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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 3, 2024 1:30am-2:16am MSK

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by the way, a big question arises: was it worth annexing poland? catherine ii at one time, during the partition of poland , did not annex the polish territories proper, which were massively populated not only by ethnic ukrainians and belarusians under the polish landowners, namely the polish territories themselves, fearing, among other things, a source of instability. alexander annexed the source of instability and became part of the russian empire. two violent uprisings of 1830-1860 respectively. constant movements associated with the struggle for... dependence ultimately gained poland's independence after the revolution in 1917 . the big question is: wasn’t this alexander’s strategic mistake related to the annexation of poland? arzamas is translated as a city of beautiful people. here you can feel like a parisian, an englishman, just like clockwork. it's all coal-fired, this locomotive is from 1955. is everything for real? goose
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caviar goes well, such a luxury of the merchants, your salary is not enough to pay for this burger, evgeny, we have an installment plan for you, that is, it’s essentially chalk, yes, that is, you can gnaw it right on the wall , you can, if you don’t have enough calcium in your body, gnaw it and even lick it if you want to fight, ready, started, look, goose i came for the masks, and let's go, the premiere is on saturday on the first, this is a historical podcast russia and the west on the swing of history, today the focus of our attention is the personality of alexander i and his politics. alexander, the winner, unlike all other participants in the work at the vendian congress. yes, he understood perfectly well that without resolving border issues.
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unfortunately, they did not listen to him, and, by the way, a very interesting detail, it means that he was supported by a french utopian socialist, a french utopian socialist, he also wrote , so to speak, as a participant in the congress he strongly supported the idea, so to speak, of some kind of a new world order, already by this moment, since the transformation in alexander is internal...
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he was at first very sarcastic about this document, that this was such a moral manifestation of the russian tsar, nothing more, but in order to...
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that’s his personal trait, he knew how to win personal sympathy. madame destal, a french writer, said that the russian emperor agamemnan, the king of kings, agamemon, who led the greek coalition in the war of construction. greek hero, hero of the greek epic. accordingly, here is the russian tsar, handsome and
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powerful, seemingly merciful, but nevertheless, the sacred union in soviet times was quite naturally called an alliance.
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let’s just say, misunderstanding, well, even a simple one, i don’t know such, such a simple thing, so he was trying to build some kind of pan-european house, to establish some kind of i don’t know the general rules of the game, but this was impossible simply by definition, because well, at first england went ahead, there were bourgeois, so to speak, all sorts of changes would then happen, so to speak.
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in the end, far away in the provinces of taganrog, without even publicly identifying the heir to the throne, well, in the end, you and i know about the rumors, the version, that in the end, that he did not die, that he went to wander, here is the old man, fyodor kuzmich, who suddenly appeared somewhere else in tomsk, here. well, some real reasons there is no reliable information on this matter, as far as i know, and the reasons for the appearance of these words there can be guessed, and well, he was only 47 years old, he died, one might say, although at
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that time it was still a respectable age, nevertheless, his death was unexpected , died far from the capital, no one was present at the solemn death, so to speak. the historian is forced to simply write everywhere supposedly, of course, the fact is that the russian people at
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that time believed that tsars, already emperors, do not die by their own death, because they either kill them, for good reasons it was so considered that a lot was given in the 15th century, and either accordingly their departure occurs, as it should be shrouded in mystery, this coincided, because in this case you will receive impostors. provided more solid grounds for rumors, but of course these are all rumors, and of course, a serious historian here should say that alexander died, indeed, the conclusion can be said, perhaps, the following, simply to state that for many... years , russia was perhaps the main player in the international arena in europe,
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alexander i enjoyed enormous authority, but since he did not deal with internal affairs, russia, deprived of a constitution and elementary freedoms, began to gradually lag behind. romanov and sergei solovyov. study history with us.
