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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  April 2, 2024 7:55pm-8:55pm MSK

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about the fact that it demands to stop the use of drones on civilian infrastructure after the attacks on tatarstan, well , let’s see if anyone will react or not, but the entire program of vavan and lexus, a conversation with this wonderful pinocchio, in the sense of this wonderful bang, can be done today in zeros to watch on our channel, and now you can watch the no less interesting program of the heir doll here, in principle , we don’t have any interesting programs at all, so watch, watch everything, let’s go. a terrible tragedy, a terrorist attack in in moscow, where hundreds of our fellow citizens became victims, the minister of foreign affairs of lithuania, gabrielius lansbergis, commented verbatim like this: let’s not lose.
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foreign affairs of lithuania, a representative of a powerful lithuanian clan, his grandfather, vytoutas, headed the vilnius conservatory, taught at the department of scientific communism, and at the turn of the nineties suddenly turned into the leader of the lithuanian independence movement, sideis. i really came here as a musician, because i am a professional musician, and then became fully involved in politics, in the politics of lithuanian liberation. according to information in the media
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of those years, on the eve of his accession to independent lithuania, lansberges leaked his colleagues to the kgb with enviable regularity. when villus was the first to launch a mechanism called the collapse of the ussr, vytoutas, as the main instigator of the struggle for self-determination of the country, began to receive instructions directly from washington. i would like to request that president bush call president gorbachev on the red phone and tell him the us position. vitua tas himself first he was elected chairman of the supreme council of lithuania, then he headed the seimas, launched an active purge in the ranks of his communist- minded colleagues, and demanded the speedy withdrawal of the soviet military contingent from lithuania in order to open the gates to western guests. you are mistaken if you think that russia is capable of allowing or prohibiting sovereign european countries from making decisions and becoming members of nato. he spent several years in senior positions, after which he went into the shadows. continued to lead the country
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from behind the scenes in order to simplify access to the apparatus national power, while simultaneously promoting his interests on international platforms, vitavatas appointed his granddaughter gabrielius as the head of the lithuanian foreign minister. he was trained for the position from an early age; after school, he was immediately assigned to the capital’s institute of international relations for an internship at mitt. how much did you get for that internship? oh, the first practice was free. a little later the first salaries began, but we had to wait for that. after university, gabrielius worked for several years at the lithuanian embassies in belgium and luxembourg, then became a deputy european parliament. at the age of 33, he already headed the party founded by his grandfather, the union-fatherland, when he received the portfolio of minister of foreign affairs and launched active international activities. now he is the main lobbyist for ukrainian interests in european structures, persuading the zakian masters to let zelensky into nato, waving his saber at meetings in brussels, calling for the red lines to be erased. in
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relations with russia, but there are fewer and fewer supporters of such rhetoric. i suggest returning to the comment that lansberges made regarding the terrorist attack in moscow. what is the reason for such cruelty? no, well, simply because we exist, that’s all that, so to speak, is required for this scoundrel to speak out like this, here ’s a grown-up like him. grandfathers, just a bastard, such a bastard, in fact , was raised in order to later be incorporated into power, so that today he would become , as it were, a diplomat, and tomorrow, as far as i understand, they fully expect that he will become the head of this nazi state, that is they grow it there, yes, i agree with colleague, let's look at this problem a little more broadly, which state leaders officially expressed their condolences in connection with the tragedy?
