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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 2, 2024 3:20am-4:11am MSK

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and there are an incredible number of talented people in our country, we really want them to continue the work of the great ones who gave us hope and dreams. all the best, there was a podcast with you: everyone wants to fly, me and the host leonid yakubovich. and larisa guzeeva, let’s get married, good afternoon, today ’s brides are irina, olga and anastasia, and our groom is alexey. alexey, 38 years old, even after receiving irrefutable evidence of his lover’s infidelity, left her only when he completed the renovations in her apartment. alexey, assistant chief engineer in a shopping center, works part-time for my husband for an hour, lives in ivanteevka near moscow, thinks he looks like gosha. from the film moscow
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he doesn’t believe slimes, he’s proud of the fact that with average external data he wins women with charisma and wit, he admits that he can’t stand cilantro. alexey will not get along with the cold, touchy fifa, who is afraid of bacteria and turns her nose up at the village toilet. his ideal is a simple, passionate woman from the provinces who will call him a kitten, cook purée cutlets and walk around the house in a beautiful peignoir. hello, alexey, feeding him mashed potatoes, a cutlet, this is especially my favorite dish, well, in my opinion, he looks excellent, we remember the video application, and the fact that the bride did not choose you then left some kind of wound in your heart, or they left without a home, of course, it was hard, that’s what i hoped, that’s what i hoped, i really liked the bride. well, let's watch
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the video, yes, yes, yes, he touched millions of hearts, hello, dears, my name is alexey vitalievich usttsov, i am a famous russian writer, quite famous, district, writer of poems, articles, stories , and so on on your internet, i am an orthodox buddhist, as i am... a master of kung fu and judo, chinese kung fu and japanese judo, i am a master and instructor, i have been involved in sports all my life , quite a sporty person, interesting, intelligent , i have everything more or less, thank god, you can see from him that he is kind, he will be responsive, he can...
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respects himself and for good reason, for good reason, larisa, to respect himself, i i respect myself too, i have one too, you know, this is a mentality after all, of all years, today the hero is gosha, well, he simply causes such rejection among young women, he is an abuser, strangling, no, strangling - strangling, yes, strangling, am i right in what you say, zoya, oh, nothing, nothing , excuse me, please, my kind, she responds , the most important thing is that he no longer works with this husband for a while, and is the only one, and so i think everything will be perfect, even for you, all the women you had have changed with the past, with their own, they didn’t cheat, but i ’ll explain, i’ll explain, i’ll explain to everyone, but with
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with me, a woman blossoms, and the ex, the ex, who cannot find anyone better, they see that the ex has found herself a gentleman. and blossomed with him, i think you should generally change your phone number and completely block communication with such people forever. alexey, do you want a secret? i’ll tell you, it will be easier for you to live from now on, look, i’m pathologically jealous, moreover, i’m jealous mainly of the past, because i don’t know what happened there, because i want their life, my man, to begin from me, you know how i am she tormented with her jealousy precisely towards her former wives. in general, i said, tell her that she is a creature, he says, well, she is not a creature, i say, yes, well, go to her, she’s good, then go to her, i tortured, i beat, i at night i woke up, scratched my face, i behaved like crazy, this is jealousy, such an animal, about the past, and you were just jealous of them, they,
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they didn’t cheat, listen, how can you cheat, how can you cheat on me, you’re just jealous , i climbed everywhere, found letters, photographs all... no girlfriends, in general, lyusha had a favorite a woman, to be honest, it’s very hard to tell, but it’s easy for me to tell the whole world about myself like this, you easily think, yes, of course, of course, well, we have to, we have such a program, we have to talk about the past, because as they say, without
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moving this the past, without stirring up this hornet's nest, we will not be able to explain anything to rose, so she will stare with those eyes of hers and not understand anything. i don’t understand, come on from the very beginning, you had a woman, yes, i had an amazing woman, yeah, i met on a dating site orthodox dating site , she was a believer, she served in the church as a choirboy , the most important one, as a regent, well, this presupposes loyalty, let me tell you, everything is right, not right, the rose says, everything is right, everything , roses, speak, speak, that’s when you she will be a heroine in your place, and then she will say, she understands everything correctly, rose, and that implies fidelity, i also hoped that she would be faithful, not like the previous one, who cheated with her ex-husband, yes i generally possessive, i don’t like it
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men are womanizers, in general i say goodbye right away, man, but how did you find out that she cheated on you, then her lover appeared? even a few who began to write to me, so i ’m doing such and such with her, well, how did they order it, and she had a photo of a mole, and these are recent photos, that’s all, and my wife, in fact, my common-law wife, how is he cheating on me, what am i, what i don’t know what really, every crack of her, as they say, yes, well, you immediately abandoned her.
