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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 2, 2024 9:00am-9:20am MSK

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live footage in our exclusive report. nothing sacred, shells in church candlesticks, explosives in icons, enough to blow up a five-story residential building. deadly cargo from ukraine to russia, a detour through six countries, but why didn’t the european border guards have any questions? the borderline of what is prohibited, russia convenes a meeting of the un council after israel’s strike on... the iranian consulate in syria and another reason for an international investigation into the deaths of patients at the al-shifa hospital in the gaza strip. dirty games, head of international olympic committee that sport is part of politics. in a conversation with the pranksters, bach suffered, intrigues against russia, all means are good. an extremely valuable trophy, first obtained by our military, a modernized american puma drone.
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were classified as top secret, now our specialists are revealing military secrets, and the fighters are nominated for awards, of course, the ukrainian fighters cherished this drone like the apple of their eye, when they lost it, they sent a whole platoon to recapture it, and the forces were unequal, two people entered the battle our fighters, like everyone else it happened, the heroes themselves told alexei kruchinin, who, under fire, reached the sniper group, his report contains exclusive footage. the enemy has spotted us, the weather is clear, apparently they are working with a mortar, we need to break away, let's go, guys, let's go, the eighty-third airborne assault brigade of the airborne forces, to which we are going to film, is working on the front line, and ukrainian mortars can easily reach here . whether the target was our car or the barn where the mine hit is not so important, what is important is to pass this area at maximum speed. we flew by and here we are visiting a sniper group, already familiar to viewers of channel one from the recent one. report: the fighters show us
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two truly unique trophies: a huge attack drone, adapted to drop 120-mm mines, like the already famous baba yaga, only almost twice as large, but where is this bird, or even more likely an airplane, more valuable? with a well-aimed shot from his rifle , the commander shot down an american puma reconnaissance drone worth several hundred thousand dollars, so powerful is the thermal imager and filming camera that allows you to see, relatively speaking, very high quality, that is, as it were... and, let’s say, its downing saved many lives, here it is completely with their enemy equipment, completely intact, and we really got from there, i haven’t yet i can say what information that revealed the points that we hit, where it was launched from, that is, its operators were destroyed, the puma is an aircraft -type drone, the wingspan is almost 5 m, the flight range is up to 60 km, here is its demonstration on the official website manufacturer, cougars in in particular, the us marine corps uses it;
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the americans sent several batches of these... various modifications to kiev in the twenty-second and twenty-third years. our fighters had never captured such cougars as trophies before. the enemy treasures this expensive equipment like the apple of his eye. having lost the uaf drone, they immediately sent a mixed capture group to the area, consisting of soldiers from the third separate brigade, stormtroopers from the edelweiss brigade, and militants from radical groups , apparently mercenaries. the enemy had the task of defending the drone at all costs, for it a whole platoon fought. they also worked with nato grenades and this trophy is also from that battle. then the story of a real feat begins. having ordered his guys to deliver the puma to the rear at any cost, the commander and his partner with the call sign lyuta remained to cover the retreat. in fact, the two of us took the blow and stood up to the platoon. this is footage of that very battle, filmed through a night vision scope. sniper guards masterfully deal with opponents, literally mowing them down. according to the principle of one shot, one target, but at some point it seemed that the forces were still too unequal. i had three grenades with me. i
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threw them all there, shot almost all the cartridges, turned to the commander, i didn’t know what to do, but he smiled and showed me that he had a grenade in his hand, but he had more experience, at that time they carried out the attack again arrival, but it was their art, i don’t know, i also passed out, thank god, when i came to my senses, our guys were already dragging us, frost tigor, thank you, in the end, the snipers admit, there was an idea that it was most likely theirs.. .
