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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 2, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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the day of unity of nations was established in honor of the signing of the treaty in the ninety-sixth year, which became the first step towards the creation of a union state, the presidents have already exchanged congratulations, vladimir putin noted that despite the difficult conditions in the world, russia and belarus are successfully moving along the path of integration , and this is in the interests of our peoples. in turn, alexander lukashenko.
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look, this is, well, let’s say, what ’s flying from ukraine, these aren’t exactly ukrainian projects, but at least there’s some kind of components, yes, everyone understands this, we are not small, yes, not only components, so to speak, in the physical sense, and routes, as i understand it, and reconnaissance, and objects and so on, this such, this is still such a fruit of joint work , the creativity of ukraine together with its western allies, the cnn channel, by the way, writes exactly about this... how ukraine, together with its allies, carefully studies drone flights, etc. let's see, well, little, let's even let's not look, just read the title, so ukrainian free operators are trying to undermine with artificial intelligence, this is understandable, the flight was agreed upon in advance with our allies, the aircraft follow the flight plan so that we can hit targets with an accuracy of several meters - the source explained, well, thanks for the explanation, here again it’s also impossible to ignore this passed, the other day the ukrainian minister of digital transformation.
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ukraine has increased the production of long-range drones 10 times compared to last year. today we have many companies that produce such drones and their production is growing. most drones have a range of 700 to 1000 km, but now there are models that can fly at a distance of more than a thousand km, oh, unfortunately, maybe he ’s not lying, well, yes, judging by the fact that we can see everything, so to speak we hear, that’s probably how it is, of course, we have questions about what the hell and how they were able to increase it tenfold, tenfold, yes, but there is one more question, because - here are ours there,
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thank god, these drones find them, sort them out, naturally, very carefully, they study every detail, so they found several interesting traces there, in particular an american trace, which means an american space one, which means there are some batteries that are used in the nasa program for - for mars, in the mars program, you can imagine, and i’m trying, i’m trying to understand, i’ll ask several questions at once, well, what if they’re already bringing nasa up with their batteries for the mars program? it could be, you can say that everything is so bad that now, well, at least at least something, at least this, or that everything is so good that they can afford it, this is the first question, so to speak, technical, well, or rather no, it’s not technical, it’s rather philosophical, that’s the technical question , that’s what we found there , let’s say a part with the inscription made in usa, for example, in a drone that hits objects on the territory of the russian federation, for us. this is
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a reason to be sad about western hypocrisy, option one, and a harsh statement , option two, some kind of physical action , option three, i don’t know what at all. what international law tells us, international practice, something made in the usa says, bang on the territory of the russian federation, what to do with this, well, here you are right, and the first second method, it is necessary to be present, it must be present, that is, it is clear that it is necessary think again, make a strong statement, but from the point of view of action, this is entering the manufacturer’s sanctions list, well, that is, that’s what he has, that he has nothing, but he has a lot of things, because everyone has a lot of it. modern manufacturer, especially high-tech, there are a lot of contractors and partners around the world, and accordingly, being included in any sanctions list reduces its attractiveness as a partner, that is, even if we assume that only russia included the manufacturer in
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the social list, all of its contractors will think about it, it’s like creating unnecessary complications, it’s definitely necessary, not to mention the fact that we still have a relationship with us. somewhere someone killed someone with a machine gun , this is a ukrainian thing, relatively speaking, if kalashnikov, is this a trace of russia or not, please tell me, well, kalashnikovs are assembled not only in russia, let’s assume from those collected in russia, assembled. of course, there may be no consequences at all, maybe yes, let's just take it calmly, sorry, our cities are being hit with british missiles storm shadow, this is a whole huge product that we understand where it was produced, from what we found in some then the drone hit our city with nato markings,
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well, excuse me, most often it occurs there, we we know it was made in the tea room there, by the way, well, you know what this says, it says that... in belgorod, even today, in my opinion, there are 36 of these vampires, neither poland, nor nasa, no one there wasn’t, they won’t get anything back from us yet, they get it every day, well, but to make some kind of grandiose scandal or some kind of commotion due to the fact that the nameplate with this, well,
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they’re hitting us, maybe 50 %, at least western weapons, i still want to hope that maybe we are accumulating the moral right to answer once, no, you know, this it really is. experts have the right to this, it’s complicated
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, i’m not ready to discuss it there, it’s complicated, our history is connected with international law and so on, but what can i say.
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or it could be without their knowledge at all, and well , i’ll say this, but generally speaking, not only did we hear, we actually dismantled this drone and wrote off the report about it, so let’s immediately put it into context that is this what it is? how did this even end up in our hands, when did it happen and, accordingly, what is behind it, now i’ll literally tell you in detail briefly, let’s say it was the beginning of the autumn of twenty-two, that is, from about february to march we began to actively use with the beginning of a special military operation and devices, at that time no one in the world imagined how they can be effective on the battlefield, and as i understand it, this information quickly spread across various production facilities of the military-industrial complex, let’s say, including western ones, of course, they began to supply ukraine with, let
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’s say, prototypes, let’s call it that, because we have never received this kind of trophy either before or after, this is a very specific product, we immediately paid attention to it, because it’s like , let’s say, not some kind of cheap fpv look, but it’s just professionally made, it looks as if a product like the same taurus or storm shadow, that is, it has a lot of aluminum parts on board, it has very specific... emulator unit, which we had never seen before, and we began to study it in quite detail, yes this an fpu device, but a very specific fpu device, it turned out that the batteries that were installed on it, generally speaking, cannot be bought on the market, these batteries are exactly the same batteries installed on a drone that flies on mass, that is , this mission , i think it’s called, there’s this multicopter injuunity, it’s difficult with these names, well, it doesn’t matter, but we found out what kind of batteries are on... on it and here’s an amazing coincidence, exactly the same batteries ended up on this fpv drone, which our soldiers brought to us for
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research. the second point is the presence of aluminum parts that were on it, and after some time we had the opportunity to conduct a spectral analysis of this aluminum, that is, aluminum is no different in appearance from other aluminum. when they brought us the results of the spectral analysis, we were really very shocked, because there is only 70% aluminum alloy there. and 30% is. in fact, here are two pages of various additives, homeopathic, that is, very small, which we, well, at first we thought it was some kind of dirt, then we realized that dirt is like that, barium and other compounds cannot be made there in such a nomenclature, we began to find out what it is, these are special additives for aluminum, so that in space it did not degrade, because in space any material begins to lose its properties over time and actually deteriorate.
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aviation products, maybe space combat and so on, that is , something like boeing, lockett martin or the like of another organization, but that’s for sure an american organization, it definitely works with nasa, here, let’s just say, i heard your conversation before i joined, it means about the participation of foreign specialists, and this drone was. let’s say, with the presence of engineering functions, that is, this drone was clearly at the stage of testing and testing, and in
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combat conditions, that is , explosives were hung on it, drops were made on it and they were used against our military personnel, even then, let me remind you, this is september , the end of september '22, that is, the americans got involved in the war in this sense, so this presence of engineering functions just means that these are unusual pilots, and the enemy did not have this network so developed at that time. military use in beer, we actively used it then, this american trace is very clearly visible in it, and what’s more, not just a trace, they brought it there as a test, that is, they used ukraine as a testing ground. dmitry, can i then ask a question, but it turns out that the drone program itself in ukraine is very serious, so much so that boeing supplies nasa everyone, no matter who it is, or is it just a small part of serious companies that are testing it as a testing ground? according to our data , now ukraine is actually
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a gateway, that is , some figurative latvia can bring products there for testing, some figurative i don’t know portugal, that is, any company has the opportunity to bring, well, of course at its own expense, then there is all this, no one sponsors them, although maybe they are sponsored, i don’t know, the force is what we call the ukrainian dronov army. well, ukrainian the drone army is being formed a little differently, this is a topic for a separate conversation, but i wanted to say about something else, that now ukraine is used as a training ground, well, not now, it has been on purpose almost from the first days...
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this is all a link in one chain, since november month last year they announced that they would produce a million drones for wusu, they even had such a program, then they were talking about fpv and small drones, now they announced that they would produce 200,000 long-range aircraft, so -called, that is, drones with large radius actions, these are all drones, they just have different functions, different tasks, which means i won’t get tired of repeating one thing, you can do a million, you can do 10 million, let’s just say the drones won’t fly by themselves, you need to look for personnel who can program these drones , launch, prepare everything else, but this is not a reason to relax, that is, large numbers stated that so many drones were produced there or so many, they are most likely realistic, and the enemy will probably produce them or are close to these values, another matter, that he can't find the required number
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of specialists, find them in large numbers , find them, fly in, but at the same time yes, but at the same time and not... as far as i can imagine, no, well, it’s just impossible not to notice the industry, but why did we allow this to be done , modern drones for their production do not require washing facilities such as you know for the production of ammunition, for example, there are no complex steel foundries or things associated with a large volume of heavy metallurgy, so to speak, let’s call it that, modern
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drones are assembled from polystyrene foam, carbon fiber, element bases purchased figuratively on aliexpress, with yes, and at the same time the cost of all this is extremely low, and they can easily open this kind of production, distributing it throughout the territory of ukraine, because. dmitry, can i then have one last final question: well, if after all these thousand-kilometer-long drones fly to us, when we say that we can’t defend ourselves in any way, is it so easy, i don’t know, to hang nets everywhere? on refinery. and it won’t, that is , we shouldn’t count on some kind of magic rap or magic tool to suppress such products, we got involved, well, the whole world got involved, because
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now it’s only working against us, tomorrow, excuse me, it will be with all the stops around the world, this means that this kind of universal means of protection today will not exist in the future, we need to develop a set of measures, which includes nets at the final approach, when we need to directly protect the object, and new air defense systems, because that the current radars have difficulty seeing this kind of drones, again due to the fact that they are made of specific materials, but of course, this also means detecting their temperature trace, because they are small and not so high-contrast.