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because a poet cannot always be rich and have money, a poet is like the artist, sometimes the rose is thick, sometimes empty,
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right, so he warns that he doesn’t earn much, and cannot afford to live separately, so he lives with his mother, but what’s bad about that, with the whole family? mom, dad, sister, nephew, but i have a dowry house, i understand that, that’s why you have this song, all my life my task is to fight, to get money somewhere. absolutely right, you just need to hold on to such a man and hold on, why do you need drinking and smoking people, you want drinking and smoking people, he speaks well, and he is very humble laris, i am humble, i i’ve been without a woman for a long time, i’ve been without a woman for so long that i agree to everything, well, of course, within the limits, within the bounds of decency. i think i
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’m so smart, i liked the young man, i was looking for something simple, rustic, something, well, since it’s just larisa, you have poems, poems, read us something so that we understand what it is, well, it’s unlikely if you understand, but he will read ros, i will translate it into russian for you, oh woman. goddess, aphrodite, you are defenseless , always sweet, you are the muse of all great composers, you are the one to whom words are dedicated to love, in fact, we don’t need a cupcake, cupcake, you you captivate and caress us. well, you are the one who gives us the ability to live
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, you accept us with your charms, accept us, i don’t need to translate, well, he doesn’t look like a poet, well , he’s just so typical, that is, it’s clear that he’s handy, a man, that’s all he has and everything is going well at home, that is, it’s not like he sat down, went to nirvana, writes his poems and forgot about everyday life, about the household, i think he combines it perfectly, so... the one who is the last one during sex i kept remembering my husband, it was after that cheater, yes, who you found in the video, she stinks, but what it wasn’t like that with her, and she was lying there and telling how her ex was courting her again, courting her again, where women have a conscience, that’s alexey, that’s where she is, where it’s a little feminine, that’s how i live, sympathy, a fashionable word grew up like this, where, why do you need to mock him at the very moment when you are lying in front of him the ocean? how
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hard it is now to simply trust another girl and live with some new relationship, especially since he considered her a common-law wife, but this is even generally unbearable, but what is your salary per month, can i ask? sound yes sounds good, good, well, good, good , but small, but good 45, 45 thousand good, good, and you also say that this is, well, you’re helping my mother, i twist and turn a lot and work at different jobs, i have there and i’m a courier, delivering groceries to neighbors, oh, that’s what i don’t do, and of course my main job is as the chief assistant to the manager, yeah, that’s the chief engineer. the main thing is that the mother doesn’t take it away, otherwise she takes it away from the mother, takes away half of it,
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takes away almost everything, spoils her mood, so loves money, what, ma loves money, oh, but you don’t love, rose, you don’t love, i love, sinner, i love, i don’t hide it to her, well, he’s also that cunning cat, it seems to me, with those sly eyes, and i’m a mendelssohn boy, we just have a new program. he installed it , well, i mean, we installed it, yes, and he upgraded it, this one, he really wants to, alexey, with you to have such a battle on rhymes, agree, a battle on rhymes, yeah, well, come on, well, alexey is yours made a move, i also have a short poem in his style, oh woman, you are as cool as, yes, almost any, oh woman,
