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tv   Vladimir Pozner  1TV  April 2, 2024 12:00am-1:46am MSK

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vladimir vladimirovich had to sweat a lot over his 90 years, it all started in france, in paris, he was born there, why not in the soviet union, you ask. we first learned the answer only on the legendary broadcast of the teleconference, which was hosted by the now famous vladimir. late, in our tv advertising everything revolves around sex, do you have such tv advertising, we don’t have sex, and we are categorically against these, we have, we don’t have advertising, this is a mistake, but it seems we got ahead of ourselves, baptized the little one volodya is not somewhere, in noterdam, in the famous...
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i lived with a close friend of mine, well, the family was friendly, they were friends there with my mother, it’s all in america, she came for the weekend, and i was there in the attic, trying to untie the tree with which the boat was tied, i couldn’t , i began to throw this boat and kick it, then my mother appeared, so she says, well, what are you doing there, i can’t untie it, he says, well, there’s an uncle down there, he’s good at untying it...
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i even remember, he had such a small bump on this finger, i even remember that, our dad took us to france, it was in 1939, and literally a few months later the second world war began, i...
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my parents sent me to biorits during the occupation, this is beautiful, you can even see just from the portrait, what a beautiful extraordinary woman, her name was her margarita, she was a friend of my parents, and i lived with her, one day i was looking out the window, opposite there was a hospital, and there were german soldiers and officers playing football, well, i looked with great interest, until suddenly iron fingers appeared. .. i was pulled out of the window sill, and my beloved margarita’s friend says to me that you don’t dare look at the germans, you won’t have dinner, go to bed, then it means she woke me up, it was about 3:00 in the morning, she told me to get dressed, i got dressed, we went outside, it was dark and damp and somehow unpleasant, i remember that people were walking towards the ocean, and we went, and the closer to... only five,
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these were german officers who went swimming, they were warned that it was dangerous here, not necessary, but they are better, they are the superior race, so they drowned, we returned home, margarit made me hot chocolate, she told me, here you can look at such germans, this may be the most vivid memory of my very young childhood, after many... when i started making films about different countries, i made a film about germany, it was painful, i am a military child, i am very good i remember what the germans did, i hated them, i hated this country, i didn’t want to make this film,
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i didn’t want to travel around germany, but now i don’t really understand whether i want to, because this memory of the war sits so strongly in me. about these concentration camps, about all these horrors, not i know what i will find in the end, but in fact, you know, as they say, there are butterflies in the stomach, such a chill, and i’m afraid.
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life is incredibly interesting, when i left germany, well, many years ago, i swore that... that i would never set foot in this damned country again, it must happen that my only beloved daughter came here , and as it turned out, obviously forever, she had already been living here for 22 years, she got married, first to one german, then to a second, so of course i began to come, where should i go, i... her i love you, i miss you very much, not only that, i’m also making a film in germany, it’s absolutely funny, dad, i must say, showed patience, tact and courage, because i thought that
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the fact that i was leaving did not bring him any joy. i lost my trainer, look further. there’s still something there, i don’t have anything, look, i’m leaving with my granddaughter, then there was only masha, and also to germany, the country with which he has a difficult relationship, with the mother of my daughter, valentina chamberzhi, we got married very early, we were fifth year students, we lived together almost 10 years later we separated, but fortunately we are very close friends to this day, my parents separated, i... was 6 years old, they are great friends, i think that this, well, was a great example for me to follow, as people, so to speak, of great format and great soul, know how to deal with such problems, i never had the feeling that he was not interested in something, that he did not
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take part in something, although he was often very busy with he had another family, my daughter and i are real friends, she is a wonderful person, talented composer in particular. writes music for my films, not only mine, by the way, i am absolutely devoted to her and am guilty before her for one act that i committed when she was 3 years old, she ate very poorly, but my dad always forced me to eat everything, what on plates and so on, yes, but she was only 3 years old, well, once again i fed her and it continued, i slapped her, her nose started bleeding, and so i suddenly ... i was so horrified, what am i doing, what am i doing, i repeat, that’s all, it’s like i took it off with my hand, never again, never, and we became very close to my daughter, just
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very close, his grandchildren adore him, he calls them vovovochka, he not only loves them, he does a lot for them, all his life. to see japan, so last year he gave me a trip to japan for my birthday, that is, he allowed me, because i couldn’t afford it, that way. my biggest dream in general in my life has very, very come true, i always remember that my grandfather was strictly brought up and was also strict with me, attitude has changed, he just treats me very respectfully, seriously, and my grandfather is a very brave man who is not afraid to just honestly say what he thinks, there are few such people, unfortunately, who just honestly say what’s the matter, without any help. .. i would say, as they say today political correctness, i have amazing relationships with my loved ones, amazingly, i
