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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  April 2, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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well, i have a feeling, i don’t know whether you agree or not, that the americans are starting to actively leak it, these huge demonstrations that took place over the weekend, yes, when 100,000 people came out to protest demanding netanyahu’s resignation, just like that they they don’t go out on the street, i’m almost sure that behind them are , first of all, those who like to organize this kind of speech, political technologies are also absolutely visible here, i think the americans have given up on netanyahu. but our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. let's give the floor to the news. the big game returns at 23:00, don't miss it. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. it is important to identify not only the performers. but all
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links in the chain right up to the end customers. investigation of the terrorist attacks in crocus - statement by vladimir putin at the expanded board of the ministry of internal affairs. a truck with explosives from ukraine calmly passed through six eu countries and was stopped by russian special services. the arsenal was spun into icons in church utensils. a unique trophy. our snipers landed a secret american puma drone and news from the ministry of defense sergei shaigu spoke about huge losses in the ssu. tehran is threatening a tough response to israel, whose flags are already burning at protests. two generals were killed in a strike on the iranian embassy in damascus. the situation will be discussed today. another temperature record for the capital, abnormal warming caused flooding in the moscow region, and predators had to be evacuated from the natural park. russia will get to those who ordered terrorist attacks in kroku cityhole will set everything up.
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the ministry of internal affairs has the third board since the beginning of the year, at which vladimir putin formulates guidelines for the security department, and the second after the tragedy in crocus. dear comrades, now you, together with colleagues from other departments, are participating in the investigation of the bloody terrorist attack on march 22. he has already told us that it is important to establish not only the direct perpetrators, but all the links, the chains of ultimate criminal beneficiaries of this crime. hired killers and other persons involved in the case.
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everything is also easy and for sale, any information is bought and sold, so we will certainly reach the end customers. at the same time , the unhindered penetration of terrorists into the territory became a reason to ask questions about ourselves. the actions of all law enforcement officers are now being assessed comprehensively.
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mandatory endoxilloscopy and photography. in 2023 , almost 110,000 illegal immigrants were expelled and deported. 35,000 decisions were made to reduce the period of temporary stay. as for the illegal behavior of visitors, this is a principled position; they are obliged to clearly know that in russia we must obey the laws and take into account our cultural and moral values. and here is putin’s assessment of the situation: when you begin to understand the circumstances of a particular case, a specific crime, it turns out that the person got to russia without any special problems, went through all the formalities, issued a labor patent, often having...
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interethnic and interreligious harmony, our cultural , linguistic originality, everything that is the strength of russia, the principle that they can come and live and work in russia only those who respect our traditions, language, culture, history, this principle should be decisive. another important topic of the board is the work of law enforcement agencies in new regions of russia. knowing that i have to perform there. clashes not only with crime, but sometimes with enemy sabotage groups, which, among other things, try to use long-standing channels through organized crime, therefore one of the most important tasks in donbass and novorosiya is to protect citizens from criminal threats, ensure the normal
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functioning of government bodies, enterprises, banks, shops, farmers, small medium businesses. since reunification, the ministry of internal affairs has been formed in all four regions according to... in your work, people largely judge the strength of russian law, and this is a huge responsibility, which you are sure you understand well, the police are working, here are the current figures: 87 grenade launchers were seized from the caches , more than 800 different mine shells, 67 small arms, over 35,000 rounds of various calibers, 200 tons of explosives . the fight against illegal arms trafficking - one of the key tasks. in all regions of russia, as well as suppressing attempts to rock russian society from within. the number of participants in uncoordinated actions decreased noticeably last year. measures have been implemented to identify citizens engaged in discriminatory activities and accomplices of the kiev regime. since the beginning of the special operation, 438 persons have been identified
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as being involved in attacks and arson of administrative buildings, including vencomats, as well as railway transport facilities. russia, the russian federation, and subordinate everything that remains to its geopolitical interests, i confidently speak about this as a former director of the fsb, as a former secretary of the security council, and then president and supreme commander. the president immediately
