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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 3, 2024 2:15am-3:01am MSK

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you feel what is happening to you now, what are you thinking about, what fears do you have, why are you worried, and what do you expect, after you introduce them, you will also need to spend time with him, he must understand that for the world hasn’t changed for him, he still has a dad, there is time where you two are alone and work through this situation with him in the same way, talk about what happened to you, how it was for you, how you liked it, didn’t like it, what you liked, and what not, what would you like?
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work, third person, specialist, he will allow you to walk each other across this thin bridge in order to come to an agreement, well, try to talk to her, yes talk, this will seem to me the most convenient option, thank you very much, leonid, thank you very much for disclosing the topic, and for disclosing that problem, yes, because oh, you know, i hope that this was useful not only for you and me, because a large number of people are faced with this, because ah... people, well, really, now because of
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the popularization psychologists, everyone is so afraid of inflicting some kind of wrong injury on their children, but in fact only aggravate this situation, so thank you for opening up this topic, i think it will be very useful to many people. you watched the triggers podcast, its hosts, tatyana krasnovskaya, and sergey nasebyan were with you, we talked with leonid about how to integrate consciousness into life. the eldest child information that he has half-brothers. find all podcast lab projects on the website of the first channel hello, this is the schrödinger’s cat podcast, and i’m its host, gregory. chief editor
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popular science magazine schrödinger's cat. today we will talk about a very, very important topic: about russian swearing, but i want to warn you right away, we will not swear, so if children, anxious women or conservative people are listening or watching us, you don’t have to leave, listen calmly. just in case, the podcast editors have prepared many options for bleeping words. although we will not pronounce them, we will talk not about them, but about them, and for this we invited a wonderful guest, maria ravinskaya, linguist, member of the ran spelling commission, associate professor of the russian language department marhia, if i 'm not mistaken, a teacher at the higher school of economics in mythology, in general there are a lot of different regalia and titles, and after these titles i want to ask directly: maria, do you swear, as we say? at scientific
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conferences, thank you very much for a very interesting question, i will answer with a quote: obscene vocabulary exists in russian to express very... strong emotions, i experience strong emotions. let's start with the basics: where did russian swearing come from? there is a traditional version: tatars-mongols, like everyone else did the rest bring us their evil obscenities? well, yes, this version is so gatspirological that some people who believe that swearing is an absolute evil would like this absolute evil not to be of slavic origin. they are all slavic, pan-slavic and have a long history. it happened historically, we probably won’t go into this too deeply, that in the russian language
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the sexual sphere was taboo, it was taboo very strongly, for a very long time, these were such sacred words, sacred motives that... were not discussed, there is no talk about this it was customary to say, this was back in the pre-christian era, then with the christianization of russia this taboo intensified, we received in our culture a very strong ban on the use of certain words, this taboo was violated in very special situations, it was always a male language, that is, these words, if used, were used only by men only in male society, but we see traces of this in modern...
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associated with alarming or terrible circumstances for us, we do not directly use, for example, words associated with death or with fatal diseases, especially if it concerns close people, say the word he has cancer, this phrase, uncomfortable, scary, a person experiences stress physiologically, this can be checked, oncology, yes, yes, this is a very good euphemism, that is, a replacement for the terrible on... and the same euphemization occurs when using, that is, when hinting at taboo vocabulary, when a person breaks a taboo, he experiences stress in order to minimize this stress, but at the same time, as if to hint
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that we mean some forbidden words we use euphemisms; there are also many such euphemisms in the russian language related to sleep vocabulary. well, there are a million of them, well, damn, classic, well, damn, classic, it’s interesting, by the way, that modern youth do not see the connection between the phonetically close word absen and the interjection damn, which they use widely. maxim krongaus in his book, the famous book the russian language on the verge of a nervous breakdown, in the first edition, wrote that he really did not like the use of euphemisms, especially this one, and he gave himself a fate that he would not communicate with girls who... use the interjection damn in their speech, but by some later publication he realized that, as he said, you can be left without girls, because of course this is all very common. but i understand correctly that the word bear, in some sense similar to the word damn in its
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origin, is also an euphemism for something forbidden. absolutely right, yes, it’s interesting with the bear, it’s a bitter story for linguists, because it’s lost in the slavic languages. completely evil, that is, a bear is not native the word, this is a bear - this is a replacement, yes
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, for some original word that denoted this animal in the slavic languages, that is, valandomord, which the one who is not called, who cannot be called, is absolutely correct, and this was the animal that, well , let's say that it ate honey, but in fact the word damn, the word bear are similar in their own way in the sense that these two words are euphemisms, yes, that is, they replace another word. but for various reasons, if the bear was replaced because they were afraid of him, then the word damn replaces the obscene word, which is not it is customary to use it directly in society. well, you said that swearing is needed to express strong emotions, but i read somewhere a study just about the word damn, where st. petersburg philologists analyzed the corpus of the spoken russian language, where the word damn was used many times, there was a wonderful text by cadets who. ..
