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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 1, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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the child just went through a concentration camp, that is, she was tortured throughout her childhood, she was put through meat grinders, there was no living space on her, and i’m not only talking about the body now, i’m also talking about the soul, and no one paid attention to this, i’m very i’m glad that you found yourself in this warm community of people whom you can call mom and dad. as i understand it, you were simply flooded with this love, you warmed up here, thank god, you saved yourself after going through all these tests, this is certainly wonderful, and stick to each other, love each other, the result of the dna test you really wanted, this is your daughter, wonderful, i just don’t see, my eyesight is bad, you don’t want it that way.
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believe it, i'm just trying to read it, i'm telling you, read it to you, yeah, the results of the dna test, the probability of motherhood is 99 in 9 9 9 9, well, well, goodbye, and where are you, apparently at home, making money, in order to repay the debt , of course, thank god, my mother did not help, did not show up, so she gave and the guardianship authorities decided that she was young, would have some fun and return to the children, but your daughter then gave birth to a girl, she refused from her, and then she woke up, went, took her, and why do you now want to deprive her of her parents’ care, well, yes, she drinks heavily, heavily, in general this is not true, so she lives with her grandmother, are you kidding me, we arrived not a year ago, why are your hands shaking?
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it’s his fault, i think, yes, he’s drunk, he drives , she drinks, even, that is, you’re a boyfriend, time will tell, mom, she suffers from alcohol addiction, she used to be a very good woman, and there’s a chance that this is your own daughter , i don’t know, i haven’t done dna yet, dna we did that mine. good evening, the big game is live, and i’m vyacheslav nikonov. today the instructions of the president of the russian federation in connection with his message to the federal assembly were published. and these are indeed very serious measures that should ensure the entry of the russian federation by 2030. the four
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largest economies in the world in terms of gdp, a decrease in the share of services, the share of imports of goods and services of gdp to 17%. an increase in the volume of exports of non-raw energy resources by at least 2/3 compared to 2023, an increase by the thirtieth year in the share of domestic high-tech products and services of internal costs for research and development to at least 2% of gdp, and so on and so forth,
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in russian means a reduction in the number of which, translated from the general bureaucratic language of homework and verification activities, that is, tests , to work , well, in fact, we have already launched this work in full swing, then... which, by the way, here, uh , before i came to your program, such a very interesting meeting took place, held in the federation council for development, innovative development, uh, of our manufacturing industry, this is exactly in line with the president’s message, his guidelines, gaining technological sovereignty - and uh, developing our own domestic potential.
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this is exactly what we are talking about. we will have new national projects in the absolutely most important sectors; work on them was, naturally, going on. all the time lately, this is uh machine tool building, robot technology, there is no need to say how important this is for industry, this is chemistry, uh, a number of other important industries, now our domestic shipbuilding industry is being completely rebooted, work is in full swing , new guidelines have been given by the chairman of the government, and many other things can be listed, what this means, this means that...
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which is an absolutely pronounced social state in terms of the amount of financial responsibility, including the state before citizens, this is a very serious task, which is only strengthening this direction, also within the framework in the light of the president’s message, this is the basis of our sovereignty, this is the basis of our independence, this is the basis for strengthening the increase in the well-being of citizens, this is actually a sentence. here is the implementation of these guidelines , work is already underway, i emphasize once again, in all these areas, this is a verdict on the anti-russian course of the west and the united states, first of all, so to speak, because this is what they wanted to stop and prevent, this is exactly what is being implemented ,
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but what is the fourth economy of the world, it’s not simple, not just a number, the number is good, of course, very energetic, winning, but this suggests that
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on the economic development of different countries over the past year about our financial condition, and our central bank announced that the national debt of the russian federation decreased during the year by 17.7%, with external debt amounting to 1.6% of gdp, 1.6% . in western countries this is 100 more, in japan there are 200 more, and the total debt, the total debt of 15.8% is nothing at all, yes, and at the same time they assessed the rates of economic growth
