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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 2, 2024 3:05am-3:21am MSK

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of honor over the city and got wonderful pictures. in the thirties, this c209 plane enjoyed quite serious popularity, but was used rather strangely in those years, well, for example, sikorsky was asked to transfer a piano for the president’s wife on the c-29, then hoover was there, in order to deliver it, and he transported this piano . well, of course, there is nothing to hide here. illicit alcohol was also transported on the c-29, which gave him the opportunity to save some money to do what he loved. after some at that time, this c-29 was sold to howard hughes, who remarkably burned it to hell on the set of the film hell's angels. by the way, the music for this film was dedicated to sikonsky , who came to him in september 1926. a man who
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was a pilot and dreamed, wanted, really wanted, to make the first flight across the ocean to europe. sekorsky was not exactly against it, but the plane was not ready for such a long flight, he insisted that some improvements be made, nevertheless, the man insisted, on september 20, 26, they took off on this plane in an attempt to cross the ocean. a tragedy happened, on takeoff, something happened to the engine, the plane crashed, fell into the enemy, there were two pilots, they managed to jump out, but both mechanics died, and this was widely advertised in the press, a person probably has a different, maybe this led to sad consequences, he would never have been able to do something like that again, but you need to know sekorsky...
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how to say, not that he fell into despondency that it was not his plane that made the first flight, but that no less he decided leave for the duration of the construction of this kind of aircraft, moved his company closer to the water and began building seaplanes, which at that time was completely new, and yet in the twenty-seventh year he created an amphibious aircraft with ... 34, then with 36 and c- 38.
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these seaplanes began to enjoy incredible, one might say, popularity, they were used for quite a long time, several dozen copies were produced, they practically went into series, it was good because you could land anywhere, anytime, however, only on the water, it didn’t have a long arm, it didn’t last long distances, but nevertheless... it was very convenient, there was no need for a runway, the plane landed easily on the water, two floats allowed it to stay at quite serious wave, the podcast is back on the air, everyone wants to fly, i’m its host, we’re talking today about a great man, of course, about igor sekorsky, who in his life quite seriously promoted uh.
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in the world, of course, the history, theory of the creation of helicopters, airplanes, but everything is so easy understand, the limit is coming, after all, they had a limited range, landing restrictions, only water, but nevertheless, in june of the twenty -ninth year, the sikorsky company became part of the structure, but was, let’s say, bought on the vine of a powerful...
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development of drawings c -42, these are later developments that he made, but nevertheless you can pay attention to how accurately and verified it has already been done. the aerodynamics of the wings and the design of the entire structure have already been considered; these are already serious developments of an almost modern type. there comes a moment about which i would like to say separately: all these years, sikorsky had a hope in his soul that someday he would do the business he had always dreamed of, and he dreamed of helicopters. by that time it was already thirty-eighth. that approximately there was already a fairly stable theory of helicopter engineering , the aerodynamics of the machines and the designs were more or less already approaching the point that it was probably possible to begin construction, together with linberg, with whom they became friends, in spite of everything,
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quite firmly, they went to germany, where linberg, who was more interested in what was happening in germany from a political point of view, and he met with hitler quite a few times, and segorsky was not interested in this at all, and he spent all this time at the factories of focke, the same focke who subsequently , together with wulf, he created an airplane, well, quite a famous, very famous airplane during the great patriotic war, this same foki wulf 190, was at the foki plant, which also built helicopters, but he built transverse helicopters, now i’ll tell you i’ll explain what this is, which means it’s a transverse diagram, it’s a helicopter that has a beam here,
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one screw spins here, another screw spins here, this is a saos diagram, in this case i’m holding in my hands a kamov helicopter, which always builds helicopters like this ... dreamed of building a helicopter with one coaxial rotor, where on a helicopter, here it is shown, one rotor works, like this, he wanted to build a machine like this, in 1938 he began developing a new aircraft, a helicopter with with one screw. september 14 1939, the first experimental helicopter vs-300 took off , albeit on a leash, it had one peculiarity, it spun remarkably in place, it flew backwards, sideways, up, down, the only thing it couldn’t do was to fly forward, for an as yet unknown reason, they sat down safely, with