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think that when i say that i am a happy person, this is of course, uh, one of the elements of this happiness, this is not calander, this german, well, i sold french ones at the market all sorts of things, like you traded at the market and one one-woman thing. you didn't know that? i worked every saturday from 5:00 in the morning to 5:00 in the evening, you worked a lot, well then in stamps yes, that is, they paid 100 marks, that is, it’s about 50 euros, it turns out nothing, nothing, but quite very good , but from 5 in the morning, from 5:00 in the morning, and they always say that it’s terrible to sell fish, because it stinks very much, but i can tell you that cheese is cheese, in the winter, yes, when... it’s cold, then we put on three or four sweaters one on top of the other, so in the end it’s all the same
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everything smelled like cheese, oh je voudrais tant que tu te souviennes, des jours heureux où nous étions amis en saco, en sautant là la vie
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secondly, paris is, of course, parisians, they are a special breed of women, one cannot say that they they are distinguished by their special beauty, but charm, but the ability to wear clothes, any kind, not only high fashion, but some kind of inimitable chic - this is their prerogative, and in general, a french woman is first and foremost a woman. nowadays, when men are becoming more and more women, for a long time, preening in front of the mirror, and women they believe that equality lies, in particular, in developing masculine traits in oneself, the french woman, without depriving her independence and dignity in the least, allows a man to feel like a man, and that says it all.
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no, but there is something more, much more, it's called charm. a french woman really admires, perhaps precisely because she is french, especially men who speak beautifully. intelligence plays an important role here. in some countries money matters and that's why similar. money matters everywhere, but in
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france it is not the main thing. for french women this is. if french women are asked what kind of man they would like to marry, very often the first quality is called a sense of humor, french women also know how to get out, it’s very french, of course, it’s very french, they don’t complain, they take it upon themselves, they are very organized, all this is firmly embedded in french culture and cannot disappear even despite changing generations, the author of the book, why don’t french women getting fat? by the way, it’s true, while walking around paris, i specifically looked for fat women, i searched for a long time, i saw two, one might say, i was happy, i came closer and realized that they were italians, when we were filming a film in america, i saw a huge number of such women and
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men, it’s even difficult for me to describe their weight, 200 kg. if you eat in a calm environment, you will learn to eat less, and when you eat less, you will stop gaining weight. these are the little tricks that i explain in my book, although in reality we have in france this is passed on to children from their mother,
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that’s how we live. he definitely gathers everyone at the end of the project, this is also interesting, he gathers the entire group, including local drivers and location managers, that is, people whom he generally does not know, he invites the entire group, including these people, to the best restaurant city, a very generous person, very generous, cheerful, in this sense, he , apparently, simply enjoys the team, from communicating with the guys, he is completely devoid of a star complex, completely, this is in him no at all, he is not arrogant, he is not arrogant, in this sense he is a very easy person, graffiti is everywhere in sao paulo, it is true
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that you can choose any place in the city and... draw what you want if you start drawing on which one -at the police station, then of course they will fly you in, they won’t put you in jail, but they will give you a significant fine. what kind of men are here in brazil, very attentive and caring, it is clear that sometimes someone’s husband can go to the left, our blood is hot, but we have our own woman, she is always alone. i see that you mostly have women working here, we just we want the women's coffee business to develop equally with the men's. brazil.
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complicated, maybe there were some cases related to the language barrier, well, i don’t know, your russian language, yes, uh, i learned it, really, i didn’t know it, i started learning it, i think i was maybe 16 years old , at that time i lived in germany, and i went to school for our military, who did not have time to graduate because of the war, it was a school at the field post, that is, there were quite adults, uncles, mostly officers, who taught me , i can not now to quote as i was taught, because on television there were expressions that are not allowed now. that’s how i taught, and then i went to the cinema a lot, to russian cinema, to hear, and then, when we arrived in moscow, i went to the moscow art theater, the old
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mkhatovites, actors like gribov, for example, or like torov , and so on, they spoke amazing russian, besides, after all, our family, i mean the poznorovskaya family, apparently are capable of languages, my dad knew five languages, my daughter speaks four languages.
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but an object or a subject is still a question, but in any case, this is something so complex that i think it’s beyond our power, that is, i’m skeptical about our ability to potentially even find out how this demo did it correctly, that it didn’t immediately to do this, i’m afraid that yes, i was probably stupider, because i still walked along this road, and not right away, as you know, because i started.
