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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 2, 2024 10:50am-12:00pm MSK

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does powder work if we didn’t leave it on the skin, but anointed it, anointed it and washed it off, of course not, but in general there is data on whether enzymes work or not, andrei petrovich, are there any scientific studies that our task in this cycle - this is precisely the real historical moment; there are no large numbers of clinical studies, there is only one article that we were able to find. video review that shows that enzymes work and that proteases can actually exfoliate here this skin, that is , just look at this one thing, the enzymes dissolve these skin flakes, and the scales begin to peel off, like this, like this, like this, they shoot, of course, these enzymes need to be remembered, this is popain.
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bromylane and keratinases, these are the enzymes, they will dissolve, mikhail egorevich, show how ingeniously this happens: skin flakes and skin flakes will peel off, look for these enzymes in prescriptions, there is no big data, no one spends money on the pleasure industry, but small data that collected the results of a study of 120 patients about enzymes, once again this solution should be left on the face and... like this, like this, that’s all for today, dear friends, finally, as always, just one sentence from us, to you and me it was good, may you live well.
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hello, the information channel on the first one is starting to work live, time will tell this program, in the studio of ruslan nastashko and olesya losyeva. the ukrainian regime has completely switched to terrorist methods in the fight against us, 70 kg of explosives, 27 bombs they tried to smuggle the fuses into russia secretly. a car stuffed with explosives left ukraine and traveled all over eastern europe in the hope of confusing its tracks. and so that the border guards would not have any questions during the inspection, the cargo was hidden among icons and orthodox utensils. the details of the detention were provided by the fsb. the federal security service of the russian federation, together with the federal customs service of russia, has blocked the cross-border smuggling channel for the delivery of explosives from ukraine to the country.
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in transit through the countries of the european union, in total, from the cargo traveling along the route ukraine, romania, hungary, slovakia, poland, lithuania, latvia, russia, 27 camouflaged bombs and ready-to -use improvised explosive devices (70 kg of industrially produced high- power plastic explosive) were recovered. 91 electric detonators and parts of the krp-7 shot. a person involved in the crime was detained. we’ll discuss all this right after a short advertisement, we hit two left-handers, neither one nor the other fits our description, you’re not the easiest one right now period in life, let 's meet at 2 o'clock tomorrow, have lunch and decide everything, okay, okay, see you tomorrow, well, this way it will be better, you recognize someone, the car is parked somewhere on the outskirts, in some yard in the gateway. compose and we will search,
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calm, calm, police, calm, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program, we talked with the head of the international olympic committee on behalf of one of the african politicians, the russian anthem cannot be performed, the russian flag cannot be understood. i will also inform president macron about this initiative, he seems to have to develop the entire world sport, but he tells us, i’ll call this, that, that, so that they don’t go there, now, apparently, they are preparing some kind of document that will warn athletes that if they come to the friendship game, they...
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the russian olympic committee, after we suspended them, did quite a bit. some argue that the main building of moscow state university is, in fact, a huge, perfectly camouflaged spaceship, dedicated to viktor sadovnichev's eighty-fifth birthday.
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i believe in science, i believe that the main development of society will be the vector, the vector of science, the victor of science, the premiere, tomorrow on the first, calmly, comrade, we are coming to you, professor, this is the matter, interrupted, interrupted, you can say that anything will come to their mind, are you painfully oppressing me, dad? what kind of dad am i to you? my god, i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our balloon. and now you understand what kind of shining nonsense this is? why, am i worse than people? well, i was married, i don’t care about azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and
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divide it, that’s what i thought, heart of a dog, the famous film adaptation of mikhail bulgakov’s story on saturday on the first. he is still dancing, dancing, anatoly konstantinovich, maria, give me as a wife, you can give it to me, it’s a good idea to collect a dowry with your dad, we have embroidered shirts here, so very beautiful, in the vologda province an amazing ritual of dressing has been preserved, the bride was placed on the table , decorated with a rich tablecloth, and her friends helped her put on her wedding dress, well, who, who is young, will bring out our beauty, well, the groom, there will be a wedding, let's go, quarrel, believe, argue, believe, race, we're having a wedding, on
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sunday on the first, graffiti in sao paulo is everywhere. is it true that you can choose any place in the city and draw whatever you want? if you start drawing at some police station, then of course you will be punished, you won’t go to jail, but they will give you a significant fine. what kind of men are here in brazil, very attentive and caring, it’s clear that sometimes someone’s husband can go to the left, our blood is hot, but we have our own woman, she is always alone, i i see that you mostly have women working here.