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names the motives for attempts to destroy russia. oddly enough, someone wants revenge for failures in the fight against russia back in historical periods, for. hitler’s unsuccessful campaigns against russia, napoleon and the like, someone strives to ensure that in today’s rapidly changing world, to maintain their hegemony, including at our expense, well, naturally, a huge territory, human resources, natural resources and so on. about 30 years ago, after the collapse of the ussr, the idea of ​​fragmenting our country might have seemed realistic to someone, apparently someone did. this has never happened, no one has managed to do this, this will not happen and no one will be able to do this. the last 2 years have especially clearly demonstrated to the whole
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world the real strength of russia, military and economic. but i said, there can be no complacency, let alone laxity. successful, we need to be focused, work efficiently, everyone in your polling station, to be worthy of the trust of russians, yes, people came, voted in the presidential elections, your humble servant was the candidate who received a record number of votes, but this expresses the mood of citizens in relation to society and the state as a whole, all authorities, you must ensure a normal life for an ordinary citizen of russia, but they themselves must work in conditions close to wartime conditions. i think that for the people who are sitting in this room, for the people in uniform, this is absolutely obvious. i'm very on i am counting on you, this is the kind of work
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the people of russia expect from you. konstantin panyushkin, yuri sholmov, andrey morozov, anna zayakina, alexander kovalev, channel one. in the bryansk region, fsb officers detained a suspect in transporting illegal migrants from ukraine to our territory. it is reported that he was caught red-handed; he turned out to be a russian; he organized the illegal entry of four ukrainians through the bryansk section of the border, bypassing checkpoints. it was established that the detainee is associated with a criminal group that is engaged in transportation of illegal immigrants. the search for his accomplices is underway. an attempt by kiev terrorists to organize a series of new acts of sabotage in russia was stopped by our special services. a car with a large consignment of homemade explosive bombs was detained on the border with latvia. the arsenal was hidden with special cynicism in icons and church utensils. and everything was transported to moscow along a complex route from kiev through western ukraine through the territory of six euro countries. everywhere , surprisingly, the car was allowed through; fsb officers, our customs officers and soldiers
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of the russian guard stopped it. details and footage of operational shooting from dmitry kulko. russian-latvian border, ubylinka checkpoint in the pskov region. fsb officers inspect a detained minibus with a trailer. his numbers are european, here is the cargo from ukraine, hundreds of icons produced in kiev. images of christ the savior, the kazan mother of god, under which the monstrous explosive hexagen is hidden. the power of this explosive was one and a half times greater. the mass of the seized explosive is enough to blow up a five-story residential building. however, the one who tried to sneak in russia used explosives for holy images, clearly planning more than one explosion. in the circus paraphernalia , operatives find an entire arsenal of industrial detonators. they are capable of detonating bombs remotely via a call or a message in the messenger. battery, radio board with sim card slot. assembly of this improvised explosive device takes a matter of minutes. there are also ready-made bomb icons, with hexagen mounted
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in frames. the perpetrators of sabotage had only to stick the detonator. for now, we can only guess why the criminals were preparing explosives, but whatever the plans, they were destroyed by employees of the federal customs service and the fsb. in total, 27 camouflaged pods were recovered from cargo traveling along the route ukraine, romania, hungary, slovakia, poland, lithuania, latvia, russia... for the use of improvised explosive devices, 70 kg of industrially produced plastic explosive, high power, 91 electric detonator and parts of the krpg 7 shot. these shots from the grenade went exactly into kondil, a circus pendant, laid specially so that it didn't hang out. the number 10 in a double circle on the ammunition is the marking of a military plant in bulgaria, whose weapons have been used by ukraine for a long time. but on the box is the name of the intermediate point: chernivtsi, first there. closer to the border, explosives arrived from kyiv. then, as the fsb established, through the porubnoye checkpoint, the cargo was transferred to
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romania, to a warehouse in the border town of feltechenia. obviously, this was done by the ukrainian special services, which had no difficulty in creating a corridor on their border, even though there is a strengthened regime for catching dodgers. but the romanian border guards also calmly let through a car full of bombs, despite the strict inspection rules during the isvoo. according to the criminals, this cargo was supposed to be delivered to russia. the second car, having arrived for loading on the territory of the republic of romania, in the city of fortecheni, i looked at this warehouse, there was cargo, church utensils, icons, then they gave me the whole package of documents, after which i moved to the territory of russia to the city of moscow, where there must be unloading. by according to the driver at customs between romania and hungary, he completed the documents for entry into the single economic space of the european union without any questions. then i carried the bomb icons straight along the highway without even trying. drive around the inspection point on the polish-lithuanian border. latvian border guards also
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let the car through without any problems. as a result , the deadly cargo crossed six countries, traveling almost 2.0 km, without arousing the slightest suspicion at any of the checkpoints. during interrogation , the driver tried to pretend that he ukrainian special services used it in the dark, but as our security forces said, passing the russian border. the man was very worried and tried to rush the customs officers, which is why he aroused suspicion. explosives and fuses were found in the icons, after which i was detained. investigators are now looking into who could have used the explosives inside the country. can you imagine, right? what could have happened, god forbid, if this icon, supposedly they made a gift from someone, and this icon was hung in our christian church, it would then be people exploded, how much joy there would be again, excuse these nazis, the ukrainians in the rest, as they say, i already called them, we are suckers, so i think that the success,