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but for each of the neurons, which worsens the situation many times more, from 10 to 500.
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to estimate this, namely, that this is more than elementary particles, i was talking once, but with one physicist, i said, i think i’m smart, i said, well, this can’t be, it’s some kind of phony, because the neurons themselves consist of elementary particles, to which he looked at me with regret and said, we are talking about connections, not about material units, not proteins, fats, carbohydrates, connections of one with another,
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there really is a fantastic number of them. so, to be honest, i can’t even imagine what could happen for us to understand how it works, how to find out what for the thoughts in a person’s head, of course, through his dreams, now, attention, only here you will find out what vladimir pozdnerov dreams about, it’s funny to talk about this, you know, but once i had a dream in which i and... . i’m filming a movie about james bond, me, yes, i’m in the role of such an aged james bond, who is already retired, but he is called for some business, he is necessary, he appears in dreams, i don’t remember what it was business, but nevertheless, bond, that is, i fall in love, but i have already seriously fallen in love with a woman, and she is played by me.
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i was in america, naturally, so i left and but perhaps the most interesting thing was that i
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returned after there... 40 years, i went to a relative in new york, it was, i asked how mary was, i i wanted to see her more, he says, okay, i'll tell her, i came the next day, i ask, well, she said that she doesn't want you to see her, she wants you to remember her, the way she is was 40 years ago, can you imagine, yes, and it just pierced me completely, who cared about this, can i calm you down? i got divorced twice, and the divorces were
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difficult, but with my first wife... we didn’t know how it would be, two adults, she was married for 29 years and we didn’t know what would happen, we didn’t know at all, it was a difficult period for him, because that he suffered for himself, for his wife, it was a difficult period for me, because i suffered for myself for him, it was very hard, very, well,
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after a year we realized that... yes, that we want to be together, i just happy with her, you have a cutie and a pie. we met on a production basis in 2000 or 2003, now i don’t even remember. vladimir vladimirovich headed such an organization, east-west, which was engaged in the fight against aids, they decided that on the day of the fight against aids they should do a big concert, as they do in the west and they wanted to do an elton john concert, and someone told them that. .. you want to do an elton john concert, you need to turn to the hope of yurina. i arrived, there was such a big table, long, there were 35-40 people there, vladimirovich stood up, handed me a glass, i sat down, and he sat down in the ficus. and all these 30-odd
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people there could not restrain themselves and began laugh homerically. in 1985, i made my debut on soviet television, but i was not allowed on the screen. here you cannot openly talk about souls, because you are afraid of punishment from the soviet government authorities, this is stupid, of course, and we always express our thoughts with full dedication, with pleasure we always listen to our government, a teleconference took place, fieldonahu worked there, who became my close one friend and i, these were ordinary soviet people, ordinary americans,
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the people of moscow thought that it would finally be the very socialism that i dreamed of, because i am not a supporter of capitalism. there were times when posner worked with the famous poet samuil marshakov. by the way, he wrote a lot about time and times. times, whether it’s a coincidence or not, this is what vladimir pozner’s big project will be called on channel one. the program is on air. a program about the main events of the week, but today it will be a program about what happened this year, this is the last program in this television year, good evening, i’m vladimir kozhno, so i
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already said, we will consider the main events of the year, those that seemed the most important to us, making the program at the time, the most important international event was iraq, the war in iraq and the increased, terribly increased tension in relations between russia and the united states, which all- there must be these relations, i am not asking, so to speak, to speak on behalf of anyone or anything...
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so to speak, the locomotive, would you like to say about the americans that these are our friends, or would you like to say, for example, alexander gradsky, that we don’t have any friends, we have national interest, me. together, where we introduced each other to the future
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presenter of the vremya program and the future producer of the vremya program, i worked with different presenters, they were very good, very everything there, but unique in the sense of the word in which he is not, he is unique in everything , let's say, with his whole destiny, with his whole personality, with his whole view of life, the world around people, i am sure that vladimir vladimirovich has more than anyone else
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who were directly involved in this film, as well as those who to some
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extent helped in its return to its homeland, okay, sergeevich, it is known that 460 boxes of material returned to russia. firstly, how did you feel about the fact that it was you who were entrusted with finishing this work, editing it or editing it for television. and what was the most difficult for you? it so happened that, in my opinion, no one dared to do this, so i had to make a decision, my sister and mother somehow helped me with this, it seems different there was no option that anyone else was doing it, but the first channel, which took the most active, well, the most important part in this, somehow the other...
