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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 3, 2024 12:40am-1:28am MSK

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famous il-2. the history of this airplane is amazing, how to calculate all the amazing characteristics of those times, i say amazing, because this is confirmed not by me, but by the people who flew on it. there’s an interesting story here, you see, the fact is that there was already a war and already quite serious armament on german planes, the question arose, how to actually protect the pilot, how... the pilots, for their own safety , put a frying pan under their ass, well, of course not very serious, although not very serious protection, although at that time, in addition to the machine gun, there was also quite a serious weapon, that is, its own nogun.
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however, the question really arose: how to protect? this means that if you put armor here, just armor, it makes it much heavier and, most importantly , solves the issue of aerodynamics in a bad way. and ilyushin came up with the idea of ​​making an armored plane. it was almost 2/3 armored, the entire top and bottom. illushen, that’s what he wrote, by the way, about this plane. there is a need to create armored attack aircraft or in other words. flying tank, that’s what they called it at the front, which had all its vital parts armored, our design bureau decided to make the armor work in the body of the aircraft, that is, to make it the working body of this very machine. until now, designers have put armor on the frame only for the purpose of protection. the complexity of the task turned out to be in choosing the thickness of this steel sheet, so that, well, so as not
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to overload this very machine in vain, in march of the forty-first year , the first flight of a serial storm aircraft took place in voronezh single-seat version, the industry believed that in order to increase the number of aircraft per day, it was necessary to produce the aircraft without a gunner, this later led to dire consequences, despite the terrible resistance of ilyushin, the body version was still released only with a pilot without a gunner in the back. but this led to the fact that in the first years of the war, especially the end of forty-one, the beginning of forty-two, there were significant losses. here’s what happened: stalin wrote ilyushin a letter, how can i say, a radio telegram, like a turntable, that i demand that the plane be immediately redesigned and made into a two-seater version, i forbid stopping it. conveyor belt, the deadlines
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are shortest, i ask you not to let the country down, then the decision was made to make, as i told you, a two-seater aircraft with a native shooter in the back, which was located like this, he sat with his back to the pilot, he had a hemisphere, left, right, back , then what happened is that they don’t climb into any fairy-tale gates at all, you can hardly believe it, and any person... who is familiar with aircraft production technology, with what it is the conveyor can hardly believe that this work was completed in 7 days, of course, no one left, 7 days of sleepless nights, monstrous stress, and after 7 days the car went into the air in a two-seater version. in today's times, i myself have read the opinions of some people who believe that in 1943-1944 this was done in vain. since german aviation
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no longer had air superiority, the second pilot naturally influenced the weight of the aircraft in a tactical and technical sense, it seems that there was no need to produce a car with a shooter already in forty-four years. controversial history, controversial history, but nevertheless this very il-2 airplane is considered one of the best airplanes. great patriotic war. however, after some time, joseph vesarionovich sent a memo signed by himself and , as ilyushin recalled, apparently this note was not prepared for him, judging by the way it was written, that stalin himself wrote it, compiled it himself, sent it himself , quite a, well, rare thing and we were preparing notes on it instructions, the following was written there.
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i won’t give the entire note now, but nevertheless, this is what was basically there, which means that he is seriously concerned that... one car per day is being rolled off the assembly line, he categorically demanded to increase the number of cars, seriously hinting at , that if this is not done, it will mean that the ilyushin design bureau is letting the country down in wartime with all the ensuing consequences, well , it’s easy to understand, i say again. who is familiar with factory production, were attached maximum efforts, and, as lyushin later recalled, praise and honor to the women and children who worked in large numbers at the plant, producing parts for these aircraft, this was done, the number of cars per day
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increased greatly, very greatly, and, of course, this had an effect on the priority - soviet aviation in the air, in general stalin, as they say, i certainly can’t say this, but judging by the memoirs of contemporaries, there was one aircraft designer in priority, this is yakovlev, he loved him, he taught him constantly, and not the fact that, well, you can’t say that, loved him in the sense of singling him out from everyone, singling him out a little, treating him a little differently, this... was always clear from the way he addressed him, the way he treated him, oh correspondence and so on, nevertheless, joseph vessarnovich felt incredible respect for ilyushin, when a rather
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serious problem arose, the fact is that the ministry demanded that the design bureau be moved closer to the plant, ilyushen was categorically against this, because the design bureau was to be transferred from moscow. it is unknown where to transport everyone along with families, equipment and so on, the struggle was quite serious, and lyushin wrote a letter to stalin directly, he was one of those few who had the right to write directly to the father of nations. stalin forbade the transfer of the design bureau and specifically invited eyushin to live at his nearby dacha so that he would not be disturbed in his work, this is this...
