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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 3, 2024 3:05am-3:56am MSK

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well, to put it mildly, it’s not even discussed anymore, this is no longer a hypothesis, in my opinion pavel balaban is our famous academician, now he says that everything connected with human memory is not connected with neurons at all, with new cells, well not with new ones, but with known ones, and we need to study them and essentially create a new direction. study, so the brain is a much more complex story, probably this is the very last thing that a person, humanity will be able to study, so this is some kind of model, it has the right to life, it has shown its functionality, but so to this must be taken into account that we have a fairly effective tool for solving the problem, now we need, based on the complexity that this technology represents, we must manage risks, make sure that it does not cause harm and as much as possible. was used, well, as always, in
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principle, in the life of mankind, there was a nuclear reactor, some other, some technologies are complex, but do not treat this as if now let’s implement it everywhere at any cost, because it is profitable, well , of course, that when you let a person through metro, well, what difference does it make, well, even if he deceives and comes in, well, let him come in, it won’t affect anything, but if he goes to a nuclear facility, for example, it’s probably not worth the risk there and there should also be protection circuits so that to check for sure that he is or is not him, here it seems to me that world practice is already moving in this direction, the europeans are generally tough, they announced it in may, we discussed it at our conference, now , in my opinion, they have accepted it, that artificial intelligence is divided into three parts, one part will be it is simply prohibited, for example, there is the collection of biometrics in public places, social scoring, the second part will necessarily be regulatory, well, for example in aviation, you know there are strict rules, it’s just that if you are not developing an operating system for aviation from scratch, for example, it is impossible. that is
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, it is quite tough, and there is no artificial intelligence there, this is ordinary software, but it is an extremely dangerous zone and, accordingly, there the costs of certification for support are sometimes several times greater than for the development itself, we are doing this we are doing it, so i know it well, we are doing the actual operating system ourselves, finally the third part, when you can use it as you want, it does not affect anything, well, for example, the fund in the metro, from my point of view, can be entered into the third part, well, a person comes in, yes , or there to the dining room, for example, admission, well, well, the congress is one more time. that on a large scale this does not play a role, this needs to be discussed somehow in our society, because now the opinions were very different, some believe that there is no need to regulate at all, some believe that, on the contrary, everything needs to be regulated, as it is in other countries, but what is really needed is this discussion, which we understood, and at the same time based on scientific knowledge, and not because we are afraid of it, let’s go there, if from fears, move in the opposite direction and look. these are
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the main hopes that we can place on the development of this technology, here is father pavel, well, it seems to me that the main hope is that we will have the opportunity to make such a qualitative leap in understanding the depth processing of formal data, even if we take, relatively speaking, languages ​​there, because today we are all witnesses to how much the quality of translation has advanced not only of modern... languages, but also from ancient ones, for example, i do not speak ancient armenian there , but today, thanks to artificial intelligence, i can imagine in general terms what the holy fathers were talking about there, it’s interesting for me during this period, that is, something completely new is opening up, previously, absolutely inaccessible to me in my status, with my level of knowledge, sphere, which i can already use, plus or minus , quite adequately, i believe that...