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look, for example, here he is in parliament, moreover, he mobilizes very quickly, which means he feels calm, so he sees that the camera is on him, just like that, yes, that means he changes his shoes quickly, oh, we ’re about to we’ll talk about this separately, but first you know,
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various parade shows are very popular in lithuania, and once they invited the minister of foreign affairs there the lithuanians asked him point blank, let’s listen, you often go to switzerland, where your grandfather has a villa, which he built with money stolen from all our mice, they say that he didn’t give it to anyone, i come, okay, but not for the villa , where to an apartment, and not to switzerland, where, to vilnius, but the biggest problem, you know what, is that in fact i go too rarely, you know, he comes to this apartment, which he bought with the money received from the sale of a villa in switzerland , ah... listen, let's better be poor, but correct, well, who are you without a surname, no one without a surname, if you take away the surname, only hair will remain, the same question, if you were not involved in politics, then you would only have hair, listen, as far as i know, this is a fairly popular show, here these characters
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who portray, by the way, why mice, in germany there is a very popular show "mouse", a message with a mouse, very positive,
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russian character, and if we even turn to recent events in the international arena, in particular this is a resolution to counter glorification of nazism, then lithuania spoke out against it, so it seems to me that at least from these components we can say that there is a certain picture, there is a certain image of lansberges himself, and there is an understanding of the foreign policy vector; separately, of course, it makes sense to talk about how the lithuanian ministry of defense interacts with the united states, this is also a very interesting case, because not so long ago, in its own... context, what actually happened in her interview, and the interview was , every paragraph, a mention of such anti-russian rhetoric, let's say,
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complaining that lithuania’s policy does not correspond to the security interests of nato countries, it is necessary to provide as much financial support as possible, and moreover, funds for the modernization of a number of training grounds. in particular in pobrad, these are former soviet training grounds, they are now being used precisely against us, so it seems to me that at least we already see several areas here in which, to put it mildly, we cannot conclude that lansbergis has the necessary competencies for representatives of foreign policy departments at such a level as a person came into politics, which means that one day this, strictly speaking, younger lansberges, came with his grandfather to america, and there they drank coca-cola together and... this is what he writes about this. in a place called kačergine, my grandfather had a summer house, where the lithuania of the future became clear and familiar to me thanks to my grandfather. we tasted coca-cola together, talked to him for the first time about the fact that in the usa you can make fun of politicians, the first lessons about freedom of speech. i
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was 7 years old then. therefore, if you ask me what grandfather means to you, i i think that he is unique precisely because he connected for me those two worlds - the past and the future, with which we are still intertwined. this lansbergis clan is said to have captured absolutely everything in lithuania. and on top we have gabrielius lansbergis, the minister of foreign affairs of lithuania, then his father, by the way, interestingly, here are the next three, and...
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his grandfather on his mother’s side, ivan osipovich javlonsky, the father of the founder of the literary lithuanian language, there was never any language in this lithuania, here is a very similar story, what they did with ukrainians, with ours...
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and this one, in fact, is the great-grandfather of the current minister of foreign affairs. vitoutes
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lansberges-žamkalnis voluntarily became the minister of public utilities in the government of juozes ambrazyaviču sabrazaitis, who collaborated with the nazis. it was this ministry that was entrusted with the honorable task of creating a jewish concentration camp in kaunas. record of the minutes of meeting number 1.6 of the provisional government of lithuania on june 30, 1941. presided over by acting prime minister ioz sambrazyavichus, all members of the cabinet of ministers are present, the maintenance of the lithuanian battalion and the creation of a jewish concentration camp are considered. the people who signed in august 1941 the statute on the status of jews, annex one to protocol no. 31 of the lithuanian cabinet of ministers, turned anti-semitism into state policy. i noticed that this appeared on our program. an interesting detail is the barbed wire. the fact is that , as part of the establishment of the so-called new
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nazi order, throughout the baltic states there was many places of detention of prisoners, getos, concentration camps were organized, in latvia alone there were 18 jewish ghettos, and the largest ghetto on the territory of the soviet union was vilnius, the next one was kaunas, so i worked for many years. research in the area of ​​these places, in this situation i present an artifact from the salaspils concentration camp, this is the largest nazi concentration camp in the baltics. camp, notorious, in this case i am holding in my hands a fragment of barbed wire, which my colleagues and i removed during research from earth, look what a terrible thing this is, even a child’s hand will inevitably be torn apart if it tries
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to grab this wire, but it works for a person, this is for a person, this is not a wire to protect from goats and cats, this is a wire for a person , parallel to what is happening now, this is a splinter, a fragment, a lid from a parcigar of a soviet soldier, they brought it to me from the battlefield in courland, this is a lid from a parcigar, on which is written the russian heart stronger than german armor and who would have thought that today these... words will become relevant when russian soldiers burn german tanks again, this russian heart is stronger than german armor - these are the words that, probably, today should burn each of us, well, who has a caring heart and soul. we will probably always resist evil, but at the same time this evil
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regularly raises its head, here is lansberges, yes, here is his grandfather, who appointed... his grandson is now the minister of foreign affairs, here is his opinion, in fact, about us and what he calls russia, let's listen, victory will come when it no longer becomes the russian empire, and if it is not separable from russia, then when it no longer becomes russia, russia has become a cancerous tumor of europe and the world, which, if it is operated on, perhaps the world will be cured, and if not, then this cancer will probably lead to the death of the world, you know, it seems to me that they have russophobia at the genetic level, like...