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this is generally, i don’t know, please tell me, i understand correctly that the fact that this is, so to speak, a prototype of dmitry vasilyevich, this is a prototype of the war, excuse me, of the future, so it will look a little more, so to speak, completely, with another number of everyone. these units, well, something like this, this is a war, but i want to upset you, this is not a future war, this is a real war, this is not of
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any future, that is, we now see with our own eyes how these types of drones are ground, sea, air, after a while space ones will appear, because there are small cupsats, which are also not that expensive, now it will fill everything, all three of our spaces, ground-based moscow, that’s four. that's it, thank you very much, thank you, dmitry kuzyakin was in direct contact with us, general director of the center for integrated unmanned solutions, we really showed such a picture, well, it’s just some kind of uninteresting bullshit driving, there is much more , as it were, right there with some shots, and this is, well, guys, what you showed us is some kind of dobiden torturing this is all, probably, well, i ask you, we have been silent for too, too long, but there is indeed a right there, there is footage of the battle below, where we have a land platform, a tracked one, there are anti-aircraft guns, automatic grenade launchers. and the enemy hits him with fpv drones, well, that’s it indeed, but dmitry is right in that this is really the war of the present, the war of the future will come when
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there are no people behind all these unmanned platforms, yet while they are controlled by people, these are operators, these are pilots, these are operators who control ground or on a water platform, so to speak, but it’s still a person, the human factor is not excluded here yet. in the future, of course, we will see that when they are controlled by artificial intelligence, purely without a person at all, i will complement my colleague here, it’s just that what we are observing is, in fact, the processing of the bridgehead, and with the subsequent entry of manpower there, so, accordingly, this factor, the fact that people should eventually go there, is still predominant in war, in fact, the heroism of our leaving fighters remains a key factor, but again, i’m on... colleague, that artificial intelligence in military operations is already a factor of today, in fact, what is the peculiarity of artificial intelligence, it collects information from real time and
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learns to make decisions, that is , an operator is not always needed, yes, to make a decision about an attack or, for example, to step aside, yes, to hide behind a fence there, and this is actually the work that is being carried out in our country and i’m not talking in ukraine, but in us among ours against... how long will we build it, how long will i shake it, well, it’s true, we are certainly not techies, but katya is to a greater extent, well, well, since
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maybe it’s not there, we’ve been talking to each other guys for many years, well, this but on super low, everything, everything, everything, well, listen, well, how much it’s possible, well, yes, at super-low, we realized this 2 years ago, at super-low, now i’m saying, well, how did he fly, guys, just one second, look, he’s flying at super-low, and... of course we need to take specific measures and operational steps to prevent this new threat, it is new, it does not cancel our insulated air defense, which was built for many years back in soviet times, it was against another task, we forget, this does not cancel civil defense.
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drones, the future is now in the present, these the drones themselves kill civilians all the time.
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our country needs to introduce additional classes in higher educational institutions, schools for the provision of primary health care, it is also necessary to conduct the same mini-courses as in belgorod for employees of various enterprises in our country, so we can maintain the safety of the lives of our people, again, i repeat, it is necessary prepare in advance, okay, that’s what you say. if something like this happens in the country, we will not
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hide the horror from anyone. then everyone and school student should be interested in what is happening in our russia now, to meet our country halfway so that we win. alexey, what a young fellow you are, it’s just, what class are you? it’s no secret? i’m a student, i’m a student, about 20 years old, you, yes, yes, everything is correct, excellent, thank you very much, thank you,
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a country that develops its own weapons systems will, of course, be happy to test it in real combat conditions , this is russia’s business in general -it has nothing to do with it, it has nothing to do with it, why is this not happening to us here in california, why?
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of course it is possible, a safety school where i’m direct friends, we constantly conduct trainings, we call them without panic, we talk about behavior during a fire, a crowd, a stampede, and what to do if suddenly a person with a weapon attacks the place where you are, it doesn’t matter, whether it is an educational institution, a shopping center or a medical institution, that is, in any case , the behavior algorithms are actually the same, that is , we must clearly understand that in the event of an attack by a person with a weapon, the best thing you can do is - from the place danger, that is, to be as far as possible from the scene of the incident without panicking , basically yes, of course, but here you need to understand that children are also different, there are elementary grades, there is a middle school, there are high schools, and of course they also have physical
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capabilities different, yes, there are adults, it is very important that all teachers in schools know what to do, how to act, so that all high school students know what to do, how to act, well, of course, we also tell younger children about this, but here we understand that junior school is... children, who are always under the supervision of adults, under the supervision of teachers, educators, so it is important here that the teacher knows how to act, so we always tell you that the best thing you can do if there is such an opportunity to escape from a place of danger, that is, if you find yourself outside the territory where the shooting is happening, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a shopping center or a school, and we don’t just run away somewhere, but to a nearby store there or a shopping center, no, we’re running, we know exactly where we’re running, then it is very important that - children in schools adults understood, here we are now in the clinic, suddenly shooting starts, where are the auction exits? how to approach them, and how to open them, this is very important for the staff to know, because today i was at one of the local institutions for groups, conducting similar events, training, and the deputy director and i went through all the emergency auction exits, and i personally asked her to open each exit, and
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in some places she did it quite simply and easily, but in others she fumbled, because she opens the latch, the door does not open, and i say, what happened, he says: oh, and here is another latch from below, i forgot, you see, yes, the problem of many administrations is that they talk in words at meetings with collective, that you remember, we have an exit here, an exit here, we can open them, but in fact none of them approaches these exits with them and does not try to open them personally, this is extremely important, because during attacks, the electricity may turn on, there may be complete darkness, people may get out by touch, they must, uh, sort of fix all this at the level of muscle memory, we kind of tell them about this , too, of course, well, actually, if i understood correctly, i wanted to ask first, here’s how to protect yourself from panic, maybe be: you know, americans always breathe into a bag in films, like, well, there’s carbon dioxide, apparently there’s something else there, and then i realized, just a firm, clear understanding, generally brought almost to the point of automatism, to a reflex, so to speak, that what to do in some situation, this is the best, so to speak, the best remedy against panic, well, if i roughly, if i
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understood correctly, that’s it, we just ran out of time, thank you very much dmitry nikolaevich, dmitry kachalov was in direct contact with us, in fact, thanks to our respected experts for this conversation, thank you for your attention, see you soon on air. they need to read what they are sent from washington, the tsruul secret prison on the territory of lithuania, this is in its purest form a torture chamber, these are also biological laboratories in which the genotype is studied, they are being pumped up by nato armed forces forces on the territory adjacent to russia, this is
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a springboard from which the threat to our country comes, for him personally lithuania is also a consumable material, an asshole provocateur, come on, follow me, he will move aside later, we are standing on the threshold of the third world war, or what? gabrielius lansbergis. grandson, baby, and frailty. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. we talked with the head of the international olympic.
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as leaders, because we have the most young people, in all countries science is done
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by young people. almamator of every tenth scientist russia, here they come up with our tomorrow, and at this global level, without false modesty, we do not lag behind the best examples. students, where do you dream of studying? i believe in science, i believe that the main development... society will be a vector, a vector of science, a victor of science, the premiere, tomorrow at the first, the will of zhenya belausov, the battle for the inheritance of the star of the nineties is reaching the finish line, all participants in the conflict are in our studio, you filed a lawsuit, why does a person write a will at the age of 30? roman is sure that at one time the entire inheritance unfairly went to his sister christina, if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, formalized everything on... why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow
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is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged? i want to know the truth. you know my dad’s handwriting, to be honest, no, but were you officially divorced? it turned out that the court divorced us; just imagine, 26 years later it was such a blow for me. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. and when you entered into an inheritance, you told the notary that there were still potential heirs. in a state, the person i loved died, probably the only love in my life, i feel like a happy person when my loved ones are with me and when everything is fine with them, and we spend common evenings playing board games when i. .. next to my sister, the main happiness is my family, and we say
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hello to everyone to our grandparents and sisters, brothers, many thanks to my parents for raising me, making me a real person, the health of my loved ones makes me happy, not only loved ones, everyone around me, and this is very important, i wish our country to be great, i love my country, i am proud of it and i wish... i think i can find my happiness in it. this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. an extremely valuable trophy obtained by ours. military modernized american
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puma-type drone. this is the device. we have exclusive footage. our soldiers have never captured anything like this before. the commander of the sniper group shot down the drone with a quick shot from his rifle. having lost the bird, the ukrainian armed forces were immediately sent to the area a mixed capture group, an entire platoon consisting of foreign mercenaries. the task is to return at any cost. the commander ordered the puma to be delivered to the rear, while he and his partner remained to cover the retreat. together.
