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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  April 3, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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my thoughts are like a bird in flight. will scatter throughout the big world, come here, whoever i told you, i don’t want to go to these prostitutes again, check them yourself, my wife is mad, you here, come here, cut the police immediately, i’ll kill the reptile, what are you doing, calm down , police, don't touch him, don't shoot.
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pour basta, comme il est loin le temps, printenant, son parfum et faire, c'est la neige dan temps, il dure qu'un instant et puis. it’s great that we’ve all gathered here today, so what are we going to do, citizen? severidova, he hasn’t been crippled all his life, i can’t do this anymore, alexandra mikhailovna, well, you’re on your own. you don’t want to do anything,
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i want to, i’ll write a statement today, that’s for sure, or like last times, that’s right, my patience has run out, okay, okay, then i ’ll take you to the emergency room once again, i’ll beat you to film, okay, thank you, that’s this isn't their first time, is it? yes, not the first time, every time it’s the same thing, this one... drinks in black, then hits her for no reason, she goes away and takes the statement. ok, taxi driver, thank you again, i went, i was injured, happily, in general, two left-handers were shot at rzhevka powder, but last year one was given a sentence for robbery, but the second had his leg cut off 2 years ago for diabetes, in short, no neither one nor the other fits our description, well...
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soon it will be the month of turbin, as you serve in my company, during which time our detection rate has increased by 12%. this is directly related to you, but to our experiment, with a taxi. come on, okay, isn't it, on the other hand, let's do some arithmetic, sit down, sit down, the conversation will be long, we have been with you this month. four people were wounded, one of them you broke his jaw, well, yes, it was a serial killer, another, you sank into the shoulder, armed resistance, there was a hostage nearby, the third, you broke your nose by hitting him in the face with your forehead, a particularly dangerous criminal, the fourth, i received a traumatic brain injury, a concussion, when did it happen, but you don’t remember everyone, but turbin, what’s wrong with the snakes? who tends the pub?
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turbine, why turbine? well, because he volunteered himself. shabarkin put it that way because that you have to hang around there at night overtime, no one wanted to, but the turbines agreed, so i look at these turbine numbers and you know what i’m thinking, that you’re not going through the easiest period in your life right now, you recently divorced your wife. then they killed your parents, maybe that’s why you ’re always up in arms, maybe you have these suicidal
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tendencies, maybe you’re tired of life, no way, i really hope so, turbine. and listen to me carefully, over the years of service i have seen a lot, and those who were blown away due to personal troubles, and then the entire regiment i was looking after them, i also met quite a few of them, comrade major, i’m fine, i repeat, i’m very... i hope so, turbin, free, yes, comrade colonel,
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well, yes, 12%, but we’ve never had anything like this. well, of course, the turbine, well, yes, he praised it, it’s whining, playing around, eating bait in vain,
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apparently it doesn’t want to die, excuse me, but we haven’t met before, somehow the face is painfully familiar. "the face, you say, is familiar, that is, you don’t even really remember me, yes, what do you mean, yes, a warm soup of happiness that knows there's nothing wrong when mischief loves adventure and the whole world single and i say that.
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well, this will be better, what? that's all, well done, oh, lyoshka, hello, we just did the last injection, what would i do without you, oh, lyoshka, don't start, come on, at least i have something to do, the loaf has already become like family to me, now, if he hadn’t been stealing food from the table, he wouldn’t have any value at all, what are you saying, what is this, and why should i blush for you, and not be ashamed, does the last injection mean? yes, now they remain only pills, but strictly on schedule, and that’s good. lyosh, what are you doing tomorrow?
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i’m working as usual, but what? and the fact that i opened your refrigerator and eat the way you eat is simply impossible. tomorrow after work, come to me, i ’ll make chicken with garlic. so, lyosha, i don’t even want to hear anything, after work, so that i have a bayonet, at least eat properly, and bring this glutton with you. ah... well, will you come? okay, we'll come, promise? i promise, those, okay, see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow, thank you, well, please, admit it, chicken with garlic is your idea, theft of personal belongings in the districts has increased by 7%. parks and recreational areas, in connection with this, every squad on whose route there is a park
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must, at the beginning at the end of the shift, check the situation there, it’s better to be on the safe side than not on the safe side, it’s clear to everyone, amen, who is our urgant there? you're done, stop your ardor, wit, damn it, let's move on, shishkin has disappeared, matvey zinovich, a former federal judge, now retired, yesterday he went fishing. no one else saw him, here is a photograph, each of you will also receive an orientation, how do you like that? i don’t even know, but something simple, then maybe i can offer you something from this collection, come on, look at how elegant it is, yes, let me give you the names, it seems to me that this will suit you, try it on.
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faster, 2 minutes, bag, faster, slopes, quickly, let's get in, 1 minute, what's frozen? i'm tired of living, the whole
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outfit is robbing the jewelry store on gorokhovaya 13, i repeat, the whole outfit is robbing the jewelry store 13, that's it, let's leave, quickly, that's it, let's go, let's go, let's go. "two robbers and the driver fled the crime scene, signs, everyone is dressed in blue overalls, their faces are hidden by masks, central 8:12, what kind of car, taxi, second 8:12, gray lada kalina, number has not yet been established. central 8:12, gray lada kalina is moving along tepanova
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towards leninsky prospekt, help is needed, license plate konstantin 166, anna olga 198, what the hell? excuse me, motherfucker, lights out,
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what's there? result based on car number, stolen? no, you will be surprised, but he is not listed as stolen, but the owner has a car, two criminal records, a repeat offender, floor, floor, hands, hands behind your back, hands, i said, “calm her down, stood up, legs under you, now on stage, brilliant wolf rally, your car, no, don’t drive the fool, no, no, it’s not mine the car, i’m telling you, mine hasn’t been running for a month now, we have recordings
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from cctv cameras, it’s clearly visible that this is your car, but this can’t be, how come you didn’t..." it dawns on me, it’s broken my car is broken, if you start it, i ’ll just say thank you, who can confirm this, anyone, the whole yard, it’s it’s parked in my yard, every evening i come home from work, i tinker with it, try to fix it, check, in general, he says that his car has not been running for a month, he says that anyone can confirm this, so i need to check, hi, hi, who are you with, the turbine has arrived, and about
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ne, she’s not running, she’s not running. there are many kalinas in the city, but with such numbers there is only one, yours, bastards, and freaks, who are you talking about now? yes, they took my numbers, about a week ago i came in the evening and there were no numbers, they took them in broad daylight, i didn’t call the police did you apply? no, of course, this is a small thing, which of the cops will deal with this garbage, so you would, you’ll be
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on guard at the beer runner again, not today, no, unfortunately, i have to go to the neighbor’s. dates, no, she ’s already retired, she helps a lot with the loaf, she gave him injections, i couldn’t refuse, it’s clear how great he is, by the way, he runs around like crazy, listen, do you want me to stand guard near the pub, i still have nothing to do, but well if it’s not difficult for you, it’s not difficult for me, thank you, just don’t do anything yourself, if anything happens, call me. okay, okay, i’ll have to, i’m catching it in a layer, i’m running, i’m running, i’m running, i’m running, loaf, lesha,
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hello, i’m so glad! come in, take off your shoes, i’ve almost got everything ready, yeah, hello, good afternoon, lyosha, this is my niece, natasha, natasha, and this is lyosha, my neighbor, came to visit, how should i stop by, lyosha, we’re just we were going to have dinner, in general, meet lyosha, natasha, natasha, lyosha, it’s very nice, me too, oh, yes, you’ve met, natasha, little one, often visits me. i came, remember, lesh, to be honest, yes, of course, you remember, you were already big, natasha the little fry was playing with dolls, but
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now look how beautiful the girl has grown, well , the bride is a marriageable bride, no, look, what a tan, i’m silent, i’m silent, oh, i have a chicken there. demands results, yes, you know, it’s still good to be a general, well, you kind of demand,
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you demand, you’re not responsible for anything, but how it will be, what will happen there, you don’t care at all, okay, what do you have, come on, what, so to speak, news from the field, we received photographs from the owners of the jewelry store, already compiled guidelines, sent them to all purchases, pawnshops, jewelry stores, in general, if someone tries... to be stolen, we will immediately know about it, but what about the cctv cameras, there are two cameras in the jewelry store, the recording goes directly to the hard drive on the computer, that’s it the bandits took it with them, of course, but there is also good news, the security guards upload the recording of the past day to the internet every evening, to the cloud, samsonov and his group have already sat down to look through the material for the last week, maybe they will find something interesting, surely someone i came to investigate, thank you. natasha not only does she study with us, she also works part-time as a salesperson in a sporting goods store, well, not
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quite like that, tanya, i’m not a salesperson, but a manager of a pick-up point, we have an online store, but i don’t understand all this internet stuff of yours, a store means a salesperson , that’s right, i say, lyosha, yes, yes, of course, natasha, and lyosha also loves sports here, lyosha, maybe you? "hello, are you coming to me? well, to whom? natasha, did i tell you that lyosha
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is a policeman? yes, it happened a couple of times. the police, our lyosha serves, just like that. and here, by the way, in last year on natasha, some reptile attacked right on the street, took the phone away, seriously, it’s a pity that you weren’t around, wow, that reptile would have been in trouble. we know how well he fights, he even won several competitions, can you imagine, however, second place in karate throughout the country, rather third and not in the country, but in the military district, and not in karate, but in hand-to-hand combat, this was back in the army, yeah, well, big deal, it’s still a champion, by the way, like chicken, it turned out, yes, very, very tasty, thank you, it’s because i natasha helped, right?
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excuse me, to be honest, i didn’t know that aunt tanya would organize a performance with bridesmaids, well, if anything, i’m an old pimp, she and my mother had some kind of fixed idea, to get me married as soon as possible, they didn’t think of anything , well, now they’ve moved on to the neighbors, they’re narrowing the circle, they’re taking them in pincers. here’s my taxi, maybe we’ll make
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them happy and tell them we liked it? each other, well , so that they leave us at least for a while, a wonderful idea, okay, i’ll do that, call if anything happens, now you have a phone, and i i might even probably call, and i might even probably answer, great, bye, bye. i agree, she’s good, look, do you recognize anyone? this, well, they were wearing masks, we are not talking to you alone now.
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i could come in, turn around, look, not buy anything and leave, but well, we have a lot of them, they come in, look, don’t leave with nothing, although you know, there was one strange one just before the robbery.
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hi, i’m not distracting, i’m at work, but it’s possible to distract, what kind of work is it that you can distract, or is it a secret, no, i’m just sitting in the car, looking around, why, this is already a secret, interesting,
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i adore... a secret, and don’t you want to invite me to dinner today? but today no way, let's tomorrow, i really won't be free until after nine, it's not too late, it's not late, you'll see me off, of course i'll see you off, that's it, then, come on, see you tomorrow, come on, bye, damn, chatted, great, old man , how young life is, what are you doing here, i mean, what? i came in for a beer, changed my old house, rented a new one for lazo, so to speak, we’ll celebrate on vasily, run away from here, quickly, the cops are looking for you everywhere, razors, where, what a razor, don’t be stupid, he was just here, but first he got hooked, and then he rushed into the kitchen. calm, calm, police,
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calm, motherfucker, come on, stop, here, come, yes, what do you want, who are you anyway? turn around, hands back, people, kind, help, you also called the police, he is studying the situation, and with the consciousness of the matter, not a single random glance, yur, at least one snapshot turned out normal, where the face is clearly visible, for a second. this is not
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a fountain, of course, but the rest are even worse, tell me this: when the company was being built , they robbed it. the taxi driver said he was of average height, short hair, shaved on the sides, half-boxed.
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good morning, can you tell me how to get to communist street, yes, here is the first left turn, and there after 300 somewhere. meters to the right there will be a street, thank you, please, what are you, loaf, let's go, let's go, let's go, do you even understand that this is all the time, the jokes are over, and ivan fedorovich. i didn’t say anything to him, he suddenly became giddy, got giddy, ran somewhere, well i think i’ll go home and tell who i’ll let you know
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how you are, you were looking for romka, and here this spestolem showed up, that is, romka came through the kitchen, and that means you’re coming home... you ran to call us, yes, well, yes, i have your phone number at home, a litigious citizen, yur, listen, rumka, apparently not today, tomorrow they will kill as soon as the body is found, you tell me right away where i am, okay, vyacheslav mikhailovich, why do you think that polozeva they will kill you, but what do you think, mishan has started to get rid of her accomplices, there is no need to share, again, interrogation is necessary. nobody he won’t blurt out anything unnecessary, there are already two corpses, the next one is either romka, or, okay, i ran, i want to watch football, come on, and this one, then, is in the monkey, register in a pre-trial detention center tomorrow morning, wait, how and why will they kill,
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well, how why, they will kill you, if you, in a warm cell with good people, on three meals a day, the main one is safe, but called, then your romka would be sitting in now and now they will kill, who will be to blame for this, right, ivan fedorovich, you and and you will be with, bye, wait, romko, now somewhere, somewhere on luso street, renting a house. yesterday the murder of artyom gusinov, a former
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investigator and now a fairly successful lawyer, occurred. so, he was beaten to death with a hammer, right in his own apartment. a suspicious oaaz car was seen near gusinov's house. 452, more popularly known as a loaf, the color is green, if you see such a car during patrol, take the trouble to check the identity of the driver and report it to the dispatcher, everything is clear, so precise, so precise, freely, major, allow me to contact you, please contact me they said about the loaf, today i i saw one of these near my house, then... why are you always climbing ahead of the locomotive? i just said it, but have you already found it? i understand, but there was a strange guy driving there, okay, can you make an identikit? yes, just
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make it up and we’ll look for it. comrade major, what else? i have a dvr in my car, maybe this guy got caught on my camera? so then, you two take yourselves. "myakishu, what do you have? the dark gray lada colina, which was attacked at a jewelry store. the car with lesry hasn’t started for a long time, not on the road, for at least a month, but we are not on the wanted list for other ladkalins of this particular color, that is, it turns out that they carried out raids in their vehicles, simply twisted the license plates from one car and twisted them onto another, right? if you don’t take into account the fact that the car was stolen in another city or the fact that they repainted it.” yes, yes, why did they get the license plates from the car?
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well, because both the make of the car and the color are the same . that’s it . namely, that they were specifically looking for this car, or what? how do you imagine that? can you imagine? the car is parked somewhere on the outskirts, in some courtyard in a gateway, or worse, in a garage. well, how did one of the gang members find her? well, maybe they came to someone or live somewhere nearby? well, at least that's something. the two of you take this tearjerker and interrogate him. once again, it seems to me that he’s not telling something, there’s a turbine, look, if it’s just some crazy summer resident, then fine, but if it’s the killer of investigator gusinov, then it wasn’t by chance that he ended up at your house either, and you owe it i know, it’s a familiar face, i don’t know where it came from, okay, you’ll remember, but you know, but for now we’ll... go through it, maybe we’ll find something, we’re still
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on duty, there’s one, but i don’t know why they took my numbers, maybe someone was passing by and saw that the car was not moving forward, but maybe some of the buyers, some of the buyers, well, two weeks ago i decided to sell it, i was tired of messing around, you know? well, i posted pictures on the internet, well, everything was as it should be, there were several calls, then several people came and looked, well, i i didn’t come to an agreement on the price with anyone, look, maybe one of these was there, it wasn’t exactly these, but someone unusual, suspicious, and you know, there was only one joke, not a single sensible question, and...
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hello, lesha, do you work part-time as a taxi driver? remember what i told you about the secret work? yes, well, that's interesting. well, where are we going?
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what are your ideas? well, can we go watch a movie? at your place? can we have it too? great, i can stay overnight at aunt tanya's. great. oh, sorry.
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she's stuck, you know, she says one thing and the same information, no one can understand what is happening, she gives us one price, we give another, she gives one, we give another, then she came to me, she said 3,600, i told her 5,600, she told me again 3,600, i say, woman, you’ll forgive me where have you ever seen such prices? she says to me: it’s written on your website and hands me the phone, and i look and say, woman, calm down!
