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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 2, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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in brazil this year, despite the fact that brazil is a signatory and ratified the statute of the international criminal court, which issued an arrest warrant for vladimir putin, that is , the brazilians did not care about this warrant, and lula wants putin to come and come to the g20 summit personally, this is the position of the truly global majority and the more so. atrocities will be committed by israel with the support of the united states and by the united states itself, the more this will happen. we give the floor to the news and big the game will return at 17. this is the news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. russia will definitely get to those who ordered the terrorist attack in crocus.
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performers, but all links, chains of ultimate criminal beneficiaries. this atrocity, we will certainly get to them, that’s what i would like to say in this regard, those who use this weapon, this weapon that is used against russia, this is already obvious today, must understand that it is both sharp, this weapon, here orders of crimes for money, and they are not isolated, also in this i can say in the professional environment, and you know this well, in this environment there are no reliable
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agents, they do whatever they want for money, they are not guided by any religious or political considerations, only financial ones, everything is also easy to sell, any information is bought and is for sale, so we will certainly reach the end customers, but i will add that now the actions of all law enforcement, control, supervisory services, commercial organizations that... were responsible for this large facility, where there was a terrorist attack, we paid a very high price, and the entire analysis of the situation must be extremely objective and professional, this is important, first of all, in order to bring law and order and security to a new level in places where people are in large numbers, sports facilities, in transport, in shopping and entertainment centers, schools, hospitals, universities,
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migration policy in our country, the need for modern digital electronic biometric data databases, everything for vladimir putin to order to change approaches to ensure the security of society and the state. at the same time, the president emphasized that tragic events should not be allowed to be provoked by interethnic documents. it is unacceptable, i want to emphasize this, to use recent tragic events to provoke national hatred, xenophobia, islamophobia and so on. actually, this was the main goal of the terrorists and their customers, first of all, to sow discord, strife and hatred in our country, to split russia from within, this is their main task, we in no way should allow them to do this. however,
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when you begin to understand the circumstances of a particular case, a specific crime, it turns out that the person got to russia without any special problems, went through all the formalities, got a work patent, often having a whole bunch of offenses behind him, sometimes even malicious ones, then he applies for citizenship without even knowing the basic russian language, modern digital electronic ones are needed here...
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first of all, it is necessary to ensure the interests and security of the state and society, to save, to preserve interethnic and interreligious harmony, our cultural, linguistic... identity, everything that is the strength of russia, the principle that only those who respect our traditions, language, culture, history can come and live and work in russia. this principle must be decisive. vladimir putin also spoke about the indicators of the ministry of internal affairs. particular attention to the work of law enforcement agencies in our new regions; more than 3,200,000 russian ones have already been issued to local residents. from ports. the police work in a special regime. the task is not allow sabotage. another priority is the fight against drug trafficking. in russia, the level of consumption of heavy, dangerous synthetic drugs is increasing. the security forces are tasked with establishing where this poison is produced and cutting off supply channels from abroad. and yet
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another confirmation of the terrorist nature of the kiev regime. our special services stopped an attempt to organize new sabotage in russia. fsb employees and... shells in circus candlesticks, explosives in icons, and also industrial detonators, with their with your help, you can detonate bombs remotely via a call or message in the messenger. battery, radio with sim card slot. assembling this homemade explosive device takes just a few minutes. the substance is enough to blow up a five-story residential building. the number 10 in a double circle on the ammunition: this is the marking of a military plant in bulgaria, whose weapons have long been used by ukraine. but on the box is the name of the intermediate point chernivtsi. first
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, explosives arrived there, closer to the border, from kiev. then, as the fsb established, the cargo was transferred to romania. we were transported through five more european countries. none of the western border guards have. questions arose, operatives are now finding out who in russia the explosives were supposed to be handed over to. the kiev regime is trying to transfer hostilities to russian territory and is resorting to terrorism in order to create an illusion in the west that the ukrainian army is supposedly able to resist our armed forces, sergei shaigu stated. regarding the situation in the special operation zone, the minister of defense noted that after the failure of the counteroffensive, the enemy tried to gain a foothold on certain lines, but nowhere...
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vehicles, despite the lack of results, on the line of combat contact kinyov is still trying to convince his western sponsors of his ability to resist the russian army, for this he is trying to transfer the fighting to the territory of our country, resorting to to an act of terrorism, shelling of civilians. our armed forces react asymmetrically to such crimes by ukrainian militants. in march with precision weapons. and unmanned aerial vehicles caused 190 group and two massive strikes on ukraine, military-energy infrastructure facilities were hit. and during the special operation, the russian military knocked out two bradleys. footage from the internet, an armored group of the armed forces of ukraine on three american infantry fighting vehicles, an attempt to attack
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russian positions. our soldiers meet the enemy with fire. as a result, they retreat to su. one infantry fighting vehicle hits a mine, causing a strong explosion. the second is hit by artillery. and another video from telegram channels, a german marder infantry fighting vehicle is on fire. the fire engulfed almost the entire car, it has already been restored will not work. the head of gagauzia was charged in a case opened 2 years ago, a fabricated case, as evgenia gutsul herself said after visiting the prosecutor’s office. gagauzia is an autonomy within moldova. lately the pressure on gutza has increased. in early march, on the sidelines of the world youth festival in sirius. he expects an arrest in the coming days, so now he is being summoned to the prosecutor's office. about 2 o'clock, i was interrogated, i was
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charged, and i want to say that all the persons involved in this case, which... was clearly, on the orders of the ruling party pass mariasan, it was established that all people are all.
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politicization divides the world and is contrary to the olympic mission. this is a public statement, this is what the head of the international olympic committee says in a private conversation with a supposed representative of the african union. right? we have a special supervisory commission. at the level could, they monitor the internet, the media and public statements,
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so if an athlete appears somewhere with such statements, he cannot take part in games, they were deprived of the flag, they were deprived of the anthem, they were even deprived of the opportunity to take part in the parade of athletes at the opening ceremony of the olympic games in paris, but it is russia that politicizes sports, no joke, this is...
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provides political cover for the plan from the eu. he is responsible for sports and will contact your representatives, they will prepare a general statement. thomas bach got hooked by pranksters thanks to the head of the world anti-doping agency, vitald banki. we managed to talk to him earlier, but he, apparently , did not suspect anything. bathhouse too participates in a conspiracy against the games of friendship. we need to stop this or at least really make these games extreme.
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in the altai territory, several villages were cut off from the mainland, residents were being taken out on boats. in siberia in the far east , cooling and a decrease in temperature in the coming days are also predicted in the south in the center of russia, moscow, leningrad and kaliningrad regions. so now it is abnormally warm, in the capital the daily record is expected to be +23, but tomorrow it will become cooler, by the end of the week +5, frosts at night, at this point that’s it, thank you for being with us, the “let’s get married” program is on air right now. the twenty- second round of the russian football championship was remembered mainly for the fact that none of the first six teams could win it; well, there were more than enough events worthy of special mention. tournament leader zenit missed samara, they opened
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in the soviets already at 28 seconds. after the aplot.


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