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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 1, 2024 6:30pm-7:56pm MSK

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god is their judge. an important step in the development of our civil aviation. russia has resumed testing the ill-114-300 aircraft. the second prototype, built at the plant in lukhovidtsy near moscow, has taken to the skies. a relatively small airliner, it can accommodate a maximum of 68 passengers, a real workhorse for the regions. it can take off from small airfields and can even land on snowy ground. another advantage is the ability to operate in harsh conditions.
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showed simply excellent today's flight is very important for us for many years, especially in soviet times, the competence of turboprop aircraft and engines with propellers was on the territory of ukraine, the tv-717 engine is the first russian engine that was created for a turboprop aircraft, and today this engine has the best characteristics in its class, and is in no way inferior to foreign analogues, in the capital region... today it is unseasonably warm, the temperature record for the day was broken: at noon the air warmed up to +20.3°, the moscow weather service reported. and, as weather forecasters say, this is not the limit, it will be hotter, already tomorrow we are expecting 23°c, which is more typical for june than for the beginning of april. however, by thursday-friday everything will be back within the climatic norm, around zero at night, +8-9 during the day. the reason for today's abnormal warming.
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the air from africa has become warmer, some of the capital's cafes and restaurants are in a hurry to open street verandas, the capital's debtrans has already advised motorists to think about changing winter tires to summer tires, however, frosts are still possible, so be sure to get everything ready. that's all for now, we we are following the development of events, and the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell. hello , live on the first channel, the program time will tell, i’m artyom shenin, and today i want to start with very pleasant words for me addressed to vladimir vladimirovich poznar, whose birthday is today, who is 90 years old today, and 90 years old is generally considerable time.
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life, especially when a person, due to various vicissitudes, historical, social, and so on, has lived so many different lives, and which he succeeded in his lifetime, and to live vladimir vladimirovich pozdnor and those roles in which he managed to be, it is all the more pleasant for me to say all this that i have... the honor of being acquainted with him since february twenty 2000, that is, more than 24 years, to be acquaintances, to communicate, work, but learn something from him, something i still haven’t learned to understand from him, that i still would have to learn to understand a lot of things, and - for me , vladimir vladimirovich pozdnar, this is a person, that’s how a person is this... photographs,
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you can show dozens of photographs from television talk shows, from our films and so on, but in fact, vladimir vladimirovich is also a completely extraordinary person, in this sense, in this sense , the ability to live and enjoy life, something that many of us sometimes, for many reasons, do not enough, and this is one of the most important qualities, which, well, is probably impossible to learn, but you have to try. vladimirovich, i really hope that this is also, so to speak, your quality will develop, and then you will enjoy life, enjoy it the way you know how to do it enjoy, and i want to finish with my congratulations, well, for me this is very important in my understanding, a phrase that... i often
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said, and publicly, when we communicated in life, we went through a lot of things in life, both good, difficult, well for 24 years. anything can happen, especially since i just thought that when we started, when i started working with vladimir vladimovich, he was still much older than i am now, that is , i still have a lot to learn, this phrase, which he often says, and it seems to me very revealing, i i will do everything i can, as long as i can, if in the end i turn out to be right, then all the words of my critics and detractors will not be...
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desires than the desire to be russian, well, this is my school, like you were able to learn our russian language, your russian language , the time for teleconferences has clearly come, we extend our hand to you, we don’t have sex, we honestly drove all over america and he drove the whole way, he’s just such a tomboyish kid, you are your millions where they earned money, birch is berezutsky, it’s correct what you say when will you find yourself? before him, my father, he was russian, knew by heart his name, poet, kushki, i didn’t think that i would leave my wife, 37 years still together, you fell in love, very much, the first wish is that everyone my loved ones, my grandchildren, my great-grandson, so that they
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are healthy, then all this will be shown on television, my reputation will immediately, on the contrary , increase, greatly increase, that’s what i wanted to say. mobilizes and interferes with me, we are squeezing him out of africa, free resources, one uranium is worth nothing, and 16 uranium deposits in ukraine. macron, in the most global sense, is a non-free figure. a party was created for him, he was placed on the throne. a core component of macron's dna is narcissism. he wants to remain in
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history; being equal to napoleon is a rather dangerous thing. he admitted the possibility of placing french nuclear weapons on the territory of other eu countries. the statements of the gali rooster are dictated. the polish-german tank brigade fully supports the french maneuvers and is about to enter ukraine. macron got ready for the hike and ate. dolls of the heir tutti, today on first. we hit two left-handers, neither one nor the other fits our description. you are not going through the easiest period in your life right now. let's meet at 2:00 tomorrow, have lunch and decide everything. ok? bye, talk to you tomorrow. well, this way it will be better, you recognize someone, the car is parked somewhere on the outskirts, in some courtyard in a gateway, our only lead to bundy, we don’t need help, like success, you can make an identikit, and you can we'll look,
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calm, calm, police, calm, undercover taxi, premiere, watch after program time, we talked to... he says, i’ll call this, that, that one so that they don’t go there, now, apparently, they are preparing some kind of document that will warn athletes that if they come to the friendship game, they can be disqualified. the russian olympic committee, after we suspended them,
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made several rather aggressive statements that this was discrimination, fascism, but they did not even argue that this was discrimination, fascism, a premiere. vavan and lexus show, tomorrow on the first, some they claim that the main building of moscow state university is, in fact, huge.
