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tv   Taksi pod prikritiem  1TV  April 1, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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what i love most is this roar, the waves, the ever- changing water, for me it’s just magic. it seems that building bridges between countries and people is not so much his profession as his way of life, even on vacation, breathing in the salty sea air, vladimir pozdnar is already thinking about how a film about the arab emirates could turn out. i am very interested in arab culture; in general, the arabs at one time created the highest culture that ever existed. and medicine, astronomy, science in general, poetry, he has already shown us his beloved france, in where he was born, america, where he spent his childhood at school, and also spain, italy, japan, the most difficult thing for him was filming in germany, because this memory of the war, of these concentration camps, of all these horrors, sits so strongly in me. the son of a russian emigrant and a french woman was caught in the war in paris, his parents immediately sent him to...
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so i want to say that we don’t show wrinkles, we show eyes, i don’t find anything more interesting than talking with people, every person is interesting if you do not managed to reveal it, this is your problem, not his, but success came to him quite late, posner built his first teleconference between the soviet union and america when he was already over 50, here things were called by their proper names, topics were not limited in any way and the ice of the cold war began to melt, it seems to me that you are very...
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later they will become friends and will even host a common program on american tv. it seemed that after the stuffiness of sterile soviet television the wind of freedom of speech should finally blow, but once on the air posner i allowed myself to notice that american cars are worse than japanese ones, the main advertiser, the largest automobile corporation, didn’t really like this, and the owner called us and said, are you crazy? i say, what about freedom of speech? he said, freedom of speech is on the street, not in my studio, these are the times, on the eve of a serious date he does not draw any conclusions.
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still thinking about new projects, writing a book, perhaps his most frank, a letter to his mother, and how many ninety-year-olds do you know who five times a week at 8:00 already on the court in the morning. people who do this because they understand that it is necessary, i respect them very much, i do it, i love it, i ’m just a little crazy about tennis, for my birthday i managed to give myself a gift to all the viewers, the film is a turkish notebook, he admits. going on this tv journey, i took with me a suitcase of stereotypes, and this is the baggage that i didn’t mind losing. this job gives you the opportunity to truly feel who you are dealing with. and i really liked the turks, they are friendly, they are smiling, they are patriots of their country, but in the best sense, they adore it, and he has no special recipes for this inexhaustible energy, there is only the main principle by which he lives his whole life. right after the release
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of the big game, well, right now there's a movie, an undercover taxi , a new episode, the suspect is approaching me, i repeat, he's coming towards me, 8:12, don't even think about it, there's something there that's standing so far away, i'm going to i called that house, but i completely missed something, somehow your houses are located here, the devil will break his head. from got out of the car, got out of the car, knife so i could see, knife on the ground, knife on the ground, calmly,
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hey, taxi driver? the client didn’t leave any tea, he decided to cry, laugh, laugh, then i’ll laugh at you somehow, i can’t hear anything, there’s some kind of pounding in my ears, uh-huh, what are you doing there? snitch, turbin, was the dvr in the car turned on? yes, great, now tell me
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how you do it? what exactly? how do you manage to get into such adventures almost every shift? i received a signal about a suspicious taxi call, i just arrived watch, that frost thought. i am his taxi, he got into my car, that is, it all happened by accident, but what did i need to tell him that i have another client in order to scare him away, and damn, you bought this albucin for yourself at the pharmacy, it helps, what happened, perhaps, in 20 years on the street, maybe they didn’t run me over with a tank, thank you, i’ve had enough of it, let’s go to the area to clean it up.
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he offered you something to drink, something to drink, but that ’s not it, look further, what happened to the eyes, i cried all night, completely and irrevocably i realized that your boss, to put it mildly, doesn’t like me. suslov, what can you tell me? vyacheslav mikhailovich, come over, what do you have there? asshole, why are you here again? i see,
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stop, voice. hoarse, smoky, no, left-handed, wrong-handed, fourth. milk, what milk? i wash my eyes with milk,
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it helps better than any drops, thank you. what else can a circle in the bathhouse do, like they saw it somewhere here, well, they saw it, they saw it. he almost killed the turbine, but at least he killed it, whatever you say,
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in my opinion, this passenger scared us, let's go after him. i'm behind him, you're on the other meet sides, yes, come on, yes, stand, police! raised your hands,
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raised your hands! attention, everyone in your squad, there was an explosion on fontanka 90, i repeat, an explosion on fontanka 90, everyone in your squad, immediately detach the area. what he looked like, can you say anything,
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gray cap, ordinary clothes, also kind of gray, strong, about 50 years old, probably only max, comrade major, saw his face, ermak took the trail. this is there.