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the speed with which changes are happening today, not even the speed of implementation, the speed of the appearance of something, but the implementation, what you talked about, yes, doesn’t it put this problem is extremely acute, can we say that there is a problem that in lotman’s terms, technology does not have time to become culture, i absolutely agree, moreover, we are right here, each of us can see that throughout our lives these revolutions happened several times, so called, although from the point of view of the person who is engaged in it, this is simply an evolutionary development, but... the world around has changed, and what is happening now in social networks is only the beginning, because we will be immersed there more and more, there is already countries where millions of people simply don’t leave the house at all, i, as a layman , don’t see anything good, from the point of view of these people, they already live in this normal for them, and it
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seems to me that human adaptive mechanisms are still not limitless in some way moment, this also changes, does not allow, let’s say, a person. to god, because there is no time anymore, he lives in a comfortable environment all the time, but he doesn’t understand that he is eating a hamburger and not eating a steak, i don’t know, and he, because well , everything seems to be there, everything seems to be fine , there is entertainment, and digital entertainment will all be cheaper, cheaper, this is also something that is not talked about much, but if digital education, the digital environment, this is also a reduction in price, on the one hand it seems to be accessible to everyone, on the other hand's still not the quality may be the highest, because our educational experience shows that there should still be combined methods, that is, digitalization is very good, but not enough, it does not completely replace human communication, but it’s hard for me to imagine what with a priest only through the digital world, but
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we are heading towards this, to be honest, but on the other hand, we, as orthodox people, probably understand what is ahead, what awaits us, so in this sense, we are moving, we are moving. the sides are also not surprising no, so our task is to create the situation as much as possible so that these technologies do not harm us, but still allow us to retain our quality of our country, us, our inner content, although this causes damage to each of us, even if we do not feel it sometimes . of course, we do not keep up with technology, and technology itself cannot replace the internal development of the potential for beauty that a person has. so, accordingly, what can we contrast here, well, probably, some specific internal experience with a certain practices, practices, i would call them a kind of digital asceticism, yes, which may well be applicable, hygiene, yes, which
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are not necessarily for people there who are church believers, they can be quite universal, that is, if society at some point understands , that this disproportion of technologies... the difficulty of using the program to get answers to some of your questions, yes, the so -called chats that give you solutions, one colleague admitted to me that he said, i don’t have any solutions at all i accept without consulting, because well , he just says, they understand and advise better than me, so to speak, i have a question,
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do you use this in your life, if so, in what cases, i use it only in cases for translation, i do not use. due to professional necessity, of course i keep my finger on the pulse, but i don’t use such everyday life activities, and generative artificial intelligence, which is all. more will help us more, it has its negative sides, which are sometimes rarely talked about, that it can generate very plausible, but untrue, well, for example, when i spoke at the academy of sciences, i gave an example in november, a book was published under such a generated book on mushrooms about mushrooms, well, this is a very good topic for us, so if you read it and do what is written there, you’ll just get poisoned, that’s why many years ago we... fell that there should be trusted artificial intelligence, among some of the points that we must fulfill, this is related to
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data, for example, federated learning, but including watermarks, so that we can clearly determine whether it is generated or not, why, because from my point of view there is no technology that can accurately determine whether it is fake or not fake, yeah, literally in september 2003 the united states government signed with its five.
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friends, i am extremely grateful to you, it seems to me that we have talked about a lot of important things, thank you very much again, arutin mishkanovich avitesyan, academician of the russian academy of sciences, director of the institute of systematic programming of the russian academy of sciences, proteria pavel velikanov, associate professor of the moscow theological academy, i am vladimir ligoida, today we were gathering thoughts about artificial intelligence, fears, hopes about it, all the best. i'm larisa guzeeva,
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let's get married, good afternoon, today we have a bride daria, another daria, anastasia, and our groom is sergei, oh my god, guzeeva, sergei, 33 years old, veterinary ophthalmologist, lives in st. petersburg, proud by your profession. i'm only 33, we want to see a man in a starched karpak with a mustache, with a stethoscope, and it is desirable that he limp, dreams of living in bungalows made of palm branches, patting a panda on the belly and taking his mother for a ride on elephants in sri lanka, i am a very empathic person, i think that i have a good sense of humor, i’m a good cook, no, i’m a good cook, he admits that he’s been following his ex-lover’s avatar on messenger for more than 10 years, i’m not ready on the first date to give the impression of a person who
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will pay - for absolutely everything, for everyone always warns that even the thought of cheating makes him feel nauseous. sergey does not consider tarot readers, numerologists, astrologers, or even soap makers for the role of life partner. um, if i don’t want to take you to your manicure, i won’t take you to your manicure, you’ll go by yourself in a taxi or drive with your future wife. i can’t even imagine if it happens? yes, this, this is not your type, but you know, he’s an interesting person,
