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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 2, 2024 6:30pm-7:47pm MSK

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relations between athletes, teams, countries taking part in the friendship games, well, it’s hard to say, the main role in intimidating athletes is clearly assigned to the world anti-doping agency, let wada consider what this could mean for the participating athletes or even the participating national olympic committees. the world friendship games will be held in september in moscow and yekaterinburg, where it is planned to compete for 283 sets of awards in thirty-three sports. ivan the good, dmitry volkov, lyubov dmitrieva, natalya sidorova, channel one. so, pranksters are bringing thomas bach to light, don’t miss it, tonight at 0:00 on the first channel of the vavan and lexus show. there is a new temperature record in moscow today; the air in the capital has warmed up to almost 19°. due to the abnormally warm weather , the flood situation is becoming more complicated. in the moscow region , the pride land park and shelter for wild animals was flooded. lviv and tigers. transported to safe
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places, such personnel come from the orenburg region, there are more than 250 settlements in the risk zone, in some places the water is already in houses, people are being evacuated, schools are being transferred to distance learning, about half a thousand residential buildings are flooded in the altai region, where a state of emergency is in effect. and that’s all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell. hello, the first channel is live, the program time will tell, i’m artyom shenin, as always, today we will talk about the most important, most relevant topics, and these topics very often intersect, what is important from the point of view of the external contour, external confrontations and... what we are discussing is how
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events that occur within the country very often intersect in important complex events, one of these, one of such tragic events was a terrorist attack in the moscow region in crocus city hall, with a large number of casualties , and we understand now that this event coincided with external facts... security, since it was repeatedly said at the highest level that many traces lead to ukroreich, the customers who stand behind ukroreykhoreich as the operator, and also in general are quite obvious, given that those who were chosen were chosen as customers, this also intersects with many of our internal topics, one of them concerns our internal security and necessity. to strengthen it,
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the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin, said this just today, speaking at the annual extended meeting of the ministry of internal affairs, i want to remind you of these words, please, the actions of all law enforcement are now being comprehensively assessed, control, supervisory services, commercial organizations that were responsible for this large facility where the terrorist attack took place, we paid a very high price. and the entire analysis of the situation must be extremely objective and professional; this is important, first of all , in order to bring law and order and security to a new level in crowded places, sports facilities, transport, shopping and entertainment centers, schools, hospitals, universities, theaters and so on, all these facilities must be under permanent control.
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in particular , the internal affairs bodies are called upon to play a key role in solving this task, and it seems to me that these are very important accents, those that i, at least, heard in what was said, in the words spoken by the president, with an emphasis on the high price that we paid on the need for maximum objectivity of all those, all those who will check the work of the control and supervisory bodies. i heard in this another reminder, at the same time, so to speak, confirmation that the authorities hear the request of people who have many questions, because everyone saw how it burned, everyone knows how many people died not from pulterrorists, unfortunately, from fire and from combustion products, how many questions there are about the operation of these systems was discussed at the highest level, by the investigative committee.
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a torture room, these are also biological laboratories in which the genotype is studied, the nato armed forces are pumping up territories adjacent to russia, this is the springboard from which the threat to our country comes, for him personally lithuania is also a consumable material, an asshole provocateur, come on, come on for me, then myself will move aside, we are standing on the threshold of the third world war, or what? gabrielius lansberges, grandson, baby, and frailty, dolls of the heir to tut.
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he seems to have to develop the entire world sport, but he tells us, i will call this, that, that, so that they don’t go there, now, apparently, they are preparing some kind of document that will warn athletes that if they come to the friendship game , they may be disqualified. the russian olympic committee, after we suspended them, made some pretty aggressive statements that this is discrimination, fascism. but he didn’t even argue that this was discrimination and fascism. premiere, show of vavan and lexus. today is the first one. some argue that the main building of moscow state university is actually a huge, perfectly camouflaged
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spaceship. to the eighty-fifth birthday of viktor sadovnichev. run such a university? of course it’s difficult, but for me this is life. now university science is taking the lead because we have the most young people. in all countries, science is done by young people. everyone's alma mater the tenth scientist of russia is coming up with our tomorrow. at this global level, without false modesty, we do not lag behind the best examples. students, where do you dream of studying? i believe in science, i believe that the main development of society will be the vector, the vector of science, the victor of science, the premiere, tomorrow on the first, in the land where there is eternal snow and cold,
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people wear earflaps all year round, and to keep warm, after drinking a lot, they dance in squats all the people are flying into the unknown into the unknown. to attack novosyoersk, at one secret base you can take corn syrup, the guy is hardy, there he is strong, he has no troubles for any reason, he even solves problems in space with a wrench, here is kazan’s gym, only it is open to members, and somewhere there in the back plan, a wonderful one is already flogging, his legs are floating, the head of his finger.