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of the g20 countries, it turned out that russia has the fifth highest rate of economic growth growth, after india, china, indonesia, turkey, further russia is ahead. of all the western countries that actually imposed economic sanctions on us, seemingly tore apart our economy, in europe it’s generally negative, in europe, well, there in the european union as a whole they drew some kind of plus for themselves, but great britain, germany are already far below, and are really being created a foundation on which we can make a very serious breakthrough, right? well, in general, you know, if you look at the ratings today. given by western think tanks, then it must be said that management external debt is considered one of russia's very important achievements. moreover, it is contrasted with the methods of managing the external debt of other g7 countries, the g20. and in general, i would have to say that
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the reduction in this external debt is precisely due to the fact that the country is increasingly focusing on internal resources, on internal resources. economy, because previously foreign debt was actually explained by the need to stimulate foreign trade and foreign economic relations, including foreign investment. today the need has dropped. it is absolutely obvious that this is a form of restructuring the work of the entire economic mechanism, and this, within the framework of the goals of the tasks that the president of the russian federation set for the government, for the decision-making bodies, once again emphasizes that this is indeed the right course, this direction is economically profitable and effective, it really defines our still basis of our political sovereignty and independence. this is fundamentally important, well, opportunities to solve the tasks on the battlefield that are set by the supreme commander-in-chief and to conduct
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a special military operation the way we are now conducting with an obvious strategic advantage, very powerful blows have been delivered in recent days to the ukrainian infrastructure, this was especially noted in kharkov, here is the mayor of kharkov igor terikhov even made such a statement, let’s listen to russia. uses new weapons, almost all critical energy infrastructure has already been destroyed, private infrastructure has also been destroyed, the situation for the energy industry very heavy, russia destroyed all transformer substations, damaged tets, it is impossible to quickly restore these capacities. new weapons systems are our cabs, which are now reaching kharkov, located 60 km from our border, there is really no protection from them, but the enemy is responding.
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military expert, now in direct contact with us, boris aleksandrovich, how much can you really believe the reports of ukrainian official sheets regarding the destruction of the energy system, and what news from the fronts of the special military operations? and good afternoon, despite all the statements that everything has allegedly been destroyed, naturally the enemy is trying to hide those objects that still retain the possibility of exploitation, so of course our intelligence bases its information not on such statements, but on... assessments of technical means intelligence and information from local residents, naturally
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, repeated attacks will continue to be carried out on those objects that are not completely destroyed, in fact, the zmievskaya tes is completely disabled, tets-5 is severely damaged, and attacks are also being carried out on substations, while at the same time there is a hunt for ukrainian air defense, yesterday in the kharkov area another s-300 air defense system and its radar were destroyed, enemy locations and large concentrations of manpower were also covered, and well, the enemy. naturally tries to respond with terrorist attacks , well, in fact, this is the difference, that we are waging a war precisely against the enemy’s military-industrial infrastructure, and the enemy is waging a war in the same way as the isis terrorists waged it, well, in fact, the russian foreign military has spoken about this more than once -political leadership, then we are not going to retreat from this line, because no matter how well we understand who exactly we are fighting, we will not descend to this level, and as for the situation at the front, all these attacks are taking place against the backdrop of ongoing advances... the actions of our troops in most directions, in the zaporizhzhya direction, our troops have made good progress in recent days on
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the rabotinsky ledge to the north-west of verbovoy, a whole group of landing strongholds was taken, where the enemy had previously been actively strengthening, however, there was defense there our troops have been hacked and are approaching the work of us in the east, and our troops continue to suppress in the golyapole area in the peaceful area, and we also continue attacks on the vremeevsky salient. there is a slight advance to the north of priyutny, there is progress in the staromaisky and urozhayny districts, also in the ugledarsky direction our troops have achieved significant successes both in novomikhailovka itself, both to the north and to the south, from there we also have advances, the enemy is at all efforts, we cannot stop our offensive here, we have the advance in georgievka near krasnogorovka has not yet been possible to advance further, but in pervomayskoe our troops for the last...