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you can watch all episodes of the historical podcast russia and the west on the swing of history on the website of the first channel hello, dear tv viewers, you are watching a podcast. he suffered psychological trauma, because i don’t live with him now, i love the child very much, so i’m trying to give him everything as much as possible,
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that, for their part, it’s possible that the younger ones don’t understand anything yet, they’re only 2 years old, so they’re still growing, but in the future i understand that when they grow up, they’ll have to be friends, communicate, and who they owe it to, well, these are brothers, this i would like, well, i would like, because if you now claim that they should communicate, then you will cause just the maximum injury. all three of them, well, yes, it would probably be more accurate, because as it is customary in our family, and in the family, so that relatives always communicate, we are all very much there we always spend time together, so i don’t know what to do to introduce him now or some other time when he has matured, because maybe, well, some kind of trauma may occur, and psychologically, it can affect the further development of the child. i came to your show with this question, problem, where did you even get the idea
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that this could cause injury, where did you even get the idea that injuries exist, where did you get the idea that this injury could affect its development ? well , an adult is always influenced by some kind of childhood moments, yes, when some traumas, some incidents, they later form his character, form his personality, well... i even know from myself that some moments happened, yes, they are very there they could have had a very strong influence on me, and then in the future, on my relatives, loved ones, that’s who i talked to, i looked at... there was such a moment, it really happened, then, when he became an adult, he was at the expense of these moments - i behaved completely differently, yeah, and what kind of trauma do you have, for example, injury as such, probably, but how did you manage to survive without injury? well , there are probably all kinds of traumas, but those that influenced
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me specifically in childhood, then tell me, what kind of trauma did you see in another person? with... me, a relative, whatever you want, don’t call people, there’s just this one guy, he has such and such an injury, that’s why he behaves this way, for example, yes, there was a situation, we were all walking together, but garden community, what if the police, although we didn’t do anything, were behind us, the police, they started driving, we got scared, we ran, we ran, we ran, we the eldest was the two of us, my relative had a younger one and... when we realized that they were catching up with him, we stopped, but he was very scared, after that moment he was so very fearful, and even it seems to me that in some... at some moments he is very cautious, afraid of something, and this is one of the moments that i think had an impact. you said that there were some situations that influenced you, okay, you don’t see the injury, but you
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can identify some situations, the situation, if so... i probably can’t right away, because uh-huh, okay, so the story happened, mm, the police were driving after you, you stopped, the guy got scared, it somehow affected him, he became withdrawn because of it, i don’t know, fearful, cowardly, well, it doesn’t matter, cautious , careful, okay, but what kind of injury in the same context, as you just described the reasons for the investigative connection, like... to your son, essentially, having introduced him to his brothers, you are afraid to inflict injury on your eldest , well, that you left him, gave up, i am now with other children, i spend time with him, because that he loves me very much, that’s how i love him just madly, yeah, but that is, this is a trauma, that he will think that you abandoned him because of these children, yes, maybe great, but now
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tell me how it is now you spend time with him, i... try to pick him up from school, take him to training, he goes to the pool, that is , almost every day, not every day, we live very far away, because my ex-wife lives in a communal apartment, i live closer to the center, yeah, it takes about an hour there, but if you take me half a day, but two or three i try there once a week, but despite everything, you picked him up, took him, stayed with him, brought him back home, left, right? and he kind of, well, let’s just say this, gets by with this, but you don’t take him to your home, you don’t introduce him to the children, you don’t introduce him to your current wife, assuming that you told everything went well, how he will change life in the context of communication with
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you, he will spend more time with you or less, he may be in time, most likely... will not change, but he may become offended, so he will start to be offended by me, because he is a very sensitive child, he takes everything very close to his heart, so i think this is how he might look at when he will know about what he has - brothers, when he will know about that dad has another family, ah, you won’t take him to your place, there are weekends, conditionally, you won’t spend time together with the five of you, i really want to spend it, i want... not to communicate, i want to do the maximum with spend time with him, then it turns out that the amount of your communication, communication will definitely increase, then what is the problem, then there will be a plus rather than a minus, well, the problems are still in the ex-wife, then let’s talk about it, but she is categorically against it, so that the eldest son communicates with the younger ones with the new wife , well
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then the problem is this, and not the child, and also yes... and what a legend for your eldest son, and how do you explain to him why you are leaving and not living with him? i explain that it’s inconvenient for me to get there, it’s far from work closer to where i live now, and supposedly not there is probably enough space to live, and his mother supports this legend, you agreed with her that you will tell him this, i can’t say for sure about supporting, this is my legend, what i’m trying to explain to you when he is asking. well, i think his mother is also most likely supportive, but how did you agree with his mother when you were breaking up? well, we have a good, normal relationship with her, yes, she is still the mother of my child, i try to support her there as much as possible. and i treat her very well, but it’s still not there a stranger, yes, this is the person who is raising my children, my child, so
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i try to listen to her , solve some issues together, as you agreed, what will you tell the child, well, we didn’t agree, about what won’t communicate, she said, no, you won’t, i don’t want him to be seen communicating with children, because it could traumatize him, including, yes. and what else, well, she still has a negative relationship, and you broke up a long time ago? separated, divorced for about two years, something like that, but separated, and three broke up, yeah, and she has a negative relationship, because as i understand it, perhaps, yes, because i have a new family, and because the relationship with that woman may have arisen when you were still married, yes, that is, she has reason to dislike that woman, but it’s good how the whole story happened here, i lived in the north on yamal, that’s where we met my first wife, and we had a long