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became sister christina, if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, filled out everything myself, why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged. i want to know the truth. you know your dad’s handwriting, to be honest, no, but you were officially divorced, it turned out that we the court got me wrong, just imagine , 26 years later there was such an exclusive blow to me with dmitry borisov, the premiere was on saturday at the first, when you were entering into an inheritance, you told the notary that there were still potential heirs, you know, i was in such a state , the person i loved, probably the only love in my life, died. time will tell the program,
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we continue to work live, i started the program today by saying that today, speaking at the annual extended board of the ministry of internal affairs, and the president touched on many very important topics, which, as they say, are in the media, there is a big demand in society that worries society and... so i started the program with the words that the president said regarding the investigation, the study of the causes, the tragedy that happened in the crocus, another important topic, the most important, i would say, the most complex, for which there is a very big demand in society, and what the president said about it at the expanded board of the ministry of internal affairs once again indicates that the government at its highest levels hears this request. this is a migration issue politics, which has also been discussed
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for a long time, but once again found itself at the center of discussion in connection with the tragic events in crocus, this is what the president said about this in a sense, in this regard, to an extended colleague, please, when you begin to understand the circumstances of this or another case, a specific crime, it turns out that... they do not allow us to fully reduce the risks of relapses in illegal migration. at the same time
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, our compatriots, whose ancestors grew up in the most central regions of our country, sometimes they cannot obtain citizenship for years. i have already said that we need to deeply and radically update our approaches to migration policy. i ask the ministry of internal affairs, our other law enforcement agencies and special services together. with the government and the presidential administration, to work out all these issues comprehensively and in detail, the principle that only those who respect our traditions, language, culture, history can come and live and work in russia, this principle should be decisive, and as you heard in words president, he relates the problems. including with the issue of crimes, saying that sometimes it turns out that a person
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who commits crimes ends up on the territory of the russian federation, despite the fact that he has a bunch of crimes, we all know that several of those terrorists who committed a terrorist attack in the crocus, they had just such a bouquet behind some of them, these are the words of the president about the need to restore order. in general, to bring and update approaches to migration policy, this is what, as i have already said, it has been discussed for a long time, and the need for this has been discussed for a long time, that some citizens who even receive citizenship of the russian federation cannot speak two words in russian, but at the same time receive this citizenship, and as the president of the russian federation says, many whose ancestors were born in the most primordial russian lands. they haven’t been able to get this citizenship for years, this is a topic that didn’t start being discussed yesterday, coincidentally, i
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was literally talking to one of my friends today, and he was just this whole way, being an absolutely russian person, speaking the correct russian language, whose ancestors, including from donbass and from russia, but who ended up outside its borders during the collapse of the union, it took a person 8 years to obtain citizenship in... among other things , for example, to make it clear, this is how i am, why it is so important for me that the president says about this, he had to have it notarized and certified. soviet birth certificate from russian into russian, once again notarized and verified from russian to russian, this is only one of the many steps that he had to go through during all this time, and what he told me, sitting there in these institutions, how quickly many people drove around him at the turn, who did not even understand when they were asked questions,
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what kind of documents they brought, it’s very pleasing that the president once again... raises this problem, but alexey alekseevich, this is very important, this is very pleasing, but there is another difficulty here, that as soon as we start talking about such complex history, like migration policy, we are right there we move onto the field of interethnic relations, and as soon as we even take a step on the field of interethnic relations, immediately such a domoklov sword of inciting interethnic relations begins to swing over us, and i know that even i myself sometimes say to myself once again: well, it’s better not discuss, so as not to inflame, this is the line, you are it, now we all have to find it together once again, because we understand what a subtle matter this is, please, there is no need to look for it, we have it pre-installed, those more, but i understand this problem, because in the nineties we had such a kind of birth trauma, in the late
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eighties, in the nineties we experienced a whole series of interethnic conflicts, which were simply terrible. terrible, disgusting, especially since they happened - in the outwardly international, outwardly internationally friendly soviet family of peoples, yeah, and the more unexpected these conflicts were, and the more offensive, and we simply were not ready for them, but for this period we have developed a certain immune component in order to decide, we returned to our origins, that is, we returned to soviet internationalism of the forties, fifties, sixties, when it... was very highly developed, and it was, so to speak, a post-war inoculation, when the combat the brotherhood that arose during the great patriotic war, it simply automatically spread to soviet society, and we realized that we are all brothers, we are all family, yeah, then this vaccination ended, not without the help of our western partners, who closely followed so, they always sent their needle, their
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wedge, precisely into any crack that appeared, we also remember all this. which still needs to be created towards sovereignty, towards sovereignty, yes, this strange state of sovereignty, when a person already understands that he is not a single system of soviet peoples, but he still does not know who he is, it has led to the fact that a whole number of peoples, for example, the ukrainian people, yes, they are so lost, that is, instead of developing their own statehood, their own
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national model, they simply decided, sorry, i’ll tell you straight, change the owner, that is, he stuck to the soviet union. then i decided, let’s join in with someone else there, well, it didn’t stick in the case of the ukrainians, they created the soviet union from the very beginning, they entered it on the right, who spoke russian, who professed russian culture, who professionally were established as russians, studied using russian textbooks, i'm sorry, there are no ukrainian textbooks in higher mathematics and physics, i apologize, i'm sorry, just to make it sound like this that would be it. and we have other brothers who decided that they could handle it themselves, but, but they couldn’t handle it, and now we see it with our own eyes, we see it in the very strange baltic state formations, which, in my opinion, live , they live only by this hatred, let’s be honest, even if they were brothers, they were cousins, then forest brothers, yes, yes, yes,
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cousins ​​or forest brothers, very good, that’s it, but we must return now to the present, because that we... must work in military mode, guys, here here are your words regarding the fact that someone there received russian citizenship for years, someone bypassed him at the corners, not even particularly.
