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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 3, 2024 3:55am-4:54am MSK

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in the garage, because he likes to convert old cars into new ones there, he won’t pay attention to you, why do you need this, firstly, he is realizing his interests, why should you, your husband’s interest should be you listen, well, let’s fantasize, you like sergei, yes, what kind of hobby could he have, let’s say, well, besides his work, ordinary people like very risky hobbies, this is a common story, so what do you want then?
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and larisa, you are the autobiographer of your zhuzha, and this is a zoophotographer, invite me, honey, tell me, is there any ranking of the funniest photographs with animals? yes, there is such a comedy wildlife photography awards, and there are finalists from last year, we can look at them, oh, with pleasure, this, by the way, is one of the most popular photographs of last year , they called it monday morning, and really, exactly, oh, hai, hai, yes, this photo is called to me another one, more, that ’s how long it took to watch the mikhryutka to catch this frame, yeah, and that would be enough, there the equipment must be so expensive, probably the focus is there and everything else, right? heavy, and this photograph is called
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an animal, i saw the prices in a fur store , that’s for sure, this is what you need to be an animal photographer, you need to have such, such patience, how to capture a frame when these gorillas are walking around you, there is some kind of group tourists in the jungle and you 're sitting there, these big guys are walking around, you 're taking the same photos, no, i'm taking... photos of owners with their pets, this story is very close to me, when with the help of photographs you can see, that is, photographs with the story, right, i understand, dash, show me the surprise, you need to get ready, yes, i need to get ready and i will need the help of the groom, i wonder what surprise she has prepared, probably something connected with the dog, well, if it was related a dog, the dog wouldn’t be sitting next to borisa then, well , yes, yes, interesting, now there will be some kind of show, good doctor. it hurts, he's sitting under a tree,
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wow, impressive, nice to meet you, while i was backstage, i saw how kind and compassionate you are, i think we have a lot in general, thank you, and it so happened that while i was studying at the university, my dream came true, i got lost, and when they found out that there was sausage, i was just so inspired, i went out, i wanted to discuss, and he, too, should give away his panties with a bubble around you . dasha, the creative chaos at home, of course it annoyed him, and the fact that i could, what kind of connection, excuse me, between a creative person and eating in bed, paid for this vacation for you, fed you, came up with this romantic, went with you for the night, looking of these mosquitoes, mosquitoes bite on the ass, there this. i changed into my, so to speak, work uniform, in which i work with my horse, i ask you, groom here, please, i was still waiting for a surprise, yes. this is what
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i would like to say in this regard: those who use these weapons, these weapons that are used against russia, this is already obvious today, must understand that they are both sharp weapons, these are orders for crimes for money, they are not isolated, also in this professional environment, you can say, and you know this well, in this environment there is no reliable agents, they do everything for money. anything, not guided by any religious or political considerations, only financial ones, everything is also easy to sell, any information is bought and sold, so we will certainly reach the end customers, at the same time, the unhindered penetration of terrorists into the country has become a reason to ask questions ourselves, the actions of all law enforcement, control, supervisory services, commercial organizations that were responsible for... everything in order to
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to bring law and order and security in places where people gather to a new level to a new level. after the terrorist attack , the debate on controlling the migrant environment intensified. do you know that the breeding ground for such extremist activities, and simply outright criminality, is, in many cases of illegal migration, the ideological pumping of various kinds of false preachers and internet sites. it is unacceptable, i want to emphasize this, to use recent tragic events for...