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after five years of silence, i met at a festival where we were members of the jury international festival, i then asked her why she refused, and lifa replied that firstly, this is a very long period, after all, it was supposed to be filmed for a year, then for financial reasons, yeah.
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the famous film adaptation of mikhail bulgakov's story on saturday on the first, he also dancing, dancing, anatoly konstantinovich, mario, give it to me as a wife, you can give it to me, it’s a good idea to collect a dowry with your dad, we have it here. embroidered shirts, so very beautiful, in the vologda province an amazing ritual of dressing has been preserved, the bride was placed on a table decorated with a rich tablecloth and her friend was helped to put on her wedding dress, who came to us, well, who, who is young, bring out our beauty, well,
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the groom , to be at a wedding, quarreled, had a fight. we're having a wedding on the first sunday, these are the times, it was wonderful the program is sharp, but gradually they began to remove this sharpness, it became less interesting, in the end i simply abandoned it and started making the poznor program instead.
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look, here he is, and i get tremendous pleasure from this, i understand that this is a difficult question, they love you very much, yeah, they love you, for what? you yourself understand what slander is, but you know, this is very interesting, someone considers it an insult and then you can sue, where did you earn your millions, there is a certain style, in which posner works, he seems to be telling the viewer that...
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the interlocutor is a reason for him to tell him what hurts him and what he’s scared of and what feels good, i ’ve been teaching for a thousand years, they always teach, they teach there to the whole world , in all institutes, in acting too, it is impossible to buy charm, this is from god, a titanically charming person.
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very young, i was a teenager, at that time i was very interested in popular music, especially british music, rock and the like, at some point this music became
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part of theatrical culture, the whole pop music movement began to represent not just performers who sing and play guitars, there were artists who dressed up in costumes, told stories, used lighting effects, that’s how theater came into my life, primarily through music , above all through rock, ah rock? yes, because we, of course, have a theatrical tradition, not the same as in russia, but centuries-old. this is a very young country. that's right, that's why we just had to develop theatrical culture. my desire for theater was born from movement, from dance, from circus, from rock. it was born from a lot of other things, but not from the theater itself. were you talking about the circus now? circus, you worked at the circus in zirkel. so for you, what is a circus? yes, i worked with circus deli. in fact, the circus is somewhat reminiscent of the olympic games. circus art is born where
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sports culture meets. not everyone likes sports, not everyone is interested in culture, but at the same time everyone watches the olympic games. the same can be said about the circus. some people don't like the theater don't like comedy, but they like sports. there are those who hate sports but love the circus. so, the circus is a meeting of sports and theater. it unites. i think this is such a unifying art form. the circus tent unites people around the arena, around circus art. this is also a vertical unification. we are following a story that develops vertically. here is a man, here is the space above him, he wants to take off, strives to take off, below him is hell and demons. i see it this way.
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dot artistic director dot dot i wanted a little bit
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talk about the relationship between director and actor. i know many directors, well, according to many, i know some directors who told me, listen, an actor is an empty container that needs to be filled. and in the way they spoke, there was some, i don’t know, sense of superiority, or something, or there, i don’t know, well, in general, what an actor is. he needs to be directed and he himself can’t do anything, you said an actor about yourself, period, now you’ve added an artistic director, that’s how you feel about an actor, that is, as if you are one in two faces, you are one person, this a subordinate figure, to what extent is she an independent actor, an actor is the basis of the theater. this is the king of the stage, and the director, if he has not dissolved in the actor and his threads are visible,
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then nothing will happen, the performance begins, the artist is left alone with his partners, with the audience, only in his power, in his desire, how much the director nourishes him ah... but the actor is the center, if it is very important that the actor is educated, inquisitive and intellectually savvy, you know, one of the i understand that there are different types of intelligence in people are mathematical, verbal, but there is an intelligence called emotional. on which, as biologists say, 70% of a person’s success depends, it is true, that is, the ability to recognize one’s
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emotion, the emotion of another person and correctly...
