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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  April 1, 2024 7:55pm-9:00pm MSK

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what the new ones will be, we’ll decide on the battlefield, but until we decide on the battlefield, let’s look at the dolls of tootie’s heir, they’re also very useful, we’ll be angrier, frog legs in french restaurants again... it’s becoming a highlight on the menu, why would that be, comrades, it’s simple, you need to know the history: the unfortunate amphibians became food for the french not because of stinginess, but because of the famine that covered france during the hundred years’ war in the middle ages. history, as you know, tends to punish strangers who do not know its lessons. one of these characters is the president france's emmanuel macron, macron, who is born into this, has become arrogant. himself as the new
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napoleon, only he apparently forgot about the sad fate of the latter, but we will remind you that maria butina is with you - this is the doll of tutti’s heir, and you, dear, don’t be afraid, we don’t eat frogs, we don’t have such a need. he believes that he was born to play the role of frontman in any given circumstances, if everything is against, his role is necessarily a peacemaker, when everyone is blown away, he is ready to melt all the metal in a cannon, because he once did that his... predecessor napoleon on the eve of his victories. with undisguised pleasure, he leads a tour of the elysee palace for western journalists, and utters the phrase out of his breath: this is napoleon’s office. let it be napoleon ii, and not bonoparte himself, but at least by pronouncing his name he can touch the great history of france. the brutal photo shoot makes it clear. macron is trying to build up his foreign policy muscles and is verbally ready for battle. under specific conditions, french
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soldiers and military personnel will go to fight in ukraine. over the past few years we have all we live in a world where things happen that we consider unthinkable. it’s just that today, to establish peace in ukraine, you don’t need to be weak. how much noise his words about conducting a french ground operation in ukraine caused. afterwards, he jumped from version to version for a long time. from the misinterpretation of his words to france, there are no limits on red lines. information appeared in the press about the transfer of the french contingent to the ukrainian borders from the territory. romania and moldai. information about preparations for this operation was confirmed from the external service russian intelligence. analysts agree that macron is provoking moscow in order to calculate its possible actions if the regular nato army, and not mercenaries, fights on the side of the ukrainian armed forces. on national television, videos from the french ministry of defense about additional recruitment into the army are replaced by journalists analyzing scenarios for a new campaign against russia. in scenario 4, the french army deploys and destroys the russian army.
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macron is just spinning his wheels, ready to send an army if russia gets closer to kiev or odessa with its ports, so needed by france. scholz, now the main sponsor of kiev, reacted. instant criticism, it is not the bundesak that does not allow him to think about the bundeswehr on ukrainian soil, not the constitution, macron was supported only by those stupefied by russophobia, the head of the polish midosikorsky and traditionally the balts, even the head of nato stoltenberg cut off the members of the alliance and so help with everything they can, but the regular troops they will not go to ukraine. american bloomberg came out with the headline: macron wants to lead european foreign policy, not everyone agree. according to a senior official familiar with discussions among the allies. macron's controversial
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boots-on-the-ground comment has angered us officials, who privately say such a move could even provoke a clash with moscow. the position of the states that went against macron’s initiative is interesting, given the complete dependence of paris on washington, this looks like a political maneuver. the us democratic party failed to push the idea of ​​escalating the conflict through berlin through supplies german taurus, so we cannot exclude the possibility that the states decided to escalate the situation through macron. it is doubtful that emmanuel played his own card on the eve of the peace conference in switzerland and the g20 summit in brazil, seen in an attempt to build affectionate relations with everyone with whom he would not previously shake hands, hiding behind the need to ensure the safety of the olympic games in paris in the summer, to protect france from terrorist infiltration. in recent months, the islamic state has carried out several assassination attempts on our own territory, therefore, considering the consequences and its intentions.