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it seems to me that he has beautiful eyes, it’s clear that he’s from st. petersburg, it’s clear that he’s such a cultured person from st. petersburg, yes, but it seems to me that he’s like as if creative, no, when you look, i can boast once, my son andrei guzeev graduated from the veterinary institute in moscow and was the most famous veterinarian in the entire orenburg region. in my opinion, he is the only one with such an education, even women were treated by him, gave birth, he is a very respected person, he is a very respected person, and i know many stories, why nastyukh, stylish, well, distant. well, it seems to me that there is a spark in him, although he looks so very modest, but you can set it on fire with my brightness, not a torologist, not a numerologist, and i’m not a torologist, not a numerologist, a soap maker, by no means, well, that’s it, well, first of all, when - they castrated the sheep , they ate these same ones, they are called
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light bulbs in a restaurant, his grandmother did not sleep with him that night, this is the first, last story, that means... mine made dumplings only from tenderloin, exclusively because my grandfathers brought it for treatment, so there was always meat and there was all the best, they came out, well , it’s just me for the sake of tailing, how did everything already appear right from your slave, now this is my first time this is the first time in 15 years i heard grandfather guzeev, but i had no idea that he was such a veterinarian, sergei, well, blond - it seems unusual to me, yes, yes? well, it’s clear that he’s creative, the piercing confuses me a little, but also, well, you also have piercings, why not, let’s see, yes, please tell me, sergey, you should have been born with this noble thought, so such a mission that you will heal animals, this is what the brightest soul you should have, and what
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an enlightened enlightened human being you should be, i i want to believe in this, but i... already, well, you see, he is apparently still more drawn to this profession than the desire to leave or give up there, but at least you have a common interest, at least this is essential, well, love to animals - this is something that should unite, naturally, my entire childhood was riddled with animals, zhiki gives birth or something, there are nuances when you attach these ladybugs, this is what they do at this
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time, they probably kiss like crazy , and if they do this, don’t they give birth later? because a person can come and say, “i’m hurting here,” but the poor little animal, she ’s looking at you like that with her little eyes, she can’t tell you what’s hurting her, what kind of property this is, yes, when an animal can’t open mouth in a human way, well , it’s good that he loves animals, i really like such people, it says a lot about a person’s personality, sergey, believe me,
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now i swear, look, i don’t do my finger like that, i understand a dog’s language, i swear, i know who's name, who's being read? i have there’s even an ultrasound, which means, look, i really understand what they’re saying, how she behaves, how offended she is, but you, too, probably just already, you know, when they come to an appointment and - they say: doctor, a reason to contact , doctor, there’s something wrong with my dog, and i understand that she’s right, she can’t explain, she can’t tell, nothing, i really want to let you down when you work with these little animals that don’t know how to lie, which does not change, or rather, which do not exist on earth, then i should move on to to women, and even when you can’t
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turn your tongue, ask me, well, what happened in your personal life about women, tell me, so everything is just very lightly good with him. can i have a little animal first, and how, seryozh, can i, they understand that you will save them, they are reaching out to you, like uncle, seryozh, thank you, help, i would really like to say that this is the case, but no , unfortunately, this is not always the case, there are grateful patients, but they do not always understand that you wish them well, unfortunately, from time to time they they scratch, bite, try to destroy right at the reception, but i believe that a man who loves animals will love children. well, okay, let’s move on to my least favorite topic, what did you have there? well, with an avatar, why are you following your ex? well, as i follow, i would say, i let it go a little, but in general, yes, i
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have formed a certain wonderful image of uh technical relationships, but you can do it like this - well, some bright episodes from your past, so that we i also had the same opinion his last girlfriend, now you are satisfied with rose, yes questions, okay yes. these were student years, it was a veterinary academy, god, was she really from your trade union, can you imagine, that also means a good, gentle, pure girl, incredible, this is the center of romantic souls, so to speak, yes, this is a magnificent girl, you 15 years old, well no, yes 17 to 18 years old, it all started with friendship, how well can this relationship start if it starts? with friendship, naturally, they started like this, unobtrusively, we spent a lot of time together studying, somehow, we started
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living in my room, in the dorm, and this is a single bed, springy, we were innocent like children, you only saw about this very fu-fu-fu, only when these dogs and cats do it, and you thought that people don’t have anything like this, you just slept, perhaps because you were young, innocent, inexperienced. well, his story is certainly cinematic, to put it mildly, well, yes, but again this is such a very strong romanticization, maybe it’s in a person’s head from being deeply in love, but in fact everything was quite simple, the first love, in principle, is the most romanticized, strong, bright, i’m the grandson of a manufacturer, i can do everything, but all i have to do is come to any group, perform there, everyone else goes down . i am destined to walk through the night and the wind, there is no light anywhere from a window that is not my own, i also criticized in the army, so
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major novikov wrote me recommendations, he is prone to criticism, but they press, press buttons all in vain, for for, but there are no roads, for but i have no money, i have nothing take it easy, i’m not going to replay anything, under no circumstances would i live my life differently. in memory of vladimir zhirinovsky on saturday on the first floor, vika was the girl who showed me what it means to race a horse bareback in a field, and it was wonderful, it was, and even to say that you lived on the first floor, oh, almost like master margarita, only they lived even lower when i was before...
