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tv   Vremya  1TV  April 1, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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how this situation will play out further depends on many factors, but one thing can be said for sure: it is absolutely impossible to underestimate such an enemy as macron and a state like france, we will continue to monitor the situation, maria butina, the doll of tutti’s heir , was with you , now is the program time. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. between kaspiisk and crocus, the fsb established connections between terrorist groups, intelligence uncovered an american plan of lies for ukraine. through
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fire and smoke. kamil nasibov. another story of heroism on the day of the terrorist attack. rescue from traps that are everywhere in the building. it was, it was a change for pensioners, doctors, motorists, tourists and airline passengers. and social assignments of the president. no path, minus two important bridges. abrams and nato armored vehicle. what else have you lost? russian ministry of defense report for the day. constant attention is paid to the conversation between vladimir putin and his vologda governor about supporting the fighters of their families. how is the region doing? in the sights of the consulate general, israel attacked the iranian mission in damascus. among the dead were generals of the islamic revolutionary guard corps. fly with us on our test il-114-300. what was checked
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in the sky today and where is the first place they are waiting for a new passenger plane? the ground disappeared from under her feet, a schoolgirl was injured during a quest in moscow. what should you know about safety when choosing adrenaline-filled leisure activities? buzzing in each ear, govan syndrome. why did the states shake off naphthalene from the horror story, voiced as a russian superweapon? interview with the interviewer. 2 hours ago the moscow basmanny court arrested the tenth accused in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole, where 144 people were killed. and today, the fsb of russia reported that the militants involved in the monstrous attack, detained the day before in dagestan, transported weapons to the moscow region, supplied the criminals with money, while they themselves were preparing another.
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in order for the terrorist attack in crocus to take place, he delivered machine guns from makhachkala to mytishche, from which during interrogation it turned out that he did everything, the terrorists fired at innocent people in the concert hall, i took them weapons.
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where's the bomb? in my apartment. here it is, part homemade explosives, ready for use. according to the national anti-terrorism committee, those detained in dagestan were preparing another attack. what were they going to blow up? whoever got caught was planning to set off an explosion in kaspiysk, then leave russia; the terrorists who attacked people in the concert hall had the same plan. they were detained in the bryansk region, not far from the border with ukraine. olga knyazieva, irina chyuchu, alexey simonov, channel one. the tragedy of crocus city,
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we mourn the dead and talk about those who risking himself, he rushed to help others. kamil nasibov returned again for the victims, almost losing consciousness from the acrid smoke, and continued to look for people. in a fire trap, dmitry kulko met him. on the streets of moscow, where there are thousands of passers-by, a seemingly ordinary guy is walking with a girl; if you look at him, you won’t immediately say that this is a real hero who saved dozens of lives. the country would not have known about kamil’s exploits at all if he had not accidentally been captured by the phone camera of one of crocus’ visitors, former military man ilya krasnikov, who rushed to help the victims during the terrorist attack, which he spoke about a couple of days ago in the program time, your last name as in... the unknown hero turned out to be thirty-year-old kamil nasibov, he was originally from azerbaijan, worked as a waiter in a cafe in crocus city, went out with a colleague on the street at the moment when the terrorists began to shoot people point-blank, i saw a man with a weapon,
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falling people, sparks, they started to stop everyone, that is , so to speak, to stop, warn everyone, i warned my girlfriend on the phone, which was already driving up to meet him in crocus. kamil was saved by a miracle, he could have left on his own and no one would have condemned him for it, but he decided to help others, returned to the entrance where the wounded lay and began to carry them closer to the road where ambulances were arriving. they started dragging away the wounded, there was a guy with a bullet wound in the stomach, they were just pounding, shouting, pointing out the place and back. he returned again for the wounded; several of the rescued were taken to the hospital by taxi drivers. meanwhile the building caught fire, scared people
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couldn’t find a way out, they stayed in this hell, there are people there, yes, it ’s a closed room, i don’t know, the door is locked, voices were heard behind it, come on, kamil and ilya are trying with all their might to rescue people from the fiery trap, it was it’s quite difficult to break into the iron door, i finally succeed, later it turns out that there were about 100 people behind the door, rescuers have already come to the rescue and kamil goes further with them, i run, found the phone , the call came immediately or after just a short time, she started screaming, help, i’m on the second floor, it turned out that this phone was defended in the turmoil by the mother of twenty-one -year-old kamilla lugueva, together they tried to escape from the upper floors, when they crawled through a hole punched in the wall, the girl fell between the structures, the room
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looked like a freight elevator, that is, from left to right there were pipes from me, 4 meters above me, that is, i couldn’t get out of there on my own, i called my mother. the man answered, said that he had found her phone, i began to explain where i was. kamil gave information about the girl to the rescuers and went look for it with them. and for probably half an hour i was on the phone with the rescuer, but in the background i understood that they simply wouldn’t reach me, because the fire there was too strong, too big. all this time, camille and camilla did not stop talking, the guy calmed the girl who was imprisoned and gave her strength. there were two, two fighters ahead, holding me.