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two employees of the tenth branch of the pps, while on patrol, found a suspicious man who, i beg you, what is the news, we discovered a rented apartment the suspect, we have already broken through everything and found him. this scum, ilya alekseevich. momygin, resident so we already know who he is, well done, quickly , well, alas, the passport turned out to be fake, but we were lucky, from the photo we managed to figure out the cities of samara, for the last 3 months he was on the federal wanted list, all the outfits should be transferred to a special regime, the first we are effectively blocking all exits from the city, taking control of the airport, train stations, all highways and even country roads, including private security and traffic police in the operation, all squads the pps and attached units are declared on full combat readiness, request
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information on mamygin from samara colleagues, you need to comb the entire city, every yard, every corner.
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we talked with the head of the international olympic committee, in general he could have contradicted himself, he first calls the world to boycott igor truspel, i will also inform president macron about this initiative, he seems to have to. to develop the entire world sport, and he tells us, i’ll call this, that, that, so that they don’t go there, now, apparently, they are preparing some kind of document that will warn athletes that if they come to the friendship game, they may be disqualified. the russian olympic committee, after we suspended them, made several rather aggressive
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statements that this was discrimination, fascism, but they did not even argue that this was discrimination. premiere, show vavan and lexus, tomorrow on the first. some argue that the main building of moscow state university, sadovnichy, manages such a university. almater of every tenth scientist in russia, here they come up with our tomorrow, and at this global level, without false modesty, we do not lag behind the best examples, schoolchildren,
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where do you dream of studying? i believe in science that the main development of society will be vector , vector of science, vector of science, premiere on wednesday at the first, graffiti in sao paulo is everywhere, it’s true that you can choose any place in the city and draw what you want if you start drawing on which one -at the police station, then of course they will fly you in, they won’t put you in jail, but they will give you a significant fine. which ones are here in brazil? men? your own woman, she is always alone, i see that you mostly have women working here, we just want the women’s coffee business to develop along with the men’s in the same way. brazil, coffee is simply
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bliss, the life of others. premiere on sunday on the first. the best brakoshes, stasiki and trosha, hurry up only in dot chain stores. yesterday evening a police officer was brutally murdered on fontanka embankment 90. here are the details of this heinous crime. two police officers stopped a suspicious person to check documents a citizen who offered armed resistance during an attempt to arrest, detonating a hand grenade, which resulted in the death of a patrolman.
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hi, listen, i saw on the news what happened, are you okay, you knew him, 2 years in the same room, god, lesh, i’m calling, i just wanted to say. please be careful, okay, i'll try. 8:12 on gorikovskaya 158 entry into the apartment, residents are standing outside, afraid
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to enter the apartment, olya, it’s time for me to call, excuse me, yes, yes , of course, bye, bye, 8:12 accepted. you called the police, excuse me, who are you? so what happened? we went up to our room, and there the door swung open, uh-huh, and clearly someone was there, we heard it straight away, and we immediately called the police, what floor? third, third, give me the keys, please, now, please, wait in the car,
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turbina 812, there’s no one here at my address, but apparently it’s a burglary, call the operational team, yes, vyacheslav mikhailovich, there is, i’m already eating, you see , i can make jokes no worse than yours. long, firstly, the turbines are not mine, and secondly, a match was found in the prints. the fingerprints found in the taxi near the turbine completely match the fingerprints
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of this man. polozov roman andreevich, place of registration, roshchina, region. that’s right, he was convicted of rape, attacked a passer-by, imprisoned him in the basement, and raped him in the grave. but the place of actual residence could not be established. “call your colleagues in roshchina, let them call your friends and relatives, maybe he has appeared somewhere, i understand, we’ll do it, milder question, yes, vyacheslav nikolovich, let everything remain as it is, what remains, that the turbine is not yours, ok, repeat again, please." and with your permission i’ll write all this down, wait a second, please, goodbye, they claim that they don’t owe anyone anything,
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maybe... cool, they rented an apartment for a couple of months back, maybe the owner of the apartment owes someone, yes, we'll try this option too, tomorrow is the funeral, you'll be there, i'll try, sorry, but let's continue. orientation to all outfits. wanted for robbery , roman andreevich polozov, born in eighty-seven. nickname - razor. slavic appearance, large physique, short hair, possibly a member of an organized crime group who committed a series of murders and robberies. special features: large tattoo on right forearm. when detained , observe security measures. hello,
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hello, we just sent you the orientation for the runner, do you have anything else on it? nadya, i can’t talk right now, no one, yes, at work, i understand, maybe we’ll meet then, on the triple bridge in 40 minutes, now, wait a second, vyacheslav mikhailovich, can i go with my sister for a snack in 40 minutes? go, okay, nadya, i'll be there, great, before meeting, it’s all strange, apparently, this snake