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then there are a lot of these problems, on the one hand they all need to be solved, including the same migration one, but on the other hand there is a danger, and i myself feel it, i feel it at the level of even my communications with my friends, fellow soldiers there, when you you start discussing existing problems, at some point you feel that people are fixated on this, everything is the same for them, but what do you tell us about your this, about your land, here where are they, i say, men, you don’t need to fixate on one thing, why shouldn’t you close your eyes? i don’t close my eyes, i say exactly what you said, that problems exist and exist, but on the other hand, they exist and are sometimes, so
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to speak, fueled by the hands of our enemies. i’ll give you an example, a clear illustration of what you said, no one is even hiding it, here’s the british times, which, to be honest, i don’t know what’s happening to them, they actually tell it, not me... ukrainians conduct psychological operations in russia. andrei kovalenko, the new head of the ukrainian center for countering disinformation, openly said that one of the main tasks of his center is inciting ethnic hatred within russia. he admitted that his subordinates, under the guise of representatives of various ethnic groups, are infiltrating russian telegram channels and chats. throwing lies in order to cause mutual discontent, after the crocus they incite hatred against tajiks, on the contrary, within tajik groups against the russians. when i asked you
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about this fine line, i meant exactly this, that i understand and know, the enemies do not hide it, that this is a clearing in which they play against us, but this is a very complex story when you you understand that people, discussing the existing problem that the president is talking about...
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are discussing, everyone is still arguing about this , the main thing is that they will be guided by it, everyone will read it anyway, everyone will hear it anyway, they will try to understand it, and the very reason, i think this is very important take into account these things, that the authorities see all this, the authorities understand the problem, but it is very important that within the framework of this problem we do not slide into another line, when instead of helping, i just work a lot with even many of my colleagues on this i’m talking about a topic, someone thinks that listen, let’s get out of the way, well, people should be trusted in civil society, we should be trusted,
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we are not that stupid in reality, but let ’s move on about the important and pressing problems that we are dealing with in as part of a special military operation, confrontation with the collective american-centric west, ensuring the need to ensure the security of our citizens, problems with... which we, which we have been talking about more and more often lately, and this too, this is such a harsh reality of the confrontation, which on the one hand cannot be ignored and which needs to be talked about, but which needs to be perceived, well, calmly and pragmatically, i mean the recently intensified activity of ukroreich drones and their work on the territory of the russian federation. in today's news feed, this is the lipetsk region, as the governor of the lipetsk region informs us that an air danger regime is being introduced there,
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there are no permits. the vital activity of the region occurs in a normal environment, but nevertheless, it’s already looming on the horizon, and tatarstan is today represented in this news feed related to the activity of the ukrainian reich in attempting drone strikes, in the case of tatarstan it’s more complicated, here’s the head of the republic of tatarstan, minikhanov reports about what's on the enterprise of the republic in yelaga in elabuga and nizhnekamsk was completed. attack by unmanned aerial vehicles, that there are victims, victims, as i understand it, mainly in yelabuga, there is a special economic zone there, but the fact that in nizhnekamsk we all generally know what is in nizhnekamsk, on this occasion , the mayor of nizhnekamsk just said that one of the enterprises in nizhnekamsk was attacked by a uav, all services worked promptly, there were no casualties or serious damage,
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this is some other story, they don’t stop at the same time, to be drones of the ukrainian reich, but this is already a more complex and complex problem, with which i think that experts are already working, and regarding whose drones these are, there is another very important clarification, and this is again as in the case of times on international affairs, in the case of drones, this is of course surprising cnn, well , it seems that they are just out of their depth when they do something like this... publication,
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please, ukrainian attacks on the russian energy industry became possible thanks to the use of more advanced long-range drones. some drones even have a basic form of artificial intelligence to help them navigate and avoid interference. these flights are determined in advance with our allies. the aircraft follows a flight plan, which allows us to strike targets with an accuracy of several meters, explained a source close to it. to the ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicle program. ukrainian attacks on oil refineries led to an increase in world oil prices, causing brand crude prices to rise nearly 13% this year and causing u.s. politicians to worry about the potential impact on the economy in a key election year. why do i say that this is a very complex and complex problem? because on the one hand, the questions are 1,250 km, is he really flying from there, or is he flying