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as a precautionary measure , the decision was made to upgrade the terrorist alert status to vgpr. here i decided to resort to another military trick under the guise of an idea. the greeks to suspend all wars for the duration of the games, to give a respite to the west in order to replenish supplies of shells for the ukrainian armed forces. sponsoring kiev and the colossal costs of the olympics have already ruined the french budget. in contrast to the allocation of almost 22 billion euros to kiev by germany, the french 3 billion they look very modest. paris is transferring to kiev equipment that is more than 40 years old, but even because of these subsidies, the government will have to squeeze in or borrow from the military budget. the situation does not allow macron to ride a horse, but he has great ambitions. in general, the campaign has already been prepared. we really need to figure this out. macron was once famous for his love of peace and even tried to initiate negotiations, generally taking on the role of the main peacemaker; now
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he is announcing that france intends to send troops to ukraine, to odessa. maybe maybe he's joking, but he's joking. or he’s not joking, no, i don’t think he’s joking, especially since macron, in my opinion , was never famous for his love of peace or any kind of peacefulness, but was rather famous for his hysteria, every time after he spoke with putin, he started , well, i would simply say to conduct russophobic speeches on national television channels, on this occasion the idea even arose in the west that macron, for an independent journalist, is simply some kind of bridge, the main negotiator for vladimir vladimirovich. and he was even proud of it, and evil tongues in france said that he would be famous not for the fact that he received two mandates, but for the fact that he spent more than 100 hours talking with vladimir vladimirovich on the phone, they even said that they would publish a book, my 100 hours alone with the president of russia, so privately on
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the phone, on the phone, of course, well, privately, too, we know how he was received when he was in the kremlin, setting up a table so long that, in my opinion, you could ride a skateboard there, so one end has come to... this of course speaks of degree of relations, or rather about the complete lack of relations, taking into account what france is doing, and yes, i would be very attentive to macron’s speeches about brain death in nato, which russian journalists love to quote, because he did not mean that nato would disintegrate, he meant strengthening the european component of nato at the expense of france and the re-creation of the franco-german alliance, which should become the main strong link on the continent, he is. in fifth grade i watched all the episodes police academy hands up and decided how cool, i want like them, yes i was just coming from my shift, hands i said, on behalf of
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the investigative committee we are carrying out an official pre-investigation check of the turbine, we are working, i finally and irrevocably realized that your boss, to put it mildly, me doesn’t like it, or maybe, well... let’s sit somewhere and chat, vyacheslav mikhailovich, let’s do this, it’s just glory, i was called to the css yesterday, as i understand it, they were given instructions to kill you, who should i not do that to? brought out, in general, meet lyosha, natasha, natasha, lyosha, you’re at work, not want to meet, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program, conspiracy against russia.
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some argue that the main building of moscow state university is in fact a huge, perfectly camouflaged spaceship; on the occasion of viktor sadovnichy’s eightieth birthday, it is certainly difficult to manage such a university. but for me this is life. now university science is taking the lead because we have the most young people. in all countries, science is done by young people. almamator for every tenth scientist in russia, they come up with it here our tomorrow with you. at this global level,
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without false modesty, we do not lag behind the best examples. students, where do you dream of studying? i believe in science, i believe that the main development of society will be a vector, a vector of science. victor of science, premiere. on wednesday at first. anatoly konstantinovich, give maria to me as wife, we can give it back. it's a good idea to collect the dowry with your dad. we have embroidered shirts here. yes, very beautiful. the vologda province has preserved an amazing ritual of donning. the bride was placed on a table decorated with a rich tablecloth, and her friends helped her put on her wedding attire. who brought them there? well, who, who? young?
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which we are discussing today about sending troops to ukraine, this is not his first such statement, not even russophobic, openly aggressive, when was the first? well, in my opinion, back in february of 2024, when he admitted the possibility and voiced it about the placement of french nuclear weapons on the territory of other eu countries, absolutely true, the internationalization of french nuclear weapons is another matter, that is, it is stable goes straight, yes, another thing , they told him from washington, you are not hooligans, only we can.