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to which olevya said to him: dustin, have you tried playing? that is, this is a different approach, obviously, you don’t need to get used to and worry about that person and become a different person, you need to play a different person, or am i misunderstanding, and what do you think and you mean that we now have 5 minutes, i know, you know that it’s like from a joke, when a young artist is asked, i need to play drunk, what should i do, he’s so drunk,
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fascism, but he didn’t even argue, that this is discrimination, fascism. premiere, show of vavan and lexus. tomorrow on the first. some argue that the main building of moscow state university is, in fact, a huge, perfectly camouflaged spaceship. to the eighty-fifth birthday
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of viktor sadovnichegov. managing such a university is of course difficult, but for me it’s life. now university science is taking the lead because we have the most young people. in all countries, science is done by young people. almamator of every tenth scientist in russia, here they come up with our tomorrow. at this global level, without false modesty, we do not lag behind the best examples. students, where do you dream? i believe in science, i believe that the main development of society will be the vector, the vector of science, the victor of science, the premiere on wednesday, on the first, my teacher pete seeger, so, yes, played the twelve-string guitar, piz seeger, yes, but like this, how
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lucky you are, and oh, well, this is it. such painstaking work, how to build, how to develop this topic and then be ready to move away from this plan at any moment, i have a script written, that is, what i want to ask you, i allow myself, i do this often, to move away from him, because there are more interesting things, the guest can suddenly answer that unexpected doors open, so to speak, you need to step up...
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because then he was asked, oh, and then he was asked, now, what swing is, and he he said, communicating with you brings a lot of problems, well, that is, you are a difficult person to communicate with, i never understood this and could not understand what was the matter, why i am a difficult person,
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but i resigned myself, since people think so, it means it’s convenient to say just that well, so tell me this thing, and how to measure the success of a musician, composer,
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you have realized yourself, i agree with you, why do i sometimes ask this question, because it’s not about quantity, well, relatively speaking, it’s about in general , much fewer people attended shestakovich’s concerts; he concerts gave rarely, in fact, chestakovich, i mean, he usually sat in the hall, you mean at a concert with his music, his music, yes, he had a brilliant story, they once messed around with my friend’s dad. dima from avmyan, and his name was levon, levon dadevosich - ovmyan, they went to the central house of culture, well, this is the house of culture of railway workers for some hack work, so they arrived there, and in front of them
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some small jazz orchestra was playing, and there was a huge big drum , and approaching the piano, shostakovich saw that he had pedals there is no right pedal, so there is no pedal itself, that is , there is a stick, but there is no pedal, i understand, then they did the following, this is always me.
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could you spare me the trouble of introducing you? on the one hand, i think everyone knows you, or almost everyone, but for those who suddenly don’t know you, this is how you would introduce yourself?
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i’ve seen a lot of things in my life, but i didn’t feel such a feeling of just happiness from this concentration, the number of incredibly amazing things, on the one hand, on the other hand, i was this year several times and was before bianale in venice, and i have a persistent feeling that they think i’m a fool. or maybe i’m just being deceived, but i don’t find anything for myself there, my question for you is this: what’s happening to art today? well, i ’ll tell you my opinion, which i don’t impose on anyone, me too, i know that many people don’t agree with it, but i’ll tell you this, we...
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imagine for yourself, admit that a work of art is being created now, i i mean plastic art, painting, graphics, sculpture, are being created, but appeared the enormous volume, colossal, that the venetian museum occupies, occupies many exhibitions of creative works, quite creative. you see, which in my opinion came out of the understanding of what we call art, we have not yet found a new name for these phenomena, but they exist, this is also a creative awareness, well, like all art, in my opinion, of the world around us our relationship with him, but he is not necessarily artistic... the character is creative
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artistic, creativity yes, but creativity everything, you see, we are inventing a pencil, also creativity, some new type, but i received it, it’s called an eternal pencil , they gave me that, someone invented this too, and this is creative work, but this is not art, you know, we are afraid i have to admit to myself that a huge shaft has arisen, which is what they are occupying... everyone is striving for the artistic space, everyone is striving, they want to be called art for today, but as soon as they decide, and they will have to do this, to say, yes , we are something else and call ourselves, we called, you know, me they say modern art, but i’m lost, because for me art, if it’s art, is always modern,
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which is our task now, it seems to me, to share this, to understand what the artistic principle brings, but with him the artistic principle has its own determinants, i think these are obligatory parameters, ethical and aesthetic, you know, these are different things, so i see a huge number. objects
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at exhibitions, yes, which are devoid of these, these qualities, no matter where they appear and no matter how was called the program with the host vladimir pozdner, the viewer is always sure that this will be a spectacle, and sometimes a boxing match, in the literal sense of the word. good evening, good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen, this is not a program of the times, participants. who exchange verbal blows, this is the show king of the ring, in which the participants exchange real, physical... blows, which you, of course, will see, i say again, you are watching the show of the first channel, king of the ring.
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i have created a role for myself, but this is only because i am a passionate boxing fan. i had the rare pleasure of seeing the legendary joe louis defend his heavyweight title twice. i saw the great sugar ray robinson fight. i had the pleasure of shaking hands with muhammad ali.