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specialists, its cost is several hundred thousand dollars. pomami is used in particular by the us marine corps. the americans sent several batches of various modifications to kiev in '22 and '23. they found a self-destruct device inside; it was needed to hide technology and data, but our soldiers neutralized it. all electronics and the memory card with the most important information remained intact. thermal imagers and cameras for filming are so powerful that they allow. to see, well, relatively speaking, very high quality, that is, as it were, and, let’s say, its downing saved many lives, here it is completely with their enemy equipment, completely intact, and we really got from there, i can’t say yet what information that revealed the points that we hit, where it was launched from, that is , its operators were destroyed, the naval
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direction, the group commander before that four times awarded the order of courage, now nominated for the title of hero of russia, in fact, a guy who... the special cynicism of the kiev regime, explosives hidden in icons, and this deadly cargo was heading to us in russia, an attempt to organize new sabotage and terrorist attacks was stopped by the special services, the car was detained by fsb officers and customs officers in the pskov region on the border with latvia, the destination is moscow, without leaving ukraine through six countries of the european union and for some reason not the slightest suspicion arose anywhere. all operational shooting footage dmitry kulko has the latest information. border, checkpoint ubylinka in the pskov region. fsb officers inspect a detained minibus with a trailer. his numbers are european, here is the cargo from ukraine, hundreds of icons produced in kiev. images of christ the savior, the kazan mother of god, under which are hidden explosives of monstrous power (rdx). the mass of the seized explosive is enough to blow up a five-story
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residential building. however, whoever tried to smuggle explosives into russia for holy images was clearly planning more than one explosion. church with utensils, operatives find a whole arsenal of industrial detonators ; they are able to detonate bombs remotely by calling or messaging in messenger. a battery, a radio board with a sim card slot, and assembly of this homemade explosive device takes just a few minutes. there are also ready-made bomb icons, with hexagen mounted in frames. the perpetrators of sabotage had only to stick the detonator. so far we can only guess why the criminals were preparing explosives, but whatever the plans were, they were destroyed by the employees. federal customs service and fsb. in total, from the cargo traveling along the route ukraine, romania, hungary, slovakia, poland, lithuania, latvia, russia, 27 camouflaged and ready-to-use improvised explosive devices, 70 kg of industrially produced plastic explosives of increased power, 91
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electric detonators and parts of the krpg shot were recovered 7. these shots from a grenade went straight into kandil, a circus pendant, laid specially so that. it did not dangle the number 10 in a double circle on the ammunition - marking military plant in bulgaria, whose weapons have long been used by ukraine. but on the box is the name of the intermediate point: chernivtsi. first, explosives arrived there from kiev, closer to the border. then, as the fsb established, through the parubnoye checkpoint, the cargo was transferred to romania, to a warehouse in the border town of feltechenie. obviously, this was done by the ukrainian special services, which had no difficulty in creating a corridor on their border, even though there is a heightened regime for... according to the driver at the customs between romania and in hungary, without any questions asked, he prepared documents for entry into the single economic space of the european union. then he carried the bomb icons straight along the highway, without even trying to bypass the inspection point on the polish-lithuanian border. latvian border guards also let the car through without any problems. as a result
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, the deadly cargo crossed six countries, covering a journey of almost 2,000 km. during the interrogation , the driver tried to pretend that the ukrainian special services used him in the dark, but that’s how they told him. they are now finding out who could have used explosives inside the country, given that the icons a common gift, especially on the eve after which i was detained. operatives of orthodox easter. losing at the front in open battle, ukraine has long been hitting civilian targets in russia.
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the rest are mediocre, so i think that success, enormous success, goes to our special services and to these guys, a huge thank you must be given. ukrainian special services did not fully think through the legend according to which explosives were transported across half of europe. the russian orthodox church has not bought anything from ukraine for a long time. dmitriy kulko, yulia zagranichnogo and igor agafonov, channel one. now about the progress of the special operation, the russian military knocked out two bradleys. footage from the internet, an armored group of the armed forces of ukraine on three american infantry fighting vehicles, an attempt to attack russian positions, our soldiers meeting the enemy with fire. as a result, the ukrainian armed forces retreat. an infantry vehicle runs into a mine, a strong explosion, the second one is hit by artillery, and another video from telegram channels, a german marder infantry fighting vehicle is on fire,
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the fire engulfed almost the entire vehicle, it will no longer be possible to restore it, and data from the ministry of defense, our artillerymen hit enemy positions on the right bank of the dnieper, fire from the uragan rszzo, kupinskoe direction, target of the k-52 crews, a group of saboteurs. today islam khalilov is a special guest; he led more than 100 people out of the building during the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. a fifteen-year -old schoolboy worked part-time as a cloakroom attendant in a concert hall, knew all the ways out in a deadly situation and rushed to help people. representatives of the kyrgyz embassy attended today's meeting. islam was awarded a grant to study at any russian university. first of all i would like thank each of you for the fact that you all gathered here for me and devoted your time.
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a very wide range of issues, first of all, naturally, these were issues related to the tasks that the president set in his message, we also talked about national development goals, about national projects, we talked about the need for industrial, financial, technological, economic sovereignty, despite that absolutely normal disputes on different approaches, we manage to find appropriate effective solutions, including a solution, which they then embody...
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therefore, when this dialogue was being built, and the ministers literally lived in the state duma for more than a month, met in specialized committees, you met with factions, this gave a lot, and the basis for the conversation is the appeal to us citizens, about 14,000 received the deputies have already sent 309 questions in writing to the government, and of course it is important for us to work on them together.
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the master plan for the development of electricity generation in bangladesh involves not only one nuclear plant and not only two power units
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power 1200 megawatts behind the first two. new power plants will definitely appear in russian units. douglos’s second life in novosibirsk ends with the restoration of an airplane with a special history, the same one that made a hard landing on taimyr in 1947. the crew and passengers showed an example of courage and incredible fortitude; the car itself , after so many decades, will become a valuable museum exhibit. tatyana kozlova will explain everything. everything was broken here. dural, that is, this well. douglas came to the soviet union from the usa through landlease in april 1947, a plane under the control of experienced polar pilot maxim tyurikov took off from the village of kosisty
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on board 29 passengers and five members. soon after takeoff, the oil pressure in the left engine drops to zero, the right engine fails completely , a snowstorm begins, the crew cannot return back, the nearest airfield is in khatanga, this is where the tyuriks are heading, but they lose their course and begin to deviate further and further to the northwest . they were flying on the same engine, it began to overheat, and so on was already fraught with, as it were, more serious consequences, it was impossible to delay any longer, so tyurikov made a decision. saving the lives of all the passengers, but going for the help of the tyuriks and several more people go missing, the rest will be saved only after 3 weeks, all this time the survivors kept a diary, i was on board
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the tyurik on board three children and... women, this entry was left on the day of the accident crew commander, then other notes left by passengers began to appear on the skin of the plane, from which we can understand in what what kind of mood were people waiting for help and how they spent their time, here is an example entry: no one is losing heart, the holidays were celebrated cheerfully, most likely we are talking about may 1, the last entry, the most important, on may 11 we were saved. douglas lay in the tundra for almost 70 years. in 2016, the russian geographical society organized a large-scale expedition to remove the ship from the swamp. tyurikov’s daughter, avelina antsiferova, also visited the scene of the accident. it means we entered kadyna, when i saw this shturbak, i’m sure it seemed that his body was still warm, he was tearing something, and that he was nearby somewhere. the reconstruction is planned to be completed in the summer, after which duglos will become part of the exposition
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of the park of the museum of northern development in krasnoyarsk, as a monument to heroism.
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spring conscription, which started on april 1 , will not be involved in participation in a special military operation in ukraine, this was confirmed by the head of our defense department, the same was previously stated at the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, since january, more than 80 thousand military personnel have lost 14,000 weapons, including over 1,200 tanks, said our minister of defense, and
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403 km of territory have come under the control of the russian military since the beginning of the year, said sergei shaikov. they tried to secretly smuggle 70 kg of explosives and 27 bomb fuses into russia; the dangerous cargo was carefully disguised, hidden among icons and others. utvori was transported through ukraine, but the route was quite long; the vehicle, packed with explosives, traveled through almost the entire eastern europe. hoping to cover its tracks, the fsb published all the details of the importation of dangerous foreign-made contraband. federal the security service of the russian federation , together with the federal customs service of russia, blocked the cross-border smuggling channel for the delivery of explosives from ukraine in transit to the country. through the countries of the european union, in total, from the cargo traveling along the route ukraine, romania, hungary, slovakia, poland, lithuania, latvia, russia, 27 camouflaged bombs and ready-to
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-use improvised explosive devices were recovered; 70 kg of industrially produced plastic explosive of high power, 91 electric detonators and parts of the krpg 7 shot, a person involved in the crime was detained. here is a plastic explosive - this is hexogen, it could be enough to blow up an entire five-story residential building, in the attachments of the icons a plastic explosive of increased power was found, hexogen, and the power of this explosive was one and a half times greater than the power spent, the mass of the seized explosive is enough to blow up a five-story residential building, vykonakh...
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assembly kits were also found includes a battery, a radio with a slot for improvised explosive devices. includes sim card and electric detonator. when connecting all elements of the kit with an explosive, with an explosive. this improvised explosive device is ready for use, assembling this improvised explosive device takes a matter of minutes. so, the starting point was ukraine, we were transported unhindered, almost through the entire eastern europe. how could this happen? sergey vladenovich, your guess? well, i 'll start by saying that, of course, that's who came up with this devilish plan by uniting the saints. the image of christ, the mother of god and hexagen, of course, maybe he didn’t understand that he created this symbol of all this activity that we have been observing from the very beginning of the special military operation,
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on the one hand i would like to think that this is some kind of it’s a terrible april fool’s joke, but these are real, so to speak, icons, these are real explosives, and the question really arises, how could all this travel halfway through europe? you understand, of course, i'm far from thoughts, although nothing can be ruled out, that somehow all this was coordinated with the authorities of the european union, with law enforcement agencies, let us carry out this explosives, although now nothing can be surprising, but rather, most likely i will put forward a different version, you understand , when we are talking about ukraine, everything connected with ukraine, in this case there was some kind of truck with this car with this explosive, then naturally ukraine, like...
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they install windows made in kiev if the car passes half of europe uh, romania, uh, hungary, slovakia, poland, poland, so to speak, ah, a religious country, a religious
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country, is also passing quietly, then the baltic states, ah, well, another call rang, it seems to me that, of course, we cannot somehow so, here's how to influence it there, but still. because this is such a monstrous devilish plan, but so to speak, there are religious leaders, there are public figures, there are, in the end , just ordinary people who go to church, and there too and... we must send them some signals that finally open it your eyes, you didn’t open them when the first bell rang, the second bell rang, when vladler tatarsky was blown up, when dasha dugin, our colleague, was blown up, well , look now, this moment of truth has actually arrived, this is a symbol of everything, what did ukraine do, icons and hexagen, the main customer of the gift, what do you think, who is europe or ukraine, i think i’m far away.
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thoughts that somehow europe sanctioned this, another thing is that thanks to the action, the actions of europe, this becomes possible, because in fact europe becomes an accomplice, this would be, yes, it is actually an accomplice who allows this to exist, because well , otherwise, if there were, let’s say, a completely different security system, and if..
