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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  April 2, 2024 10:00am-10:50am MSK

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there is no transparency, there is no democracy today in the international olympic committee, the president of the international olympic committee is not chosen by the countries, but by the members, this is a generally incomprehensible story, a closed club, it will turn into a private one, and according to the rules, the law has no right to get involved in the affairs of the international association , each international association is separate, there is no such thing here, they excluded us, they cannot exclude us from anywhere, we just have an agreement to interact. they suspended this agreement with us, for what? again fear, they tried to remove me, there were proposals from them for me to leave, when the conflict between russia and ukraine began, they called for it, passed it on through their intermediaries, i said, it’s not up to them to decide whether i should leave or not, the country elected me, let’s hold a congress , held one congress, they said that something was wrong with the elections, i say, let's... independent experts, held
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a second congress, and the congress generally said why we came here for the elections, let's elect again with the applause of our president, let's close this issue, thanks to my the boxing family, more than 190 countries supported and entrusted the management, the direction where we are for independence, where we say that sport should be for friendship, for the unity of peoples, and not...
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about the fact that you will perform without the anthem flag - this is humiliation, they humiliate athletes in this way, i would also like to urge all athletes to never give up the flag, the guinna, or your country in general, this is the same as you give up your own mother, and thanks to the athletes, the international olympic committee by the way, we are trying to get money so that the international olympic committee, everything that is earned at the boxing tournaments, so that this money is transferred to the boxers, and we also urge that in all other types of international asatians, so that they do not be afraid and demand this money that is earned at the olympics, not into the pocket of thomas bach on his accommodation so that he can fatten up there, show off his teams, but the money should go to the athletes, and the olympics are not the peak of athletes, any athlete dreams of becoming popular to provide for his family and his future. and
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well, first of all, of course, he represents the country, and this is secondary and his material wealth, well, that’s what the friendship games exist for, and i advise the international olympic committee and the olympic family not to be afraid to get rid of these hyenas, by the way, the guys asked him if he was going to stay for the next term, let's listen to the answer together.
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there will be many new challenges ahead, and for this we may need a new generation, perhaps the president should be from another continent, he said, he’s tearing me apart, it’s just how can i lose such income, that is, i received such salaries, and now why should i leave, i ’ll consult, he’s afraid if. someone new will come, not the one he would like to appoint, yes, but someone will come who will raise all the documents, all their violations, you know, that’s what he’s afraid of, that he’ll have to answer for all this, he’s actively working on it now, lobby yourself so that he changes the charter, so that he runs for another term, thank you very much, as always, for all the best comments, i hope that someday you will be in our studio. huge as always
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thank you for the incredibly difficult work done, which will be in the extended version, which can be watched by our viewers at midnight on channel one, there will be just the details of how thomas bach is trying... to come to terms with other european officials in order for these to disrupt the friendship games, and what plans he has for the friendship games, and what other political statements he wants to make, you shouldn’t miss this, so as not to miss, turn on channel one, today at midnight, there will be a show of vavan and lexus. i remind our viewers that if any news causes you doubts, send them to our editorial office, reasons for pride, and be sure to also wish you all the best. first. channel presents a tablet every day. doctors believe that
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the life expectancy of mankind has increased by 30 years, precisely thanks to medications. what are the life-saving pills for every day, how to take them correctly? friends, our program runs a hypertension school, a special cycle called hypertension in facts and figures, and we do it twice a week we return to this issue, because hypertension is the most common cause of death, it is the main cause of stroke, and we always start with this...