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surprisingly, let’s say, during the war 36,000 cars were produced, in the mermacht they called it a meat grinder, they also called it iron gustovo, however, the german pilots, well, among themselves, called it a concrete plane, because that in principle it was very difficult to shoot it down, it’s just an amazing story, i was told by the pilots who flew... on it, the damage that the plane received in the air left no way to fly home, and yet the plane with all with these damages, he landed at his airfield, the scythe, crookedly, no matter, touching everything in the world, he landed, flew to
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his own, amazing survivability, everyone says that, the speed at that time was quite decent 390 near the ground. and that means at an altitude of about 400-405 km/h, he rose to a height in 2 minutes, while in one combat turn the attack aircraft gained a height of 400 m, that is, in one combat turn, that is, this is how it was, this is how it managed to gain 400 and went down, which means bombs could be dropped flying horizontally, it was possible dump on cobra. roar the bomb flew there like that, the plane went in this direction, and there was a bomb, but this, this is a rather difficult story, the pilot’s simply amazing skill, like a sight i understand exactly where the cargo will go, go
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up immediately go there, and the bomb flew exactly on target, a serious story, on channel one everyone wants to fly, me and the presenter... we are talking today about a legendary man, about sergei vladimirovich ilyushin. but the most important thing is that this l2 airplane gave birth to a whole galaxy of airplanes that... were developed by firms and luschen. forty-four, the il-10 heavy attack aircraft was equipped with an am42 engine, had powerful artillery armament, quite powerful, four wing guns, now i’ll tell you ns-23 with a total ammunition of 600 rounds and a turret gun that stuck out in front of the ub-20. maximum the speed of the tenth was 550 km/h. this is almost 150 km more than the maximum speed of the il2, well
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, naturally there was 400, somewhere around 350-400 maximum, but here 551 is a serious speed, il-10 attack aircraft were used in large quantities in the war with japan, this is the fourth stalinist prize, now it becomes the next serious model that can be remembered is... a medium-range twin-engine passenger aircraft, first flight in 1945, was produced in two versions, passenger and cargo, the passenger version was designed for transportation from 16 to 30-32 passengers without luggage, and a crew of two pilots: navigator, roadman, flight mechanic, serial production from forty -six to... forty and operation from forty-seven to sixty-eight.
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a total of 6,603 aircraft were manufactured. forty- fifth year, the first passenger aircraft il-12, the fifth stalin prize. il-28, front-line bomber. the first flight in 1948 was 3 years after the end of the war, it had a crew of three people, it was mass- produced. ninth year - fifty the fifth, a total of 6,300-odd aircraft were manufactured, the il-28 was the first, by the way, the first soviet jet bomber. in 1950, ilyushin was awarded the sixth stalin prize, a secret machine was developed, so the award list was limited to only the wording for the development of the aircraft area. structure, here is another side, i must say, an outstanding side,
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simply, simply an amazing side. il eighteenth, long-range four-engine passenger aircraft. first flight in 1957, crew of five man, two pilots, a navigator, a mechanic, which means 120 passengers, the il-18 was originally designed as a passenger aircraft, but went into production... the plane for a long time was the main medium-haul airliner in the soviet union, everything was manufactured, now i’ll tell you , in my opinion, 700 aircraft, various modifications, for a very long time it was the main aircraft in the medium-range soviet union, it became the first passenger aircraft for export. this was the seventh stalin prize, then you can remember
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the il-20, this is a radar reconnaissance aircraft, first flight in 1968, created on the basis of the il-18, crew, in my opinion, 13 people, the aircraft was used for reconnaissance along the state border, mass-produced from 1968 to 1976. yes. next came the no less remarkable il-38 aircraft, this is an anti-submarine patrol aircraft, first flight in the sixty-first year, a crew of 10 people, developed at basel in the eighteenth, but 10 people, because there is special equipment, flights over water, and special equipment for searching for these the most submarines, mass-produced from the year sixty-seven, i think about five years until... the year seventy-two entered service in the year sixty-nine, a total
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of about 70, i think 65 aircraft were manufactured, then, well, the plane that everyone knows and which is still flying, il 62, a long-range passenger aircraft, first flight in 1963, sirino was produced from the year sixty-six to the year ninety-five. 186 passenger seats, crew of 5 people, about 300 aircraft were manufactured 289 or 290, i don’t remember now.