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come on in and meet the first bride,
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hello alexey, i’m ira, daring, sharp as a bullet, will you catch up with me? easy, irochka , and you are amazing, you are perfection , thank you, you are perfection, irochka, you are amazing, you are charismatic, cheerful, kind, affectionate, just like i love, thank you, come in, irina, 43 years old, sexologist, lives in perm, is proud to have written a book about how to diversify your intimate life and tested all these methods on yourself so that don't lose. taste of life irina turned all her marriages into a extravaganza with scandals, chases and assault, hoping that with alexei she will reach a new level of relations, well done, just well done, so hungry, you are not just hungry, but you are your favorite
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dish, mashed potatoes and cutlets, of course so high, well, so cute. in principle , nothing like that, the cat is also for him. irin, you had three husbands, right? yes, with my last husband i received a diploma in sexology, tested all these 69 methods on myself, but apparently not enough, for myself with him, yes, not enough , apparently, we, well, perhaps i was more immersed in scientific activity, so he cheated on me with experimental animals, oh, that is, he didn’t want to be with you, he found something that was simpler. the most important thing is attitude, trust, everything else, so it’s all the more unclear, of course, what these books are for, maybe someone will read it, but definitely not me, but tell me, here are scandals, fights, hysterics, what is this peppercorn with a twist in marriage for? , it seems to me, on the contrary, it will kill all the
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last feelings, it seems to me that i grew up on russian classics, that’s why i liked the groom. also now - with my poems , i love literature, i was carried away, i read, i thought it was love, that is, passion, when i run, he catches up with me, these scandals, intrigues, investigations, find me, bring me back , i’ve been running for 5 years from my first husband , she said, that’s it, i’m leaving, come on , i’m taking the child, he says, i won’t give it away, i say, okay, you even gave birth to a child, she ’s the mother of many children, in every marriage? gave birth to four children, when children are already passions, so you get tired of them and are no longer finished plates and no time for running away from home, there’s something i don’t understand, irin, she’s under 4 years old, and she’s 22, twins are 15, three husbands, and she didn’t stay with anyone, this is of course very suspicious,
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probably me i think maybe, maybe she alexey... won’t hold back, he’ll leave her, ideally what kind of emotions did you want from a man, from a husband, so that he would beat you, no, you wanted him to catch up, so that he wouldn’t let go, to show off your masculine charisma, mindelson, i’m wondering, when a woman behaves like this, it’s a form of disorder mental, or just a bad character or bad upbringing, what do you think, it’s more of an emotional drug. it’s a scandal, it’s quite difficult to get rid of such an addiction, because in the process of a scandal there is a violent surge of adrenaline, people reach a state of so-called negative ecstasy, but you still need to look for ecstasy in the positive. please show me a surprise, some of the four children
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are downright plump, but she is basically in figure. even pretty, well, of course, the fact that she had three husbands, this still bothers me it’s confusing, but i don’t think there will be a surprise. see reflections on.