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well, what do you think, what is your first impression, let's start with you, you know, i think that everything is not bad, he's wound up a little, so a little, is it good or bad, better calm down because igor livanov he is calm in his stance everything is closed, but i missed it a little, i’m still calm, yes, yes a little igor, you forgot everything, yes you forgot everything , left side you forgot, yes, just get there once more and more, i know, i understand, yes , now listen to me, listen to me, calm down. livanovskaya’s tactics are better, because he saves his breath, and besides, he can still figure out, well, ivan’s technique, he watches how
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vanya behaves, and vanya gets wound up, he can lose his breath, to whom do you give the round, to whom do you give, and not both are bad, do you think farostyan slipped or did he fall? we can try that even in the area in ballet he is ahead of the rest. we hope that yuri visber will not blame us for slightly altering his famous poems. good evening, ladies and gentlemen, good evening, i am vladimir poznar, i am il zaliepa, in fact,
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what you are about to see has nothing to do with me professionally, so you have the right to wonder, in fact, why am i here? well, i’m here because when they offered me this, they said that it would definitely be a ballet, and i really love ballet, and that there would be ballerinas, and i really love ballerinas, they said which ballerina would be next to me, i agreed, ballet, posner, tsiskaritsa, what do you have in common, you ask, of course, the posner program. the pozner program is on air, the guest of the program is nikolai tsyskaritsa. you see, vladimirevich, i grew up like this, maybe i told you, we talked a lot about this, i grew up in a family in which no one could ever imagine that i would dance, especially in ballet
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let's talk, suddenly this happened, you know, there was some kind of really, if i analyze it, it was a chain of events that lined up in this beautiful word fate, now i’m...
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it’s very strong to say that teaching work, it’s very cheap, it’s an expenditure of effort and the equivalent of payment, it’s impossible to compare it, because of course it’s very difficult to live on it, i don’t know what will happen to me, when i stop dancing, and i basically, i already told everyone, when i finish this, and i mean dancing like classical ballet, you know, for me the worst thing is, after all, i have the role of princes and...
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observations, you have you ever thought about the impression you make on people? off stage? yes, i thought about it, and i was very often surprised that you know, kozma prutkov wrote a brilliant phrase that people are like sausages, what they stuff with is what they wear, this is a very important thing for me, when i come across such things, i think , well, don’t you really want to think in advance about making some kind of verdict? yes, of course, at every sneeze you say hello, and i try, well, not to make excuses if
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you accuse me of something, you know, i had very strict parents, and the first thing for which they punished me very much when i was completely when i was little, it was my mother who told the informer the first note, she didn’t allow me to complain and didn’t allow me to make excuses, in categorical form, if something happened, i had to bear responsibility for what happened, well...
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well, so that no one would understand, especially i didn’t understand, they switched to georgian, because i didn’t speak very well as a child, and my grandfather once told my mother that lamara, don’t forget that you are a woman, no one here cares about your opinion at all, and i really liked
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this phrase when i said it at ten years old age, when my mother told me something , i said, in the end, mom, don’t forget that you are a woman, this is my life , no one here cares about your opinion, i need to tell you such a thing, you know, she didn’t scold me for this, although i thought that now everything would be over, she told me so very much, okay, but teach me that you will bear responsibility, when here i am , all this... i understood, i was probably already 13 years old, and i really wanted leaving was very difficult, because 13, 14, 15 years old is a difficult period for boys it’s late to take shape compared to the girls, the girls are already larger, some kind of support begins, it’s very difficult for us, the main thing is that it’s difficult to jump for a long time, because you’re out of breath, because breathing is a very difficult thing to train, and i remember that i stood like... then i thought i thought, no, if i confess now. mom will tell me, well, i couldn’t, i was right, i thought, no, i can, it was this vanity that pulled me out then,
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although i can tell you that there may be pride, yes, i never regretted that , that... from the first minute that i will try to be first. by the way, over the years, the posner program has received 380 visits. yes, that’s exactly how many famous people heard it and saw it from the person sitting opposite. the pozner program is on the air, then choose. almost all the most interesting and famous people of our time visited tsepkekh, oh, sorry, we are talking about another program and other presenters, today we have a rare chance. vladimir fozner interviews vladimir poznor. ah, good evening, hello. you know, it’s customary to make a wish on new year’s day.