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time will tell the program, we continue to work live, we are discussing the situation live, where the situation in the world is moving, not a simple one, but a generally complex one in several regions, one of which is especially interesting to us, is located on our border, the territory of the former ukraine, where specially. a military operation that is not simple, but
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systematically offensive, and which will sooner or later be completed, but on the way to this many people have to go through a lot many trials, i’m not just talking about our guys who are fighting at the front, i ’m talking about the population of many bordering the ukrainian reich. cities, and belgorod , unfortunately, almost every day, in one way or another , becomes a target, a target of ukroreich shelling, and it is still carried out in the spirit that this is all being carried out - i don’t know, it seems to me, it’s emphasized specifically at non-military targets and targets not even double infrastructure, that is , drones and missiles are simply being fired at and fired at, something is intercepted by air defense, but in the footage... a drone that flew into a house a few days ago, and this, of course, is a very difficult
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test for belgorod residents, and even videos that do not show shelling, even videos that are not related to the news about how they intercept, here they are now a lot on the internet, this is such an everyday, daily life of belgar, about how people go into protective gear when necessary. end, our guys are working towards this,
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our aerospace forces are working, delivering strikes, in this case, this is a very important difference, we always emphasize it, what is being done against double, double -purpose strikes, some time ago, a series of fairly powerful... strikes against energy generation began, that is , this is some kind of next stage after what happened in the previous ones, when, after all, these were delivered in distribution blows, now these blows are being delivered to generation, and partly one can judge the effectiveness and efficiency of these blows, and according to the mayor of kharkov, who today made a statement: igor terekhov that all critical energy the infrastructure of kharkov, which means that in order
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to rebuild and restore the facilities , more than 10 billion will be required. when i say that we can partially judge this, and you and i must understand that, of course, in this situation, the enemy adapts to these attacks, and i know of a case where they already have at many critical double infrastructure facilities, they already have... for example, tires prepared, which they set on fire when delivering strikes, so that, well , a feeling of defeat is created, because hitting is not always , destroy, and... moreover, these stories, here is a vivid example of this, the mayor of kharkov, these stories are always accompanied by the voicing of the sums that are needed to restore this, so it is clear that, well, it is necessary to make some allowance for the scale of the damage already declared by that side, given that there are their own interests, and financial interests,
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and internal political interests and much more, but it is quite obvious that this is in general... very much by and large, considering that kharkov is a russian city, and odessa is a russian city, very unpleasant, but a forced story, but it continues, and well , it will continue as long as it takes, one more detail is also of its kind, well, not that new, but it attracts attention that the defeat of bridges continues, those same bridges that...
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their own explanation, sometimes we understand it, sometimes we don’t yet, the question is this: this is not the first time i’ve asked this on the air, after all , what has begun to happen is impacts on generation instead of distribution, and well, many other signs, you can whether to say that the svo has moved into some new content or in in a military sense or in some broader sense, the new stage is the next.
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this means that something unexpected is being prepared for everyone and for us too, maybe we are talking about a big offensive, maybe we are talking about some kind of encirclement, maybe we are forcing, say, in the kharkov region in sumy, the kiev regime to evacuate people , by the way, to the question about terikhov, why do i say that all this needs to be divided, because having said that all generation has been practically destroyed and that 10 m are needed.