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all i needed was his heart, like a romantic, thank you, irina, wow, robbery, i think you can really steal a heart, although i will take this heart, he will still be my man, well, rose, you'll say, of course, the surprise may be... romantic, but somehow it reminds me of a horror movie, you haven't watched the bonds or something, go weaken our fiance, and why am i, well, firstly, because you younger, go, this is,
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well, tear out your heart like a danka, yes, this is you know, you still need this, oh, you’re mine, poor thing, you’re mine, poor thing, they abandoned you, abandoned you, come on already, i’m like. look, by the way, she really tried her best , and of course she fell in love with all her heart, probably, well, probably, i don’t know, i think he liked it, but i , i liked it so much, i didn’t think that i’ll decide on this, on this surprise, but what can’t you do for the sake of marriage, what am i for you girls or something, running around here, lord, once in my life i’ve done a noble deed, right now, i’m your girl, i’m at your beck and call. since i'm with i’ve been working with you for so many years, lesh, well, it’s like a bride, fire, fire and copper pipes, such a woman, but i haven’t seen others, let’s
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see, meet the second bride. oh, hello, alexey, my name is olga , that’s it, i’m lost, you’re great, you’re amazing, you have a wonderful dress, you look great, your hair is amazing, let’s go into the hall. olga, 42 years old, sales assistant in a clothing store, lives in tver, proud of her ability to please customers, dreams of having a whole dressing room for underwear. admits that she has a nurse costume, warns that she can also be a cat or a panther. olga disappeared forever from her husband’s life at the moment when he first raised his hand to her, hoping that
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alexey would treat her like a queen. hello, i have a surprise for you, it’s cute, this is a girl, and i will say that before this there was and now is a girl. this color is amazing, her costume is, frankly speaking, gorgeous, help yourself, i cooked it myself, try everything, take as much as you can you want it, you like it, it’s very tasty, in general , now i started to worry, because the woman is so passionate, i thought i would be the most passionate, but so fiery, it’s clear that i’m temperamental too, why do you need a whole separate dressing room for linen? today , in general, a million underpants can fit in a matchbox, aren’t they? i just
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love underwear, i buy it for myself every week, i like it, i cheer myself up underwear, well, that’s right, as real women do, yes , right, absolutely right, absolutely right, you need to pamper yourself, well, how many couples do you have? about 300, and the rose, what about yours? so, as they say, i washed it, hung it on the radiator in the evening, took it off in the morning and went to work. larisa, are you married, like, that’s
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kind of it. but in general, no, yes, but what , for what purpose, the eyes sparkled, larisenka, you are a woman of fire, you are perfection, but i’m so greedy, i don’t spend money on men, and i won’t buy you anything, not with people like that just gorgeous eyes and his eyes don’t sparkle at her like they did before. so to speak, first surprises for the bride. olya, what is this? were you not poor when you were a child? it’s as if i lost my parents early, so how did my mother live, how would i raise my sister, take custody, then over the girl, that’s how i would start working early, why, i beat him very much , dad died early, but my mother didn’t stand up? when
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i opened my arms, i loved him, yes, when you love, but i don’t know how you can love a man more than your child, but my husband opened his arms, my husband, yes, once was enough for my whole life, for me as if the husband is a foreigner, here yes, who is your husband in india, i went to india, well, why did you go to india? we met in tver, he was studying at the simet academy, how it all started, how i was 17 years old, then 18 years old and started living together, well, you yourself look like an indian, you know about this, yes, everyone says that like i’m an oriental girl, she’s very beautiful, she’s very beautiful, well, of course i generally condemn when a man raises his hand, but this woman is gorgeous, that’s what i would call her, gorgeous.
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how long have you lived in india, well, here i am at 26 i left, well, my son is in india with his father, yes, yes, yes, yes, he likes it there, he is on vacation, in my maldives, in china, thailand, he is vacationing everywhere , how maybe it was worth it, maybe he should have forgiven, really , i can’t forgive men for what i went through in childhood, horror, it’s clear from her that she went through a lot, but what i went through, no woman has ever gone through, like you, alexey, look how she flies around with such an appetite . also likes to blink, i watch me, kitty, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, you have apartments, do you mind if, for example, alexey will move in with you, i love it when a man doesn’t lie on the sofa, as if no, no, he doesn’t lie on the sofa at all, so i love it when a man works, he generally works, my husband works for an hour, yeah, he fixes everything, that’s composes poems, will go to work, i love to