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russian flags have also been installed, there are small advances in the nivelskoye area, also in our favor, in the artyomovsk direction our troops are approaching the already unnaturally outskirts of chasovyar , the enemy reports that there is a little more than half a kilometer left to the outskirts, there are the advanced positions of our troops, fierce battles for the heights near bogdanovka near krasnoye are also continuing, also by our troops... we have advanced a little in the kleshcheevka area, on the northern ledge we have progress on the “razdolovka vesyolaya” line, there we continue to press, and also small progress in the belogorovka area. here also, well, we are clearly acting with an emphasis on cutting off the seversky salient, well, in the medium term, battles also continue in the krasnolimansky direction somewhere less than a kilometer from the outskirts, well , in the svatovo-kupyansky direction, the main actions are still developing in tabaevka area, as well as in the senkovka area, here so far no significant progress. thank you
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very much, boris aleksandrovich rozhen for the latest information from the fronts of the special military operation in recent days. a lot of new information has come in about the investigation into the monstrous terrorist attack in crocus city, our officials have made a statement, let's listen to what fsb director bortnikov said. there are those who left and organized combat units, and there are those who intended to do this. all law enforcement agencies and intelligence agencies are actively involved in this, and, as the president said, by name, we know who is the organizer of the preparation and conduct of terrorist actions on our territory. we will do everything necessary to find it. punish these scoundrels, the geography of these scoundrels is clearly expanding, as is clear from the latest statement by the official representative of the investigative committee of the russian federation. based on the results of consideration of the appeal of deputies to the state duma andrei krasov, nikolai kharitonov, yana lantratova and public figures alexander dugin and andrei derkach
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regarding the need for an investigation organizing, financing and carrying out terrorist acts. on the part of the united states, ukraine and other western countries, directed against russia, a procedural check was organized in the central office of the investigative committee of the russian federation. as part of the investigation, the investigation will carefully study the data presented and make a procedural decision. that is, the check is carried out in relation to, among other things, the united states of america. the american trace, i think, will appear here quite quickly. in kaspiysk in dagestan, where they managed to catch those who supplied weapons to terrorists from crocus city, now the detainee is already testifying, they were planning a terrorist attack on the kazbiysk embankment, in the city of kazbiysky embankment or in parpovi
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they were going to bury it and...
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definitely, but judging by the meanness of this terrorist act, i’m still more inclined aside, so to speak, our british exes, well, you think well of the british, consider them more vile than the americans, it would be good for the americans, they don’t care about meanness, meanness there they can compete in this, i think, and give a head start anyone, but actually today seems to be april fool's day. although many are not laughing today , indeed, including in ukraine, where as of today they have an illegitimate president, and in the united states , many were... emmanuel
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macron declares that he is ready to send troops and take direct part in the russian- ukrainian conflict. russia cannot and should not win this war. as an advance group. on a certain section of the front.
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let's meet at 2:00 tomorrow, have lunch and decide everything, okay, good, see you tomorrow, there you go it will be better this way, you recognize someone , the car is parked somewhere on the outskirts, in some courtyard in a gateway, our only lead to bundy, no help needed, how successful, you can make an identikit, yes, you will, and we will look, calm, calm, police, calm, taxi under the guise of the prime minister. watch the time after the program, some argue that the main building of moscow state university is, in fact, a huge,
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perfectly camouflaged spaceship, for the eighty-fifth anniversary of viktor sadovnichy, to manage such a university, of course it’s difficult, but for me this is life, now university science is coming out. what will be the vector, the vector of science, the victor of science, the premiere on wednesday at the first, calm,
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comrade, we are coming to you, professor, this is the matter, cut off, cut off, you can say what comes to their mind, whatever, you’re painfully oppressing me, daddy, what kind of daddy am i to you, my god, i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our little ball, and now... we understand what kind of shining nonsense this is, why, i’m worse than people, heart of a dog, on saturday on the first, dancing, anatoly konstantinovich, give it to me as a wife , you can give it to me, it’s a good idea to collect a dowry from your dad, we have embroidered shirts here, it’s so beautiful, in the vologda province
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an amazing ritual of dressing has been preserved, the bride was placed on a table decorated with a rich tablecloth and her friends helped her put on her wedding attire , someone came to us, well, who, who is young, bring out our beauty, well, the groom, to be in the wedding.
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but your own woman, she’s always alone, i see that you mostly have women working here, we just want a women’s coffee business developed along with the masculine in the same way. brazil, coffee is simply bliss, the life of others. premiere on sunday on the first. big game live. today is a significant date: 215 years since the birth of nikolai vasilyevich gogol, who is almost our everything, who is the author of the immortal auditor and dead souls, a huge number of journalistic works and evenings on a farm near dekanka, that’s who gogol was? he is
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russian. ukrainian, i think, he probably heard the word ukrainian, but in a different sense, then the inhabitants of the outskirts were called ukrainians, yes, and nothing more, little russia was, of course, he was a little russian landowner who lived on his deccan estate, spent evenings there on a farm, went to mirgorod, to the sorochensky fair, died in his house on the arbat, that’s who he is, that’s who he is ? in fact , he is a typical representative of our common ethnic group, because russian ukrainians, it is impossible, it is impossible to divide it all, of course, in the last days in ukraine they were declared, declared russian imperialists, erased from the ukrainian memory
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, for example, just because one of the leading ukrainians in ukraine remembers this day of humor first , so on the day of humor it is necessary to remember this. he is also, of course, a wonderful comedian, comedians and also the president of the country, today he became illegitimate, and his license expired, the licensed version of zelensky, mind you, is very different from his current pirated copy, he clearly looks... much worse than when he assumed the post of an even more illegitimate president, yes, well, the news that this the day comes for ukraine from the united states, they cannot please them, but they cannot please them first of all, because congress is on christmas holidays, and cannot make a decision on financing ukraine, i think it will not be able to for a long time, the holidays are still going on, but then the pentagon inspector general discovered some...