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relationship in the sixteenth year , andrei appeared there, yes and after 2 years we moved to moscow, but they were not in a relationship, but i wasn’t happy, but i had relationships like most families. yes, 80%, probably 90 live and live together, yes, but i needed exactly a person, a partner, with whom i could make some plans, keep pace with developing together, that’s when i came to me first child andrey, but for me it was just an unforgettable emotion, i’m straight to the core, this is probably the best moment in my life. why? because, well , when i lived, before, i didn’t understand what children were, well, children, children, well, it’s necessary, it’s necessary, everything is there at work, it’s time to have children and you don’t attach much importance to it, but then,
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when you have one, you understand, here you are holding in your hands, this is your own blood, yes, he is like you, this unforgettable, at that moment it was in my head that i wanted more children, when i moved to moscow, we had difficulties in our relationship, against the background... against the background of this relationship , viola appeared, yes, my new wife, here i fell in love, i saw in this man a man, not just a future wife, but i saw namely a person, a partner’s spouse, yes, with whom i can, with whom i want to develop, yes, she thought the same as me, she also thought like me, yes, she too, these are all the ideas right, well, very, well ... i guess i’ve never fallen in love like that, because if there had been some kind of relationship, there might have been some kind of relationship, i wouldn’t have left, yes, but here i really met a person who would radically influence, well, influence my life , and against the backdrop of this
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, my wife and i started to get ready for the first time, the question was raised about divorce, uh, we already submitted an application and, more precisely, i was the initiator there, so then we agreed that we would try to make everything work out. but nothing happened, nothing changed, six months passed, so i was really bothered, well, the question about more children, yes, i really wanted more children, she didn’t want, in no way did she want children, at that moment i i realized that i need to change my life, i understand that with this person i have the goals that i set... what i want, he cannot give me, here is the new wife with whom i live now , yes i i’ll be happy with her, yes, and the fact that, what
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i need, she’s ready to give, yes, she’s ready to give a family, including children, and against the backdrop of all this, my first wife and i divorced, and now i have a new one family, after some time children appeared, you look under...
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such an understanding, yes, that these are some investigative actions, well, that some depth may follow, that this can actually be problem, and how this can affect, yes, including communication, even at that moment that they will not communicate, i didn’t even have such a thought, you wanted to unite the family, create a new family and unite it with andrey, yes, and then everything developed gradually, as if there was no time to say all the time. the possibility of a good moment to tell him, there was a moment when i wanted to introduce him, my wife found out about it, she reacted very negatively, that’s what it means to react negatively, this is her reaction, as it were, but it may be unpleasant for her, but that’s hers, how could she go to a psychologist, how did it hurt you, why did it stop you at all, what she said, absolutely no, i’ll lie down
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in front of the door and won’t let it happen, yes i... let me in , i don’t want them to communicate, and with a very serious scandal, but the fact of the matter is that the scandal was so serious, that it injured you, and not andrei, including, yes, yes, that is, andrei was four at that time, but somewhere a reference point, that’s why i say that you know something about the injury, but how to say, somehow very, well, as it should, in general, superficially, from the point of view of the general formation, emergence, trauma, and so on say, its consequences in the formation of personality, such words, and it’s as if you took it from another person, that this can be traumatic, and then you begin from your history, from your memory, to find confirmation that this is so. as if the parents divorced, it’s a fact, the parents don’t live together - it’s a fact, dad has another family, it’s a fact, it’s a fact, it could be
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for... if three adults take this for themselves as a priority, then andrey will not will be injured. andrey will only be injured as a result of a conflict between adults will become his internal conflict. he will also take this drama and this trauma from you. if, for example, his mother tells him that his father chose
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another family there, it will be a trauma. mom will say: well, listen, dad loves you, we just separated, so dad lives there now with his family, you are with me, but dad loves you, there is no trauma if dad says, for example, i left your mom because that she is a fool, trauma, if he says, i fell in love with another woman, but i respect your mother, she is the best mother in the world, no trauma, when two adults cannot resolve a conflict between themselves, then this conflict splits the child and his consciousness and it is very strong for him. it will be necessary to somehow digest this to form a shell of mental psychological defenses around this, which as a result will become just this paternal behavior or character of his, like you, why did i ask you, tell me so that i can understand how you can you imagine how trauma works in general, then yes, then he won’t understand how to behave, he will every time i think that if someone there, i don’t know, he calls someone, and they don’t
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pick up the phone, he will be chased. to injure, the truth can injure, but any injury will absolutely make this person stronger with a high degree of probability, but don’t think that the truth can lie, it ultimately, well, how to say, makes him
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weaker for one simple reason, because he has in your head there will be one reality, in life there will be another reality, the discrepancy between these realities will cause a split in personality, i’m speaking so harshly about this right now sense. well, that’s true, yes, then yes, then it will be difficult for him, but the truth is, it’s just true, then the question is, how can you, well, step over the child’s mother if it’s impossible to come to an agreement, yes, how is it even possible to do this, there’s no way to step over it, no, well, you must understand that if you cannot agree, then at least one of you must live within the framework of adequately understanding that you...