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well, wait, well, people with a high speech culture, all sorts of professors, philologists or
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something else, also use some kind of plugs that are simply more euphonious, for example, due to a number of factors, then the person thinks, in order to tell him, he is already pronouncing some kind of thesis, you just used it at the beginning of the sentence, it turns out that he is also a parasite , by and large, well, if you take a very strict approach, that too. there is no such strict approach either, well, after all, we try to construct a phrase during spontaneous oral speech in some way to give ourselves the opportunity to think, construct it more or less appropriately, yes, that is, we do not have the opportunity to self-edit during spontaneous spoken speech or self-edit, but when we mechanically we insert some completely meaningless semantically empty components, this... still indicates that we do not think about how the phrase will be constructed, there
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are, well, different, so to speak, ways of manifesting speech culture, from the point of view phonetically, from the point of view of beautiful sound, these words are needed, but no, of course, but what is beautiful here, have you ever heard, i have never heard of someone beautifully constructing some kind of hisitation to fill pauses. .. these are phrases, it turns out the other way around sometimes unplanned comic effects, there was an incident in my life, i met a young man, roman, he worked as a driver in the office where i also worked, uh, he came to my birthday suddenly, my mother took him into the room, poured him a drink tea, sat, talked, he ate a piece of cake, left and my... my mother asks in amazement, says: mash, why, she says, he seemed to be talking to me, but addressed me all
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the time, mah, mah, my mother didn’t i realized that he didn’t say mach, but another word, this filling pauses with hisitation, yes, these are the construction of sentences with plugs, as you say, habitual, but my mother did not understand this word, and he cannot speak differently, we had such a wonderful... cases that are very illustrates well how this happens, and there is no need for these plugs, that is, there was no emotional charge that required this rude expression.
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and in the evenings we solved a crossword based on the works of pushkin, and it so happened that there is such a collective clinch, a collective stupor, probably even a very simple question, the heroine of pushkin’s poem, i’ll say right away that it was lyudmila, ruslan lyudmila’s poem, but we all in unison took ruslan lyudmila into fairy tales and didn’t consider her at all, went through everything we could, including the drafts of everyone there ... and the works that they found poetic, nothing helps, they didn’t guess, they looked in the answer, they saw that it was lyudmila, everyone was very upset, but one of our comrades was especially upset, and he was sitting cross-legged, and when he heard that it was lyudmila who became so demonstrative, demonstrative get upset and lament, here he sits,
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says, damn it, damn it, how can you be so stupid, damn it, this is such a simple question, damn it, how am i going to look my friends in the eyes and so on and so forth, so he repents like that, blinks, swings on this net, does not lose his balance, falls back and hits his head on the iron headboard, at this moment he utters another word, naturally, and this few seconds merged scene very well shows the difference between the hypocritical use of euphemisms and... .sincere strong emotions when you yourself you don’t control, and for the expression of which there are obscene words in the russian language, this hint, so to speak, that you mean a strong emotion, but don’t say the word, it’s also specifically unpleasant for me, precisely because of its insincerity, if you behave like that make sure that you are replacing the obscene word with ephimism, well, for me
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, it seems especially disgusting to some...
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yes, some kind of language game associated with these words, but it’s always such a peppercorn or like a raisin in a bun, it shouldn’t exist a lot of, otherwise the bun will fall apart, everything must be appropriate, everything must be in moderation, russian in hollywood from a to z, americans, b - bandits, vladovin, d) head, toes, e. what is your evidence? e e f z your health we will be and brief k - lshtshfum m corn syrup n novosi oirsk leave r rasha with
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secret russian weapons in general this is a birdhouse t) topant at uou f) vsnam x: cold, i’m not used to such an oak tree. tsetseyuzhmzhty. che. chelyabinsk. sha. earflap hat. right now. shchu. a solid sign. soft sign. e. peter. u. usa. me: on saturday. on the first. i remind you that we have a podcast with you schrödinger's cat, i am his host grigory tarasevich, our guest.