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this is the ending i talked about years ago. we are here, the war is going on on european soil, less than one and a half thousand km,
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you can imagine, there is a war going on in this country, so this is not fiction, and it is not far away. and the war in serbia, what happened? so all these options are possible, it’s just that today, in order to establish peace in ukraine, you don’t need to be weak. the french didn't understand. the impression is that he said it and didn’t think about, a second later, how to argue it. of course, this is... a rating election statement, but the main thing, it seems to me, is that he was very offended by the fact that we are squeezing him out of africa, that is, over the past 2 years, france has critically lost its influence in the territories of countries such as niger and mali , central african republic, burkino faso, these are countries from which it has traditionally pumped out free resources, uranium alone is worth something, rare earth resources, labor. now he can’t
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answer there, he’s thrown out of there, he’s openly humiliated there in this region, of course, after all, this is their once colonial enterprise , then there are no offenses or an attempt to find a new colony, this is revenge, in my understanding, this is revenge, well, in the autumn of twenty-two , macron gave a presentation on a new national security strategy on board a helicopter in nossa in toulon. that the squeezing out of the french foreign legion does not happen just like that, because it
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has always been stationed abroad, according to the information that is received, and the head of our foreign intelligence service said that 2.0 people are being trained as an advance group for landing in ukraine, yes, they have been present there for a long time, yes, they are specialists who service french weapons, yes, we destroyed mercenaries in kharkov, but now full-fledged units will be moving forward, and isn’t this a direct conflict between russia and nato? in their understanding, it will be like an exchange of blows on a third territory, that is, it will not affect it, so it will include units under the mandate of national countries, not nato. at the lacourtin training ground in france... they are already preparing, a group of one and a half thousand, they say there there will be eight motorized infantry brigades, two engineering brigades, whose task is to prepare a bridgehead, and we recall the words of the chief of the general staff of france, who said: there will be 20 thousand of us french, and we will command a group of 60, this suggests that the europeans are also preparing their units, what is the plan, why do they
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need it, but because the situation at the front is really critical for ukraine and it is very difficult to correct on the ground. for example, there is a very large border with belarus, this is the kiev region, so they stationed a foreign legion there, foreign troops, from there you can withdraw a certain number of brigades and send them to the east, but we understand perfectly well that these will be priority targets, and the last attacks that took place in western ukraine, including, perhaps they will be on units, who will try to enter the territory of ukraine, that is, this is not just rhetoric, it is. a little bit in my specialty, of course, as a nato officer, an american officer, i had experience with the french army, at first, as they said, very correctly, the french army is 200,000, but the last one for every combat soldier is an officer, behind him there are from eight to thirteen soldiers in the rear who must support him, that if they want to throw 20,000, and these people need to be fed,
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they need to be looked after, it’s not just throwing some kind of then the legion that goes into the fog is a whole one.
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all these electoral processes are just one side of the coin, this does not mean that suddenly tomorrow, when he realizes that all this is not popular, he will change his shoes in the air and refuse to send troops, this it’s still a very serious story, they are really preparing this group, maybe they will try to take part in the division of ukraine in the event of the complete collapse of the kiev regime, which, by the way, is also a completely possible scenario, but they won’t try, or rather
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, they won’t want everything that remains some british got it from western ukraine, this. i am responsible for everything, napoleon's life and creativity is greater than what we have become as a nation, through his scale, through his borders and through his uncoming legacy, we see in everything his life, something like an intimate echo, i would note that napoleon destroyed three, no, five times, five armies of france in his history, one in
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the revolution, one in italy, one in egypt forgot , one in russia, one at waterloo, that is, it actually blew us up.
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ssso, special operations forces of rvan kostel, which has now just recaptured the fifteenth international brigade in the donbass, before that he was for 5 years part of the thirteenth paratrooper dragoons, this is the same as the pennant multiplied by alpha, this same regiment of 860 people, precisely as a military unit, works in ukraine. in full force, but is engaged in sabotage, reconnaissance activities, demolition, collection of information, etc., etc., that is, he is right, the troops are already there, that is, they need to
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be legitimized, let me immediately start disagreeing with you with everyone, i’m happy with you when you say that he was never like that, he was always like that, now i’ll explain, even with the expert alexander, whom i respect very much, regarding the army napoleon, macron's army, which...