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the police are developing a so-called profile foreign citizen. even before entering the country, migrants will be required to transfer complete information about themselves to the russian data bank. control over the mandatory doccyloscopy and photography procedures has been strengthened. the array of collected data was replenished with another 2 million samples. their use on the basis of modern resources made it possible to solve almost 2,500 crimes by citizens of other states. in 2023, the number of cases of organizing illegal migration detected by the police increased by 90% to 3,500 cases. temporary stay of foreigners was reduced, 110 thousand illegal immigrants were expelled from russia. as for the illegal behavior of visitors, this is a principled position. they must clearly know that
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in russia we must obey the laws and take into account our cultural and moral values. and here is vladimir putin’s assessment of the situation. when you start to understand the circumstances. the security of the state and society, to preserve, first of all, it is necessary to ensure the interests and preserve interethnic and interreligious harmony, our cultural, linguistic
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originality, everything that is the strength of russia, the principle that only those can come and live and work in russia. who respects our traditions, language, culture, history. this principle must be decisive. another important topic of the board is the work of law enforcement agencies in new regions of russia. i know that there you have to come into conflict not only with crime, but sometimes with enemy sabotage groups, who, among other things, try to use long-standing channels through organized crime. therefore, one of the most important tasks in donbass is protect novorossiya. citizens from criminal threats, ensure the normal functioning of government bodies, enterprises, banks, shops, farmers, small medium-sized businesses. since reunification, the ministry of internal affairs has been formed in all four regions. based on your work, people largely judge the strength of russian law. and this is a huge
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responsibility, which you are sure you understand well. and the police are working in 2023 in the liberated territories, almost a ton of drugs. caches intended for use by the apu. 87 grenades were confiscated from caches, more than 800 different shells, mines, 67. small arms, over 35 thousand rounds of various calibers, 200 tons of explosives. the fight against illegal arms trafficking is one of the key tasks of the ministry of internal affairs in all regions of the country, as well as suppressing attempts to shake russian society from within. the number of participants in uncoordinated actions
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decreased noticeably last year. measures have been taken to identify citizens engaged in sabotage activities and accomplices of the kiev regime. since the beginning of the special operation, four have been installed. we must proceed from the fact that today the internal and external threats are often intertwined and equally directed against our citizens and society, deterring russia from undermining our sovereignty. a little later, at the end of the meeting, vladimir putin returned to this idea. after the collapse of the ussr, our geopolitical ill-wishers certainly set themselves the goal of further ruining what was left of historical russia, that is. yes, to destroy its core, in fact, its own russia, the russian federation, and
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to subordinate everything that remains to its geopolitical interest, i confidently say about this, as a former director of the fsb, as a former secretary of the security council, and then as president and supreme commander. the degree of awareness allows one not to assume, but to know the literal motives of opponents. oddly enough, someone wants revenge for.
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but you yourself must work in conditions close to
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wartime conditions, i think that for the people who are sitting in this room, for the people in uniform, these are absolutely obvious things, i really count on you, this is the kind of work the people of russia expect from you. konstantin, yuri sholmov, andrey morozov, anna zayakina, alexander kovalev, first channel. a series of new acts of sabotage in russia were prevented by our special services from kiev. from six countries of the european union, a cargo of explosives, which were hidden in icons and church utensils, passed through without any problems , stopped by fsb officers, customs officers and soldiers of the russian guard. dmitry kulko, more details. russian-latvian border, checkpoint at belinka in the pskov region. fsb officers inspect a detainee in a minibus with a trailer. his license plates are european, the cargo, as it turned out later, is from ukraine, hundreds icons produced in kiev, the image of christ the savior, the kazan mother of god, under which. the mass of the seized explosive
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is enough to blow up a five-story residential building. however, whoever tried to smuggle explosives into russia for holy images was clearly planning more than one explosion. in the church shelter, operatives find an entire arsenal of industrial detonators. they are capable of detonating bombs remotely, by calling or messaging. element. radio with a sim card slot. assembly of this improvised explosive device takes just minutes. there are also ready-made bomb icons. here is the hexagen mounted in the base of the frame. the perpetrators of sabotage had only to stick the detonator. for now, we can only guess where exactly the criminals were going to use explosives. but whatever the plans, they were destroyed by employees of the federal customs service, the russian guard and the fsb. total of cargo traveling along the route ukraine, romania, hungary, slovakia, poland or. lithuania, latvia, russia, 27 camouflaged and ready-to-use homemade ones were recovered
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explosive devices, 70 kg of industrially produced plastic explosive of high power, 91 electric detonators and parts of the krpg 7 shot. these shots from the grenade went exactly into kondil, a circus pendant, specially laid so that it would not dangle, the number 10 in a double circle on the ammunition - markings of a military plant in bulgaria, whose weapons have long been used by ukraine. here on the box is the name of the intermediate point: chernivtsi. first, there, closer to the border, explosives arrived from kiev. then how established by the fsb, through the parubnaya checkpoint, the cargo was transferred to romania, to a border warehouse. obviously, this was done by the ukrainian special services, which had no difficulty creating a corridor on their border, but the romanian border guards also calmly let through a car full of bombs, despite the strict inspection rules that were introduced after the start of the svo. according to the criminals’ plan, this cargo was to be delivered to russia by a second vehicle, arriving for loading on the territory of the republic of romania, at this warehouse
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i looked, there was a load of church utensils and icons. i was given the entire package of documents to the city of moscow, where the unloading should take place. after which i moved to russian territory , according to the driver at customs between romania and hungary, he, without any questions, prepared the documents for entry into the single economic space of the european union. then he carried the bomb icons straight along the highway, without even trying to bypass the inspection point on the polish-lithuanian border. latvian border guards also let the car through without any problems. as a result , the deadly cargo crossed six countries, having covered a journey of almost 2.0 km, it’s not you...