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washington, but what are the americans really building? they are making an insurmountable wall of countries that fiercely hate russia, and are ready to completely block the borders from finland from above, which is closing the countries the baltic states, then poland, romania, there moldova is already close in terms of processes, these countries, they should become such an outpost or wedge, which is the fate of lithuania, which
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was probably five times more funded than any... other republics the soviet union, this was a showcase, this is a country that, from a powerful industrial economy, turned into serving tourists 60, 67% in the service sector, restaurants, the population, how they lost, look, and the losses in the population were simply the third, since the ninety-first year like this, yes, it’s immediately clear how all this was dispersed, so the german brigades being moved there, which will be deployed, the militarization, which... and the building of defensive structures now, this is a country that will have to act, well, as a small barrier to meeting of our troops when they blockade kaliningrad, they have exactly these plans, but in fact, they have always had such fascist rhetoric, for me, you know, it’s curious how for a person who was born in the baltic states,
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it so happened that and where you were born , city alytus, one of the units of the 7th guards airborne was located there. division - that means the soviet union, when, already as a diplomat, i came there to look, two things were of course surprising to me, the first was the so-called officers' houses , which were built temporarily in the seventies and eighties, then two-story wooden houses, they are still there today stand there, that is, the famous nato brigades, according to the new standard, continue to live in this soviet legacy, they actually haven’t changed anything, except for one thing: to in place of these... in the unit there is a new lithuanian brigade, called the iron wolf, here we remember the movement that was vainized, the iron wolf is lithuanian fascism, which actually... took part and in the forty-first year flourished , when the germans came, so no matter where you look, everywhere this nazi legacy is starting to come out,
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this is how it comes out, so in what forms, you look, he looks like a child, but the calls are not childish, he offers, for example, erase all the red lines, let's listen and discuss what red lines we are talking about, we are in a state of war, whether we like it or not, russian action requires a pan-european one. and the answer: there is no other way, we ourselves have drawn red lines for ourselves, which we refuse to cross, we need to erase them, that is, it turns out that he is proposing to erase the red lines and send lithuanian troops into russia, or what? no, no, no, this is exactly the same provocateur, you know, who, come on, come with me, he himself will then move aside, this is understandable, his grandfathers will hide him somewhere in america, that’s all, him personally, and lithuania will be used as consumable material and... that
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some kind of invasion of the territory of belarus will be thrown into the fire, maybe on territory of russia, as a result, yes, there will be no lithuania left, but he personally will end up abroad, and there he apparently has enough money, which, by the way, for some reason the western press doesn’t say anything about, i wonder what’s on it on the personal front? this next lansbergis, it turns out, has his relationship my wife and i are also very far from the classical ones, which is what we are talking about, immediately after the advertisement, we talked with the head of the international olympic committee on behalf of one of the african politicians, the russian anthem cannot be performed, it is impossible.