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plan, as the supreme speaks, as the minister defense says, as the chief of the general staff says, we are working according to plan, it is possible at the level of rhetoric and even high-ranking
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military men can say glory, that there is a retaliatory strike, it just happened that way, we did not do this and are not doing it, this is planned work, why am i and i say that you named many signs, i also added, there are too many signs of a change in our air strikes, this cannot be simple. so by and large - in western ukraine, yes, well, ugs is of course, well, let's say, a sensation, ugs is storage, just gas, when we hit the turbine halls of dneprogs, brushtynskoye and zmievskoye in kharkov, yeah, i’ve been in turbine halls, i can imagine what it’s like, it can’t be repaired, yeah, but where can i get it? the new one is also unclear, well, they say that restoration takes years, yes, well, we need this whole turbine, it’s the size of this room, it needs to be disassembled, searched for, if it’s
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critically damaged, and even if not, it all needs to be disassembled , somewhere to look for these spare parts, and not in russia, well, look, i’m referring to these signs that you’re talking about, oh whom we began to say, give you one more sign, it’s also true that this is not the first day we ’ve been talking, but this, well, let’s say, is more and more noticeable. well, starting from what syrsky, the new commander-in-chief, commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, says about this, he talks about the advantage, about the build-up of our aviation, activity, about guided bombs, and about the advantage in fired ammunition in the ratio of 6: one, but here he is talking about these guided bombs, here are two very eloquent passages from the western press, well let's start the times. the times. last week, a glide bomb fell on kharkov, ukraine's second largest city. by modifying soviet bombs with a planning module that allows them to glide towards their targets, and
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adding basic satellite navigation systems, russia gains aerial control over the cities and villages of donbass. glide bombs vary in size from the fap-250, weighing 250 kg, to the largest bomb, the fab 1500, weighing one and a half tons. almost. half of which consists of explosives. ominously, russia is currently producing the fab 3.00, weighing 3 tons, and will begin production of the drel glide bomb carrying cluster munitions at the end of this year. alexei torasenko, deputy commander of the 5th assault brigade holding the defense at chasovoy eru, said that without western f-16 fighters with air-to-air missiles , an inexorable barrage of glide bombs could fall over chasovoy yar at any moment and thus the resistance.
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march, that is, in just 6 days. glide bombs allow russia to strike ukrainian troops while holding aircraft dropping ammunition at a safe distance. shooting down fighter-bombers means bringing valuable air defense assets closer to the front, where they will be at greater risk. this also means diverting resources from other directions. again, continuing our conversation with you and trying to understand what the meaning of this new, conditional new stage means.
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upgraded to the possibility of mass combat use, they immediately began to accept, i think so, from this the quality of work at the front directly changed, because after all, most of these bombs that...
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it flies directly literally over the heads of our guys at the enemy’s location, it was the same in avdeevka, that is, gliding bombs, and long-range high-precision artillery, they clear in front of our attack aircraft , they clear out virtually everything, we have to come finish the job, yeah, and if the fap falls 1,500, well, no concrete structures can hold one bomb across the bridge, walk the field, this is about accuracy, one, and there are more. they also write - you say one and a half, and then there are three, and then there is five, yes, well, we know that we have five, for a long time too, but we had a free, free-falling one, can they make it glide, well, there’s already an airplane, a bomb like a plane turns out like that, and i’ll add one more sign, an important one , and these are the statements of our most senior security officials regarding high-ranking criminals of the kiev regime, when budanov was named a military
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target. yeah, and last year it wasn’t like that, you mean the words of fsb director bortnikov, when he was asked why budanov was still alive, and he answered everything ahead, and then it was said that there was a legitimate military goal, uh-huh, and this is also a different quality, uh-huh, here this new stage joins, as if military with political, which was also said, just unfortunately, when the terrorist attack occurred... .. for us this official statement, well, did not reach the agenda, but at the highest international level in the security council he, not benzi, already said, on the same day in the morning, he said that starting from may 21, zelensky is not legitimate for us president, and this is a complete change in the political structure, moreover that vladimir vladimirovich will be inaugurated and for the whole world legitimate , authoritative, the brightest, the darkest...
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whatever, and a few weeks after that - exactly 2 weeks, yes, this little guy, like the one from kiev, becomes like a nobody, uh-huh , well, here they are, they are now making a fuss about this, there they are trying to push ermak into the prime minister, and there it will be, because according to their constitution, this is a prime minister , maybe even no less than a prezi, well in general, there they are trying to murmur with legitimacy, but in in august, their verkhovna rada is no longer... yes, by the way, just in development of what aleksandryevich began to talk about, and what we are discussing, from the point of view of assessing what is happening as some kind of development, i will not to say there is a new stage, not a new stage, but there is some - some evidence that something is changing in approaches, in addition to what actually began to sound there
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about budanov and about ... that a legitimate military target is very for me, to be honest, it is indicative and a little unexpectedly, there was a statement yesterday from our ministry of foreign affairs, an official one, regarding malyuk, the head of the sbu, whom we have discussed on air more than once here, maybe even with some of those present, this is of course a very mysterious story, that already against the backdrop of what happened tragedy with the terrorist attack in crocus, and...