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sdarm for further advancement, ours are also advancing in the direction of hours of yar, according to reports from the military correspondents there is very little left to the settlement. in hours yar , russian troops occupied the forest belt running from the eastern edge of the deciduous forest to the stupki golubovskie reserve, advancing in an area up to 2 km wide to a depth of 620 m. the russians continue to pull up reserves for assault operations with a wider coverage, from the city of hours yard.
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on the east side there is a little more, a little more, it really won’t be so easy to get through them, but the ninety-eighth airborne division, our valiant paratroopers are moving, the fact is that the postcard in front of... the position, further, further, further, further, our soldiers have to literally ground, to dig in, they immediately took a position, dug out, brought up reserves, equipped them and moved on, and it must be said that for the vzo this is, of course, a key, key city, simply a node of its defense in this direction, since reserves are supplied within hours. reserves are inserted onto reserves supplies are provided through this city,
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so they will hold on to it, after they lost their key support forces on the outskirts of the city, these are bogdanovka and kalinovka, small villages were just on that side, from the northeast, from where they we are moving by leaps and bounds, it must be said that our ninety-eighth ivanovo division was lost, now they are forced to dig in directly in the urban area, within the city, occupying residential areas. at home in general it must be said that they put there they put eyes there in these residential probably a battle for this city awaits us, because they will withdraw from there only as a last resort, i can also say that we have just talked with the commanders, now the kanal microdistrict, where the water barrier is directly from the south of chasov yar, is also being seriously strengthened, flooded, reserves have arrived here from konstantinovka, so the enemy will do everything not to give up any more. an important city is for him, why is the clock and yar so important for the enemy?
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as i understand it, after his release the path to the slavic-kramatorsk war opens agglomeration? slavic-kramatorsk time, the second moment to the south we are moving konstantinovka 2, ours have the opportunity to connect respectively with the group that is marching in our south a little lower along the donetsk front avdeevka and... and so on, now operational space for movement opens up for us further, this is the first moment, what prospects await us? the second point is that their supply comes through this city, goes directly to bakhmut, so if, if they lose it, or rather, when they lose it, they will simply have supplies to the bahman front line were cut off. thank you very much, war correspondent vladislavitsa was in direct contact with us, kiev. continues shelling of peaceful cities under attack again belgorod, just yesterday the ssu fired 36
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shells into the city, nine people were injured, one is in serious condition, the vampires are hitting from the western rszzo aimed at peaceful neighborhoods and peaceful high-rise buildings. ukraine does not hide the fact that terrorist attacks on russian territory and shelling of civilians are a matter of life, just for kiev. some kyiv leaders and are already openly boasting about what they are planning. southern temporarily occupied territories, this process is almost completed and can
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become a serious problem for us, but i hope that we will somehow cope with the land section of the railway. we have experience in this, and it is much easier than the issue of the crimean bridge. well, speaking of the terrorist experience, budanov, like the rest of ukraine, does not understand that he himself is a test subject. at the same time, the ukrainian security service decided to turn the tables and accused the channel’s editor-in-chief in absentia. the sbu here reports new charges against me , why are they doing this, the progressive public asks me, i answer, they are making excuses for themselves in advance if they do kill me. what they have tried to do more than once, it seems somehow unsympathetic to kill a journalist, and