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and it’s not for nothing that the presidential board il-96, namely ill-96, the company is still working on creating, well, the most reliable aircraft that exist. i want to go back for a second, this is what i suddenly remembered, once upon a time , a long time ago, i think, in seventy-four , maybe in seventy-three, i say, we then studied at the moscow institute of civil engineering, last year, valeri latashev came to us, then he was, it’s good that i remembered him, then he was the compass organizer of the star city, and suggested the kvn missy team to fly around the garrisons of military transport aviation with such
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concerts for their own people, for the mechanics, for the airfield service, well, for... a pilot, a flight mechanic, here is a birth attendant, here is another one, which means a flight mechanic, here, here, and here is the flight engineer, between the family of the flight engineer there is a stool, above the stool there is a plastic cap, if you stand on this stool, then if all the instruments fail, in fact it is necessary so that if
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all the instruments fail, in this cap you can determine by the stars, well, by at least the direction. you can’t hear the noise of the engines, the feeling of icarus, i have never experienced such an intoxicating feeling of space, and the most amazing thing that ruined me for the rest of my life, probably since then i have been stuck to the sky, is night, night landing. to the airfield, when you are standing here in complete silence and suddenly somewhere far, far away, especially when it is a military airfield, you can’t see the city lights, then suddenly far, far ahead there is a small arrow, you see it in absolute silence, over there your house, and it goes to glesada, it starts to go exactly to the end of the strip,
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the feeling is incredible, i was sitting in the right seat of the co-pilot, i was sa... a movie movie about stars, about clouds, about the sky, this, this is unforgettable, oh, if only someone could stand on this stool like that and look into this cap , someone, oh, lump in the throat, here in front of you is the il-96, a special flight squad of russia, which serves the top officials
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of the state, operates on ilyushin’s planes, someday, probably... we will be able to show you what’s inside it sides, but we are now talking about the reliability of the car, if the president, the first person of the state, chooses il for his movement around the countries of the world and continents, this is a great sign of quality, you can draw a star, on the first channel of the podcast everyone wants to fly, i am ilyadit yakubovich, we are talking today on the birthday of the man who glorified our country, the creators of a unique aviation company that still bears his name... the name il ilyushin, and ilyushin had, how to say, a rather complex character, why can i judge this, i met a man
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who came when ilyushina did not, came to his place, genrikh vasilyevich novozhilov, what novozhilov told about the obylyushin was simply amazing, well, i can just give one example, when the question of a personal dacha arose, he said that the dacha would be... not two-story, but one-story, we must take care of people's money, by the way, all his life he professed only this, he always believed that work that gives pleasure is life, so talking about how long to be at work - 8 hours, 9:00, 12 hours - makes no sense , because all this is human existence, then there is something for which he lives, of course, family, children, everything is clear, but this, this is the main thing, that is... the air that a person breathes all his life, novozhilov talked about how he once came to sign a report, well request for a vacation, illushen was so surprised,
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he was like, no, it wasn’t, it wasn’t ostentatious, he was just really surprised that a person was going on vacation, and what would he do there if his favorite thing was here, that’s amazing , i must say that in his team all this was connected only with: the pleasure that he received and his colleagues in business should have received, he learned to play the button accordion solely so that in rare moments of rest, and even when he was in a sanatorium or somewhere else , he gathered his people around him to play for them on this very accordion or button accordion, in 1970 he retired, handing over what he tore, as i said, to genrikh vasilyovich novozhilov, a man, by the way, who also rocks.
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from the central design bureau and before, now the boards have gone completely serious, no longer different, the boards have gone, who, well, how can i say, are older brothers, 96,
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they all talk about only one thing: it’s probably not more reliable than an airplane, that is, how can i say, probably not, because you can still compare with airplanes of a different design of a different modification, you can take a tupolev, they other.