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come in, you're hungry, hungry, okay, where's your bun, what kind of bun, well, your dog, loaf, or something, exactly, i sent him to your aunt so that he wouldn't get in the way, that's very good. “sorry, it’s for work, yeah, yeah, we’ve established the identity of the driver of this loaf, ignat rogozhnikov, he only returned from the zone a month ago, and he served 5 years for making his neighbor disabled and for
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resisting a government official during arrest, i remembered, stand, police, stand, police, stand, and i will shoot a hammer on the ground, a hammer on the ground, yeah, i remembered, and now listen to me carefully, his case was led by investigator gusinov, who was killed yesterday, the judge was shishkin, who was killed 2 days ago ago, but you detained rogozhnikov, now that’s it it's clear. do you know where he might be now? no, we still haven’t been able to establish his place of residence, but we know his next victim, and it’s you, you, so now i’m sending, i said.
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you squeak pitifully. and thank you, batanich, thank you, well done, thank you, good luck, sorry, natasha, that it all
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turned out this way, i called. i'm sorry, i'm going home, but what about our night without a loaf of bread, you're still joking, some crazy person just almost killed you with an ax, well, it was just a hammer, you know, what if this one was just the hammer hit me, i'm sorry, but if it's normal for you, it's not for me. you are a good guy, but i think it’s unlikely that anything will work out for us, i understand, bye, bye.
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killed in the middle of belodnya, stand, stand! stand, i said, stand, quietly, quietly, shoot, knife on the ground, knife on the ground, knife on
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the ground, i said, i will shoot, stand, we wish everyone a wonderful spring day, daria shulik and sergei babaev are with you today, on the calendar april 3 is wednesday, wake up, quickly, we have a lot of interesting things ahead, we will celebrate a birthday mobile phone, let's talk about electronic vouchers. about how to enroll your child in first grade, yes, yes, it’s time, we’ll choose the right coffee grinder and the most delicious champignons, we’ll definitely prepare something tasty, in general we have a lot, a lot of very, very interesting and important things, but first we’ll have to do morning exercises, good morning, if you have difficulty waking up in the morning, start your day with morning exercises. it will wake up your body and give you vigor. i will show you a great exercise for beginner athletes. take weights or
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half liter water bottles. feet together. we pull the top of the head up, arms along the body, slightly bend the legs. there is no need to squat deeply. we move our pelvis back and bend slightly. this is how we don’t round our back. this risks spinal injuries. forward, we maintain a natural deflection in the lower back, at the same time we swing our arms back, as if we were accelerating on skis, we straighten up and move the projectiles a little forward, we continue to practice, let’s add dynamics, we take a step to the right, we squat, we swing our arms, but we start the left one... we unbend , we return to the starting position, squat down again, get up, and now take a step
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to the left, take turns doing the exercise in one direction or the other, quite... simple, but it helps you wake up and adds energy. have a nice day everyone. this school year is not over yet, there are several months ahead, what can we think about the coming one? meanwhile, enrollment of children in first grade has already begun on the state services portal. is it worth it to rush so much, who is recording in the first stream, who is in the second, and what kind of streams are these, about this and more our correspondent, sergei abramov sotnik, will now tell you. the first wave of enrollment in first grade has begun; registration is open online on the public services portal until june 30. during this period, all beneficiaries and those
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whose home is assigned to the school submit an application; there will be enough places for everyone. you can submit on may 1, it doesn’t matter, because if they live in the territory assigned to the school, then they are accordingly included in the main list, and we as a school are obliged to accept them, regardless of the date when they submit their application. varvara wants her youngest daughter katya to go to school close to home. first. the reason is that we live in a neighboring house, and then the eldest child goes to finish the fourth grade, and this is a good reason to get into the first stream, even if, for example, you are not registered in this area. if a child has a brother or sister who studies at our school with this, then he also gets on the main list and is guaranteed to be enrolled in an educational institution. all the rest go to the second stream, which will begin on july 6 and end on september 5. they serve it here application by those who want to go to a school that is not assigned to their territory. on july 5, all schools are required to post
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information on their websites about how many free places are left in the school; from july 6, from zero o’clock, parents can safely submit applications electronically, it’s very easy. if there are places, the children will definitely be accepted, and they may even form an additional class. it is important to remember that first-graders are accepted only by application. without any entrance tests, and what to do if you are already studying, but decided to go to another school, like elisha from the fourth grade, really wants to go to a school with a mathematical bias. many of my friends, comrades, how their children graduated from this school, after that they had a lot of experience of knowledge, there was, there were no problems with admission to a higher educational institution, such children can apply at any time, absolutely at any time , it is certainly more convenient to do this. in the summer, because the child finishes his school, his class, he does not need to adapt, parents use the portal
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of state municipal services moscow region, they are entering education. and select an application for transfer. the secretary will see this application and, if there is space, will accept the documents. today we have one student, they just applied for the seventh grade, a place has become available, now the parents will bring the documents, and the child can literally go to school from the first day. and the next one in line will have to wait or look for a place at a nearby school. therefore, it is better to immediately choose your school from the first grade. sergey abramov, sotnik, anastasia, vasily valetov, channel one. a let's immediately, without delay, recharge ourselves with cheerfulness and good mood, in the completely bottomless source of all this, in the world wide web. meet the new heroes of the internet. and today’s video parade opens with bazooka. perhaps the only cat in the world who has mastered
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a skateboard to perfection. well, in any case, we don’t know of any other such talents. just look how. races, by the way, this skill has already brought the bazooka almost 7 million likes, i wonder how many times he crashed into the wall in training, well what will the dogs answer, meet the dog named austin, he invented his own, but a win-win way to beg for treats from the owner, imagine how he looks, how can you refuse, i just don’t really understand how you can swallow upside down like that , a very healthy neck, look, this is a delicacy, and the heroine of our next video is a very talented monkey. named stella became famous on the world wide web for her love of playing music with her owner. the young lady is at the piano, and stella on drums. well, this is how a funny musical duet turned out. well, finally, let's admire the skill of this chinese sculptor, we can easily call him that, because he built a dragon from an ordinary carrot and white milk. look what happened, a real masterpiece, edible,
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quite short-lived, of course, and... our company is engaged in the development and production of diagnostic tests for determining allergic reactions, using our reagents, the laboratory has the widest range of allergens that can be discovered. our collections mainly consist of sheepskin coats; we also produce leather items, suits, coats, trousers, and skirts. our brand's style is everyday luxury. our everything. premiere. on saturday.
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anatoly konstantinovich, give maria to me as a wife, you can give it to me, it’s a good idea to collect it as a dowry with your dad, we have embroidered shirts here , so very beautiful, in the vologda province an amazing ritual of dressing up has been preserved, the bride was placed on a table decorated with a rich tablecloth, and her friends helped her put on her wedding dress, someone came to us, well so who, who is young, bring out our beauty. well, groom, to be at the wedding, let's go, quarrel, believe, quarrel, believe, we're having a wedding, on sunday on the first day, did you know that today is a birthday, moreover, a rather beautiful date
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is celebrated by a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, academician russian. academy of sciences, rector of moscow state university named after lmonosov, viktor sadovnichey. it’s interesting that when i studied quite a few years ago, at moscow state university, viktor antonovich was also the rector, and today he turns 85 years. yes, this figure is completely unbelievable. we sincerely congratulate you, wish you health, happiness, success and, of course, new discoveries and achievements. viktor antonovich is the most understanding person, but at the same time the fairest rector. good morning, victor antonovich, today is special, happy birthday to you, thank you, lovely, since i took a lot of photographs at the faculty, i saw him in person quite often and he is always smiling, so kind, i
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thought we knew each other personally 6 years, you for these 6 years. have not changed, the same smile, the same to become yours, tell me what the secret is, first of all, i do exercises, first for about 30 minutes, i usually eat porridge, buckwheat flakes, and i add there... i formed moscow university, i still remember the times when on the territory where we are now, there were some markets, landfills, now there are modern buildings in which students can acquire the most
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advanced skills. it’s very cozy here, it ’s so spacious and beautiful, yes, i built this, i was there every saturday, i visited the buildings, this atrium, i even ordered separate designs, i called myself. i ordered these railings for the factories personally at one of the factories, well, you were always accustomed to work, you started working quite early, you also worked as a loader, worked in a mine, i started working in childhood , i worked as an assistant combine driver when i lived in village, then a komsomol mine, i was in the coal mine, and then study, and then we were students, we worked part-time here in this place there was a narrow-gauge railway exactly at this place. we loaded wagons at night and earned 5 rubles. and this, in addition to the scholarship , gave us good opportunities to live this month, you yourself personally graduated from moscow state university, studied at moscow state university? i first sent my documents to
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the belarusian agricultural academy, my classmate at the evening school where we are together said: you’re a mathematician, why are you here? well , i say, i sent it, but if i send it, well, we bet that he won’t be able to, in the morning he brings the receipts and says: your documents were published at moscow state university. how? she says: my wife is the postmaster. and for 32 years now you have been the rector of moscow state university. moscow state university is your second home, so to speak? well, even, i would say, almost the first. that's mine life, this is my home, but the main thing is the people, about forty new faculties, there were 16, yes, there were 16, a thousand buildings, i think about 100,000 study and work, we are a huge city, but this whole community is called people. thank you very much, happy birthday again, thank you, i would advise you to watch the film that is being released today on channel one, a film about viktor antonovich, and we will all watch with you, fly, discover,
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prove to write your achievements into the history of moscow university. we'll see you in a few minutes, now we'll find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. news on channel one. this is news on the first one, studio maria vasilyeva, hello. a series of powerful aftershocks occurred off the east coast of taiwan, with the largest magnitude recorded. japanese meteorologists 7.7 experts said that the epicenter was located at shallow depths in the pacific ocean. in coastal communities, some buildings have partially collapsed, others are so rooted that they are about to fall.
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eyewitnesses post terrifying footage online. a huge concrete bridge bends like a plastic toy. it’s hard to imagine what the motorists and motorcyclists who found themselves at the crossing at that moment had to endure. in the mountainous area, there were several landslides, landslides, and came down onto the roadway. yes. destroyed on the right bank of the dnieper near kherson, they were precisely hit by the crews of tsantsepek heavy flamethrower systems, working at night under the cover of drones. and in the vicinity of krasnogorovka, on the donetsk sector of the front,
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our soldiers knocked out another enemy tank, reconnaissance discovered it in time when it moved towards our positions. a few minutes later, with a well-aimed shot from the fagod anti-tank missile system , the vehicle was destroyed. russian artillery in the area worked effectively. now their families are on the front line, anna tseveleva, chairman of the defenders of the fatherland foundation, reported this to the president. during a working meeting in the kremlin, she came up with an important initiative to provide those who were seriously injured and who lost their legs with manually controlled cars. vladimir putin supported the idea. just like that, without unnecessary the bureaucracy foundation has been solving the problems of our military personnel for a year now. since its inception , it has received almost a million hits. they relate to treatment, rehabilitation, employment.
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fund and departments, in order to close as quickly as possible, firstly, the most pressing issue is obtaining a combat veteran’s certificate, this is very important for the guys, because all further steps in obtaining social guarantees of state assistance depend on this, together with the ministry of defense has developed a number of programs that allow us to partially close these questions, but for... certain
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categories, these are volunteers, defenders of donbass and private military companies. the collection of necessary documents has been organized for the defenders of donbass through a branch of the fund. today i can already say that we have good results, 12,000 volunteers received a certificate, thanks to our joint work as a combat veteran, and 6,000 residents of the dpr and lpr received the status of a family member of the deceased, well... you don’t have the right to issue the certificate yourself , yes? are you not giving it away? yes, yes, that's a prerogative ministry of defense, here we can only provide assistance and assistance in collecting documents. of course, i would like the process of issuing certificates itself to be more systematic and operational. report that they are introducing an electronic system now, right? well, we will only be very happy if this helps speed up this process. ukrainian
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special services are trying to incite ethnic hatred in russia after the terrorist attack in crocus. andrey kovalenko, head of the ukrainian center for countering disinformation. he directly stated that it is very beneficial for the zelensky regime to fuel any conflicts on ethnic grounds. kiev agents have already carried out a number of psychological campaigns on social networks, for example, in telegram chats, where representatives of various diasporas communicate. after the video of the arrest appeared and before
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this was a mobile phone, yes, yes, the same mobile phone that we all call and talk on now, well, it’s true, it originally looked like this and is completely different from modern smartphones, progress flies forward so quickly that today these units seem like ancient times to all of us, well , initially the smartphone looked much worse than this wonderful device, i had the first one, in fact, the first call to a mobile phone was made exactly 50 years ago, exactly on this day, but today we are much more comfortable without these devices... an excursion into the history of mobile technologies
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from anastasia saveryeva. so heavy. here it is, the first mass-produced cell phone, weighing about a kilogram, a triumph of engineering. the predecessors weighed 14 kg, but here we managed to fit everything into this small box. 36 minutes of continuous talk, maximum, after which we charged it for about 10 hours. no sim cards, no changing operators, the cost of the handset is a huge 3,995 dollars, equivalent to a car, only one function, call. just 6 years later there is a new breakthrough, the weight of the phone is reduced by a third, microscopic, at that time, it is really microscopic, here i see there are still letters on the keyboard, that is, it was already possible in the nineties to send sms it works, but the model is boring,
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dark, and everyone has the same one, the engineers decide to experiment, paint it, someone suggested, let's paint it with car paint, on monday everyone... with their phone painted with their own paint. i liked it, it started, mobile phones of any shape for every taste. today this gadget is a real pocket computer, and there is so much built into it. wi-fi, bluetooth, nfc, a device that works with infrared radiation, an accelerometer, a gyroscope, a touchscreen, even a rangefinder, you can calculate the distance from one object to another. light is emitted by the phone, it is reflected. from the obstacle comes back to the phone and the phone measures the time during which this happened, thus, knowing the time the speed of light, it can determine the distance using the simple formula s = v * t. it sounds difficult, but the device calculates everything automatically in a fraction of a second,
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from wall to wall 3 m 51 cm, or here is a scan of documents, you will agree that it is indistinguishable from regular digitization, new features are constantly appearing, and now it has been supplemented... reality it’s far from fantastic, imagine, right there on your camera, it’s as if there’s a pouf there, you just want to touch it there, but it looks so realistic that you want to go and it’s not there, yes, the phone today works for any task, it all depends on the program, there are 21 million different applications in the world, moreover, you can program it yourself, you can configure it so that it will live a separate life, well, try it, that is, we now have this... task , when the alarm goes off, a list opens words, and if you add up all the capabilities of a mobile phone, it turns out that we only use a few percent of it, so it’s time to delve into them, if not today on the birthday of the mobile phone.
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anastasia savileva, dmitry likhachev, boris salnikov, channel one. it’s already april, it’s time to think not only about the may holidays, but also about summer vacations, and find out everything. electronic vouchers, this is a state information system where all tour operators are required to enter data about our travels, here’s how it all works it works, we'll find out right now. airfare and accommodation, the minimum list of services included in the package tour. it is this that all tour operators are required to register in the electronic tour system. an electronic voucher is a state information system, it is free for tourists and reflects all information about the trip from the moment of booking, flight planning, check-in at the hotel, from november 15, 2023 , all foreign tours are registered in the system, for this, travel agents upload travel data into an additional form. here
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these fields used to be mandatory . after the responsibility for transferring data to the electronic voucher came, these fields were added. all information and documents are entered into the system. travelers abroad and russian passports, air tickets, hotel, contract number, contact details and tour cost. it is impossible to book a tour without filling out this information. the law does not require additional consent to data processing in order to enter it into an electronic voucher, yes, therefore it does not provide for this refusal of the client, so if the client wants to buy a tourist package, he should know that in any case, the data about him will end up in the electronic voucher. an electronic voucher, firstly, guarantees the legality of the tour operator’s work. its second purpose was to provide assistance in emergency cases when a tourist is abroad, yes, in order to know at a single moment in time to understand who is where, well, god forbid, something happens in some country, people need
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to be taken out urgently . an electronic voucher gives the state the opportunity to see and understand who is currently in this country in order to provide. there is an opportunity to protect life there, evacuate a tourist, but only package bookings are entered into the system, some tourist services can be purchased without an electronic voucher, but you must understand that the tour voucher is insured by special insurance funds or personal liability funds, and if you buy an airline ticket separately , a separate hotel is a separate paid service, but they are not covered by the tourism product insurance. the tourist himself also has access to electronic voucher via qr code or login and password, but exclusively to your data in the system. anna soldatova, maria lamzhanitsy, sergey morin, alexander ignatov, filyabykova. first channel. the other day we celebrated world champignon day, indeed, mushrooms
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are unique in their own way, on the shelves all year round, they are prepared in an elementary way, and i know that some even eat them raw, dip them in sauce, eat them in salads, and add a lot to this matter. there are recipes with champignons, for example, i really like soup with champignons or, for example, fried potatoes with these mushrooms, but the main thing is that they are correct. champignons are the first mushrooms that people learned to grow. themselves, from such farms they reach store shelves at a rate of 4 million tons per year all over the world, this is about 2 mm/h, that is, in fact, it is very fast, which is why there is an expression: they grow like mushrooms after rain, but special conditions are needed, they are regulated by technologists and climate control systems in the growing chambers, these are parameters such as co2 level, air temperature, compost temperature, relative humidity, absolute humidity, the result is three waves of harvesting, the first is a kilogram of mushrooms per square meter, the next two are not so productive, the nutritional resource gradually
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decreases, while the bulk of the harvest is collected 2 weeks after loading, but the most interesting champignons appear in advance, these are scouts , they give a signal to their all-fungal system and the mushrooms come to the surface and begin to grow. when choosing , we evaluate their density, ideally elastic, if we press, no dents, non -sticky and non-slippery to the touch, pleasant smell, color white beige. you also need to pay attention to the film connecting the stem and the cap of the mushroom, it must be intact. it's torn, which means it's already getting old, and the color inside shows its age. the shade of the inner plates also depends on, say, the degree of maturity of the mushroom. the dark color of the plate indicates that the mushroom has been sitting for a longer time, but even the freshest cut darkens, this is a common chemical reaction from contact with oxygen, and all champignons absorb moisture like a sponge.
