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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 2, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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will be connected with the activities of khmelnitsky, lutsk, and lviv, which means we need to consider this option. bold statements, but the most important thing is that i heard you, we have stopped paying attention to the fact that the west is trying to mislead us and are working exclusively according to our own scenarios, but in reality, those personnel that are now coming from the kharkov region are probably they say themselves, we will not get ahead of ourselves, of course, reveal all the plans of our command, we don’t even know them, but we will inform you and tell you about whatever happens, we will definitely be in our program. well, of course, we are closely monitoring everything and if you remain in the attention zone of the first channel, we pass the floor to the information service. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. an attempt by kiev to organize a series of new sabotage and terrorist attacks in russia.
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more than one explosion was clearly planned for explosives in russia behind holy images. in church utensils , operatives find an entire arsenal of industrial detonators. they are capable of detonating bombs remotely call or message in messenger. battery, radio board with sim card slot. assembling this homemade explosive device takes just a few minutes. there are also ready-made bomb icons. here is the hyxagent mounted in the frame. the perpetrator of the sabotage had to stick the detonator. for now we can only guess why. they were preparing explosives, but whatever the plans, they were destroyed by employees of the federal customs service and the fsb. in total , 27 were recovered from cargo traveling along the route ukraine, romania, hungary, slovakia, poland, lithuania, latvia, russia. camouflaged vykonov and ready-to -use improvised explosive devices, 70 kg of industrially produced plastic explosive, increased power, 91 electric detonators and parts of the krpg 7 shot. these shots are from ... the number 10
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in a double circle on the ammunition, markings of a military plant in bulgaria, whose weapons ukraine has been using for a long time, here is the name of the intermediate point on the box: chernivtsi, first there, closer to the border, the explosives arrived from kiev. then, as the fsb established, through the checkpoint steamboat, the cargo was transferred to romania, to a warehouse in the border town of feltechenie. obviously, this was done by the ukrainian special services, which were not compiled. it’s difficult to make a corridor on their border, even though there is a strengthened regime there to catch evaders, but the romanian border guards also calmly let a car full of bombs through, despite the strict inspection rules during the isvoo. according to the criminals, this cargo was to be delivered to russia by a second vehicle. arrived for loading on the territory of the republic of romania, in the city foltecheni, i looked at this warehouse, there was a cargo of church utensils and icons, and later they gave me the whole package of documents. after which
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i moved to the territory of russia to the city of moscow, where the unloading should take place. according to the driver at customs between romania and hungary, he completed the documents for entry into the single economic space of the european union without any questions asked. then he carried the bomb icons straight along the highway, without even trying to bypass the inspection point on the polish-lithuanian border. latvian border guards also have no problems missed the car. as a result, the deadly cargo crossed six countries, traveling almost 2.0 km, without causing the slightest.
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a gift, especially on the eve of orthodox easter. losing at the front, in open battle, ukraine has long been hitting civilians from under the gun, committing terrorist acts in russia. here we can recall the murder of vladlin tatarsky for... explosives, and after it became clear that kiev was directly related to the bloody action in crocus, it became clear that ukraine was ready to do anything for its goal, to try destabilize the situation in russia. can you imagine, yes, what could happen, god forbid, if this icon, supposedly they made a gift from someone, and this icon was hung in our christian church, it would then explode in front of a crowd of people. how many? there would be joy again, excuse these nazis, the ukrainians in the rest, as they say, i already called them how i drink them, so i think that success, huge success , we need to say a huge thank you to our special services and these guys, and should we be surprised at the cynicism those who for in preparation for sabotage he used icons,
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given the many years of attacks in ukraine on the canonical church and its parishioners, this struggle is being carried out by those people who, in their own way, according to their convictions, are either atheists or... last night donetsk again found itself under massive fire from ukrainian terrorists, the enemy struck from a czech -made rszzo vampire, shells exploded in the kiev district of the city, administration buildings were damaged, as well as several apartment and private houses, windows were broken,
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roofs were cut, one person was injured wounded, his life is not in danger, investigators are working on the spot today, all the circumstances of what happened are being established, from the front line of the russian ministry of defense in the kupinsky direction, our reconnaissance discovered the movement of an enemy sabotage group , helicopters flew to the russian aerospace forces to intercept, the threatening strike was delivered from a safe distance, the enemy was destroyed, which was confirmed by intelligence, our pilots returned to their airfield base. and this is footage from the avdeevsky direction, russian tank crews with rapid fire disrupted the rotation of personnel enemy. the shooting was carried out along a hinged trajectory, and the fire was adjusted. assisted by drone operators who tracked the movements of ukrainian militants. and our snipers managed to get some unique trophies; an american puma reconnaissance drone was shot down while approaching the positions of russian fighters. drom, a secret drone, in order to
