forth, they made this choice, they had time to understand the enormity of their own steps, they went the other way, thank you very much, director of the department of information and press, official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs russia, maria vladimirovna zakharova was in direct contact with us, and such an announcement was for our enemies, as they are called correctly in modern language. former partners on the other side were named, and wait, retribution will definitely come, and through legal methods. france continues to vigorously defend the version of the involvement
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of igel terrorists in the terrorist attack at the crocus city hall, and now they are worried that something similar could happen to them during the olympics in paris. and on the eve of these sporting competitions, the mayor of paris decided to expel russians from the city from... in his statement, the president of the republic macron said that he does not exclude anything a priori, in the position that france demonstrated, demonstrates and will demonstrate until victory, nothing is excluded, everything remains
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possible. i will not further interpret the president’s words; this position is quite clear. well , it’s better for the french to look in history books about what a return visit of the russians to paris might be like. well, by the way, french aggression was infected here in finland, suddenly there chapters. sweden is beginning to station its military on the border with russia near the kaliningrad region on the island of gotland in the middle of the baltic sea.
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special infrastructure for swedish military personnel will be located. we are on a swedish island, comfortably located in the heart of the baltic sea, just 300 km from the coast of the kaliningrad enclave of russia, this is gotland, and it has always had strategic importance. the 20-year-old soldier is training on the leopard 2, a modern battle tank that costs 5 million euros. similar machines sweden will send.
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which confirm that russia, also one of the baltic powers, of course, considers it important to monitor what the swedes, and now nato, are doing on the island. what is the data? i can’t talk about this in detail, but we have a pretty good idea of ​​why they are watching. alexey alekseevich, well, as i understand it, the issue has already been resolved there, what could interfere, well... firstly, finland and sweden are demonstrating such neophyte euphoria, they have just joined nato, they need to gain a foothold there, pretend that they are ready, that they are rattling their weapons and not their teeth, that’s it, but in fact it surprises me that france behaves this way, although macron’s ambitions extend far enough, including to brussels, so there is an explanation , and but i must say that french society is not at all happy.
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understands that at least you need some kind of paw, like in that one, remember, like about the ice hut, when the forest still needs first one paw, then the second, then he kicked the hare out of the house, they are now in ukraine they will try to gain a foothold at least formally, of course they are, the ukrainian side and how the ukrainian side is buying it, that the deployment of a nato contingent will be the next prodigy, they say russia will not be able to strike any blow at it, and so on. they perceive it as some kind of new transition
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to a new level of conflict, that is, the negotiation phase, but i must say that the cynicism of the nato member countries, it has been confirmed historically and therefore there is no talk of any participation on the side of ukraine, the nato member countries, at this stage, it's about to deceive the ukrainian leadership, to mislead them, that well, to fix, as we talked with you, our own consequences of the zone of influence. we have already talked about this, i just didn’t want to repeat myself, this is the motivation, this reason, it can be seen very, very clearly, so now there is talk about let’s go to ukraine, i’ll give help to ukraine, and so on, moreover , they will probably also sign a piece of paper that ukraine itself invited them, i don’t understand why this macron is meddling in odessa, what is the zone of influence of france, explain to me where odessa in general, where are the macrons and the french, well , we’ll see. why not fight anymore with weapons
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or real threats? i think that for now it’s not worth fighting with weapons, of course, because nato, as a military structure, well, in many ways, as if decrepit over these 30 years, discovered with the beginning of the northern military district that, in general, it, as a supporting structure, can fulfill its duties, but try militarily , it certainly cannot intervene in the war directly, they need no less, at a minimum, i ’m not even taking it by that time, by now at least two years. to reach some level at which they will actually become a real military force, so now this is an attempt, you know, like the zulu dance, first we will intimidate, and then we’ll see, now they are doing this, plus everything, certainly. they are deploying infrastructure, yes, before this gotland was , well, not just demilitarized, but minimally militarized, today they will make it a support center, such a support center in the middle, one might say, of the baltics, with the help of which they will try to control everything that
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one way or another connected with the sea routes to kaliningrad, and accordingly other structures are in the same way, finland is rapidly deploying airfields, building bases, that is, this is the creation of infrastructure, as i already said, yeah. in 2 years it may well become a threatening structure if we give them these 1.5-2 years. it's clear. the ministry of culture of the russian federation, the russian state library and channel one have launched a joint project called rustoria, which is interesting and accessible form conveys important historical information to the audience. this is a series of short animated videos that tell about prominent personalities and significant events in russian history and culture. and today is the 215th anniversary of the birth of nikolai vasilyevich gogol, and a new video. on april 1, 1809,
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nikolai gogol was born in the town of velikiye sorochentsy in the poltava region. childhood spent in malarsia instilled a lifelong love for native places and legends. how the writer nikolai vasilyevich did not skimp on satire and caricature of the russian reality, but at the same time he loved his homeland more than anything in the world. thank god
12:00 pm
first of all for the fact that you are russian, if only a russian loves russia, loves everything that is not in russia. it is these words addressed to count alexander tolstoy that can be called. in all his work , the main thing is visible - an ardent love for the fatherland and our people. next on the first news. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. and we start with footage from the special operation zone. the russian military destroyed a bridge in the city of gulyai polye, through which ukrainian militants were supplied for...


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