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according to the recipe of chef alexander kuritsin, by the way, beet broth. housewives take
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note: when boiling peeled beets, add a little vinegar to the water for a bright , rich color, and do not drain the resulting broth, it will be useful for baking, and today we will prepare pizza with beet broth. i add dry yeast, sugar and salt to the warm broth, add sifted flour, knead the dough, look, the color is so bright, put it in a warm dry place for an hour, fry sweet peppers, chopped eggplants, champignons for the filling, mix, add chopped onions, garlic and tomatoes, brown for another 5 minutes, the dough is ready, roll out the mass into a layer, transfer to parchment, grease with sauce, lay out the filling, bake the pizza for 10 minutes at
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200°. i decorate with greens, here it is, a real holiday, bright delicious pizza on colored beet dough, try a piece, the shield and sword of our body, our immunity, a program about the immunity of our nose is dedicated to all coughing and sniffling people, and of course, much more, super important in the program live healthy, today is on the first day, premiere, i love my country, on saturday, on the first day, more... the snow is whitening in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running, waking up the sleepy shore, running
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, shining and shouting, they are shining in everyone... messengers, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first. on this day, april 3, our ancestors put away their sleighs and all sorts of warm winter clothes for storage until the next winter, so what does this mean, that it’s probably time to change the wheels from studded or velcro to a summer-spring version. well it definitely means that spring has finally arrived, irrevocably, and what else is remarkable about this day, we’ll find out from our
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astrologers. april 3, 24 lunar day, with this sunny day, cheerful, energetic, very active, often takes on several things at once and somehow manages to cope with everything, although not always, he also loves everything unusual and sometimes behaves like a big man original, somewhat eccentric, he should be more careful with this, but he is a creative person, artistic, deeply feels music, understands painting and in general he has a lot he really has plenty of all sorts of talents and drawbacks, he’s hectic, a little absent-minded, not very... childlike, he often sticks his nose into things that aren’t his own business, because of this, aries risk getting into a funny and not very pleasant situation, in general, the stars of you we warned you, but it ’s a good day, including for career growth, only dear motorists, be careful and don’t forget about the distance. taurus is the center of attention today, this attention may even become tiring at some point, you will want to take a break from people,
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but until the evening he will take strangers away, leaving only those who are close and pleasant to you. the twins are having one of those days when you manage to do everything and almost never get tired. after lunch , good news may come, and in the evening the stars promise some interesting meeting. lonely twins, you might be interested in this. cancers, you may have to deal with money, perhaps patching up gaps in the family budget. on the plus side, the day is very good for making useful contacts and presenting yourself in a favorable light, the evening clearly wants you somewhere invite. something like a date is shining for the lions. some business meeting might go wrong. in addition, colleagues or business partners may let you down. in general, your motto today is do it yourself and be careful with electricity. today virgo will hear some kind words addressed to them, perhaps from their superiors, however, your loved ones will also appreciate you, just don’t find fault with them. towards evening, perhaps a pleasant meeting with the past.
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the vises have an even productive environment. in the middle of the day, however, someone might get a little rough you're nervous, but you... just don't take any nonsense too seriously, and if you have children, pay more attention to them. scorpios today are changeable, unpredictable and quite dependent on their mood. this will not particularly affect your personal life, but at work, draw conclusions and take care of your documents, smartphones, and keys. sagittarians are at risk of breaking or breaking something, so be careful with fragile things, but pleasant ones. you are very charming today, the ladies are simply dazzling for... information, day very good for a declaration of love, a very business day for capricorns, the main thing is not to wait for the weather by the sea, the stars say that no matter what you undertake today, you can get some benefit from everything, and do not be afraid to trust yourself and your experience, good advice will never hurt, but you yourself have a mustache, aquarius is also having a good day, just a little nervous, perhaps some hiccups, especially
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with something that was done in haste, an unreasonable breakdown with one of your colleagues is possible, hang in there . in your hands, okay, let’s go to evening will cheer you up, pisces, get ready to work hard for someone, help someone, perhaps sacrifice your plans for someone. men, if your fair half was born under the sign of pisces, do not skimp on compliments today. good luck to you. let us remind you on the calendar april 3. this is how it always seems like winter lasts forever, but one fine morning, you wake up and realize that it’s warm outside, the snow has melted and... there’s no need to joke, it ’s still clear that it’s time to put away fur coats, sheepskin coats, and down jackets for storage, and how to do it it’s right to get something marketable next season, and not leftovers after a moth’s meal, our correspondent maria nikolaeva will tell you, every day it’s getting warmer,
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there’s already a steady plus on the street, it’s time to clean up. the spring mood is amazing , i already want to put everything away, i want to put on shoes, heels, all this winter stuff away, but before sending your down jackets on vacation.
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previously, we processed flowers by hand, but now we have a great assistant, this is an amazing, powerful robot, it even works both day and night, stopped a little, then started working again, and it seems to me that his work is above all praise, the robot works even seven days a week, isn’t this a miracle, while the new robot continuously selects the best flowers. then he plants, although the robot is very expensive, even by dutch standards, but it seems no more expensive than all the worries and work of ordinary workers. in
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any case , a new robot is still working in the greenhouse, they clearly have their eyes on it, which means its future is secure. just don't miss it, this evening on channel one, continuation of the action-packed detective undercover taxi. it seems to be driving around the city . an ordinary yellow car, and behind the wheel of this car is an unusual driver, a police lieutenant, alexey turbin, around him is st. petersburg, a beautiful city, famous for its cinematic traditions. hello, can you come over? undercover taxi is not just an exciting detective story, it is also a declaration of love to a city that is always beautiful.
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812 812 for how long will i call you 812 communications st. petersburg city code 812 take a closer look at the license plate of alexey turbin the same numbers and letters are also not random, and t alexey turbin, well, turbinin is always with you , thank god there are turbines and turbines, why are you driving turbines in a yellow taxi, an undercover policeman wandering along embankment bridges
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turns into... a fence, singer, palace square , the hermitage, the admiralty, and vasilyevsky island, come on, come on, let’s take a closer look at what it is, yes, this is our mobile studio, yes, yes, here it is, flickering in the dark, studio of the good morning program, every year we stand here in the summer, when together with the city we prepare to celebrate the day navy, all my life i have dreamed of touching a boyar, now i can shake your hand,
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we continue to travel through the streets of a beautiful city together with the hero of the film, an undercover taxi, a new episode tonight, how cool, i want to be like them, maria bronzova, ivan belchenko, the first channel. we will see you in a few minutes, now we will find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. news on channel one. this is the news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, a series of powerful tremors occurred near east coast of taiwan, the strongest magnitude according to japanese meteorologists is 7.7. according to preliminary information, one person was killed and 50 were injured, but the numbers are likely to change. two buildings have been damaged in coastal settlements; there may be people under the rubble;
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several houses are tilted. so that more than 87 thousand residential buildings are about to fall without electricity. eyewitnesses post terrifying footage online. a huge concrete bridge bends like a plastic toy. what motorists and motorcyclists had to endure it’s hard to imagine who found themselves at the crossing at that moment. there were several landslides in the mountainous area, landslides, people descended onto the roadway to help local residents in taiwan, and military personnel were involved. tremors were felt, including in several provinces of mainland china, where. disasters were preparing in japan, there was a threat of a tsunami, but the wave that arrived was small, according to seismologists, powerful autoshocks could still follow in the near future, while the current earthquake has already become the strongest in the region in recent years quarter of century. now on to the topic of the northern military district, temporary deployment points along with ukrainian militants were destroyed on the right bank of the dnieper near kherson, a precise blow was delivered to them by the crew of the santsepek heavy flamethrower systems
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. at night, under the cover of drones, in the vicinity of krasnohorivka, on the donetsk sector of the front, our soldiers knocked out another enemy tank, reconnaissance discovered it in time when it was moving towards our positions, a few minutes later, with a well-aimed shot from the fagot anti-tank missile system, the vehicle was eliminated, russian artillerymen worked effectively in the novomikhailovka area, this is the southern donetsk direction, strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces were hit there, and tulip mortar crews began firing at them. this mine is like heavy artillery, caliber 240 mm, this already says something, we work on bridges, bunkers, pillboxes, ridge areas, enemy strongholds that are well protected, so we just dismantle these shelters, and then we roll up and we disguise ourselves, many more of our military, lieutenant vladislav obmoin , establishing communication between units on
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advanced... british newspaper guardian, journalists interviewed doctors, as well as foreign volunteers who work in the conflict zone. they reported numerous minors admitted to hospitals with single gunshot wounds, and. judging by the nature of the injuries, not all of them received a stray bullet. some children, doctors believe, were shot with precision. doctors also reported that children, elderly people and other patients
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who were not participants in hostilities, but received a single bullet wound in head or chest. some doctors say the type of location of the wounds, evidence from the palestinians who brought the children to the hospital led them to conclude that they were victims. became a direct target of israeli troops. previously , un experts accused the israeli military of attacking palestinian civilians who were looking for shelter from shelling, some of them had pieces of white cloth in their hands, but according to experts , this did not stop the idf soldiers. gaza residents also complain that remote-controlled drones are shooting at civilians. congratulations on the rector of one of the largest universities is celebrating his birthday today. europe, the main one in russia, the legendary lomanosov moscow state university, viktor sadovnichy, he is 85. he headed the university in 1992, when it seemed that the country had no time for science, but the rector’s first order was to create a faculty of fundamental medicine, and today moscow state university is no longer 16 faculties,
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as before, and 43. a mathematician by nature , he entered the mikhmatymga the first time, graduated with honors, but before going to study in moscow, an evening school student, a gardener originally from the kharkov region. i had to go to the face of a coal mine in gorlovka for 2 years, i needed documents, they were given only to those who worked. after the mine, barely alive, i went to school, as a rule, i sat in the back desk and slept, they didn’t wake me up, because well, they understood that the sooner a child has the opportunity to do everything, think for himself, he can choose according to...
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that would be admission further there were no prospects , that's all for now, now a word to colleagues from good morning, we are glad to greet everyone who is greeting this beautiful spring morning in warm company with the first channel, with you today daria shulik and sergey babaev on the calendar april 3 - wednesday, early in the morning a very important topic, love and money, oh, how much you can philosophize here, how many books have been written about this, how many films... well , we won’t go to such large forums, we’ll just, for example, try to find out whether it’s true that married men earn more than single men, how money affects the family microclimate, and , of course, we’ll also talk about the family budget. love and
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money, it would seem, where the connection is, but there is one, they say that married people earn more than single people, even economists confirm that if we take our country, then according to the latest data, no, russian... than that of single people, by more than 15%. of course, this is not an axiom, but if you think about it, everything is logical. a married man, he thinks about how to provide for his family, and if he chooses a job, then he can often give priority not to the job that will be more interesting, but maybe still to the job where he will earn more. this will happen over time, but first. love makes you dizzy and devastates wallet. at the beginning of a relationship, you can fall into such a financial hole. these trips to the cinema, trips somewhere, gifts begin. seraphim and ekaterina have been married for 5 years, they say that only after a year of relationship, finances
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began to grow. when i got married, my income really increased, because i somehow began to think differently about what to do, what to do, somehow on a larger scale, or something, i began to act more boldly. this money field, it... is expanding, because from one person, from one component, we have already turned into two, and if there are more of you, oleg, father of three children, says the main driver of financial well-being is responsibility, responsibility to the family that what your child needs to eat gives a reason to be responsible at work, so that at least you were noticed, at most you were rewarded for responsibility and employers value family people more, here is another financial plus in favor... now there is a tendency that mostly married people are hired for higher paid and senior positions, married people, they already have experience encountering different species. conflict, and it’s easier
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to react to situations at work, to look for compromises and ways out of difficult situations. so, love and family in general have a beneficial effect on finances, a fact, but finances can destroy the whole idyll. analysis from previous years, and 30% of family divorces occur precisely because of financial issues, more precisely because of the so -called financial infidelity, separate budgets in the family and unwinding of expenses. unfortunately, often partners very rarely agree, but this is one of the main topics that are worth discussing, how financial flows will be built, what will happen when we have children, it turns out that in finance, as in love, sincerity is important, then in the family there will be growth in literally everything. anna vashok, mikhail volkov, sergey myakin, alexey danko, channel one.