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cook together. take a shower, coffee to carry, for me, i’m a kitty in the morning, and in the evening there’s a panther, you’re lucky to have such a special one, and i’m a tiger maker, oh , maybe you’ll show me a surprise, i can’t, but you need me, i ’ll call you, yes eat bye, i feel sorry for alexey,
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welcome to the boutique store. let's i will transform you. oh, for god's sake, for god's sake. be beautiful and fashionable with me. red shirts, so cute. hit of the season, popular for men. get it, and i’m like that, fool, you ’re the one giving him everything, of course, so that he’s kind and fluffy, oh, my ring is stuck there, oh, oh, but
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i can’t. oh it doesn’t work, i can help you at home, yes, yes, well, let’s go, the spark just ran through. oh, rose, what's going on? i see her as a competitor, that’s what i understood, grasped, and now i’m worried about my fate. well, did you like it, olya? and it’s amazing, olya, what a pilaf, a wonderful pilaf , the most wonderful, which, beauty, beauty, when i took the broom in my hands, i thought it would fly away right now, yes, there’s that witch, that’s probably it , of course, otherwise the little sweetheart, you know everything. i know, meet the third bride, i have no competitors, after my number she will definitely be with me, hello, alexey, i
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heard that you work as a husband for an hour, so i ’m buying a subscription from you, i’ll pay with homemade muffins. well done, well done! the name of? nastya! anastasia is 30 years old, owner of a grocery store, lives in tula, pechot pies and muffins, goes fishing , takes care of the garden and prepares pickles for the winter, dreams of adopting a child, is proud that she is a godmother of many children, admits that in difficult times she lived on the street, anastasia was in seventh heaven when the children her roommates began to call her mom, but she soon realized that... hello, hello, i didn’t come empty-handed, with gifts,
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i baked cupcakes, i baked all night, naturally, our tula gingerbread cookies and striped vests to all of you, you are my golden one, how they say rustic girl, baked cupcakes, such moments that i really have been the owner of a grocery store for six months? yes, it was like in such a short period of time from living on the street to living on the street, how did this happen? it turned out that since childhood i was raised in a boarding school, my mother and fathers were deprived of parental rights, and yes, they are alcoholics, i buried my mother 2 years ago. i don’t talk to my father, i was, i was 14 years old, when i saw him, he came to the boarding school, hugged, kissed, cried, said, i’m sorry, it’s my fault, i messed up, brought two chocolates, for 10 minutes he just stayed
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with me, cried, roughly speaking, let’s say on my shoulder, supposedly i’ll melt and i’ll forgive him, yes, there were moments that i regretted that i didn’t have... like my father everyone has an ideal , but the resentment remains a resentment, you want to protect, you want to help, but i don’t know, it’s very cool when a woman with such a tragic story looks so gorgeous, how did you end up on the street, you were entitled to some kind of housing from the boarding school, i found out about housing, i was 23 years old, i went to the administration, what did i need the administration said that you... were late , so i called my grandmother and said: can i stay with you? she told me: no, firstly, i don’t have a place, secondly, i’m undergoing renovations, a good grandmother, i had nowhere to go, i left my sister because
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i always kicked her out when i got drunk, because of my friends , i didn’t go to see my friends, because i didn’t communicate with anyone, i slept, i slept on the street on a bench, there was such a moment that within six months... a woman came up to me, she picked me up, washed me, fattened me, she raised her legs, and i lived with her for some time , until i found a job, did the paperwork, everything else, and rented an apartment, what a nightmare, i feel so sorry for her, of course, i spent six months on the street, it’s generally some kind of horror , i do n’t know how you can treat such a person with your own, with your own blood, so you say that your man’s children called you mom, what kind of story is this? and my godfather, let’s say, her husband has a brother, i met his brother, we talked for a month, and
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he told me: “nastya, come on, move to i’ve had enough already, we ’ve been communicating with you for a long time already, here the children also seem to, yes, they want, they need a mother, i say, okay, no problem, i. let’s say, i gathered my courage, i say, there are no other people’s children, the mother is the one who raised me, i always told myself this and i always seem to confirm this. in his bed in his kitchen, another
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woman appeared there, look, she sent me photographs, she wrote to me on social networks, to which i simply dismissed her, let’s say, sent her away for a long time, god, how much he eats, this i just feel sorry for the guy, another one cupcake, then he won’t be able to get up from the table to choose a bride, he needs to be more careful with alexey, how do you see your future? with alexey, to be honest, yes, i see my future, because the fact that a woman cheated on him, and i don’t forgive cheating either, i don’t like it, but will you show me a surprise, yes, of course, alexey, i ask you, now, alexey , you and i will dance.