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it’s me, i’m not afraid to compare these aircraft that were produced in our country, are being produced now, or reliability equals, tupolev equals reliability, yakovlev equals reliability, miles equals reliability, kamov equals reliability, all these are our aircraft that should be produced with us, it will be so, i believe in it, in fact, i believe that with the history of this... i am sure of this, we will talk about those people who, just like him, glorified our country. tupolev, petlyakov, palyakov,
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yakovlev, the world nevertheless, we will remember them, we will definitely remember them. there was a podcast on channel one: everyone wants to fly, both me and the host leonid yagubovich. in russian history of the 19th century there were two
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that after the war of 812 this very drastic change occurred in him, but he believed in some kind of divine providence in his special mission, and stood very often and this happened more than once, under the cannonballs, the cannonballs fell right next to him, they begged him to leave, he said that no, he was also somehow a coward, well, he can’t be a coward, he can’t, he can’t, after all. if we talk about slyness, it manifested itself, in my opinion, in the story of asperansky, who turned out to be called up, an outstanding reformer, whom klyuchevsky called the second reformer after the order of nashchekin, the 18th century reformer in the russian
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hierarchy of politicians who stood at the throne. spiransky found himself in demand after the peace of telzid, after russia’s defeat in dustrelian and friedland, the country needed reforms; a lost war in general often leads to reforms. and spiransky, who did not come from the upper class, created a whole program of reforms, there was a state duma, there was a division into three estates, there was a gradual abolition of serfdom, but the conservative nobility opposed alexander after the telezid peace, they were even called napoleon’s clerk in court circles, and the specter of a coup, under this pressure, alexander i sent spiransky for nothing, in general. exile to siberia, then spiransky will restore his position, but the reforms will remain buried, in this sense, by his liberal convictions, it seems to me, after all, these were the convictions of his youth during the times of the secret committee, when only immediately after the death
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of paul there was an attempt at reforms, when around it was this princely youth who grouped together, it was all this that alexander i changed, two historical figures who opposed each other, alexander. and napoleon has two such policies, you need to understand why, in fact, the war happened 1812, if before that you can find various other motives there, because alexander there, he took upon himself to protect someone there, something, here and there, well , there was a telsite, at first there was a telsite world, in they kissed, hugged, and agreed on something, but at that moment it was a meeting of unequal partners, because napoleon was the winner, after friedland , definitely, after the fight, which is why
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alexander i, of course, did not feel very comfortable, they smiled at him, smiled, kissed in public, but the french troops stood on the border of russia, yes, yes, yes, that’s the impression i got in erfort. there alexander already behaved differently, he already disagreed with many things, well, he is also known for this phrase that if you shout there, because at some point napoleon threw his cocked hat there and almost began to trample on it , he acted out a hysteria, well, he acted out a hysteria, he acted out, he knew how to do this, do this, yes, yes, yes, yes, he was actually a cold-blooded person, so, no, it was such a joke, but alexander didn’t mind that answered accordingly, if you do so...
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finally, well, there are several reasons for the war of 812, but of course, the most important, probably, is the issue of the continental blockade, but it should probably be explained that this was napoleon’s policy of banning trade with great britain, which was supposed to undermine british power, the ban on europe controlled by napoleon, trading with great britain, which was supposed to undermine british power, to bend britain to the french emperor, because the blockade, if there was 1 meter at least by border is free, then through this meter everything
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will be trampled, everything will be trampled, but it turned out that but it turned out that the blockade is because for russia trade with great britain was extremely important, well , in fact, the main trading partner, of course, therefore at a certain stage russia began to open it up one way or another, so to speak. napoleon was the first to prepare, napoleon was the first to recruit a great army, alexander
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was also ready for war, things couldn’t have happened without war, but here it must be added that there were other contradictions related to the eastern question, because since 806 there has been a war with turkey, it has been going on all this time. alexander's russia, led in this case by kutuzov, appointed commander of the russian army against the turks, let me remind you, before the war of the twelfth year, managed to defeat the turks in the eleventh year in two battles and... and napoleon then sadly stated that the turks have a talent for being beaten, yes , kutuzov ended the war in a month, peace was signed in may, and napoleon’s invasion of russia ended in a month, and although alexander did not treat kutuzov very well from the time, because then kutuzov warned alexander that there was no need to give battle to napoleon, it would end badly, well, i’m exaggerating of course, but the meaning was this, alexander insisted, he then still wanted laurels, well, young blood was probably still at play. napoleon plus there was a numerical superiority
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in this battle of the three emperors, what was there, respectively, the austrian emperor, the russian emperor on one side of the barricades and napoleon on the other, kutuzov’s prediction came true, so alexander kutuzov did not liked, alexander kutuzov did not like , among other things, because of the australian , first of all, yes, because he thought fairly. in my opinion, he believed that yes, he was young, inexperienced, but kutuzov, instead of saying, he warned, of course, but very so, but instead of saying clearly and clearly that it was impossible, he said, in in the end, what if you please, now we need to remember, so to speak, about the main architects, in fact, of the final victory, well, there are different versions here, different names are called, but the most widespread... the version is that the teleran, well