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then we will prescribe pills, by the way, it doesn’t matter to me what the cause of hypertension is, pressure destroys our blood vessels, and i just want to say, some man wrote to me on social networks, why, you graduated from college with honors, and you advise lowering the pressure before
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you found out the reason, and i answered him, because if as a doctor i will not lower my blood pressure patient, he will have a stroke, so as a doctor, i must reduce yes... hypertension that require intervention, our goal is to reduce blood pressure by no less than 120x80 mm bar, the so-called target blood pressure numbers. so, look,
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today our lesson is called the rule 20, 10. this is the rule in which we move from one tablet. to two, and now our wonderful company is sitting, right now everyone is measuring their blood pressure, we have people who do not take pills, there are people who take pills, all participants have an application downloaded to their phones called my pressure, we have here , like a mobile phone, on which we will see what numbers are there. at our guests. so, we are waiting for the first guest with his phone and see what the pressure is. so, we measured the pressure. please stand up on this side. pressure is 145 and 85. as soon as
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you wrote, pressed the save pressure button, they immediately show you that you are in the red zone, because the pressure is higher than 130.80, it gives immediately. should you take pills or not, if the pressure globally is higher than 130.80, in your case it is higher than 140 and 80, of course, it is necessary, of course, it is necessary, i understand.
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it will bite you, you will have a stroke, not an angry dog, as soon as you take off the muzzle,
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have illusions, a stroke is not death, it is to continue taking it, because pressure is the life of a paralyzed person, now we want to show you these dramatic footage when a person is paralyzed, he is alive, he survived his stroke, but he can’t even dress normally could. look, what a stroke is, i know well, this is paralysis on one side, the arm is bent, it is impossible to work with the arm, but the picture looks even more dramatic when a person is unable to get dressed, these are all stroke patients, so i remind you, your health only you need, all the suffering will fall only on you, only you can control yourself, not a single doctor will come to live with you and... will measure your blood pressure and put a pill in your mouth, i understand, now i want
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to say that the machine, even the most good the program, even the best application, has no legal responsibility, the doctor has legal responsibility, so the recommendation to go to the doctor has not gone away, that's right, ger, i got it, keep your phone, it is written, it is recommended to constantly measure your blood pressure, enter data and take care of yourself. 2010 upper pressure is 150 and above or lower
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pressure is up to 90 and above, it’s clear you have 157 and 90 you are in the red zone, it’s clear, look at the application it recommends you two drugs , this is exactly the rule we doctors use correctly, that is, i’ve already been thinking for for more than 15 years, it has been accepted that if blood pressure, systal, increases by more than 20 mm or diastolic by 10, it is recommended to start the patient with two drugs in small doses, in this case the effect is very good, and the chances of possible side effects are less, of course , but this is ours all the time. she’s just drinking,
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that’s right, so she’s a smart beauty, from here, there’s nothing more to say, control the pressure, continue, the goal is lower than 120 and 80, enter everything into the application and act exactly like that, yeah, okay, okay. so simple well done, please sit down, i will remind all our viewers, if you want to become a participant in our project, which is called my pressure, my responsibility is greater. draw. register on the health program website and be sure to download the application, because it is a free application that allows you to navigate yourself. but no one is canceling doctors. that's right, germanich. on this joyful note, we will pause for a moment and then continue. this is
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a deficit. and heart attacks, strokes or venous thromboses in up to 45-50 years of age. how to take hormonal contraceptives? washing powder, enzyme powder for skin cleansing. for the powder to work, you must leave it on the skin until it dries and you begin to lift it. does it work or not? our
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expertise. we spoke with the head of the international olympic committee on behalf of one of the african politicians. the russian anthem cannot be performed. the russian flag cannot be raised. in fact, he could have contradicted himself. to begin with, he violated his own charter, his own rules. now thomas bach himself is calling on the world to boycott the games of friendship. i will also inform president macron about this initiative. it seems that all world sports should be developed, but he tells us, i will call this, that, that, so that they don’t go there, now, apparently, they are preparing some kind of document that will warn athletes that if they come to the friendship game, they can be disqualified, the russian olympic committee, after we suspended them, made several rather aggressive
