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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 2, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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there, even in this narrow corridor you begin to invent something for yourself and give birth, i don’t know, even in my life, the tougher my schedule and circumstances, the more i manage to do, for some reason, i don’t know why it turns out that way, although it also happens in such a way that, for example, i’m already used to the musical theater in musicals, to the fact that everything is systematic, fast, i do a performance in a month and a half, she started rehearsing zoya’s apartment, and i also planned everything , suddenly i asked myself the question, where am i going, why am i in a hurry, especially that something started.
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without which, in general, it is quite difficult for the theater to live, when choosing material, yes, that’s where this balance is, yes, because we know very well that it is possible to build a good quality commercial repertoire, yes, but still there is material that is not a fact, will give a bright financial result, but it’s interesting for the director, it’s interesting for the artists, it’s interesting to delve into it, it’s interesting to understand it, maybe it will be... such a boutique story, but
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nevertheless this is theater, this is this balance, that’s how you artistic director, do you feel it somehow, do you somehow build it? well , of course, but what would we do without it? of course, it’s another matter that nothing can be a fact - that it will certainly be a success, or that nothing can be, but somewhere, so to speak, to impose on yourself, somewhere to plant some kind of straw, it’s worth , although this is not, this is not about the performance, it won’t work out, then there’s no way. a wonderful play “cosmos”, in general, a young director, igor teplov, made what star can’t save him, you know, that’s how to say, this season we released, why is it also wonderful, because it is based on a modern play, which was just written by alexei zhitkovsky, and of course, we always have performances based on modern ones in our branch of the pushkin theater, because it is terribly dangerous, especially in our, especially pro-russian outback , even a comedy one. but still, with such a problem and
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so on, let me onto the big stage, i still, how can i say, convinced the director that this should be done on the main stage, that it should be done in a certain genre, which it seems to me that he masters and develops in this, but of course i said, go persuade victoria isakova to play there, who already plays a lot already... so i went into such a risky project, and the performance turned out, it seems to me, wonderful , but if it had not worked out, no , forgive me, victoria would not have saved isakkov , you know, but it seems to me that the performance turned out well, but of course, of course, if you take a modern play, a problematic play, and so on, but still... it’s better that there is someone else involved in this problem some person, so to speak, who will make you listen about this problem, know about this problem, and so on. here
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comes a play that is received with a bang by critics and the professional community, yes, there is good press and so on, but the public does not perceive it at all, that is, life in... social networks absolutely destroys it, and the professional community, only compliments, this is where, where to move, continue to play persistently, we need to continue to play for some time, of course, but we need to understand exactly, and i’m talking to directors, for example, or with artists who are involved in such performances, or i, i also had such experiences, for example, i understand, i always say that this is a very important experience for us, this is very important for us. performance, but uh, unfortunately, the life of this performance cannot be so long, and often it happens, on the contrary, it seems that uh, you know, so i came to the theater, when i first came to the theater, the play the mousetrap was being produced, and it seemed to me that he is a performance
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mousetrap, well, some kind of, very average, some kind of detective, some kind of classical english scenery and so on, it seemed to me that something, somewhere, somehow was needed, and i thought, okay, season...
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second row, yes, it might be unpleasant for an artist to hear, then of course, well, in fact , there’s even a play in space, and it’s clear that they are completely delighted with all the other roles, they all do it, it’s just such a thrill. sasha, if you look through the eyes of the artist, well, in this case, through the eyes of your colleagues, the play came out, and you see that it definitely did not receive such audience success as i would like, at the same time, you feel like the artists who are involved in this performance, yes,
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that this is a successful creative work and which really brought you joy, it was not useless, your position is rather, as zhenya said, to continue playing... understanding that this is the final story and that this will not become a performance for 10 years, or when you see an extinct hall and maybe not even a completely sold out hall and some not very energetic applause, you would better refuse, i don’t mean you, not you personally, here’s the actor’s, cast, here is a corpse, but i think that the critic is also a person, and the viewer is also a critic, if there is no one in the audience, something means the performance is not right, but what was the situation, was it enough provocative, but it was not sluggish, somehow it didn’t go there or
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something, the hall was furious, this was an option when the hall furiously did not accept something, aggressively did not accept it. shame, shame there and so on and so on, and it was a total experience for me, i just came to the theater, that was it, it even turned out to be a complete mess, sorry, yes, konstantin bogomolov rehearsed, came out in the fall, well, i came in the summer, and the first premiere of the fall in october was just torando, and i just didn’t understand how to say it, and didn’t know how to even act in this situation. to do trills in this situation when this began , shame, what a shame, there’s something else, well, how can i say he solved his
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problems, he certainly checked something for himself then, in many ways, it seems to me that turandot became some kind of starting point where he did some well...
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but in turandot, you know, if i had been fully artistic at that time the director and director of the theater , well then i was, how to say, and there was a director of the theater, who, in fact , owned everything in the theater, did everything in the theater, in fact, he told me just go, put on good performances, how can i say, don’t get involved in everything the life of the theater and so on, that is, what kind of posters, what kind of marketing, how tickets are sold, who we are...