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after 10 o’clock they don’t let you in and let you in and out, but you want to live, you know, here we are, the hostel people who went through this, but in akhtyurshe everywhere, as if from one mother, from one father, animals, we jumped out of this window, ran in shorts, in panties, she in a bra, yes, and we dressed up in the water, swam in the pouring rain, walking around the view, came back , our comrades helped us, in general, it was happiness, yes, unfortunately, or fortunately, even more so, because we decided to do postgraduate internship together, it was agriculture, and the decision to propose marriage to her was not yours ripe in the head by
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that time, at that moment not, why? i i just enjoyed what i had, no, you enjoyed it, and the girls were already in their thirties, apparently, it was probably a hasty decision and no, this proposal could be taken lightly, i he didn’t want this , he had some. dependent relationship, because he remembers her very well, as if she had abandoned him, you know, and at the age of 33, it’s very strange to remember your first love, especially in college and as if a grown man of 33, we even decided to have two horses and live in agriculture to raise these horses to stay there, but yes, then the army happened, we got two dogs, they were two sisters, two german shepherds, taking into account that i would leave with my german shepherd to serve, and we discussed i'm keeping in mind that i 'm leaving for the army, when i return, what will happen, if everything works out for us, we'll
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get married. uh, it so happened that she wrote, called, she came to the oath, uh, but in the end we disappeared into time, this is not bad, not good, just like that, well before last day she wrote to you and kept in touch with you, or somehow suddenly disappeared, not somehow all of a sudden it all just gradually disappeared when you found out that she had someone else - from her friends upon returning from the army, but not from her , uh, no, well, you were absolutely sure that she... waited for you, no, i didn’t have any expectations, what happened, she got married, yes, and i’m incredibly happy for her, it seems to me that he - still feels something for her, because with such tenderness he taught her to ride a horse without a saddle, yes, they didn’t look for her, didn’t try to find her there some meeting, i watched, i watched her pages, god, you are still watching to this day, the avatar has changed a lot or
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just like that, and she changed one avatar, uh, she has aged, she has not aged, you enlarged this avatar, then look at the increase, but unfortunately or fortunately, no, she remained the same who she was, listen, that means that now three girls will come to fight for you, we are all very jealous, especially about the past, and don’t believe who says : well, it was before, it was before me, so while you don’t erase this traitor’s image from your beautiful bright head, by the way, larisa, he ’s all over the head... this patient is jealous himself , you know how you know how he wrote it now , he’s warning it, but he himself can’t be on the side with anyone because he he will vomit at the mere thought of cheating on him, then he won’t even discuss things a garbage bag for two, well done to the right one because he prefers to drink from a source and not from a puddle, only schizophrenics say yes, we will all have an open
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relationship. or he just knows how to save good relationships with exes, we didn’t try to start a family with anyone else after the army, there were already many years there, but we tried, it ended very sadly, it was a relationship, my first relationship in st. petersburg, which ended very, very effectively, this relationship started on their own, we moved in together very quickly and somehow miraculously, this jealous woman, yes, yes, somehow miraculously it turned out that my toothbrush is already in his cup and my underwear is lying
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separately with him . somewhere in the closet, we met year, i understand that my free space, time, friends are beginning to be encroached upon, and it was all under the sauce of care, under the sauce of the fact that i want to spend more time with you, earring, i translate, it means that this is the beginning of a woman’s property is included, all the women are waiting for a proposal in a year, well, some kind already, yes, they want it, as it were, or you already marry me, we’ll have children.
