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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 3, 2024 10:50am-12:01pm MSK

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“it’s difficult for a man to withstand this, to walk away like this, to finish everything off, this is an effort, well , this is purely some kind of personal discipline, but there are no painful sensations, there is nothing during the procedure, i would say it’s not difficult, i want to show you a picture now and after the procedure, but after we see that there are no pigment spots, and we have large photographs of our patient specially taken by the doctor for the medical archives. you see, the whole face seems to be covered with freckles, yes, it was so, i didn’t even i know, in general, to some extent for a russian woman it’s a surprise that men started going to cosmetologists, what do you think, oh, first of all, i want to say a huge thank you to ilina alekseevna for removing this, because well, the face is like that part of the body that you can’t cover neither a jacket, nor trousers, and well, this is the modern world, you want to be beautiful,
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she never tells me to put on lipstick to look better, she tells me: you insult others with your appearance, and i really like it, it seems to me that a person’s appearance should call in those around him respect respect for the fact that a cultured person takes care of himself like this. thank you for coming to us, convey great greetings to your beautiful wife, happiness and health to you. well, i’m letting you go to
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the patient, because even after the program the procedure will continue, i’m calling our doctors here to the site, because we globally told you everything we wanted, it seemed to me that today there was a lot of interesting things, all that remains is to say the main sentence, we and it was good for you, may you live great. the information channel begins broadcasting on the first, time will tell the program, we are working live, in the studio of olesya losyev, ruslan atashka. the american media continue to show off in every possible way to divert their attention from the real customers. they are already openly
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playing at being lawyers for ukraine and putting forward the only correct and correct version. isis is to blame for everything. this time , journalists from the washington post distinguished themselves. well, our president the day before clearly explained everything and made it clear that russia will get to the real customers of the terrorist attack in crocus. he emphasized that the analysis of the situation must be objective and professional. but the united states stands its ground and claims that everything is the work of his hands. isis, well, in general, amazing things can be hammered into people’s heads if you hit them with the same thing, which is why the united states intensifies the hammering of western brains, immediately after a short advertisement. the perfect robbery scheme. for murder, someone commits an official crime and leaks information about their work. still no leads. and the car? less talk and listen more. you suspect is not in the frame. i detained a dangerous criminal. but this is where you are wrong. okay, i'll give you
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a chance, here's the address, a man has been spotted who looks like the suspect in the attack on you, you can drive up, you need help, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program, some claim that the main building of moscow state university is actually a huge, perfectly camouflaged spaceship,
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schoolchildren, where do you dream of studying? i believe in science, i believe that the main development of society. there will be a vector, vector of science, victor of science, premiere, today on the first, oh, friends, how many lemons do you need to eat for the vitamin c from these lemons to cure your cold, we will answer these and other important questions in the program life is healthy, tomorrow on the first . russian in hollywood from a to z americans b) bandits vladovin d) head toes e what is your evidence e f your
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health we will be for and short kalinka my l lshtshfun m. mazoli syrup n novosi oirsko put bad rasha s secret russians the weapon is actually a birdhouse t-topant at uou f-snam x: cold i’m not used to such a dubak tsesyuzhmgty chelyabinsk hat at the shank.
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on saturday at the first, the will of zhenya belousov: the battle for the inheritance of the star of the nineties is entering the home stretch, all participants in the conflict are in our studio, you filed a lawsuit, why does a person write a will at the age of 30, the novel is sure that when... the entire inheritance was unfairly inherited sister christina, if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, formalized everything about myself, why is the son of a beer drinker, i’m sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want to find out the truth, you will recognize my dad’s handwriting, it’s fat, to be honest, no, but you were officially divorced, it turned out that the court divorced us, can you imagine , 26 years later it was such a blow for me, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. when you entered into an inheritance, you told the notary that there were still potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved died, probably the only love in my life, i am proud to live in
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such a beautiful country that we have so many regions, so many...