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the russian olympic committee, after we suspended them, made several rather aggressive statements that this was discrimination, fascism, but they did not even argue that this was discrimination, fascism. premiere, show of vavan and lexus. today is the first one. whiskey mancatcher product stellar group gin сnop product stellar group cognac monte chococa product
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of stellar group rom castro product of stellar group vodka veda product of stellar group. why did the belgian military publication undertake to compare not ours? favored the french tank and the russian t-90. the most important thing is that the leklerk is not produced, it was very cool there in the ninety-second year, insanely expensive and at least impractical to use, just a pr company for tanks, there is a fight for orders, fake shooters from kiev came up with the version that it is supposedly our russian coat of arms stolen from byzantium, what is depicted on the monuments the kiev-pechersk lavra, of course, is the eagle of the muscovite kingdom, and what’s bad about it is, on the contrary, reception. antifake, premiere, tomorrow on the first. some argue that the main building of moscow state university is actually a huge,
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perfectly camouflaged spaceship, on the occasion of the eighty-fifth anniversary of viktor sadovnichy, managing such a university is, of course, difficult, but for me this is life. now it 's a university. the development of society will be a vector, a vector of science, a victor of science, a premiere, tomorrow on the first... calm down, comrade, we are coming to you,
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professor, on this matter, he cut me off, cut me off, you can say whatever comes to their mind, anything, you ’re painfully oppressing me, dad, what kind of dad i am to you, my god, i’m only now beginning to understand, what can come out of our ball, and now we understand what kind of shining nonsense this is, why, i go around people, well, i was married, i don’t care, azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and divide . that's what i thought, heart of a dog, the famous film adaptation of mikhail bulgakov's story on saturday first, he is still dancing, dancing, the will of zhenya beloosov, the battle for the inheritance of the star of the nineties is reaching the finish line, all the participants in the conflict are in our studio, you filed a lawsuit, why does a person write a will at the age of 30, the novel is sure that once everything
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the inheritance is not... fairly went to sister christina, if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, documented everything myself, why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want to know the truth, handwriting dad, you know i’ll be honest, no, but you were officially divorced, it turned out that the court divorced us, can you imagine, 26 years later , such a blow for me, an exclusive with dmitry borisov, the premiere on saturday on the first, when you... entered into an inheritance, you the notary said that there were still potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved, probably the only love of my life, died, the snow was still white in the fields, and the waters were noisy in the spring, running and waking up the sleepy shore , they run, shine and say, they they say in all directions, spring is coming... spring
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is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first. foreign secretary . lithuanians gabrilius lansberges, another of the clan, that’s what they call him, what he’s famous for and what the prospects are, let’s find out right now, since we’re talking about money, a very interesting corruption scandal was connected with below, so, 2022, the head of the ministry earns 17 .7 million euros or almost 1.8 billion rubles fortune, nothing like that at all
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okay. less popular in the country than his wife, his wife is much more famous there, i’ll say the following, she was a woman in lithuania in 1916, she was elected, she, in fact, monopolized the school services market, this is a private school, let’s say you’re a normal person , you want to give your child a normal education, who is the boss of all this education, this is lansberges’ wife, she just always wanted to be
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a teacher, let’s see. i want to become a teacher, answer yes, because this is wonderful, this is how we will achieve it changes, even if in fact you think, do whatever you want, at first we will force ourselves to say it and think differently, but gradually, step by step , the attitude of those around us will change, at first someone will think that you are crazy, that you are talking some kind of nonsense, but over time a separate one will form around you and begin to grow. i’m a teacher, then those around me will answer, wow, can you be more specific? well, it seems to me that in her speech she forgot to mention one more small nuance. let's get a look. for 1 euro it was a regional enterprise with a plot of land was purchased for the construction of the queen martha school and a kindergarten, owned by the wife of sejm deputy gabrielius lansberges.
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this means that these schools are all private and they make very good money from these schools, let’s listen, in 2018 the kindergarten received a subsidy in the amount of 697.900 euros per student basket and 779.400 euros in compensation from the mayor. the school received a subsidy of 684,500 euros per basket, 73,700 euros from the vilnius city hall, 15,200 euros from the city halls of klaipeda and klaipeda region on average per student 1,332 euros were paid. we would like to add that according to the prices indicated on the lansbergene website, there are five full days per week. in kindergarten are 527 euros, when dividing the net profit of the kindergarten and school for 2018, it turns out that on average each child earned 860 euros, that is, what happens, she has a private kindergarten, the money
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is given to her by the mayor’s office, the district, the federal government, parents also pay for the child, all this means from above is going to get a wonderful private school, and there is another nuance, this madam’s authorized capital was zero.
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a year later he came out unscathed, so the scheme was worked out, i would say a black triad, because in addition to two points, these private schools of corruption, these land grabs, there is the boltkab fund, a pension fund, where such an interesting swindler can be said, now clearly, sharuna stepukonets, founded a company, created a balfe pension fund, carried out a scam, over 40 million euros disappeared, as it were, but it was closed.