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four times awarded the order of courage, now nominated for the title of hero of russia. alexey kruchanin, roman khrolenko, ruslan micheryakov, irina chyuchuy and yuri rublev, first channel donetsk people's republic. the russian army launched massive attacks on the rear areas of the ukrainian armed forces. strong explosions are reported in dnepropetrovsk. the target could be facilities that militants use to store equipment. telegram channels write about arrivals at military-industrial complex enterprises in kharkov. and news from the special operation zone. our artillerymen struck enemy positions on the right bank of the dnieper. they fired from the hurricane mlrs. south donetsk sector, tankers destroyed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold with direct fire. kupinsky direction. the goal of the k-50 crews. two group of saboteurs. a new attempt by the terrorist kiev regime to carry out sabotage in our country. the fsb, together with the federal customs service, detained a car with explosives at the russian-latvian border. and where was it hidden? the cynicism of kiev, of course, surprises few people, but
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there are bombs in icons. the deadly cargo was transported from ukraine in a roundabout way. the car crossed six countries, but never caused the slightest suspicions. why did dmitry understand? russian-latvian border - ubylinka checkpoint in the pskov region. fsb officers inspect a detained minibus with a trailer. his numbers are european, here is the cargo from ukraine, hundreds of icons produced in kiev. the image of christ the savior, the kazan mother of god, under which is hidden an explosive of monstrous power, hexagen. the mass of the seized explosive is enough to blow up a five-story residential building. however, the one who tried to smuggle explosives into russia for holy images. planned more than one explosion. in the circus paraphernalia, operatives find an entire arsenal of industrial detonators . they are capable of detonating bombs remotely via a call or a message in the messenger. a battery, a radio board with a sim card slot, and assembly of this homemade explosive device takes just a few minutes. there are also ready-made bomb icons.
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here is the hexagen mounted in the frames. the perpetrators of sabotage could only stick the detonator. for now, we can only guess why the criminals prepared explosives, but with what would. there were plans, they were destroyed by employees of the federal customs service and the fsb. in total, 27 camouflaged bombs and ready-to-use improvised explosive devices, 70 kg of industrially produced high-power plastic explosive, 91 electric detonators and shot parts were recovered from the cargo traveling along the route ukraine, romania, hungary, slovakia, poland, lithuania, latvia, russia. krpg 7. these shots from a grenade hit the circuses' warts exactly. the pendant is laid specially so that it does not dangle. digit 10 in double the circles on the ammunition are the markings of a military plant in bulgaria, whose weapons have been used by ukraine for a long time. but on the box is the name of the intermediate point: chernivtsi. first, explosives arrived there, closer to the border, from kiev. then, as the fsb established, through
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the porubnoye checkpoint, the cargo was transferred to romania, to a warehouse in the border town of feltechenie. obviously, this was done by the ukrainian special services, which had no difficulty in creating a corridor on their border. although there is a strengthened regime in place to catch evaders. according to the driver at customs between romania and hungary, he, without any questions, prepared documents for entry into the single economic space of the european union. then he carried the bomb icons straight along the highway, without even trying to bypass the inspection point on the polish-lithuanian border. latvian border guards also let the car through without any problems. as a result, the deadly cargo crossed six countries, covering a distance of almost 2.0 km. during interrogation, the driver tried to pretend that he was from the ukrainian special services. would have been used in the dark, but as our security forces said, when crossing the russian border, a man i was very worried and tried to rush the customs officers, so i aroused suspicion: explosives and fuses were found in the icons, after which i was detained. investigators are now finding out who
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could have used explosives inside the country, given that icons are a common gift, especially on the eve of orthodox easter. losing at the front, in open battle, ukraine has long been under attack. on civilians, committing terrorist acts in russia. here we can recall the murder of vladlin tatarsky, why the ukrainian special services they used a statue filled with explosives. and after it became clear that kiev was directly related to the bloody action in crocus, it became clear that ukraine was ready to do anything for its goal, to try to destabilize the situation in russia. god forbid, if this was an icon, supposedly they made a gift from someone, and this icon was hung in our christian church, it would then... explode in front of a crowd of people, how much joy there would be again, excuse me , these nazis, ukrainians the rest are hangers-on, so i think it's a success, a huge success for our special services and we must say a huge thank you to these guys. ukrainian special services did not fully think through the legend according to which explosives were transported across