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not to be confused, these are completely different categories, this is much more serious, and he will not be able to get out of this situation the way he did with the yellow vests, which raised his rating, in general, since he managed to sort it all out, or rather, it wasn’t him... advisers, he wants to remain in history, so his statement was personal, we don’t support it at all, thoughtless, all the weeks that have flowed down from that moment, he’s only doing that to pronounce, reinterpret already reinterpreted, it's so already obviously to everyone, absolutely seriously, now there are rumors that americans are starting to leak him, since there is a series of very bad publications in the american press, i think you will now come to this, to his... about his youth, his real origins, where is he from, who is this person, so at the moment he simply poses an uncontrollable danger, he has already exploded,
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he has... driven himself into a corner, but to get out of this situation, saving, if not his face, then at least some part of his body , he will no longer succeed, so he is only doing so that although would like to maintain uh, well, at least some kind of image - among the allies, whom he is very annoying, this is true, in a few minutes we will continue, there is a live broadcast in our studio, a special guest from france, who worked in the... french system authorities, she will lift the veil of secrecy about how everything works there and what role does macron play, or maybe he is still playing? i came to the soviet union, i was nineteen years old, and i had no stronger desire than the desire to be russian. well, this is my school. could
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learn our russian language, your russian language, the time for teleconferences has clearly come, we extend our hand to you, we don’t have sex, we honestly drove all over america and he drove himself all the way, such a straight-up boy, where are you your millions did you earn it? birch is berezutsky, right, what will you say when you find yourself in front of him, my father, he was russian, knew by heart how...
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on the first bourbon steersman, a product of the stellar group, whiskey mancacher, a product of the stellar group, gin сnop, a product of stellar group, montechoca cognac, product of stellar group, rom castro, product stella. groups. calm down, comrade, we're coming to you, professor, this is the matter, ragged, ragged, you can say whatever comes to their mind, anything, you're painfully oppressing me, dad, what kind of dad am i to you, god my, i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our ball, and now we understand what kind of shining nonsense this is, why, i’m worse than people, well, i was married, i don’t care, azina, an innocent girl,
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it’s good that i... woke up, take everything and divide it, that’s what i thought, heart of a dog, the famous film adaptation of the story by mikhail bulgakov on saturday on the first, he is still dancing, dancing, graffiti is everywhere in sao paulo, it’s true that you can choose any place in the city and draw what you want, if you start drawing at some police station, then , of course, if they fly you in, they won’t put you in jail, but they’ll give you quite a fine. the men here in brazil are very attentive and caring. it’s clear that sometimes someone’s husband can go to the left, our blood is hot, but our own woman, she is always alone. i see what you have mostly women work here. we just want the women's coffee business to develop along with the men's coffee business equally. brazil, coffee is just bliss,
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life. others. premiere on sunday on the first. maria butin is with you again, this is the doll-heir of atuti. we are dealing with a very serious situation. macron says he is ready to send troops and take direct part in the russian-ukrainian conflict. let's find out what this will lead to. to put it very briefly, i will simply quote one of the oldest french journalists who said. what the main component of macron's dna is narcissism, this is the first and wait, another very respectable politician, this is philippe devillier, who, well, any psychologist, psychiatrist, will probably immediately understand, he said, this is not a mature person, immature, that's why he plays with probably a wife, a teacher, everything else, the thing is that now all western politicians
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are taught exactly this way. exclusively, and this too, by the way, was written by dauvillier, who came out of the same institution, in general, to build everything around on communications, this is what they know how to do, the point is the fact that everything around them gives in.