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i am happy when i develop every day, when i wake up and know that something new awaits me during the day, when we get together with the whole family and make dumplings with potatoes, cook, this is heaven for me, one might say, my hobbies - this is a journey, this is a loved one ice hockey, i have a dacha that has turned into. to heaven, to the flower garden, i’m proud of her, i started going to drawing classes, and i put my paintings at the exhibition, do music, do art, it’s very cool, i love you all, i love fishing very much, because there is a volga in rybensk , be happy, find good in every second of your life, an urgent question for any housewife, how to make sure that everything in the kitchen... is always in order, everything is at hand, everything fits in the cabinet, when
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you open them, there’s nothing on you from there wouldn't fell, what really serious problems, we will immediately solve them under the leadership of the organizer of the space tatyana abramova. how do you store sliced ​​bread or loaf? i put it in the container directly in the package, take the edges of the bag out, cover the container with a lid, when necessary , pull the bag up and take it out. several pieces, the slices remain intact, the crumbs do not crumble, bread in a closed container retains its freshness longer, in my opinion, it is very convenient to fit more dishes in the kitchen cabinet, i install there is a removable shelf inside, i arrange the dishes, now it can fit twice as much, i arrange the glass along the wall in a checkerboard pattern, one upside down, the next one on the contrary, i store spaghetti stocks vertically, arrange them in
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a paper tray, like that in a row. now the pasta takes up very little space, all the packaging is in plain sight. to make it more convenient, i allocated a separate container for cleaning products. i put a roll of garbage bags inside and thread the edge through the hole to make it easier to pull out the bags. i arrange bottles of detergents. i lay out the rags and sponges, put the container under the sink, it’s good when the kitchen is clean and tidy, all thanks to little tricks. and we continue, and now about health. a cramp, well, when, for example, a leg cramps, this phenomenon is not uncommon and unpleasant and painful. meanwhile, there are several ways to deal with this problem; very experienced doctors will tell us them. at night the muscles in your legs cramp, the night before we drink
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a glass of tonic. the drink contains the substance quinine, prevents spasms and promotes muscle relaxation. this is especially necessary for people who take statins, diuretics and stomach medications that reduce acidity. these drugs cause leg cramps. another common cause of muscle spasms is uncomfortable shoes. everything is simple here: we choose. boots or sneakers that do not squeeze your toes or dangle on your feet. the heel should be between 2 and 4 cm high, it will help absorb the impact of the heel on the ground. orthopedic insoles that follow the anatomical structure of the foot will not hurt. also, the legs reduce tension in the opera, so after a long standing or jogging, we rub the ankles with our hands. this will help relax your muscles. more. one reason for cramps is a lack of essential minerals, most often
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magnesium and potassium, to make up for the deficiency, we eat bananas, nuts, cottage cheese, if not... kidney stones and other contraindications, from time to time we drink mineral water with magnesium, if cramps still occur started, don’t be scared, pull your toes to relieve the spasm, hit the ecrocnemius muscle with your fist, if there is a freezer nearby, take ice or a bag out of it with frozen foods, apply to the problem area, when the cramp subsides, walk in circles around... the room, this way we will remove the painful sensations, restore muscle function, everything will be fine, take care of yourself, if you want to see the past, present and future nearby, come to any metropolis , there coexist with ancient houses, with vineyards, so small and cozy, and huge
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tall skyscrapers, built using the most modern technologies, glass, concrete, metal, like pevysotsky, yes, all this should somehow get along. so that it is harmonious, it’s beautiful, well, it’s convenient for people, first of all, no matter what angle you look at it, you’ll immediately recognize it as moscow. historically, moscow, it is like a tender blanket, that is, it was never formed in a single style, a very serious layering, because it was plundered by the mongols, it was rebuilt, layering of era styles and even in the very center, red square, the kremlin, gum, vasiya's temple blessed, mausoleum. the architecture is different, and even today the city is developing, growing upward too, the trend is a complex form, each object is a separate work, but monotonous, so easier to fit in. what is located behind us is a fairly common sight in moscow. directly in front of us we see a building from the end of the 19th century, behind
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them there is a temple, this is the beginning of the 20th century, an office center built in 2000. the old and the new are united by the former. a confectionery factory, the historical masonry remains, but look, they added glass. st. petersburg is another matter; the city, so to speak, does not accept everything, especially in the center. the huge size of the historical center, which has been given the status of a historical settlement, this is the border of the historical settlements. it is protected by unesco, it is difficult to build something new, there are completely different techniques, from st. petersburg. the main thing is that it is in st. petersburg, this is not a separate house. and the space, there are many different styles, but due to the fact that they all do not overtighten the blanket, the integrity of the area is not violated, here is the main diamond, it has such a worthy frame, or here a modern residential complex in gray was built around the former bakery, specifically so as not to contrasted, it is much
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more difficult to fit objects into the building according to the rules of the firewall without a single gap, we have to return to the principles of peter the great, his entire structure is st. petersburg, the st. petersburg courtyard, the st. petersburg tripartite courtyards, the coincidence of the cornices with the cornices of neighboring houses. in kaliningrad, the trend towards rethinking the old is not copying, but a new vision. the most important element is the use of materials, preferably of a natural structure, clinker bricks, clinker tiles, there are no such flashy bright colors as here, a residential complex with a seam roof does not stand out from the general style. she is in kaliningrad. very complex, diverse, includes both gothic and classicism, neo-modern, and soviet styles, that is, kaliningrad is distinguished by a mixture of styles of the soviet and german periods. sometimes, of course, you can experiment: it suits the city, this is the building of a former pharmacy. one part
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was restored, and the other was added in a modern style, with glass. so, each city has a mixture of styles...
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anna-lena berbak, 180° somersault. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. some argue that the main building of moscow state university in fact it is a huge, perfectly camouflaged spaceship. to the eighty-fifth birthday of viktor sadovnichy. manage. of course, it’s difficult to work at such a university, but for me this is life. now university science is taking the lead
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because we have the most young people. in all countries, science is being done by young people. almamator of every tenth scientist in russia, here they come up with our tomorrow. at this global level, without false modesty, we do not lag behind the best examples. students, where do you dream of studying? i believe in science i believe that the main development of society will be a vector, a vector of science, a vector of science, a premiere, today on the first, calmly, comrade, we are coming to you, professor, this is the matter, ragged , ragged, you can say what comes to their mind, anything, what are you? are you painfully oppressing me, dad? what kind of dad am i to you? my god, i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our balloon. now do you understand what this shining nonsense is? why, am i
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worse than people? well, i was married, i don’t care, azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i i woke up, take everything and divide it. that's what i thought. heart of a dog, the famous film adaptation of mikhail bulgakov's story on saturday on the first. he's still there. on saturday on the first. a drill is an indispensable
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cutting tool in the arsenal of any home craftsman. well, it is clear that we are talking not only about drills of different diameters, but the purpose of each such tool, or rather the parts of the tool, has its own specialization. our skilled master, alexey beizhi, will tell you everything about it. there are drills. in the arsenal of any master, each is designed to perform a specific task, let's say we need to make a hole in wood, a drill made of high-carbon tool steel will do, if the drill is made in russia, we look for the letter u on the drill itself or on its packaging, and a wood drill can also be identified visually, it has one tooth in the center cutting part, here it is like the tip of a nail. this drill does not cause any damage during operation. material, you see, everything is neat and clear, this is a metal drill,
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many people think that it can work on wood, let's try, it really does the job, but pay attention to the edges the result is a fringe, compare two holes, the first one obviously looks more aesthetically pleasing, the characteristics of a drill for metal depend on... rр from a domestic manufacturer, and the international marking is hss, which means the drill is made of high-speed steel. nearby we see letters, they indicate the content of additives on which the strength of the drill depends, for example co, read ko, means cobalt, with it the service life of the tool increases, the manufacturer promises that by three times. the diameter of the drill is also indicated on the shank, and if you need. to work with brick or concrete, choose pobedit drills, or rather they come with soldering made of pobedit, that is
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, a mixture of tungsten and cobalt, here it is on the tip of the drill, now there are a lot of fakes on the market, this drill, for example, was sold as completely made of pobedit, look what happens to it, if you try to work with a brick, switch the drill to impact mode. that's it, the craft fell into disrepair instantly, now we try a drill with a solder from pobedit and make a hole, ready! drill like see, it's okay. the following situation: you need to drill a hole in a cafe or porcelain tile, and behind it is a brick or concrete wall. in this case, we will need two drills, a feather drill for tiles, like this one, and a pobedit one for brick or concrete. like this. taking into account the type of density
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of the material you are going to drill, you will succeed. spring and summer are times of increased demand for adhesive plaster. well, it’s understandable why, sometimes we go to the dacha, sometimes we need to take it with us on vacation, but because we’re not used to it, summer shoes rub our feet even without them. a band-aid is not enough. in general, the thing is extremely useful, by the way, multifunctional, not only for calluses, scratches, abrasions, it can be glued, it is also sometimes needed around the house. let's figure it all out. images of what is on sale. most leukoplasters are white, any dirt is visible, not a day has passed, and it’s time to change it. impractical, that's by design. adhesive plasters protect the wound from germs, perform a barrier function, and protect from dirt. and they also help the wound to heal faster, because they will the edges are leaning against each other, and
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the healing process will proceed faster. but you shouldn’t count on a therapeutic effect. even if the pad has antibacterial impregnation. many people think that if you stick a band-aid inside a wound, something will happen to you. this is wrong. because the soaked wound pad doesn't touch at all. if something is released from the wound into this pad, it kills these bacteria, it does not work on the patient. this is also a myth. they use different antiseptics, good old brilliant green, chlorhexidine, furatsilin, we choose something that we are not allergic to, otherwise there is not much difference. elimination of impregnation of salicylic acid into the formation. against calluses, it is stuck on for a certain period of time, saltic acid has just such a softening property specifically for dry calluses, there in the morning a person gets up little by little, this is what was dense becomes soft, fresh calluses are an ordinary adhesive plaster, you can use it on healthy skin stick for preventative purposes so that the new shoes do not rub, in this case the bodily the colors are what you need, but if the polymer base must be perforated, otherwise it will not allow
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breathing, the infection needs moisture... yes, for bacteria it is best when the cheese is warm without oxygen. the fabric base made of cotton or silk is breathable in itself. non-woven cellulose also has micropores. it is less durable, but suitable for delicate and sensitive skin. although a good adhesive plaster should in any case be removed easily and painlessly. if it comes off with difficulty, the problem is in the glue. this can not only injure, but also cause allergic reactions. reaction. yulia kozlova, mikhail chetveryakov, vasily yurov, tatyana yus, first! channel. and now we invite all football fans to the screens. our colleague from the sports editorial office of channel one, dmitry terikhov, will tell you what interesting things are happening at clubs in different countries. if in russian football the season is in full swing, then in european football it is already nearing its end. inter only need 10 points to win their twentieth italian title. in the thirtieth round , the milanese defeated empoli 2:0 at home, extending
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their unbeaten streak to 24 matches. best bombardier. remained on a starvation diet, so alexis sanchez, who replaced him in the seventy-seventh minute, soon established the final result. inter's main pursuers remain their fellow countrymen from milan, who are 14 points behind. in the last round they managed to beat fiorentina 2:1. rafael lia not only scored, but also provided an assist. juventus, coming in third, lost in rimelazio, with adam marusic scoring the only goal in stoppage time. the management of the turin club threatened to dismiss masima allegri, if the main one. will not be able to lead juve to the champions league, the first four teams will get into it. but the bosses of the current champion napoli are already openly talking about an imminent change of coach. according to rumors, former italian national team manager antonio conte is offered 8 million euros per season. napoli's current coach, francesco calzona, appears to have accepted his fate after the 3-0 home defeat to atalanta. russian midfielder alexei miranchuk scored two points using the goal plus pass system.
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baer needs to score eight points to become german champion for the first time. liverkusen. they never lost in 27 rounds, although in the previous one they were very close. hoffenheim led until the 88th minute with a score of 1:0, but within 169 seconds the hosts turned the situation around and snatched victory; robert andrich and patrick schick scored. bayern, which wanted to lure bayer's head coach xabi alonso, but received a turnaround from the spaniard , suffered a sensitive defeat in munich from borussia dortmund 0:2. thus, the gap from first place reached 13 points. at the same time , stuttgart came within three points of bayern, having snatched a draw at home against heidenheim in the twenty-seventh round. the hosts were leading 2:0, then losing 2:3, and in the eighth added minute he saved them from defeat. denis undav. much attention this season is focused on the saudi arabian championship, where a huge number of european stars went last summer. al ittihad, which features karim benzema and ingulo kante, lost their chance to
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defend their title after losing the derby with al ahly 0:1. firas al-buraikan scored with assists from roberto firmino. the gap between al-itihad and the allied al-hill, whose colors are defended by ex-footballer denita malcom , reached 25 points. we will see you in a few minutes, now we know what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. news on channel one. this is news from the first studio, maria vasilyeva. hello. a series of powerful tremors occurred off the east coast of taiwan. the magnitude of the strongest, according to japanese meteorologists, is 7.7. according to preliminary information about
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eyewitnesses post terrible footage online; a huge concrete bridge bends like a plastic toy; it’s hard to imagine what motorists and motorcyclists who found themselves at the crossing at that moment had to endure. over the last quarter century. now on to the topic of the northern military district, temporary deployment points along with ukrainian militants were destroyed on the right bank of the dnieper near kherson; crews of heavy flamethrower systems
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sontsepeg delivered a precise blow to them; they worked at night under the cover of drones. and in the vicinity of krasnogorovka on the donetsk sector of the front, our soldiers knocked out another enemy tank, it was discovered in time by reconnaissance when it was moving towards our positions. a few minutes later, with a well-aimed shot from... russian artillerymen worked effectively in the novomikhailovka area, this is the southern donetsk direction, strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces were hit there, crews fired at them with a tulip mine. the chairman of the fatherland defenders foundation, anna tseveleva, reported to the president about how special operation veterans and soldiers who are now on the front line are being helped and their families. during a working meeting in the kremlin, she spoke with important initiative.
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is very important for the guys, because all further steps in obtaining social guarantees of assistance from states depend on this. together with the ministry of defense, we have developed a number of programs that allow us to partially
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close these issues for certain categories, these are volunteers, defenders of donbass and private military companies. for the defenders of donbass, the collection of necessary documents has been organized through a branch of the fund, as of today i can already say. i wanted the process of issuing certificates itself to be more systematic and operational report that they are introducing an electronic system now, yes, well, we will be very happy if this... helps speed up this
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process. ukrainian special services are trying to incite ethnic hatred in russia after the terrorist attack in crocus. andrey kovalenko, head of the ukrainian center for countering disinformation, admitted this in an interview with the british times. he directly stated that it is very beneficial for the zelensky regime to fuel any conflicts on ethnic grounds. kiev agents have already carried out a number of psychological campaigns on social networks, for example, in telegram chats where representatives communicate.
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they jumped up, jumped up and rushed at the first priest, and where the church was taken away from the believers back in january, the gates were broken down with bulldozers, the parishioners were beaten, the victims later admitted that they did not file a complaint with the police because they were afraid of the place, on this place, on this that's all for now, good morning to my colleagues, let us remind you that april 3 is on the calendar, that's how it always seems, winter lasts forever, one fine morning, you wake up and realize that it's warm outside, the snow has melted, and goodbye to warm clothes and down jackets, and we dress in everything summer, spring and bright, but of course there’s no need to joke about the april weather, it’s still clear that it’s time to put away fur coats, sheepskin coats, down jackets , and how to do it it’s right to get something marketable next season , and not leftovers after a moth’s meal, our correspondent maria nikolaeva will tell you.
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every day it’s getting warmer, it’s already a steady plus outside, it’s time to put away your winter wardrobe. the mood is spring, amazing, i already want to clean everything up, i want to shoes, heels, all this winter stuff away, but before you send your down jackets and jackets on vacation, you need to prepare them, if you remove them without cleaning them, then street dirt, some kind of dust, organic matter, yes, which has settled while it is lying we have until next winter. then it generally dries out, often reacts with dyes, stains may appear, a foreign smell appears, yes, that is, not fresh, without cleaning in any way, refer to the label, membrane and ordinary jackets with padding polyester, can usually be washed in a machine . for dry cleaning is recommended for down jackets, but the vorobyovs have about eight of them for four children, plus a few more for adults, if you calculate a decent budget for dry cleaning, you don’t have to wash the down jacket, you can just... get by with alcohol wipes,
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you definitely need to try somewhere then inside out, it perfectly removes stains on the collar from cosmetics, it also removes such street surface dirt, a pack of napkins will be cheaper than dry cleaning, if the down jacket is very dirty, then you can wash it at home using special gels, they will help maintain their shape, the main thing is to dry them correctly on hangers and store them on them or put them in an envelope in a bag, not a vacuum, otherwise the fluff may be compressed. for padding polyester jackets, a vacuum is an ideal option, it saves space, fur and wool items in the trunk retain their shape and are protected from odors. for woolen svetor hats, hand wash at 30° with special products, rinse at the same temperature, wring in a towel, dry. air circulation is important for natural fabrics, so ideally we store on the top shelves of the closet or in boxes. i love straws. fold,
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because i believe that this is the most space-saving method, items made from mixed fabrics can be compacted into a bag, shoes, leather, artificial ones can be cleaned with a soap solution, the soap solution removes this very salt deposit, dry with a napkin , we let it rest for a day, suede has its own technology, we clean the salt and dust with alcohol wipes, we straighten the thief with a regular eraser, it’s done, the shoes are in boxes and...