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half of europe. the russian orthodox church has not bought anything from ukraine for a long time. dmitry kulko, yulia zagranichnogo and igor agafonov, channel one. today is the day of unity of the peoples of russia and belarus, mutual congratulations from the presidents of the two countries. vladimir putin noted that despite the difficult conditions in the world , it is possible to do a lot for cooperation. scribbled: union state allows you to effectively respond to threat challenges and develop partnerships. let me add that last year the trade turnover between russia and belarus amounted to about $53 billion, joint military exercises, as well as the closest cultural ties and common scientific projects. on the stankin tower today there is a russian tricolor and a belarusian flag. festive lighting on tv towers in other cities of our country. sports outside politics. chapter. the international olympic committee, it turns out, doesn’t think so, details after the advertisement, don’t switch, they’ve struck
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two left-handers, neither one nor the other fits our description, you are not in the easiest period of life right now, let ’s meet at 2:00 tomorrow, we’ll have lunch and decide everything, okay, okay, see you tomorrow, well, that’s better will be, you recognize someone, the car is parked somewhere on the outskirts, in some yard in... to begin with, he violated his own charter,
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his own rules, now thomas bach himself is calling on the world to boycott igort trushpa. i will also inform president macron about this initiative. it seems he should develop the whole world sport, and he tells us, i ’ll call this, that, that one so that they don’t go there, now, apparently, they are preparing some kind of document that will warn athletes that if they come to... msu is actually huge , a perfectly camouflaged spaceship, for
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the eighty-fifth birthday of viktor sadovnichy, running such a university is of course difficult, but for me this is life. i believe in science, i believe that the main development of society will be a vector, a vector of science. science, premiere, tomorrow on the first day, calm down, comrade, we are coming to you, professor, here’s the thing, ragged, ragged, you can say whatever comes to their mind, anything, you ’re painfully oppressing me, dad, what kind of dad i am to you, my god, i’m only now beginning to understand, what can come out of our ball, and now we understand what kind of shining nonsense this is, why, i’m worse than people, well... i was married, i don’t care, gozina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and divide , so i
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thought, the heart of a dog, the famous film adaptation of mikhail bulgakov's story on saturday, on first, he is still dancing, dancing, graffiti is everywhere in sao paulo, it’s true that you can choose any place in the city and... draw whatever you want, if you start drawing at some police station, then of course it will fly to you, no they'll put you in prison, but they'll give you a big fine. what kind of men are here in brazil, very attentive and caring, it is clear that sometimes someone’s husband can go to the left, our blood is hot, but we have our own woman, she is always alone. i see that you have mostly women working here, we just want a women's coffee business developed along with the masculine in the same way. brazil. coffee is simply bliss, the life of others. premiere on sunday on the first. this is
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the news first and we continue: after israel’s attack on the iranian consulate general in syria, russia requested a meeting of the un security council. it will take place today. our media strongly condemned the strike. arabian at night. reported that the death toll had risen to eleven, among the victims were generals from the islamic revolutionary guard corps, in tehran there were mass protests, anti-israeli slogans, american flags were also burned, well... and earlier the iranian foreign ministry called on the international community to investigate israel's actions at alshifa hospital in the gaza strip. the israeli military launched a series of strikes in the area, after which the units took control of the territory. two pictures - before and after. the army command, in turn, stated that the hospital was the headquarters of hamas. let me add, according to the world health organization, in the 2
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weeks when the military was in alshifa, 21 patients died. another 2.0 migrants are heading to the us border. not only mexicans, because the situation is already critical. refugees are almost every day they try to break through the cordon. republicans call all this a nightmare for biden and the democrats. this has never happened before. last year, 2.5 million illegal immigrants crossed the border. local authorities are asking migrants to choose any other state, but not theirs. here, for example, is footage from colorado.
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thomas bach, why such frankness? he thought he was communicating with functionaries from africa, trying to connect them to a conspiracy against our country, but in reality he was talking with pranksters, vavan and lexus. in general, the moment of truth, the behind-the-scenes intrigues are real principles could. politicization divides the world and is contrary to the olympic mission. this is a public statement, this is what the head of the international olympic committee says in a private conversation with the alleged... representative of the african union, the russian pro-olympic committee and our athletes. we punish those responsible for the annexation. there can be no ginn. you can't understand the russian flag. in a conversation with pranksters , thomas bach is frank, talking about nothing more than large-scale surveillance of athletes
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on the internet. let only will try to support the actions of the russian authorities. we have special ones.
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the world friendship games will be held in september in moscow and yekaterinburg, where it is planned to compete for 283 sets of awards in thirty- three sports. ivan blagoy, dmitry volkov, lyubov dmitrieva, natalya sidorova, channel one. so, the pranksters are bringing thomas bach to light, what else is the chapter.


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