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a mother of many children, and if you hang on her mythical calls for the murder of children, then it seems more attractive, well, in ukraine they will always find excuses, if there was a pretext, there would be a fantasy , well, kiev is doing all these crazy things under the strict guidance and control of the west, in addition, in washington, too, they regularly try to erase kiev’s reputation as a terrorist organization. well, or at least to disguise the essence of this regime, this was stated by the russian foreign intelligence service. the white house's attempts to justify zelensky and his junta are. the regime has long been waging a full-fledged terrorist war against our country, as its representatives, such as budanov or malyuk, openly talk about, the murder of civilians in the moscow region, a direct relative of the massive rocket attacks of the drg attacks in kursk and belgorod areas, while data received by the service indicates that when organizing attacks, ukrainians actively
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use satellite information provided to them by american intelligence, it becomes obvious that the united states. so that the whole world knows that washington is using terrorist organizations for its own purposes, but the states are still the secretary of the russian security council, nikolai patrushev. financial resources for carrying out intelligence activities, undermining and disorganizing the state system control of countries that disagree with the policies
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of the anglo-saxons, while the alliance does not hesitate to use terrorist organizations in its interests. consider yourself the best tuner in the world. now they will look into it at the investigative committee. an official representative of the department announced the start of the inspection after an appeal from a group of deputies and public figures. we are talking not only about terrorist attacks on russian territory, but about sabotage in the north. based on the results of consideration of the appeal of deputies of the state duma regarding the need to investigate the organization, financing and carrying out terrorist acts by the united states, ukraine and other western, russian federations , a procedural check has been organized; as part of the investigation
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, the investigation will carefully study the data presented and make a procedural decision. dmitry georgievich. it is interesting to understand what and how the evidence base we have collected can change, you know, legal consciousness is a good thing, but lawyers will prove to you that everything comes from the law, and historians will remind you that the legal system of france before the great french bourgeois revolution, after these are two completely different things, we started a special military operation on the territory of ukraine, we proceeded not from adventuristic considerations, but based on the fact that a is necessary... b: it is necessary to eliminate the threat of nazism in the modern world, and ukraine has become the main a hornet's nest of nazism in the realities of today, and in general , to build some kind of system of a more just world of what that world is about, which is now very often called a
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multipolar world, to minimize the activities of nato for this purpose. if we, and we are confident in success. actions, we are confident that international support, sometimes perhaps not as bright, not as public as we would like, but nevertheless, the existing one will allow us to achieve these main goals in implementing the tasks of a special military operation, and if so , then tomorrow, the day after tomorrow we will find ourselves in that new world where the entire evidence base regarding the activities of the gentlemen in kiev, regarding the actions of the gentlemen in brussels will be in demand.
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well, my subjective thoughts, what's in the near future time, our state will do this, because the investigative committee, the fsb, the foreign intelligence service, the prosecutor general's office are openly saying this now after the terrorist attacks in the city, especially what it will give us, will it give us a free hand and how will it affect the west, because in this case the west will be a sponsor of terrorism, but most likely this will not affect the west in any way. i would like to draw your attention to the fact that there are almost 200,200 states in the world, of which 50 are
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direct allies of the united states of america, and the brains of the citizens of these countries are being actively washed by western propaganda, this is completely understandable, about 50 more countries, these countries that constantly look back at the united states of america, because...
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crocus has become the point when it is necessary to finally tell the world about our attitude towards ukrainian, ukrainian terrorism. of course, i think that the investigative committee is now painstakingly gathering all the perpetrators, those involved or the main characters of ukrainian terrorism. some pessimists will say, what will this give? this will give, it will give, because on purpose.