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girl, the nights flew by like days, time like love even burns, i called you beautiful, i was just playing with you, but then i found out my essence and was able to turn my world upside down, and you yourself took away my happiness, ruined it, thank you, oh , don’t forget your shoes, don’t forget your shoes, let them take them there later, and then, and then you come to us,
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well, how do you like anastasia, fire, fire, well, they’re all fire, you liked them all, lesh , but you only need to choose one, and i’ve already chosen, come on in, yes , he, of course, is a gambling man, he loves to dance, and i’m delighted with him , maybe it’s fate and honor, i invite... everyone to come out and support alexey, okay, sit down, you’re sure, you see, i’m sure, but i was so worried about something like that, yes you clever, you are clever , you are clever, thank you, you are clever, we have a couple, alexey and irina, if
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you are single, or you liked one of the participants in today's program, write to the website of the first channel, and i am larisa guzeeva, i wish, so that your loved one will definitely tell you, let's take pity. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. the fsb established connections between terrorist groups between kaspiysk and crocus; intelligence uncovered an american plan of lies for ukraine. through fire and smoke. kamil nasibov. another story
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a feat on the day of the terrorist attack, salvation from the traps that are everywhere in the building. it was and became, a change for pensioners, doctors, motorists, tourists and airline passengers and social instructions of the president. there is no way, minus two important bridges, an abrams nato armored vehicle. what else has the enemy lost? russian ministry of defense report for the day? constant attention to support for the fighters of their families, a conversation between vladimir putin and the governor of vologda, how is life in the region? in the sights of the consulate general, israel attacked the iranian mission in damascus, among the dead were corps generals guards of the islamic revolution. fly with us in our test of the il-114-300, what was tested in the sky today and where is the first place they are waiting for a new passenger aircraft? the ground disappeared from under her feet,
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a schoolgirl was injured during a quest in moscow. what should you know about safety when choosing adrenaline-filled leisure activities? govan syndrome is buzzing in every ear: why did the states shake off naphthalene from the horror story about sound as a russian superweapon. interview with the interviewer. vladimir pozner, a master of asking questions on his birthday, answers them. what he gave to yourself and the audience? 2 hours ago , the moscow basmanny court arrested the tenth defendant in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. where 144 people were killed, and today the russian fsb reported that the militants who were detained the day before in dagestan were involved in the monstrous attack. they transported weapons to the moscow region, supplied the criminals with money, and at the same time they themselves were preparing another major terrorist attack in their region. olga knyazeva for more details. this citizen of tajikistan, according
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to the investigation, helped pay for rented housing for those who shot people in crocus. a few days before the attack , he transferred money from his bank card to one of... during interrogation, it turned out that he did everything to ensure that the terrorist attack in crocus took place, delivered machine guns from makhachkala to mytishche, from which the terrorists fired at innocent people in the concert hall . i brought them weapons from makhachkala, i only
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supported them financially, he says, as it is quite possible that these detained personnel will tell. either withdraws money, or deposits it into the account, and then makes a transfer. moreover, in the apartment the militant was found with two kalashnikov assault rifles and 460 rounds of ammunition. in total, during the counter-terrorist operation in the two cities of makhachkala and kaspiysk, fsb officers captured three terrorists. different types of weapons and ammunition were found in everyone’s apartments. it is known that they are all involved in the terrorist attack in crocus. where are the weapons? clean up. on the trail of arms suppliers. to attack the crocus, the operatives may have gone out thanks to a kalashnikov assault rifle, which one of the terrorists threw on the highway; in the video , a garage cooperative near moscow, according to the fsb, is here, in this car, the organizers of the terrorist attack drove to pick up weapons, delivered, as it now turned out, from dagestan, where the bomb is in my apartment, here it is, part of a homemade explosive, ready for use, according to
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the national anti-terrorism committee, those detained in dagestan were preparing another attack that was going to blow up, kasshitskiy? it is already known that one militant from dagestan, two from central asia worked at the construction sites of makhachkala and kaspiisky and prepared, as they themselves did in bad russian, they explain i was going to blow up everyone who came across, they cynically chose whether it would be a crowded embankment on a sunday or a park where people come with their families, in the city of caspian embankment or in the city, they were going to bury and crowd the people who came across, i was going to arrange.