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the enormous success of our special services, and is it any wonder at the cynicism of those who are preparing sabotage used icons, russian troops are confidently moving forward, pushing the enemy to the west. since the beginning of the year, that is, in 3 months, 403 km of territory of new russian regions came under our control. sergei shaigu stated this today during a conference call with the leadership of the ministry of defense. according to him , just last month
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four settlements were liberated in the donetsk republic , another one in zaporozhye. the enemy is suffering huge losses. started on april 1st. since january, the ukrainian armed forces have lost more than 80 thousand military personnel, 14 thousand units of various weapons, including over 1,200 tanks and other armored combat vehicles. kiniv is still trying to convince his western sponsors of his ability to resist the russian army. to do this, he tries to transfer the combat actions on the territory of our country. runs through. as an act of terrorism, our armed forces react asymmetrically to such crimes by ukrainian militants. in march, high-precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles carried out 190 group and two massive strikes on ukraine. military energy infrastructure facilities have been damaged. next we will discuss the development of the network. and at the same meeting
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, sergei shaigu announced the presidential decree on the appointment of the commander-in-chief of the navy as commanders of the northern and black sea fleets. improve by technical decree of the president of the russian federation , admiral moiseev, alexander avseevich, was appointed commander-in-chief of the navy, we congratulate you on this appointment, we really look forward to your further efforts to strengthen the navy. vice admiral kavantsov, konstantin petrovich, commander of the northern fleet, also congratulations, vice admiral pinchuk, sergei. mikhailovich, commander of the black sea fleet, colleagues, i hope that you will cope with the tasks that the supreme commander-in-chief has set for you, the ministry of defense, and of course the country. a report from the ministry of defense in the donetsk and avdeevsk directions, our military has improved its position, there is progress along
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the front line, the enemy is suffering heavy losses, operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery have been destroyed, and an aircraft warehouse has been destroyed. missiles, a drone production workshop, as well as the accumulation of manpower and military equipment in the ssu in 152 districts. and another video from the front line, during a short battle , two american bradley bmps were destroyed at once. enemy defense group on three vehicles tried to attack our positions, but having encountered serious resistance, the militants turned back. immediately one infantry fighting vehicle is blown up by a mini, and our shell lands on the second. and our snipers managed to get hold of unique trophies on approach. an american puma reconnaissance drone was shot down near the positions of russian fighters. the drone is secret; in order to return it, the militants tried to organize an entire special operation, but in the end they also lost many people. the participants in that battle told our correspondent alexei kruchinin how it happened. in his reporting from the front line with unique footage.
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the enemy has pinned us down. the weather is clear, the mortar seems to be working, we need to get away. guys, gentlemen, the eighty-third air assault brigade of the airborne forces, to which we are going to film, works at the forefront and ukrainian mortars can easily reach here. whether the target was our car or the barn where the mine hit is not so important, what is important is to pass this area at maximum speed. we flew by and here we are visiting a sniper group, already familiar to viewers of channel one from the recent reporting. the fighters show us two truly unique trophies: a huge attack drone, adapted to drop 120-mm mines, like the already famous baba yaga, only ... twice as large, but this bird, or even more likely an airplane, is much more valuable. with a well-aimed shot from his rifle, the commander shot down an american puma reconnaissance drone worth several hundred thousand dollars. so powerful here. a thermal imager and a camera for shooting, which allows you to see, well, relatively speaking, very high quality, that is, let’s say, it the downing saved many lives, here it is
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completely with their enemy equipment, completely intact, and we really got from there, i can’t say yet, what information that revealed the points that we hit, where it was launched from, that is , its operators were destroyed, puma is an aircraft-type drone, wingspan is almost 5 m, flight range is up to 60 km. here is a demonstration of it on the manufacturer’s official website: pumas are used in particular by the us marine corps. several batches of these drones of various modifications are american sent to kiev in the twenty-second and twenty- third years. our fighters had never captured such cougars as trophies before. the enemy treasures this expensive equipment like the apple of his eye. having lost the drone, the ukrainian armed forces immediately sent a mixed capture group to the area, consisting of soldiers from the third separate brigade, stormtroopers from the edelweiss brigade, and militants from radical groups, apparently mercenaries. the enemy had the task of defending the drone at all costs, a whole platoon fought for it, including using nato grenade launchers, this trophy is also from that battle. then the story of a real feat begins.