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we must still think about the day when a fair trial will finally come, you know, now pessimists will say, when it comes, yes, today we can
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declare both budanov and zelensky terrorists, but the average person will tell us what it is will he give it to them? well, they announced, now we ’ll ask yan dmitrievich, what do you think this can give? well, of course i am, and what a difference this can make directly. intelligence services of ukraine, terrorist organizations, which ours have already repeatedly tried to do representatives in the united nations at various hearings repeatedly provided evidence of ukrainian atrocities, the ukrainian regime on the territory of donbass, but... were not heard in much the same way as if they were blind and deaf, representatives of the united nations who were before the start of the military action on the line of contact, they handed over
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to the ukrainian special services. information about our military personnel, they were practically part of ukrainian intelligence, that is, they provided information, but were of no use they did not bring the un as observers, which means it is very important that now a decision has been made that these materials will be collected, that in any case there will be a new ukrainian nuremberg, it will happen in any case, it is inevitable, and of course, this will happen when we achieve a complete victory over the ukrainian regime and its masters in any case, but there is another point about whether they will hear us in europe, will they hear us in the old world, there in america , yes, of course, they have their own propaganda that works with the local population, but they must understand that , let’s say, the old world, working blindly under america, lost its subjectivity absolutely, that is, the countries of the old world, the countries of europe absolutely lost their subjectivity and sovereignty, now
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all of these are an important point. uprisings of all sorts of farmers in europe, they just say that people want to return some kind of sovereignty, at least economic, we can help them return this sovereignty with the people of europe, not the european authorities for precisely the mission of russia in the new world war again liberate all of europe and give them some kind of freedom once again, now yes, so that they, so that they will start us again for this in 100 years, in 100 years they will knock on our gates again, they have such a tradition.
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we got two left-handers, neither one nor the other fits our description, you’re not going through the easiest period in your life right now, let’s meet at 2:00 tomorrow, we’ll have lunch and we’ll decide everything, okay, okay, see you tomorrow, that’s it- then it will be better if you recognize someone, the car is parked somewhere on the outskirts, in some courtyard in the gateway, our only lead to the gang, we don’t need help, as success, you can make an identikit, right? make up and we will search, calmly, calmly, police, calmly, undercover taxi, premiere, watch after the program time, some claim that the main building of moscow state university is actually a huge, perfectly camouflaged spaceship, for the eighty-fifth birthday of viktor sadovnichy, to control such..
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university, of course, is difficult, but for me this is life. now university science takes the lead because we have the most young people. in all countries, science is done by young people. almamator of every tenth scientist in russia, here they come up with our tomorrow. at this global level , without false modesty, we do not lag behind the best examples. students, where do you dream of studying? i believe in science, i believe that the main development of society will be the vector, the vector of science, the victor of science, the premiere, tomorrow on the first, virtual reality is the place where everything impossible is possible, i see you, you are now in my room, hello, v several people can be present in the virtual space at once, that is, for example,
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the plant is located in... the customer is in st. petersburg, so they can meet together and discuss, for example, a car, a model, as if it actually already physically exists. our company is engaged in the development and production of diagnostic tests for determining allergic reactions, using our reagents; the laboratory has the widest range of allergens that can be detected. mainly the leitmotif of our collections are sheepskin coats, and we also produce leather items and suits. coats, trousers, skirts. our brand's style is everyday luxury. our everything. premiere. on saturday, on the first. testament of zhenya belousov. the battle for the legacy of the star of the nineties is entering the home stretch. all participants in the conflict are in our studio. have you filed a lawsuit? why does a person write a will at 30 years old? roman is sure that the entire inheritance was once unfairly given to sister christina. if i wanted