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the dry landers didn’t go there, our village remained in the gray zone, and our fighters there were surprised, and where they would consolidate there, there was every basement with a direct hit from hymers, at least , in the end, the village remained in the gray zone, but yesterday our guys corrected this mistake, as i understand it, they began to gain a foothold in the harvest, moving forward, but there are battles in novomikhailovka, well, to understand, it is a little bit above the long-suffering coal slag canopy it is in the forehead,
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but it is very conveniently located for the enemy on a high bank of the river, the natural water barrier is so serious, multi-story buildings that they could not put together, in general, now i hope, yes, that from coal charcoal they ... will pull themselves, or they will lose the will to win, just like that, you said that we have already moved the front away from avdeevka by more than 10 km, and there is no clear line of defense there, and the reason why it is not there is that we did not have time to build it, or it was done poorly, and where does this line of defense pass after avdievka, if it passes in general, we were counting on an indestructible stronghold, avdeevka, which we would not be able to take, they took it, generally objectively.
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for war, this is such a long gut, industrial zones, the private sector, high-rise buildings, there are 100 km, yes, but as one howling comrade told me, but it can be cut like sausage into several cauldrons, because it is not wide, let’s say, yes, it more than a hundred kilometers long, but not wide, well, in general, well, under the hourly ravine, which was once the main toll base of the ukrainian armed forces, and the defenders of popasnaya, solidar, artyomovsk and so on.
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during all the work, i heard that smerch methodically fired missile after missile, a whole package at some target, but this is a very serious weapon. thank you very much, special correspondent of the media conference komsomolskaya pravda, dmitry steshin was in direct contact with us. the united states continues to show off and divert attention from the real masterminds of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole, here. at home they are already openly playing at being lawyers of ukraine, they are still
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spreading the story that everything is to blame terrorists of the banned terrorist organization isis, this time the publication behind the washington post wrote that the united states allegedly warned russia 2 weeks before the terrorist attack that crocus would be the target. more than 2 weeks before terrorists staged a bloody terrorist attack in the moscow region. the us government told russian officials that their potential target was crocus cityhall. the high degree of specificity contained in the warning underscores washington's confidence that...
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ciri addressed a warning to russian officials. the report provided at least one additional detail: the plot in question involved an islamic state offshoot known as isis. american intelligence closely monitored the group. hostile relations between washington and moscow prevented american officials from sharing any information about the plot except what
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was necessary for fear that russian authorities could learn about their sources or methods. branch, that is, look how convenient it is, first, immediately after the terrorist attack, the new york times states that - our intelligence services warned, but since we do not want to reveal our sources, our intelligence methods, we warned very, very abstractly, but we warned, yesterday the washington post came out with specifics, it turns out, they warned specifically when it would be and that it would specifically be a crocus, but did not provide a single piece of evidence, and you know why they made such a fuss, but because vladimir putin constantly insists: that the customers will be punished, found, but i think destroyed, yesterday at an extended meeting of the board our president emphasized this again, and said once again that the real customers will not go unpunished, listen, it is important for us to establish not only the direct perpetrators, but all the links, the chain of ultimate criminal beneficiaries
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of this crime, we will certainly get to them and... money, whatever you want, i am not guided by any religious or political considerations, only financial ones, that’s all easy and sold, any information is bought and sold, so we will certainly reach the end customers, look, fuss, as a rule, leads to errors and failures, and this is now clearly demonstrated by
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the united states, in particular by journalists, who have some kind of blatant inconsistency , kira lvovna, how is this possible... in general - well , explain, yes, what explanation can be found for this, look, they make a statement that they supposedly warned us, yes, although officially on march 7 they published for their citizens, a warning that is quite abstract, yes, and now suddenly 2 weeks later they say that they warned about the crocus, look, and the washington post writes one thing, the new york times writes another. well, to be honest, i fully admit that with the current dynamics. somewhere there, in 3-4 days , some wall street journal may appear with a phrase from the series that they didn’t just warn and not just in crocus, but we gave you the passport details of the terrorists, we told you the addresses, and so on and so on, because, well, everything is heading exactly towards this, we see that from march 7 to the current day itself, until april 3, a month has passed, during all this