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camille was found by rescuers and taken out into the street, like camille, he was heavily inhaled from carbon monoxide, it was difficult even for people to be there. in a special form - this is a very difficult job when you’re standing there evaporating, that is , smoke is already coming from you, that is, you feel it, how long? that evening in the crocus there were also heroes whose names we don’t know, rescuers and volunteers who, in an extreme situation, without thinking, rushed to help, accepted someone else’s misfortune as their own. dmitry kulko, maria martanova and sergey filippov, channel one. russia is preparing to appeal to international courts regarding the ukrainian trace in a number of terrorist attacks in our country. according to the croque with cityhol, the mit notes will appear as soon as the investigation collects and checks everything data. another note, but essentially pre-trial. it was transferred to kiev in connection with the murders of journalists daria dugina and vladlen tatarsky, the assassination attempt of the writer zakhar
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prilepin, as well as the bombing of the crimean bridge. the evidence was provided publicly by the head of the ukrainian security service, malyuk. our mit demands his arrest, as well as the arrest and extradition of all those involved in terrorism. and the russian foreign intelligence service explained the plan of the united states to convince the world that the terrorist attack in crocus was not committed by ukraine. the state department is affiliated with the us intelligence agencies. with them non-governmental organizations and the media have been tasked with removing any suspicion from the world community about the involvement of vladimir zelensky and his entourage in the crime. as part of the implementation of the received instructions, relevant american structures are bringing information to us allies and partners designed to convince them of responsibility for the terrorist attack by the afghan branch of the terrorist organization isis velayat kharasan, banned in russia. such propaganda rhetoric does not sell well. according to the service's availability information, the americans are unable to achieve. unity of assessments of the tragedy near moscow, even among members of nato and the european union, not to mention the states of the global south. on
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the sidelines they note that washington began to shield zelensky even before the ashes of the burned crocus city hall had time to cool. such haste seems reckless to many in the west and suspicious in the east. information about who and how is sponsoring terrorism against russia is being checked by the investigative committee, which received statements from state duma deputies and public figures. in it is about an organized group with the participation of the former. usa, nato and the kyiv regime. behind it, as said, is not only murder and sabotage on our territory, but also the undermining of northern streams. the damage suffered by european countries. based on the results of consideration of the appeal regarding the need to investigate the organization, financing and conduct of terrorist acts by the united states, ukraine and other western countries directed against russia, a procedural check was organized in the central office of the investigative committee of the russian federation.
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what? they are doing this because this is not the first time they are preparing an assassination attempt on me, they need to show that this woman, not just a journalist, not just a mother of many children, fully deserves to be killed, and what does she deserve, because look , she called for the killing of ukrainian children, i am a public person, everyone who knows me understands perfectly well that i did not call and could never call in my life, moreover, we save people every day,
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in condition, our correspondent anna prokofieva is working on the spot , taking off his report, she came under one of the shellings in the regional center. one of the shells hit a private house on slavyanskaya street. fire crews are currently eliminating the fires. the pbo worked, then after a certain period of time a small smoke began to appear, well, further from the outbuilding, it went to the roof. yes, it got hot, but the wind was strong. another shell landed next to him. slightly deafened,
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was a little covered in shrapnel, heard a siren, took the documents, was already going out into the corridor and a sharp bang, a loud bang, my ears were ringing, but a little deafening, on the boulevard youth, after the shelling, a car burned down, the facade of a residential high-rise building was damaged, and i just went up to the ninth floor and went into the kitchen. literally 30 seconds later she arrives, all the smoke, the yard is all in smoke, that’s it, first there’s smoke, and then the car caught fire, i can call. i say, missile danger, where are you? he says: i ’m home, i say, let’s run to the bathtub, because it’s not funny at all, so he went to the bathtub, literally 2-3 minutes pass, he says, the bathtub shook so much that i almost fell, he says, it flew into the house, out
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it got through, that's it, there are holes right through them, the main thing is i live with you, honestly, that's why, and this was and... will be, another ukrainian shell hit the roof of a residential building, a couple of hours later there was shelling again, right now a rocket siren is sounding danger, let's go, let's go, here it comes, that's it, it's gone , look how many people are here, you're hiding your grandson, yes, but what, what, treasure, that's how we live here, what a brave kid, well, yes, man, yes, daughter, everything is fine, don’t worry, no, we hid, not far from the shelter where we were hiding, the place of arrival, a shell fell right next to a residential building, now