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is a complete scumbag, but what if that’s all. such a gang, why haven’t they burned themselves down yet? it all depends on who is in charge there; if polozov knows how to follow orders, then he doesn’t need much intelligence. in any case, we have already put him on the wanted list. turbin, make sure that vasetsky under no circumstances finds out that i am sharing the case materials with you, otherwise do you understand what he will do to me? don't worry, i won't let you down. and don’t drink so much, i understand that it’s hard for you, oh what, drove by, what are you talking about, i really don’t understand, they found it in your car when the prints were taken, and what is it,
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well enough, turbines, what? this is a receipt from a bar , i understand that in your situation anyone would drink, i’m just worried about you, 400 vodka and two glasses of beer is a lot, maybe i dropped a streak, so that’s it, i can’t stand it when people lie to me. i came to the soviet union, i was nineteen years old, and i had no stronger desire than the desire to be russian, well, this is my school, how could you learn our russian language, your russian language, the time for teleconferences has clearly come, we extend our hand to you, we don’t have sex, we honestly drove all over america behind the wheel and he
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steers himself all the way. such a tomboyish guy, where did you earn your millions? birch is berezudsky, right? what will you say when you stand in front of him? my father, he was russian, knew by heart his name, the poet, pushkin, pushkin, i didn’t think that i would leave my wife, 37 years after all, you fell in love, very much, first wish, to all my loved ones, my grandchildren, my great-grandson. so that they are healthy, then all this will be shown on television, my reputation immediately, on the contrary, increased, will increase greatly, i wanted to say this, on the occasion of the ninetieth birthday of vladimir posner, the premiere, today on the first, a conspiracy against russia, we decided to discuss what thomas bach, the head of international olympic committee on this matter on behalf of one of the major african politicians, what else did the west come up with to
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destroy? what secret negotiations are taking place within the international olympic committee? the president macron will fully support this, it’s a shame when sponsors rule the roost, who is their biggest enemy in our country, exclusive from the pranksters vavan and lexus, anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow on the first, calm down, comrade, we’re coming to you, professor, that’s it what 's the matter, cut me off, cut me off, you can say whatever comes to their mind, anything, you're painfully oppressing me, dad? what kind of dad am i to you, my god, i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our ball, and now we understand what kind of shining nonsense, why am i like people , well, i was married, i don’t care, azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and
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divide it, that’s what i thought, heart of a dog, the famous film adaptation of mikhail bulgakov’s story on saturday in the first one, he is still dancing. dancing.
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but you don’t know where to find it? no, i don’t know, ask fedorovich, they often ferment together, update your friend, the moment, listen, like a brother, but i can’t tell you where to find this fedorovich. listen, turbin, i can’t do this every half hour. litigious ivan fedorovich lives on drummers 6. can you break through it? who is this? the drinking companion was crawling, i said that i don’t drink. sorry,
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nothing. we should put an outdoor sign at the bar , the runners sometimes appear there. i'll talk to the boss. thank you. listen, have you ever thought about joining the criminal investigation department, in my opinion, your operatives are disappearing, why are they disappearing, i have an operative, show me your id.
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yes, everything is fine, yes, you just need to call today. and dictate all the credit card details? no, no, you dictate all your credit card details to them, we’ll print out all the tickets. hey man, what are you doing?
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ah... it’s accepted, look, maybe you’ll recognize who , yes, it’s him, this one, it’s he who shot, that’s right, yes, that’s right, it was he who shot at me, then he fled in a car, uh-huh, you didn’t remember the license plate number, no, i don’t remember, but the dark gray gazelle was very dirty, there was a message in the back that said what happened, guys. this frost kidnapped the girl. mamygin
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ilya alekseevich, born in seventy-five. he pushed me into the car and smiled. yes. clear. and what kind of girl? can you describe yourself? well , yes, she has such a panama hat, glasses, raincoats, there she is it came from there, it was packed for about 35 years. from there? yeah. young man, are you a security guard? yes , about 15 minutes... the girl came out from here, panama hat, glasses, raincoat, yes, i saw her, she was in a palm tree, what is that palm tree, here is a travel agency , yeah, thank you, yes, it was our client, and i’m like shot, i heard the window rush, i just saw the gazelle leaving , what will happen now, we’ll look, we’ll definitely find it, don’t worry, that’s not what you’re talking about, she never transferred the money for the reservation to us? now the tickets will burn, i’ll get to the commission, but
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what am i talking about, the main thing is that she’s alive, she was healthy, right, right, she booked the trip with you, yes, yes, you probably have a copy of her passport, and both hers and her husband’s, just a second. she and her husband got ready in black , the flight is tomorrow, we found them an excellent hotel, the flights are convenient transfer, thank you very much, all the best, i’m ready for the next joint operation, always ready, listen, for some reason i can’t get through to sychkov, so what do we have then...