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wrong things in the financial reports of this department, let's listen: brave man, the navy overspent the funds allocated to it to help ukraine, in as a result, finance staff had to change three journal entries for a total of $399 million, until preventative measures to control overspending are implemented, and journals are filled after spending, the navy's cost overruns may occur again, the navy is subject to in general, this is the position of inspector general in the united states, it is very interesting, from time to time special inspectors general are appointed for some major conflicts, their reports are not widely used popular in the united states, but they are quite interesting to read because...
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the conflict in iraq, what about the american occupation forces in afghanistan, there was always so much chaos in these reports that in general these reports.
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in recent days, people have begun to express that some american experts literally began to present a very interesting logic, because in recent weeks and even months , against the backdrop of these delays in the allocation of funds to the kiev regime, what kind of logic has dominated, what the...
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have already overspent, yes, we already tell you they gave you too much , have we already given you too much,
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what are you waiting for? , especially yesterday - yesterday in the catholic protestant world they celebrated easter, but in the united states of america they celebrated another holiday, at least those people who did not go to church... in the white house, including president biden, they said that this is the day visibility of transgender people, it turns out that this is what they celebrated instead of easter. let's listen to president biden. on trans day of visibility, we celebrate the joy, strength, and sheer courage of some of the bravest people i know. today we will show millions of transgender and non-binary americans. that we see them, they have a place among us, and should be treated with dignity and respect. vice president kamala haris. the courage of transgender people has empowered countless others, but
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no one should be brave just to be themselves. we see you, we support you, we will not stop fighting for you. well, secretary of state blinken. transgender people deserve to live their lives safely and with dignity. we continue to fight for a world where transgender people can live safely and openly as themselves. it must be said that all cabinet members made relevant statements. there was a corresponding reaction from donald trump's headquarters. let's listen. we call joe biden's collapsing campaign and white house come forward. well, the white house doesn’t think so in american academic circles , too, so in order to show the degree
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of insanity in the united states of america, let ’s listen to a small dialogue between senator josh hawley and a professor from berkeley, one of the leading american universities, kiri bridges. you talked about people who can give birth, you talked about women, many women can give birth, many cannot, there are also transmen. which can give birth, and there are also non-binary people who can also give birth, it turns out that we are not discussing women's rights here, i would like to start by saying that your questions are transphobic, and by not recognizing the existence of trans people, you are subjecting them to violence. that is, by asking you a question about women’s ability to give birth, i am not admitting that transpeople exist. do you believe that men can get pregnant? no i do not think so. well, that means you deny the existence of trans people. of course, i think it was a moment of revelation for
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american senator, i think he learned a lot for himself from this dialogue, and the professor is still right, but i don’t think so, right, yes , by the way, with a ring in the braid, that’s interesting, i ’ll start from what blinken said there i’m not quoting, but the point is that we are fighting for a world in which, it means, transgender people and others there are all this, all non-benarism, so to speak,
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to the overwhelming majority of people in the world, they understand and see this, this, this the direct road to the decline of american influence in the world, they themselves are cutting off the branch on which they are still trying somehow sit down, i think that if we had thought about how to undermine american society from within, you probably wouldn’t have even thought of such a fruitful debut idea as...
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on the right path, if he wants to ruin america, but he is extremely optimistic about the american economy. let's listen to him. what do you say to people who are unhappy with our economy? i will say that we have the best economy in the world, we need to make it even better. we truly have the best economy. jobs are growing as never, we have the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, it’s just that the consequences of past crises still have their effect. we need.