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uh, i started renting a separate apartment, we went to the same gym at that time. i guess i was traced from this gym, to my apartment, they started writing text messages from unfamiliar numbers, uh, with threats from an unknown person, they started writing to me on the doors of some kind of threats, die creature, or whatever, or don’t bother anyone with this, blond, no, no, no, there were people writing to me at the door, it was a joke, and it was specially encrypted, probably, well, or she gave the task to some kid who had completed two classes, there were no ephemerals, no masculatives, i didn’t understand who was writing this, they suited me sweet life, yes one saturday, one saturday morning i wake up from what my pager from the car sees, with the car, that this happened, i look out the window, it’s not burned, i see a huge one.
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tiles, nine from the bathroom, it just sticks out in the roof, a mental hospital, well, this is tough, i think this is generally normal, especially. i wonder if he wrote a statement against her, well , because this is an absolutely inappropriate act, the worst thing is that when you start communicating with a person, you don’t expect it at all, you don’t suspect, yes, but you called the police, no, i went to the manager watch the company with a camera, i couldn’t see them provide, but they showed me, and i saw a familiar silhouette and a familiar jacket, unfortunately, my face was not visible, i presented myself, listen, they didn’t write, didn’t call, didn’t try to find out, i collected this whole pile of documents. inspection of the car, statement to the police, i had to take nashara, how is it, yes, about nashara, yes, they gave me back a little money for the car, she went to murmansk, doctor, resuscitator, anesthesiologist. well,
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nothing human is alien, listen, it seems to me that they talk a lot about ex- girlfriends, and he talks in such detail about every story, with such desire, you know, as if he was waiting for this question, ask, ask me about mine, i would tell you more about myself. well, yes, than what he wants, what he wants. okay, seryozhechka, everything, it was, it was, fufu, fly, fly, don’t hit anyone. tell me, please, who did they come for today, besides the fact that she, you probably already have a whole list of dossier prepared, well, everything about her is fantasy, like all young people now, everything is much more down-to-earth than it might seem in reality, this should be it, here i am can i ask one question, seryozha, well, you are really cool, educated, you will never be left without a penny of money as long as you have it.
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not to let my rival get into the operating room with me and that happened, then why can’t i find it among my own? i'm married to my job, how do you feel about him being your coworker? is your colleague cool? but colleagues are different, some are so hard workers that they are at work 24/7, in principle, such schedules are everywhere, but if there is no time for a normal life, we will not intersect, of course, what will come of this? it’s good with colleagues when you are at one working together, yes, yes, you intersect, no, it’s like he’s already at work and at home, no, no, no, this doesn’t work out in veterinary medicine, because you’re always busy with your own business, basically, you, as they say, take 5 minutes to drink coffee, then yes, see you, otherwise no, that’s why. you are inclined to the fact that the conversations will all be basically on the same topic, most likely you have worked on it, give or take, yes, shameful somersaults, she is lena berbak and far-jumping
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targets in unbalanced fantasies, the german foreign minister, we are waging a war against russia, they are calling not only to install taurus cruise missiles there, but they also say that the target has actually carried out a constitutional coup. on german territory there should never under any circumstances be a threat of war, she loves money very much, she is directly about money, you are rich, i am richer than many, many, many, many other people in this country, she is finishing off the german economy, a huge number of factories closed, she destroys everything, she is a destroyer, she does her job perfectly, but this is not in the interests of the german people or german industrial power, the task is to change the structure of the economy, militarize it so that... germany becomes the locomotive of military europe. and who needs germany directed against russia? burbucks serves as a globalizer. anna lena berbak, somersault 180°. dolls of the heir
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tutti. tomorrow on the first. his problem is that he doesn't know what marriage is, so he can't have a couple. goes and performs an operation, or, for example, you need to clean the operating room, and the cleaning lady says: i’m not working today, order cleaning, and how long will your clinic last on such
