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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 1, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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thank god first of all for the fact that you are russian, if only a russian loves russia, loves everything that is not in russia. it is these words addressed to count alexander tolstoy that can be called gogol’s personal credo. in all his work , the main thing is visible, an ardent love for the fatherland and our people. next on the first, news. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. and we start with footage from the special operation zone. the russian military destroyed a bridge in the city of gulyai polye, through which supplies to the ukrainian troops went militants in the zaporozhye direction. that's how it was, a devastating blow was delivered to... our
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aviation, an accurate hit, as a result of which the spans of the automobile crossing were formed, this bridge was of great importance for supplying the armed forces of ukraine, ammunition and equipment were transported through it, and personnel were also rotated to advanced. now this path is completely cut off for the enemy. our units are moving forward along the entire front line. the most intense fighting is west of avdievka. russian fighters are pressing enemy, the enemy retreats, sometimes throwing weapons and western equipment into battle. this is how our soldiers managed to capture a valuable trophy , the german marder infantry fighting vehicle. alexey kruchinin examined this combat vehicle. when the ukrainian armed forces attempted to counterattack in the area of ​​the village of severnaya, this is near avdievka, marder, a bundeswehr infantry fighting vehicle. stuck in a deep rut. the crew escaped. the soldiers of the first slavic brigade of the southern group of forces decided to pull out an infantry fighting vehicle. it is not broken, not burned. in general, a valuable trophy. they paved a new road, cleared fields, provided covert approach to the population.
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the guys from the evacuation platoon did not flinch; they managed to drag the trophy to rimbat. we are fighters of the first slavic brigade, we took them away from under the noses of the ukronazis. bmp marder, victory will be ours. a3 modification. bmps come from the late
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eighties, from the beginning of the 2010s the bundeswehr began to replace them with new puma infantry fighting vehicles, decommissioned marders now go to kiev. the combat route of this particular vehicle turned out to be short and inglorious, the mileage was about 50 km, that is, from the storage warehouse, it barely managed to get to the front. they didn’t even change the caterpillars for anything more suitable for the dense donbass black soil. there are no lugs, there are rubber cushions, this is more for driving on asphalt, so that. not to spoil the roads, that is, the car is not intended for driving off-road, on jagged surfaces, the repairmen of the center group repaired the fuel system, radiator and electrical appliances, in some places they installed simple domestic rubber hoses and clamps, they started the car and checked the driving performance, which they say guys, the marder is outright losing to our infantry fighting vehicles. the marten does the stated 50 km/h only on the asphalt, in the soil her paws become hopelessly stuck. on such soil
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, it feels like it can go faster, but it can’t , it will simply pull away due to its own mass, heavy, clumsy, on such a road it really feels very bad, ours will be more passable, even faster. marder's vulnerabilities, like his strengths, are now the subject of careful analysis. russian military experts are studying the electronics, drives, chassis, and weapons of the vehicle. luckily everything is in good condition. inside there is an inscription in english, in german and the latest in ukrainian , instructions on how not to break the bmp ahead of time, the marder’s crew is three people , the driver’s seat is over there, and the troop compartment is designed for six people, two rows of three seats, but it seems that it can accommodate 7- 8 paratroopers, the seats , by the way, are quite comfortable, soft, the germans value comfort, another exhibit for the exhibition of captured western equipment, where perhaps the marder, through the efforts of russian soldiers, will arrive with... germany is going to send kiev another
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20 marders 1 a3, no less like this for companies. alexey kruchinin, roman khralenko, ruslan mishcheryakov and larisa nikitina. first channel donetsk people's republic. now , footage of the solemn ceremony, which took place at the national defense management center, sergei shaigu presented the gold stars of russian heroes to military personnel who showed courage in carrying out the tasks of a special military operation. by presidential decree, high ranks were awarded to lieutenant colonel leonid pashkkevich, he was also awarded an officer's saber, and major igor ergin. he's the head. i'm from the heart i congratulate you on these high awards with these titles, the titles of heroes of russia, health to you and good luck to all of us, and of course victory, the enemy attempted to break through
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the battalion positions with the forces of two tanks, seven infantry fighting vehicles, as well as taking out the enemy’s manpower, but thanks acting in a coordinated manner. in battle, this attempt was prevented and the enemy forces were destroyed over the next three days ; the enemy also made eight attempts to break through the battalion’s defenses, it was revealed that the enemy lost 14 tanks, 22 armored combat vehicles and infantry fighting vehicles, as well as up to 500 manpower killed, i’m very proud of what the minister of defense of the russian federation presented, this is the first time i’ve seen it in person, i now... still don’t understand, that i am a hero, but we crashed all six elite units together with the commanders, the task was carried out unquestioningly, everyone knew their maneuver, everyone acted confidently, harmoniously, there was fear, of course, but everyone overcame it, everyone completed the task, even on
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not 100, but 200%. the fsb reported today the detention in the rostov region of a traitor who joined the terrorists and declared his readiness to commit sabotage and terrorist attacks. according to information from the special service, the suspect , a resident of novoshakhtinsk , was found to have means of communication for contacts with militants during an inspection. investigators are now studying all this. a criminal case has been opened. moscow demanded that kiev arrest and extradite all those involved in terrorist attacks on russian territory. our meeting sent an official note to the ukrainian side. this was done through the diplomatic channel through minsk - the department reported. the attack on people in kroku city holly is far from the first terrorist attack, traces that lead to ukraine. there have been murders before.