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time everything that the american side broadcasts, so to speak, began to remind me very much. a letter from sour milk, that is , when one person starts writing, then a second one comes running, then a third one, in the end it’s just some kind of hellish colic, it comes out, so to speak, at the exit, this is exactly the situation here, that is, firstly, well, it’s clear, that nothing gets into the media, into the american ones for no reason, it is clear that different media are mouthpieces of different political movements and parties, naturally one cannot expect any kind of crystal honesty from them, but they are conductors of certain ideas, which we can... draw as well as two such basic conclusions, which, well, simply suggests itself based on how the americans are behaving now, first, it is, of course, very important for them to maintain this position. hegemon, so that the whole world really understands that yes, terrorist acts occur somewhere, but for absolutely everything,
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so to speak, a vigilant american gaze is watching everything, no one without, so to speak, their permission does not work one way or another, that is, they are aware of everything, unlike some, that ’s actually the second conclusion, that is, they now they are aggravating this whole situation, hinting in every possible way... that russian intelligence did not work as well as it could have if it had listened to these phantasmogorical, supposedly warnings, that is, this is also an attempt to discredit, and such, well, a very frank one , at the same time, as we we understand perfectly well when the head of the svr naryshkin comes out and says that it was all just written with a pitchfork across the water, but we have no reason not to believe the head of our foreign intelligence service, so well, for me this is completely... such an obvious provocation precisely for the purpose, firstly, of disorienting the russian reader, if he comes across all this, with the aim of reassuring the american and european
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reader, if he comes across this again, that, so to speak, we have everything under control, we are, as it were, aware of everything that is happening, so it turns out that they are trying to kill several birds with one stone at once, but in my opinion , in general they don’t hit the rabbits very hard, that is, they just fly into the void, as they say. the story here is that the more data from our investigation is revealed, we periodically arrest new defendants, tell how a car was bought for a terrorist attack, how housing was rented, how transactions were carried out, the more certain imbalances and misunderstandings arise on the side of the potential, let’s say, customer, they they try to excuse themselves and do not very clear stuff about what... they warned, specifically, naming the place. in their understanding, if they disguised themselves as isis terrorists and paid in cryptocurrencies, then this is like a reliable protection, because the cryptocurrency is not tracked in any way, but there are nuances:
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our crypto exchanges have already been questioned in moscow, they are willing to carry out investigations, but these terrorists are unlikely to have used crypto wallets, most likely they ended up turning everything into a cache; they bought the car in cash not for crypto money; the more details there are, the more they they will panic, what else will they be willing to do? well, of course, the main thing that remains for them is to try to create such a propaganda background, that is, to put psychological pressure as the last stage, most likely, if they really understand that they have been grabbed by the hand, they will flock to moscow, what are called emissaries secret negotiations, we have already seen such things in history, when the british sent their representatives to us in the nineties, when we simultaneously took several british agents, there was a whole history, when a representative of the british... intelligence arrived here with a request not to comment and not to make public the fact that it was the british who were detained, in general, to solve all this under the rug, because it would seem to damage
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the reputation, and then we it seems like they were friends, and here in this case, of course, it will be about the same thing, we remember a completely strange story when, after the tragedy with kursk , the director of the cia suddenly came to moscow, we also remember this, that is, the last stage - this will be an attempt with we just have to agree another thing is that... of course, but of course, we understand perfectly well that it’s unlikely that anything will come of it, because the situation is completely out of control, it’s obvious that no one will sign any agreements, and they’re quite obviously nervous and betray this is all for what they allegedly warned, only because they understand perfectly well that from a certain level american ears will stick out, as they say, like a hare’s inside , wait, in this case, you can only justify trying by the fact that we as if they were watching at all,
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why do they continue to convince all this time , trying to prove that it is supposedly isis, that trust has already been shaken? well, here the specific processing takes place psychologically, in the brain, and it is natural that when you have the facts in front of you, they say: we simply do not accept these facts, but we must not forget, in fact, the more important fact is that our banned isis itself is the brainchild of nurtured by the americans themselves, by the way, i recently recalled this... donald trump specifically said that obama and hillary clinton did this, by the way, this tail that the tajik-vsushno-igilovsky stretches, it’s all