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a creature is lazy, as you know, this is the main property that determines his life, and we don’t do what we don’t have to do, we don’t store two words if they are the same, but in
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the area of ​​expressive vocabulary, please, we have whole rows, us, for example, for the meaning of steal, eat, steal, whistle, slam, there is no situation when you can say slam, but you cannot say steal, i will not continue this series, it is quite long. why is it arranged this way, because if we will use one word to express an expressive meaning, then it will be erased, it will lose its expression, it will be meaningless, and so we have a deck that we shuffle, yes, there remains a slight feeling of novelty, yes, that is, these meanings of surprise, they still exist, the same with personal vocabulary, if we use it all the time, if we get used to it, and we get used to it, by the way, mind you, then... it loses its expression, if before, there many years ago , well, as far as we can remember, go out into the street and hearing an offensive word was an event, that is, something really happened, that is
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, to go out now and not hear it, this is a big event, especially if you work with children, by the way about children, i heard an excellent definition, in my opinion from you, that swearing - these are the words that adults do not say in front of children, and children do not speak in front of adults, but this is the only... taboo that somehow acts in the sense of obscene vocabulary, if earlier this language was exclusively masculine, now in this sense we a country of victorious feminism, there is no difference, even men sometimes they are embarrassed when they hear something kind and strong from women, too, but still adults try not to do this in front of children, and children are embarrassed to say this in spite of themselves, although the other group... knows perfectly well that all the words are known and that they are used in their age groups, but it is especially important to work with children and explain to them to educate them
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on what is possible and what is not, because on the one hand, of course, the forbidden fruit is sweet, and children also like that there are expressions behind it, they love , now make them teach poetry, no, they will hear extreme swearing, she will immediately give it away to a three-year-old child. you instantly, because it’s memorable, but you have to explain to them what and how it’s possible, and it’s hard, because they hear that adults use these words, well , it’s probably even harder that it’s presented as swearing, it’s bad, it’s dirt, and if you do as you are telling us now, say, swearing is very valuable, don’t waste your swearing, value your swearing, you, of course, know all these words, but i don’t spend it, just like dad has a bottle the wine he had 10 years ago. brought from portugal, we also need to value swear words, maybe we should go this route and explain that this is such a unique russian
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resource that should be protected, or, for example, when you use swear words all the time, we don’t understand, you really feel bad, you have a really strong emotion, you swear when you hit someone, when you hit your finger, what do you say, well, unfortunately, a student asks me: otherwise we won’t have ways to express very really very strong feelings. and
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it exists now, it is very bright, capacious, yes, short, laconic, in general, all the possibilities for expressing various strong emotions still exist, but alas, if this all continues as it is now, this will not last long, but is there any - this is the peculiarity of swearing, well, these words, which cannot be named, because of which they are so powerful in word formation, because hundreds, thousands of forms can be made, the russian language in general has very powerful word formation, we make a whole from one word, what's his name is called a word-forming nest, yes, especially well-known borrowed words, we borrow one word, for example, computer, and from it we make five to seven russian words, well, five to seven, but not hundreds, with these words, since there are few roots , well , different, growing up, who do we have there? roskomnadzor,
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roskomnadzor, yes, he believes that there are four roots, some researchers include seven roots in this list, i stick to the number five, after all, we won’t say which ones, but i think the one who listens to us and watches, guessed which five or seven we are talking about, different, yes, different investigators in different ways, but since there are few of them, there are many situations that i want to describe in expressive... cases, then all the word-formation possibilities of the russian language are thrown here, and i repeat once again, especially in this sense it is gratifying, although i know that i am now saying terrible things, for a linguist it is gratifying that new words are appearing, that is, this potential is inexhaustible, we have obscene words appearing, new ones that have not been there for many years years ago, that is...