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now let’s take a big background, you paid attention to macron’s initiative to send troops to ukraine, how europe reacted, but in no way, but in no way, in fact, yes, so we draw the second conclusion, the united
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states of america, which is already tired of ukraine there , and europe, which in general must pay its own way, because it has cleverly arranged itself, nato europe, decided to make something anti-russian out of macron. european nato banner, he was allowed to play this role, but not only from political considerations, here, in my opinion , very serious military aspects were taken into account, france is a nuclear power, and france has a decent army, it’s a completely closed military-industrial complex, france has a fairly serious military budget, so why not send this horse to ukraine, given the whole... aspect, and now here’s a strawberry on top of the cake, recently secret documents appeared in the french press, in which the deployment of french units on a certain
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section of the front has already been determined on a map of ukraine, and this it’s no joke to you, and of course you can’t pay attention to why he suddenly grabbed odessa with his teeth, you were interested in this, yes, but there’s an inglorious one. we’ll see, now there’s a special guest on our program, inclusion, live broadcast from france, a person who knows how it is there, really relates to macron, and
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seems to be waiting for the french, well, what will happen, the most important thing is what they think about russia , we'll see right now, raphael auclair, rafae, hello, hello everyone, first of all i want to express myself. yes, i'm having a very, very interesting conversation, i even made some notes for myself, yes, he was always like this, and he, he always had
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this style, and even this is visible, for example, it is clear that this is a monologue, that is, not even... dialogue with journalists they ask him questions and here he is. his recent statement that france intends to send a military contingent to odessa, that is, to directly intervene in the conflict in ukraine, this is generally being discussed, of course, everyone is just discussing this now, everyone is completely horrified, i heard one of your experts say that it is unsupported and that it’s absolutely true, it is absolutely not supported by anyone. in this direction
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, recently a survey on this issue - just now gave a result according to which 76% of the french are against sending soldiers, including from my connections, for example, because i worked, for example, in different ministries, for example among the military, everyone is categorically against, they think , that... this is a complete complete mistake, that under no circumstances should this be done. well then, one more question is already a catch-up, after all, this is his personal initiative, there it is something in his head, excuse me, went wrong, switched, so he made such a flashy statement, and now he’s trying to play it back, or did someone tell him to become such a flagship of nato, you know, not in my opinion according to information, even at...
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at the moment it has no analogues in the world regarding precisely the battle over the length, this is what has been being done for 2 years, neither the american nor the french army has such experience and no other in the world, because anti-terrorist attacks, whether in afghanistan or in the sahel, are completely not the same thing. another interesting figure that was published just the other day in the french press is that the sale of weapons on a global scale, here on the planet, is... 74% americans and only 11 percent
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french. it's just worth noting to analyze. and the very last thing, what one of the french generals said, who spoke live, is a very good comparison, you just can’t say better that our army, compared to the russians, is an army of majorettes, that is, young ladies of a kind. a mr. macron's last statement, we are being attacked by russia, we are being attacked by russia and... once, and if this is already a system, if this
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is already a line of behavior, if this is a position, then this is repeated, which is what we see, now i categorically disagree, that the military-industrial complex or the sale of french weapons, they are completely american, france is a fairly serious military-industrial complex, it cannot be underestimated if we can say that british weapons are british, there are half american, because this single complex. we are killing the economy, the germans, which means especially
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the german sector, through cheap electricity from france and hydrocarbons from russia, after that we remember the explosions of the nord stream , a three hundred percent increase in electricity in france. macron is a protege of large geopolitical, global transnational financial groups. he is trying to resist, he is trying to lobby for his national interests, his defense companies, they are really very powerful, the whole fight is for the european pie. the so-called peace fund, purchases of shells, macron always raised why not french factories are doing this all over the world, and why, uh, not french planes and so on, he talks about this very often, but... the financial pie that is american is very big, the americans, of course, want to keep it, let me remind you that france decided to spend 60 billion dollars to build, in my opinion, eight submarines for australia. the americans said, well, the french aside, it will be 125 million, and these will be american submarines along with