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the same. this means that this headquarters, with the financial support of the british, ensured the transfer of tajiks at that time, let me remind you that naturally we are talking about the fact that terrorism has no nationality, but they recruited tajiks in order to transfer them, which means when they understand, when the west realized that they were already losing syria, in fact, after the counteroffensive failed, this mr. kabirov, who heads this headquarters, he i met with another well-known
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friend. corresponding lists with ilya panomariov in london and agreed on this joint joint operation, which in fact is supervised by the british, i agree with vlad in part that they are afraid of the americans, that their ears will stick out, but their ears are not even so much theirs, but theirs, well, such pseudo-allies who are now playing to spite them and who are playing according to their own scenario, which is purely terrorist sabotage, that is, on the one hand, these are attacks on civilians residents and civilians in belgorod, on the other hand, these are sabotage and such sleeper cells, which means, like crocuses and so on, well, what they warned, it is clear that there is a lot of symbolism here, this has also already been said, what was planned, they directly wrote, which means to refrain from attending public events there, including concerts, and the day before there should have been a shaman’s concert in crocs, well, in fact, there was a shaman’s concert on march 8, right before the elections, that is, everything here is generally very beautiful, but now they are when we say so they grabbed them, they say they understand, oh, sorry,
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that means it’s not us... we’ll tell you a good way out for the cia. the best thing they can do now is to publish the document according to which they warned our intelligence services, indicating the date of the terrorist attack, the location of the terrorist attack. well, something tells me they will never do this, because he doesn’t exist. but we don’t believe, naturally, in these excuses, to gloss over, or rather to gloss over, so it would be correct to say, the western sponsors of this terrible terrorist attack, in our country ordinary people do not believe in this, and after the terrorist attack crocus the number of applicants has increased significantly.
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aside and i want such a misfortune not to come to my hometown, the last point of choice was the event in kroku city, this terrorist attack, and i understand that i have a family, children, and so that all this does not reach my family, i decided to go for a contract, my family supported me. boundaries of what is permitted, you need to stand up, go sign a contract, defend your homeland, well, according to the kiev regime, yes, everything is already going beyond the data of our ministry of defense, since the beginning of this year the contract with our the ministry of defense has already imprisoned more than 100,000 people, with the crocus terrorist attack they tried to divide our society, sow fear in the panic, they got proportionally the opposite effect, we are only becoming stronger, yes it hurts, yes it is scary, but we
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will win because we are united, short advertisement. we will return, shameful somersaults, she is lena berbak and far-jumping targets in unbalanced fantasies, the german foreign minister, we are waging a war against russia, they are calling not only to install taurus cruise missiles there, but also they say that the goal specifically carried out a de facto constitutional coup from the territory of germany, under no circumstances should the threat of war emanate. she loves money very much, she is straight about money.
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anna-lena berbak, somersault 180°. tutti heir dolls. today is the first one. zazamas translates as a city of beautiful people, here you can feel like a parisian, an englishman, well, exactly by the hour, it’s all coal-fired, this transport is made in 1955, everything is for real, goose caviar goes well together, such luxury merchants, your salary is not enough to pay for this burger, evgeniy, we have an installment plan for you. that is , it’s essentially chalk, yes, that is, you can gnaw it directly, you can gnaw it directly on the wall, if you don’t have enough calcium in your body, gnaw it and even lick it, if you want to fight, you’re ready, you’ve started, look, the goose is behind masks have arrived, let's go,
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the premiere is on saturday at the first, the will of zhenya belausov, the battle for the inheritance of the star of the nineties is entering the home stretch, all participants in the conflict are in ours. in the studio: did you sue? why does a person write a will? 30 years? roman is sure that at one time the entire inheritance unfairly went to christina’s sister, if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, documented everything myself, why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged. i want to know the truth. handwriting, dad, you know, jerome, to be honest, no. have you officially divorced? it turned out that the court divorced us. can you imagine, it was such a blow for me after 26 years. exclusive. with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. and when you are here entered into an inheritance, did you tell the notary that there are still potential heirs? you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved, truly
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the only love in my life, died. i am the grandson of a manufacturer, i can do everything, but all i have to do is come to any group, perform there, and everyone else goes down. through the night and the wind. i’m destined to go, there’s no light anywhere in my home window, i also criticized in the army, so major novikov wrote me recommendations, he’s prone to criticism, they just push, they press the buttons all in vain, for for, but there are no roads, for for, but there is no money, i have nothing to follow, i’m not going to replay anything, under no circumstances would i live my life differently, on saturday on the first. anatoly konstantinovich, mario, give me as a wife. you can give it away. it's a good idea to collect a dowry with your dad. we wear embroidered shirts here. yes,