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statements that this is discrimination, fascism, but he didn’t even argue what kind of discrimination, fascism. premiere, show of vavan and lexus. today is the first one. calm down, comrade, we are coming to you, professor, on this matter, interrupted, interrupted, can you say what comes to their mind? anything, are you painfully oppressing me, dad? what kind of dad am i to you? my god, i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our balloon. oh, now do you understand what it is? shining nonsense, why, i’m worse than people, well, i was married, i don’t care, azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and divide it, that’s what i thought, heart of a dog, the famous film adaptation of mikhail bulgakov’s story on saturday on the first, he’s still dancing, dancing, anatoly konstantinovich,
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mario, give it to me. you can give as a wife, it’s a good idea to collect a dowry with your dad, we have embroidered shirts here, it’s so very beautiful, in the vologda province an amazing ritual of dressing up has been preserved, the bride was placed on a table decorated with a rich tablecloth, and a friend was helped to put on her wedding attire, who they were welcomed there, so who, who young, take out our beauty, well , the groom, there will be a wedding, we quarreled, we believed, we quarreled, we believed, we are playing a wedding, on sunday on the first, this is a live program, great, friends, we are in the kitchen, here, when
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the block of the program about food begins , we all run to the kitchen, and it seems that all... the men were starving and only here they are fed, and then they won’t feed them again, who knows, maybe it’s true, maybe you’re starving, it’s just so aesthetically pleasing mikhail egorovich does everything in the kitchen, what's behind it we need to look, in short, our topic today is what we are missing, there are several vitamins that the people of russia lack, we have already talked about many vitamins, and about the most... secret vitamins, in fact we have said everything, but today we will a vitamin, the lack of which is obvious, obvious, so the first question to the audience: do you cut, mikhail egorovich? what vitamins do russians lack, even
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more precisely, the lack of which one vitamin is the most, most common, please, we listen to you, and vitamin d, i think, vitamin d, there is also an opinion, vitamin c, vitamin c, which means there is enough vitamin c for everyone. there is no deficiency of vitamin c, but a lack of vitamin d is a problem, a problem, it is not due to our bad behavior, it is due to the fact that we live in a certain climatic zone. andrey petrovich, come directly to the screen and show us what this zone is, when you did the analysis, in which climatic zones there is a lack of vitamin d and insolation , it turned out that if people live higher up, that is...
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three superfoods richest in vitamin d, and you should include these foods in your diet. bring us three
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vitamin d-rich foods to the studio. so, three foods super rich in vitamin d. let's name them right away. well, of course it is. cod liver, this is the herring of the northern seas, and of course, red fish, in this case salmon, let's immediately place the pedestal of honor, of course, in first place, this is cod liver, 25 daily holes per 100 g. this means to understand how much you need cod liver, you need 100 per day divided by 25, 4 g per day, second place, second place - herring four daily norms, divide 100 by 4, it turns out 25 g per day, yes, this is probably a piece or two a couple
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a couple of pieces a couple a couple a couple a couple and third place - this is salmon, two daily norms of vitamin d, that is, 50 g of salmon per day is enough to replenish the need for vitamin d. now vitamin d, vitamin d. commands great respect among us, and you remember, from the covid pandemic, that everyone drank this vitamin d in huge doses, because studies have appeared that if vitamin d is abundant in the body, much people tolerate infections more easily, and let's talk about the outstanding properties of vitamin d. first we need to say which target organs will be affected in our body. if there is a lack of vitamin d, and elena vasilievna started with this, it is precisely people who suffer from infections and lung lesions with an increased
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incidence of infectious processes. of course, this disorder of the brain and central nervous system has shown that people with low levels of vitamin d are more likely to develop alzheimer's disease. they have this amyloid protein and deposits on them works faster. mikhail egorovich will definitely tell you what is happening to the eyes, and the eyes will definitely be affected there too. and, of course, we knew from the very beginning that rickets is something that develops in children due to vitamin d deficiency, that is , bone fragility, so vitamin d, you haven’t said yet, that without vitamin d it is not formed testosterone, come on. please, let us still note this most important zone of male life, which is why vitamin d is so polyvalent and
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multifunctional. we need, due to natural conditions, we do not synthesize it, so we must receive it without fail, and of course, for the residents of russia , we cannot give a recommendation to walk naked for 60 days, at least it would help, i must say food. no, yes, for food, but of course, using the summer to absorb the sun is a must. german shevich, over to you, naturally, one of the most important and well-known functions of vitamin d is that it allows bones to maintain their strength. look, there is no vitamin d, the bone is full of holes, but if there is enough vitamin d, the bone is renewed, synthesized into a strong one and a fracture is prevented, but... what
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also turned out to be, they conducted a study, took 20,000 people in australia and looked at people who took 2,000 units of vitamin d per day, they needed less cataract surgery. here is our eye, here is the lens, this is a transparent lens, and if there is not enough vitamin d, the lens becomes cloudy , therefore, naturally.