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shows that this is endless trust, which gives rise to a great creative
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result. i wish you good luck, thank you very much. thank you very much, thank you, it was theater podcast and i and its host anton getman, our guests were the artistic director of the moscow pushkin drama theater evgeny pisarev and the incredible actress of the pushkin theater alexander ursulyak. hello everyone, on the first channel of the podcast everyone wants to fly and i am its host leonid yakubovich. today you and i will not fly anywhere, today we will remember a man, but if not legendary, then at least outstanding. the name of this man was always hushed up in the soviet union, all of his achievements, although mostly they showed up. color, even before the revolution, was crossed out from all publications. we will talk to you today about
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a man whose name was igor sekorsky, an outstanding aircraft designer. but let's start with this: on may 25, 1889, in the family of a famous psychiatrist, the family was wealthy, moreover... i repeat, she occupied a very serious position in society, therefore, according to established tradition, the boy was baptized in the family, exclusively , like his older sisters and brothers, were baptized only by members imperial family, in this case the boy was baptized by the emperor's cousin and became his wife, the grand duchess, at baptism the boy was given the name igor, the mother adored the boy, naturally, read him various fairy tales, but here's what... characteristic of the story about the great leonardo de vinci showed him a picture of a certain design, which
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the great inventor, scientist and artist, one day suddenly, one might say, wandered into. here is the design of the great leonard davinch. this design is quite reminiscent of a modern helicopter. in general, you need i can say that the idea was born a long time ago. in that century bc, in china, someone, unknown, noticed how an acacia leaf was falling, it’s easy to check if you throw any leaf. but in my opinion, the acacia leaf is better, it doesn’t fall down, it starts to rotate like this along some strange trajectory, only then it lands, once upon a time, i repeat, in that century, bc, in china there was such a toy, a stick, on which two petals are attached, made of
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fabric, of matter, you could twist it like that the wand, let go, it did not fall down, but for some time... spun in the air, it was such a children's toy, we will later tell you that from this, it was from this toy that the idea of ​​​​creating a similar image of machines was born, perhaps leonardo knew about this, but nevertheless, what he drew, what he invented and did, of course, caused unspeakable surprise, in general, of those who had ever seen it, and igor was completely shocked, and probably... this began his love, his dream of heaven, when he saw this picture, and he was, in my opinion, three or four years, maybe a little more, he asked the servants in the house to pull him a rope between two trees, on which they hung a cradle, at a height
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of about 3-4, and he sat in this cradle and felt like he was in the sky , in the air and... while his relatives, while his buddies, friends, older brothers and sisters were playing, he sat in this ice for hours, imagining as if he were flying, then more, he studied, his parents sent him to study in st. - st. petersburg naval cadet corps, after, in my opinion, six months, it suddenly unexpectedly i told my parents, i’m tired of it, it’s not mine, this is the argument, i insisted and... from his in 906 he went to a technical school in france, such as “duveny” de lonneau, a fairly famous person at that time. about six months passed, maybe a little more, he returned, in 908 he entered the mechanical faculty of the kiev
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polytechnic institute, where there was an aeronautical section, which was led by... students of mozhaisky there and so on. in his second or third year, he invented a steam motorcycle, for which he became famous in absolutely perfect institute. without finishing, well, probably, this had already become a habit of the institute, he left. and in 908 he began building his first helicopter. i must tell you that this is an incredibly technical matter. complex for those times, i repeat, this is the beginning of the century. nevertheless, in 909 he completed construction, i am now holding in my hands not his helicopter, of course, i am holding in my hands the legendary mi-8, but nevertheless , what was clear, he always dreamed that the helicopter would be just like this, i ’ll explain later how this helicopter is different, it’s
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the helicopter design was from many others, but for some reason he always wanted to make a helicopter with - one propeller, the helicopter could not take off, that is, it sputtered, of course, they started it up, but it could not take off. nevertheless, in 909 he gathers his family and asks to finance his trip to paris. his older brother was categorically against it, because sending young sucker to paris, and even with a certain amount of money, generally speaking. dangerous, nevertheless, having shown character, and this will later be useful to him throughout life, he insisted on his own, the family allocated funds, and he went to paris to study with the famous designer ferdinand farber. ferber must tell you, first of all, he immediately explained to him that it’s easy to come up with a helicopter, but it’s more difficult to build one, you can
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never lift the air, and he gave the example of all living creatures, which... many parameters: aerodynamics, how the propeller should rotate, what configuration blades, well, there was a lot of stuff that didn’t exist then, he left it for a while... online he began to engage in aircraft construction, on june 8, 909 he built his first plane, the c2, and made