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special services are working on the spot, extracting the remaining parts from the ground, we were at home, we... ran into the bathtub, heard it, started banging, ran into the bathtub, it fell, then into the glass, this we heard everything, then the windows didn’t come out, well, the window was broken, he also crashed the car, just a strong explosion again threw it all over the apartment, i looked out the window when everything had calmed down, there was just a lot of smoke , gray, i thought that there were neighbors at home, then when it had calmed down, she came out here i received it, well, i looked out from the balcony and saw that here... the arrivals also took place in the children's playground, in the parking lot near the cinema, and the school building was damaged. according to preliminary data, nine civilians were injured during the shelling of belgorod . anna prokofieva, dmitry popkov, victor overin, channel one. in the special operation zone in the zaporozhye direction
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, the ugulyai pole road bridge, important for the militants, was blown up. an accurate hit by a glide bomb on one of the flights. as a result, it came together. this video is from our reconnaissance drone, here's footage from the enemy's side. he will no longer be able to quickly transfer his reserves along the front, and the supply of ammunition will become more difficult. another summary of the ministry of defense for the day. the ukrainian su-27 fighter is sleeping, the american abrams heavy tank has been destroyed, the sixth in a row in the avdiivka direction. also, the militants are missing two launchers of the s-300 anti-aircraft complex, a radar guidance point and another iron bridge. road in kurakhovo, avdeevka trap, our correspondent alexey ivanov talked to the crew of the hurricane rocket launcher, who coped with this task perfectly, how often are bridges hit in general ? most of
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the grouping of troops in the south has not yet succeeded; the hurricane demolished the bridge (fighters with a high-precision strike from the rszzo destroyed the railway bridge crossing. a powerful explosion on the overpass was recorded by our reconnaissance drone. here is footage of objective control. the bridge over the river volchiye until last thursday stood in the town of kurakhov, about 40 km west of donetsk, in territory occupied by militants of the kiev regime. there were two sightings, the third was for adjustment, they corrected well. and the commanders who were on the bird, everything was coordinated. the distance is quite large. yes, at maximum. a hurricane, like the great-grandson of the famous katyusha launcher, usually destroys enemy personnel and equipment over large areas. immediately an artillery shell arrived almost like an iskander missile or like a high-explosive aerial bomb with the planning module, hitting the target exactly. the loss of the bridge will significantly weaken the enemy group in the donetsk direction. here you can clearly see
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the span of the overpass that fell into the water. cannot be restored. this was a very important strategic facility, the command reported. well , it had to be hit, a very strong good supply left from there, the crew of this combat vehicle, together with the first days of a special military operation, understand each other without words, the installation is deployed very quickly, in a couple of minutes the hurricane is already ready for shooting, the vehicle is noticeable at the front , it was named after famous cartoon characters who always rush to help, the soldiers say they are also ready to provide reconnaissance and infantry with powerful... support with 220 caliber shells, we always rush to the rescue, always work on targets, but pays attention, that's it, yes, they signal, they wave, we signal back, commanders. they appreciated the sniper work of the artillerymen, the crew will be nominated for awards for the destroyed bridge, the guys work at a+, it’s very difficult, they deserve an award, awards, more than one, this is a combat vehicle, the hurricane
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is on duty, one might say, around the clock, now the crew has received another task, a positional firing area is leaving, it is possible that this is another bridge of the enemy, located deep in the rear, and such... destroyed targets thanks the significantly increased capabilities of our all-seeing aerial reconnaissance and the precision work of artillery will become even greater. alexey ivanov, valentin stukanok, alexander napalkov, andrey mikhailov, alexander gornostaev, channel one, donbass. ceremony at the national center defense management. gold stars of heroes of russia were awarded to officers whose courage in the special operation zone was recognized by presidential decrees, along with awards and weapons. checker for lieutenant colonel leonid. his battalion defended against enemy tanks for 3 days, pistol to major igor yurgen, holder of two military orders for assault operations. i sincerely
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congratulate you on these high awards, on these titles, the title of hero of russia, health to you and good luck to us all, and of course, victory. the enemy attempted to break through the battalion's positions with the forces of two tanks, seven infantry fighting vehicles. as well as up to 100 people in the enemy’s manpower, but thanks to the coordinated actions of the battalion, this attempt was prevented and the enemy forces were destroyed, over the next three days the enemy also made eight attempts to break through the battalion’s defense, it was revealed that the enemy lost 14 tanks, 22 armored fighting vehicles and infantry fighting vehicles, as well as up to 500 manpower killed. “i’m very proud of what the minister of defense of the russian federation presented, this is the first time i’ve seen it in person, if honestly, i still haven’t realized that i am a hero, but we defeated all six