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by the british. the french are constantly talking about how we should make a pan-european battle tank there, together with the germans or klerka and company, that means too. i think it’s french technology that must be aviation, that is, i understand correctly, whether they are trying to compete in the ukrainian conflict with the americans, they are planning very seriously, that is, there may even be such a game here, alexander, come on, please add us, here in general i wonder if some kind of big game is emerging, and if the french even want their own to bite off some map or a piece of ukraine, from the point of view of lieutenant colonel arberetier, who spoke on tf1, the first program of french television for about a week. soldiers of the first-priority contingent to the territory, to the territory in order to recapture that part of the world that interests it, it is interested in part of ukraine’s auras in ukraine, it is interested in
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uranus, to make it clear, france received most of uranus from france, macron just went to kazakhstan. zhamart takayeva bows to kasym, because he has french uranium just disappeared, he was left with gabon, he completely lost uranium from mali, from the central african republic, where the mining and processing plant is located, 80% of france's electricity is produced using uranium, a nuclear power plant, france more than forty, all of that , that i have been friends for years with the head of a large french corporation in the field of energy sephal, the so-called gilles rimi, i have known him for more than 40 years, and i know this from primary sources, so i can note one more thing that concerns the french: plan that macron spoke of, he said, our security depends on what happens in ukraine, he is right, because if france does not have uranium, its economy will suffocate, he needs to ensure the security of french brews, french energy, nothing else, if they are now going to moldova about the transfer of troops,
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i note that i think that a colleague who served in the american army knows that the 101st division of the us screaming eagles is located on... the ukrainian border, there are also five brigades of the french army, the brigade strength is 4,400 people, sorry, we already receive more than 20,000 french soldiers who are currently there. as for europe, which does not support macron in any way , maria just discussed a situation at the russian security council, in which the polish-german tank brigade fully supports the french maneuvers, is going to enter ukraine with 5,000 people, this is also first of all for a minute, plus to this there are also chinook helicopters in this very corner of romania near... the ukrainian border, more than 100 units of the american army, there are two tank ruts of the leclerk tank, considered an mbt main battle tank, today the best tank of the european union, better than, excuse me, the abrams m1 a1 tank, better, of course, than leopart, as far as france is concerned, she wants to prove that russia will not go through
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the dnieper, she will not fight with us, we will attack them from their point of view, and we, as macron wants, will become aggressors in the face of... all humanity, that’s what he wants, he will take a position, a position along the dnieper , if it still takes, but judging by the words naryshkina, is going to do this, at the same time he will become moldova, thereby solving the issue, firstly, of a certain pressure on odessa, due to the fact that odessa, as you understand, is located one tank tank away from the southern borders of moldova throw, less than 100 km, plus it will solve the problems with the dniester region, that france is very strong, by the way, the navy, which is also in full agreement with turkey constantly. before rotation in the black sea, by the way, the french have the strongest electronic warfare and have their own strategic shield not subordinate to nato. therefore, arbaritier, who was a lieutenant colonel in the french army , said: “there is no need to threaten france with tactical nuclear weapons.” i’m just quoting you, i watched this interview five times. there is no need to threaten france. france can threaten whomever it wants. and by the way, macron
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does not need the consent of congress, his own in order for the french parliament, the national assembly, to send troops. he actually has. after the advertisement there are even more interesting details. in fifth grade i watched everything
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series of the police academy with my hand up and decided how cool it is, i want like them. yes, i was just coming from my shift, i said hands. on behalf of the investigative committee, we are conducting an official pre-investigation check of the turbine. we’re working, i finally and irrevocably realized that your boss, to put it mildly, doesn’t like me, or maybe we’ll sit somewhere and chat, vyacheslav mikhailovich, let’s do it like that, and just glory, i was called to the css yesterday, as i i understand, they were given instructions to kill you, who didn’t i lead away like that, in general, meet me, lyosha, natasha, natasha, lyosha, this is for work, if you don’t want to meet, we’ll cover the taxi. premiere watch after the program time vodka
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veda product of the stellar group cognac old barrel product of the stellar group burbon steersman product of the stellar group whiskey mancacher product of the stellar group.
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i believe in science, i believe that the main development of society will be a vector, a vector of science, a victor of science, the premiere on wednesday, on the first, anatoly konstantinovich, mario, give it to me as a wife, you can give it, it’s a good idea, collect a dowry with your dad, have we have embroidered shirts here, right? very beautiful, in the vologda province an amazing ritual of dressing has been preserved: the bride was placed on a table decorated with a rich tablecloth and her friend was helped to put on her
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wedding attire. someone came to us? well, who, who? young, bring out our beauty. well, groom, to be at the wedding, they quarreled, they believed, they quarreled, they tried each other out. we are having a wedding on sunday at the first, with you again maria butina, this is the doll heir of atouti, i suggest you watch a short story about how macron and the rothschilds are connected, who rules france, a crazy fanatic or a ruchildov puppet, let's investigate some facts. great power.