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very beautiful. in the logoda province , an amazing ritual of equipment has been preserved. the bride was placed on a table decorated with a rich tablecloth and her friends helped her put on her wedding outfit. who came there? well, who, who? young, take our beauty out, well, groom, to be at the wedding, let's go, quarrel, believe, quarrel, believe, we're having a wedding, on sunday on the first day, the snow is still white in the fields, and... the waters are noisy in the spring, they're waking up running sleepy shore, they run , shine and shout, they shout in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are young spring,
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messengers, she sent us forward, what, where, when, spring series of games, on sunday on the first. information channel on the first continues, program time will show, we are working live: ukraine is losing its territories, this fact is bitterly recognized in washington, but even from a minus they always try to take advantage of making a plus. the americans are trying to use it. everything is in their own interests, here is the coordinator for strategic communications of the national security council of the united states, kirby is now trying to blackmail congress. we are going to continue to try to
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help ukraine, but our hands are tied. all the deadlines have passed, they expired weeks, if not months ago. time has passed, and now ukrainian commanders are making difficult decisions about which positions to maintain, which weapons to use and which not. according to security officials in the donbass region, they are already losing territory to the russians, while ukraine is losing not only its territories, but also the legitimacy of its government. actor, a real usurper, his moment is nobody, it’s just that the former term has already come to an end long ago, elections were supposed to take place in ukraine on march 31, but zelensky simply canceled them, now he he finally untied his hands, passing meaningless laws in order to stay on the floor, to keep power in his hands, although at the beginning of his term zelensky tried, of course, to disguise everything as such an imaginary...
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as an international lawyer, please tell me those laws that he is currently enacting
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controversial laws, complex laws, to what extent do they have legal force? elections in ukraine were really supposed to take place on march 31, but still, legally , president zelensky’s tenure ends on the 21st, that is, from may 21st we mean, and he is already a 100% usurper, so far as for this period of april, well, let’s put it this way, taking into account the fact that there are no elections, they are not planned, he is... in the pre-usurpat state - we can say that the condition, well, moreover, this is, as they say, not so bad, their rada is illegitimate, this is absolutely certain, and since 2000 it’s already 23 years, and of course, this is the combination when the term of the president’s legitimacy is practically expiring , already illegitimate parliament, of course, well, it just turns out some kind of legal phantasmogoria, when, well, in fact... the country is governed without a rudder, without sails, it’s just that some people,
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whom the people did not choose, pass some laws, receive some money for extremely controversial internal political issues, foreign policy actions, but another question is that it is clear how they justify all this, that is, they make reference to martial law, they say that, you know, such times are difficult, is it really possible to elect someone there now, re-elect, although in fact it is possible, and there are plenty of examples. and it’s not for nothing that the americans kept hinting to them throughout the entire last year and this year that they should hold elections and re-legitimize their own powers, because i remind you that in america, even during the years of the civil war , they still managed to hold elections, because well, this is really the most important procedure for that same supposedly democratic state that zelensky loves to mention so much, but of course in general this is generally very... so paradoxical a situation where a person came on
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pacifist slogans, on the idea of ​​democracy, freedom, friendship with everyone, or at least not enmity, in the end we see that 5 years have passed, and what all this has, so to speak, turned into, that is, it is so completely opposite, it all has such sad prospects, not even vague, just sad, that is, it is obvious that all this is so.
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there is a feeling that either this is beneficial for them, because it turns out that no one bears responsibility, and zelensky legally, he is also not responsible if he is not the president, but on the other hand, they are still thinking about what... to do with the allocation of the next aid package to ukraine, here is the speaker, which means that the representative of the american congress, mike johnson, promised to bring it to the voting help for kiev, let us remind you that johnson took his post very difficultly last fall, he was skeptical about the allocation of money to kiev, it is precisely with him
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that the delay in allocating this package is associated, well , this is what exactly the new bill will be about allocating aid to ukraine...