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through diplomatic channels during official meetings, they informed the whole world about not just the terrorist nature of the kiev regime, but also the specific actions that they committed, or were carried out by their sponsors. and the murder of daria dugina, vladlen tatarsky, endless, and what’s more, attempts to destroy them have become part of the state ideology in ukraine.
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including four perpetrators of the terrorist attack , who were detained in hot pursuit in the bryansk region, where they intended to cross the border from rat into the territory of ukraine. meanwhile , more and more details are becoming known about the evening when the tragedy happened in city hall, and these are stories about real heroes who, in a moment of mortal danger, risked their lives to help others escape. one of them is kamil nasibov. for two hours he carried the wounded out of the building engulfed in fire. dmitry kulko met with him. on the streets. moscow, where thousands passers-by with a girl are walking with a seemingly ordinary guy, you look at him and you won’t immediately say that this is a real hero who has saved dozens of lives. the country would not have known about kamil’s feat at all if he had not accidentally been captured by the phone camera of one of crocus’ visitors, former military man ilya krasnikov, who rushed
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to help the victims during the terrorist attack, as he spoke about a couple of days ago in the vremya program. what's your last name? how? you're a man, bro, i'm calling you out. come on, come on! the unknown hero turned out to be thirty-year-old kamil nasibov, originally from azerbaijan, worked as a waiter in a cafe in crocus city, and went out into the street with a colleague at the moment when terrorists began shooting people point-blank. i saw a man with a weapon, falling people, sparks, they started to stop everyone, so to speak, to warn everyone, he also warned his girlfriend on the phone, who was already driving up to meet him in crocus. kamil was saved by a miracle, he could have left on his own and no one would have condemned him for it, but he decided to help others and returned to the entrance where they lay wounded and began to carry them closer to the road where ambulances were arriving. they started dragging away the wounded; there was a guy with a bullet wound in the stomach. they pulled me away, shouted, pointed out the place and back. he returned again for the wounded; several of
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the rescued were taken to the hospital by taxi drivers. meanwhile, the building was engulfed in flames. frightened people could not find a way out. kamil rushed inside with a firm voice, showing them the way to the street, bypassing the burning hall. it’s hard to breathe, the poisonous smoke hurts your eyes. at that moment, camili meets ilya krasnikov, alone civilian, another former special forces soldier. they will save people together without further ado and selflessly, like an old man. i think ilya’s partners said that people were locked downstairs, we ran down there, on the minus first floor everything was already in smoke and you could easily lose consciousness, but they move on so that god forbid no one remains in this hell, people there yes, yes, this is a closed room, i don’t know, the door is locked, voices were heard behind it, come on, kamil and ilya are trying with all their might to rescue people from the fire trap was.
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that is, i couldn’t get out of there on my own, i called my mother, the man answered and said that he had found her phone, i began to explain where i was, kamil gave information about the girl to the rescuers and went to look for her with them, i was probably there for half an hour phone with a rescuer, but in the background i understood that they simply wouldn’t reach me, because the fire there was too... strong, too big, all this time camille and camilla did not stop talking, the guy was calming the girl who turned out to be
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in captivity, gave her strength, there were two, two fighters ahead, i was holding the phone, communicating, at the same time they were breaking down the door, there were emergency officers behind , but at some point it seemed there was no chance of salvation, the fire engulfed the room, and the phone was dead, to be honest , i’ve come to terms a little with the fact that that’s it, i won’t get out of here, but i ’ve nailed myself to the wall and...
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an important step in the development of our civil aviation, russia has resumed the test program for the ill-114-300 aircraft. the second prototype, built at a plant in the moscow region, has taken to the skies. lukhovitsy. the small airliner, designed for a maximum of 68 passengers, is intended for regional airlines. the machine is unpretentious, can take off from small airfields, land even on a dirt runway, and is also suitable for operation in harsh climates; this aircraft is highly anticipated in remote regions, for example, in the far north. the il-114300, which will replace the old an-24, is made from domestic components, the engines for it were also developed in russia, and reliability was confirmed during the first test flight all systems. the flight was great, no problems. there were no orders, we completed the task in full, with excellent quality, the aircraft
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performed simply excellent. today's flight is very important for us. for many years, especially during soviet times, the competence of turboprop aircraft and engines with propellers was on the territory of ukraine. the tv717 engine is the first russian engine created for a turboprop aircraft. and today this engine has the best characteristics in its class. turkey sums up the results local elections, including mayors of three dozen largest cities, were determined; according to preliminary data, the opposition is in the lead. counting is more than 99%. the republican people 's party wins in 35 municipalities, the ruling justice and development party in 24. president of the republic of turkey rajeb tayyip erdogan noted that the elections were held in a calm atmosphere, and also promised that the power party would draw conclusions from this company and work on mistakes.


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