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the terrorist attack is far from the first terrorist attack against our country in recent times, the investigative actions carried out by the russian competent authorities indicate that the traces of all these crimes lead to ukraine. other barbaric terrorist attacks using explosive devices cost the lives of journalists daria dugina, vladilen tatarsky, led to the serious injury of the writer prilepin, the death of his driver shubin, the death of five people as a result of the explosion of the crimean bridge, and the injury of 42 people in an explosion in a cafe. petersburg, the killings and mutilations of civilians, including children, were accompanied by raids by the terrorist organization russian volunteer corps. the russian foreign ministry handed over to the ukrainian authorities demands for the immediate arrest and extradition of all those involved to these terrorist attacks. among these demands is the arrest of the head of the sbu malyuk, who cynically admitted on march 25 that ukraine organized the bombing of the crimean bridge in october 2022 and revealed details of the organization of other terrorist attacks in the russian federation.
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in your opinion, this statement, this document , which was handed over to the ukrainian side in this case, these are the people i listen to, with whom i communicate, well, someone says, so what... well, they said something, they all this means that they will turn a deaf ear, on the other hand, as i understand it, in this document we are addressing many international documents that ukraine signed and many of its curators signed, if not the usa and great britain, then at least european countries, and this may mean some kind of new conflict, and we are following this path, in your opinion, as decipher this, what is it? this means such scatterings, as from the side of, as you called, a genetic masterpiece, but he clearly does not demonstrate dozens of mental abilities, neither about
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what he says, not about the way he says it, and similar statements , they cause nervousness in washington , in fact, yes, a number of publications testify to this, but... even immediately after the terrorist attacks, for example, after the murder of daria dugina, there were reports in the american press in the new york times about the fact that in washington very they are nervous, they believe that kiev needs to stop with this kind of action, however, the pressure was not very great, but nevertheless there is nervousness, and what our foreign minister said. this is indicative, and it fits into the same concept as something is getting ready. actually, moscow is repeating in many ways the vivendi modus that the united states
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of america and its allies have constantly followed. let's remember september 11 , 2001. at that time, too, a major operation began with washington’s demands against the taliban ruling in afghanistan, which were banned in many places.
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moreover, look, now, well, here ’s an example, we are sending this appeal, maria zakharova has already said that there will be a separate issue about crocus.
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yes, i briefly agree with elena, answering your question in this regard, why is all this this kind of legal acts are happening against the backdrop of widespread talk throughout the world about freezing, about installation, and so on, our friends and allies are talking about this too, when we are in front of china, you mean, when we present it to them, and it will be sooner show me everything, confirmed terrorists from isis serve on the other side, they fight there. yes, then we tell them, colleagues, well
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, the situation has changed, i realized what a freeze, well, probably, we have something, that is, this version is not about the fact that this is a justification for some of the following more active actions, and this , let’s say, this and that, this is one of the reasons, this is not just a counterbalance, this just complements, we probably didn’t, probably, definitely already had enough reasons to act more decisively , but... but there were other reasons that did not allow us to move on to this earlier, now we are really on the verge of a new stage, on the eve of a new stage, and i am still sure that the international legal basis or this international legal framework, it is necessary and moscow is always like this acted, in fact, before the northeast military district began, russia. put forward a number of demands , or might not have put forward them, but put them forward
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so that it becomes clear what our goals are, so that it becomes clear that this is not all happening out of the blue, but this is all happening for certain reasons with certain goals, you have in view of these repeated appeals november, december, january, of course, and the listed demands and in response to which, in response to which they simply laughed from the other side and said we will do what we want and generally speaking.