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elite units together with the commanders, the task was carried out unquestioningly, everyone knew their maneuver, everyone acted confidently, harmoniously, there was fear, of course, but all of it overcome, everyone completed the task not even 100, but 200%. the actions of our..." fighters who captured a valuable trophy, the german bmp marder, translated as marten, can be called equally successful. the animal itself is nimble, which cannot be said about an armored vehicle. our black soil is for it - akin to the swamp. alexey kruchinin examined this marder from the inside. when the ukrainian armed forces attempted to counterattack in the area of ​​the village of severnaya, this is near avdievka, marder, a bundeswehr infantry fighting vehicle. stuck in a deep rut. the crew escaped. the fighters of the first slavic brigade of the southern group of troops decided to pull out. the infantry fighting vehicle is not broken, it is not burned, in general, it is a valuable trophy. we paved a new road, cleared fields, provided a covert approach to the settlement of severnaya, with the help of an evacuation platoon of the pervoslavyansk
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brigade, a tank battalion, carried out successful recovery of this vehicle. the operation was risky, the ukrainian armed forces, of course, did not want the german gift to end up in the hands of our soldiers. the work took place at night, there was constant shelling from the enemy, so let’s say, it’s easier to get caught up there, it’s easier to get caught up there and... get caught up if some nuances happen there. the main armament is a twenty-millimeter cannon, which is inferior in firepower to the thirty-millimeter ones that are installed on our b. but the marder has powerful armor, designed, as experts say, to protect against those very 30 mm cannons, but as you know, the thicker the armor, the heavier and more clumsy the vehicle. the enemy sent kamikaze drones. marder is beaten by shrapnel. the car was protected by strong armor. the bmp withstood the blows of its former owners. the guys from...
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they didn’t even change the tracks for something more suitable for the thick donbass black soil, there are no lugs, there are rubber cushions, these are more for movement for protection, she barely managed to get to the front, the asphalt, so as not to spoil the roads, the car is not designed for off-road driving, forgettable surfaces, we started the car and checked the driving performance, which the guys say, the marder is completely inferior to our infantry fighting vehicle, stated 50 km/h, the marten only does it on asphalt, its paws are hopelessly stuck in the soil. heavy, clumsy, on such a road, she really feels very bad. ours will be more passable.
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even faster. mardor's vulnerabilities, as well as its strengths, are now the subject of careful analysis. russian military experts are studying the electronics, drives, chassis, and weapons of the vehicle. thankfully everything is fine condition. inside there are inscriptions in english, german and the most recent ones in ukrainian. instructions on how not to break down an infantry fighting vehicle ahead of time. marder's crew is three people, the driver's position is over there. and the troop compartment is designed for six people, two rows of three seats. but it looks like it can fit seven. eight paratroopers, the seats, by the way, are quite comfortable, soft, the germans value comfort. another exhibit for the exhibition of captured western equipment, where, perhaps, marder, through the efforts of russian fighters, will reach his on the move. the ssu has already lost more than ten such infantry fighting vehicles, abandoned and destroyed. however, germany is going to send 20 more 1 a3 marders to kiev, just for the sake of the company. alexey kruchinin, roman khrolenko, ruslan meshcheryakov and larisa nikitina. first
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channel, donetsk folk. republic. vladimir putin approved the list of instructions following his address to the federal assembly. the full list was published today on the kremlin website. the minimum wage should increase to 35,000 rubles by 2030. and state employees in receive the same position regardless of region. the cabinet of ministers was also instructed to extend the program of preferential mortgages and resettlement of emergency housing for another 5 years. ambulance teams within a fifteen-kilometer zone from the line. to retake the unified state exam in one of the subjects of your choice, changes to the legislation must be made before june 1. the school curriculum will undergo changes, the amount of homework will be reduced, and unnecessary tests will be removed from the curriculum.
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development of education and healthcare.
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which are designed for the next five years will be launched this year, in almost every direction there is already a vision of how to go, what to strive for, and what is the most priority in the near future, the priority is housing and communal services, we are going to shift 84 km of healthcare networks, this issues of providing new qualified personnel for the education system, road repairs, transport issues, security... connectivity with the territory. the priority, of course, is to support the participants in the special operation, as well as their families, with relatives of the fighters who now they are on the front line filimonov met this year several times in vologda in cherepovets. such meetings are being held for the first time and just as a result of these meetings, in which about a thousand people took part, we decided to launch a regional dispatch service of a single call center for electrical issues on base number 122.
