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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 1, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm MSK

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belgogorod kursk region, and this is contrary to the opinion of the overwhelming majority of the polish population. democracy is not capable , of course, of bringing these politicians to reason, but many of them will lose their positions, they may be replaced by the same ones, but europe is obviously changing, and i am sure that in the near future it will begin to create its own interests, our the cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news and see you at 17:00. this is news first. hello, in the studio of valery koravlev. the fsb reported new details of the investigation into the monstrous terrorist attack in krasnogorsk. the militants captured the day before in dagestan are involved in it. it turned out that they supplied money and... weapons to those who
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shot people in crocus cityhole, here is the confession of one of the detainees, here they were planning a terrorist attack on the kazbiysky embankment, in the city of kazbiysky embankment or in victory park, i am going to blow up, blow up and crowd of people who get caught , during the arrest, two kalashnikovs were found in the apartment and...
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according to the fsb, they were going to cause an explosion in kaspiysk in a crowded place, and then travel outside of russia. the terrorists who attacked people in the concert hall had the same plan. they were quickly detained in the bryansk region, not far from the border with ukraine, where they planned to move. in total , 11 defendants in the case of the terrorist attack in krasnogorsk were detained. and this is not the first attack against our country in recent times. earlier, our meeting handed over a note to the ukrainian side. moscow demands the extradition of all those involved in the terrorist attacks in russia, including the murder of journalists dari dugina and vladlen tatarsky, the attempted murder writer zakhar prilepin. and an urgent message from the russian foreign intelligence service. the department states that the kiev regime has long been waging a full-fledged terrorist war against our country, as its representatives, such as the head of the main intelligence department of ukraine budanov or the head of the sbu malyuk, openly talk about. as for the role of the united states.
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according to the svr, washington has set a task, in particular to affiliated media, to remove from the world community any suspicions about zelensky’s involvement in the crime and his surroundings. the white house fears that if a kiev trace is discovered in what happened, this will highlight the terrorist nature of the ukrainian regime and will finally derail america’s plans to increase support for ukraine. washington is informing its allies of information that should convince them that isis is responsible for the terrorist attack, which is banned in russia. to reinforce this version, the information field is filled with fake news, and representatives of the so -called non-systemic opposition abroad are instructed to inflate this topic, while such rhetoric doesn't sell well. let me remind you that washington began to shield zelensky immediately after the terrorist attack, without waiting for any facts, much less the results of the investigation. such haste was considered reckless in the west and suspicious in the east. and his junta are
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illustrations of the russian proverb: a black dog cannot be washed white. the kiev regime has long been waging a full-fledged terrorist war against our country, as its representatives, such as budanov or malyuk, openly talk about. killing civilians in moscow region, a direct relative of the massive rocket attacks of the drg attacks in the kursk and belgorod regions. at the same time , data received by the service indicates that ukrainians actively use satellite communications when organizing attacks.
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on the part of the united states, ukraine and other western countries, a procedural check was organized against russia in the central office of the investigative committee of the russian federation. as part of the investigation. will carefully study the presented data and make a procedural decision. ministry of internal affairs completed work on a bill to tighten control in the migration sphere. the document has been submitted to the government for consideration. it is proposed to reduce the period of temporary stay of foreigners. now this period is 6 months. in the new version, a maximum of 90 days per calendar year. in addition, additional measures upon entry, mandatory fingerprint registration, biometric identification and... will strengthen the special register. in addition, the new work measures will only be possible for those citizens who have received permission included in control over entrepreneurs who employ visitors, while taking into account administrative supervision, for which the police will be responsible. news from
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the special operation zone. the russian military destroyed an important bridge for the ukrainian armed forces in the city of gulyai polye. this is a part of the zaporozhye region controlled by the kiev regime. the footage shows combat aviation. strikes a car crossing, there is a strong explosion, the spans fold up like a house of cards, it is now impossible to pass. it is noted that the bridge was of great importance for the enemy; they carried ammunition and equipment for the ukrainian troops in the zaporozhye direction and units were sent for the rotation of personnel. and details are coming in, the destruction of another bridge, a railway one, also important for the ukrainian armed forces. in kurakhov, it is in several. tens of kilometers from donetsk. the enemy also transported food and ammunition along this crossing. our artillerymen and the crew of the uragan rszzo did a brilliant job from the maximum distance. alexey ivanov talked with the fighters. how often do you hit bridges? i think this is the first