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and today my wish came true, because visiting vladimir poznar for the first time. vladimir vladimirovich. postar. good evening. oh, well, my first question. vladimir vladimirovich, what is it like to talk to yourself? very good, you know, i'm looking at you. and i see myself as a young, promising , seventy-year-old boy. ah, nice. vladimirovich, you have an interesting biography. you were born in france, then moved to the usa, now you live in russia. tell me, can this be regarded as an advertisement
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for the russian pension system? question about the olympics, this olympics in sochi, how are you? you know, it will become the most expensive in the history of the olympic games, and before this eurovision in moscow became expensive, the most expensive in the history of eurovision, tell me why history is so expensive for our country, or in simpler terms that you understand.
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otherwise, you know, it turns out to be some kind of schizophrenia, i agree, you know, i prepared, as always, for this program, and i’m not mistaken, i assume that your team is param-pam-pam, your team has repeatedly parodied me in kavein, yes, this is not the first parody, to be honest, then yes, just a minute, is that really what i’m saying? the way you portray it, it doesn’t look like me at all, well, just don’t rush to answer, but don’t slow down either, and vladim vladimirovich, a question on the topic of the new year, but tell me, do you have a dream, yes, ivan, i have my dream
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is for my program to air on channel one either earlier, when i’m still awake. or later, when i had already woken up, and i, i really hope that they heard me, tell me, tell me, ivan, do you have a dream, oh, what a dream, i’m 27 years old, i only have what...
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i wanted to tell you that it is stunningly beautiful, and there was not a single error there, but at that moment an error occurred, but still. absolutely amazing, and you know that this is not like anything else, well, this is the only such number , wonderful and absolutely, thank you very much, you know, i didn’t want to participate in this competition, as a member of the jury, i thought that everything... i’m doing something else, but when they told me who else agreed to be on the jury, i thought, well, it might be interesting. i i’m very glad that i was smart enough to agree, i had tremendous pleasure, there was a real struggle, there were absolutely amazing performances, and maybe the main thing
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is that people who watched this program might think that somehow i too, because these are people just like me, in general it’s great, i’m grateful to everyone, thank you, thank you for your work. so we clearly forgot something, oh yes, the famous questionnaire of marcel proust, and now marcel proust, what shortcoming do you easily forgive, i easily forgive, for example, inattention, what virtue do you value above all else? gratitude, are you afraid of death? no, what would you like to have written on your grave shoulder?
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i take a formal approach to this, so we buried my grandmother yesterday, and there, you know , they put a temporary sign, yeah, it says last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth, and date of death, of course. how would you describe your current state, internal? i feel like a happy person. is the glass half empty or half full for you? i understand, but well, i’m generally a skeptic by nature, but i’m trying to fight it. do you have an idol? no, you were sent to a desert island for a year? which three composers will you take with you? well, of course i’ll take bach, there’s no
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need to name any. i will definitely take bach, i will definitely take shostakovich, and i would take it for a change, there is one. composer minimalist satie so, books by which three authors? of course, uh, we need to take the gospel in my situation, i would take dostoevsky, so, and i would take, well , the strugatskys, for example, poska fantasy, what will you say to the almighty if you meet him? first of all, i'll ask for forgiveness. it was vyacheslav butusov. marcel beprus asked which historical figure inspires
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you, which historical figure inspires your greatest admiration? would you do einstein again? einstein is, first of all, a genius, a great scientist; it is much more difficult to answer with a historical figure. well, at least you... when you find yourself before god, what will you say to him, when you find yourself before god, yes, i haven’t thought about this topic, but maybe it’s worth it, maybe, god, help save our planet and...
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were more just happy, always and everywhere, what do you absolutely not accept? disgrace is probably the most important thing? offered you immortality without any conditions, accepted, without conditions, what kind of lofa is this, of course we accept, when you lie, often every day and a lot, it’s called fantasizing, look when you look in the mirror, do you like what you see, no, just prorative, but nice, goldfish, you catch a goldfish, she
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says three wishes, glory. if marcel proust asked me, now you have caught a goldfish, what three wishes would you ask it to fulfill? first wish so that all my loved ones, my loved ones, my wife , my daughter, my grandchildren, my, my great-grandson, so that they are happy, so that they are healthy, secondly, so that i can... interview
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leonard da vinci. and the third wish is that people will finally live happily in russia. many years ago, it was in hungary, when i was first released, i watched the film one flew over the cuckoo's nest starring jack nicholson. and there's a scene where he talks.