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the ochkovs moved from samara to st. petersburg just 2 months ago, and 3 months ago in samara, a gang of which momygin was a member raided collectors. mamygen was the only one who managed to leave, and soon after this the sychkovs moved to st. petersburg. coincidence? don't think. moreover, here the sachkovs immediately went big, bought an expensive car, rented an apartment in the center, and they had nothing like that in samara. coincidence? don't think. that is, in your opinion, suchkov was also somehow connected with mamygin’s gang. and when her. they covered him up, the money was somehow taken into account from him, then he decided to cheat mamygin and fled
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to st. petersburg. absolutely right, and mamygin came here to take what was his. were you planning to run? apparently they didn't have time. don’t envy them if they scam such a scumbag like a movygina, maybe try to find them by phone? we tried, the phones are not online, what should we do? wait, or the car will light up, or they will turn on their phones, whichever is faster, or we will find mama’s van.
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maton, come on, not now, but i’m tired as a dog, okay, tired as hell, that’s normal, come on, sit here, rest, hello, hello, didn’t wake you up, hello, no, of course, i’m with the teaching staff, we’re sleeping and no rest needed. little things, of course, nothing serious, just bicycles, batteries, clothes, slate , it’s all unclear what connects him with the crawler, what they might have in common, well, on the one hand , everything that’s possible and not, tools, that’s good, because people like him are always in the dust , on the other hand , you just can’t split them, because this fedorich
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, in his more than 50 years of communicating with authorities , has already eaten more than one dog, i’m sorry, i ’m sorry, i broke out , who are you talking to, he just doesn’t like it when i say: ate the dog, it's your damn business, that's where the dog is buried, tired like a dog, he thinks that this is where discrimination is, what a progressive modern dog you have, don’t talk to fedorovich, i think he needs to be found and shaken off properly, we’ll start tomorrow, join if you want, of course, i’m with i'll sort everything out with the boss, tomorrow, i... no, i can't forgive, but what's wrong? security to my colleagues, i have to be there. clear. come on. we spoke with the head of the international olympic committee on behalf of one of the african politicians. the russian anthem cannot
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be performed, the russian national anthem cannot be understood flag. in fact, he could have contradicted himself. to begin with, he violated. the charter itself, its own rules, now thomas bach himself is calling on the world to boycott igor friendship, i will also inform president macron about this initiative. he seems to be supposed to develop the entire world sport, but he tells us, i ’ll call this, that, that, so that they don’t go there. now, apparently, they are preparing some kind of document that will warn athletes that if they come to the friendship game, they may be disqualified. olympic committee russia.
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“anatoly konstantinovich, maria, give me the bzhony, you can give it to me, it’s a good idea to collect it as a dowry with your dad, we have embroidered shirts here , so very beautiful, in the vologda province an amazing ritual of dressing has been preserved, the bride was placed on a table decorated with a rich tablecloth, and her friends they helped her put on
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her wedding attire, whoever came, well, whoever is young, bring out our beauty.” well, groom, we’re going to be at the wedding, we believed, we quarreled, we believed, we’re going to have the wedding, on sunday on the first day.
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are you kidding me, why did you come, you are you kidding me, it's because of you, bitch, it's because of you, aren't you?