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from somewhere else? place, then a question about this publication, why are they scorching so much and are they scorching on purpose in order, roughly speaking, to spin a bigger deal around this, that there is already artificial intelligence t-t, but with on the other hand, the next problem that they talk about at the end, they just mention that they themselves don’t seem to need a rise in prices, and we remember how on the twenty-second we all discussed in the afternoon financial times that it seems that the americans this is not necessary, they seem to be trying to stop ukrreich from these attacks, and today, i don’t know if this coincided with the fact that something flew to nizhnekamsk once again, that’s what the secretary of state of the united states of america, blinken, said, please, from the first day our policy was is, do everything we can to help ukraine defend itself from russian aggression. at the same time, we do not support or encourage ukrainian strikes outside their
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territory. please note, the united states of america, through the mouth of its secretary of state, we do not support or encourage, you can not believe blinkin as much as you like, i personally don’t believe a single word that blinken says, but nevertheless, for some reason, he said these words says an official, while, for example, the french foreign minister says completely different things, the french foreign minister says that, in general, everything seems to be normal. we won’t comment on this at all, because they have the right. perhaps this, of course, is due to the fact that within the framework of this topic, france is an extremely independent country, in the sense that nothing within the framework of this topic depends on it, but depends on the americans, plus they have some kind of interest here related to oil prices and so on, in any case, another important aspect of this broad topic, which multifaceted, this is what the press secretary of the president of the russian
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federation dmitry peskov said today, but that, well, to solve this problem, this terrorist activity, it is necessary to minimize it, and almost completely eliminate it, well... i think that the word military also includes the special services, given that it is not clear how they are, in general this is a very complex topic, again there is a question of what to talk about, what answers to give please, i want to start with sinn, because their article contains it two messages, the first this is practically an advertising booklet, look at what technologies ukraine has, artificial intelligence, how it basically works there, it can bypass rap, and here i immediately remember that cnn, among other things , wrote that... and the largest american it corporations made their subsidiary military structures, which now in ukraine, as they call it, are maturing artificial intelligence, processing it not on virtual reality models, in combat operations, we are talking about
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big money, and here they are making a laying after some time, these companies, the shares went up, everyone started earning money, that is, this could be some kind of hidden advertising, yes, this is hidden advertising, as they always like to do, well, they earn as much as they can.
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parts and we understand that they will continue to test our immune system in the form of well-functioning air defense systems, how it looks, relatively speaking, on the fingers, the americans, having the largest constellation of earth remote sensing satellites, in addition to forty military ones, they can receive data from any satellites that are in civilian use, radio engineering, radar satellites, whatever, they have a three-dimensional map of our country. most importantly, they clearly see where which systems are installed, and why? we remember that ukraine hit airfields and something else, but now nothing is flying there because everything is closed. and so the americans look, where are these unoccupied sites? and the flight mission for
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the aircraft that was converted is an aircraft of a ukrainian company, judging by the pictures, aeropragt a22, which at former enterprises antonov is being done, it has its own range of 1.100, we remove pilots, add. fuel tanks of 1,500 will fly smoothly, we add electronics, we hang a starling antenna on top, and here you have it, relatively speaking, a drone that flies by, that is, technically, you say, technically in general this is not overly complicated, but they are now installing a fairly powerful one electronics, i talked with rebo specialists who told me how even the production of serious powerful such interference, it can always be cut out from the on-board system, it can then conditionally saying move. that is, anyway, he can be there, or cnn actually writes about this and writes that he is such a puppeted object that no longer receives a signal from anywhere, he has everything inside, well, they mean that most likely there is artificial vision there, like ala, for example, a tesla car, which, according to visual pictures, has a digital
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map of the area, it simply checks and actually moves according to this, if i understand you correctly, well, from what i more or less was forced to understand, this kind of like the notorious baba yaga at the front, right? which very little rap works on, because it is through starlink times, which allows you to look directly, it is controlled from there, so the rebs have no frequencies, second, the computing power on board allows it to fly according to the radio altimeter plus pictures of the area, which it verifies that in his memory and he understands that he is steering, he is walking along roads, along wires, according to some obvious signs, that is, they give him this tunnel through which he is not just flies... it bypasses everything, they have already forgotten it in his memory, and so he, yeah, well, like any pilots, there is little aviation, they know what is there at an altitude of 300 m, you are flying without a navigator, you have a car map on your lap you look down, churches are strong landmarks,
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roads, streets and so on, this is exactly how machine vision can navigate, but as i already said, and they are testing our system, it is clear that we will now refine it, this process is ongoing - stop, we won’t finalize the enterprise, but already finalizing well, i say this process is underway and we will close it, they will look for objects that are not protected, now conditionally after some time the industry is now working conditionally there in a week or two months of the refinery.