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he will be ready for dialogue, by the way, just now , when i watched this video again, sometimes it’s useful, i’ve seen fragments of this interview many times, but when you look on the big screen, after all these conversations, those who began to quickly get lost from yesterday - legitimacy, well, they’ve already chosen the right place in some trash heap, that is, in
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principle, such a subconscious - visual - message - very, i don’t know who came up with this, but some brilliant pr people. here, well, that is, right there, as they say, in the middle of some landfill, in general, works very well, in your opinion, someone thinks that this, voiced in this interview at the dump, we will now call it that, is some kind of change in zelensky’s position in his readiness to negotiate on some, that is, a refusal this is the borders of the ninety-first year, it’s no longer the ninety-first year and so on, someone thinks that this is just another one. and that he is mainly engaged in the fact that he is just babbling and begging for western help, in the context of our conversation, a new stage, not a new stage, and in general where the situation is heading, how would you react to what zelensky said, well, what i heard, i heard what he says, that the issue will be resolved
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on the ground, not in offices, that is, this is not on pieces of paper, these are not treaties, this is not international law , when, if russia loses what... what he has today, then russia will lose everything, and the russian government will lose international and internal support, i must say that he is probably right about this, that is, if we are on the field we will lose the battle, russia will lose everything, this is about the issue of international order, in my opinion look, the international order died a long time ago, and right, that is, i’m not talking about kosovo, about the collapse of the ussr, which was the basis of the yalta peace agreement with stalin, yes, i remember about the legitimacy of the phrase. stalin, that i always believed that democracy is the power of the people, comrade rooseville explained to me that this is the power of the american people, yeah, so the question is about democracy and the international order, we have entered the world of principles, that is, the world has become ideologized, it is not the law that works , but the right of the strongest and most confident works, who is confident in his right, well, starting with
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the collective responsibility introduced in the doping system, when the country was not accused specifically, this is the first, well, sanctions. bypassing the security council, the liquidation , well, the arrest of russia's gold and foreign exchange reserves, that is , both the right as such and property, the basis of the world order and the treaty system that existed in international relations, are missing, everything, that is, all the merits, historical, cultural , they are a thing of the past, everything is decided specifically on the battlefield, in the power parity that will be established in the end, where we are... what before this is like some kind of new international system, because i have said many times that i would like
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the world to be determined by lawyers, scientists, writers , but unfortunately it is defined there, to my regret, but this is historical. nothing can be done about this, the world has always existed as a world of power parity or something of power superiority. oh, and, by the way, i absolutely agree with you that, in my opinion, zelya is not demonstrated no greater readiness for negotiations, but indeed, as paradoxical as it sounds, he justified the need to continue the svo, without any, so to speak, compromises, because everything else will be perceived as interpreted. to his owners like this, he is, in general, a smart boy in his anamnesis, but just to develop what you are saying about the fact that there is no world order, and it is being developed in many ways here, it will be produced in places where bombs are used, tanks and everyone else will be able to reach, and this will be a new line the contact between us and the west, and they also
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think about this in that west, this is very indicative for you, he is sort of a pole, but in general he is such a pole... a pole is already from these globalist fields, here is tusk, his last name, this is how he describes the content of the current moment, please, the most alarming thing now is that literally any scenario is possible, we have not encountered a similar situation since 1945, we must mentally accustom ourselves to a new era, we are in the pre-war era, i am not exaggerating, every day this is becoming more and more obvious. here you go look, here, of course, it’s very noticeable that he counts everything from the year 1945, that is, apparently why i say that he is kind of a pole, not a pole, because in general a pole should have
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the pre-war era, this you know, yes, for me, i just, when the collapse of the soviet union took place, many saw it as democratization, and i worked as a journalist, and i was in transnistria, abkhazia, ossetia, tajikistan, 21 divisions, that is, i actually covered all the hot spots worked, worked in the department of republics, here is a major for me in abkhazia said that in a war in conditions where there is confrontation.
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an indicator that what we are discussing here, they also seem to have in their heads, and this is manifesting itself more and more clearly, but for you, for example, the germans have already begun to think about whether someone from nato... will take part in military operations on the territory of the ukrainian reich, does the fifth article come into force or not? what’s more indicative for me is the fact that they started thinking about it, which suggests that this is not pure macron blah blah, it’s much deeper, well, listen welt. bundestag experts said that if parts of the troops of nato member states, in collective self-defense, take part in the current conflict between russia and ukraine in favor of ukraine during hostilities in the conflict zone, they will be subjected to...
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this is every time this is this is a straight escalation ladder there we go, we answer, and although now what we said at the beginning of the program,
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it seems that we are raising the level of escalation, and i also wanted your program as an analytical one to be valued by everyone, then i’ll say hello, while i was driving from nizhny novgorod, to kind of wrap things up, here’s our conversation, when i agreed with elena that the foreign ministry’s statement, right? new international rules are now being developed, and they are being developed in the brix plus system, rather than in the west, and then in
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cooperation with the west, but they have not yet been developed, we discussed with you, which suggests that they are in their own heads, according to at least, scenarios of transition to a greater degree of escalation are no longer just allowed, but they are already calculating and thinking through them, because he says, well more generally, welt is already calculating the scenario, but we are not only talking exclusively about european theater, for example in cnn, a very revealing publication that says
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that... they are thinking broadly about what if, and this if already calculated in a real situation, please. due to its geography and history , hawaii is technically not covered by the nato pact. if a foreign power were to attack hawaii, nato members would not be required to defend the state. clue lies in the name of the north atlantic treaty organization alliance. hawaii is in the pacific ocean and is not part of north america. also joined the united states 10 years after the creation of nato, but it’s significant for me, for me, that they even began to think through these things, given that we all understand what kind of power it is that could suddenly attack hawaii, and the fact that they are calculating options for nato expansion there, well, as always the americans, they are always just poor things
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, they all strive to offend, only in terms of self-defense, this is from the same series. well, firstly, regarding what alexander said, indeed, if western states, the western camp, are now trying to present russia as a troublemaker, then from the point of view of many states that are members, in particular, of the shanghai cooperation organization in brix, russia is times is a conservative point of view that tries.