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in them, the number of bridges that are also subject to attacks by ships is also increasing, but in arkansas, here the bazha crashed into a bridge support, although the support stood, the barge fell apart, but the bridge is not functioning, so it turned out that there was also an interesting circumstance here, they wanted to build an icebreaker for this to conquer the arctic,
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they built icebreakers in 50 years, and the number of icebreakers in the united states is zero, here they are decided to build one, allocated funding in 2019, but... for 2025 they decided not to allocate it, give up this business, because it’s still more than cutting up old sheets during these 5 years they didn’t succeed, but dear tv viewers, fall off your chairs, the northman graman corporation came up with a new project, let's listen, the norrtopram company was chosen. advanced research projects agency of the us department of defense to develop a concept for building a railway network on the moon in as part of a broader ten-year study into the possibilities of lunar architecture. the proposed lunar railway network could transport people, cargo and resources for commercial enterprises across the lunar surface, boosting the space
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economy for the united states and international partners. well, the really important thing is not to forget the wooden sleepers, but keep them with the traditional american ones. indeed, why are there railways on earth, when there is an opportunity now, can you imagine how much money to spend on researching the problem, the stagnation of railways roads on the moon, the collapse of the bridge in baltimore is much better than any words, in fact it testifies to the real state of the american economy, because in any case it is currently in a very fragile state, and any collision or any push, so to speak , from outside can indeed give birth to a very serious one. consequences, and as for this kind of plans, plans for the modernization of the american railways, railways, the construction of a transport network in oolong, you know, i would carry out a certain kind of parallels, and i would even advise,
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maybe the americans should really read gogal more, you know, he developed with us what manilov’s plans are, because you know, the united states for the construction of railways on the moon will compete with the article on military
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assistance to ukraine, guess three times what article for the largest american manufacturing corporation. more interesting, in my opinion, is certainly the lunar one, well, the same is true in europe, but more on that after the advertisement. french president emmanuel macron says he is ready to send in troops and take direct participation in the russian-ukrainian conflict. russia cannot and should not win this war. 2,000 people are being prepared as an advance group; places have already been determined on a certain section of the front. they created a party for him, they put him on the throne, the main component of macron’s dna is
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narcissism, he wants to remain in history, being equal to napoleon is a rather dangerous thing, he admitted the possibility of placing french nuclear weapons on the territory of other eu countries. let's meet tomorrow, have lunch and decide everything, ok, okay, see you tomorrow, well , it’ll be better this way, you recognize someone, the car is somewhere on the outskirts, in some... make up and we’ll look,
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calm, calm, police, calm, taxi under the guise of the prime minister, watch the time after the program, some claim that the main building of moscow state university is actually a huge, perfectly camouflaged spaceship . on the occasion of viktor sadovnichy’s eighty-fifth birthday, running such a university is of course difficult, but for me this is life. now university science is becoming a leader, because we have the most young people. in all countries, science is done by young people. almamator of every tenth scientist in russia, here they come up with our tomorrow. and this world. level, without false modesty, we keep up with the best examples, schoolchildren, where do you dream of studying? in ek! i believe in
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science, i believe that the main development of society will be a vector, a vector of science. victor science, premiered on wednesday, on the first. calm down, comrade, we are coming to you, professor. here 's the thing, cut it off, cut it off, you can say whatever comes to their mind, whatever you want, somehow you are painfully oppressing me, daddy , what kind of daddy am i to you, my god, i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our little ball, and now we understand what kind of shining nonsense this is, why, i’m like people, well, i- then she was married, i don’t care about azina, an innocent girl , it’s good that i woke up, take everything and divide it, that’s what i thought, famous... the crowning of the story the heart of a dog on saturday on the first, he is still dancing, dancing. anatoly
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konstantinovich, give me maria as my wife. you can give it away. good idea to collect a dowry with my dad. we have embroidered shirts here. yes, very beautiful. in the vologda province , an amazing ritual of donning has been preserved. stu was placed on a table decorated with a rich tablecloth and her friends helped her put on her wedding attire. who came to us? well, yes, who, who? young, bring out our beauty. well, the grooms, there will be a wedding, we quarreled, we believed, we quarreled, we believed, we play at the wedding. on sunday on the first, graffiti in sao paulo all day, it's true that you can choose
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any place in the city and paint what you want, if you start drawing at some police station, then of course they will fly you in, they won’t put you in prison, but the fine they will give you is not small, what kind of men are here in brazil, very attentive and caring, it is clear that sometimes someone’s husband can go to the left, he bleeds us hot, but her own woman. big game live, remember, a few days ago they published a photo shoot of macron, how he was pounding a punching bag with his
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steel muscles, here macron went to brazil, met with lula dasilyovo, the president of brazil, exposed his hand, it was hot, and it turned out that his hand was not the right one, these, in my opinion, are metaphors for modern europe. in general, yes, that on the one hand, here it is, the furious power of macron, on the left, yes, a mad bull, powerful muscles, in fact it turns out that this is all an absolute fiction, that it is just a soap bubble, and there is nothing behind it , we really perceived europe as what is in the left frame, yes, in fact, it is barely licensed. yes, you see, there is european defense power there, yes, european economic power, european
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sanctions, how many of them are 13 packages. european countries are worse than us economically , their losses are much greater, but it turns out that militarily, but now they can do little, and tauros has these missiles, which supposedly should save ukraine in general, a miracle of weapons, doesn’t produce them at all, now let’s listen, let’s spiegel, no. there are no orders for taurus missiles. mbda is calling on the federal government to speed up procurement decisions. otherwise, suppliers will cease their production. you know, this is the most obvious manifestation of all the talk about the revival of the european military-industrial complex. all private. in order to revive, you need investments, for investments you need orders. there are no orders.