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he says: it is a very light plane, it can be carried in a gazelle truck, it can be twisted, it needs a dirt road that will easily allow it to take off, it could be a huge space of neighboring republics, or our territory, that is, now i think it will be revealed the so-called flight track, when you can see how he walked where, and of course conclusions will be drawn about how they managed to us. and i am sure that, by the way, a very important point, and here i want to emphasize this separately, we have a lot of closed military production facilities, people who work there know about this, something else, and an awkward mention on social networks, as we see now, in the chats of industrialists, oh, and you know, here is our city, where we have this plant in a bakery, this one here is located in such and such a workshop, also under threat of probability, what are you doing? why are you you give the enemy, relatively speaking
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, additionally, unlike some topics that need to be discussed, trusting society, some things , on the contrary, society itself should send me, they send me open correspondence from the chats of industrialists who say: listen, but our city is also at risk, we have well , it means vasya has turned over his bakery to use such and such drones, you start listing all the objects right around the city, but this is of course on the verge of such insanity, but even here our law enforcement officers are... really idiots, they will somehow get scared, aiding the enemy, i think that those who get scared and come to their senses, those who don’t come to their senses, probably need to be approached in no way, yes, yes, this is a very important conversation, and how the crotch. so about this, this is a very important conversation, that victory is achieved not only
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through efforts at the front, but through the efforts of the entire society, through efforts and self-control, through efforts and public control, and much more, and most importantly, you need to understand, that’s what is very important , andrei klintsevich said that the story is that everything is developing, it will non-stop, they will come up with something, we will come up with something, they will come up with us again... the example is the same, and if our bombs were planning, this is what until recently everyone believed that drones had changed everything - that means this is the face of war. now there is an opinion that perhaps the planning factories and if they will change the face of the war matter, yes, that is , you say everything, everything, everything is connected to a small bird with which you can stop tank attacks, now everyone says no, well, little birds yes, this is a big problem, how about it you have 3 tons with wings... for a kilometer there, which means that this is basically a drone,
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yes, also in principle a drone, with such a rich drone, well, there’s another problem that also lies in this spectrum , this is what is also in the news feed today, this is an attempt to smuggle an explosive into the territory of the russian federation, through the pskov region, having traveled through a bunch of european countries on a detour from ukraine, and... everyone was checked, the latvians checked, everything means they were released, we give our due, of course to the specialists who stopped this case at the border of the pskov region, this is a separate article, i wrote about this today , this also needs to be noted, that is , imagine, to the question of who we are dealing with, what should be in the head in the place where the soul is, so that the explosive substance gets into the orthodox icons.
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and which the british supply in large quantities in the drones that we land, we see it in the form of such large packages. i’m sure experts will now match the explosive substance, because it was called hexogen, this is not it, this is the first, that is, you know, here i immediately remember the irish proverb that if two neighbors had a fight, one of them had an englishman spend the night, so they constantly encourage
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terrorism, second, pay attention, the frame is metal, which there are explosives around the perimeter, that is, it’s... not just a container for transportation, where they were then supposed to be removed in a heap, perhaps this is already a ready-made explosive on which a detonator should have been installed, when triggered, this frame plus a metal this frame, it will be a striking element, especially if it happens somewhere in a temple. and their unscrupulousness is off the charts, we will still be here, i’m sure we will have cases of this transition, but you are now showing very important footage of fsb officers unloading this actually in the forest, this is... a triumph of our intelligence, this says about the fact that it was released from the inspection point, what if it suddenly detonated there entirely, they stopped it somewhere in the forest, isolated the driver, possibly crushed all the connections and unloaded it all, this indicates that that our capabilities of both technical and human intelligence have grown, and lately we have seen a lot of signals, we took one
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group, a second, a third, even though in an operational sense, probably not everything is said about it, and it’s understandable why, yes that's why. but this is not the last situation, the vigilance that should be there now for everyone, because it most likely should have been given to churches and something else, and it is important for people to understand all this, it is important for people to understand all this, just as it is important for people understand that this - let's say front, when we say front, we of course mean first of all the front line on which our guys stand, but this front is actually wider, and because everything intersects in...
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here again the question is whether this is more of a masochistic statement of the situation or marketing of the biden administration, which says: every day they say: look how bad everything is, we must give money, we must give money, we must give money, because johnson is still hasn't brought this whole matter up for consideration yet, but i so technically already the speaker of the house. representatives, he can already bring this all up for consideration, so i think that administration officials and western propagandists in general, now, of course, also need to react to this correctly, this barrage of tearful stories about how bad everything is for the billionaire apu, it will grow, here you need to understand that in many ways this is marketing simply
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to give money, well, for example, julian röbki, this is such an indicator of how it will sound, it’s nice to hear, but well... we need to really share all this, please, unpopular opinion: the chances that ukraine will be able to liberate the occupied territories in the next few years tend to zero, of course, it would succeed if we gave it to it means, but we are not doing this, it must be clearly said that the victory of ukraine is not in the interests of those who could supply the appropriate weapons, yes, well, speaking of money, they have it there, they are still constantly figuring out who their favorites are?