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as soon as he left the national school of government, macron successfully sought the protection of the most powerful people in the republic. the bank where macron had a chance to work for 2 years, rothschild-nc bank, after the overthrow of de gaulle, was the family nest for many french presidents. emmanuel macron also received a recommendation from the gray eminences of the french economy, the rothschilds. it is believed that the french rothschilds appointed emmanuel as a reserve for the presidency, thanks to recommendations of jacques tatali. david rothschild noted that manyu's main quality is the ability to charm the client. now president macron wants to put the economy of france and all of europe on a war footing; they expect to get the first right to plunder the remnants of ukraine. and here we must remember macron’s connections with the rothschilds, for whom wars were not always one of the main sources. financial bonopart neton rothschild made money from the war with napoleon. the rothschilds played on
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the return of the french from english exile kings louis 18 and louis. in 2015, the french division of rothschild had already created a club of private creditors of ukraine, which wrote off part of the debt and gave the ukrainian ministry of finance a deferment for 3 years. in return, creditors received bonds with a higher rate and an obligation for kiev to pay a percentage of its own economic growth for 20 years. the rothschilds began to actively enter the ukrainian banking sector, the securities market,
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the insurance and pharmaceutical sectors in 2017 . italian division of the group rothschild became a legal consultant to naftogaz of ukraine. the total cost of services amounted to 3 million 700 thousand dollars. this is why macron is so supportive of zelensky. so we say macron speaks, macron does. this is a little incorrect. when speaking, macron says, you need to think not about macron, but about his team, because he does not say or do. if you allow me, i will tell you who does and who says. there is jacques atali. that's what he says and does. and you know, he still did this over time. mitorana, i think so, he reminds me of a certain electrician, what is it that means, here we have light bulbs with you, yes, the light bulb doesn’t work, it’s burned out, he’s such a sarkozy light bulb, they call it, unscrewed it, aland, screwed it in, aland burned out, macron, what will be the next light bulb, i guess gabriel ottal, you need to go to macron exactly like that treat, this is a replacement light bulb, they chose it as a replacement light bulb, you understand,
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we have already talked about this here, its such amazingly fast, incomprehensible growth. that is, he was absolutely nobody, he was one of the managers who spoke well, i emphasize, yes, yes, yes, in a bank, in some bank alone, suddenly, due to the fact that he knew this, plus this, plus the lobby of those who enter the wrong door, well, so to speak, so the man became noticeable, and of course, this connection from lee and rothschild and also, you know, i thought, that’s it, you know, here’s rothschill, what is it, where is the point anyway, i remember mr. kissinger with his rockefeller, i remember rockefeller and...
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that he personally is an immature boy who has not played enough , who didn’t create armor for himself, you know, that’s why everything depends on his wishes, they installed him, he was obedient a middle manager, but when he wanted to personally become a napoleon, he already accumulates what he is now, mistake upon mistake, everything, the further, the more, solely for the purposes of his own ego, in
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my opinion, no one is behind him, and they were one of the puppeteers. of all world globalism, one of, but clearly not the creator - this is not macron’s pygmaleon, but did he spill the beans, it seems that he, excuse me, burned down the office, but it was too early. it is quite possible that the whole disposition, that his, as you say, this emotionality, i think that he he didn’t burn anyone, he is solely himself, he wants, at all costs, to remain in history, even as a carcass, even as a scarecrow, this is my opinion, in my opinion, he will not finish his mandate, they will not give it to him, but i can be mistaken, so i’m not, well, it looks like the truth, yeah, i have a little bit of an alternative theory that arose right now at the moment, look, let’s follow it... yes, the olympics are being prepared for them, on the one
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hand, the mayor of paris says, that he doesn’t want to see russians at the olympics, on the other hand on the other hand, macron suggested something to putin, let’s cease fire for the duration of the olympics, already some kind of interesting statement, well, to which i received an answer, let’s not stop, until you run out of cartridges, we won’t wait, from which i make an assumption: it is quite likely that his third step will be peacemaking, he will want, as you said, to remain in history in order to show himself as the person who resolved this conflict, who himself started the fire, who extinguished it himself, there may very well be such a step, i i'll pick up the phone if putin calls me, that's my responsibility, and i will listen to what he proposes, the role of france is to be the nerve of the war, as churchill said, on the one hand it is necessary... to transfer to ukraine everything necessary to strengthen its defense capability, military equipment, but at the same time contribute to de-escalation. well, yes, i think that even if we hear some kind of peacemaking from macron, it will be strong after the elections to