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the driver to get to those who were preparing to use these explosives inside the country, if the people detained, they had to hand them over to someone to unload somewhere, and from this they will have to dance, the work is being carried out quite actively and therefore we should already expect results in suppressing the activities of the intelligence network on russian territory. losing at the front in an open battle, ukraine has long been hitting civilians with force, committing terrorist acts in russia. and after the investigation revealed a connection between ukrainian.
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in their own way, according to their convictions, either atheists or militant atheists, in this logic i repeat, the use of icons as bombs is something completely normal for them, but indicates that they have lost all ability to see something other than their own goals, kill people. ukrainian special services did not fully think through
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the legend according to which explosives were transported across half of europe. the russian orthodox church has been around for a long time. does not buy anything in ukraine. dmitry kulko, yulia zagranichnogo and igor agafonov, first channel. the hexagen, the same as the one intercepted today, was also in the exploded bust that terrorist daria trepova presented to maxim fomin. today is exactly one year since the death of voenkor, better known as vladlen the tatar. people are bringing flowers to a cafe in st. petersburg on the university embankment where the tragedy occurred. among those who came were participants from that same creative evening. memory. vladlen tatarsky was honored in donetsk, where he constantly visited on the way to the front line, where he brought humanitarian aid. people came to the city center to the russia monument. 25 april vladlen tatarsky would have turned 42 years old. in january of this year, trepova was given 27 years in prison. since the beginning of the year, the armed forces have liberated 403 km of territory in our new
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regions. the figures were given by sergei shaigu on the defense department selector. the key to success lay in... those, after escaping from avdeevka, tried to organize a line of defense a little trap, but already in march it was destroyed, orlovka, thin and a little further nevelskaya were liberated. there in the dpr, in the trap of artyomovsk, the enemy was knocked out of krasnoye, this village is on the way to chasov yar, through which. the path to kramatorsk and slavyansk opens. more about the actions of our troops and the losses of militants. irina kuksenkova. in all directions, the russian military is repelling militant attacks and occupying new ones. frontiers: fighters of the attack drone unit of the southern group of forces destroyed almost 40 tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, including western ones, in the past 24 hours alone. our
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pividron operators are disrupting the rotation of enemy personnel on the front line. it has become a very difficult task for them now to carry out rotation. even our flight ranges have increased, we work over long distances, so they even... thanks to the courage and professionalism of our military personnel, over the past month in the donetsk people's republic the settlements of nevelskoye, orlovka, tonenkoe,
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krasnoye, and the village of mirnaya in the zaporozhye region have been liberated. in total, since the beginning of the year , 403 km of territory in new regions of the russian federation has come under our control. we continue to reduce the enemy's combat potential. since january , the armed forces of ukraine. lost more than 80 thousands of military personnel, 14,000 units of various weapons, including over 1,200 tanks and other armored combat vehicles. and, of course, the russian army continues to launch precision strikes against enemy critical infrastructure. they hit defense factories, airfields, ammunition depots and tets. on march 22, a jewelry hit hit the largest power plant. this is the largest damage to energy facilities since the beginning of the northern military district. in march
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, high-precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles carried out 190 group and two massive strikes on ukraine. military energy infrastructure facilities were hit. the minister of defense noted that active work continues to cover the border with an artillery artillery. army aviation hit enemy positions with unguided s-8 missiles, all the crews successfully returned to their home airfields after the departure, and today sergei shaigu
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spoke about new appointments in the fleets, admiral moiseev became the commander-in-chief of the navy, vice admiral kabantsov headed the northern fleet , and chernomorsky - vice admiral pinchuk. colleagues, i'm with one on the other hand, congratulations, on the other hand, i hope you understand the enormous responsibility that falls on you. i hope that you will cope with the tasks that the supreme commander-in-chief, the ministry of defense, and, of course, the country have set for you. sergei shaigu told about the progress of the conscription campaign, it started on april 1, in accordance with the presidential decree, 150 thousand people are subject to conscription, most of them will receive a military training specialty in training units. and military units, only after that will he go to the places service, i emphasize that conscripts