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not to hold back in some situations, sometimes this allows you to avoid, for example, a stroke, that is, when there is a need to quickly relieve tension, psychological, even physiological, then this helps, but again, you see, this is a therapeutic property, it exists until we detabooed this vocabulary while there is a strong taboo, because stress is relieved by breaking the taboo, you
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break the rules, all these processes are somehow harmonized, and if the taboo is not strong, then accordingly the therapeutic effect will also be lost, well, that is, swearing should be compared not so much with dirt, with a parasite, but rather with a jewel, with a holiday, with something so valuable, like formal clothes, we don’t wear a tailcoat every day, well it doesn’t quite seem to me, such a metaphor, i would compare swearing or with... a very hot seasoning in a sense, as if it is used as a means of artistic expression, for example, like sergei shnurov in his best works, or as a strong medicine , so valuable, valuable medicine and strong, well, antibiotics, for example, even more valuable and stronger than current antibiotics, which they say are no longer working, well , actually, why is the analogy with
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antibiotics appropriate, why do they stop working. i don’t know, alcohol is probably not good, so that’s not the topic, that swearing is not pedagogical, alcohol is not pedagogical, well, i came up with such an unpleasant metaphor for schoolchildren, especially for younger ones, because convincing younger schoolchildren not to use formal vocabulary is quite it's hard to explain to them why you don’t have to do it hard, when i tried to find ways to reach these hearts... i
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used an unpleasant metaphor, which also evokes a feeling of disgust, there is some idea in this, because after all, the destruction of a linguistic taboo. turns swearing into dirty language, this becomes dirty language, unfortunately, and i explained to the children this way that there are situations when you feel very bad, you have been poisoned, to save life and health, you need to induce vomiting, this is a strong remedy, but it will save you, and if the situation is really like this bad, you won’t be judged for what you do, it’s even there, i don’t know, in some unexpected place. but this does not mean that you can go spitting at all people exactly because you wanted, this is appropriate for situations, but here now it was appropriate, and if you can restrain yourself, then do it, restrain yourself, because with
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such uncontrollable when used everywhere, it really turns into dirty language that is just unpleasant to listen to, it stops being such an amazing idea. podcast with you schüdinger and we are talking about russian swearing, well , when you start talking about dirty language, it’s unpleasant to listen to, a teenager awakens in me who wants to violate this, i can cite an episode from my school practice, we had a competition of projects that actually it seems like the class teachers did it, and i go up to the stand and there’s swearing, this dirt, don’t litter your word, and there are two girls standing.
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but it’s not a fact that we need to speak in exactly these words, no, i did n’t talk about the sexual sphere in the sense that it needs to be described in swear words, i made an analogy that this is also a forbidden area, there is pornography,
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well, it is clear that any male teenager somewhere will watch some kind of erotic pornography, it seems to me that this is not a forbidden area, but this is a forbidden tool , these are forbidden drugs. to talk about something, well, taboo, yes, that’s what we’re talking about, here the situation is a little different, we say that different things can be discussed in different ways, we have separate words, here they are for this, when we prohibit , also often quite hypocritical, yes, such words do not exist in the russian language, they cannot be pronounced, but children know that they exist, and children know that they are pronounced. of course, they stop believing us, they just don’t, it’s not that they violate our prohibitions, they don’t believe us, they use these words because they know that we are deceiving them when we explain to them that such words exist, but they made for this, this tool,
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there is no need to hammer nails with a microscope, this tool is made for something else, yes, these words exist, yes they were used here, here here, here, here, here, that’s it, they exist, but they are made for something else. then the children, it seems to me, will believe us more. as for teenagers, in principle for teenagers breaking all the rules, i’m not even talking about prohibitions, rules that exist in the adult world - this is part of their growing up, okay, let them swear if they we need to talk like this during this period, they will talk like this, i don’t want these to be ten-year-old children, well, for this to happen somehow later, but i have to tell you that here - i make a remark to teenagers when i hear removed speech on the street, and not on the street, and i have never received an aggressive reaction in response, i simply explain that it is unpleasant to listen to, if you need to talk like that, please talk quietly so that
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they don’t hear you, they are embarrassed, they are understanding, they say: “yes, yes, sorry, we won’t .” we must understand that language is a tool, very rich, very diverse, grandiose. with a huge number of elements, components, capabilities, our task is to learn use this tool correctly, that is, in what situations, what can we say, there are situations: life, when non-use, for example, of crap vocabulary is inappropriate, what is it like? well, for example, in the army, in closed men's groups, in the army, if a person demonstratively does not use official language, he will create problems for himself, this may be a conscious choice, but you need to understand what is accepted there, yes, and this is considered appropriate, if you violate internal laws, then this is your choice, which may entail some additional... consequences, so everything has its place, about saving swearing, maybe