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one of these banks does not belong to lithuania, the main banks of lithuania belong to anyone, finland, denmark, usa, sweden, great britain, estonia, even latvia, but nothing belongs to lithuania. let's include another person in our conversation, who is directly immersed in the politics of lithuania, however, the price for this is severe, because she herself is now. under a criminal case , he will tell us what and why we have connections with erik shvanchunen. erica, hello, please tell us what happened to you, why are you under criminal charges? we
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did not agree with the policies of lithuania, we did not support nazism and we had to express our position. and then we created the international forum of good neighborliness. and as part of the forum, we went to belarus, to moscow, to... to state our position that we want good relations with these countries, that lithuania, well, it hasn’t always been with russia, it’s one whole, it’s a very good neighborliness, that’s it. schools and kindergartens for what money - this is a big
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question, but she earns this money, because she educates our youth, our children, it’s very scary, because all the gender programs, sex changes - it’s always there, in the very first place, that’s it big strange work against lithuania ustey, that’s when they say, if you want to defeat the country, educate it. children, so this is what austeya does, she raises our children on some note of nazism, and if we talk further about the rest of the actions of the lansbergis, they destroy all opposition, when we were in the soviet union, we were a calling card when it came europe, but they don’t need our factories, they don’t need our schools, they don’t need our culture, but you know what lansberges needs, he himself... says, he needs all lithuanian weapons to be
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directed at ukraine, let's see. lithuania has always defended the position at all possible levels that ukraine needs everything we have, without giving any arguments, like we just give jewelina singers, and maybe something else. i see no reason why ukraine should not be given everything we have. i have already spoken about this more than once, but now i will repeat that all our reserves need to be opened for the ukrainian army. i have, actually.
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read nato, please tell me that the people are not rebelling, not standing up, not trying throw him out, after all, he looks like a president, then he will become, where is the indignation? well, we must admit that we are now under occupation, under the occupation of this group of people, they have television in their hands, the entire press, they shape people’s opinions and say: if you don’t listen to us, war will overtake us, this is everything else, like ... in order for there to be no war, you have to give everything for the war, and people are afraid
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because lansbergis, he acts very cunningly, someone said the wrong word, he immediately fires a person from his job, immediately there is such a political mob that this is enemy of the people, we are afraid of each other, afraid to talk to each other, of course, we are indignant, indignant, because there is unemployment, because we came. took our places because it’s hard for us to survive, pensions are small, salaries are small, taxes are high, but all this will be covered, war, war, get ready, get ready, and you know, our authorities need a war to get what they stole for 30 years , it could have been hidden somehow, but it could still be attributed to the war, thank you very much, erica, so what are we? it turns out that we are standing on the threshold of the third world, or something, and - because of the balts,
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who are trying to have nuclear accounts there, supply nuclear weapons to ukraine, here is the moment, the fact is that sometimes it is mistaken, in my opinion, to underestimate lithuania from the point of view of - its roles in nato, they say, well , what kind of role does she have, yes, not third, not even fourth roles, the fact is that we are not in the 15th century, we don’t count the number of pieces. yes, we don’t count the number of soldiers, we count the territory as a bridgehead, this is the bridgehead from which it comes a threat to our country, one, the second thing he says is that an agreement has been concluded between.
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they pulled both belarus and ukraine into themselves, because in ukraine there is even a military unit named after prince vitolt, and if you see in kalnos a monument to this prince vitolt, truly their greatest ruler, 15th century, there is a very interesting
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moment there, under prince vitolt there are four humiliated, defeated warriors, this is a tatar, this is a russian. this is a german knight and a pole, this is the feeling that can really be attractive to those who are not thinks about the economy, about the consequences, but wants to assert himself precisely in this movement towards former greatness, you know, in general they have greatness, it seems to me that it is in everything, even in the national cuisine, because one day the lansbergis asked what you will prepare christmas eve, but how? what is gabrieles lansberghe's signature christmas recipe? oh, maybe some potatoes with drippings? here you go, what will your christmas eve look like? but this is cannabis that you can use, not cannabis that you can’t. i want to emphasize this, of course, otherwise someone was surprised. no, no, that's what we thought.