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communication dispatchers, which is called 24. in addition, each family is assigned two curators from the regional government and the social protection department, who also help solve any problems around the clock. this and formation of a package of documents for receiving payments, this is conditional, repairing the battery, well , support, full turnkey support until the problem is solved, and a separate area of ​​work, collecting applications for the acquisition of equipment in the military unit, loaves, urals, uazs, i need it very well continue this work here. eat. before his appointment to the position of regional governor of the vologda region. filimonov worked as deputy chairman of the moscow region government and more than once said that he would like to implement the best practices of the moscow region in the region entrusted to him, including including the development of tourism, because the vologda region is a real pearl of the russian north, where not only the famous lace and carved palisades are found. one of the priority tasks is
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the development of tourism, including in the specially protected natural area of ​​the russian north national park - this is mount maura, this is sandareva mountain, these are eco-routes, eco-corpses. there will be more tourists, which means that one of the main attractions, the residence of father frost in veliky ustyug, will become even more popular. santa claus works for us around the clock, so they said he’s leaving in the summer or what? the task of developing domestic tourism is to ensure that the estate of father frost operates all year round. he will melt in the summer, he should be in the no less magical lady’s palace in the summer. learn about the history and traditions of the culture of the russian people, the russian north. last year, the vologda region
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was visited by almost 4 million travelers, but the tourist flow, according to filimonov, due to the construction of new hotels and the creation of new excursion routes, should increase at least twice more, and this is the plan for the next 6 years. anna kurbatova, ekaterina yarovenko. yuri yarchenko, channel one. in russia , the period of temporary stay of migrants can be reduced to 90 days per calendar year, and not six months, as now. the government has submitted a draft law clarifying the conditions for entry and residence into our country, strengthening control over employers and prohibiting them from providing any services to violators of migration laws, the ministry of internal affairs reported today. and new for our citizens, from this day on there are a number of changes.
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medical staff is the maximum size payments, which doctors in small towns, regional centers and villages will begin to receive in april ; the president announced an increase in social benefits in february. this measure, along with the zemsky doctor program, will not only make it possible to additionally attract specialists to work in the village, but to retain those whose contracts are expiring, say the chief doctors of district hospitals. it was clear to everyone that if the president said it, then the president will do it, if compared with previous payments, special social... payments, then it was there, well, three times less, yes, roughly speaking, it’s already the case here that people have already gone to the hospital, the most interesting thing is that there are no payments yet, but people started to return, doctors went, and
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nurses are starting to return, i think that’s wonderful, in addition, on behalf of the president, from this day on, the regions must increase the salaries of doctors to 50%, and from april 1 , social pensions will change, they will increase by 7.5%. the recalculation will take place automatically and will affect more than 4 million people. a number of innovations will affect motorists. enters new regulations on passing the driver's license exam come into force. from this day on, the inspector must sit not to the right of the driver, but in the back seat. you can receive up to seven penalty points while taking your city driving test. previously, five were allowed. and after three unsuccessful attempts, now you can try to retake it only after six months. separate restrictions are prescribed for violators. and it will be more difficult to get a new license when a person could drive while drunk, he was stopped by an inspector, well, in fact, he could refuse to undergo a medical examination , and then get suspended for 15 days, then get out, go to the traffic police department, retake the exam, or take
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the exam and get a license, now from april 1 it will not be possible to act like this, for a year, but the person will not be able to pass on the license, also come into force today... amendments to the housing code, they relate to redevelopment. rosreestr published the essence of the innovations in information cards, so the law clarifies the very concept of redevelopment, which previously caused controversy. redevelopment, yes this is already construction work that affects changes in the apartment, this is, for example, the installation of doorways, the dismantling of doorways, this is the construction of some kind of partitions, this is even the combination of rooms in the apartment. the procedure for registering changes has been simplified. and so, at the end of it , the owner will no longer need to waste time to provide documents to the rosreestr; the department will receive such data automatically. and one more innovation now for travelers and tourists: from this day on, airlines will pay passengers
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the fine for a flight delay is 100 rubles per hour, but not more than half the cost of the ticket. and those who arrive on vacation in st. petersburg from april 1 will need to pay a tourist tax, 100 rubles per day, when checking into a hotel or apartment hostels. this will not affect privileged categories of citizens, including minors, veterans, disabled people, members of large families, university students in the northern capital; the funds raised will be used for the construction and maintenance of tourist facilities... support for entrepreneurs was discussed at a meeting between mikhail mishustin and representatives duma faction new people. the head of government continued a series of consultations with mps ahead of the annual report in the lower house of parliament, which will take place this wednesday. as mishustin emphasized, promoting business is especially important now, when the country faces the task of strengthening industrial and technological sovereignty. i am absolutely confident that the ideas and