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, he was also decent, he assessed the situation, in general, he actually went over to the side of the allies and sent him to alexander, according to one version, he sent baron vitroll, who actually at that time , this farmer occupied the modest position of inspector of state-owned farms in france. so to speak, with an order from alleran, he came to alexander and explained to him that, in general, stop playing the fool, running after napoleon, when the situation in paris is already such that you can come there, it’s up to the smaller ones to work, it’s necessary to take the capital everything, in the end the final decision was made by alexander himself, and he had quite a lot of difficulty persuading his allies, so to speak, and so on, but nevertheless. he insisted on his own and the coalition went to paris, the battle was
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short-lived, but bloody, and the russians had the most losses, because they were at the forefront of the attack, in my opinion there were only 9.00 losses, six of them were russians, they we took paris, this is a historical podcast, we continue to understand the personality emperor alexander... the first victory of alexander, of course, was that napoleon was waiting near moscow for the keys to moscow, got nothing, then burned moscow, well, according to one version, napoleon, according to another version, accordingly, i think that’s it everyone was burned there, it was just chaos that also burned, riots, they were already burning, well, really , he ordered the kutuz to remove the fire extinguishing stock from moscow,
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went to provsky koroltovsk, well, i can’t do anything, so alexander, with his authority, was able to avoid the massacre whether? alexander, in a conversation with ermolov , commented on his entry into paris as follows: well, alexey petrovich, what will they say in st. petersburg now, after all, there really was a time when our great napoleons considered me
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a simpleton, that is, revenge, yes, yes, revenge, for telzit, for the humiliation in telzit, for everything that he endured within the country. this was not only in front of napoleon, but also in front of those, in front of his own, in front of his own people, who did not underestimate him, it must be said that alexander during the coalition, this coalition war, the thirteenth and fourteenth years of these companies of the thirteenth, fourteenth year, more than once showed their will when the allies, after another defeat, wanted to make peace with napoleon, to which alexander said yes, that i cannot rush 400 leagues every time, yes, so that help you. and he, in fact, continued this line in order to finish off napoleon, although immediately, as soon as the war ended and the pension congress was assembled, the allies immediately began to conspire against russia, where the stumbling block was the duchy of warsaw, poland itself,
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which alexander believed that we had conquered, we have the right to it, the british and austrians thought completely differently, which means plans for a coalition were already being prepared.
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were and learned nothing, it turned out to be absolutely right, because firstly, 100 days at once, the bourbons began such a policy, revising everything that was done by the french revolution by napoleon, which turned the population of france against themselves in a matter of weeks, but here, and then, in fact, the bourbon dynasty ended in in 1830, when their policies ultimately forced the french people to finally rid france of this dynasty, you mentioned the congress of vienna.
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redistribution of borders and other matters , in fact, during the 100 days, when napoleon returned, he discovered the most interesting documents in the archive, in my opinion, the most interesting, most interesting document, yes, which actually proved the conspiracy of france, austria and england against russia, and he... immediately sent alexander this document, i hope, so to speak, to break the coalition in this way. well, alexander was already quite an experienced politician, so he did not react directly to the provocation. he simply, like tarley , writes that he simply discarded taleran as unnecessary, but, uh, did not spoil
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relations with metornichus, because the king needed austria. here are the, uh, tests. maybe not only war, but also peace, here are the allies, his former ones, so to speak, they did not stand the test of peace, that is why, first at the congress, while teleran was still in power, he defended the interests of france, and then he defended the interests of france himself alexander, because the prusakovs, for example, had the idea of ​​division in general, the dismemberment of france, that... there would be no such state, they were very offended by the defeat of their army in one day in aurstate, yes, yes, in the end they agreed on this option, that - just in france will remain, so to speak, for some time , occupying, so to speak, allied troops, and russia has strengthened its
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position, since the russian frenchman reshelieu was put at the head of the government. taliran, as far as i remember, he was so sarcastic about that this frenchman, so to speak, understands something in crimea, but in new russia, but he does not have a single acquaintance, so to speak, in france. that he can in general, in fact , reshelie was in power until the withdrawal of the allied troops, that is, the conclusion itself meant that a certain stability had arrived in france, this is proof of the effectiveness and reshelie, including, so to speak, the effectiveness of russian policy in france in that moment, so after... 100 days of napoleonic, the situation seemed to have turned upside down once again, russia found itself in a different
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situation, but nevertheless, her authority continued, her power continued to operate, well , at that time it must be said that, in general, we must pay tribute to this, well, we can of course talk about the extent to which this met the interests of russia, if would. the duchy i have 4800 soldiers to defend it.


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