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stanislav mikhailovich, stanislav mikhailovich, could western intelligence services not know about the contents of the cargo of this car, which drove through all of eastern europe, become a gift, a dangerous, deadly gift for some citizens in the territory of our country? of course they could, well i would i said my opinion, they knew, when did they send this car through, if we remember, there are big strikes by sasha of farmers and others who do not let any trucks from ukraine pass at all, then it passed. i drove through very calmly without any checks, anywhere, and it’s not just that there is a head for the rp in the icons, no one looked for anything, didn’t check, didn’t look, knowing that they were bringing weapons from ukraine to different gang formations and different organized crime groups in in europe, it’s normal for everything to be checked there if it passed through so calmly along this route, i would say for sure there was even an escort who transported them, so they were blessed, yes yes.
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and from their christian roots, they cannot even understand this, and the fact that orthodox icons were chosen is a symbol of the fact that they are satanists, that they do not consider our faith to be the true faith, that they do not consider orthodoxy to be a faith at all, and this war, essentially religious, is unleashed in this way, that is, there is correct christianity, which, although the pope has again been advocating peace lately, has been subject to great criticism for this, okay, there is god, but there are people who...
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who purposefully destroy these icons, mock them, you know, close churches, there are persecutions of priests, and so on. sergei vladimirovich, but ruslan, for example, asked a question there in his own way, and i have this question for you now, is there any intention in this, and under the guise of church utensils , to create an additional, well, not even an illusion , probably additional proof that this is the case after all.
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just white threads, but i don’t know, just some kind of rotten threads, for us, for us , it would be, well, extremely unreliable, but the western man in the street who reads western mass media, telegram channels, watches television, listens to his politicians, diplomats, he is on another level of understanding, and let's imagine such a conditional, conditional german of some kind, yes, who is extremely, so to speak, zombie about...
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decompose this situation literally into molecules into atoms and explain, because now, as i already said, everything is being done attempts for in order for it all to go into the sand, to turn the tables, so that ukraine has nothing to do with it, so that the usa, the usa in general, the west has nothing to do with it, so in order to somehow interrupt this, turn it around, it will be necessary to work very, very hard to our law enforcement agencies, and then, when this evidence is presented, i... am sure that when the evidence is presented, a great responsibility will fall on us, on us too, because we will have to somehow explain this to the masses. media, which in this situation in fact, they must demonstrate why they exist, so
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they are trying in every possible way to whitewash kiev in washington, this is not possible, for obvious reasons, ukrainian military leaders have repeatedly personally admitted to committing terrorist attacks on the territory of our country, this is what they said about this. in the russian foreign intelligence service. the white house’s attempts to justify zelensky and his junta are an illustration of the russian proverb: a black dog cannot be washed white. the kiev regime has long been conducting a full-fledged a terrorist war, as its representatives, such as budanov or malyuk, openly talk about. the killing of civilians in the moscow region is a direct relative of massive rocket attacks and attacks by the drg in the kursk and belgorod regions. at the same time, the data received by the service indicates that. that when organizing attacks, ukrainians actively use satellite information provided to them by american intelligence, it becomes obvious that the united states, by whitewashing the criminal kiev regime and providing it with assistance, risks being suspected of involvement in international terrorism. against this background, the investigative committee of the russian
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federation announced the start of an investigation into ukraine and its western curators; it should shed light on the true masterminds of the terrorist attacks committed on the territory of our country. based on the results of consideration of an appeal from state duma deputies regarding the need to investigate the organization of financing and carrying out terrorist acts by the united states, ukraine and other western countries directed against russia in the central office of the investigative committee of the russian federation organized a procedural check. as part of the investigation , the investigation will carefully study the data presented and make a procedural decision.
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russians, simply because it is impossible to do, not against us, against humanity in general, such methods are not permissible, well, they cannot prove anything against the american government, the american government has been using terrorist attacks since 1948, when they began to formulate the gladya project, gladya is where they formed partisans detachments in all european countries against the soviet union, and then immediately turned around and used these partisan detachments, which were created from local saloviki, so that against their own... they committed the most terrible terrorist attack that could ever happen immediately after the war, dropping two atomic bombs on japan, this was the beginning of the starting point. point, which, apparently, they believe, has given them a free hand and allows them to do whatever they see fit, well, the americans
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burned all german cities before that, everyone remembers dresden, dresden is just the last one, they burned 5 million people in germany, in tokyo they killed half a million people in one raid, so how to stop, break, i’ll say straight out, break while that government sits, and that government is the same the elite, as long as it sits there, nothing will change, we are in the war to the end, either we survive, or they survive. we are really getting on the edge of an abyss, yes, but negotiations at the top are better than on the edge of an abyss, the
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same john kennedy spoke about this in the same america , there are a lot of sensible people who understand what all this can lead to, but here it is important to emphasize that the united states, you know, behaves completely differently when dealing with equal strength, and in confronting opponents, you know, we remember the soviet union, yes, they... that means , they bombed japan in order to first of all show us, yes, but then we presented them with our own, which means, alternative, yes, they immediately went into the bushes, remember the plan that the west had to bomb 150 cities of the soviet union but just that we were increasing the production of our atomic weapons, they were stopped, so, of course, they must now understand that there is a force capable of resisting them, they understand this, but the question is... what will happen when they fully understand this, how much will they able to take there, well, a step back or really
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agree to some kind of negotiations , will this allow them to come to terms with the fact that not only they are alone, but there are even more powerful states or equal in strength, which, well, also have the right to exist and to yours influence in this world. you know, i think that these people who were on the screen now shook hands. zelensky will certainly not draw any conclusions, even if we, when we, when we present all this evidence, but nevertheless, i would like to clarify the words of my colleague who spoke about america, let’s not forget that the whole world is not only america and the whole world are now closely following this whole story, so the investigation is very important, the most important, so when we can present these facts then... the islamic world, and the global south, the so-called, or they also say, the world
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majority, can, because unlike these people who are in their spacesuit, who are in their cocoon, who do not want to listen to anything, those, the whole -the world is ready to listen to this, and we must relay this to the world, explain it, because in this case, these are all people, they are becoming a minority already, frankly, they are increasingly marginalizing.
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so to speak, putting on a good face on a bad game, that’s when they already started writing some
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formulations that they also condemn, so there is no need to think that the big world, this big non-western world is not...
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the rest of the world is watching, they are watching, that now we need to work for the rest of the world, because what is happening, they were watching, that did with our reserves, looks at what they are doing now inside russia and understands that they will act with them in the same way, if they are ready from russia, they are also ready from any african side, from any brazil, from mexico, from anyone, the only one the way is to pump up the whole this world against this power.
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literally, let’s not lose focus, the focus of hatred towards russia, this is a moral deformity, we are in a state of war, a common european response is required to russia’s actions. the lansberges clan has completely swallowed up lithuania like an octopus; they control television, the entire press, they form opinions. they don’t need to think, they need to read what
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is sent to them from washington. the secret on telmatsaruugla, on the territory of lithuania, is in its purest form a torture chamber, that’s what. lithuania is also a consumable material, an asshole provocateur, come on, follow me, he ’ll move aside later, we’re standing on the threshold of the third world war, or what? gabrielius lansbergis, grandson, baby, and frailty. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one.
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he seems to have to develop the entire world sport, but he tells us, i will call this, that, that, so that they don’t go there, now, apparently, they are preparing some kind of document that will warn athletes that
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if they come to the friendship game , they may be disqualified, the russian olympic committee, after... we suspended them, made several rather aggressive statements that this was discrimination, fascism, but he did not even argue that this was discrimination, fascism. premiere, show vavan and lexus, today on the first. calm down, comrade, we’re coming to you, professor, this is what we’re talking about, i cut you off, cut you off, you can say whatever comes to their mind, anything, anything, you’re painfully oppressing me, dad, what kind of dad am i to you, god my, i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our ball, and now do we understand what kind of shining nonsense this is? what do i want people? well i'm married was, i don’t care about azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and divide it, that’s what i thought, a dog’s heart,
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the famous film adaptation of mikhail bulgakov’s story on saturday on the first, he’s still dancing, dancing, i’m the grandson of a manufacturer, i i can do everything, but all i need to do is join any team.
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on saturday at the first, the snow is still white in the fields, and the waters are already rustling in the spring, running, waking up the sleepy shore, running, shining and glistening, they are glistening in all directions, spring is coming, she sent us forward, what is where, when is the spring series of games, in sunday on the first. the village of luganskoe is located 100 km from donetsk, but it’s almost impossible to get there now, not only are the roads washed out,
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but transport simply doesn’t go there, so maryana naumova managed to get there in order to see how people live, how they live and what they ask from this life, let's see. granny, hello, you can transfer you, let me help you, that’s it, give me a hand,
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i have, how can i leave you, i’ll come in, i’ll buy something, i want to make some borscht, then whatever, let’s go to the administration, and where
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administration, when i came here, our feet are so dirty, it’s a shame to have such feet, people are shy, i’m not afraid. i brought the car, i think it needs to be washed, grandma, it’s dirty, in general, your grandson is good, very good, why did you come here, why did i come, i...