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it’s worth trying, in addition to prohibitive measures , to deal more with similar means, well, for example, i was thinking now about emzy, because this is also a means of expressing emotions, there is a gigantic range from mild irritation to severe irritation, from moderate delight to stunning delight, maybe we should teach schoolchildren how to use this, right? well, they know how, yes, it seems to me, better than us, we really have ways of expressing, these are the emotions, yes they appeared before our eyes, literally, but they are graphic, well, we now have a lot of communication, absolutely true, but whatever it is now, spontaneous communication is written and, as it were, in real time, and which did not exist before, that is, correspondence always postponed. to say there was, that is, there was some distance between
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creation and receipt, now this distance seems to be gone, but still, when you create a written text, when you give birth , you put letters next to each other, and this is not as spontaneous communication as communication oral, it may be for you and me, or for some twelve-year-old teenager, but this is a process, it is still a process, he still gives birth to a phrase, constructs it and thinks about what letters to put. well, maybe, well, this is also a means of expressing emotions quite quickly, but at the same time, i’m not sure that it is as uncontrollable as an escaped bater’s word, just as strong, i don’t think we need to study it, it’s interesting, by the way, what if we already they started talking about the written language, that we have graphic euphemisms, it’s like, because
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not only when hearing a crap word, but when writing it and, accordingly, reading it , a person also experiences stress, because this is a violation of a taboo, and there is a means of reducing this stress, this is graphic affectation, when we replace individual letters of a familiar word with other letters or other symbols, yes, that is, we didn’t directly write all three letters, like... which, for example, we meant, but we replaced the vowel with something, this is a graphic fimization, that is, also a hint so that it wouldn’t be so scary to write, read, and there is a lot of this now, but alas, it’s time for us to end our conversation, let’s proclaim the main thing that we wanted to convey is that the mat should be protected, it should be used less often, not because it is bad. because it is valuable, take care of the russian language,
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take care of the russian language, including the russian language, because it is a valuable resource, and there is no need to talk about it. thank you very much, maria, thank you very much to those who listened to us, may the power of science and the power of language be with you. all episodes of our podcast can be found on the website first channel once i offered my students such a task, gave them a text and asked them to determine its main feature. some said that the text was too short and uninformative, others , on the contrary, that it was too long, but they were all wrong. the main feature was that this text was written not by a person, but by a computer program. hello, today we are gathering
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our thoughts about artificial intelligence. harutyun vashkhanovich avetsyan, academician of the russian academy of sciences, director of the institute of system programming, protereus pavel velikanov, associate professor of the moscow theological academy, i am vladimir ligoida. you know, as a pre-question, a warm-up question, i want to ask you this. what would you call today the main horror story about artificial intelligence, which in reality is not...
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any technology, including artificial intelligence, which gives a significant increase in labor productivity, i will say this, and sometimes by tens of percent, sometimes on an orderly basis, without control , mechanisms, technologies, testing for trust, so on security in a broader sense, of course, this is very, very dangerous, and sometimes it even scares me that they survey public opinion and are proud that 70-80% of our population believes that artificial intelligence is not scary, it is...
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this is the eternal problem of man, which was once discussed by plato in the state, and it was thought that it would be resolved when, as a result of the development of technologies of everything else that helps a person in life, a huge space of time would be freed up for the spiritual cultural development of a person, here is our... experience of industrialization, post-industrialization, modern digital time, it shows that there is nothing like that, 12% of the content on the internet refers to indecent things, but at the same time, about 60, even more than 60% of requests are addressed
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specifically into this sphere, that is, what we are talking about is that actualization is taking place. practically does not pay for utilities, in the apartment, he is guaranteed, even if he knows that he most likely will not be kicked out, it will still be warm, there will still be water in the tap, there will still be something and somewhere he he’ll find something for himself there, scrape together something, go to the neighbors’ house to have something to eat, and he can afford the luxury of sitting, before watching
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tv, now in games, on social networks and so on, the question is, why does a person sorely lack the inner? the leading person and the machine, then the leading person is given a task, he asks questions to these two interlocutors and must use their answers to determine which of them is a machine, which of them is a person, in my opinion, thuring said that if more than 70 answers are accepted as human there in 5, or 10 minutes, then that means...


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