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to cheat, i would have come to it from the very beginning form. all himself, why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and that the document could have been forged? i want to find out the truth, handwriting, you know daddy in fat, i’ll be honest, no, but you were divorced in prices, it turned out that the court divorced us, just imagine, for me it was such a blow after 26 years, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday at the first, when you were entering into an inheritance, you told the notary that there were still potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved, probably the only one, died love of life, anatoly konstantinovich, mario, give it to me as your wife, okay. it’s a good idea to give away the dowry with your dad, we have embroidered shirts here, it’s so beautiful, the vologda province has preserved an amazing ritual of dressing up, the bride was placed on a table decorated with a rich tablecloth and her friends helped her put on her wedding
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dress, someone came to us, well, who, who is young, bring out our beauty, well , the groom, to be at the wedding, we quarreled, we believed, we quarreled, we believed, we are playing a wedding, on sunday on the first, graffiti in sao paulo is everywhere, it’s true that you can choose any place in the city and draw whatever you want, if you start drawing at some police station, then of course you will get an arrest, they won’t put you in prison, but they will give you a big fine. what kind of men are here in brazil, very attentive and caring, it’s clear that sometimes someone’s husband can go to the left, our blood is hot, but we have our own woman, she’s always alone, i see that you mostly have women working here, we we just
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want the women’s coffee business to develop along with the men’s in the same way. brazil, coffee is simply bliss, the life of others. premiere on sunday on the first. the program, time will tell, the information channel on the first continues, ukraine, under the leadership of the west, is waging a real terrorist war against russia, this morning the fsb reported that smuggled into the country, they tried to introduce 27 homemade bombs, western-made explosives, cargo from ukraine was hidden among icons, orthodox utensils , a car was detained at the border in pskovskaya. federal security service of the russian federation, together with the federal russian customs service has blocked the cross-border smuggling channel for the delivery of explosives to the country from ukraine in transit through the countries of the european union;
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a total of 27 camouflaged icons and ready-made ones were recovered from the cargo traveling along the route ukraine, romania, hungary, slovakia, poland, lithuania, latvia, russia to the use of improvised explosive devices 70. the substance is enough to blow up a five-story
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residential building. industrial sabotage fuses with sets of moderators were found in the icons. used by special units of the armed forces to commit sabotage. also in icons. use, assembling this improvised explosive device takes just a few minutes. new details in the investigation. the kukuse basmanny court of moscow placed under arrest the tenth person involved in the case, a certain yakub jani yusufzoda, suspected of financing terrorists. he transferred money to one of the gang members, and did this both before the terrorist attack and immediately after it was committed.
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the suspect was detained as a result of the raid to search for illegal immigrants and resisted arrest . another lead led investigators to dagestan, there was a hidden cell of militants who were planning a terrorist attack in kaspiysk and helped the terrorists with... weapons for execution in crocus. where are the weapons?
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kalashnikov assault rifle, which the terrorists traced the criminals, the investigators found thanks to throwing them away after the shooting in crocus. here are footage from surveillance cameras: the militants’ car drives into the territory of a garage cooperative near moscow, where, according to investigators, they selected weapons for their own. the truth is that no one will be able to hide the preparation of a terrorist attack. our special services know all the organizers of this monstrous crime . the west’s attempts to cover up this issue by blaming everything on isis were unsuccessful, so washington began to shield zelensky even before the first accusations were made against the kiev regime, this is what our foreign intelligence service said . state department and intelligence agencies. the united states, its affiliated non-governmental organizations and the media have been tasked with removing
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any suspicion from the world community about about the involvement of vladimir zelensky and his entourage in the crime. as part of the implementation of the received instructions, relevant american structures are conveying to us allies and partners information designed to convince them of responsibility for the terrorist attack by the afghan branch of the isis terrorist organization velayat kharasan, banned in russia. such propaganda rhetoric does not sell well. well, now i’m covering up the tape.