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medical objects, and this can’t help but to please. physiotherapeutic department of the clinic in the village of ugleuralsky, perm territory. up to 45 procedures are performed here per day. each device gives a signal when the procedures are completed, that is, now is the time to install, i don’t need it, the device rang, i went and turned it off. there is a choice of magnet, cryo and laser therapy, next to the office of a gynecologist, a functional diagnostics therapist, there is also a day hospital, everything is in one place, before doctors were seen in different... the buildings had a high level of wear and tear, and it was decided that to replace the two old buildings , one new clinic will be built, which will be located in the center of the village. a new clinic was opened under the primary care modernization program. national health project. some of the equipment was updated and
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lifts were installed for people with limited mobility. i think that by the end of the year we will receive licenses for such types of care as surgery, neurology, endocrinology, and ent. diseases, ophthalmology, and we will provide assistance to the local population through visiting specialists. over the past 3 years about 3,000 objects were built for the national healthcare project, one of them is a digital paramedic and obstetric station in the village of sinenkiy , saratov region, now directly opposite the old building. they repeatedly tried to repair and revive the old building, but in the end they came to the conclusion that the population needed a new outpatient clinic. which is served by this outpatient clinic is about 900 people. among the innovations is a new generation electrocardiograph. all data is transmitted in real time to specialized doctors at the central hospital. there is no need to go anywhere, you can also consult with specialists remotely. in the heart, for some reason it does not
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have hands. telemedicine allows us to consult patients on site without traveling to the city. the doctor receives all the necessary information about the patient. the patient, in turn, receives recommendations. residents of the village of stukolkinov in bashkortostan now also receive medical care in the new hospital. of course, it’s much better than dragging, now i would have to go to bulgakovo, i drag every day. now we can come here at any time, seek emergency help, get vaccinations, get certificates. and also do ir and undergo a medical examination, see specialized specialists once a week. a therapist, a gynecologist, a pediatrician is coming, what about? i report in chats, the population signs up, comes, telemedicine is very widespread at our fap, i can make an appointment with many specialized specialists, an endocrinologist, a neurologist, a cardiologist, and this saves time and money, now in the stokolkin fap they receive primary care
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about 500 people, marina vakhrusheva, first channel, and we continue, and now about health, cramps, well, when, for example, a leg cramps, this phenomenon is not uncommon. and unpleasant and painful, meanwhile, there are several ways to cope with this problem, the doctor denis lobkov, a very experienced one, will tell us them. if your leg muscles cramp at night, drink a glass of tonic the night before. the drink contains quinine, a substance that prevents spasms and promotes muscle relaxation. this is especially necessary for people who take statins, diuretics or... stomach medicine, reducing acidity. these drugs cause leg cramps. another common cause of muscle spasms is uncomfortable shoes. everything is simple here: choose boots or sneakers that do not squeeze your toes and do not dangle on your feet. the heel should be
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between two and 4 cm high. it will help absorb the impact of the heel on the ground. orthopedic insoles that follow the anatomical structure of the foot will not hurt. our legs also cramp from overexertion, so after standing or jogging for a long time, we rub our ankles with our hands, this will help relax the muscles. more one cause of cramping is a lack of essential minerals, most commonly magnesium and potassium. to make up for the deficiency, we eat: bananas, nuts, cottage cheese. if there are no kidney stones or other contraindications, we drink mineral water with magnesium from time to time. if a cramp does start, don’t be afraid. we pull our toes to relieve the spasm. we hit the ecrocnemius muscle with our fist. if there is a freezer nearby, remove ice or a bag of frozen
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food from it. apply to the problem area. when the cramp subsides, we walk in circles around the room, this way we will remove the painful sensations let's restore muscle function. all will be. okay, take care of yourself! if you are already tired of everything you usually cook, listen to the good advice of maria surova, our needlewoman, she has a wonderful recipe: stewed cabbage, by the way. lenten version, watch it, write it down, because there will also be useful life hacks. i’ll tell you the secrets of such delicious stewed cabbage that even children will eat it with pleasure. this is a basic lenten recipe and can be supplemented with mushrooms, beans or sausages if you are not fasting. soak 100 ml boiling water bay leaf, it will release its aroma in the water and will not crumble in the finished dish. cabbage. from the top dried leaves, many people cut off the top of the cabbage and shred it, and then don’t know what
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to do with the bottom part, where there are a lot of thick veins, i’ll show you the best way: i put it with the stalk up, cut half of the cabbage a little diagonally, i also cut off the second piece along the stalk and third, how to chop correctly? some people just put the half cut side down and cut the thick parts like this. turn out massive and will be felt in in the finished dish, it is better, on the contrary, to turn the head of cabbage up with the cut side up almost from the middle and chop it thinly, then the thick veins will not be so noticeable. look what a huge difference it makes. the thinner you chop, the more tender the cabbage will be and it will simply melt in your mouth. dice the onion and fry in a large amount of vegetable oil until translucent. you can cook it like in a cauldron. so in a frying pan, coarsely grate the carrots to the onion, after a couple of minutes add tomato paste and fry for
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a minute, add sugar to soften the acid tomato paste, paprika, half salt, mix and add cabbage in parts, mix so that the frying remains at the top and the cabbage at the bottom, add more , cover with a lid, simmer for 5 minutes so that it settles, mix, and add the last portion of cabbage, salt, pour in bay simmer the water over medium heat, stirring every 5 minutes. for those who like crispy cabbage, it’s enough to cook for 20 minutes, i like soft, so i’ll simmer for 40 minutes. it’s ready, by the way, this is the ideal filling for pies, soft, juicy, aromatic. i'm making something so delicious not only in lent. bon appetit! i am the grandson
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of a manufacturer, i can do everything, but all i have to do is come to any team, and everyone else will go down. through the night and the wind, i am destined to go, nowhere does my native window shine. bourbon storsman is a product of the stellar group. viski
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mancacher is a product of the stellar group. gin сnop. product of steller group. monteshoca cognac. product of steller group. rom. castro. product of steller group. on the calendar on april 3, exactly 193 years ago, on this very day, the british james carinington patented a device designed for grinding coffee beans, that is, the coffee grinder we all know. you can easily turn sugar into powder using this unit. found in many kitchens. let's find out what types of coffee grinders are available these days, and how to choose them correctly. rotary, manual. and a millstone, how do coffee grinders differ from each other, the grinding method, rotary
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grinders chop grain like a blender using metal knives, and a manual one works differently, it has millstones, they look like this, in case they are made of ceramics, one of the millstones is located inside another, the grain gets crushed and... well, 20 g of the same coffee is enough for testing, alexander will grind on a millstone, borista andrey on rotornaya, i will grind by hand. alexander, how to properly set the grind in a manual coffee grinder? here, julia, we have such a regulator. if you want to get the smallest grind, screw it all the way, then move it back one or two clicks. the millstone is also easy to set the grind for a french press, turkish press or filter. the rotary principle is different. the longer we grind coffee, the finer our fraction.
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the main thing is not to overdo it; without experience , rotary grains can be burned, although. the speed is good, the coffee grinder was done in 15 seconds, the millstone was even faster, a couple of seconds was enough, it’s quite difficult for me to turn with a manual one, maybe there is some advice, there is advice, we make such synchronized movements to meet each other with both hands, then you can grind a little faster, pay attention to the grinding, the grinding from a rotary coffee grinder turned out to be quite uneven, but here we have large ones... from a manual one it looks like fine sand, the particles are clearly felt that a millstone, like flour, yes, like flour, as fine as possible. the taste of the drink directly depends on the quality of grinding, we were convinced of this, we organized cupping, as they call coffee tasting, and we vote for the best with cream. the barista liked two options: manual and fat coffee grinders. we notice more sweetness, and this drink
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is more pleasant to drink, with a balanced taste. i choose. the least bitter coffee is from a manual grinder, i vote for a professional grinder, but i think most people prefer this coffee, a lot of notes, dense, rich, no one liked the drink from rotornaya, due to the uneven grinding, the taste is not rich and watery, this must be taken into account when choosing, our conclusion is this: if you don’t drink much coffee at home, a manual coffee grinder will be enough, if there is a lot, then it is better to buy a professional grinder, which grinds more than a kilogram of grains in a minute. yulia shvalova, ilya ridkazubov, channel one. this school year is not over yet, there are several months ahead, what can we think about the coming one? meanwhile, on the state services portal enrollment of children in the first grade has already begun, well, is it worth it to rush so much, who is enrolling in the first stream, who is in the second, and what kind of streams they are,
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our correspondent, sergei abramov sotnik, will talk about this and more now. the first wave of enrollment in the first grade for... registration has begun and is open online on the public services portal until june 30. during this period, all beneficiaries and those whose home is assigned to the school submit an application; there will be enough places for everyone. you can apply on may 1, it doesn’t matter, because if they live in the territory assigned to the school, then they accordingly they fall into the main list, and we as a school are obliged to accept them, regardless of the date on which they submit their application. varvara wants her youngest daughter katya to go to school near her home. first of all, because we live in a neighboring house. and then the older child finishes the fourth grade, and this is a good reason to get into the first stream, even if, for example, you are not registered in this area. if a child has a brother or sister who studies at our school, with this, in this case he also ends up in the main list and is guaranteed to be enrolled in an educational institution. all the rest
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go to the second stream, which will begin on july 6 and end on september 5. those who want to... get into a school that is not assigned to their territory apply here. on july 5, all schools are required to post information on their websites about how many free places are left at the school; from july 6, from zero o’clock, parents can safely submit applications electronically, it’s very easy. if there are places, the children will definitely be taken, they may even form additional class. it is important to remember that first-graders are accepted only by application, without any entrance tests. but what should you do if you are already studying, but decided to move to another school, like elisha from the fourth grade, he really wants to go to a school with a mathematical bias. many of my acquaintances, comrades, how their children graduated from this school, after that they had a lot of experience of knowledge, there was, there were no problems with entering a higher educational institution, such children can apply at any time, that’s absolutely
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any time, it is more convenient, of course, to do this in the summer, because the child starts his own school, his own class, he does not need to adapt, parents use the portal of state municipal services of the moscow region, go to education and select an application for transfer. the secretary will see this application and, if there is space, will accept the documents. today we have one student, we just have an application for the seventh grade, a place has become available, now the parents will bring the documents, and the child is already literally on the first day. may go to school, the next one in line will have to wait or look for a place in a neighboring school, so it is better to immediately choose your school from the first grade, centurion. did you know that today is the birthday, moreover, a rather beautiful date is celebrated by the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, academician
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of the russian academy of sciences, rector of the lmonosov moscow state university, viktor sadovnichy. it’s interesting that when i studied quite many years ago at moscow state university, viktor antonovich was also the rector, and today he turns 85 years old, and on this number. i can’t believe it at all, we sincerely congratulate you, wish you health, happiness, success and, of course, new discoveries and achievements. viktor antonovich is the most understanding person, but at the same time the fairest rector. good morning, viktor antonovich, today is special, anniversary, happy birthday to you, thank you. oh, what a delight, since i took a lot of photographs at the faculty, i saw him in person quite often and he is always smiling, so kind, i calculated that we
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have known each other personally for 6 years, you have not changed at all in these 6 years, the same smile, is the same become yours, tell me what the secret is, first of all, i do exercises for about 30 minutes, i usually eat porridge, buckwheat flakes, and i add a spoonful of sea buckthorn jam to it, i cook it myself, my daughter counts my... i don’t do the calories myself i know, i have to gain about 200 in a day, walks before bed for an hour and of course a whole day of work either at moscow state university or at lectures, in classes, i don’t give up science, i teach my seminar, all this together, that’s science, work, worries, how - something distracts my thoughts, this is the man who transformed moscow university, i also i remember the times when, on the territory where we... are located, there were some markets, landfills, now there are modern buildings in which students can acquire the most
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advanced skills, it’s very cozy here, it’s so spacious and beautiful, yes , i built this, i was present every saturday, walked around the construction site, this atrium, i even ordered individual structures, i called the factories myself, i ordered these railings, at one of the factories, well, you have always been accustomed to work, you are quite you started working early, you worked as a loader, you worked in a mine, i i started working as a child, i also worked as an assistant combine driver when i lived in the village, then the komsomolets mine, i was in the coal mine, and then i studied, and then we were students, we worked part-time, here at this place there was a narrow-gauge railway, exactly at this place, we loaded wagons at night, we earned 5 rubles, this gave us a scholarship. good opportunities to live this month, you yourself graduated from moscow state university, studied at moscow state university? first i sent my documents to the belarusian agricultural academy, my friend in
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the evening school class where we are together said: you’re a mathematician, why are you, well i say, i sent it, but if i send it, well, we argued that he couldn’t, in the morning he brings the receipts, says: your documents came out to them , how? she says: i have a wife, the head of the post office and... for 32 years now you have been the rector of moscow state university, moscow state university is your second home, so to speak, well, even i would say, almost the first, this is my life, this is my home, but the main thing - these are people, about forty new faculties, there were 16, yes, there were 16, a thousand buildings, i think about 1000 study and work, we are a huge city, but this whole community is called people moscow university, thank you very much, happy birthday again, thank you. i would advise you to watch the film that is being released today on channel one, a film about viktor antonovich, and we will all watch it together with you, fly, discover, prove
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to write your achievements into the history of moscow university. we will see you in a few minutes, now we will find out what the events are. in the country in the world by this hour. news on channel one. this is news from the first, maria vasilyeva studio. hello. temporary deployment points along with ukrainian militants were destroyed on the right bank of the dnieper near kherson in the northern military district zone. the crews of the santsepek heavy flamethrower systems delivered a precise blow to them. we worked at night under the cover of drones; in the vicinity of krasnohorivka on the donetsk sector of the front, our soldiers knocked out another enemy tank. he was discovered in time by reconnaissance when he
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was moving towards our positions.
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captured with live bait a group of ukrainian saboteurs who were planning attacks on our military infrastructure, information received from the militants allowed determine the location of the drgs operating in the area, as well as prevent impending provocations. ukrainian special services are trying to incite ethnic hatred in russia after the terrorist attacks in crocus. andrey kavalenko, head of the ukrainian center for countering disinformation, admitted this in an interview with the british times. he directly stated that zelensky's regimes. it is very beneficial to fuel any conflicts on interethnic grounds. kiev agents have already carried out a number of psychological actions in social networks, for example, in chats, telegram, where they communicate representatives of various diasporas. after the video of the detention and interrogation of terrorists appeared, alleged employees of the ukrainian special services tried to incite chat participants against law enforcement officers and russia. and in ukraine itself, raiders again attacked parishioners of the canonical orthodox
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church for this. shot down, the victims later admitted that they did not file complaints with the police because they were afraid of the situation. cadastral number. everything is torn by a series of powerful aftershocks off the east coast of taiwan, the magnitude of the strongest 7.7 according to preliminary information, one person was killed, 50 were injured in coastal settlements, 26 buildings were destroyed, including a plastic production plant, there may be people under the rubble, several houses were so rooted that they were about to fall, more than 90 were left without electricity residential buildings, eyewitnesses post terrible footage online, a huge concrete bridge bends like
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plasticine, what the motorists and motorcyclists who found themselves at the crossing at that moment had to endure is hard to imagine. several events occurred in the mountainous area landslides, everyone got off the roadway, military personnel were deployed to help local residents in taiwan. tremors were felt, including in several provinces of mainland china, they were preparing for the disaster in japan, there was a threat of a tsunami, but the wave that arrived turned out to be small. according to seismologists , more than forty authors have already been recorded. they may intensify, and the current earthquake has already become the most powerful in the region in a quarter of a century. an additional russian military police post has been deployed in syria. in the area of ​​the dutch heights, these territories are disputed between syria and israel, which occupied them back in the sixties. our military will monitor the situation, how the ceasefire is being implemented, and their task will also be to prevent any
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provocations during the solemn ceremony. gas sector, the british newspaper writes about this . israeli snipers shoot at children in the guardian, journalists interviewed doctors, as well as foreign volunteers who work in the conflict zone, they reported numerous minors admitted to hospitals with gunshot wounds, and, judging by the nature of the injuries, not all of them received a stray bullet in... doctors also reported that the hospital constantly brings children, elderly people and other patients who were not participants in hostilities , but received a single bullet wound to the head or chest. some doctors say the type of wound location evidence from palestinians who brought the children to the hospital led them to conclude that the victims were directly targeted by israeli troops. previously
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experts. there were pieces of white cloth in the hands of the israeli military in the attack, but according to information about palestinian civilians who were looking for where they could hide from the shelling. some of them are experts, the soldiers did not stop the sakhalat. gas residents also complain. that civilians are being shot at by remote-controlled drones. that's all for now. today is april 3, a very important and very interesting historical date. do you recognize? but this is a mobile phone. yes, yes, the same mobile phone that we all call and talk on now, but the truth is, it originally looked like this and is completely different from the modern one.
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exactly 50 years ago, on this very day, but today we cannot do without these much more advanced devices for a minute. in general, right now, a short excursion into the history of mobile technologies from anastasia savelyeva. so heavy, here it is, the first mass-produced cell phone, weight about a kilogram, a triumph of engineering, predecessors weighed 14 kg, here we managed to fit everything into this small box, 36 minutes of continuous conversation maximum, after which we charged about 10 hours, no sim cards, no changing operators, the handset costs a huge $3,995.
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a real pocket computer and what a device in it that works with infrared but not built-in, wi-fi, bluetooth, nfc, radiation, accelerometer, gyroscope, touchscreen, even a rangefinder, you can calculate the distance from one object to another.