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urgently remove the frying pan from the stove, so i rushed here, turned over our salmon, our fish, of course, i thought about it, he didn’t think about it about health, and about salmon, which will be eaten, well, so, vitamin d is really a super product, there’s not even anything to discuss here, i want to repeat once again that all these are products of the highest availability, all these are inexpensive products. and it costs us absolutely nothing to have these products in our diet. i repeat once again, cod liver. 25 daily norms of vitamin d in 100 g. 4 g per day is enough to meet the need. herring is four daily norms of vitamin d in 100 g. 25 g per day is enough to replenish the need for vitamin d, and salmon - two daily norms in 100 g. that is, a piece.
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this small one, fifty grams, or this one or this one, well , let’s take this one, look how beautiful it is, look, oh, here, this little piece is enough for everything to be in order with the vitamin, so we wholeheartedly thank you we urge you to still fill the need, of course, dear friends, our chef alexei komba is now coming to us with his recipe, so hello. yes, and you are right that this is a great combination of small quantities of servings in a dish that allows you to do everything to make up for it, so you can do everything randomly, as a single product, or you can make a variation, i would say tartare, or just a cold appetizer, what we will need to do is, we take salmon, we marinate it in mustard and vinegar, in fact it doesn’t work out for us raw by you, it is marinated, that is, the protein coagulates, we add herring there, since it is cold water, therefore it also does not need
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to be heated for a long time. whether it collapses or not, andrey petrovich, with prolonged heat treatment above 120°, it begins to collapse, the way you prepared it here now , or especially in tartare, we will not lose vitamin d. it’s time to talk about medicine, every day, dear friends, we began to take a lot of medicines every day, and today we will talk about hormonal contraceptives .
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because in fact the first surge in life expectancy. and then life expectancy grew steadily, this last surge, of course, was given by cholesterol medications that lower blood pressure, but we also have this group of pills that many women take daily, these hormonal contraceptives, but they do not directly affect long life, but they are very important in a woman’s life, right now. there is a wonderful doctor and patient at our medical site, first of all i want to introduce you to the doctor, because she heads the department of gynecological endocrinology at the
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kulakov center for obstetrics, gynecology and perenotology, antonina aleksandrovna smetnik, and we are taking a blood test from a girl who takes hormonal contraceptives, i have one question for you:
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if it doesn’t happen, menstruation occurs and the egg, together with this lining of the uterus, the so-called decidua, comes out, this is menstrual bleeding, right, what do hormonal contraceptives do? mainly hormonal contraceptives block ovulation, that is, they block the release of the egg from the ovary, of course, the egg does not leave the house, it... remains there, so no meeting can happen, the sperm may come, not come, everyone is still sitting at home, no one comes to meet you, this is the essence of the work of hormonal contraceptives, the egg from
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house, the ovary does not come out, and now i want to invite one of the girls who takes hormonal contraceptives to us, everyone else can ask us any questions, this is dasha, dasha, come to me, how old are you? 20 years old, 20 years old, you started taking hormonal contraceptives, did you go to the doctor or not ? yes, i went to the gynecologist, you were examined and the doctor prescribed you hormonal contraceptives, which you take every day, yes, what do hormonal contraceptives protect you from, pregnancy, so, they protect you from diseases transmitted polovano, no, girls.