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judging by his appearance, he was just taking the one that was not allowed. yes please. by the way, there are already many in lithuania. indeed, potatoes are right on any table and everywhere, that is , these are fried potatoes, there is soup, with hemp, with hemp, this is this new dish, namely gavrielisa, i started to laugh, because with hemp, this is something new, but with the one that is possible, and not the one that is not allowed, that is, it turns out that there is already one that is possible, to the issue of capture. full nato, but in general you know, but this character, he has very specific family relationships, we ’ll watch another parody, which means his wife really doesn’t like parodies, nevertheless , in lithuania they still know how to joke a little bit , and they made a parody about how one day journalists come to ask the minister of foreign affairs a question at his home
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and meet his wife, let’s see, we came to interview your husband about the internal rating of the fatherland union. yeah, but you know, my car is definitely not with you speaks, he is under house arrest, because of the rating of the party list, you know, gabrieles took second place on the list, you know, some poor student, why not the first, it means he prepared poorly, neglected this matter, too much pays attention to other things, for this he is under house arrest, you have one more week of arrest, how is it so without ambition, this will not work, as if it wasn’t me who taught you, or maybe i can still talk to gabriel myself , mister gabriel, ask me, and you tell him, and i’ll just answer for him, believe me, you know what’s interesting is that, in fact, his
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wife is on the right and , in fact, the character himself, who is called gabri, in general he is an independent unit, he is quite aggressive, he is nuclear there... the shield offers to put up weapons, erase the red lines, and in general he hates us, but he is generally like a person, who is there in their pair, the main one, who is the secondary one? there is such a situation with them, he directly asks them to say that you know, he is henpecked, or he just says, completely one at a time, it’s not like that, it’s like that they say they can say whatever they want, there is a different story, in fact, this is a very mutually beneficial marriage, they are all happy with it, the wife got what she wanted, she got a lobby. some kind of power, the opportunity to speak a lot and be listened to, he has a very career goal, he sees himself as a european diplomat, it’s not unlikely, you know, even if he is the president of lithuania, god forbid. this is his basis, his understanding, his career work - this is europe, especially that the wife is responsible for their family wallet, here this is
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a good team that plays pass, everyone is responsible for his profile, i admit that this is not even his choice, this is the hypothetical choice of his relatives, grandparents, those who dominate the family, they really dominate, they are the ones who say that baby gabri do this, he says, well, yes, i will do it, like this, there is such an organization. nato? yes, yes, something like that. and the lithuanian riflemen's union needs to be said that it has a branch, they seem to be saying that we got
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a second wave of revival in chicago after the war, because it was impossible for them to act in the soviet union. for what reasons? and today, all the conditions are such that any paramilitary organization that has a pro-nato position and anti-russian rhetoric takes youth and children’s organizations under its wing, thereby cultivating nationalists, russophobes and, apparently, nazis from such a young age. now we’ll take a break for a short advertisement, we’ll continue right after, stay with us, we hit two left-handers, neither one nor the other fits our description, you’re not having the easiest time in your life right now, let’s meet at 2 o’clock tomorrow for lunch, we we’ll decide everything, okay, fine, see you tomorrow, well, it’ll be better this way. do you recognize anyone? the car is parked somewhere on the outskirts, in some courtyard in a gateway, our only lead to bundy, no help
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needed, how are you doing? can you make an identikit? yes, compose and we will search, calm, calm, police, calm, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program. oldbar cognac, a product of the steller group. bourboon stirsman, a product of the stellar group. mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group. сnop gin, a product of stellar group. cognac monte chococa. product of stellar group. virtual reality is a place where everything impossible is possible. i see you, you are now in my room, yes, hello, several people can be in the virtual space at once, that is, for example, the plant is located in talyat, the customer is
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in st. petersburg, so they can meet together and discuss, for example, car, model, as if it actually already physically exists, our company is engaged in the development and production of diagnostic tests to determine allergic reactions, using our reagents, the laboratory has the widest range of allergens, which... from a to z americans, b) bandits, to vladovins. d. head, toe, d. what is your evidence f. e, f, h, your
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health, we will be - and brief. k. l. lshtshfum. m. corn syrup. n. nova siirsk. oh, put it on. p. hahaya. r. russia. s. actually, this is a birdhouse. t. topant. u. whoa. f. vsnam mnon. x: cold. i'm not used to this kind of oak. tse. tsesyu. che. chelyabinsk. sha. earflap hat. right now. solid sign. soft sign. e.u. usa. i. nanyavodka, garmon, hollywood. on saturday, on the first. i am the grandson of a manufacturer, and i can do everything, but
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all i need to do is come to any team.