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duties, we are now talking about how your scheme, which i just voiced, does not work, that is, everyone must be responsible for their own business, in your scheme there are no responsibilities at all, i came here this morning. he keeps saying: i’m going to do appendicitis, but what’s wrong with that, i’ll go and cut it out? no, my dear, family is the same clinic with responsibilities, requirements and professionalism. if you want your home to smell like pies, then you need to marry a girl who knows how to cook, or i myself also, who knows how, the most terrible words for them, uh, must and must, you are very afraid of this, so it’s not that you are afraid, but you deny it for you, well, you are unhappy people, then you will understand that it doesn’t work that way in general, the scheme of human relationships, and the world will collapse if it doesn’t, i must, i... must and i must, it’s very difficult, it’s just
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difficult, just when you do it with pleasure, you have to do it, but you like it , yes, yes, do it, but you understand, there should also be a system in marriage, you today i liked it, you know, doing this, on wednesday, thursday, friday no, i don’t know until i try, in any case, i have, look, earring, you had these models of marriage both before and after the army for quite a long time , only there was no stamp in the passport, but... you have experience of living together, but the experience of living together is not only romantic, when in the rain, two in the rain, you know, it’s also something else, well, you see, he infantile, yes there is such a thing, yes he is infantile, so of course he is cute, good, but there is this child in him, even of course, i think that he is not yet ready to take any responsibility in general and for life, financial responsibility, and there are two dogs, for example, he took responsibility for two dogs, two dogs is not such a strong responsibility as for a woman, absolutely not for children.
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you’re not skiing on a ski area, but simply on powdery snow on slopes that won’t wash when walking on powdery snow, which she correctly translated your thought to her, that it’s hard, she wants to be held in her arms, well, some kind it’s probably a moron, that’s all, there are no others. demand, laris, don’t look at me
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like that, what did you buy it for, but i’m selling it, that’s why i’m not oriented, but he writes poetry, really, yes, i was thinking, maybe with our mendelssohn, for some reason he’s silent we 've been around for a long time, let's have a battle for fun, well, for the mood, come on, so first you, and then our mendelssohn, maybe you will succeed in this, so, consider it okay, he couldn't get a fresh manicure, appreciate a haircut, no, do it? you have a blue-haired evil gnome, colorblind, your man, colorblind, will have to get a divorce, it’s not worth living with someone like that, mendelssohn, your move, well, let’s try to answer something on the fly, your man has trouble hearing, he’s not breathing smoothly yet, maybe mama mia, he has tachycardia, in a word i won’t pick my pocket, in verse, i’m a count, i’m a count of oman, well, on this wonderful
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note, i would have already invited you to meet me, come in. hi, my name is dasha, this is my friend zes, i hope we can become friends, hi, hi, hi, please, thank you, come here, daria, 26 years old, veterinarian, dog handler, zoo photographer, enjoys horse riding, lives in moscow, and is proud of it. dreams of doing the splits, going
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on an african safari, buying a motorhome, warning that there will not be a large number of guests and stupid competitions at her wedding. daria’s husband was so spineless that he always agreed to all her proposals, including divorce, hoping that sergei knew how to take the initiative. hello, hello, listen, well, i’m very interested, so to speak, colleague. a-and it seems to me that she’s an interesting girl, her dog is so cute, good, we have her there’s also a lot in common, to be honest, even more than with sergei, that’s who you came with, please show me. a mongrel with a rather difficult fate, he was abandoned on the highway, then he ended up in battles, i took him with a bunch of problems, but you can come up to me, and i’ll tell you what his name was, you stand up, his name was, it’s clear that i have , and you smell like doggies, doggies, come
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and meet me, look who, my little masechka, my little one, anatoly, do you think he’s anatoly? they just called life, little, and you, you and him, it’s on the mental side, what soft, soft character, because look how soft the hairs are, yes, you are my darling, masechka, but you can with me, you can, thank you very much, but with a dog of course there is a way out, i think this is generally a good idea, trump card, little sparrow , and how many years, 10, 10, yes, huh? he was 2 years old, it turns out that when i took him, he was 8 years old, and what a dog he was, he was a very complex dog with aggression, with a dislike for people and the world, but for some reason we had an ideal relationship with him relationship, now he’s sitting like this, huddling close to larisa, and allowing himself to be stroked everywhere, he