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at least he makes a statement about this, and the point is to build a new world in conditions of complete devastation and in the interests of one forces, one hegemon, or trying to preserve something, reform something under the conditions of an agreement between various forces , still achieve mutual understanding and consensus, from the point of view of these states russia perceives it.
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there about how the united states and china can avoid war, there about how to combat climate change, there about artificial intelligence, are there more contradictions between beijing and washington, or vice versa, will they continue fierce competition because of this, from the point of view the biden administration's view, starting from elections to the worldwide growing
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threat of terrorism, there are more important issues. got it, advertising, then we’ll continue, french president emmanuel macron declares that he is ready to send troops and accept. mediocre participation in the russian-ukrainian conflict. russia cannot and should not win this war. 2,000 people are being prepared as an advance party. on a certain section of the front, places have already been determined. he said: destabiliza, russia destabilizes and interferes with me. then we squeeze him out of africa. free resources, just one uranium costs. and 16 uranium deposits in ukraine. macron, in the most global sense, is a non-free figure. they created a party for him. he was placed on the throne, the main component of macron's dna is narcissism, he wants to remain in history, being equal to napoleon is a rather dangerous thing, he allowed the possibility of placing french nuclear weapons on the territory
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of other eu countries, the statement of the gali rooster was dictated in the state instructions. the polish-german tank brigade fully supports the french maneuvers and is going to enter ukraine. macron got ready to go on a hike and ate his fill of heir dolls. tutti is on the first today, gin sheaf, a product of the stellar group , cognac monte shococa, a product of the stellor group, they struck two left-handers, neither one nor the other fits our description, you are not having the easiest period in your life, come on at 2 o’clock tomorrow let's meet and have lunch. let's decide, okay, okay, see you tomorrow, well, this way it will be better, you recognize someone, the car is parked somewhere on the outskirts, in some courtyard in a gateway, our only little one to
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bundy, you don’t need help, like success, you can make an identikit, yes, you can make it and we’ll look, calm, calm, police, calm, undercover taxi, premiere, look after the program for the time, “i came to the soviet union, i was nineteen year, and i have not had a stronger desire than the desire to be russian. well, this is my school. how were you able to learn our russian language, your russian language, the time for teleconferences has clearly come, we extend our hand to you, sex with us no, we traveled honestly, all over america for the steering wheel and he steered himself all the way, such a tomboyish kid, you have your millions." where did you earn? birch is berezutsky, right? what will you say when you find yourself in front of him? my father, he was russian, knew
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by heart how his name was the poet, pushkin , pushkin, i didn’t think that i would leave my wife , we’ve been together for 37 years, you fell in love, very much, the first wish is that all my loved ones, my grandchildren, my great-grandson, that they be healthy, then that’s all. shows on television, my reputation will immediately, on the contrary , increase, increase greatly, i wanted it to say, on the occasion of the ninetieth birthday of vladimir pozner, the premiere is on the first day today. some argue that the main building of moscow state university is actually a huge, perfectly camouflaged spaceship, eighty.
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schoolchildren, where do you dream of studying? i believe in science, i believe that the main development of society will be the vector, the vector of science, the victor of science, the premiere on wednesday on the first, calmly, comrade, we are coming to you, professor, this is what we are talking about, interrupted, interrupted, can you say? what comes to their mind? anything, are you painfully oppressing me, dad? what kind of dad am i to you? my god, i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our balloon. and now you understand what kind of shining
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nonsense this is? why, am i like people? well, i was married, i don’t care about azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and divide it, that’s what i thought, heart of a dog, the famous film adaptation of the story mikhail. bulgakov on saturday at the first, he is still dancing, dancing. time will tell the program, we continue to work live, in fact, we are talking about the difficult situation in the world, which in some places seems to be balancing somewhere on brink of conflicts, and conflicts that can involve many international players, we did not mention another region that is very flammable, namely the middle east.