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scholz, i think, took it very seriously.
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in countries such as hungary, finland and italy. they are poised to win the upcoming national elections in austria and belgium and the european elections in france and poland, and many of them believe that europe should no longer supply arms and aid to ukraine. on their own, parties such as the german alternative for germany, the hungarian fidesz and the austrian freedom party have little geopolitical weight, but together they can veto eu foreign policy decisions. some experts suggest that they could form the third largest. party bloc in brussels and strasbourg, where the european parliament sits. polls predict eurosceptic parties will win elections in nine eu countries. austria, belgium, czech republic, france, hungary, italy, the netherlands, poland and slovakia. they are expected to take second and third places in nine more countries: bulgaria, estonia, finland, germany, latvia, portugal, romania, spain and sweden. thus, in the vast majority
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of european countries, what they call the extreme right will win, but they call it the extreme right. those who are against the war for the traditional family, these are the extreme right, these are not nazis, the nazis are now the main stream, well, returning to the topic, vyacheslav alekseevich, the military potential of europe, i’ll just say two words, what kind of whatever it was, this military potential, they can increase it there, the number of armed forces there, give orders to their military-industrial complex, they are absolutely not independent. the concept of a european army will never be realized in life, because europe is under the heel of the united states, absolutely, in recent years this trend has reached its apogee, in fact, europe has lost its sovereignty, externally political, extreme right-wing parties, they say that it’s not like since i want to say that but nevertheless this one here this one counter-reaction, it begins anyway, it
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is gaining strength, that is, this spring, the americans squeezed, squeezed, squeezed, so to speak, yes. with the uh complicity of modern european governments, almost all of them, not all of them, but almost all of them, still , now, so to speak, this spring is beginning to slowly unclench, because... still, well, there are some uh rudiments - of self-awareness after all - and - some genes are apparently at play somewhere, especially in countries - with traditionally there - such strong nationalist pages of history, so of course there is the same france, the same italy, of course, well, i think that in germany, so to speak, it will be more and more an alternative for germany, look, it is one of the leading parties, in general one of the most popular parties now, according to the essence of the matter.
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politicians, well, they just arrange propaganda totalitarianism in such a way that even people seem to have the same public opinion, the elections somehow distort their consciousness, so the elections to
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the european parliament will be in this sense the best such thermometer, and indeed these european transatlantic elites are very they are afraid that the real opinion of the people will appear, in some countries it has already appeared in the elections, but they are trying to say. these are misfires, you never know, such misfires, but here it can manifest itself very strongly, and i would say that these are not right-wing nationalist and so on parties, but these are parties of common sense, deep people, common sense , yes, well, i must say, it is necessary today to go out more widely and look beyond the european continent, it is quite obvious that this is a wave that will fuel american elections, it is clear that far- right forces in europe have become more active precisely because they expect the same to happen in america. donald trump will come to power in the new year, a dramatic political shift. this, i think, is the most important thing that worries the transatlantic. this really just horrifies them, but the transatlantic elites still
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ignore the will of the people, although it is quite difficult to ignore this. poland boasts that they send their volunteers, and 75% of poles say that we are categorically against only 10% for. but this only says that it is democratic. the mechanisms there haven’t been working for a long time, and authoritarianism is really mainstream there, our cause is just, the coat will be broken, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. a passenger bus was demolished by a fast train at a crossing. tragedy in the yaroslavl region. there are dead and injured. militants.


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