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developments that new people will present to the faction will contribute to constructive interaction and finding new, effective solutions. priorities voiced by deputies largely determine our decisions, because the points of view expressed here are based on people’s requests. one of the significant examples of such cooperation is active participation in the preparation of the federal budget for the current... next year, we also see your active participation in projects for the modernization of the donetsk-lugansk people's republics, kherson and zaporozhye regions, supporting small medium-sized businesses there, together with deputies from other factions, you ensured the necessary adjustments to legislation, those who modernize their enterprises, build new ones, export our russian goods abroad and show them around the world, those who also invest their profits there in education, for example, a lot openly. almost 100 basic departments in different universities, we see
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how exemplary schools are being built, large charity projects, parks, all this suggests that the government and the people have such partners with whom the country can be further promoted. an important step in the development of our civil aviation, the second prototype of the regional passenger aircraft il-14300. the engines are screw, but this is not a technical vehicle, 500 km/h, design speed. created from domestic components anastasia kobazeva about how it all went. a prototype of the ill-114300 aircraft appears on the runway for takeoff. preparing for takeoff is a huge responsibility, but the crew is also experienced. the aircraft commander is sergei sukhar, honored test pilot of russia. total flight time is about 8.00 hours. you need to check the stability, controllability of the liner, operation all systems and equipment. for a few seconds the plane is already hovering over the lukhovitsky aviation
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plant, at which time the flight is closely monitored from the ground. a very important event for civil aviation is the resumption of flight tests of our domestic aircraft il-11430. our aviation really needs it to increase the connectivity of our regions and fulfill all the tasks set by the presidents to increase aviation mobility by one and a half times by 2030. the president spoke about this during his address to the federal assembly. we need to raise the so-called aviation mobility of citizens. to achieve this , we plan to accelerate the development of intra- and interregional air communications. it is necessary to renew the air fleet of our airlines using our own domestic aircraft. they must meet all modern requirements for quality, convenience and safety. a difficult task, we bought too much abroad. but... transport, but did not
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develop their own production. the il-114-300 aircraft consists entirely of domestic components. he is highly anticipated in our regions, especially distant. why? it is unpretentious in maintenance, can land on unpaved and even snow-covered strips, so the liner can be used in the harsh conditions of the arctic. such a workhorse of civil aviation. the test flight lasted 40 minutes, everything went as expected. climbed to an altitude of 900 m, passed without descending at an altitude of 900 m, assessed the performance of all parameters, compared the readings of the left and right pilot, the backup control circuit, there were no failures, the aircraft performed simply excellent, the engine designers give a special achievement short but capacious characteristics, powerful and reliable, the tv717 engine is the first russian engine to be created. for a turboprop aircraft, this engine has
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the best characteristics in its class, is in no way inferior to its foreign counterpart, and together with the vint, something very important, together with the vint it has shown not only its performance, but also very good consumer qualities. il-114-300 should replace the veteran an-24. the new aircraft will help connect many regional centers with direct flights. passengers won't have to fly with transfers. the predecessor of this airliner and 114, which was created back in the late eighties, today it is a fundamentally new aircraft, a maximum capacity of up to 68 passengers, an emphasis on comfort, and new panels. interior - this includes new seats, new household equipment, a passenger entering a regional aircraft should not feel a fundamental difference in relation to a mainline aircraft, so yes, the diameter of the fuselage is somewhat smaller, but the level of comfort of the passenger cabin is comparable, the passenger on this plane will feel comfortable, confident, and safe. the first
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deliveries of the il-114300 should begin in 2026 . anastasia kobazeva, maryana soboleva. now there is an advertisement in the second part of the program for a train and a bus, a terrible accident in the yaroslavl region, dangerous quests , a hatch fell through under a schoolgirl’s feet, a brain anomaly in american politics, and vladimir pozdner is 90 years old, the case when it is not he who asks the questions, do not switch, the suspect is approaching me, i repeat, he is coming towards me. to all teaching staff outfits and dowries units are declared on full combat readiness, i'm calling, i just wanted to say , please be careful, okay , i'll try, leave her alone, let me build a new life with her, or i have to help you with this somehow, don't interfere,
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undercover taxi, premiere, watch after the program time, yes. rum, castro, stellar group product, veda vodka, stellar group product, old barrel cognac, stellar group product, bourbon. stirsman is a product of the stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. gin cnop, product of stellor group. i came to the soviet union. i was nineteen years old, and i had no stronger desire than the desire to be