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new features are appearing all the time, now augmented reality is far from science fiction, imagine, right on your camera, it’s as if there’s a pouf there, you just want it touch it there, but it looks so realistic that you want to go and it ’s not there, yes, the phone today works for any task, it all depends on the program, there are 21 million different applications in the world, moreover, you can program it yourself, you can adjust so that it will live straight. and if you add up all the capabilities of a mobile phone, it turns out that we use only a few percent of it,
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so it’s time to delve into them, when better than today on the birthday of the mobile phone. anastasia soveleva, dmitry likhachev, boris salnikov, channel one. it's already april, it's time to think not only about the may holiday. but also about summer holidays , find out everything about electronic vouchers. this is a state information system where all tour operators are required to enter data about our travels. let 's find out how it all works right now. airfare and accommodation are the minimum list of services included in the package tour. it is this that all tour operators are required to register in the electronic voucher system. electronic voucher - it's state-owned. information system, it is free for tourists, it reflects all the information about the trip from the moment of booking, planning the flight, and checking into the hotel. from november 15, 2023, all foreign tours are registered in the system.
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to do this, travel agents upload travel data into an additional form. but these fields, they used to be mandatory . after the responsibility for transferring data to the electronic voucher came, more were added. these fields. all information is entered into the system: traveler's documents, foreign and russian passports, air tickets, hotel, contract number, contact details and tour cost without filling out. with this information , it is impossible to book a tour, the law does not require additional consent for data processing in order to enter it into an electronic tour, yes, therefore it does not provide for the client’s refusal, so if the client wants to buy a tourist product, he should know that in any case the data it, they will be included in the electronic voucher. an electronic voucher, firstly, guarantees the legality of work tour operator. its second purpose was to provide emergency assistance. cases when a tourist is abroad, yes, in order
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to know at a single moment in time to understand who is where, well, god forbid, something happened in some country, people urgently need to be taken out, an electronic voucher gives such an opportunity to the state to see and understand who is currently in this country in order to provide the opportunity to protect life there, evacuate the irist, but only package bookings are entered into the system, part tourist services... you can buy without an electronic voucher, but you need to understand that the tour voucher is insured by special insurance funds or personal liability funds, and if you buy a separate air ticket, a separate hotel, these are separate paid services, but they do not fall under the insurance of the tourist product . the tourist himself also has access to the electronic voucher via a qr code or login and password, but only to his data in the system. if you want to see
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the past, present and future side by side, come to any metropolis, there are ancient houses side by side, with wineries, such small cozy and huge tall skyscrapers built using the most modern technologies, glass, concrete, metal, as vysotsky saw, but all this must somehow get along so that it is harmonious, beautiful , well, convenient. for people , first of all, no matter what angle you look at, you immediately recognize that this is moscow, historically, moscow, it is like a patchwork quilt, that is, it was never formed in a single style, a very serious layering, because it was plundered by the mongols, it was rebuilt, a layering of era styles, even in the very center of red square, the kremlin, gum, st. basil's cathedral, the mausoleum, the architecture is different, and even today the city is developing.
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but look, they added glass. another thing is st. petersburg, the city, so to speak, does not accept everything, especially in the center. the huge size of the historical center, which has been given the status of a historical settlement, these are the boundaries of the historical settlement. it is protected by unesco, it is difficult to build something new, here they are completely different receptions, st. petersburg. the main thing is that in st. petersburg it is not a separate house, but a space. many different styles, but at the expense. the fact that they all do not overtighten the blanket, the integrity of the area
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is not violated, this is the main diamond, it has such a worthy setting. or here, around the former bakery, a modern residential complex in gray was built, specifically so as not to contrast. it is much more difficult to fit objects into the development according to the firewall rules without a single gap; we have to return to the petrine principle. he has the whole structure st. petersburg, st. petersburg courdanier, st. petersburg. tripartite courtyards, the coincidence of cornices with the cornices of neighboring houses; in kaliningrad, the trend for rethinking the old is not copying, but a new vision. the most important element is the use of materials, preferably of a natural structure, clinker bricks, clinker tiles, there are no such flashy bright colors as here, a residential complex with a seam roof does not stand out from the general style, in kaliningrad it is very complex, diverse, includes ... and gothic, and
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objects of classicism, neo-modernism, and soviet style, that is, kaliningrad is distinguished by a mixture of styles of the soviet and german periods, sometimes, of course, you can experiment to suit the city, this is the building of a former pharmacy, one part was restored, and the other was added in a modern style, with glass. so, every city has a mixture of styles, a layering of eras, architecture, the same textbook. history, just take a little closer look at the buildings and it’s immediately clear how the city lived before and how it lives today. anastasia savelyeva, mikhail karasev, igor kostyukov, channel one. drill, indispensable. cutting tool in the arsenal of any home craftsman, well , it is clear that we are talking not only about drills of different diameters, but the purpose of each such tool, or rather the details of the tool, has its own specialization, our skilled craftsman alexey baiji will tell you everything about it. there is a drill in the arsenal of any
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craftsman, each is designed to perform a specific task, let's say we need to make a hole in wood, here... a drill made of high-carbon tool steel, if the drill is made in russia, look for the letter u on the drill itself or on its packaging, and you can also identify a wood drill visually, it has one tooth in the center of the cutting part, here it is, like the tip of a nail, during operation such a drill does not damage the structure material, you see, everything is neat and clear, this drill for metal, they think that it can work on wood, let's try, it really does the job, but pay attention, there is a fringe along the edges, compare the two holes: the first one obviously looks more aesthetically pleasing. drill characteristics according to metal depend on the marking: p from
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a domestic manufacturer, and the international marking is hss, which means the drill is made of high-speed steel. next to it we see letters, they indicate the content of additives on which the strength of the drill depends, for example, co, read co means cobalt, with it the service life of the tool increases, the manufacturer promises that by three times, its diameter is also indicated on the shank of the drill, and if you need to work with brick or concrete, choose a pobedit drill, or rather they come with soldering from pobedit, that is, a mixture tungsten and cobalt, here it is at the tip of the drill, there are a lot of fakes on the market now, this drill, for example, was sold as being completely made of pobedite, look what happens to it if you try to work with brick, switch the drill to impact mode,
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that’s it, the fake fell into disrepair instantly, now we are trying a drill bit with pobedit soldering and making a hole. done, the drill, as you can see, is in order. the following situation: you need to drill a hole in a cafe or porcelain tile, and behind it is a brick or concrete wall. in this case, we you will need two drills, a feather drill for tiles, this one and a pobedit one for brick or concrete. so, choose a drill taking into account the type and density of the material you are going to drill, you will succeed. on this day, april 3, our ancestors put away their sleighs and all sorts of winter and warm things for storage until the next winter, so what does this mean, that it’s probably time to change the wheels from
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studded or velcro to a summer, spring version. but this definitely means that spring has finally arrived and irrevocably. what else is special about this one? we'll find out the day our astrologers. april 3 - twenty -fourth lunar day, fifteenth sunny, cheerful, energetic, very active, often takes on several things at once and somehow manages to cope with everything, although not always, he also loves everything unusual and sometimes behaves like a big man original, somewhat eccentric, he should be more careful with this, but he is a creative person, artistic, deeply feels music, understands painting and in general he has a lot of all sorts of talents, he really also has a lot of disadvantages, he is hectic, a little absent-minded, not very responsible, purely sticking his nose into things that aren’t his own business. because of this, aries risk getting into a funny and not very pleasant situation, in general, the stars warned you, and it’s a good day, including for career growth. only dear motorists, be
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careful and do not forget about the distance. taurus is the center of attention today, and this attention can even become tiresome at some point. you will want to take a break from people, but until the evening he will take strangers away, leaving only those who are close and pleasant to you. the twins are having one of those days when you manage to do everything and almost never get tired. after lunch , good news may come, and in the evening the stars promise some interesting meeting. single geminis, this might interest you. cancers, you may have to deal with money, perhaps patching up gaps in the family budget. on the plus side, the day is very good for making useful contacts and giving in. himself in a favorable light, the evening clearly wants to invite you somewhere, something like a date is shining for the lions, some kind of business meeting might break, in addition, colleagues or business may let you down. you and your partners, in general, your motto today is do it yourself and be careful with electricity, today the virgin will hear some kind words addressed to her, perhaps from
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her superiors, however, your loved ones will also appreciate you, just be less nagging at them, closer to the evening, perhaps a pleasant meeting with the past, libra has a smooth productive environment, in the middle of the day, however, someone can get on your nerves a little, but you just don’t take any nonsense too to heart, and if you if you have children, please spare some time. more attention. scorpios today are changeable, unpredictable and quite dependent on their mood. this won’t have much of an impact on your personal life, but it might affect your work life. draw conclusions and take care of your documents, smartphones, and keys. sagittarians risk breaking or breaking something. so be careful with fragile things about pleasant things. you are very charming today, the ladies are simply dazzling. for reference. this is a very good day for declaring your love. a very business day for capricorns. most importantly, don’t wait for weather by the sea, the stars say that no matter what you undertake today, you can get some benefit from everything, and don’t be afraid to trust yourself and
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your experience, good advice never hurts, but you’re the one with the mustache. aquarius is also having a good day, just a little nervous, some hiccups are possible, especially with something that was done in haste, and an unreasonable breakdown with one of your colleagues is possible. keep yourself in control, okay, and the evening will lift your spirits. pisces, get ready for someone. men, if your better half is born under the sign of pisces, don’t be stingy today for compliments. good luck to you. graffiti in sao paulo all day long. is it true that you can choose any place in the city and draw whatever you want? if you start drawing at some police station, then of course you will be punished, they won’t put you in jail, but they will give you quite a fine. which?
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celebrated world champignon day, mushrooms are truly unique in their own way, on the shelves all year round, they are prepared simply, and i know that some people even eat them raw, dip them in sauce, eat them in salads , add them like that, in fact, a lot there are recipes with champignons, for example, i really like soup, champignons or, for example, fried potatoes with these mushrooms, but the main thing is that they are correct. champignons are the first mushrooms that people learned to grow themselves; it is from such farms that they end up on store shelves. 4 million tons per year all over the world, this is about 2 mm/h, that is, in fact, it is very fast , so there is an expression that grows like mushrooms
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after rain, but special conditions are needed, they are regulated by technologists and climate control systems in the growing chambers , these are like that parameters, such as co2 level, air temperature, compost temperature, relative humidity, absolute humidity, the result is three waves of collection, the first - 20 kg of mushrooms per square meter, the next two... not so productive, the nutritional resource is gradually decreasing, at the same time, the bulk of the harvest is collected 2 weeks after loading, but the most curious champignons appear in advance, these are scouts, they give a signal to their entire mushroom system, and the mushrooms come to the surface and begin to grow. at when choosing, we evaluate their density, ideally elastic, if we press no dents, not sticky and non-slip to the touch, pleasant smell, color white, beige or slightly brown, too dark, overripe. you also need to pay attention to the film connecting the stem and cap of the mushroom. it must be whole. it's torn, which means it's already getting old, and
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the color inside shows its age. the shade of the inner plates also depends on , so to speak, the degree of maturity of the mushroom. the dark color of the plate indicates that the mushroom has been sitting longer. but even the freshest the cut darkens, this is a common chemical reaction from contact with oxygen. and all champignons absorb moisture like a sponge, so experts do not recommend washing them under the tap. pass the. with a dry towel, cut off the leg where it is dirty, remove the dirt and carefully remove the skin without pressing. the larger ones, soaked briefly in salted water, act as an antiseptic, and can even be eaten raw if you are confident in the product or cooked. we shouldn’t fry it too much, we shouldn’t simmer it too much. yes, heat treatment is minimal to preserve the benefits as much as possible. mushrooms contain a large amount of vitamins, in particular vitamins of group b, pp, vitamin. potassium, calcium, iron, selenium, phosphorus, they also contain dietary fiber, which is necessary for the normal functioning
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of the gastrointestinal tract, plus protein 2.5 g per 100 g of product, with a minimum of calories. legia belyanskaya, nikolai krysanov, evgeny smirnov and vladimir popov, channel one. just don’t miss, this evening on channel one, the continuation of the action-packed detective undercover taxi. driving around the city it seems like an ordinary yellow car, but behind the wheel of this car is an unusual driver, a police lieutenant. alexey turbin, around him st. petersburg is a wonderful city, famous for its cinematic traditions. hi, can you come over? do you need help? undercover taxi is not just an exciting detective story, it is also a declaration of love to the city, which is always beautiful, at dawn and sunset, during the day and in the light of the night lights. i decided to make a departure from the kazan cathedral, which will directly say that this is st. petersburg. we immediately decided that ours
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st. petersburg, it will be sunny and incredibly beautiful. i’ll call you, let’s put out the voice of communication, the city code of st. petersburg is 812, take a closer look at the license plate of alexey turbin, the same numbers and letters are also not accidental. a, t. alexey turbin. well, turbinin, everything is always bad for you, thank god. turbin? yes, turbines, what are you driving? turbin. in a yellow taxi, a policeman, under the cover of a turchis
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, turns wells into courtyards along embankment bridges, which seem to be created for filming... st. petersburg courtyards really often look like such labyrinths with arches, each arch provides additional shadow, we can hang a lighting fixture somewhere, of course we couldn’t do without the western expressway, which in my opinion is one of the most beautiful roads in the world. the film crew filmed about 200 stunning flights over the city: peter and paul fortress, st. isaac's cathedral, wzinger. end square, the hermitage, the admiralty and vasilyevsky island, come on, let's take a closer look at what it is, yes, this is our mobile studio, yes, yes, here it is, flickering in the dark, the studio for the good program morning, every year we stand here in the summer, when together with the city we prepare to celebrate navy day, i have dreamed all my life of touching vayarsky, let me shake your
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hand and the applause of st. petersburg residents, we did it through the streets. new episode tonight, how cool, i want one. maria bronzova, ivan belchenko, channel one. we will see you in a few minutes, now we will find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. news on channel one. this is the news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, a series of powerful tremors off the east coast of taiwan, the strongest magnitude 7.7. according to preliminary information, four people were killed and about 100 were injured. in coastal settlements, 26 buildings were destroyed, including a plastics production plant. there may be people under the rubble. several houses
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were so rooted that they were about to fall. more than 90 residential buildings were left without electricity. eyewitnesses post terrible footage online of a huge concrete bridge bending like plasticine, which is what motorists and motorcyclists who found themselves at that moment had to endure. crossing, it’s hard to imagine. there were several landslides in the mountainous area; did everyone get off the roadway? military personnel were deployed to help local residents in taiwan. tremors were felt, including in several provinces of mainland china, they were preparing for the disaster in japan, there was a threat of a tsunami, they were destroyed on the right bank of the dnieper near kherson, they were precisely hit by crews of heavy flamethrower systems, they worked
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at night under the cover of drones, in the vicinity of krasnogorovka in the donetsk sector. front, our soldiers knocked out another enemy tank; reconnaissance discovered it in time as it moved towards our positions. a few minutes later, a well-aimed shot from the fagot anti-tank missile system hit the car. liquidated. russian artillery worked effectively in the novomikhailovka area, this is the southern donetsk direction, strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces were hit there, and tulip mortar crews fired at them. how they help special operations veterans, soldiers who are now on the front line, and their families. the chairman of the foundation reported this to the president defenders of the fatherland, anna tseveleva. during a working meeting in the kremlin, she came up with an important initiative to provide for those who were seriously injured and who lost their legs. cars with manual control. vladimir putin supported the idea. this is how the foundation has been solving the problems of our military personnel for a year now, without unnecessary bureaucracy. since its inception , it has received almost a million hits. they
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relate to treatment, rehabilitation, employment, and benefits. now feedback is needed to understand whether the military is satisfied with this assistance. for this the fund is launching a special information system, it will work through government services and through a mobile application. during the working meeting, the president asked what other issues require special attention? the most noticeable problems remain that your foundation and departments need to pay attention to in order to close them as quickly as possible. firstly, the most pressing issue is obtaining a combat veteran certificate. this is very. important for the guys because that all further steps in obtaining social guarantees of state assistance depend on this. together with the ministry of defense, we have developed a number of programs that allow us to partially close these issues
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for certain categories, these are volunteers, defenders of donbass and private military companies. the collection of necessary documents has been organized for the defenders of donbass through a branch of the fund. today i can already say that we have a good one.