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this podcast is a must read, i'm glad to hear it. today we are discussing gustov flabera and his romance madame bavari with actress alexandra revenko and oksana bondarenko, director of the moscow transport museum. it’s great luck that today our guest is the director of the moscow transport museum, because... in the novel, mrs. bavari plays a very important role in transport, there are several scenes with caretta, as well as with kucher and ver, who takes mrs. bavari on a date , and mrs. bavari meets this moment of a beggar, which foreshadows her tragic ending, in general we can say that in this novel transport plays a huge role, and oksana, as a connoisseur of french culture
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, is well versed in this and will tell us:
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because she somehow has completely different ideas about how a woman should behave, how she should live, feel, and it just seems to me that her entire attention is immersed in inner world, into the world of experiences, she is the person who wants to make a novel out of her life, cool, by the way, very, very accurate, yes, yes, and it seems to me that just when i started... working on the role, i read novel, the last ones were especially hard for me scenes, as i later found out that - the flauber , just as when he wrote, probably experienced even more, changed handkerchiefs and sobbed, yes, that is, when he finished the novel, he
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burst into loud crying and said madame bavarie semois, it’s me, it’s me, by the way, we ’ll raise this topic later, that is, how the flapper managed to embody this female psychology, but it seems to me that alexander... when you were preparing and reading, you thought the emotional portrayal of this role was convincing in general, well then there is a beginning and an end, that's how this tragic thing comes to him the end that comes to, it is justified, it is clear, this path, you can describe what is happening to her in general, so she married this charles bavari doctor, when i picked up the novel, i had already begun to prepare for the role, and how actors do this often and more often. in all, you speak for your character, yes, from the very beginning you begin to justify him, because your logic is only contained in this story, it will be strange,
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to disagree with the character, and you are just doing what you justify him, you justify him, you justify him, you come up with why did she act exactly like this, more logically you are still looking for these moves so that it fits on... the emotional background, it was prikotenko brought forward charles’ inner world, here everything is a little from the other side, because in our performance director andrei simply, yes, it was very, very difficult, as emma’s husband sees it, the viewer sees it, and many moments that are told openly in the novel, in our performance they seem to be hidden, hidden, and with a shadow side, because charlie until the very end doesn’t know about his wife’s parallel life, right? wants about this is to know, he is so, ah, he really is the only, perhaps, character in this, in this work, who simply loves her madly, the way she is, yes, and he is very accommodating to many. sacrifice - in this work, for her sake, well, again, not because
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of his knightly nature or, say, some kind of pompous ideas, he simply accepts her as such or accepts this world because it is as it is, because he is, in fact, one of the players in that society, the bourgeois society, which flaubert is very beautiful, possessing almost poetic prose, perhaps this is due to his novel. it really sounds - very colorful and musical, it has its own rhythm, which i described very beautifully on the sides, yes, that is, there are three sections, each has, or rather 13 sections, in each there are, in my opinion, 10 certain sonnets and so on, in general, the symbol of the circle in the novel, first of all, charles, seriously.
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kept in three coffins, again, and this impoverished charles, they tell him: this is expensive, but he says, i don’t want anything hear, he says to his mother, you didn’t love her, well, by the way, here again i also cannot agree with you, it seems to me that again there is a symbol of a circle in this, charles is so closed in himself that i cannot say that he loves emma as she is , it seems to me that he doesn’t know her, he...
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in fact, this is the possibility of the same
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education of a deeper systemic education, which this society can allow her, again, it seems to me that the novel in this is a kind of quintessence or already this last drop is like the icing on the cake in the context in which french society found itself at that moment, and not at the time of the narrative in the novel, right? we understand that there flaubert wrote it in the fifties, and the narration takes place centuries, and the narration in the novel, well, about ten years earlier, the thirties, forties, but it was precisely at the end of the 19th century, in the sixties of the 19th century, that big problems, including problems related to transformation.
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affected precisely the woman and the change in lifestyle with the appearance of the first, probably, the feminist movement at this moment is precisely the need for education, a change in education, because surely a woman and the same madame bavari, having great educational opportunities , would not have fallen for the bait of this cunning dress merchant, right? who completely screwed her up and entangled her in a terrible credit
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history, which led to that very family tragedy, the consequences of her death, well, i think in this case he’s probably still... not an evil genius who entangled women, but he, let’s say so, she just sees that she is weak, she was waiting for this lere, who helped her fulfill her fantasies, and of course, emma got married, that’s why she agreed so easily, maybe it was actually one of the first men who came to their farm, whom she saw, who was from the city , and in general a person who knows medicine.
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to change the foundations of the system, but i really wanted to, in general, i think so now that of course a novel is an amazing, amazingly beautiful and subtly described clash of the illusion of reality, i agree, the illusion of reality, this deep internalvertive...


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