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the european parliament, because until june he is definitely not going to lose face like this, so we can guess a lot and for a long time regarding macron’s subjectivity and whether he is fulfilling someone’s order or whether it is his personal ambitions, personal mistakes, i think that all this, to some extent, has the right to life, yes. we all understand very well that he is a protege of, well, conventionally certain financial circles, and since the moment he became president, the americans, by the way, have been quite active in france, so you asked, yes, which transnational corporations have strengthened their positions in france under macron, well, general electric, which is there bought up infrastructure projects, in my opinion, railways, black rock, by the way, the american hedge fund lobbied for pension reform in france, because they didn’t like it so much that ... french pensioners had a lot of cash in their hands, but they needed this is to invest somewhere, and of course the mackinseys, yes, who farmed out the entire healthcare system during the pandemic, that is, in general, some kind of semi-colonial system, yes, when you have not unknown people - gray jackets from chicago, from
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new... york, they write the whole strategy of what to do within the framework of a pandemic, so i think that, of course, in general, he is certainly dependent there conditionally on the americans, maybe even to a greater extent on the british, but now i fully admit. a scenario in which he sees a certain window of opportunity, yes, the americans are slowly winding down in ukraine, tranches are not allocated there, the biden administration is temple ducks, a change of power is quite possible, the arrival of trump in november of twenty-four , well then in january of twenty-five, but the british are leading their line in ukraine as hawkish as possible, but germany and poland are somewhat confused, and macron seems to be coming out with his plans, on the one hand expanding the overton window, but he threw in this media space, we saw...
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roll out these military bonds, war bonds, and also secured by russian frozen assets, were also somehow not perceived very positively by the market, so this story, apparently, is dying, now i think that he firstly looks at the reaction, looks at public opinion inside france, is planning its next steps, and of course, the reaction of russia, and the very tough , very correct rhetoric of our leadership, i think, could still stir up some hotheads in france, well, in any case, we are on this... here the last moment , we remember the fermentation in the same french army, in recent years, in the twenty-first year , retired french generals rolled out a huge open letter saying that if everything continues to develop,
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as it is developing in france, the matter will end in a civil war, well, well , it’s not like a military rebellion, but it was like a certain signal was very unpleasant, probably yes for the political establishment, and i ’m not sure that, for example, all these generals will now obey macron so much, although idea... they shouldn’t, because at least, well, to be honest , i don’t read the french press, but in the british press there were rumors that there are supporters of russia among the french officers, so that’s it, or maybe maybe this... it’s also a game to find disloyal elements and get rid of them, we must not forget that recently a very large, very scandalous article was published in france about his wife, one might even say his husband, who is picking up under the big question who this person is , all this rhetoric also helps to remove this from the first newspapers, the elections of his mandate end with...
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and so on, so now this is such a big problem, france does not have that military ability to maintain a long military campaign against russia. france produces less 3000 155mm shells per month, but this is what ukraine used in 10 days, what we use effectively in 3 days. but, what he may be counting on, one thing is to save ukraine, and many na... ski countries don’t really
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want and are not ready to flee with their troops to do this, another thing is to save france itself from defeat, this is a completely different matter, this already puts nato itself under great question; perhaps he is counting on the fact that when his soldiers find themselves in a very difficult situation, everyone else will have to come save him. in our program we have now presented you with several options for the development of events and... in our opinion, a fairly good analysis of what is happening in france, well , since macron’s statement that france intends to send troops to ukraine to directly intervene in the conflict certainly worries us. during the analysis , they also saw the personality of macron himself, which may not have changed in dynamics, but at some point his conceit obviously reached its apogee. how this
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situation will play out further depends on many factors, but one thing we can absolutely say that it is absolutely impossible to underestimate such an enemy as macron and a state like france, we will continue to monitor the situation, maria butina, the doll of tute’s heir, was with you, now is the time for the program. hello in the program time about the most notable events of this day. the fsb has established connections between terrorist groups between kaspiysk and crocus.


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