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it is very beneficial to fuel any conflicts on interethnic grounds. kyiv agents have already carried out a number of psychological campaigns on social networks, for example in telegram chats, where representatives of various diasporas communicate. after the video of the detention and interrogation of terrorists appeared, alleged employees of the ukrainian special services tried to incite chat participants against law enforcement officers and russia. and in ukraine itself, raiders again attacked parishioners of the canonical orthodox church.
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wednesday, april 3, early in the morning, a very important topic, love and money, oh, how much you can philosophize here, how many books have been written about it, how many films have been made, well, we’re on so big... we won’t go overboard, just, for example, we’ll try to find out whether it’s true that married men earn more than single men, how money affects the family microclimate, and of course, we’ll also talk about the family budget, love and money,
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it seemed wherever there is a connection, and there is one, they say that married people earn more than single people, even economists confirm that if we take our country, then according to the latest data, there is no russian monitoring of economic behavior. average salary for married men aged 25 to 60 years, it is noticeably greater than that of idle ones, by more than 15%. of course, this is not an axiom, but if... you think about it, everything is logical. a married man, he thinks about how to provide for his family, and if he chooses a job, then he can often give priority not to the job that will be more interesting, but maybe still to the job where he will earn more. this happens over time, but first love makes your head spin and empties your wallet. at the beginning of a relationship you can fall into some kind of financial hole, these trips to the cinema, somewhere trips, gifts. seraphim and ekaterina have been married for 5 years, they say only after a year
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of relationship, finances began to grow, when i got married, my income really increased, because i somehow began to think differently, what to do, what to do, somehow more on a large scale or something, he began to act more boldly, this monetary field, it is expanding, because already from one person, from one component, we have already turned into two, and if there are more of you, oleg, father of three children, says the main engine of financial well-being - responsibility, responsibility to... that the fact that your child needs to eat gives a reason to be responsible at work, so that at least you are noticed, at the maximum you get a bonus, for responsibility and employers value family more, here is another financial plus in favor of marriage , now the trend is that mostly married people are hired for higher paid and senior positions, married people, they already have experience in dealing with various types of conflict, and it’s easier...
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no need to joke, it’s still clear that fur coats, it’s time to put away sheepskin coats and down jackets for storage, but our correspondent maria nikolaeva will tell you how to do this correctly so that next season you can get something of a marketable appearance, and not leftovers after a moth’s meal. warmer outside is already a stable plus, it's time to put away your winter wardrobe. i’m in a spring mood, i already want to put everything away, i want to take off my shoes, heels, all this winter stuff away, but before you send your down jackets and jackets on vacation, you need to prepare them, if you put them away without cleaning, then street dirt, some kind of dust , organic matter, yes, which has settled, when it lies with us until the next winter, it generally dries out and... often
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reacts with dyes, stains may appear, a foreign smell appears, yes, that is, staleness, without there is no cleaning, the guideline is on the label, membrane and regular synthetic jackets, as a rule, can be washed in a machine, dry cleaning is recommended for down jackets, but for sparrows there are about eight of them for four children, plus a few more for adults, if you count a decent budget for cleaning them , the down jacket can not be washed, it can here's how to get by with alcohol wipes. you definitely need to try it somewhere on the wrong side, it perfectly removes stains on the collar from cosmetics, such street surface dirt, it also removes everything, a pack of napkins will be cheaper than dry cleaning, if the down jacket is very dirty, you can wash it at home with special gels, they will help maintain their shape, the main thing is to dry them correctly on a hanger and store them on it or put them in an envelope in a bag, not a vacuum, otherwise the down may be compressed, for padding polyester jackets...
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i believe that this is the very best method for saving space, products made from mixed fabrics can be compacted into a bag, shoes, leather, artificial ones can be cleaned with a soap solution, a soap solution ... removes this very salt deposit, dry with a napkin, let it rest for a day, suede has its own technology, clean the salt from dust with alcohol wipes, straighten the thief with a regular eraser, ready, shoes in boxes and don’t forget to put paper in the boots so that
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there are no creases, well, that’s nice, we take out the spring wardrobe, it’s time conduct audit and take him for a walk in the sun. maria nikolaeva, natalya koldaeva, sergey falendysh, channel one, in order to live, to enjoy life, you need to do what you like. why did you tatyana mikhailovna decide to become a teacher? because i love children very much. i am the master of ceremonies, who is this? the man who connects hearts. i work in... in the ferrous metal industry i go to work with joy, from work with pride, study to become a heating engineer and you won’t regret it, one day i became an artist, well, for example, such a wonderful we can voice some grandfather, i wanted to be an artist, then a navigator,
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a sea captain, at the end of the tenth grade i decided to become a doctor, like my mother, you can move towards your goal in small steps, nothing is impossible. and we continue, and now about health. a cramp, well, when, for example, a leg cramps, this phenomenon is not uncommon and unpleasant and painful. meanwhile, there are several ways to deal with this problem; the very experienced doctor denis lobkov will tell us them. if your leg muscles cramp at night, the night before drink a glass of tonic. quinine, substance. reducing acidity. these drugs cause leg cramps. another common cause of muscle spasms is uncomfortable shoes.
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everything is simple here: choose boots or sneakers that do not squeeze your toes and do not dangle on your feet. the heel should be between two and 4 cm high. it will help cushion the shoe. hitting the heel on the ground, orthopedic insoles that follow the anatomical structure of the foot will not hurt. our legs also get cramped from overexertion, so after a long period of standing or jogging, we rub our ankles with our hands. this will help relax your muscles. another cause of cramps is a lack of essential minerals, most often magnesium and potassium. to make up for the deficiency, we eat: bananas, nuts. tvorok, if there are no kidney stones or other contraindications, from time to time we drink mineral water with magnesium. if a cramp does start, don’t be afraid. we pull our toes to relieve the spasm. we hit the ecrocnemius
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muscle with our fist. if there is a freezer nearby, remove ice or a bag of frozen food from it. apply to the problem area. when the cramp subsides, we walk in circles around the room, so we will remove the painful sensations, restore muscle function, everything will be fine, take care of yourself! spring and summer are a time of increased demand for adhesive plaster, well, it’s understandable why, sometimes we go to the dacha, then we need to take it with us on vacation, but because we’re not used to it, summer shoes rub our feet without adhesive plaster. in general, the thing is extremely useful, by the way , multifunctional, not only for calluses, scratches, abrasions and... you can glue it around the house, you also need it, let's look at all the variety that is on sale: most adhesive plasters are white, any dirt is visible, not a day has passed and it’s time to change it, it’s impractical, that’s how it’s designed, adhesive plasters protect the wound from germs,
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they perform a barrier function, they protect from dirt, and they also help the wound to heal faster healed because the edges would be leaning against each other. the healing process will go faster, but you shouldn’t count on a healing effect, even if the pad has antibacterial impregnation, many people think that because you stuck the patch inside the wound you have something will happen, this is not true, because the soaked pad for the wound does not come into contact at all, if something is released from the wound into this pad, it kills these bacteria, it does not work with the patient, this is also a myth. they use different antiseptics: good old brilliant green, chlorhydroxydine, furatsilin, we choose what is not for... but there is not much difference, except for the impregnation with solicylic acid in the patch against calluses, it is stuck on for a certain period of time, saltylic acid has just this softening property specifically for... you can
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stick it on healthy skin for preventive purposes, so that new shoes do not rub, in this case , flesh-colored is what you need, but if the polymer base must be perforated, otherwise it will not allow you to breathe. the infection needs a moist , warm environment; for bacteria, it is best when the cheese is warm and without oxygen. fabric base made of cotton or air silk. the adhesive plaster itself, non-woven from cellulose, also has micropores, it is less durable, but is suitable for delicate and sensitive skin, although a good adhesive plaster should in any case it can be easily removed without pain; if it comes off with difficulty, the problem is in the glue, which can not only injure you, but also cause an allergic reaction. yulia kozlova, mikhail chetveryakov, vasily yurov, tatyana yus, channel one. a pressing question for any housewife: how to ensure that the kitchen is always in order, everything is at hand, eh? everything fit in the cabinet, when you open them, nothing would fall on you from there, what
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really serious problems, we will solve them immediately, under the leadership of the organizer of the space tatyana abramova. how do you store sliced ​​bread or loaf? i put it in the container directly in the package, take the edges of the bag out, cover the container with a lid, when necessary, pull the bags up and take out a few pieces. the slices remain intact, the crumbs do not crumble, bread in a closed container retains its freshness longer, in my opinion, it is very convenient to fit more dishes in the kitchen cabinet, i install a removable shelf inside, arrange the dishes, now it will fit twice as much, arrange the glass along the wall in a checkerboard pattern, one upside down, the one next to it is opposite... with spaghetti, i store it vertically, arrange them in a paper tray, like this in a row, now the pasta
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takes up very little space , i’ll put all the packaging in order to make it more convenient, i’ve allocated a separate container for the cleaning product, i put a roll inside with garbage bags, i thread the edge through the hole to make it easier to pull out the bags, arrange bottles of detergents, lay out rags and sponges, put the container under the sink, it’s good when the kitchen is clean and tidy, all thanks to little tricks. shield and sword of our body, our immunity, to all those who cough and sniffle, a program about the immunity of our nose is dedicated, and of course, much more that is super important in the program to live healthy,
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anna-lena berbak, 180° somersault. dolls
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of the heir tutti, today on the first. ash. ashiv. ashiv. leshte fum, ashif. fama kinyayev on saturday on the first, but it is quite obvious what the expression affordable medicine means, it means that services important for life and health should be available to every resident of even the most remote settlement, village, etc. further, yes for the last one. over the past 3 years , about 300 medical facilities have been built within the framework of the national healthcare project, and this cannot but
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rejoice. physiotherapeutic department of the village clinic. when the procedures are completed, the device gives a signal, that is, now is the time to install, i don’t need it, the device rang, i went and turned it off. there is a choice of magnet, cryo and laser therapy, next to the office of a gynecologist, therapist, functional diagnostics, there is also a day hospital, all in one place, previously doctors were seen in different buildings on the outskirts village the buildings had a high level of wear and tear, and it was decided that instead of two old buildings... one new clinic would be built, which would be located in the center of the village. the new clinic was opened under the primary care modernization program, a national health care project. some of the equipment was updated and lifts were installed for people with limited mobility. i think that by the end of the year we will receive licenses for such types of care as surgery, neurology, endocrinology, ent diseases,
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ophthalmology, and we will provide assistance to the local population by visiting forms of specialist work. over the past 3 years , about 300 facilities have been built under the national healthcare project, one of them is a digital paramedic and obstetric center in the village of sinenkiy, saratov region, now directly opposite the old building. there were repeated attempts to repair and revive the old building, but in the end they came to the conclusion that a new outpatient clinic was needed. the population served by this outpatient clinic is about 900 people, from the innovations of a new generation electrocardiograph, all the data. transmits in mode real time to the specialized doctors of the central hospital, there is no need to go anywhere, you can also consult with specialists remotely; for some reason, heart complaints are not available to you. telemedicine allows us to consult patients on site without traveling to the city. the doctor receives all the necessary information about the patient, and the patient, in turn, receives recommendations.
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residents of the village of stukolkinov in bashkortostan now also receive medical care in the new hospital. of course, it’s much better than dragging, now i would have to bugakovo, i drag it every day. now we can come here at any time, seek emergency help, arrange vaccinations, and get certificates. and also do ir and undergo medical examination, once a week get an appointment with specialized specialists. a therapist, a gynecologist, a pediatrician come, i report about this in chats, the population signs up, comes, telemedicine is very widespread in our community. i can write it down. to many specialized specialists, to an endocrinologist, to a neurologist, to a cardiologist. and this saves time and money. now in stukolkinsky fap about 500 people receive primary care. marina vakhrusheva, channel one. did you know that today is a birthday, moreover, a rather beautiful date, notes doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, academician
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of the russian academy of sciences, rector of lmonosov moscow state university. when i studied quite a few years ago at moscow state university, viktor antonovich was also the rector, and today he turns 85 years old, and i can’t believe this number at all, we sincerely congratulate you, wish you health, happiness, success and, of course, new ones discoveries achievements. victor antonovich. he is the most understanding person, but at the same time the fairest rector. good morning, victor antonovich, today is special, anniversary, happy birthday to you, thank you, oh, what a delight, since i took a lot of photographs at the faculty, i saw him in person quite often and he is always smiling, so kind, i thought we i’ve known you personally for 6 years, you
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haven’t changed at all over these 6 years, you have the same smile, the same attitude, tell me what the secret is, first of all i’m doing the exercise. first about 30 minutes, i usually eat porridge, buckwheat flakes, and i add a spoonful of sea buckthorn jam, i cook it myself, my daughter counts my calories, i don’t know myself, so i have to gain about 2,000 per day, walks before bed for an hour and of course a whole day of work either at moscow state university or at lectures, in classes, i’m not giving up science, i’m teaching my seminar, all this... together, here’s science, work, worries, somehow distracts me from my thoughts. this is the man who transformed moscow university. i still remember the times when, in the territory where we are now, there were some markets, landfills, now there are modern buildings in which students can acquire the most advanced skills. it’s very cozy here, is it so
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spacious and beautiful? yes, i built this, every saturday. well, you were always accustomed to work, you started working quite early, you also worked as a loader, you worked in a mine, i started working as a child, i also worked as an assistant combine driver when i lived in the village, then the komsomolets mine, i was in the face, and then study, and even though we were students, we worked part-time , there was a narrow-gauge railway at this place, exactly at this place, we loaded wagons at night, earned 5 rubles, and so he gave us good scholarships.
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called the people of moscow university, we are a huge city, but this whole community thank you very much, happy birthday again, thank you. i would advise you to watch the film that is being released today on channel one, a film about viktor antonovich, and we will all watch it together with you, fly, discover, prove to write your
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achievements into the history of moscow university. we will see you in a few minutes, now we will find out what events took place in the country. and in the world by this hour. news on channel one. this is the news on the first in the studio maria vasilyeva. hello. temporary deployment points , along with ukrainian militants, were destroyed on the right bank of the dnieper near kherson in the northern military district zone. the crews of the santsepek heavy flamethrower systems delivered a precise blow to them. we worked at night under. covering drones. and in the vicinity of krasnogorovka on the donetsk sector of the front, our soldiers knocked out another enemy tank. he was discovered in time by reconnaissance when he was moving towards our positions.
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a few minutes later, with a medical shot from anti-tank missile system fagot, the vehicle was destroyed. russian artillery worked effectively in the novomikhailovka area, in the southern donetsk direction. the strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces were hit there, and tulpan mortar crews fired at them. this mortar is. like heavy artillery, caliber 240 mm, this already says something, we work on bridges, bunkers, pillboxes, ridges, enemy strongholds that are well protected, so we just dismantle these shelters, and then we roll up and camouflage ourselves. year to date more than 100,000 people have already signed a contract for military service in the russian armed forces, this is according to the ministry of defense, and there is a stream of people willing to join.
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belgorod region is already being shot at, that’s why there is no need to be afraid, now more than ever we need to stand up, go sign a contract, defend our homeland, because otherwise it will come to us, a series of powerful tremors off the eastern coast of taiwan, the strongest magnitude is 7, 7 according to preliminary information, four people were killed, about 100 were injured in the coastal 26 settlements were destroyed. among them is a plastic production plant, there may be people under the rubble, several houses are tilted so that they are about to fall without light, more than 90 residential buildings remain,
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eyewitnesses are posting terrible footage online, a huge concrete bridge is bending as if plasticine, what the motorists and motorcyclists who found themselves at the crossing at that moment had to endure is difficult to imagine. several landslides occurred in mountainous areas, mudflows descended onto the roadway to help local residents in taiwan involved. military personnel. tremors were also felt in several provinces of mainland china. they were preparing for the disaster in japan; there was a threat of a tsunami, but the wave that arrived was small. moreover, the current earthquake has already become the most powerful in the region in a quarter of a century. israeli snipers shoot at children in the gaza strip. the british newspaper guardian writes about this. journalists interviewed doctors, as well as foreign volunteers who work in the conflict zone. they reported numerous minors admitted to hospitals with gunshot wounds. moreover, judging by the nature of the injuries,
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not all of them. they got hit by a stray bullet. some children, doctors believe, were shot with precision. doctors also reported that the hospital constantly brings children, elderly people and other patients who were not participants in hostilities, but received a single bullet wound to the head or chest. some doctors say the types of wound locations evidence from palestinians who brought the children to the hospital led them to conclude that the victims became a direct target of israeli troops. formerly an expert. the un accused the israeli military of attacking palestinian civilians who were looking for a place to hide from shelling. some of them had pieces of white cloth in their hands, but according to experts, this did not stop the idf soldiers. gaza residents also complain that remote-controlled drones are shooting at civilians. happy birthday today is being received by the rector of one of the largest universities in europe, the main one in russia, the legendary lomanovsky moscow state university,
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victor sadovnichy. as a rule, he sat in the back desk and slept, i was barely alive after the mine, so i went to school without being woken up, because well, they understood that the sooner a child has the opportunity to do everything , think for himself, he can then choose the desired direction of his life, my parents were both illiterate and could not write.