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having ordered his guys, at any cost, to deliver the puma to the rear, the commander and his partner with the call sign lyuta remained to cover the retreat, in fact, they took the blow themselves and confronted the platoon. this is footage of that very battle, filmed through a night vision scope. sniper guards masterfully deal with opponents, literally mowing them down. according to the principle of one shot, one target, but at some point it seemed that the forces were still too unequal, i had three with me grenades, i threw them all there, shot almost all the cartridges, turned to the commander, i didn’t know what to do, but he smiled and showed me that he had a grenade in his hand, but he had more experience at that time they arrived again, well, there were their orts, i don’t know, i also passed out, thank god, when i arrived, they were already dragging me away.
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we returned, and we already found the commander in an unconscious state, clutching a grenade in his hand, a very worthy act. in the battle for an american drone, the enemy i lost as many as 24 people, here are their badges, documents, stripes, from the forbidden azov to the symbols of belarusian nationalist legionnaires. a self-destruct device was found in the drone, which was necessary to hide technology and intelligence data from the enemy. the guys who shot down fifty different ones with small arms already.
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preparations for the government’s annual report to the state duma were discussed today at a meeting of the cabinet of ministers. report tomorrow, what has been done over the past year, the future is set, the presentation is traditionally preceded by a series consultations. mishustin met with deputies about what took place, i know that all members of the government actively participated in working with the structures of the state duma, worked in relevant committees, this is very important feedback, of course, you just need to listen to the opinions of our parliamentarians, they will also voice during the report, everyone... will ask me their questions, we need to give comprehensive answers to them. we have an absolutely common task here - the development of our country, the well-being
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of people, and today we will discuss how it’s going this preparation. earlier, mikhail mishustin also met with state duma speaker vyacheslav bolodin; in preparation for the report , much attention was paid to what concerns russians. last year the government sent it to the duma. 300 bills and 200 of them have already become federal laws, this is a very active process, and such effective, constructive relationships have developed between parliamentarians and members of the government, the basis for the conversation is the appeal to us citizens, about 1,400 appeals have been received, 309 questions have already been written the deputies have sent them to the governments, and of course it is important for us to work on them together. a meeting of the un security council will begin in new york in a matter of hours. our country requested the meeting after israel’s attack on the
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iranian consulate in damascus. iranian armed forces. there were mass protests in tehran, participants burned flags of israel and the islamic revolution, these are elite parts of the united states. the americans, according to iranian authorities, are directly responsible for the attack. the scandalous confession of the head of the international olympic committee, he told the prankster about dirty politics in sports and a new conspiracy against russia, thinking that he was speaking with an important official from africa, thomas bach told how the west is trying to organize a boycott of the friendship games in our country, and also that he could have asked ukraine to spy on our athletes, ivan the blagoy listened to the revelation.
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vevenin talks about nothing more than large-scale surveillance of athletes on the internet. let them just try to support the actions of the russian authorities. we have a special supervisory commission at the ioc level. they monitor the internet, media and public statements. so if an athlete appears somewhere with such statements, he cannot participate.
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they were deprived of the flag, deprived of the anthem, even deprived of the opportunity to take part in the parade of athletes at the opening ceremony of the olympic games in paris, but it is russia that is politicizing sports. no joke, that's mok's position. bach is extremely concerned that russia plans to host the world friendship games in the fall. a significant part of the conversation with pranksters is devoted to how this can be prevented. dirty play experience could eat, bach's amazing confession. last year.
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do something about african states. bach suggested that his interlocutor establish contact with the deputy chairman of the european commission, margarit schinas. judging by the conversation, he provides political cover for the plan from the eu. he is responsible for sports and will contact your representatives. and they will prepare a general statement. thomas bagh got hooked by pranksters thanks to the head of the world anti-doping agency, vitaldus banki.
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what does this mean for those involved? athletes or even participating national olympic committees. the world friendship games will be held in september in moscow and yekaterinburg. it is planned to compete for 283 sets of awards in thirty sports. ivan blagoev, dmitry volkov, lyubov dmitrieva, natalya sidorova, channel one. so, pranksters are bringing thomas bach to light. do not miss. hours on the first channel of the vavan and lexus show. there is a new temperature record in moscow today. the air in the capital warmed up to almost 19°. abnormally warm weather makes it difficult flood situation. in the moscow region , the pride land wild animal shelter park was flooded. tiger lions are being taken to safe places. and here are the shots.


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