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but about the middle east, even if you mention it, even if you don’t mention it, it will remind itself, as they say, it won’t rust, so literally before the broadcast they went, and during the broadcast the news from damascus, the capital of syria, went even more actively, and this to the issue of peace founded, syria, which is a member of the united nations, which power, which recognized by everyone, which means that it is a sovereign power, and the israeli military... air forces attacked the iranian embassy in damascus, during this attack, as reported, we, of course, report all this with reference to many middle eastern agencies , which, well, sometimes due to, so to speak, temperament, then all this can change, but at least at the moment the news and from the iranian fars agency sounds like this: corps general. guard
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of the islamic revolution, mohammed zahidi, died as a result of an israeli attack, and according to al-hadad killed at least eight people in total, the israeli air force targeted the iranian embassy in damascus, according to the sana agency, the building was completely destroyed, the iranian ambassador was not injured, i remind you that this is the state of israel, who is striking the capital of sovereign syria and the iranian embassy. does not know, the embassy is considered the sovereign territory of the country that this embassy represents, that is, in this sense, a blow was struck against iran. writers reports that the death of a high-ranking force commander is confirmed alkuts, muhammad zahidi as a result of the israeli strike on syria, and it is also reported that several iranian diplomats were killed, here. the news that all this
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at the moment, as they say , has literally just arrived, the iranian ambassador to syria said that tehran’s response will be tough, well , you can imagine, here the question arises: in this situation, israel is acting like that kind of force , which sets something on fire somewhere, all this, and how to explain this? yes, i agree, israel behaves this way, or rather i’m asking for israel now, why does it lack problems that it has already had, there are hundreds of thousands of people on the streets already out because of the operation in the gas sector, there netanyago is, in general, what is called full of worries, in the hospital, yes, i’m actually still in october, here ’s the footage by the way, this is an indicator of how netanyago is now yesterday, yeah, yeah, well, i admitted it back in october, november last year, when i was thinking about why they
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do it, but i only had one answer, but these are some kind of suicidal acts in general on the israeli side, this is exactly the same, the only thing, it seems to me, is that both the leadership of syria and the leadership of iran have enough mental restraint not to react thoughtlessly and emotionally, this is not about the iranians at all, they are thoughtless, so they have been suffering for so long and they demonstrate such restraint that, god forbid , everyone, like us, by the way, here and... accordingly, just adding to this, and not only that, it means that i showed that there are already quite strong unrest there in israel, what about this operation, which israel wants to carry it out, but washington , i mean, doesn’t really want it to carry it out, well , let’s listen to the washington post, so that it’s clear what we’re talking about, the biden administration has authorized the transfer of several bombs and fighter jets to israel. dollars,
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despite washington's concerns about an expected israeli military offensive on the palestinian city of rafah in the south of the gaza strip. according to pentagon and state department officials familiar with the matter, the new weapons package includes more than 1,800 mk-84 air bombs and 500 mk-82 bombs. there are protests in tel aviv with rafah, in general, everything seems to be complicated, now they just needed a strike on damascus, on the iranian embassy, ​​this...
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under rocket fire and so on, but nevertheless tehran held back a big war and succeeded to avoid, now it will be more difficult for tehran to restrain itself, because the situation in general in the region is already too tense, but here in the studio we have repeatedly said that netanyahu has, in fact, three options for the event, or let’s say, there were three options events, the first option is to swallow, as some american politicians say: that very unpleasant frog that they have prepared for him, that is, to make a deal with the palestinians, including the radical group hamas, to swallow, in general, this nasty frog, and then continue to manage in peace political activities. the second option is not
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to swallow this frog, not to listen to the americans, to declare that they have their own red lines, but to be under constant threat. i talked and i can roughly imagine his type, i i disagree a little with those who see some kind of special charisma in him, no, but the fact that he is the smartest person, tough, the fact that he has a background in the special services, the fact that his brother died during the release of hostages in africa, and so on further, this all leaves its mark, that is, he does not give
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the impression of a politician who will swallow frogs or will, will calmly wait until he is removed, that is, you are saying that netanyahu is going to the bank with this blow. the stakes are even higher, in fact, realizing that for him, escalation is the only way of political survival, political survival, preservation of power, we are talking about his character, and if we talk about his concept, his environment, then they believe that there is such an octopus, as they say, that’s how they perceive iran is our long-time partner, they believe that everything that is being done now, for example, in the gas sector in lebanon. this is cutting off tentacles, but this is not striking the enemy himself, they believe that everything needs to be stirred up in order to come to some result, this the most dangerous scenario, moscow has always warned that this is the most dangerous
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of all possible scenarios, given what is happening in afghanistan, syria and iraq, this means that threats are coming from this region.