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they demolish monuments to one and erect monuments to shukhevych and bendera, that is, they are normal bendera people in this sense, what is the point bendery, how these very founders of this movement behaved, they always jackaled, they jackaled first serving the german fascist invaders, when they were expelled, they... jackaled trying to organize an underground and resorting to terrorist methods, now they called themselves bendery in ideology, then in practice they are such, they continue to jackal, trying through terrorist acts. to intimidate the population of russia, and at the same time your own population, that if you give in to the russians here, then the russians will come if they themselves if they turn out to be not beasts, then we will punish you, because you will turn out to be collaborators, that’s dmitry gich, that’s why they are now very convenient for the west, that’s why washington is trying hard to excuse them, but you know what the idea is, the assumption that it’s not just that
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they are like this an explosive, that means they tried to pack it into icons, yes, hinting , probably, at the fact that you are looking, this means that it is even partly a religious war, here is isis, do you have any idea that they will now even use such methods ways to convince everyone that it is after all, isis, and not ukraine, i think that as for the icons, this was done in order to pass the last border as painlessly as possible, which was not possible to do, because orthodox icons, our side, and so on, but everything the rest of the borders are european, they are about... no problem, that means someone accompanied this cargo, that means the appropriate commands were given not to touch, that means commands were given not not to show special attention, and again we return to the topic of reputation, europeans, whose reputation will now suffer again, and the united states, who really care about reputation, why? but because there was a conversation about
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the statistics of those who support the united states and those who do not, among those who support, in fact, there are many of those in whom the united states is not confident, i can’t get out of my head our parliamentary one. last year’s trip to the philippines, well , it would seem to be a much more pro-american country, but the whole nature of our meetings showed that there are a huge number of people there, including in the political elite, who cannot say this openly, but have great sympathy for russia, to that what we are doing today, so the situation can very quickly turn around on the world stage, if we accumulate this evidence base regarding all terrorist acts, regarding those who protect these acts, they therefore try to make excuses in their own way.
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they stayed, but in order to shift attention from the kiev terror, the western press pulled out a carefully stored thesis about the terrible russian kgb, the kgb and the govan syndrome. the topic is, in fact, eternal, the russians are using secret superweapons to do harm american diplomats. the story of govan syndrome dates back to 2016, when at the us embassy in cuba more than 20 people, diplomats, and intelligence officers began to complain about... similar symptoms: hearing and vision problems, headache, disorientation, nausea, weakness, soon the same american diplomats and military personnel of other structures around the world, in russia, europe, asia, latin america, and even in the united states themselves, discovered a complex of symptoms. many of the victims noted that they heard
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a frontal, unpleasant sound during the so -called attack, who and how they do it in the usa has already been figured out for more than five years. we report important developments in our five-year investigation, mysterious traumatic brain injuries among national security officials, white house and cia employees, fbi agents, military officers and their families believe they were injured by a secret weapon that uses a high-energy beam, microwaves or ultrasound. the fbi is conducting its own investigation. informed sources told us that the suspect is russia, but if microwaves were used, it's possible multiple countries could be involved. incidents that have occurred to government employees around the world, and medical professionals who have observed these
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people, usually describe it as a traumatic brain injury, without any blow to the head. our sources told us from the very beginning that in fact they...
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well, the western media have clearly become a means of mass
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brain damage, and as for this havana syndrome, yes, you are at the head of the country the real havana syndrome is found. the white house, by the way, also decided to take part in the discussion of this issue and, for the sake of decency, they said through the mouth of karine jeanpierre that russia is not officially accused, but look at these materials. well, they just come out in prime time. i will be very careful on this topic. the intelligence community has not yet reached that conclusion. obviously, it has made its assessment, so i recommend contacting the office of the director of national intelligence to get acquainted with it. specifically regarding russia, as far as i know, they did not come to such a conclusion. what she said herself, she didn’t understand, she seemed to say: “we don’t blame russia,” well, thinking like that, yes, on the other hand, look like a journalist. ekaterina, what do you think,
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why suddenly yes, now they have started to actively raise the topic of the govan syndrome, and maybe this is an attempt to divert western attention from the terrorist attack at the city hall in moscow. olesya, i think this is it. perhaps an attempt to shift attention, but i suspect that this is an attempt to somehow influence the election process that is currently underway in the united states, as we know, is a combination of donald trump, russia loves it very much, and democratic strategists, and of course, certainly promoting this topic, which has actually been discussed since 2016, officially in 2000... in in the twenty-third year , it was said that no connection with russia and these incidents had been established, that - doctors