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this is trump's idea, if adopted, i think we can get a lot of votes in the house of representatives and the senate. americans remember their duty in time, but in general they
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are better than anyone at feeding everyone off the hook. well, what’s really interesting is that the west has figured out how to maintain arms supplies. to ukraine if donald trump comes to the white house, this is what the political publication writes. the us and other western countries are considering transferring a us-led contact group on the defense of ukraine to nato. this is one of several new proposals that could help keep the flow of arms into kiev under donald trump's second presidency. if successful, the move will be the latest in a series of actions taken to strengthen institutions ahead of the next one.
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in view of the troops, because macron, having represented, worked, let me remind you, in the rothschild bank he was actively buying up this bank in the thirteenth, fourteenth year, which means the national debt, and he says, what assets will you supply me, so, so to speak, in confirmation of payment for this, these debts, this won't work just a minute, well in fact, the americans are now asking the question: there were no elections, which means that the president will soon gain legitimacy, and then in fact there is no legitimacy, in fact there is none, and the elections did not take place, that’s for sure, there were no elections. expires, the cadence flows down, which means who will we give to? in fact, they need a guarantee of the repayment of this money, because what a loan means is urgency, payment, repayment, although you might think that all the previous money was given free of charge and received nothing for it, a complete lie, because everything was already there long ago for a long time fertile lands were bought by these three largest funds and so on, but the point
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is that the americans want to be absolutely sure that the gang will not steal this money, it will return to their own, to their elites . because zelensky has already run away, two deputy heads of the office have left, this boss is now leaving and has already resigned, so the rats have already jumped ship, naturally they want, excuse the jargon, to finally grab so much so that they not only have enough for this the mansion there costs 20, how many millions is it in london, but it also means grandchildren and great-grandchildren, if of course he has them pavel sergeevich, you know me personally, that ’s what’s alarming here, so to speak, is that the americans mean... “mike johnson, we remember, he stood categorically on his own, there will be no money, then suddenly, as soon as zelensky ceases to be the president of ukraine, he says that we can do this.”
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now we will give, we will give, calm down on credit, so you will allocate 50 billion, 33 billion of them are loans, 17 is a grant, and we will give everything, now we are already making a decision, but plus the military-industrial complex is pressing, the military-industrial complex needs to be supported with load, so lobby there too, he says, guys, we’ll give it, don’t worry, everything will be coordinated now, that’s it, that’s it, let’s put on our russian song, did i make a promise to love him, but the usa and europe again can’t agree between himself, us secretary of state. anthony blinken arrived in paris for negotiations on further support for ukraine, a joint press conference with the head of the french foreign ministry, the opinions of the american and
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the frenchman turned out to be opposite, essentially on the same issue, they were talking about ukrainian attacks on russian oil refineries, that's what blinken said. from day one, our policy has been to do everything we can to help ukraine defend itself from russian aggression. at the same time, we do not support or encourage ukrainian strikes outside their territory. the white house is convinced that in russia only what matters in the global financial market is inviolable, but human lives do not matter. now listen to what the head of the french foreign ministry says on the same issue. i'll be enough direct and clear on the topic of ukrainian attacks on russian oil refineries. plant and i will not particularly comment on this: ukraine acts within the framework of legitimate defense, and we believe that it is russia that is
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the aggressor. well, here it is worth recalling that just a few weeks ago ukraine already received a warning from the united states that there should be no such attacks on russian energy facilities, financial times journalists even wrote about this, i would like to emphasize once again that world prices are very important for the united states here . on oil, they they are afraid that all this, these ukrainian attacks of theirs, can lead to growth, for the united states, this is absolutely unnecessary and unprofitable, so they allow hitting civilians. vlad, well, what’s interesting here, of course, is what disagreements the united states and europe have, suddenly, in fact, we are seeing that france has become bolder, is this an appearance, or is there really something in this and something lies behind it, something?