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return it, the militants in the ssu tried to organize an entire special operation, but in the end they also lost many people. the participants in that battle told our correspondent alexey kruchinin, in his report from the front line. unique footage, the enemy spotted us, the weather is clear, apparently they are working with a mortar, we need to get off the gas, guys, gas, the eighty -third airborne assault brigade of the airborne forces, to which we are going to film, is working on the front line and the ukrainians can easily get here mortars. whether the target was our car or the barn where the mine hit is not so important, what is important is to pass this area at maximum speed. we flew by and here we are visiting... the trophy. huge strike drone the fighters show us two truly unique 120mm mines adapted for dropping, like the already famous baba yaga, only almost twice as large. but this bird, or even more likely the plane, is much more valuable. with a well-aimed
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shot from his rifle, the commander shot down an american puma reconnaissance drone worth several hundred thousand dollars. its so powerful is its thermal imager and camera for shooting, which allows you to see, well, relatively speaking. well, very high quality, that is, let’s just say that its downing saved many lives, here it is completely with their enemy equipment, completely intact, and we really got from there, i can’t say yet, what information that revealed the points that we hit, where it was launched from, that is , its operators were destroyed, a puma aircraft-type drone, the scope the wings are almost 5 m, the flight range is up to 60 km, here is its demonstration on the official website of the manufacturer: the americans sent pumas in particular to kiev in 22 and 23 , these are the kind of cougars our soldiers had never captured as a trophy before. enemy protects this expensive equipment like the apple of your eye. having lost the drone, the ukrainian armed forces immediately sent a mixed capture group to the area, consisting of soldiers
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of the third separate brigade, stormtroopers from the edelweiss brigade, and militants from radical groups, apparently mercenaries. the enemy had the task of defending the drone at all costs, and fought for it. platoon, they also worked with nato grenade launchers, this trophy is also from that battle. then the story of a real feat begins, ordering his guys to deliver the puma to the rear at all costs, the commander and his partner with the call sign lyutai. they remained to cover the retreat, actually took the blow, the two of them stood up to the platoon. this is footage of that very battle, filmed through a night vision scope. the sniper guards masterfully cleared the target, but at some point it seemed that the forces were still too unequal. i had three grenades with me, i threw them all there, shot off almost all the cartridges, turned to the commander, i didn’t know what to do, but he smiled and showed me what he had. a grenade is clutched in his hand, but he had more experience, at that time they arrived again, well, there were their orts, i
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don’t know, me or our guys, frost, tiger, thank you, in the end, the snipers admit, there was an idea that this was most likely their last battle , the commander had serious shrapnel wounds, including to the head, both were shell-shocked, but they didn’t think of retreating, the motto is honor is more valuable than life, for them it’s not loud words, but rule number one, we have already evacuated the ethereal aircraft to a safe zone, that’s what happened the decision was made to return for the commander, despite the fact that he gave the order to urgently leave, we returned, and we already found the commander in an unconscious state, clutching a grenade under him in his hand, a very worthy act, in the battle for an american drone, the enemy lost as many as 24 people, here are their badges , documents stripes.
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we discussed a very wide range of issues, first of all, naturally, and these were issues related to the tasks that the president set in his message, we also talked about national development goals, about national projects, we talked about the need for industrial, financial, technological, economic sovereignty, despite... now both deputies and the government are responsible for the final result
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of decisions made, which means the quality will be much better, therefore, when this dialogue was being built, the ministers literally lived in state duma, you met in relevant committees, you met with factions, this gave a lot, and the basis for the conversation is the appeal to us citizens, about 1,400 appeals were received. 309 questions already in written form the deputy was sent to the government, and of course, it is important for us to work out a decision on them together, and the footage that we literally just received, a meeting of mikhail mishustin with members of the government, the topic of tomorrow's report in the state duma, the focus is on the results of the work of the cabinet of ministers over the past year, including the implementation of the president’s instructions. the security council will hold a meeting today on the israeli attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. our country requested the meeting.
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moscow strongly condemned the strike. the inviolability of the diplomatic mission is enshrined in international law. and besides, we are talking about a densely populated area where peaceful people live. the attack killed at least 11 people, including generals from the islamic revolutionary guard corps. these are the elite units of the iranian armed forces. there were mass protests in the republic, participants burned israeli flags. today is a common holiday of russia and belarus, the day of the unity of nations, established in honor of the signing of an agreement in 1996, which became the first step towards the creation of a union states, the presidents have already exchanged congratulations, vladimir putin noted that despite the difficult conditions in the world, russia and belarus are successfully following the path of integration and this is in the interests of our peoples. in
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turn, alexander lukashenko.


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