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everything is fine with me, serozha visited, a little, brought i washed the machine, everything is fine, including firewood and coal, don’t worry about me, i take good care of myself and i think that i should treat you, and also, that you should take care of me, because i’m dying not myself i want it, little girl. girls, hello, it’s very unusual to see you young people here, you are still so beautiful, you have curls, your hair, and how do you study in general, remotely for how long, so you don’t have the internet, it appears sometimes, before this there was no light for 10 days, internet, of course,
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who had the general? well, at least somehow, well, in such villages there are mostly grannies, grandpas, there are no kids at all and no young people, we walk, we walk, he just started drinking somewhere nearby, everyone is already used to it, it’s normal, basic, if it’s quiet, on the contrary, this is strange yes, it’s strange, why is it so quiet, now something is about to start, who knows. there are no roads, no transport at all, people can’t go to the hospital or submit documents to the pension fund, we don’t have any conditions at all, our own transport doesn’t get through, and those who had transport were all broken down, the road is impossible, there are only potholes , dirt, well, yes, the road is unpleasant, our walking shoes, it
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was necessary to at least... put on bags, oh well, listen, well, we just didn’t get to you, i probably don’t know, we walked here for about 20 minutes, knee-deep dirt, you live here, yes we live here, we are in the fourteenth, fifteenth year, it was worse here and the shelling continued. we didn’t go anywhere, here is the basement in which we spent fourteen or fifteen years sitting here, neighbors were invited to come, our basement still has four slabs, somehow, although sometimes it seemed, when the village was hit by the station, it seemed that these slabs
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were on us they’ll move out, well... never, it’s impossible to forget them, yes, i cried behind the trade union house, in 1914 i felt sorry for people, but we ourselves never thought that this would await us like this, we saw the first arrivals when we started the airport, we are at the railway station, we are railway workers, we saw, we saw it all, but how it was then, now our own state begins to bomb itself.
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and now the neighbors, when there was heavy shelling, when there was the same thing, they came, we set up a bench here, we sit down, now it’s just cheese, groundwater starts in the basement for the same reason, so now it’s a little worse here, but nevertheless there is where. we need to get down, don’t run somewhere, let’s get down to ourselves, so that’s how things are going for us girls, for us. now the most important thing is to solve the problem transport, it’s not coming to us soon, nothing, i say, we’ll completely put up with it, they don’t take away the garbage, but someday it will be taken away, they didn’t bring water, but we’ll buy it there, there’s dirt, this, we’ve already come to terms with this, we went,
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the fourteenth, fifteenth year there were shellings, there was flying through the bus, everything, transport was running, now everything, they say that the drivers don’t want to come here to work on this route, look for drivers, there were well... we are deciding in the white house with the deputies, says yours problems, find the driver, where can we find him? well, i, i, i probably won’t get out, give me your hand, stand on the cinder block, stand on the cinder block. oh, come on, yeah, thank you, so lead me,
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it flew out there, it flew out here, in short, in general, i don’t know, the euro, look, for this very thing, they frothed, it’s broken through, everything, well, in general, i don’t know, no i know. i have no strength, no strength, and my daughter is a disabled person of the first group, and i myself, i am a grandmother, and a mother, and a grandmother, so i myself am trying, of course, it’s been hard for 60 8 years, i go to work, of course, and you look great for your age, thank you, here is the grandson, well, of course, the daughter, when she found out, it was bad... it became that the son was wounded, a fragment on the right hand, it was not removed, severe, wounds, now pregnant wife, left and are now renting an apartment in donetsk, well, because.
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well, i’m actually surprised that at least your library is open, of course, from 9 to 6, all the time, i have more readers, because we don’t have electricity, we don’t have the internet, people reach out, enjoy reading what they read, everyone is reading, lately they have been reading a lot of classics, they are coming back, now the old generation is coming, they are reading the classics, this makes me very happy, firstly, secondly, a lot of... new literature is coming, look at the exhibition i have, these are not all the books, this is just a part, well, show me, this is where you even got these books there, this is russia, look, these are russian editions, they came completely new, still in packages, they were 22, 23 years old, the newest books,
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i have the same number, even more children's books, the most beautiful, you just pick them up and get great pleasure from it, children read with pleasure, well, without internet is of course very difficult...
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oh, you won’t go there anymore, although of course. i would like to go back there,
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my guys are now somewhere near zaporozhye, i don’t even know what to add to this, i just want to wish my guys from the company to remain safe, alive, healthy, to definitely return, and of course i’m waiting for you , as promised, we’ll meet, we’ll sit, bye, good luck at the front.
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then people’s eyes, and you understand, yes, how kind they are, how self-possessed and patient they are, because they don’t ask for anything supernatural, they don’t ask for anything at all they are asking, they are simply ready, ready to wait for all this to end, because these stories will never be shown in the west, because they have been saying since 1914 that these people do not exist, that the shelling goes on by itself, they shell themselves, which has an effect. ..
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as for the northern military district, our fighters continue to displace ukrainian formations in a western direction; just last month , four settlements were liberated in the donetsk republic, another one in zaporozhye, well, just since the beginning of the year, that is, in 3 months under 403 km of territory of new russian regions passed to our control. since january , the ukrainian armed forces have lost more than 80 thousand military personnel, 14,000 units of various weapons, including over 1,200 tanks and other armored combat vehicles. despite the lack of results on the line of contact, kenya is still trying to convince its western sponsors of its ability to resist the russian army. to do this, he is trying to transfer
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the hostilities to the territory of our country, cleaning up the act of terrorism with shelling civilian population. our armed forces react asymmetrically to such crimes by ukrainian militants. in march , high-precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles carried out 190 group and two massive strikes on ukraine. military energy infrastructure facilities have been damaged. as sergey shaigu noted, much attention is now paid to training personnel, for this purpose the training base is being improved, the number of training grounds has been significantly increased, the latest simulators, technical the base is being improved, in addition, the army and navy are receiving the most modern weapons, including carriers of high-precision missiles. to increase the combat potential of the navy, we continue to equip it with ships carrying long -range precision weapons, in particular small rocket launchers.
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now footage from the front line from the russian ministry of defense. in the kupinsky direction, our reconnaissance discovered the movement of an enemy sabotage group. russian aerospace forces helicopters flew out to intercept. the striking blow was delivered from a safe distance. enemy destroyed, which was confirmed by intelligence, our pilots returned to the airfield. this is footage from savdeev’s direction. russian tank crews with rapid fire disrupted the rotation of enemy personnel. was conducted along a suspended trajectory, and
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drone operators who tracked the movement of ukrainian militants helped adjust the fire. and more videos from the front line were destroyed during the fleeting battle. two american bradlly infantry fighting vehicles at once. an armored group of the armed forces of ukraine in three vehicles tried to attack our positions, but having met serious resistance, the militants turned back, immediately one infantry fighting vehicle was blown up by a mine, and our shell flew into the second. and our snipers managed to get unique trophies. while approaching the positions of russian fighters, an american puma reconnaissance drone was shot down. the drone is secret; in order to return it, the ukrainian armed forces militants tried to organize a whole one. operation, but in the end they also lost a lot of people. the participants in that battle told our correspondent alexei kruchinin about how it was, in his report from the front line there were unique shots. got it we have an enemy, the weather is clear, apparently they are working with a mortar, we need to break away, let's get
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a gask, guys, gosku, the 83rd airborne assault brigade of the airborne forces, to which we are going to film, is working on the front line and it’s easy to get here... ukrainian mortars get up . whether the target was our car or the barn where the mine hit is not so important, what is important is to pass this area at maximum speed. we flew by and now we are visiting a sniper group, already familiar to viewers of channel one from a recent report. the fighters show us two truly unique trophy. a huge attack drone, adapted to drop 120-mm mines, like the already famous baba yaga, only almost twice as large. but where is this bird, or even the plane, more valuable? the commander shot down with a well-aimed shot from his rifle. american reconnaissance drone puma worth several hundred thousand dollars, its so powerful is the thermal imager and camera for shooting, which allows you to see, well, relatively speaking, very high quality, that is, let’s say, its downing saved many lives, here it is completely with their enemy equipment,
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completely intact, and we got from there really, i can’t say yet, what information that revealed the points that we hit, where it was launched from, that is , its operators were destroyed, a huma aircraft-type drone, the scope the wings are almost 5 m, the flight range is up to 60 km, here is its demonstration on the official website of the manufacturer: pumas in particular are used by the us marine corps. the americans sent several batches of these drones, various modifications, to kiev in the twenty-second and twenty-third years. our fighters had never captured such cougars as trophies before. the enemy treasures this expensive equipment like the apple of his eye. having lost the drone, the ukrainian armed forces immediately sent a mixed capture group of soldiers to the area. the third separate brigade, stormtroopers of the edelweiss brigade, militants of radical groups , apparently mercenaries. the enemy had the task of defending the drone at all costs; a whole platoon fought for it, including using nato grenade launchers; this trophy is also from that battle. then the story begins real feat. having ordered his guys, at any cost, to deliver the puma to the rear,
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the commander and his partner with the call sign lyuta remained to cover the retreat, in fact, they took the blow themselves and confronted the platoon. this is footage of that very battle, filmed. without night vision scope. sniper guards masterfully deal with opponents, literally mowing them down according to the principle of one shot, one target. but at some point it seemed that the forces were still too unequal. i had three grenades with me, i threw them all there, shot almost all the cartridges, i turned to the commander, i didn’t know what to do, but he grinned and showed me that he had a grenade in his hand, but he had more experience, at that time they arrived again, well, it was their art.