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will not be involved in the special military operation, and military personnel whose conscription period has expired will be promptly dismissed and sent home. irina kuktenkova, vladimir zalutsky and sergey nashchokin, channel one. and about the feat of our military together against an entire platoon of militants who tried to recapture. under fire, he reached the already familiar sniper group. his report contains exclusive footage. the enemy spotted us, the weather was clear, with a mortar, apparently they’re working, we need to break away, let’s go to the state, guys, the eighty-third airborne assault
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brigade of the airborne forces. where we are going to film, works on the front line and ukrainian mortars can easily reach here. whether the target was our car or the barn where the mine hit is not so important, what is important is to pass this area at maximum speed. we flew by and here we are visiting a sniper group already familiar to viewers of channel one from a recent report. the fighters show us two truly unique trophies. a huge attack drone, adapted to drop 120 mm mines, like the already famous baba yaga, only almost twice as much. but where is this bird or even this bird more valuable? that is, as if, let’s say, its downing , relatively speaking, well, with very high quality, saved many lives, here it is completely with their enemy equipment, completely intact, and we really got from there, i can’t say yet, what kind of information
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that revealed the points that we... from where it was launched, that is, its operators were destroyed. puma is an aircraft -type drone, wingspan is almost 5 m, range flight up to 60 km. here is a demonstration of it on the manufacturer’s official website: pumas are used in particular by the us marine corps. the americans sent several batches of these drones of various modifications to kiev in the twenty-second and twenty-third years. our fighters had never captured such cougars as trophies before. the enemy treasures this expensive equipment like the apple of his eye. having lost a ukrainian armed forces drone. a mixed capture group was immediately sent to the area, consisting of soldiers of the third separate brigade, stormtroopers of the edelweiss brigade, and militants of radical groups obviously mercenaries. the enemy had the task of defending the drone at all costs; a whole platoon fought for it, including using nato grenade launchers; this trophy is also from that battle. then the story of a real feat begins. having ordered his guys to deliver the puma to the rear at any cost, the commander and his partner with the call sign fierce remained to cover the retreat. in fact
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, the two of us took the blow. the idea that this was most likely their last battle, thank you, in the end, the snipers admit, the commander had serious shrapnel wounds, including in the head, both were shell-shocked, but they didn’t think of retreating, the motto is honor is more valuable than life, for them it’s not loud words, but rule number one, there was only one feeling that i
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did everything right. a very worthy deed. in the battle, holding an american drone in his hand with a grenade in his hand, the enemy lost as many as 24 people. here are their badges, documents , stripes, from the forbidden call to the symbols of the belarusian nationalist legionnaires. a self-destruct device was found in the drone, necessary to hide technology from the enemy and intelligence data. when this charge is detonated, the unmanned
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aerial vehicle is, in principle, completely destroyed. yes. the head of the fatherland defenders foundation, anna tseveleva, reported to vladimir putin about how they help soldiers, veterans of the northern military district and their families. it is one year since the signing of the presidential decree on its establishment. the first branches opened throughout the country less than two months later. any targeted assistance without unnecessary bureaucracy, from treatment and rehabilitation, is employment and registration of benefits. during the work fund received almost a million requests ; the vast majority were promptly
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resolved. i asked you to do this at one time, to get feedback on the quality of the services provided, well, the means of rehabilitation, i know that... you and your colleagues are working on creating an appropriate information system? yes, the system is launching from today, we will collect feedback both through the government services portal and through the chatbot, which will be downloaded to the mobile phones of these guys, we will definitely collect feedback from the guys on how satisfied they are with the service, the help that... was provided to them by us, and by the relevant ministry and department, i’m watching you, you several times, well, constantly during our conversation, all the time it’s so warm to talk about those people with whom you work, defenders,
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our guys and so on, this is how you need to treat everyone with care and love, both directly to our soldiers and to members of their families, this is the attitude towards people that needs to be preserved in the future and, if you allow, we have some initiative, we have there is a category of children, it is not numerous, but nevertheless, who were seriously injured, are currently in wheelchairs or have double amputation, that is , both lower extremities at once, now we want to take the initiative to provide these guys with a car with manual control, to include in the list of... means of rehabilitation, this is an opportunity for a young man, this will be perhaps a fateful decision, he will be able to go to work, and especially when he lives in a village in shopping, socializing, going somewhere, in order to generally remain on