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i realized that people are not all evil, i gave birth, in short, to my daughter a dog for her, because i was absolutely indifferent, well, even more than that. that’s it, i just got over it, and lyulka is very jealous of my dog, and i tell her, shame on you, you’re 23, and she’s only two, she says, mom, i’m a human, i’m a human, don’t compare us, she you know, she said, she says, i now understand georgiy, that when i was born, you know, she’s the youngest in the family, that is, she’s an absolute person for us, she’s the youngest in the family, i think it’s important to study helping our brothers with charity is less, therefore. if possible, of course, i go to the shelter on saturdays, walk with the dogs, bring food, well, there are some medicines, and we move on to your husband, it seems to me, according to the description, according to the story, he was just a very good person, and you are his good they considered my character to be a weakness, perhaps,
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probably, the problem is in my character too, because it seemed to me that i could become quiet, calm,
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the snow was singing, and in the spring the waters were noisy, running, waking up the sleepy shore, running, shining and shouting, they they say in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are the young messengers of spring, she sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first. loved for what? i loved him because, despite my character, my statements, actions, and
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sometimes even bad thoughts, he still loved, what actions, are you hysterical or something, because you speak as if let’s go right away the truth, let's give examples. oh, i forgot, and i didn’t collect it, now wait, why are we in a hurry, well, melancholic, in short, there was laxity in everything, i clearly need it, but if we agreed, then we agreed, it couldn’t be any other way, that’s all, and it drove me away, and at first i thought, okay, i’ll be patient, okay, i’ll be patient, is he the one? and i say, time has passed, i spent it, well , well, well, you came home from work, and he was lying on the couch, yes, it happened that i worked all day long, yes, i come, i say, why couldn’t you there to help around the house or...
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i made my way up my career ladder in different ways, there with education and so on, there was no official place of work, in
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at that moment the opportunity arose to purchase housing, you bought an apartment with a mortgage, yes, he took out a mortgage, but i’m paying it, now it’s your apartment you’re paying for, then why do you have a credit relationship with him, but because i don’t have one yet? the opportunity to transfer the credit to himself, but it’s all on him, i understand correctly that at any moment , in fact, he can... say this, well , in a different way, yes, but therefore we are talking about a good person, though not there is deception everywhere, listen, but a mortgage is such a serious, in fact, moment that you connects with your past relationships, after all, you are tied until you pay, and how long it will take for her to pay it off is unclear, there is also some kind of murky story there, in general, of course, it is connected, but it may not be connected with any feelings , but nevertheless you must contact this person.
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children, why? because, because of this, you can’t do it, because you can’t contradict, by the way, according to the characteristics of her relationship with her partner, what i mean is, one excludes the other, you again want a calm man, but at the same time he must have a diametrically opposite inversion, he must be very active, now this is and he must be in great activity, he must have many versatile hobbies, that is, such a lively person. for example, he will hang out in the garage all day long, because
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he likes to convert old cars into new ones there, he will not pay attention to you, why do you need this? firstly, he realizes his interests, why do you need it? your husband's interest should be you? listen? well, let's imagine. do you like sergei? yes, which one can he have a hobby, say, besides his work? usually, bucket guys love very risky hobbies, this is a common story, then you just don’t leave the house at all, a brick will fall on your head, and well, okay, everything is clear, but you know from his appearance he’s so calm, i think he’s like that flexible, ready to support, well, yes, nurse, dashenka, tell me, you have a job besides yours, you have a hobby, you’re a photographer, this, and this brings in money. to say that in fact no, this is more for souls, no, look, i take pictures of the bug all the time, zero money, zero, yeah.


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