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irritability appears, such a changeable mood, as well as nausea in the morning, well, this is a little too much, this is exactly what is not common with hormonal contraceptives. let's go to our other layout, however, there are things that a person should know, what a doctor evaluates when prescribing hormonal contraceptives, and what girls need to know, besides the fact that they think that everything makes them sick, no, it's you from life. periodicity? but the fact is that the patient should, in principle, contact a gynecologist once
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a year and undergo a basic examination, what you need to know and what to check with some kind of examination on the chair, examination of the mammary glands, and analysis of the cervix for cancer cells, oncocytology, human papillomavirus, ultrasound of small organs pelvis, if necessary and... if the patient undergoes such a regular annual examination, once a year, then when starting combined oral contraceptives, in principle, according to the position of the patient, you only need... measure blood pressure, waist circumference and in detail ask about the patient’s medical history: does the patient smoke, does her blood pressure rise, has she had serious cardiovascular diseases, does she have obesity, determine her body mass index, and some other risk factors for thrombosis, these are the factors risk of thrombosis - this is important, here are the risk factors for thrombosis - this is the most important thing when taking hormonal... contraceptives, in principle, if a person is healthy and has no
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diseases that contribute to the development of blood clots, then everything is fine, but the doctor must find out what diseases are in the anamnesis or in the family history, we must ask what blood clots are, this is when platelets stick together in the blood like this and the blood stops flowing, thrombosis is such a serious thing that we must find out or the girl should you... genetic predisposition to thrombophilia, it’s clear, in your family, up to 450
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years old, someone had strokes, heart attacks or thrombosis of the deep veins of the legs, you asked your mother, you asked your grandmother, you know everything, everyone is alive and well, i want the attention of all women this is reversed, because in general we are massively this was encountered during the covid pandemic, when suddenly covid meant thrombosis. when covid suddenly appeared in young people, who were seriously ill in general, this disease affected only older people, but for older people any viral infections can be fatal, it turned out in all cases that those who had some kind of blood-related diseases were seriously ill with increased coagulability, therefore, when taking hormonal contraceptives, this is a mandatory question and a mandatory answer, if it turns out that it is... yes it was, what tests should i take? and general analysis
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blood, a biochemical blood test, if necessary, a lipid profile, and, if necessary, a blood test for a genetic predisposition to venous thrombosis, the main thing is the leydon mutation and the prothrombin mutation, these are contraindications, of course, that is, in these cases, hormonal contraceptives are not prescribed pills, and you should use other methods of hormonal contraception, they are also available. such as iuds and so on and so forth, ending with condoms, that is, it is not that the world has focused on hormonal pills, we take pills every day, in russia it is customary to be deathly afraid of hormones, i myself took hormonal contraceptives for about 20 years, then switched to other methods of contraception, the question is: many people are afraid of cancer, is hormonal contraception associated with withdrawal.