8:48 pm
we are getting married on sunday on the first day. maria butina is with you again, this is the doll-heir tuti, the focus of our attention today is lithuania, oh, there is something to see there, here is interesting information that appears on the network about what appears, what is private and what is public , slightly different things, for example, a secret one, that’s how cute, on
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the territory of lithuania, let’s see. like this, in fact, these are frames that penetrated the network, it looks like some kind of special prison in lithuania, which means it has a rather specific name, a bright light, where prisoners who are especially important for the united states are sent as a transfer, with whom they will then be held in these premises, yes, yes, yes, not a small prison, they will conduct interrogations with bias.
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well, what is this if not occupation? yes, this is a general practice throughout the soviet space to one degree or another, you understand the meaning, they are where, so to speak, the oil seal is thicker, where you can lean harder, well, how much could you surrender your own country in order to place tanks there that are not defensive, well, at all, but several nato bases, in order to pass your own education there, that is, give up everything in general, and also put here, please, guantanamo bay for you .
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it worked literally for a year in 2006, when it was created, then there was a scandal, but the americans did it very competently, they handed over to their colleagues the intelligence of lithuania, and until the eighteenth year it continued to work unaccountable to the government, and why in general? this is happening, the americans are moving away from their legislation, they are placing prisons outside their jurisdiction in which they can torture, they can do anything, this is some kind of extraterritorial part for lithuania, for europe, this is the territory of america, we don’t go there.. .continues
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to appear on the test over the topic. and lithuania was also one of the testing grounds for people who are above the types, above the search for causative agents of vaccines that can be made against them, but who can compare lithuania of the soviet period, the flourishing region jumpers, i haven’t seen this anywhere, this is europe, which they claim, but a small clan lives there, people there are really unforgiving, just think about it, lithuania lost more than 5 billion dollars, because, to please the americans, it blocked the movement of lithuanian, which means fertilizers through their ports that they built.
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there are other secret prisons in lithuania, obviously, information about them will also appear in 10 years, that is, the state security department could not open a secret prison because the director general the department of state security is appointed and removed from office by the president of the republic, responsibility yes, but the question is different, do they make such a decision, so you don’t leave, look at the comments with us after the resignation of that same adam. what he says, who actually gave him orders, the answer may be: this, but he must do that, he must appoint this person and not another. i’m not giving names here, it was blackmail, blackmail against me as the head
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of state, either you do this, or you are you doing something bad because you are destroying the state, or will you and i settle the score through political means? at first he is afraid to name names, and then a little later in his book he already names them. let's listen, call from brussels, a couple of months later vytautos lansberges called me again from brussels, we again talked about judges, later i again received a letter from vytautos lansberges by fax, again about judges, it seems that all limits have already been exceeded. as a matter of fact, this grandfather, vitoldos lansberges, of the current minister foreign affairs, it was he who called the united states at one time, it was he who negotiated with the american ones. centimeter to centimeter to find out how they organize it all, we only know the facts that, for example, the european court of human rights established in two cases about this secret prison and
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the un human rights committee, which means all these, which means these two the court established that there was a prison and that 100 million dollars were allocated for it, this is money that was, therefore, transferred in suitcases to the department of state security, covered then... the chairman of the supreme court greyches in one case, but in another case, when there was a huge pedophilia scandal in lithuania precisely at the time when the conservatives were ruling, 2009-12, then it was precisely these forces, the conservatives, that they threw out post of judge of the kaunnovsky district court nerenga vinskene, since she went with her brother, there were simply fragments of this clan, they kidnapped.


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