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came to the conclusion that all this was caused by some other reasons of a completely different nature, but despite this , right now in the election year when it goes is very complex and the election race, when biden and donald trump are running nose to nose, suddenly appears: a story that , of course, is not officially confirmed by the american authorities, but of course, this leads to some definite conclusions, but let’s remember that joe biden, he is now actively attracting hollywood in order to compete with donald trump, trump, but apparently, hollywood scriptwriters thought that such a conspiracy theory could help joe, yes, win this election. but let's see how effective this will be, well , look, well, trying to use any method to accuse, well, at least of something,
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russia, they are in this way, well, how can we, how... ukraine has turned into such a place for the american authorities, you know, a suitcase without a handle seems like they can’t throw it away, and it’s very inconvenient to carry, because really everything, all the incidents, all the tragedies that preceded what happened in crocus city, the american authorities turned a blind eye to them, it’s like the murder of a goddess or blowing up the crimean bridge, obviously they were terrorist attacks,
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then... after some time, the intelligence services , through the media, tried to whitewash themselves with a source , saying that it really wasn’t them, but we must remember that for american society, which experienced the largest terrorist attack on september 11, any a terrorist attack , you know, they turned a blind eye to this, it cannot, cannot be perceived positively, because this trauma in... it is still alive, if now the american authorities do not protect zelensky, who in the near future it will soon become illegitimate, they will take this blow on themselves, so they will do everything they can, everything they want, but it ’s almost
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impossible to predict what steps will be taken, of course, we can’t get into their heads , well, it’s impossible, as your investigation shows it’s possible, don’t worry, when we talk to you, we turn off our emitter for a while. thank you very much, the house’s own correspondent, merchant ekaterina moore , was in direct contact with us. ukrainian the counter-attack is a complete failure of western strategists and political strategists. this opinion was expressed by the american billionaire dovet sex. the ukrainian counteroffensive was one of the largest defeats in the history of modern warfare. tanks and soldiers ran headlong through the minefields. russian artillery rained down on them from heavily fortified positions, as elon musk notes, this was easy to predict, but david petraeus, ben hodges, john spencer, victoria nullan, jake salevan and anthony blinken encouraged it and touted the chances of success. these people are stupid, there should be no trust in them. of course, the media will never hold them accountable, so we will keep getting the same thing until ukraine finally collapses. but ukraine has
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now finally gone on the defensive.
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the need to erect a basic ground barrier. fortifications are being built in different areas located closer to the front line. for security reasons, we are not given exact details about their location and the progress of this ambitious project. as ukraine moves to a more defensive strategy, soldiers here are using materials such as wood, iron, concrete and barbed wire.
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do you agree that these fortifications are a sign that kiev may be shifting its focus to defense due to russian advances?
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the ukrainian press actively says that they are ready for a russian offensive, that defensive structures are being built en masse, the dragon’s tooth is shown every day in huge quantities in the kharkov region, sumy region, they were installed near kiev, but as usual there are nuances, things are not very good at the front, defensive structures are in every media, but the mayor of kharkov said that the critical infrastructure of the city was almost completely destroyed, and video footage appears on the internet , you probably... saw how residents were leaving the kharkov region, there were just columns of civilian vehicles, that is , they made a civilian conclusion for themselves, the kharkov region will fall in the near future, we will liberate it, how is this related
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to the events taking place, to what extent is this plausible scenario how many enemy forces are there now? you know, the funny thing is, i’m literally just before the broadcast and now, if you noticed, i look away and do this. that you are writing new material about these lines, the so-called zelensky, with the naked eye you can see that their dragon teeth are much lower than ours, and if there are already estimates, i think the post will come out in half an hour, maybe earlier, and the volume of these tetraders, that’s right, tetrader , it differs from ours by about four s extra up to 4 seconds, respectively, their weight is 4 times less, this despite the fact that the same brand of concrete was used.
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will correctly guess our attack, without mines - this barrier is quite easily dismantled, that is, the minefields that will cover them are also very important, and hence the question: will kiev have mine coverage for such a huge period of time and will they lay them in the same way kiev region, will they put the same in the zhitomir region, sumy, chernigov, kharkov and also in front line, that is , there are a lot of questions for this line of zelensky, the possibility of stealing a huge amount, and knowing...