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such an active agenda of life, we will assume that this issue has been resolved. news from kiev, zelensky signed a law further reducing the age from 27 to 25 years. discrepancy, because on the rada website there is talk about changes to the law on military service, and there is a call for mobilization, there is a separate project. in any case, the signal is direct and clear, you can save yourself without waiting. the latest ukrainian sociology is as follows: almost 54% are sympathetic to draft dodgers, only 8% are ready to go to war. on in the seemingly pro-zelensky west of ukraine, 800 people are wanted in the volyn region alone, and another 500 in the chernovid region. in khmelnitskaya , a woman accused military commissars of her son’s death, publishing two photos before the guy was detained in a store and in a hospital, where he lay for two days with brain damage incompatible with life. and from the west
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the promise of money and status. jens stoltenberg, who before october 1, nato secretary general, although he should have left in the fall of twenty-two, announced a plan to create a fund for 100 for ukraine for 5 years billion dollars, but there are no alliance partners yet. have you agreed whether to include bilateral assistance? moreover, the us share in the fund will be significantly lower than the 60 billion that are stuck in congress, only 16 billion, reports the newspaper for the national times. and suddenly the head of the us state department, blinken, spoke on behalf of nato. ukraine will supposedly get membership, but first it needs a road map. all this will be presented at the summer anniversary summit in washington, the day after tomorrow the bloc is 75 years old. during this time, it pulled new countries into itself 10 times, including lithuania and latvia. estonia, and the year back and finland, bordering russia. fifteen-year-old schoolboy islam khalilov, who led more than 100 people out of the building during the terrorist attacks in crocus city hall, received a grant to study at one of the russian
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universities. the ceremony took place today in the state duma, and representatives of the kyrgyz friendship society and employees of the republican embassy took part in it. i will add that islam khalilov will be able to receive an education at any university in the country that he chooses. preparations for the government’s annual report to the state duma were discussed today at a meeting of the cabinet of ministers, mikhail mishustin’s report at okhotnoy ryad tomorrow was traditionally preceded by a series of consultations with deputies of all factions. the prime minister spoke about their results with the chairman of the lower house. anna kurbatova listened. dear vyacheslav vidovich, tomorrow we have a government report to the state duma, we have been preparing for this report. the head of the russian government with the chairman of the lower house of parliament completes a series of consultations before the report on the results of the work of the cabinet of ministers for mikhail mishustin will be the fifth in a row and the last in the current composition of the cabinet of ministers. my deputies, ministers, and
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heads of federal authorities worked in the relevant committees and prepared for the government report. the ministers literally lived in the state duma for more than a month, met in specialized meetings... they also devoted time to discussing a possible tightening of migration policy. additional measures to support svo participants and their loved ones were discussed with united russia and representatives of the fair russia with the faction’s proposal to issue land plots of up to two hectares to fighters in the liberated territories. and with new people, mikhail mishustin discussed new ideas for supporting small medium-sized businesses in the donbass, kherson region and zaporozhye. and that’s certainly not all. range of issues, first of all, naturally, and these were issues
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related to the tasks that the president set in his message, we also talked about national development goals, about national projects, we talked about the need for industrial financial, technological, economic sovereignty, what needs to be done for this, almost 14 thousand appeals on the eve of the report to the state duma were received from citizens, most often people wrote about problems in housing and communal services and healthcare, these are... issues of the state of personnel in healthcare, or rather their deficit, we, for our part, also need to help the regions with their powers, but at the same time we see that they cannot cope on their own, and of course, it is important for us to work out decisions on them together, we talked today about the decisions already made last year the government sent 300 bills to the duma and 200 of them have already become federal laws, on other results of the work.
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mikhail mishustin will tell the government for 2023 in detail tomorrow; the entire cabinet of ministers will be in the state duma on video link for the second year in a row, as well as colleagues of federal deputies from the regions, including from four new constituent entities. the prime minister’s speech last time lasted about 2 hours, then almost the same amount. mishustin answered questions from parliamentarians about the situation in the social sphere, politics, economics, which, thanks to the measures taken, not only withstood the sanctions blow, but also returned to its growth trajectory.