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russian. well, this is my school. how were you able to learn our russian language? language , the time for teleconferences has clearly come, we extend our hand to you, we don’t have sex, we honestly drove all over america, and he drove himself all the way, such a straight-up boy, where did you earn your millions? birch, this is berezutsky, that’s right, what will you say when you find yourself in front of him, my father, he was russian, knew by heart his name, poet, pushkin, pushkin. i didn’t think that i would leave my wife, we’ve been together for 37 years, you fell in love, very much, my first wish is that all my loved ones, my grandchildren, my great-grandson, that they be healthy, then they show it all on television, my reputation , on the contrary, age, will increase greatly, i wanted to say this, by the ninetieth birthday of vladimir
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pozner, the prime minister, today on the first. comrade, we are coming to you, professor, about this matter, ragged, ragged, you can say whatever comes to their mind, whatever you want, somehow you are painfully oppressing me, daddy , what kind of daddy am i to you, my god, i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our little ball, and now we understand what kind of shining nonsense this is, why, i’m worse than people, well, i- i was married, i don’t care, azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and divide it. that's what i thought, heart of a dog, the famous film adaptation of mikhail bulgakov's story on saturday on the first, he also dances, dances, graffiti in sao paulo is everywhere,
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it's true that you can choose any place in the city and draw what you want if you start draw at some police station, then of course they will fly you in, they won’t put you in jail, but... sunday on the first, this is the program. time and we continue, a terrible accident in the yaroslavl region, in the afternoon at a crossing in the village of berendeevo, a train demolished a regular bus, seven people in
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it died, as governor mikhail evraev said, the crossing manager was drunk and he let the bus onto it, raising the barrier and giving permission signals , and the speed of the approaching train was such that emergency braking no longer helped, the driver was injured, the passengers of this train transferred to other trains. an exciting adventure. with puzzles, quests, fashionable entertainment, but also accidents are not uncommon. the last person in moscow to suffer serious injuries was a nine-year-old girl. lyubov filippova delved into the problem. horror quest in moscow. one of the participants felt the ground disappear from under her feet, not out of fear, in the most literal sense. in the darkness, a niche similar to a hatch suddenly opened, and the girl fell into it from a height of 2.2 m. she was injured. a nine-year-old girl was hospitalized. establishing all circumstances, provision. services that do not meet safety requirements, as a result of which a child was injured while being monitored by the prosecutor’s office, and
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meanwhile the organizers of the quest continue to work and invite visitors to other games, they say that everything is safe with them, but they no longer invite them to the quest where the child was injured, well, our location is simply closed right now for work, cases of injuries during such games are not isolated, during the quest an actor hit him in the temple with a hammer, the ctenes let him down. wrapped a chain around her neck and a lock, as if she had thrown some kind of this is how she scared him with the candle along this chain. an animatre's mistake and timofey had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital, where they required nine stitches. the doctors said that if the blow had been a little higher, the boy could have died. these are the consequences of a holiday dedicated to the birthday of a classmate, there was blood in a stream, what was most surprising was the animator’s attitude to what happened, she just led me out by the hand, and didn’t even apologize, didn’t even ask how he was doing with me. the prosecutor's office is now looking into this story, and this is what the company that hosted the game says. unfortunately, we are forced to refuse to
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comment on this issue; all information is available to law enforcement agencies. and we will be waiting for you at our quests, be sure to come. sounds like a joke. the slobodin family will not come to them; it is impossible to go on quests ever again. such irresponsible companies, say other major game organizers, spoil the image of the entire entertainment sector. until recently , regulate. work was almost impossible, but since march the country has introduced general standards for quests, those who work conscientiously and openly only for , we sighed joyfully, when i come to the store - and well, i look at some product that i need, i pay attention to the gost, when i see what has been done according to the gost, then it immediately makes me a feeling of trust , the same thing here, the client can already trust us, they specifically asked us to take us to the scariest location, to be honest... i don’t really like everything related to horror films, but it’s reassuring that everything here is installed according to safety rules, in each room
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there must be cctv cameras , the use of elements that can cause any injuries is prohibited, so no piercing, cutting, and if there are any, then the participants cannot reach them, as is the case with this sharpening machine, which operates during time. this is how the players see it, only through the bars, the door is closed, this is what happens when fire safety precautions are neglected, during the game the animator used a gas cylinder to set fire to the ceiling above the cage where the teenagers were locked, burning plastic began to fall, children received burns, according to the new rules there is a mandatory safety briefing before the game, parents must have access to cctv cameras, but the main requirements for employees, the animator must...