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the inventor himself behind the handle, naturally, then the helicopter was brought to life in 1940, the first one was completed. flight without a licence, and quite dashingly he flew forward, backward, anywhere, and produced quite a serious impression on those present, here it must be said, another turn in his fate, the military department became interested in his developments, in the forty-second year the world's first production helicopter r-4 was created, a batch was purchased, a contract was concluded with the military ... department , the helicopter began to be mass-produced, it was used for transporting the wounded, mainly for transporting cargo, it had not yet participated widely in battle until the helicopter found this application. in 1943, the aircraft designer
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founded his own airline, sekorsky. aerocraft. and he began mass-producing helicopters of various modifications. well, for example, i’ll say that during the second world war, that is , from 1939 to 1945, we produced 420 s-47, s-48 and s-49 helicopters for the american army, a huge number. here in front of you is the s-19 chekso, this is the same vehicle that has quite seriously gone into production and has already begun to be tested by the army when transporting the wounded. and transportation of goods, mainly used for this, there was a special suspension, as you can see, it was possible to lift it on cables, which this had never been done before, but it was possible to lift quite serious loads, two pilots, a cockpit placed at the top, and
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sekorsky’s favorite design of a helicopter with one rotor, here is a rather curious helicopter, a helicopter with special two, look carefully at these suspensions that allowed the machine landing on the water too, here sikorsky is standing nearby, showing the pilot to raise the air. you could easily land on any structure below, they were inflatable balloons, which, i repeat, were allowed in the car land on the water, on the ground, anywhere , anytime, again, look, his favorite scheme, which he never deviated from in his life, is the scheme of a helicopter with one propeller, uh, i must tell you that money, which is slow, but it’s true, they still accumulated... in the company, they gave sekorsky the opportunity to finally formalize the marriage, his
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second wife, to his great happiness, was a woman endlessly in love, well, with igor, of course, understanding that she had married a person passionate about an idea that will slowly but surely one day conquer the world, she completely gave herself up to the idea... they lived a long happy life, they had children, but i repeat, maybe this marriage, this marriage, this wedding allowed sekorsky to live a long happy life in a wonderful family life, there are many of us who in those days i knew sikorsky and noted how good they were , truly, truly what is called a family, what many people dream of. this gave sekorsky the opportunity, here, naturally, his wife welcomed it, to do nothing but your favorite thing.
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he spent time at the company from morning to night; from the late forties, the aircraft designer began to develop heavy machines, well, for example, the s-55 heavy transport helicopters and the absolutely amazing s60 helicopter were developed. after many many years. this design was perhaps the only one that could lift such weights. in the fifty-fourth year, the last s-58 helicopter was created, well, in the fifty-seventh year , already at the age of sekorsky, he retired, becoming an honorary consultant of sekorsky aerocraft. and finally, i took up my favorite business. he played music, he played golf. and amazed the guests, with whom the house was always filled, by knocking out the flame
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of a candle from 10 meters away with a pistol shot, until the end of his life he was like a child, incredibly interested, unfortunately, in the seventy-second year he died, leaving a souvenir descendants the name of a great inventor, a great ascetic, a man who gave the world what... is commonly called a helicopter, he is not alone, he is not alone, of course, and here i want to tell you this: everything that we told you today, says that no matter who, where, what is doing it, an idea cannot be stopped, it is always born without the desire of certain people or groups, regardless of the political situation in the country and regardless of anything, an idea, science is still moving forward. we will continue this conversation about the people who glorified our
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country. we will talk about great aircraft designers, creators of amazing, incredible, grandiose, ingenious aircraft. we will talk to you about bilyushin, about yakovlev, about tupolev, about misishchev. we will talk to you about the shopkeeper, about polikarpov, about petlyakov, and of course, we will talk. with you about the great mil, about the great kamov, about the people on helicopters that our country still flies. it must be said that without these people, nothing like this would ever have been created, not because others could not, it’s just that god gave us outstanding aircraft designers of whom our fatherland is rightfully proud, we will definitely meet with you with a story about them, because. .. we really want people to come who will continue their work, and
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there are an incredible number of talented people in our country, we really want them to continue the work of the great ones who gave us hope and dreams, all the best, there was a podcast with you, everyone wants to fly, and i am its host, leonid yakubovich. i'm larisa guzeeva, let's get married, good afternoon, i'm out of place today, irina, olga. and anastasia, and our fiance is alexey. alexey, 38 years old, even after receiving irrefutable evidence of his lover’s betrayal, left her only when he completed renovations in her apartment. alexey, assistant chief engineer at a shopping center, works part-time for her husband for an hour, lives in ivanteevka near moscow, thinks he looks like gosha.


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