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our unity. ceremonial events
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dedicated to unity day took place today in many cities, including moscow; the astankino tower was decorated with the flags of russia and belarus. the state symbols of the two states were unfurled today in the victory museum on poklonnaya hill. cadets of the presidential school took part in the ceremony. and in minsk , a festive concert took place in the palace of the republic. in less than an hour in new york the un security council must meet. at the request of russia and after an israeli strike on the iranian diplomatic mission in the syrian capital. tehran promises to respond, leaving it to choose when and how this will happen. kirill brainin, about why the story is not only about an air raid. the iranian consulate building in damascus is in ruins. everyone who was inside at the time of the israeli airstrike was dead. among the dead were brigadier general of the islamic revolutionary guard corps mahammad zahidi and six other high-ranking iranian officers. they probably were the main goal of the attack, which the world
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media is now calling a new round of the undeclared war between israel and iran. the strike on damascus, the syrian capital, was one of the deadliest in the decades-long shadow war between israel and iran, which included the killing of iranian military commanders and nuclear scientists. this covert war has become open as tensions between the countries have increased due to israel's military campaign in the gaza strip against the iran-backed hamas movement. the new york times shares the conclusions... but with an important addition. israel has carried out strikes in syria against iran and its allies for years throughout its six-month military campaign against hamas in the gaza strip. but the attack is perfect. monday stood out both because of its location, a diplomatic complex traditionally kept out of combat, and because of the high-ranking nature of its apparent target. the obvious end seems to justify the means, and although israel does not officially comment on the strike on the diplomatic mission in damascus, cnn refers to verbal statement from a representative of the ministry of defense.
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according to our intelligence, this is not a consulate or an embassy, ​​i repeat, this is not a consulate or an embassy, ​​this is a military building of the iranian forces, located in damascus in disguise. sub-civilian, israeli defense forces spokesman rear admiral daniel hagari told cnn's jim siuta. cnn cannot verify this claim. but if cnn suddenly had problems checking the status of a building in the syrian capital, then in damascus itself there is no doubt about this. the consular section embassy has been serving the iranian people for 30 years. the ambassador's residence is located on the top floor of the consular section. this building is not new, it has been in use for many years. the entire syrian people know that this is the consulate building.
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knew about the attack on their consulate in damascus and were in no way involved in it. two other u.s. officials said the administration was told about the operation in syria when israeli planes were already in the air, but they did not know what the target was. to put it mildly, i'm not thrilled with the action. israel in the european union. nobody there really needs another wave of protests from new european citizens with middle eastern roots. we are alarmed by the alleged israeli strike on an iranian diplomatic building in the syrian capital.
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who acts against us throughout the middle east, that the price for acting against israel will be high. it is already the sixth month, however, the residents of the gaza strip are paying the price for the bloody attack of hamas militants in the autumn. thousands of dead, more than a million refugees whom israel itself drove into the border rafah, and now promises to conduct a ground operation there, despite washington’s objections. among those who pay with their lives are representatives of international organizations. the israeli army attacked the colony with humanitarian aid. among the dead were citizens of australia, poland, great britain, the usa and canada. prime minister netanyahu had to justify himself for the attack; he called the attack unintentional. as for the destroyed iranian consulate in syria, again no comments. but actually, what can you say when it’s obvious a smaller spark is enough to explode a powder keg, causing a fire throughout
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the middle east. in the russian foreign ministry, the actions of the israeli army were sharply condemned, unacceptable, such tactics were called in...
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for your personal historical justice, which was not always so visible to the slavs, and what is happening now in ukraine is a fight for us, we who saw what happened to these banderaites in croatia when they drove out 230,000 serbs, and i think this analogy is very... x croatia and bosnia, who carried out the genocide of the serbs in the nineties of the last century.
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very similar phenomena, very similar, but it is surprising how tenacious this ideology is, the hatred of extreme nationalism, which has been used by many forces for centuries in their own, first of all, by the way, not in ideological, in geopolitical interests. in this series, by the way, all these terrorist attacks that we have been seeing lately, which we have been experiencing lately. in november last year.