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a propeller is possible, but the guys who shot it down are left with only the wings, the tail, and small arms; fifty different drones have already managed to defuse the explosive device, all the electronics and the memory card with the most important
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information remained unharmed, the puma is already being studied by specialists, and the group commander was previously awarded four times order courage, now presented to the rank... stopped by our special services, in the pskov region on the border with latvia a car with a large consignment of homemade bombs and explosives was detained, the deadly cargo was disguised with special cynicism, icons were stuffed with hexogens, they were transported from ukraine to moscow through six countries europe and it is noteworthy that nowhere along the road the car did not arouse suspicion, our fsb officers stopped it, our customs officers, and the russian guard soldiers removed and neutralized the arsenal. operational footage and details of the arrest dmitry kulko. russian-latvian border, ublinka checkpoint in the pskov region. fsb officers inspect a detained minibus with a trailer. his numbers
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are european, here is the cargo from ukraine, hundreds of icons produced in kiev. the image of christ the savior, the kazan mother of god, under which is hidden an explosive of monstrous power, hexagen. the power of this explosive is one and a half times greater than the power of the wasted material; the mass of the seized explosive is sufficient for detonation. storey residential building. however, the one who tried to smuggle into russia explosives behind holy images, clearly planning more than one explosion. in church utensils , operatives find an entire arsenal of industrial detonators. they are capable of detonating bombs remotely via a call or a message in the messenger. battery, radio with sim card slot. assembling this homemade explosive device takes just a few minutes. there are also ready-made bomb icons. here the hexagent is built into the frames. the perpetrators of sabotage had only to stick it in. for now, we can only guess why the criminals were preparing explosives, but whatever the plans, they were destroyed by employees of the federal customs
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service and the fsb. in total, 27 camouflaged bombs and ready-to -use improvised explosive devices, 70 kg of industrially produced plastic explosives of increased power, 91 electric detonators and... .the number 10 in is used by ukraine, the double circle on the ammunition is the marking of a military plant in bulgaria, whose weapons have long been here on the box is the name of the intermediate point chernivtsi. first , the explosives arrived there from kiev, closer to the border, then, as the fsb established, through the parubnaya checkpoint, the cargo was transferred to romania, to a warehouse in the border town of feltechenia.
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make a mess, later they gave me the whole package of documents, after which i moved to the territory of russia to the city of moscow, where the unloading should take place. according to the driver at customs between romania and hungary, he completed the documents for entry into the single economic space of the european union without any questions asked. then he carried the bomb icons straight along the highway, without even trying to bypass the inspection point on the polish-lithuanian border. latvian border guards also let the car through without any problems. as a result, the deadly cargo crossed six countries, traveling almost to... without arousing the slightest suspicion at any of the checkpoints. during the interrogation , the driver tried to pretend that
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the ukrainian special services were using him in the dark, but as our security officials said, when passing the russian border, the man was very worried and tried to rush the customs officers, so he called suspicion: attachments and explosives were found in the icons, after which i was detained. operatives are now finding out who could have used explosives in... inside the country, can you imagine, yes, what could have happened, god forbid, if this icon, allegedly they made a gift from someone, and this icon was hung in our christian church , it would then explode at a gathering of people, how much joy there would be again, excuse these nazis, the ukrainians in the rest, as they say, i already called them, we are suckers, so i think that success, a huge success, is due to our special services, and these guys should be given a huge thank you, and should we be surprised? the socialism of those who used icons to prepare sabotage, given the many years of attacks in ukraine on the canonical church and its parishioners. this struggle is carried out by those people
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who, in their own way, according to their convictions, are either atheists or militant atheists. in this logic, i repeat, the use of icons as bombs is something completely normal for them, but it indicates that they have lost every ability. seeing something other than your goal, killing people. ukrainian special services did not fully think through the legend according to which explosives were transported across half of europe. the russian orthodox church has not bought anything from ukraine for a long time. dmitry kulko, yulia zagranichnogo and igor agafonov, channel one. there is a new temperature record in the capital region today. by 11:00 am the air in moscow had warmed up to 18.8° plus. and, as forecasters say, it will be even hotter. the day before, moscow had already set the daily maximum for april 1, just like a number of other cities in the moscow and
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leningrad regions. and last night in the capital was the warmest in 75 years. such an anomaly, however, will not last long; according to weather forecasters, by thursday-friday the temperature background will return to the climatic norm. that’s all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the “big game” program. good afternoon, “big game” is on air. today russia and belarus are celebrating a special holiday: the day of unity of the peoples of our countries. let me remind you that it was april 2, 1996. with yeltsin and alexander lukashenko then signed an agreement on the creation of a community of russia and belarus. exactly a year later, that is , on april 2, 1997, they signed an agreement on the union of russia and belarus. well, the agreement on the creation of the union state that exists today was signed in december ninety-nine. vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko have already congratulated each other on this memorable day and noted the progress in the integration of the two
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countries, despite the difficult conditions in the world. and today is a tragic date: exactly one year ago, as a result of a terrorist attack organized by the ukrainian special services in a st. petersburg cafe, vladlen tatar was killed, it must be said that the kiev regime not only does not intend to curtail its terrorist activities, but on the contrary, having suffered defeat at the front, it places special emphasis on it. just today, the fsb reported that, together with the federal customs service, they had blocked the smuggling channel for the delivery of explosives to russia from ukraine...
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and addressed the us congress with a strict demand: give us weapons so that stop russian attacks, or ukraine will intensify its counterattacks on russian airfields, energy facilities and other strategic targets. i asked zelensky whether american officials had warned against similar attacks on russian energy facilities, as had been rumored in washington. the us reaction was not positive , he confirmed, but washington is not able to prohibit ukraine from using weapons
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of its own production. we used our drones, no one can say. that this cannot be done if there are no air defense systems to protect our energy system, and the russians are attacking it, then i wonder why we cannot answer them, their society must learn to live without gasoline, without diesel, without electricity, well, that is, the impression is created, or rather the washington post newspaper creates in our country the impression is that zelensky is blackmailing the united states with terrorist attacks against russia, but it seems to me that there is a great degree of disingenuousness here, because only today is different... the leading american publication cnn wrote that all the flight plans of these ukrainian drones, which they allegedly produce themselves and which attack targets on russian territory. kiev, i quote, these flights are determined in advance with our allies, that is , the westerners, and they clearly follow these routes, which the west provides them with, yes, that is, nato countries provide them with exact
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coordinates, routes for drone flights, the kiev regime itself is doing this. to disassemble the purely military-instrumental component of this issue, then when opening the drones that the ukrainians allegedly make on their knees and sharpened like boots, somewhere on the farms, we discover, for example, a purely defense company, at one time they worked with us within the sukhoi corporation,
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i know them very well, if you look at how they receive target designations, these drones, and how far they fly, it’s link-16, that is , the nato unifying combat information and control system, integrating more than a thousand satellites into one single whole into a network that guides the drones. since the inertial navigation system there is unwinged the missile is actually close to zero , the drones are leading directly, as they say, along the beam , so based on this, especially including their range, we understand well what we are dealing with, but finishing the remark, i will say the following, well, i can’t even call zelensky a gentleman, he now it finds itself in a situation of a perfect storm, because its liquidation, otherwise they don’t talk about such people, liquidation can suddenly become interesting to many countries at once at one point in space. and i can congratulate him on the fact that we have now put into mass production umpd 30sn, this is a very wonderful interspecific system, ammunition that flies 100, 120 km with a warhead under 250 kg, i think that
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the shouter is simply crying in anticipation of the arrival of this ammunition and for malyuk, for zelensky for all the other degenerates, sorry for the attack , well, in fact, yes, they are certainly degenerates, but as you correctly said, they are an instrument in the hands of the collective west, about the fact that the west is involved in organizing terrorist attacks on russian territory and in the atrocities that the kiev regime is committing, in today’s interview secretary of the russian security council nikolai patrushev stated with argument and fact. let's listen to part of this interview. the north atlantic alliance is de facto a party to the ukrainian conflict and is actively involved in organizing neo-nazi shelling of russian territories. within its framework, collective decisions are made on new arms supplies. their technical and long-range capabilities, nato instructors in several countries are training mercenaries and saboteurs for their participation in anti-russian operations, this seems to me to be a completely fair assessment, and i would like to emphasize that the horrific
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inhumane terrorist attack in crocus, which was carried out on march 22, completely fits into this logic of the terrorist activities of the kiev regime and the collective west behind it. well now, let's talk to the military correspondent of russian spring, anastasia mikhailovskaya, she is in direct contact with us, anastasia leonidovna, good afternoon, the floor is yours. hello, yes, we all mourn with you for the victims in kroku city, to this day the artillerymen, whom we are helping together, send us videos of retaliatory strikes on targets, that’s it. terrorists, who, on the order of america, apparently, as i understand it, this monstrous terrorist attack was carried out, the artillerymen support you and support all those who lost their loved ones
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in this terrible terrorist attack, we all mourn together, and the military the battlefield is also trying to somehow support those who have lost their children, parents, mothers, husbands. we understand all this very well, because here, well, a really large number of the local population have lost their children, you know that the number of dead children in the donbass has already exceeded a thousand people, unfortunately, yes, our guys support, support everyone those who suffered from this monstrous terrorist attack, but i also want to say that the guys who... you see them now, they really need a rebbe, because all these artillery installations, self-propelled guns, they all are suffering due to the fact that they are hit by enemy uavs, now we are again
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collecting our new collection, we have already done it - the funds collected by the first channel for the viewers of the big game have already made a rebbe’s party, the popular front has already done this, now we ... this batch has already been distributed, now we are waiting for new additions, because there are new collections, and the guys thank you very much for supporting them, these are the uavs, yes, which we launch, and our enemy launches them , these uavs and pvs, unfortunately, suffer a lot from them the amount of equipment, people and medical machines, so help us join our gathering, thank you very much to all those who help us, thank you, thank you very much, anastasia leonidovna, i also urge you to participate in this absolutely necessary matter, rap determines.
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now there are two of them, this is the avdeevsky sector and the chasovyarsky sector, in the avdeevsky direction over the past day we were able to move forward from the thin one to the west, took several enemy positions and are gradually squeezing them out of the conditional such defile of two rivers we are moving the front away from donetsk, well, very basically the main battles are now taking place in semyonovka in berdychi, but there is a positive dynamic, here our troops are literally gnawing through the enemy’s defenses, because for the enemy these are key points, having lost them, he loses everything this line of defense, accordingly , will have to build the next line of defense much to the west, north-west and north, and this also opens up the flank, in fact , even the rear of a sharp enemy group. the same applies to the chasvyar direction, the day before, our troops, with an attack, knocked the enemy out of one important fortified area and were able to take control of it, and now they are preparing to strengthen the lines for the next attack within an hour.