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on the streets of moscow, where there are thousands of passers-by, a seemingly ordinary guy is walking with a girl; if you look at him, you won’t immediately say that this is a real hero who saved dozens of lives. the country would not have known about kamil’s feat at all if he had not accidentally ended up in camera lens of the phone of one of the crocus visitors, former military man ilya krasnikov, who during the terrorist attack rushed to help the victims, as he spoke about a couple of days ago in the program vremya, is your last name like sibor, like nassir? man, bro, i respect you, come on, come on, let's go, the unknown hero turned out to be thirty-year-old kamil nasibov, he was originally from azerbaijan, worked as a waiter in a cafe in crocus city, went out with a colleague into the street at the moment when... the terrorists started shooting point- blank people, i saw a man with a weapon falling people, sparks, started to
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stop everyone, so to speak, to warn everyone, he also warned his girlfriend on the phone, who was already driving up to meet him at crocus. kamil was saved by a miracle, he could have left on his own and no one would have condemned him for it, but he decided to help others, returned to the entrance where the wounded lay and began to carry them closer to the road where ambulances were arriving. they started dragging away the wounded, there was a guy with a bullet wound in the stomach, they were just pounding, shouting, pointing out the place and back. again returned again for the wounded, several rescued were taken to the hospital by taxi drivers. meanwhile, the building was engulfed in flames, and frightened people could not find a way out. kamil rushed inside with a firm voice, showing them the way to the street, bypassing the burning hall. it’s hard to breathe, the poisonous smoke hurts your eyes. at that moment, kamili meets ilya krasnikov, one a civilian, the other a former special forces soldier. they will save people together. without further ado and selflessly, like old partners. ilya, it seems to me, said that there are people locked downstairs, we
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let's run down there. on the minus first floor , everything is already in smoke and you can easily lose consciousness, but they move on so that god forbid, no one remains in this hell. people. i don't know. the door was locked, voices were heard behind it. kamil and ilya are trying with all their might. it’s quite difficult to break down the iron door , it finally succeeds, later it turns out that there were about 100 people behind the door to rescue people from the fire trap, rescuers have already come to the rescue and kamil goes further with them, i run, found the phone, the call came immediately or after just a short time, she started screaming, help, i’m on the second floor, it turned out that this phone was defended in the turmoil by the mother of twenty-one-year-old kamilla lugueva, together they tried to escape from the upper floors when...
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they wouldn’t reach me, because there the fire is too strong, too big, all this time camille and camilla did not stop talking, the guy calmed the girl who was in captivity, gave her strength, there were two or two fighters ahead, the phone was holding me, they communicated, at the same time they broke down the door, there were emergency workers behind me, but at some point it seemed like there was no chance of salvation, the fire engulfed the room, and the phone was dead. to be honest, i was a little resigned to the fact that i wouldn’t get out of here. and i nailed myself to the wall and some miracle happened, the floor just collapsed under me. camille was found by a rescuer and taken out into the street, like kamil, he was heavily
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inhaled from carbon monoxide, it was hard even for people in special uniforms, this is a very difficult job, when you are standing you are evaporating, that is, smoke is already coming from you, that is you feel it, how many more heroes were there in crocus that evening... we don’t know their names, rescuers and volunteers who, in an extreme situation, without thinking, rushed to help, accepted someone else’s misfortune as their own. dmitry kulko, maria mortanova and sergey filippov, channel one. russia is preparing appeals to international courts regarding the ukrainian trace in a number of terrorist attacks in our country. according to the city hall croque, the meath notes will appear as soon as the investigation collects and verifies all the facts. another note, but essentially a pre-trial claim, was transferred to kiev already in connections with... the murders of journalists dugina and vladlen tatarsky, the assassination attempt on the writer zakhar prilepin, as well as the bombing of the crimean bridge.


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