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was. is this the first bridge? so, congratulations. this artillery crew of the multiple launch rocket system did something that their fellow rocket officers, at least from the southern group of troops, had not yet managed. the hurricane demolished the bridge, or more precisely, the fighters destroyed the railway bridge crossing with a high-precision strike from the rszzo. a powerful explosion on the overpass was recorded by our reconnaissance drone, here is footage of objective control, the bridge over the volchie river stood until last thursday in the city of kurakhov, about 40 km west of donetsk, on the territory occupied by militants of the kiev regime, there were two sightings and a third for destruction, they adjusted well and... the distance is quite large, and at maximum. hurricane, like the great-grandson of the famous commander who was on the bird, everything was coordinated, katyusha installations usually destroy enemy manpower and equipment over large areas, then an artillery shell arrived almost like an iskander missile, or like a high-explosive bomb with
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a planning module, hitting exactly target, the loss of the bridge will significantly weaken the group enemy in the donetsk direction, you can clearly see the span of the overpass that fell into the water, restoration. shat to the rescue. the soldiers also say they are ready at any moment to provide reconnaissance and infantry with powerful fire support with 220 caliber shells. we always rush to help, we always work on target, but he pays attention, that’s right, they signal, they wave, and we always
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respond. the commanders appreciated the sniper work of the artillerymen, and the crew will be presented with awards for the destroyed bridge. the guys are working with five plus, it’s very difficult. does he deserve an award? an award, not just one, this. the combat vehicle, the hurricane , is on duty, one might say , around the clock, and now the crew has received another task and is leaving the positional firing area; it is possible that this is another enemy bridge located deep in the rear. and thanks to the significantly increased capabilities of our all-seeing aerial reconnaissance and the precise work of artillery, there will be even more such destroyed targets. alexey ivanov, valentin stukanovok, alexander napalkov, caring for the soldiers who take part in the special operation and their families must constantly be in the focus of attention of regional authorities, vladimir putin stated this at a meeting with the head of the vologda region georgy filimonov. we were talking about programs that
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are aimed at ensuring that the highest priority in the near future, the priority is housing and communal services, this is solving personnel issues in healthcare primarily in... rural areas, and of course, issues of supporting our soldiers, we carried out - open, public meetings with the spouses of mobilized soldiers, and just... based on the results of these meetings, in which order took part thousands of people, an important initiative was born , we launched the principle of two keys, for each family, for each surname of our soldiers , a responsible curator from the regional government was assigned, for each family, on the one hand, on the other hand, for the same family, with the same surname, a representative of the department was assigned social protection, that is, both curators must be available 24x7 in full...
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on the instructions of the president, from this day on, the regions must increase the salaries of doctors to 50%. s 1 i think it's wonderful. in addition, according to in april, social pensions will change, they will increase by 7.5%. the re-calculation will take place automatically and will affect more than 4 million people.
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a number of innovations will affect motorists. new regulations for passing the driver's license exam come into force. from this day on, the inspector must sit not to the right of the driver, but in the back seat. you can receive up to seven penalty points while taking your city driving test. previously, five were allowed. and after three unsuccessful attempts , you can now try to retake it only after six months. separate restrictions are prescribed for... foreigners will have to obtain russian licenses, with the exception of russian driver's licenses issued in
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belarus, and another innovation concerns air transport; from this day on , airlines will pay passengers a fine for flight delays of 100 rubles per hour, but no more than half the cost of the ticket, and tourists who arrive in st. petersburg from april 1 will need to pay a resort fee - 100 rubles per day, when checking into a hotel, hostels, hotels, this will not affect preferential... categories citizens, amendments to the housing code also come into force today; they relate to redevelopment. rosreetr published the essence of the innovation in information cards, so the law clarifies the very concept of redevelopment, determines from what moment it is considered completed, previously the deadlines were not regulated by law, the registration procedure has been simplified, so after its completion the owner will no longer need to waste time to provide documents to rosreestr, the department will receive such data automatically. a... will reward police officers from the orenburg region,
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minister of internal affairs vladimir kolokoltsev who showed courage in detaining the criminals. stills like from an astro-plot movie. the bandits who had just robbed an apartment were taken with sleeping bags. the yard of a residential building, a car, there are three people in it, two men and a teenager. the operatives tried to stop them, but the suspect only sped up. one of the policemen caught hold of the car door, but could not hold on. the second one jumped on the hood and drove for one and a half kilometers at the risk of his life, broke the windshield, fired a warning shot into the air, after which the driver turned sharply. and the policeman fell off the hood and fell to the ground. however, the attackers were unable to escape. colleagues of the injured policeman arrived in time and detained two men aged 41 and 43, as well as fifteen-year-old pasank, one of them. during the inspection.


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