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there are approximately 600 m left, the work of aviation and artillery is underway, as i understand it, after appropriate processing there will be the next throw, which in general, when we finish the chasyar operation, will lead to approximately logical problems for the armed forces of ukraine only on the northern sector of the front, these are the main directions, they are the main, so to speak, attention, thank you very much, yuri ivanovich, keep us informed, and indeed the balance of power on the battlefield is so stable and... shifted in our favor that, for example, the famous american billionaire elon musk gives the following assessments of the prospects for general military operations in ukraine in the longer term. let's listen to him. the longer the war continues, the more territory russia will gain until it reaches the dnieper, which is difficult to overcome. however, if the war lasts long enough, odessa will fall. in my opinion, the main question is: will ukraine lose all its wealth?
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speaking specifically about odessa, we’ll talk more about this and the prospects for western politics in general after a little advertising. terrorist attack in moscow, lithuanian foreign minister gabrilius lansberges commented.
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biological laboratories in which the genotype is being studied, the nato armed forces are pumping up territories adjacent to russia, this is the springboard from which threats to our country emanate, for him personally lithuania is also a consumable material, an asshole provocateur, come on, follow me, he himself will later will go away are we standing on the threshold of the third world war, or what? gabrielius lansbergis, grandson, baby, and frailty, dolls of tutti's heir, today on... first. mancatcher whiskey. product of steller group. we hit two left-handers, neither one nor the other fits our description. you are not going through the easiest period in your life right now. let 's meet at 2 o'clock tomorrow, have lunch and decide everything. ok? bye, talk to you tomorrow. well, this way it will be better. you'll find out. someone,
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the car is parked somewhere on the outskirts, in some courtyard in a gateway, our only lead to bundy, no help i need it, how are you doing? can you make an identikit?
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made several rather aggressive statements that this was discrimination, fascism, he did not even argue that this was discrimination and fascism. premiere, show of vavan and lexus. today is the first one. some argue that the main building of moscow state university is, in fact, huge, perfectly camouflaged.
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with you tomorrow at this world level, without false modesty, we do not lag behind the best examples, schoolchildren, where do you dream of studying? i believe in science, i believe that the main development of society will be vector, vector science, victor science, premiere, tomorrow on the first, testament. the battle for the inheritance of the stars of the nineties is reaching the finish line, all participants in the conflict are in our studio: you filed a lawsuit, why does a person write a will at 30 years old? roman is sure that the entire inheritance was once unfairly given to sister christina. if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, formalized everything about myself. why is the singer’s son
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sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could be a fake? i want to know the truth. dad's handwriting, you know, i'll be honest, no. and you were divorced on purpose, it turned out that we have. i got it wrong here, you can imagine it was such a blow for me after 26 years. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. and when you entered into an inheritance, you told the notary that there were still potential heirs. you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved, probably the only love in my life, died. there's a big game on the air, and we've said many times around this table that the republicans in the house of representatives are not in no case are they friends of russia, friends of russia, and they are blocking, while they are blocking
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, additional military assistance to ukraine, only solely for reasons of internal political struggle in the united states, but at the same time , like the democrats, they do not want to allow the military. final military defeat to ukraine, now another confirmation of this reality has come: speaker of the house of representatives johnson has already directly and openly stated that as soon as the house of representatives meets again after the easter holidays, this will happen 9 april, he will immediately put a bill on aid to ukraine to a vote, but this is very important, according to johnson, it will not be the same bill that was back in february . was passed by the senate, but a completely different one, one that, firstly, will make it possible to deal another blow to the biden administration, namely their decision to impose an embargo on the export of american lng, and secondly, this will be a bill that will be as convenient and pleasant as possible republicans, it is
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money to ukraine in the form of loans and, in general , preferably at the expense of frozen russian assets, that is, they propose to seize these frozen russian assets and transfer them like this. after it we will present a new project, i think it will have some important innovations. the repo law is pure poetry if we can use the frozen assets of the russian oligarchs to transfer them to the ukrainians to fight russia. president trump also talked about lending, that is, we do not just provide assistance, but establish relationships in which borrowers can return it to us when the time comes. we want lift restrictions on american energy resources and export natural gas to limit the possibility. vladimir putin to finance military actions in ukraine. we are working on this project and will begin its implementation
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immediately after completion of work in the districts. well, the repo law that johnson mentioned is a bill pending in the house of representatives to confiscate frozen russian assets, well, at least in american jurisdiction. but i'm not sure that the democrats, and the senate, and biden administration. will support what michael johnson is saying, but at least white house speaker karine jeanpierre was asked a question based on this interview with johnson, and let's listen to what she answered. as we have said many times, the house must pass a bipartisan national security bill. that's what we want to see. the bill has already passed the senate by a vote of 70 to 29, so it is important to move forward. ukraine cannot afford any more delays, they are losing their position on battlefield. congressional inaction has led
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to ukraine's retreat, that's what we 're seeing, so congress must take action. alexander viktorovich, here is your forecast: the deadlock will continue, and what johnson proposes will be categorically unacceptable for the democrats, or some compromises are still possible, in the end they will agree on something, including this notorious repo. of course, we now see tension in internal american politics; this is a classic internal chutzlank, in which any move today's biden administration is driving them into an even more difficult situation, and speaking of the bills proposed by johnson, they essentially go radically against the main line of the party and the biden administration. they say: let's borrow money for ukraine today, give them a loan. what our leader of the republican party is talking about, let's consider the confiscation of russian assets going to the polls today, or let's
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pay for the oligarchs for all arms supplies, let's do something for which ukraine will then have to pay something their territory, enterprises, industry, pensions and so on, and the democrats, on the contrary , say that this should be grant support, this should be the assistance that the united states has already provided almost 70 billion dollars before, this needs to be continued , but against the backdrop of foreign policy it is clear that most likely it will not be possible to reach an agreement in the near future, despite the fact that after april 9, congress should begin the first hearings on the adoption of the bill. ivan alekseevich, well, in general , speaker johnson seems to me to be in a very difficult situation, because on the one hand, the right wing of the republican party in the house of representatives, including mejorie teilar green and others, is threatening.
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form a majority, what does this involve? this is due to the fact that several republican members of the house of representatives, in particular congressman buck and congressman gallagher, are retiring early, accordingly the republican majority in the house of representatives is decreasing, when gallagher leaves the house of representatives in mid-april, the republican majority will be only one person, one person , a tiny majority, and if this one person... goes over to the side of the democrats, then the democrats will have a majority, already in
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the united states the option of forming a democratic majority in the house of representatives is openly discussed, and the new speaker in this case will be hakeem jeffries, the leader of the democrats in the house representatives, in this context, firstly, how do you assess this situation, and secondly, in this context, how do you think speaker johnson will act? i would like to clarify that this situation, when ... indeed, the republicans have some discord in their ranks, there are more moderate republicans who want to come to an agreement with the deep state, there are those who are directly opposed to it. stand and support trump, but so do the democrats, although formally they seem to have more discipline in their ranks, but for example, i get the impression that, say, the left wing of the democratic party, although they do not publicly argue with the leaders of the democratic minority with the party leaders, but in general they are quite happy with the fact that the money is in ukraine
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the kiev regime is not being allocated, and if this continues, they will be able to sit quietly. and this is generally in their interests, that’s why it’s such a complex game, it’s inter-party, but within each party there are also a lot of nuances. as for this topic, it’s really very interesting, you’re asking a question that, apparently, in the coming months will be central to american domestic politics, it has never happened that between elections within 2 years the majority in the house of representatives changed and the speaker changed.
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there will be special elections in new york, where the democrat is expected to win, and just after that the republicans will have a majority of just one vote, and there are still quite a lot of rumors that some republican members of the house of representatives are being pressured, they are being persuaded leave congress, offering very lucrative positions in private business, that is, they are trying to a... take them away, all this suggests that the democrats are leading, until recently, it was very secretive, now it is coming out, they are leading very purposeful work to remove the republican majority and, therefore , change the speaker, then the question arises, why? well, not in order to allocate money
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to the kiev regime, absolutely not for that, because if. in the elections, if there is a crisis after november 5, post-election, then actually the house of representatives is very important, and the democrats are preparing to control both houses of parliament in case the president or whoever, how will this position be called, will be elected not by the people, but somehow means another some procedure, what’s in this, what’s in this situation? do johnson for johnson to fundamentally keep the house of representatives for the republicans to keep his speakership in order to approach the elections on november 5 not in a weak position, this is much more important than ukraine, absolutely more important than ukraine, for this he is ready not to give a penny, on the contrary, something something- then give, i agree that most likely he
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will now play for time, he will now take such a position that yes they are ready yes... at the end of this week at the ministerial level foreign affairs is coming, respectively , secretary of state of the united states blinken, but he arrives in advance, he is coming to europe now, he will have a whole week of a european tour, he begins this european tour from paris, but his meeting with emmanuel macron should take place, and naturally, one of the topics of discussion at
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this meeting will be macron's position that the west should in case of appropriate development. events to be ready or at least be able to and consider the possibility of stationing regular troops on territory of ukraine. the united states is verbally opposed to this position, but france, not only at the level of macron, but at the level of all others, many representatives of the french leadership, and not only the executive branch, but the legislative branch, continues to defend this position. let's listen to what the speaker of the national assembly said the other day, that is...