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israel, well, remove israel from the map of the middle east. and we will see that as far as the arabs will be able to consolidate and how difficult it will be for america to work there, we will see
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a completely different world, remove ukraine from the map of europe, and you will see how much stronger russia will become and how much it will bring fame to the united states in europe, yeah, that is - if more to extrapolate widely there, that is, it is clear that this is a game and israel or netanyahu is being treated personally, and zelensky understands perfectly well that they will not be handed over in washington, simply because it will be a defeat for america, yeah. the global defeat of america , but the fact that they use the factor that goes against the main trend that america developed, i mean the destruction of nation states as subjects of world politics and globalization, a single standard, political, economic, market, forget about traditions, there is only demand and profit, everything, this is the theory of the middle east, the idea of ​​a large middle east, which found its life there under the former junior.
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let us, that is, we will all live here in peace, heaven on earth, but everyone understands that this is impossible, yes, especially after the latest
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events, so this is a game of anticipation, so a game of increasing degrees, and the united states is really in they cannot surrender this aircraft carrier in the middle sea, just as they cannot surrender europe, just as they cannot surrender taiwan, because any surrender of these points is the defeat is global, and the whole world is saying the owner, but not him, the owner is here, let’s run there to negotiate, but on the other hand the whole world is saying the owner, what are you doing, how... i wouldn’t put zelensky’s fate and the conflict in ukraine on the same level with the history
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of american-israeli relations, after all, for america, israel, israel is very important, here are the figures of zelensky, they may well sacrifice a figure, yes, but the figure of zelensky, but not the figure of today’s ukroreich in this model, very briefly. i do not rule out that as a result of this blow israel will wait for what... several months of clashes with hezbollah, now it will be very logical, according to your logic, israel, that they want to clash with hezbollah, over the past couple of months they have transferred a large number of units from the gas sector to the north of the country, then they made forays there, that is, there is a slightly heated confrontation there, but if hezbollah receives a recommendation from tehran, especially syria is there too.
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so to put it mildly, and the whole world in general already looks at it all like that, they leave from there, because we have a war there, but somehow there, well, this is the working scheme, we will continue to monitor these events, that’s all. another confirmation that look how interconnected the world today is. the suspect is approaching me, i repeat, he is coming to me, full combat readiness is declared to all pps squads and assigned units, i’m calling, i just wanted to say, please be careful, okay, i’ll try, i’ll leave her in but let me build a new life with her , or i tell you something about this should help? don't bother me, the taxi is
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undercover. i was in my nineteenth year of union and i didn’t have a stronger desire than the desire to be russian, well, this is my school, as you can see, the time for teleconferences has clearly come, we are extending our hand to you, we don’t have sex, we went to honest, he drove all over america and he
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drove himself all the way, such a straight-up boy, where did you earn your millions, birch is... first. we talked with the head of international vladimir pozner, prime minister, today on african politicians. the russian anthem cannot olympic committee on behalf of one of the be executed. the russian
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flag cannot be raised. in fact, he could have contradicted himself. to begin with, he violated his own charter, his own rules.
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that you can choose any place in the city and draw whatever you want, if you start drawing at some police station, then of course you will be punished, they won’t put you in jail, but they will give you quite a fine, what kind of men are here in brazil, very attentive and caring, understandable the thing is that sometimes someone’s husband can go to the left, our blood is hot, but we have our own woman, she is always alone, i see that you mostly have women working here, we just want the women’s coffee business to develop. together with men's equally , brazil, coffee is just bliss, the lives of others, the premiere is on sunday on the first, and i want to end the program with a small episode that actually relates
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to what we are talking about, and even we started talking about it , that very world, which... the order that existed in which the law and law that existed in which, they seem to begin to creep apart, to be replaced some rules, who forms these rules is unclear, and this... is very noticeable in a variety of areas, including the very sport, the very sport that you are in the world, which is, as it were, outside of politics, well, to what extent it is non-politics, we demonstrated by the mayor of paris, the same paris in which the same olympics will take place, in which everything was done so that russia would not participate, it does not participate in it, it is suspended, only individual athletes from russia can go there, who, well, for some reason... then they alone...
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lie, we can’t boycott anything because we are suspended, this is another clear example that the rules that were in place don’t work, and what the new ones will be, we will decide
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on the battlefield, but for now we haven’t decided on the battlefield, let’s see dolls of the heir tootie are also very useful, we’ll be angrier. frog legs are once again becoming a highlight on the menu in french restaurants. why would that be? comrades, it’s simple, you need to know history. the unfortunate amphibians became food for the french not because of stinginess, but because of the famine that covered france during the century wars in the middle ages. history, as you know, tends to punish brides. those who do not know its lessons, one of these characters is the president of france emmanuel macron, macron, who is born like that, imagines himself as a new
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napoleon, only about a sad fate.


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