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bulges, it would be better if they were treated with foam rubber, i would give advice that you just need to come directly to the location in advance before booking, contact the organizer and just see how everything goes here, and also the games should have an age limit, and a plot must be clear and logical. the new standards even make it easier to complete the game, for example, now we are in such a mysterious bunker, for each task there should be two or three tips, here. let’s say i entered one of the rooms, a control center with many buttons, but i don’t know what to do next, dear organizers,
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tell me, i raise my hand, you... you need to lock yourself in the control center, to do this, pull the door and press the button , which is on the right, it seems i managed it, that’s exactly how it should be there should be emotions from the game, without injuries and unpleasant impressions, and you should choose only those organizers who comply with the new rules ; at the moscow quest where the girl was injured, apparently these rules were not followed. lyubov filippova, andrey podgornov, yes. natalya sidrova, vladimir alkhovsky, channel one. an attack by the israeli air force on the iranian consulate general in the capital of syria, prohibited by international law, like any other diplomatic mission in any country, excuse me, protected, of course, by international law, five to seven people were killed, including generals from the islamic revolutionary guard corps, an elite military force. this is the commander of special operations forces
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abroad, muhammad rezza zahidi, and his deputy. it is also reported that 12 people were injured, the iranian embassy was damaged, it is nearby, the ambassador is alive. there is information that the raid did not begin until he left the building. syria condemned the strike, calling it a terrorist attack. iran itself promised to respond. i will add: israel and the united states consider iran to be perhaps the main threat in the region. in in january 2020 , a senior general of the guardian corps , qassem soleimani, was killed in baghdad as a result of a us air force strike. and this winter, the anniversary of his death occurred in iranian kerman. terrorist attack that killed over 100 people. tehran called this part of an israeli campaign designed to divert international attention from the war in gas. now washington and the unexpected recognition of the white house. us intelligence does not believe russia is behind cases of havana syndrome. they ruined the plan for themselves, because the horror story is quite stale, and buzzing in the ears of us diplomats abroad, has surfaced in recent days
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for a reason. georgiy alisashvili figured it out.
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a blow of a natural nature, the recording itself , experts at first called it acoustically similar to the mating song of cuban crickets, but then american officials around the world, from vienna to moscow and beijing, began to complain about a strange disease requiring the intervention of either neurologists or neurosurgeons. some heard strange sounds, others did not, according to the lawyer who is leading cases of more than 100 victims, they all have two things in common: firstly, we are always talking about high-ranking professionals, and... secondly, most, if not all, of my clients or members of their families were associated with the employer who in one way or another handled the cases related to russia. here is the working version: moscow is taking revenge on those who fight it. cbs news claims that even before cuba , attacks were recorded in germany, and 3 years ago, allegedly because of the havana syndrome that struck down american diplomats in vietnam, they even had to postpone the visit of kamela haris. details
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the tv channel is looking into cases in tbilisi where a wife was injured by employees. usa, it hit my left ear from the window, my ears were instantly blocked and pain literally pierced my head, what did you do after that? i went downstairs, looked at the monitor of the camera installed in the door peephole to see if there was anyone on the street, there was a car right in front of our gate, i took a picture of it and noticed that i had never seen this car before. journalists publish the names and photos of people they call agents of the russian intelligence service, they ask you to take your word for it, but even... we learned about a telephone call intercepted near the scene of the incident. the man asked in russian: should the green lights be flashing, should i leave it on all night? we have no idea what he meant. well, offhand, it could be, for
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example, a tourist who has rented an apartment and asks the owner how he works. a water heating boiler or a super-secret agent who received a state-of-the-art weapon that he does not know how to use, which is more likely. what is characteristic is that the americans who gave interviews with cbs news are people who... claim to have suffered from havana syndrome and are seeking compensation from the state, as well as lawyers and social activists representing the interests of victims, that is, we are talking about interested informants. greg edgreen was investigating the havana syndrome through the pentagon, when the matter reached a dead end, he left the ministry of defense and opened his own company to privately defend victims at the hands of moscow. moscow has nothing to stop me, they can attack anyone. journalists publish. a document in just a few words confirming that russian intelligence services were working on some kind of non-lethal acoustic weapon, and even an agreement under which the developer was reportedly paid. the amount of remuneration paid by the recipient under this
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agreement is 100,000 rubles. that is , the development of such an effective and elusive weapon cost only a thousand dollars, the problem is that the date on the document is 2017, and the first cases, according to the same cbs news, were recorded three years earlier. last year the national intelligence council the united states summed up the results of the official investigation, which were disappointing for conspiracy theorists. based on the results of the investigation, the majority of the intelligence council agencies concluded that the likelihood that a foreign adversary was responsible for the reported cases of anomalous health incidents is extremely low. and just two weeks ago, the national institute of health provided data from a survey of more than 80 patients who were seen by doctors after those same anomalous incidents. cbs news characters are complaining. no significant differences in measures of brain structure or function in individuals reporting an abnormal
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incident in control patients. unable to prove a russian trace in the official investigation, edgreen believes that under biden, as under trump, the white house is simply hiding that the kremlin has outmaneuvered it. can we protect our people on our land, have we made sacrifices? igor agafonov, channel one usa. today is vladimir pozdner’s 90th birthday, the man who made interviews a completely special genre on our television, but he a case when the time is not to ask questions, to answer them. olga pautova conducted the conversation.
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perhaps what i love most is this roar, the waves, the ever-changing water, for me it’s just magic. it seems that building bridges between countries and people is not so much his profession as his way of life. he has already shown us his beloved france, where he was born, america, where he spent his childhood at school, and also spain, italy, and japan.


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