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after 25 years, he is already 32, here are two options, andrey has no brothers, and andrey has brothers, believe me, in a normal... scenario, that everything is fine with you, andrey with he will feel much better with brothers than andrei without brothers, because if you can build such a relationship so that the children love each other, communicate with each other, support each other, really consider themselves brothers, yes, step-brothers, but there are thousands of examples, there are millions of examples where this is wonderful - it allowed people to build relationships with each other, but it’s just that the situation itself is in now, you’re also getting tired of it, really, right? and, as it were, the only way it turns out is that a person who now doesn’t get tired of anything and doesn’t suffers, this is your first wife, that is , it turns out that you took the child and, you two, i mean with her, took the child and sacrificed him for her peace, well, excuse me,
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well, really, if we’re talking here with such a juvenile position, yes, when we stand on the side of the child, why are you both crazy, no peace of an adult ... is worth the psyche of a child, this is the first, second, well, yes, there was a divorce, of course, she thinks, that you did something bad, you did something wrong, and you are probably out there somewhere too do you think that it could have been done differently, we should have gotten a divorce earlier, i don’t know, we should have done it differently, it probably doesn’t matter, but still there are two adults there , these two adults couldn’t cope with the fact that it's called marriage, well , there are two of you, the child just has to understand it, realize it, he will understand, well, 7 years old is like the age when... what parents, and what couldn’t be said before, this is how he will talk, you the more difficult it will be for him to understand, then you are afraid of what, what if you suddenly expose
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this truth, but she won’t agree with it, what will happen then and the ex-wife, well, most likely the main obstacle, probably? it turns out that you are afraid that if you cannot convince her of this, then she will not allow you to communicate with andrei, one and the same on your part is what needs to be put at stake if she is ready to deprive andrei of his father,
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well, you married the wrong person at all, what can i say, well, i hope that’s not the case, all you can do now is just invest your attention in the relationship with him mom, well, in the sense of talking, explaining, whatever, to clarify all this, that, well, because tanya is asking you the right question, what a legend for andrey, why are you not around, it’s as if you are playing a game called let’s save ourselves. a tool of influence on you, so you are not in front of your ex-wife, as if in this you can feel free and make the decisions that you consider necessary? i have more in front of the child, but not the ex.