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i can’t talk now, i’m free , i’m ready to move wherever you say, no longer necessary, we’re already in place, that’s it, i’ll call you back, sister again, oh, look what kind of... live here, but the sheep and the beast are running, ivan fedorovich, can i talk to you for a minute, stop, where are you running, you don’t even know who we are, the house is a mess, who else, some grandson was sniffing about me, you have time to talk today. simple mathematics linoleum from where from where from where i found the repair
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you want to do, well, let's go, tell me which one you've got some repairs, let's go, let's go, ivan, so no one will steal, let's go, right? alexey, good afternoon, this is evgeniy, can we meet? what's happened? once again i ask the question, where can we find a razor? but how do i know that he is reporting to me, or what? i only see him in person. so, well, do you have a mobile phone? no. let’s let him in right away, i don’t have his number, well, if i knew, he’d say , i’m telling you, if we ever meet in marriage,
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we’ll crush the bubble, we’ll talk about it, why should i call him, what to talk about, and now grandpa , listen carefully, smelt your razor faces a long sentence for participating in the affairs of a gang that has already killed several people, including the family of a policeman; in total, he faces life imprisonment. so don’t piss me off, otherwise you’ll go with him as an accomplice, that you’re presenting me with razors, i’ll mark the hole, the hole is shining, show the hole, you understand, okay.
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don't mess with this mess, what a mishan, yes, i know which one some cool robot said. proposed, pulled up his brigade, said things, we’ll decide, he
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dressed up, ivan fedorovich , maybe it’s not too late, you know, such matters are not resolved quickly, first you need to get to know the person, check the case, maybe your rumka hasn’t managed to do anything yet, do you think he... i don’t know, maybe and he didn’t have time, well, you would have whispered to us where he is, and then we would have covered him from mishani, we wouldn’t have tormented you, but i don’t know, where am i, romka, well, why should i wake up or something, let us do something let's sign and go, olya and i are people... of the same circle, our parents are friends with their families, they even have some kind of joint business now
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showed up, and most importantly,
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to be honest, i thought it would be more difficult, i came to the soviet union, i was 19 years old, and i had no stronger desire than the desire to be russian. well, this is my school. how were you able to learn our russian language? what is your russian language? the time for teleconferences has clearly come. we are extending our hand to you, we are not having sex. we honestly drove all over america and he drove himself all the way, just such a tomboyish kid. where did you earn your millions? birch is berezutsky, right? what do you can you tell me when you will be in front of him?
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what else has the west come up with to destroy our sport, those who support the government cannot take part, the international olympic committee has turned into a private
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club, what secret negotiations are being held in the international olympic committee? calm down, comrade, we are coming to you, professor , this is the matter, i cut you off, cut you off, you can say whatever comes to their mind, whatever you want, you are painfully oppressing me, dad, what am i like to you... dad, my god, i'm only now beginning to understand what can get out of our ball, and now they understand what kind of shining nonsense this is, why am i worse than people , well, i was married, i don’t care, azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up , take everything and divide it, so i i thought, the heart of a dog, the famous film adaptation of mikhail bulgakov's story on saturday on the first, he is still
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dancing. dancing, abandoned building in the area of ​​the specific park, suspicious persons spotted, 3693, need to check. 3693 received, attention, a car was seen passing in the direction of valentin ivanovich sychkov, central 812 address, why are you so sure that the mess is someone else, maybe it is half-box or left-handed, half-box, driver, dzhigurda, left-handed and polozov were involved in attacks on
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taxi drivers, they are performers, and this one is most likely... their leader, that is, there are five of them, four of them, razors is not yet a member of the gang. have you completely lost your fear? who are you, this is not your car, just like mine, the owner of the car, where? i am the owner, the car is running, i just bought it, maybe i can show you the contract? i mean, i bought it, i called according to the ad and bought it, are you an idiot or something, what do you need? was there a phone number in the ad? yatin stump, it was, how could it be otherwise, you still have this number, now i’ve given up everything. i gave it to you, that’s it, you got me, i’m calling the police, no need to call the police, they’re already here, i’m listening, hello,
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the sachkovs’ phones never showed up, networks, taxis, are you calling to make fun of me, or what, no, i didn’t notice it’s a success, because sychkov has a new number and a new pipe, apparently, the codes are coming, but no one is picking up the phone, we need to track it down, i’m ready to write down the number , it’s just... ready, where did you know? have their own methods yeah, yes, there is a contact, now he is on the gray-haired street, gray-haired, industrial area, what did he forget there? i’m not far here, i’ll check now, send me the location, ok,
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why are you shy, come here, bring it here, where is she, what did you do with her, don’t worry, go ahead! the dark gray gazelle is very dirty, back there, wash me , it was written, shaveli beech trees, yulka, central
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812 reinforcements are needed, what a creature, let her go, i gave you all the money, i gave you the money , they say that’s how they are mine were, you didn’t give them to me, but returned them, she has nothing to do with it, already what does it have to do with it? we need weapons on the ground. rugina.


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