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colonization of the world, i think it was such a version of the end of western domination, they never they didn’t talk about the fact that there were 27 million or more victims in russia, now when they talk about this problem of nazism, they don’t know or don’t want to know that there was an end to this era of colonialization, which will now end. i think no one wants to part with this, and i know, it’s just that these historical phobias are still present,
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someone in russia still blames the fact that someone once lost their colonial power, not they will, relatively speaking, take offense at us for helping the peoples of africa, latin america, and asia stand up, fight for freedom, believing that this is russia. is to blame for the demise of colonialism, but this is not at all true: yes, the actions of the soviet union accelerated the process, but it was inevitable, because in africa, latin america, asia, it had already outgrown it anyway, the principles of the colonial regime, people no longer wanted to be slaves, yes, of course, the soviet union somehow stimulated and pushed this, but these historical processes were inevitable, they were objective, the same thing...
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probably history didn’t know yet, and these processes are inevitable, it’s just that no one in power in the broad sense of the word wants to come to terms with this, they are looking for those to blame, that ’s the problem. cinema is able to tell a large number of people about the values ​​that are really necessary for existence in the world that is being built after the collapse of the concept of a unipolar pro-western world, the idea of ​​the world of kusturica about shooting films that will be based on russian. thomas bach, champion of the 76 olympiad in foil fencing, holder of three german crosses of merit of our order of calculation, that the head of the international olympic committee, purely cordially admitted how the anti-russian sports ram works. the moment of truth came with the help of pranksters, vavan and
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lexus. ivan blagoy about bakhov. dirty games. we punish those responsible for the annexation. there can be no anthem, the russian anthem cannot be performed. the russian flag cannot be raised. but in public, the head of the international olympic committee says wonderful things. politicization divides the world, it contradicts the olympic mission. in conversation with pranksters we see. another chapter could thomas bach talks about nothing other than large-scale surveillance of athletes in the internet space, supported by the russian government, under sanctions. we have a special monitoring commission at the mok level. which, which also works with an independent company, they monitor the internet, and public statements.
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an athlete appears somewhere with such statements, he cannot take part in the games, well, that’s not all, he could have gone further, turned to kiev in fact for compromising information on russian athletes, for their subsequent removal from participation in the olympic games. we also offered to the ukrainian side and not only offered, but also asked to provide us with their information. official representative of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova. mok called the head a dirty-hearted confession. according to her , thomas bach entered into an administrative, obviously criminal conspiracy with one specific party to remove strong competitors at international competitions. president mog bach's relationship with the ukrainian national olympic committee and its officials, and his admission of a request to monitor russian athletes, should be the subject of a thorough investigation. olympic champion in speed skating
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and state duma deputy svetlana zhurova. information about tracking athletes, however. i’m not surprised , the athletes were warned about it that data was being collected and that i think that most likely they even won some kind of grant to some organization that could perform this function. deprived of the flag, deprived anthem, they were even deprived of the opportunity to take part in the parade of athletes at the opening ceremony of the olympic games in paris, but it turns out that russia is politicizing sports. no joke, that's mok's position. bach is extremely concerned that russia is planning to hold a world championship in the fall. friendship games. a significant part of the conversation with pranksters is devoted to how this can be prevented. bach had several contacts with the supposedly african politician, not only via video conference, but also by telephone. it was about planning the murder of just games friendship, in detail indicating the accomplices, the head of vada banka, the deputy president of the european commission schinas and the french president macron. president macron
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completely agrees with all this. the international olympic committee is trying to usurp world sport, as for the attitude towards russian athletes from the outside , politicization is not the right word, this is already insanity,
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which was expressed on the sidelines. any victory of a russian athlete is a victory for putin personally, do you understand? it’s hard to say, but i did drop a hint; in general, it’s up to you to decide. what could this mean? for participating athletes or even participating national olympic committees. the world anti-doping
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agency obviously has the main role in the operation to intimidate athletes who want to go to the friendship games in russia, to destroy and destroy these games. the pranksters deliberately provoked bach with extremely harsh formulations, but it seems that this was exactly what the head wanted to hear. it will be a good fight. we will win and we will destroy these games completely, okay, very good, very good, thank you very much, about that bach spoke with pranksters in mog they know at least since march 21, when a corresponding press release appeared on the official website of the international olympic committee, that’s all, today’s publication of conversations in mog decided to simply not notice. ivan the good, dmitry volkov, lyubov dmitrieva, yuli zagranichnogo, dalia serzhidinova, channel one. do you want more, soon, thomas bach in the show of vavan and lexus. tonight at 0:00 on the first. the central part of russia is experiencing unprecedented warmth for april 2.


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