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the genius of tatyana's assumption is that, feeling guilty before your first wife, you transfer it to the child, you didn’t do anything to the child, you didn’t leave him, you can’t offend a child because you have other children, you can’t... offend a child because you have another wife, you can’t , you can offend a child by abandoning him, but you didn’t abandon him, that’s the thing, you’re to blame for her, you’re watching the triggers podcast, its hosts tatyana krasnovskaya and sergey nasebyan are with you, our guests are leonid and we are discussing whether it is worth confessing to the eldest son from his first marriage about that he has half-brothers, you said in... at the beginning that then you
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could not assume, for some reason not, for some reason you could not assume this cause-and-effect relationship, that if you have relationship with violo, if you have other children, then as a result there will be difficulties with andrei, with his ex-wife, that this whole layer will be raised, this is the point, this is your fault, and also the fact that at that moment... i was somehow even deepened by new relationships, yes, by my new plans, by building a new family and missed this moment, how it will be possible for them, how the child can react, because it only came later that yes, there really could be problems, it’s interesting, you seem to be constantly afraid of the consequences, as if you are thinking about that you cannot predict the consequences,
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yes, there are no guarantees, then, you know, it is not the amount of time spent with the child that matters, but the quality. your child will not feel abandoned, and if you are in a relationship with him, well, precisely in those moments when you two spend time together, you will be honest, sincere, open, and you will be totally involved in contact with him, well, in his life, there, in his some interests. and the amount of time spent, going to bed together, getting up together, i don’t know,
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brushing your teeth and so on, well, this is of course good in an ideal picture, but we really very often feel like this, this feeling of guilt will not allow you to build relationships normally with your younger children, that's the thing, you will constantly be torn, as if you feel guilty in front of them that you are with them at that time. time when you could be with andrey, well , that is, you will be there all the time , this conflict will just tear you apart, of course. you will always be in this meat grinder, and as soon as you accept the very fact that this has already happened, because the feeling of guilt, well, what could you be guilty of and how the feeling of guilt will develop inside you, that it should have been different, it should have been different, that is, you will always come up with some kind of reality in which it is as if this event does not exist, but it exists, there is already this boy, there are these two boys, as it were, but this already exists, and this must be accepted as a fact, taking responsibility for what the adults have done. people, then the feeling of guilt will not interfere with your
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communication with your children, then these children will have each other’s brothers, well, in the sense of communicating with each other, but you can do this either by talking with his mother and, as it were, directly conveying the value to her this openness, this discovery, well, either one of you will do it, and if you do it, then yes, you there is a risk that she will not allow him to communicate with you, you with him, and yes, it will be bad. but otherwise everyone else will suffer , it’s just that here, unfortunately , this lie will have to go so deep that it can be unraveled one way or another... with the responsibility of certain consequences, well, you can minimize them, that’s the point, roughly speaking, to put you need priority or a child or an ex-spouse, right? i’m making a very bold assumption that it would be great to sort out your relationship with your ex-wife before
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to tell andrei, because the root, in general , is there, of course, to clear this relationship, to talk through all the grievances, expectations of her that... he obviously may have, he talked thousands of times, tried to convince him, and through arguments and pressure , and well, in no way, just to convince, to convince , what is needed is for them to communicate, i really want them in your relationship between you and between you and your ex-wife, without children, she has not yet lived through your divorce, that’s what business, i think yes, so tatyana is talking about this, that you i need to talk it out, she has a very strong resentment. and this does not allow her to build her own for both of you, to move on, of course, and so that the child can live calmly in this whole relationship, but this purity between you is necessary , the child will be able to cope with this, but only when he will clearly understand what is what, and he will not live
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in illusion, if you say that your relationship is built only on improving andrey’s quality of life. then this, this is right there, not buying toys, there medical care, insurance there, i don’t know, schools, education, it’s this cleanliness, why yes, i have this , because my parents, they just categorically did not communicate, after the divorce i have them, even they have them in general no communication, i understand that it was very bad, because it would be better if they communicated with each other, like my mother, and with my father, they would have been more productive, and it would have been...
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to save him, so that he doesn’t see what you saw while playing your game, you know, it’s as if you are repairing your parents’ relationship, but how can i introduce you, how best to make the child react normally, and what i have. children of another year, i think that you can do this in different ways, you can first show him the children of two half-year-olds, and then say that they are his brothers, or you can first tell him that we will now go to your brothers and then show , i think that this does not matter very much, i am for the second approach, lead, first communicate, so that they
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communicate, and then say what they have i can’t, i say both ways, tatyana , on the contrary, is for the second approach, let’s be honest, and since we’re talking about honesty, let ’s not... burden andrey with additional, additional suspicion, because this could result in he will have the idea that there is always, in communication with other people there is always some kind of story that can unexpectedly come to light, so you need to be hyper-attentive, what this or that communication can lead to, so let’s be honest, i i would first sit down in this sense the three of us would talk, you are his mother and andrey, and , as it were... only when you two adults can say this, if your mother is categorically not, well, come up with any convenient way, but tatyana is right that you can just tell him first, that we will go there today, i want to introduce you to your brothers, and answer all his questions, he will have a lot of questions, it is important that you answer them, it is very important to talk to him, what you feel, what is with you
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now is happening, what are you thinking about, what are your...


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