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a flight, small, not long, but nevertheless made. here is that very first plane, behind the handles, of course, by the inventors himself, he never allowed anyone to lift up a machine of his own making, now he is wearing a cap, but everywhere in... all subsequent photographs he is wearing his traditional hat, this is a legendary photograph, i must say that sekorsky, who did not graduate from college, suddenly found out that he did not have a diploma, and his fellow aircraft engineers wrote a collective letter to kiev polytechnic institute, with a request, well, for his merits, to give him a diploma. and sikorsky not only received a diploma for his success in the construction of the first aircraft, he received vladimir of the fourth degree;
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his imperial majesty was present at one of the shows, who was very pleased with what he saw and gave sekordsky a watch. years passed - in 911 this man received his pilot's diploma in the same year. during maneuvers near kiev he set four all-russian air records. in april 912 he was awarded big gold medal at the moscow aeronautical exhibition, in the spring of '12 he moved to st. petersburg. he was invited to become the chief designer of the newly formed aeronautical department by the chairman of the russo-balt society, the russo-baltic carriage building plant. a man who later put a lot of effort and money into what sikorsky was doing. in the twelfth, approximately thirteenth year, at the aeronautical plant of this same
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russian-baltic carriage repair plant there were light non-planes s5a, s 6b, s8, s10, all s8korsky, and monoplane were built in s7, s11, s. 11a and c12 is incredible for the year of construction of such a quantity, he generally amazed people all his life with his performance, here is his design, here is he himself in a hat, here is the design of the aircraft. in march 913 , the world's first multi-engine air giant s9, the russian knight, was built, well, it was something unimaginable. and it would seem that we can stop there. nevertheless, in december of the thirteenth year it was built a fantastic four-engine aircraft at the time, ilya muromets. i must
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tell you that this building was actually gigantic and, for those times, for today, a huge apparatus with a passenger cabin, where guests sat and were served, which is surprising. then this never happened at all, they served coffee, tea , they could have breakfast on the plane, in june of the fourteenth year, 1914, he set a world record for the moscow-kiev flight in 13 hours, i must tell you that the flight generally took place, how to say , fun, uh, somewhere in the sixth to eighth hour of the flight , a fuel line burst, fuel began to flood the hot engine, a fire naturally broke out , the mechanic... rushed to put it out, caught fire himself , the second mechanic rushed to put out the first mechanic, together they extinguished the plane, they were supposed to fly to odessa, but did not make it to
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odessa , we landed in kiev, well, there was an incredible sensation, of course, photojournalists, a crowd of people, here is the first plane, by the way, his imperial majesty personally allowed himself to ride the car, this is the same plane, with the first passengers on board, i was talking about that during the flight to odessa , a gas line burst in the air and the engine caught fire, this is the same machine that made it possible to repair the engine in the air, it was open by the way, over there, you see these windows, this is where the first passengers were located, there were a dozen and a half passengers airfield dog shkalik, we talked with the head of the international olympic... violated his own charter,
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his own rules, now thomas bach himself is calling on the world to boycott igor truzhba, i will also inform president macron about this initiative, he seems to have to develop the whole world sport, and he tells us , i’ll call this, that, that one so that they don’t go there, now, apparently, they are preparing some kind of document that will warn athletes that if they come to the friendship game, they may be disqualified olympic. and after we removed them, he made several rather aggressive statements that this is discrimination, fascism, but he did not even argue that this is discrimination, fascism, the premiere, the vavan and lexus show, tomorrow on the first, some argue that the main thing the msu building is actually huge,
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perfectly camouflaged.
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on the air of the podcast of the first channel, everyone wants to fly, and i, its host, leonid ikuvoevich, we are talking today about the great inventor igor sekorsky, somehow behind this, well, how to say, small, but still significant event, we missed the fact that it was at this time that duke ferdinand was killed, and the threshold of war, global war, in general began to smell. in the air quite clearly, nevertheless, in the fourteenth year , a squad of airships was formed from murom residents, only one and a half to two dozen of these same murymians were made when the first imperialist war began, they were used as bomb throwers, several were shot down, several broke down on
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the road, what... there were engines, however, there were six or seven of them flew for quite a long time, and one remained in service, lived until the mid-thirties, until a fairly well-known tragedy occurred, he was in the air, and the sixteenth was spinning around him , he was spinning, spinning, spinning, touched the wing, the plane fell, people died, that was very known.
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it didn’t work out for him, it didn’t work out, the fact is that, well, according to the tradition of the family, this is how he was raised, he was an unshakable monarchist, he firmly believed that the monarchy is the main thing that can create a country and maintain a country, and his wife is his first surprisingly, she suddenly turned out to be an ardent bolshevik and began to take part in some circles and even became middle-level managers. created by that time by the bolshevik party, the revolution had already broken out, then they divorced, despite the fact that his wife was pregnant, when they divorced and he left the family, she gave birth to his daughter tatyana, here i repeat, the difference is information, some say that late on a late january night , a factory worker loyal to him knocked on his house and said that during the day several people allegedly came for him man
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in leather jackets. and sort of.


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