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french president emmanuel macron was right when he announced the possibility of sending troops to ukraine, thus leaving russia wondering how far western support would go kiev, says the finnish foreign minister. in an interview with the financial times, lina walton said: “in the long term, of course, nothing can be ruled out, in her opinion, there is no mistake in russia being at a loss as to how far the supporters of ukraine can go, why should we show all our cards , not knowing what will happen in the future and why." this war is being waged, that is , in my opinion, it is obvious that they are trying to frighten russia, trying to keep russia from inflicting a decisive defeat on ukraine, ukraine, blackmailing russia with a threat
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a direct military clash with nato, and with nuclear france, and let me remind you why macron did this, because france is a nuclear state, and the only one among the european nato countries that pursues an independent policy in the field of nuclear weapons. alexander germenovich, here i am... i said that the united states is against the words, what do you think, as a result of the meeting between macron and blinken, their positions will become closer or , in general, how will this discourse that macron launched continue to happen? dmitrievich, for me, there is no independent macron, and in fact , the french themselves now call france macronia, that is, it is not france, but there is a certain messenger komi-voyageur, as they say in french from the washington regional committee, who quite clearly and consistently really . demonstrating, as the good lady likes to repeat, so to speak, that same political exhibitionism continues to actually put europe, in particular france
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, under attack, he has brought it under attack, and completely, the americans, for their part, i would say, even the british were convicted for, i beg your pardon, for supplying shells with combined uranium u-238, according to the british laboratory, more than 50 tons of finely diffuse... u-238 powder completely contaminated the western part of ukraine and poland, and it reaches germany, this is very dangerous, so the so-called baghdad syndrome will lead to severe genetic consequences, this is the position of the americans, so there is no point in threatening anyone with french nuclear weapons, and unless someone is suicidal, because the ukrainians, unfortunately, already they are raking up the nation's weapons right on their territory, it is clear what will happen to them next, they show us militaristic personnel, the french army in training, with the finns. or without them is absolutely pointless, because small arms today do not have that fact, the defeat factor, which they probably had in the era of the 19th century, the very
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last factor after shells and non-combat losses, people who walk at full height, very beautifully ironed in uniform with heavy weapons, don't know how long they will be pass through the ukrainian steppes, and the twenty-thousand-strong contingent does not evoke sympathy from the point of view of dispatch, even from the french general de lavard ; many, many others, unfortunately, france has naval potential, and quite significant, because they have 11 diesel electric submarines boats daphne, daphne and even the newest project smx-30 with twenty torpedoes on board, but while still in development, they have become quite a competitor to our lada project, and i understand that macron has in his head, because he often chats, the possibility organization, well, some kind of blockade of odessa with french forces, maybe even underwater ones. from the sea, in this case, if you look at the map, some french navy and naval forces may actually be stationed here, here in this land square
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there are five french brigades, perhaps when entering them through moldova, then throwing them towards odessa, the french fleet will at the same time engage in some kind of aggressive operations against us, but this is fraught and fraught with very serious consequences, i think that paris i don't think they fully understand this. that russia will not be afraid of these attempts to take it into fear, which macron is demonstrating, it seems to me that russia is making it clear and will make it clear that such a development of the event that you described will be interpreted as the entry of nuclear france into a war against nuclear russia, with all the ensuing consequences, in accordance with the nuclear doctrine of the russian federation, but the united states, in its spirit, is pursuing a hypocritical policy, they themselves do not seem to want to take risks. themselves, they are throwing france forward. we will talk in more detail about american hypocrisy in the middle east after a short advertisement. terrorist attack in
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moscow. lithuanian foreign minister gabrilius lansberges commented verbatim like this: let's not lose focus, the focus of hatred towards russia. is this moral deformity? we are in a state of war, and a pan-european response is required to russia’s actions. the lansberges clan completely swallowed up lithuania like an octopus. they have television in their hands, the entire press, they form opinions. they don't need to think, they need to read out what is told to them. will send from washington. secret. lithuania is also a consumable material, a goat provocateur, come on, follow me, he will move aside later, we are standing on the threshold of the third world war, or something, gabrielius lansbergis, grandson, baby, and frail. dolls
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of the heir tutti. today is the first one. they hit two left-handers. neither one nor the other fits our description. you are not going through the easiest period in your life right now. let 's meet at 2 o'clock tomorrow, have lunch and decide everything. ok? bye, talk to you tomorrow. well, this way it will be better. recognize someone. the car is standing somewhere on the outskirts, in some yard in the gateway. the only lead to the gang, help is not needed, like success, you can make an identikit, yes you will, and we will look, calm, calm, police, calm, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program, we talked with the head of the international olympic committee from named after one of the african politicians, the russian anthem cannot be performed,
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the russian flag cannot be raised. in general, he could contradict himself, to begin with, he violated his own charter, his own rules, now thomas bach himself is calling on the world to boycott igor truzhba. i will also inform president macron about this initiative. he seems to be supposed to develop the entire world sport, but he tells us, i’ll call this, that, that, so that they don’t go there. now, apparently, they are preparing some kind of document that will warn athletes that if they come to the friendship game, they...
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russian scientists here are coming up with our tomorrow at this world level, without false modesty, we are not lagging behind the best examples . students, where do you dream of studying? i believe in science, i believe that the main development of society will be a vector, a vector of science. victor science, premiere, tomorrow.
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the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, they run, they wake up the sleepy shore, they run, they sparkle and shout, they scream in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us ahead, what, where, when? spring series of games, on sunday on the first, happiness, this is home, these are loved ones, relatives,
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a synonym for the word harmony, this is communication with children, their energy, i am charged by it, this is very cool, we are often confused if someone sees everyone says to us: oh, twins, protect your children, raise them with dignity, honestly, nobility. there's a big game on the air. many experts argue that israeli prime minister netanyahu needs a big war for political survival. at a minimum, with the lebanese hezbollah, and at a maximum directly with iran,
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the united states will also be drawn into this war. and this night, israel committed another war crime, a very serious step in this direction, which is fraught with a big war, which is fraught with escalation. israel. hit the to the iranian embassy in the city of damascus in syria , from the point of view of international law , the embassy is the sovereign territory of the country of origin; as a result of this strike , two high-ranking iranian generals were killed, including the commander of the iranian islamic revolutionary guard corps units in syria and lebanon, general muhammad riza zahidi, well and several other officers. here is the murder of general zahidi - this is the most high-profile murder of the leaders of the irgc after the american strike in 2020, but at the baghdad airport general qassem was killed soleimani. tehran has already called it a terrorist attack
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and promised to take brutal revenge. russia, of course, also called it a terrorist attack. russia has convened an urgent meeting of the un security council, which will take place this evening. ivan alekseevich, iran doesn’t want to. a big war, a big escalation in the region, netanyahu, on the contrary, wants to provoke in every possible way, that’s what you think, whether netanyahu, as a result of this terrorist attack and war crime, will still be able to drag at least hezbollah or iran directly into the war. you know, dmitry vyacheslavovich, i would said that netanyahu personally and some of those, part of his political entourage.
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to intimidate everyone, to sow fear, and this is very important, because the state of israel does not have any basis for existence, and well, the legal basis, if they suddenly abandon the oslo and madrid agreements, then the legal basis, well, maybe even resolutions forty-eighth year, which are actually technically impossible to fulfill, that is , such legal grounds are becoming shaky. the further you go into history, the more precarious moral grounds disappear based on how israel behaves, only israel's strength remains, israel can survive only through force, and let's not exclude that only through nuclear weapons, this means
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that it is interested in intimidating everyone around it, and further, i want to note that in israel there is such a very popular concept among the security forces, among their military and intelligence services, they say, well, iran, iran, they are weaklings, they say, if you hit them well, yes, they will not respond, because that they are cowards, and it seems to me that many are captive there of this concept, so they want, you said, do they want to directly drag iran into a big war, it seems to me that they want to humiliate iran, humiliate, show that, that means, here we are we do what we want, and you will respond only with the means that are allowed to you, so it seems to me that this is rather an element of intimidation, but their whole concept about the fact that they can generally intimidate someone in the region, it can crumble at the moment, then we will very quickly find ourselves in reality, not
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excluding, which does not exclude the use of atomic weapons, i agree, i agree, and indeed israel wants to humiliate iran, yes, in fact, what israel has done is equivalent to a declaration of war from the point of view. iran is obliged to respond to this, and two in one also killed a high-ranking general, iran is obliged to respond, but how iran will respond is really a question for now, while iran has already stated that... the united states and washington are behind such israeli steps including must answer for this blow. it must be said that the united states itself did not condemn this terrorist attack on the embassy by israel. moreover, the united states is showing, i would say, a simply stunning degree of hypocrisy regarding the carnage that israel is causing in the gas sector. not only is resolution 2728, which demands an immediate stop to the fire from the point of view of the united states.
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biden has quietly authorized the transfer of billions of dollars worth of fighter bombs to israel in recent days, despite concerns in washington about the expected offensive. gas in the south, threatening the death of hundreds of thousands of palestinian civilians. the new weapons shipments include more than 1,800 2,000- pound 84 bombs and 500 500-pound mark 82 bombs, according to pentagon and state department officials familiar with the matter. israel used k-84 during previous military operations in the gaza strip, their use led to massive casualties among the population. the us decision underscores that although there are differences of opinion between the united states and israel.
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the united states justifies precisely these same collateral losses. of course, an operation in the large cities of palestine, where there is a dense population of civilians, will lead to huge losses, and the united states today does not care. the law essentially encourages terrorism all over
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the world, we see a terrible tragedy in corcus, wednesdays lead to ukraine, from ukraine they lead to washington, we see the same thing today regarding israel’s strikes on iran, we see the same thing today regarding israel’s strikes in the gas sector, essentially there is genocide going on today, russia last week sent a humanitarian convoy there, planes brought humanitarian aid to egypt, it is now being distributed to the residents of gaza. america sends bombs there, and today, tell me, who really needs war, and who really needs peace? well, of course, the united states, with such a policy, simply isolates itself from the world majority, further undermines its own authority, and this already leads to real consequences, for example, i’ll give you this example, the brazilians, one of the brazilian publications writes, that president lula de silva. has already sent documents to the united nations in order to ensure
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that vladimir putin will attend the g20 summit in brazil this year, despite the fact that brazil is a signatory and has ratified the statute of the international criminal court, which issued an arrest warrant for vladimir putin, that is, don’t care the brazilians wanted this warrant, and lula wants putin to come to the g20 summit and come in person, this is it. the position of the truly global majority, and the more atrocities israel will commit under support of the united states and the united states itself, the more it will be, we give the floor to the news and the big game will return at 17:00, this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery korablev, russia for sure. is taken to those who ordered the terrorist attack in crocus.


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