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talk, but at the same time we must understand that israel is still perceived within the united states also as an outpost of the west in the middle east, that is, there is one here. national moment, yes, that is, it’s his own, yes, sometimes he behaves badly, yes, sometimes, so to speak, intractable, a little tough, here i am, i
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’m, look, you’re talking very well, i’m talking about this in essence , i’m asking, in your opinion, israel is definitely ours, no matter what it is, in this sense, today’s ukrorek, is it also ours, or is it temporary, as if, well, replaceable, what is it called? usa and domestically, by the way, compared to ukraine, yes, that is, here, on the one hand, this is the us approach, which dates back to the 18th century, from the end of the 18th century. support, as they believe, for national liberation movements, yes, that is, someone who rebels against someone and so on, but these are again words, yes, that is, this is
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rhetoric, but it is important from the point of view of public opinion, but after all, history, yes, you cannot compare the short history of ukraine in terms of cooperation, interaction with the same united states of america, and let’s say the history of interaction with israel, this is the first moment, the second point, the fact is that - well , this is purely my opinion, as an expert, yes, that means ukraine is perceived, here you can remember bezhazinsky, but still, as a very important geopolitical object, yes, but still more important is russia, yes, that is, this is how to act in relation to russia, through ukraine, that is, ukraine is very important, but still, if we look in the long term, again historically, yes, israel, it is still- after all. more such a constant, but israel and the middle east, israel to an even greater extent, yes, then
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let us do this to you now, since you said it, that this is, well , more important and a constant and a more long-term project, although, of course, in the analogy, the more beloved wife is the one who is longer, this does not mean that she is necessarily always more beloved, but here we will not go into these details, but since you have linked all this with what just happened. and we all understand that we are talking about an israeli strike on the iranian consulate in damascus, so let’s now let’s jump into advertising and collectively we’ll continue to discuss all this, because this seems to me like some very important new stage, don’t switch, we’ve hit two left-handers, neither of them fits our description, you’re not going through the easiest period right now life, let's meet at 2 o'clock tomorrow, have lunch and decide everything. okay , see you tomorrow, well, this way it will be better, you recognize someone, the car is parked somewhere on
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the outskirts, in some courtyard in a gateway, our only mitochka to bundy, no help needed, like success, you make an identikit you can, but you can compile it and we will search, calm, calm, police, calm, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program. cognac monte chococa, a product of the stellar group, rum, castro, a product of the stellor group, vodka, veta, a product of the stellor group. we spoke with the head of the international olympic committee on behalf of one of the african politicians. the russian anthem cannot be performed.
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made several rather aggressive statements that this is discrimination, fascism, but he did not even argue that this is discrimination, fascism, premiere, show wavan and lexus, today on the first, calmly, comrade, professor, this is what the matter is, i cut you off, cut you off, you can say whatever comes to their mind, anything, you’re
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painfully oppressing me, dad, what kind of dad am i to you ? my god, i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our ball, and now we understand what kind of shining nonsense this is, why, i go around people, well, i was married, i don’t care, azina, an innocent girl, okay, that i woke up, take everything and divide it, that’s what i thought, heart of a dog, famous film adaptation mikhail bulgakov's story on saturday at the first, he is still dancing. dances, i am the grandson of a manufacturer, i can do everything, but all i have to do is come to any group, perform there, everyone else falls down, through the night and the wind, i am destined to go, nowhere does my home window shine, in the army, i also criticized, these are
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recommendations major novikov wrote to me, he is prone to criticism. they just push, push buttons, everything is in vain, for, for, but there are no roads, for, for, but there is no money, i have no reason to sit, i’m not going to replay anything, under no circumstances would i live my life in a different way, in memory of vladimir zhirinovsky, on saturday at the first, the will of zhenya beloosov, the battle for the inheritance, the stars of the nineties are reaching the finish line, all participants in the conflict in our studio, you filed a lawsuit. than a person writes a will at 30 years old. roman is sure that the entire inheritance was once unfairly given to sister christina. if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, formalized everything about myself. why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could be a fake? i want to know the truth. dad’s handwriting, you know, i’ll be honest, no. and you were on target. it turned out that the court divorced us. can you imagine
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such a blow for me 26 years later? exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday on the first, when you were entering into an inheritance, you told the notary that there were still potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved died, probably the only love in my life, the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running, waking up the sleepy shore, running, shining and shouting... they shout in all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are young spring, messengers, she sent us forward, what, where, when, spring series of games, on sunday on the first.
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time will tell the program, we continue to work live, and before advertising in connection with the situation at the front in connection with the next cry from western politicians and propagandists, and we began to discuss what are the chances of kroreich to receive additional military assistance against the backdrop of the fact that israel i don’t know whether it’s for this or another reason that it entered the agenda quite powerfully again. international on a trip like this, conflictual, alarming, having struck damascus yesterday. damascus is the capital of syria, a sovereign state under the consulate general of iran, a sovereign state, and both are members of the united nations, that is, in theory, it should be part of that same world,
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based on the rules that the west loves to talk about, and well, for the first time in...