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it’s impossible to place it there, well, how do you imagine unloading even a two-hundred-kilogram concrete block on a crane at the front line, yes, that is, naturally , that if he comes to the front line, he will immediately be carried out by a crane, and the car that brought them, and so on, so of course they are not on the first line of defense. where there is intense fighting, such lines of defense can only be built in a certain depth, no less than 15-20, well, no less than 15-20, actually deeper from the line of combat contact, precisely along this... we don’t see them yet, but i think that they will be built already on in the western donbass, they will be built in the area of ​​slavyansk, kramatorsk, they will be built in the area of ​​​​konstantinovka, although not a fact, but they may well be, that is, they may appear in these areas. how is the situation at the front? for now, we are conducting our main offensive operations in two areas, donetsk, western avdeevka and chasovyarsk. there is progress in donetsk, we are gradually pushing the defense line forward. nitailov
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umansky, but as i understand it, the enemy is systematically, because he did not hold the defense to a thin line, but is moving to a new line and in about two kilometers, according to my calculations, we will run into the next one, well, not very well equipped, but nevertheless equipped in in engineering terms, the line of defense, which we will also have to break through, well, the main battles are taking place here, this is senko, oh, this is semyonovka, i apologize, and berdychi, having broken through here we defense, we will put the enemy in a very uncomfortable position, starting in yarsky.
11:54 am
war against russia may face defeat by summer, vladimir zelensky's troops are exhausted, their allies in nato and the european union need to have a coordinated strategy to prevent disasters in ukraine right now, but the signs we are seeing in ukraine, unfortunately , indicate that it is too late. the ukrainians long ago gave the copyright to the national catastrophe to the americans, but the ukrainian box has its own terrible american pandora. yan dmitrievich, but nevertheless, when releasing such materials, there is no feeling. they are trying to lull our vigilance, well , it is unlikely to lull our vigilance, because in fact there has been a crisis in the conscription resource in ukraine for a long time, for more than a year now, this is the most important thing, any equipment, you can supply any equipment, any weapons, anything, someone must to sit behind the levers of tanks, someone has to shoot from this equipment and go forward, so this is a big problem, by the way, even with the construction of these fortifications the fact is that the ukrainian military commissars... called
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in most of the builders who were supposed to build these lines of defense, that is, who will complete the construction of these lines of defense is unknown, because these people must either fight or build this line of defense, and it’s like a baby’s diaper, here to cover yourself, yes, that is, either your feet or your head are cold, that is, in any case, neither here nor there, first of all, this is a crisis of conscription resources, there is no one to fight, there is simply no one, but nevertheless they are fighting , look, nevertheless they are fighting, but well, just as they intended, the united states will continue to ukrainian until the last minute. viktor nikolayevich, as a military expert, one of the best in our country, i want to torment you along zelensky’s defense lines, he is now building these dragon teeth, we will definitely show them again, they are really small, of small height, they are much smaller than ours, whether they are capable of stopping our tanks, everyone understands perfectly well that local residents best understand the readiness of their army for defense, and judging by the footage from the kharkov region, where local residents just huge columns.
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legs, it has infiltrated this city, of course, this is a symptom of the fact that the ukrainian political military-leadership is afraid that russia will be able to take control of kharkov, but there has never been talk before, until you
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hear speeches anywhere that we will turn into kharkov, drezzdan or mariupol, no, we will have more, let’s say, mildly humane ways to solve the kharkov problem. but we now need the kharkov region also because, after all, it is not from its territory that attacks on the belgorod region will no longer be carried out region, this is the kharkov region, this is such, you know, the tamden zone or the cover zone that putin spoke about, but this zone, this is extremely important for us, of course, every military person will tell you that yes, it can be pushed back by 150, 250.
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12:00 pm
we will get ahead of ourselves, of course, reveal all the plans of our command, we don’t even know them, but we will inform you and tell you about what is happening, we will definitely be in our program, well, we are closely monitoring everything, of course, and you stay in the zone first attention channel, we give the floor to the information service. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. an attempt by kiev to organize a series of new sabotage and terrorist attacks in russia.


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