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that is, they are twice your age, of course, oh, what a 63 years old already, 63 years old, but what can you say about the risks of cancer? in fact, combined oral contraceptives can reduce the risk of ovarian cancer; on the contrary, not only do they not cause cancer, they reduce the risk of cancer, which cancers are reduced when taking hormonal contratypes, in addition to the risk of ovarian cancer, there is evidence of a reduction in the risk of cancer. endometrial uterus, and the risk
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of colorectal cancer, of course, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer are decreasing, and colon cancer, what questions do you have, my dear, and i’m worried about whether i’ll be able to get pregnant in the future, will everything be fine? come here, it means look, your eggs are stored here in the ovary, now they are lying here and... it doesn’t work out what will happen when the hormonal hormones are canceled contraceptives, that is, there are a lot of them lying here, they are not allowed to go out, they want to go out, what will happen if a woman initially had regular volatory cycles before... taking contraceptives, then after stopping taking contraceptives they also become regular volatory ones and it’s clear how as soon as they are allowed to go for a walk, you stop taking hormonal contraceptives, the egg will come out and move forward, clearly,
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this is the law of life, thank you my dear, please sit down, and of course, many thanks to our expert and guest, we hit two left-handers, neither one nor the other fits our description, you’re not in the easiest period of your life right now, let’s meet at 2:00 tomorrow, we’ll have lunch and we’ll decide everything, okay, okay, see you tomorrow, that’s how it is it will be better, you recognize someone, the car is parked somewhere on the outskirts, in some
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courtyard in a gateway, our only lead to the gang, we don’t need help, like success, you can make an identikit on... you’ll make it and we’ll look, calm, calm, police, calm, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program, some argue that the main building of moscow state university is actually a huge, perfectly camouflaged spaceship, for the eighty-fifth birthday of viktor sadovnichy, managing such a... university is of course difficult, but for me this is life. now university science is becoming a leader because we have the most young people. in all countries, science is done by young people. alma mator of every tenth scientist in russia, here they come up with our tomorrow. at this
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global level, without false modesty, we do not we lag behind the best examples. students, where do you dream of studying? i believe in science, i believe that the main development of society will be the vector, the vector of science, the victor of science, the premiere, tomorrow on the first, virtual reality is the place where everything impossible is possible, i see you, you are now in my room, yes, hello, several people can be in the virtual space at once, that is, for example, the plant is located in... the customer is in st. petersburg, so they can meet together and discuss, for example, a car, a model, as if it actually already physically exists. our company is engaged in the development and production of diagnostic tests for determining allergic reactions. using our reagents, the laboratory has the widest range of allergens that can be
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detected. basically, the leitmotif of our collections is sheepskin coats; we also produce leather items and suits. coats, trousers, skirts. our brand's style is everyday luxury. our everything. premiere. on saturday, on the first. what are we doing, friends? mikhaila egorovich and i are preparing enzyme powder. this is such a new trend. enzyme powder has appeared on sale, it promises us. girlish youth, mikhail egorovich unearthly beauty. this cycle in our program is called word from advertising. is the advertisement telling the truth or is it lying? this is a big question that we want to answer, of course. so, let's listen to an advertisement for enzyme powder. enzyme
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facial cleansing powder intensively cleanses any skin type. pour, mix with water, foam, apply. washing enzymes helps get rid of blackheads, acne, acne pigmentation marks. enzyme powder for cleansing the face, use as a mask, as a cleanser, as a facial scrub. well, in short, you understand, yes, as always, feminine beauty will wash over us after using winter powder. i keep wondering why they don't say and you will find the man of your dreams. in the end, then there would be a sale. what is included in the enzyme powder, you need
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to understand this in order to understand whether there will be beauty or not, and what enzyme is, what it is enzyme? the composition of enzyme powder includes enzymes, these are enzymes, enzymes, there are enzymes of plant origin, popaine in particular, there is animal origin, collagenase and these enzymes...
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then cover your face with film and walk like that for a while, here i am i specifically talked about the recommendations, because this is what is fundamentally important. question for herman shaich, from the point of view of medical logic, can it work or not? that is, in principle , it can act, because there are enzymes there, but you need to understand well in order to so that somehow it’s...
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powder, if we didn’t leave it on the skin, but anoint it, anoint it, wash it off, of course not, but in general there is data on whether enzymes work or not, andrei petrovich, is there any scientific research that our task in this cycle is precisely to determine the present historical moments. there are not a lot of clinical studies, there is only one article that we managed to find in the form of a review, which shows that enzymes have an effect and that proteases can actually exfoliate here this skin, that is, this is the only thing , look at it while you examine it, the enzymes dissolve these skin flakes and the flakes begin to peel off like this, like this: this is how they shoot, understandable.


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