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namely iran itself, i am convinced that taking into account this very difficult economic situation, sanctions, but which again are not comprehensive, because here
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there is a very serious discrepancy between europe and the united states, and sanctions from europe are much softer than from the united states, iran is also not interested in a large-scale war in the region, and it is no coincidence that the former are speaking. states, the iranians in every possible way emphasize that they have tactics of strategic patience, yeah, and that in general, despite these statements that such actions will not go unpunished, nevertheless, previous experience has shown the israelis that by and large, no one on a large scale, i i emphasize that i am not interested in a large-scale war in the middle east, now now, now one second. i just want , within the framework of what you just said, i want to clarify both for myself and for our tv viewers, when you said that israel, having carried out analytical work, decided to do what it did in order to weaken
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its opponents in region and, above all , iranian proxies, iran itself, did you mean that the reaction of the highest officials of iran and... hamina and raisi, well, raisi says that israel must realize that it will never will achieve its sinister goals, the cowardly crime will not remain unanswered, khaminii says, let me also remind you, khaminii says that we will make the crimes regretted, the israeli regime will be punished by the ruin of our brave people, yesterday it was said that we will answer there and as we see fit, by the way, this is almost a direct quote, very reminiscent of other countries, in your opinion? will it be limited to this or perhaps something else, respectively, israel will perceive the second, if this is limited to a weakening of iran, but the third question, iran cannot
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fail to understand this, then is israel’s goal to pull out, force iran to take tougher actions, or is the goal something else, please, here we generally need to turn back and see what this really is strike, and six sf-35 missiles. means that he is, yes, thereby israel made it clear to the iranian leadership that it will not tolerate any events, yes, consultations, hostile to israel, no matter where they are held, including on the territory of diplomatic representative offices, because in third countries, well, naturally, because this, this is the moment when israel crossed the red lines that existed before, for everyone, yes, and he... seems to make it clear that wherever you were not located, we perceive you as a legitimate target and will hit you, of course, the strike was a precision weapon, because in fact there is a large embassy complex there,
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there is an embassy there, but the ambassador was not injured, they hit precisely the place where they were carried out for sure some meetings involving representatives of the guards, who, by the way, died, they could consult with their allies and the palestinians, of course, first. iran simply must react, because otherwise it will find itself in a very difficult situation, but what israel is leading to is that it is pushing iran to take some actions, yes, asymmetrical, but which would cause very serious damage to iran, for example, if, say, iranians, admit, yes, this is purely hypothetical, yes, we have no right. nothing moral to say, but as an expert, yes, suddenly some aggressive actions appear on the part of someone against the israelis in europe, this is a powerful blow to the foreign policy of iran, which is now striving
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to build relations with the europeans, iran’s veteran planes still fly to rome, for example, to italy and so on, this is the first moment, the second moment means that if in the classical version there is now a massive, say, missiles. to the north of israel, but with high-precision weapons, and the houthis have shown that this is possible, which means they are already using iranian weapons, well, for now, yes, there are already casualties, but so far this is not a massive use, so this is what i want to say, here again, yes, again iran finds itself in a very difficult situation, because in this way its foreign policy interests again begin to suffer, that is here the iranians, of course, found themselves in a very difficult situation.
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israel quite deliberately goes beyond , in general, you described a situation in which there is a generally unthinkable red line, realizing that only it can do this, forcing iran to take such actions and then getting nothing but good things, or iran doesn’t respond, then israel and its allies have other things going on, i have questions about this, but i see that you just want to add something about the situation, please let’s take turns later. i have my own
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questions, yes, well, first of all, you need to look at the geographical map and it will become clear why israel behaves the way it does, because its resource base is small, so what can you say, and the resource base of its opponents is around, it very large, i agree with my colleagues’ conclusions that now is the last time when the gulf countries are ready for a large-scale clash, including iran, but i think that israel is attracting the attention of the united states, of course, because it is creating a situation that is truly, as you said, insoluble in the region, insoluble if the united states does not will help, that is , in fact, israel is now in some kind of new, new model, it is repeating what ukraine is doing, and the problem of the united states is that both ukraine and israel are doing this at the same time, that is, guys, it will be necessary from both pockets get money to satisfy these these parties, i think that ukraine thinks that the money is for israel. behaves in a distinctly
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terroristic manner and so on, and israel behaves in exactly the same way, because it thinks that in the end, what the hell is it, yes, johnson will now contribute this, and these billions will be given to ukraine, i mean, the situation is really a stalemate, because both, both countries are being sucked in by the united states, but both want money, and they don’t want this money to go to their opponent, the problem is still tied to a very important point, i think, here... andrey, will develop this topic. the war is there, here, in the gas sector, it is religious. yes. and this makes it, in fact, very very - well, let’s say, like cancer, you know, metastasizes throughout the entire region, it is still unclear where it will come out. including in the united states, for sure. religious war is the most dangerous, why? because it has no boundaries of red lines. it easily turns into terrorist, nuclear, and so on. yes, just start, and israel has already started. yes. yes.