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a few months, let alone think about the future. meanwhile, enrollment of children in first grade has already begun on the state services portal. well, is it worth it to rush so much, who is signing up in the first stream, who is in the second, and what kind of streams are these anyway? our correspondent sergei abramov sotnik will talk about this and more now. the first wave of enrollment in first grade has begun; registration is open online on the public services portal until june 30. during this period, all beneficiaries and those whose home is assigned to the school submit an application.
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there are enough places for everyone, you can apply on may 1, it doesn’t matter, because if they live in the territory assigned to the school, then they accordingly fall into the main list, and we as a school are obliged to accept them, regardless of the date when they apply statement. varvara wants her youngest daughter katya to go to school near the house, primarily because we live in a neighboring house, and then the eldest child goes to finish the fourth grade, and this is a good reason to get into the first stream. even if, for example, you are not registered in the area. if a child has a brother or sister who studies at our school with this, then he also falls into the main list and is guaranteed to be enrolled in an educational institution. all the rest go to the second stream, which will start at 6 july will end on september 5. those who want to get into a school that is not assigned to their territory apply here. on july 5, all schools are required to post
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information on their websites. if there are places, children will definitely be accepted, they may even form an additional class, it is important to remember that first-graders are accepted only upon application, without any entrance tests. what should you do if you are already studying, but decided to move to another school, like elisha from the fourth grade, he really wants to go to a school with a mathematical bias. many of mine acquaintances, comrades, how would their children graduate from this school, after that they had a lot of experience of knowledge, there was, there were no problems with entering a higher educational institution. which children can apply at any time, absolutely at any time, it is more convenient, of course, to do this in the summer, because the child graduates from his school, his class, he does not need to adapt, parents use the portal of state
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municipal services of the moscow region, go to education and select an application for transfer. the secretary will see this statement and if there is space, it will accept documents. today we have one student, just like that. so they applied for the seventh grade, a place became available, now the parents will bring the documents, and the child can literally go to school from the first day, the next person in line will have to wait or look for a place in a neighboring school, so it is better to immediately choose your school from the first grade. sergey abramov, sotnik, anastasia novakhatnya, vasily valetov, channel one. if you want to see the past, present and future side by side, come. to any metropolis, there there are ancient houses adjacent to the vinesels, so small, cozy, and huge, tall skyscrapers, built using the most modern technologies, glass, concrete, metal, like pelovysotsky, yes, all this must
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somehow get along so that it is harmonious, beautiful, well, it’s convenient for people , first of all, no matter what angle you look at, you immediately recognize that this is moscow, historically, moscow is like a tender... blanket, that is , it was never formed in a single style, a very serious layering, because it was plundered by the mongols , she was rebuilding, layering of eras and styles, even in the very center - red square, the kremlin, gum, st. basil's cathedral, mausoleum, the architecture is different, and even today the city is developing, growing, upward too, the trend is a complex form, each object is a separate work, but monotonous , it ’s easier to fit in, what is located behind us is a fairly common sight in moscow, right in front of us we see a building from the end of the 19th century, behind them there is a temple, this is the beginning of the 20th century, an office center built in 2000, the old and the new are united by a former confectionery factory,
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the historical masonry remains, but look, they added glass. st. petersburg is another matter; the city, so to speak, does not accept everything, especially in the center. huge size historically. center, which has been given the status of a historical settlement, these are the boundaries of the historical settlement, protected by unesco, it is difficult to build something new, there are completely different techniques here, st. petersburg, the main thing is in st. petersburg - it is not a separate house, but a space, many different styles , but due to the fact that they all do not pull the blanket, the integrity is not compromised, here is the main diamond, it has such a worthy setting, or here... a modern residential complex in gray was built around the former bakery specifically so that it would not contrast. it is much more difficult to fit objects into the development according to the firewall rules without a single gap; we have to return to peter’s principles. his entire construction is
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petersburg, petersburg courtyard, petersburg tripartite courtyards, the coincidence of cornices with cornices from neighboring houses. in kaliningrad, the trend is to rethink old, not copying, exactly... a new vision, the most important element is the use of materials, preferably natural structure, clinker bricks, clinker tiles, there are no such flashy bright colors as here, a residential complex with a seam roof does not stand out from the general style , in kaliningrad it is very complex, diverse, includes both gothic and classicist objects, neo-modern and soviet style, that is, kaliningrad is distinguished by a mixture of styles. soviet and german period. sometimes, of course, you can experiment. it suits the city - this is the building of a former pharmacy. one part was restored, and the other was added in a modern style, with glass. so, every city has a mixture of styles,
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a layering of eras. architecture is like a history textbook. it’s enough to take a little closer look at the buildings and it’s immediately clear how the city lived before and how it lives today. anastasia savelyeva, mikhail karasev, igor kustyakov. first channel. today is april 3, a very important very interesting historical date, you find out, but this is a mobile phone, yes, yes, the same one the mobile phone that we all call and talk with now, but it’s true, it originally looked like this, it’s completely different from modern smartphones, progress flies forward so quickly that these units today seem to us all like ancient times, well, initially the smartphone looked much worse than this wonderful device, i had the first one, the first call on a mobile phone was made exactly 50 years ago, on this very day, but today we cannot live without these much more advanced devices not a minute to get by. overall, a short one right now. an excursion into the history of mobile technologies from anastasia savelyeva.
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so heavy. here it is, the first mass-produced cell phone, weighing about a kilogram, a triumph of engineering. the predecessors weighed 14 kg, but here we managed to fit everything into this small box. 36 minutes of continuous conversation, maximum, after which we charged for about 10 hours, no sim cards, no change of operators. the cost of the handset is huge: 3,995 dollars, equivalent to a car, one function: call, in just 6 years a new breakthrough, the weight of the phone is reduced by a third, microscopic at that time it is really microscopic, here i see there are still letters on the keyboard, that is , it was already possible to send sms, it turns out, but the model is boring, dark, yes ... the engineers decide to experiment,
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paint . someone suggested: let's paint it with car paint, on monday everyone came with a phone painted with their own paint. i liked it, it started, mobile phones of any shape for every taste. today this gadget is a real pocket computer, and what is not built into it. wi-fi, bluetooth, nfc, a device that works with infrared radiation, accelerometer, gyroscope, touchscreen, even. rangefinder can calculate the distance from one object to another, light is emitted by the phone, it is reflected from the obstacle, comes back to the phone and the phone measures the time in which it happened, thus knowing the time and speed of light, it can determine the distance using a simple formula s = v * t. sounds difficult, but the device calculates everything automatically in a split second, from walls to walls 3 m 51 cm. or here’s a scan of documents, you see,
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it’s indistinguishable from regular digitization, new features are constantly appearing, now augmented reality is far from science fiction, imagine, right there on your camera, as if there’s a pouf there , you just want to touch it, but it looks so realistic that you want to go and it’s not there, but the phone today works for any task, it all depends on the program, there are 21 million different applications in the world, you can program it yourself, you you can have it set it up so that it will live a separate life, well, try it, that is, we now have the following task: when the alarm clock goes off, the list of words opens, and if you add up all the capabilities of the mobile phone, it turns out that we only use a few percent of it, so what better time to delve into them than today on the birthday of the mobile phone. anastasia savileva, dmitry likhachev, boris salnikov, channel one. veda vodka, a product of
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stellor group, old barrel cognac, a product of stellor group, bourbon stirсman, a product stellar group, mancacher whiskey, a product of steller group, virtual reality is where everything is. our company is engaged in the development and production of diagnostic tests for determining allergic reactions, using our reagents; the laboratory has the widest range. allergens that may be detected. the main motif of our
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collections is sheepskin coats, and we also produce leather items, suits, coats, trousers, skirts. our brand's style is everyday luxury. our everything. premiere. in saturday, on the first. arzamas is translated as a city of beautiful people. here you can feel like a parisian, an englishman. well. just like clockwork, it's all coal-fired, this steam locomotive is made in 1955, it's all for real, it goes well with goose caviar, it's such a luxury for merchants, your salary won't be enough to pay for this burger, evgeniy, we have an installment plan for you, then yes, it’s essentially chalk, yes, that is, you can gnaw it directly into the wall; if you don’t have enough calcium in your body, you can gnaw it and even lick it if you want ready for battle? the beginnings, look, the goose
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has come for the masks, let's go, the premiere is on saturday on the first. testament of zhenya belausov. the battle for the legacy of the star of the nineties is entering the home stretch. all participants in the conflict are in our studio. have you filed a lawsuit? why does a person write a will at 30 years old? roman is sure that the entire inheritance was once unfairly given to sister christina. if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, formalized everything about myself. why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and that the document could have been forged? i want to know the truth. do you know dad's handwriting, jerome? honestly, no. were you officially divorced? it turned out that the court had divorced us, can you imagine it was such a blow for me after 26 years, an exclusive with dmitry borisov, the premiere on saturday at the first, when you were entering into an inheritance, you told the notary that there are still potential heirs, you know, i was in
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such a state, the person i loved, probably the only love in my life, died, it’s already april, it’s time to think not only about the may... holidays, but also about summer holidays, find out everything about electronic vouchers. this is a state information system where all tour operators are required to enter data about our travels. let 's find out how it all works right now. airfare and accommodation are the minimum list of services included in the package tour. it is this that all tour operators are required to register in the electronic voucher system. electronic voucher - hotel check-in. from november 15, 2023 , all foreign tours are registered in the system. to do this, travel agents upload data about travel in additional form.
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these fields were previously required to be filled out. after the responsibility for transferring data to the electronic voucher came, more were added. these are the fields. all information, traveler documents, foreign and russian passports, air tickets, hotel, contract number, contact details and tour cost are entered into the system. it is impossible to book a tour without filling out this information. the law does not require additional consent to data processing in order to enter it into electronic a voucher, yes, so it does not provide for the client’s refusal, so if the client wants to buy a tourist product, he should know. that in any case, the data about him will end up in the electronic voucher. an electronic voucher, firstly, guarantees the legality of the tour operator’s work. its second purpose was to provide assistance in emergency cases when a tourist is abroad, yes, in order to know at a single moment in time to understand who is where, well, god forbid, something happens in
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some country, people need to be taken out urgently . an electronic voucher gives the state the opportunity to see and understand. who is currently in this country in order to provide the opportunity to protect life there, evacuate a tourist, but only package bookings are entered into the system. some tourist services can be purchased without an electronic voucher, but you need to understand that the tour voucher is insured by special insurance funds or personal liability funds, and if you buy a separate air ticket, a separate hotel, these are also separate... services, but they do not fall under travel product insurance. the tourist himself also has access to an electronic voucher, via a qr code or login and password, but only to his data in the system. anna soldatova, maria lamzhanitsy, sergey morin, alexander ignatov, pekova, channel one. the other day we celebrated world champignon day;
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indeed, mushrooms are unique in their own way, on the shelves all year round, they are prepared in an elementary way, and i know that some even eat them raw. dipped in the sauce and eaten in a salad , added in fact, there are a lot of recipes with champignons, for me, for example, i really like soup with champignons or, for example, fried potatoes with these mushrooms, but the main thing is that they are correct. champignons are the first mushrooms that people learned to grow themselves. from such farms they reach store shelves at a rate of 4 million tons per year all over the world. this is about 2 mm/h. that is, in fact, it is very fast , which is why there is an expression: they grow like mushrooms after rain. but they are needed. special conditions, they are regulated by technologists and climate control systems in growing chambers, these are parameters such as co2 level, temperature air, compost temperature, relative humidity, absolute humidity. as a result , we get three waves of harvesting: the first - 20 kg of mushrooms per square meter, the next two are not so productive, the nutritional resource
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gradually decreases, while the bulk of the harvest is collected 2 weeks after loading, but the most interesting champignons appear in advance, this... ... twigs, they give a signal to their entire mushroom system, and the mushrooms come to the surface and begin to grow. when choosing, we evaluate their density, ideally elastic, if we press on there are no dents. on the touch is not sticky or slippery, the smell is pleasant, the color is white, beige or slightly brown, too dark, overripe. you also need to pay attention to the film connecting the stem and the cap of the mushroom; it must be intact. it's torn, which means it's already getting old, and the color inside shows its age. the shade of the inner plates also depends on , so to speak, the degree of maturity of the mushroom. the dark color of the plates indicates that the mushroom has been lying around longer. but even the freshest cut darkens. this is a common chemical reaction from... contact with oxygen, and that's all champignons absorb moisture like a sponge, so the expert does not recommend washing under the tap, wipe with a dry towel, cut off the leg
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where it is dirty, remove the dirt and carefully remove the skin without pressure. the larger ones, soak for a short time in salted water, act as an antiseptic, and can be eaten, even raw, if you are confident in the product, or cooked, we should not fry it too much, we should not simmer it too much, yes, heat treatment is minimal. to maximize the benefits. mushrooms contain a large amount of vitamins, in particular, vitamins of group b, pp, vitamin d, potassium, calcium, iron, selenium, phosphorus, they also contain dietary fiber, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. plus protein - 2 and a half per 100 g of product, with a minimum of calories. ligia belyanskaya, nikolai krysanov, evgeny smirnov and vladimir popov, channel one. just don’t miss it, there will be a continuation this evening on channel one. a seemingly ordinary yellow car is driving around the city, and behind the wheel of this car is an unusual
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driver, a police lieutenant. alexey turbin, around it st. petersburg is a beautiful city, famous for its cinematic traditions. hello, can you come over? you need help. undercover taxi is not just an exciting detective story. this is also a declaration of love to the city, which is always beautiful, at dawn and sunset, during the day and in the light of the night lights. i decided to make a departure from the kazan cathedral, which will directly say that this is st. petersburg. we immediately decided that our st. petersburg will be sunny, incredibly beautiful, interesting, and with this attitude we went on this journey. almost six months long. the northern capital played along; the sun shone during filming. it’s surprising, in fact, that we were lucky, girls, you didn’t find a phone number here, no, no, well then
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write it down, a question for attentive viewers, what is the call sign of the main character? 8:12, 8:12, 8:12, but how long will i call you? 8:12 communications, st. petersburg city code 812, take a closer look at alexey turbin’s car number, the same numbers and letters are also not... hang up the lighting fixture, of course, it would not have been possible without the western expressway diameter, which, in my opinion, is one of the most beautiful roads in the world.
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the film crew filmed about 200 stunning flights over the city. petersburg fortress, st. isaac's cathedral, singer, palace square, hermitage, admiralty, and vasilyevsky island. come on, come on, let's take a closer look, what is it? yes, this is our mobile phone. this concludes our morning broadcast, we thank you for celebrating this day with us, sergey
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babaev and daria shulik were with you live. have a great day everyone, good mood, good weather if possible, please stay with us on channel one, right now on the air news. see you. this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery korablev. in this issue. dozens of houses, like the towers of pisa, a giant bridge bends like plastic, rocks are collapsing, an earthquake in taiwan, a magnitude of more than seven. images like from a disaster movie. with care and love, targeted assistance to soldiers and
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their families, a million requests have already been made. for the year, the president's report. the sun is hot, combat mission for flamethrower systems. chasov yar is a strategic direction, what is happening there now? the russian delegation declares the stanislavsky principle: “i don’t believe it.” colleague, if your embassy or consulate in the region were attacked, you would react the same way. "un security council, the case of israeli strikes on the iranian consulate in syria, the west denies the obvious. the whole world is now flying footage from china, from the east coast of taiwan. there, the most powerful earthquake in a quarter of a century, magnitude 7.7. houses, including multi-storey ones , looked sideways like that, what...


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