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actually this is a good good analogy, that ukroreich in eastern europe and israel here are both countries that depend on the united states quite strongly, both of these, directly, both of these countries understand perfectly well that the americans now, a little more than six months before the elections, do not need to get involved either here or there kind of out of earshot, but they ca n’t help but get involved, so zelensky in his own way, and netanyahu in his own way, in general they are organizing some kind of... well, you can say ostentatious escalation, but please, i don’t know, military-technical or some other aspect? you know, when i communicate with israelis, they tell me in general, they tell a different logic, he says: you don’t understand us, you think that we are doing something to get a reason, to escalate something, we don’t do that, we are silent, and then we fly in at night and just bomb, like that , we are now preparing to defend ourselves, and we are planning three military operations simultaneously,
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heights, everything else, now a very important point, who were these generals who were attacked, this is the command that is responsible, they have ksir, and there is the so -called alkuts . this is a type of special operations force whose task is to work for border, so here are the coordinators of otalkuts, that is, i am headed by a general who was mainly destroyed by his people, this is the headquarters that oversees syria and lebanon, yeah, that is , the israelis are now ready for a military operation, massad has identified the curators who
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oversee hezbollah, supplies, money , the weapons in syria were destroyed with a targeted strike in their logic, that is, my forecast is the following, military action will begin in the near future. israel's operation on the territory of lebanon and syria is larger than what is happening now against hezbollah, that is, they needed disrupt this coordination, because later they will appoint new generals and so on, but on the part of iran there will not be an escalation of the conflict to the level of war with iran, but it will follow, like in the twentieth year, the operation martyr of sulaymaniyah, when they destroyed the general of sulaymaniyah, who led the entire alkut of the whole world, he not only acts here, they are in the press and they form opinions.
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we spoke with the head of the international olympic committee on behalf of one of the african politicians, the russian anthem cannot be performed, the russian national anthem cannot be raised flag, in general, could contradict itself, for starters, it violated its own charter, its own rules, now thomas bach himself is calling on the world to boycott igor trusta, i will also
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inform president macron about this initiative, he seems to have to develop the entire world sport, and he will tell us says, i ’ll call this, that, that. so that they don’t go there, now, apparently, they are preparing some kind of document that will warn athletes that if they come to the friendship game, they may be disqualified. olympic committee russia, after we removed them, made several rather aggressive statements that this was discrimination, fascism, but he did not even bother to ask that this was discrimination and fascism. premiere, show of vavan and lexus. today is the first one. in a land where there is eternal snow and cold, people wear earflaps all year round, and to keep warm, after drinking a lot , all the people dance. the unknown flies in the air and is known to attack novosyoersk; at one
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secret base you can take corn syrup. the guy is hardy and strong there, he doesn’t have to worry about anything, he’s even in space. solves all problems with a wrench, here is kazan’s gym, only it is open to members, and somewhere there in the wonderful background anaya is already floating, the head of her finger is floating, her legs are swimming, scraping the bottom with screws, this is how the americans see our russian world in their movies.
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i feel like a happy person when my loved ones are with me and when everything is fine with them, and we spend common evenings playing board games, when i... sister, the main happiness is my family, and we say hello to everyone to our grandmothers and grandfathers and
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sisters brothers, many thanks to their parents for raising me, making me a real person, what makes me happy is the health of my loved ones, not only my loved ones, everyone around me, and this is very important, i wish our country to be healthy, i love my country, i am proud of it and i wish everyone. find your happiness in it, at the end of the program a little more about that very world based on rules, where, where there are some rules for some, other rules for others, everything is the same, tracing paper, as they say, at the end of the program, and sports news, remember, we are with you literally they recently mentioned that boom - i haven’t even seen him on video for a long time, it seems to me that his nose has already grown like burotina’s, because he lies all the time,
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talks some kind of nonsense, he recently said here, that everything, all discussions regarding the admission of athletes to participation are over, neither russia nor ukraine will boycott the competition, well, like he agreed with everyone, that means peace, hush, blash, friendship is lively, yes the world of friendship is lively, olympic charter, blah blah -blah blah, there’s a van with a lexus, he thinks you’re a brother you don’t finish pinocchio and...
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they signed it, that means they are also watching them, so we’re all just like that, well, even
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at the un they heard it and said, well, wow , this is all a joke, they say through the mouth of marta hurtado, like, well, in general, i could somehow ensure that the criteria were for everyone, i don’t know if anyone will hear urtadov, in general, i don’t know who’s been listening lately, because he’s here, for now we’re with you were on the air, stated that it demands... to stop the use of drones on civilian infrastructure after the attacks on tatarstan, well, we’ll see if anyone reacts or not, but the entire program of vavan and lexus, the conversation with this wonderful pinocchio, in the sense of this wonderful bang, you can watch today on our channel, but now you ca n’t watch a less interesting program for the heir tute doll; in principle, we don’t have any uninteresting programs at all, so watch, watch everything, let’s go.
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a terrible tragedy, a terrorist attack in moscow, the victims of which were hundreds of our fellow citizens, the minister of foreign affairs of lithuania gabrielius lansbergis commented verbatim like this, let's not lose focus. the focus of hatred towards russia, the russian people.


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