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a new front is here, all this, in principle, was done at the instigation of the new chief of the joint chiefs of staff, brown, who actually speaking, he was the author of changing the concept of a war of attrition in a purely military sense to a global war of attrition, during which the main principle is that any killed russian counts, that is, not just what is there on the military front, but anyone in general, they are the ones who encourages precisely these actions in sow, as for france, here again france plays a lot of its own games. one of the olympic games, at least very much of them now revolves around the future, of course , interesting information came not so long ago from
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our allies, so to speak, that the french are directly negotiating with a number of terrorist organizations that are located in london and headquarters on the topic of simply ransoming what is called peace at these games, and at the same time they have put forward counter demands, there to release a part... around the americans with a list of whom they would ask to be released, to give them more weapons, that is, there is simply such an open flirtation with terrorists, against this background, against this same background, to show that they are absolutely loyal to the americans, so here he comes this is such a zulu dance, we are the most militant, we are ready, while the macrons and especially the french military understand perfectly well that the french army itself is not ready for any war at all, that is, they do not have for...
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this should be noted , they are specifically set up to kill people because they have no future, they have no procreation, macron, who has no children, but probably one of the reasons why the ukrainians continue to try to attack our territory is the inability to change the situation on
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front, including because of such french managers. yesterday evening, our air defense systems shot down five ukrainian drones, one over the belgorod region and four over the kursk region, but to prevent ukrainian militants from committing sabotage on our territories with the help of their unmanned aerial vehicles, the popular front launched a special application, already almost half a million downloads. this application allows you, dear friends, if you see something in the sky that makes you suspicious, or not only in it, some abandoned object, suspicious people. directly anonymously report all this to law enforcement agencies using your smartphone, be sure to download, let's all stand together to fight this ukrainian and, in general, western terror against us. but zelensky continues to fight with his own people, he simply behaves like a real invader, such a slave owner, he untied his own hands, so he signed the law,
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although it is not clear what right he has to sign. as of april 3, summonses can be issued twenty-five-year-old citizens liable for military service, this is good, what do you think about it? this is good, definitely, but this is not enough and this is not decisive, this is a step in the right direction, but a small step, i would really like to believe that it is just the first, if we do not solve the problem of mobilization, and in the near future, then we simply may there will be no time or opportunity to solve any
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other problems, because we will simply lose this war. how do you generally assess changes in the approach to mobilization? zelensky signed the law on this, apparently, is the basis. we have a very large number of people aged 20-21 years old asking to serve in the armed forces of ukraine, these are both girls and boys, 20-21 years old, so 25, i think this is the normal age to defend the country, the only thing is that most of them were preferably guys. and so that they were already at least a little married, they would have descendants. we will all die someday, but we will die in a bright, democratic, rich country. the spring sowing season is taking place for the third year under conditions of full-scale war. except complications of logistics, blocking of the grain corridor, rise in price of consumables , another problem was added - a lack of
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personnel against the backdrop of mobilization. to date. today i am the only one working on the farm, because you understand what the situation is now with human resources, with employees, we have teamed up with my father, who also has a small farm, so we are working in this direction. many farmers joined the troops voluntarily, others by mobilization, it will have negative consequences for the sowing campaign and its results, the situation, the situation is probably the same all over ukraine, firstly, a shortage of personnel - because, as you see, they were mainly taken from the villages, but i don’t know what’s there in the city is being done, but there are no people in the village, that is, specialists were taken away from us, absolutely, in our country, the absolute majority of men 27, 28, 30, 35 years old do not serve, this is determined not by the fact that they were not subject to service, but by the fact that there are many loopholes for
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evading service, so actually by itself... this law changes this: if now we don’t have to serve at the age of 27, then now they will not serve at the age of 25. well. now zelensky, on an industrial scale , will himself determine the expiration date of ukrainians, but not all the nuances signed by the ukrainian usurpers began to be told on ukrainian television, which means, in addition to lowering the conscription age, the new document includes the abolition of the concept of limited fit for service, now that means all men who were previously were considered of limited suitability due to certain diseases, but they must undergo a meta-examination again and receive a certificate.
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in addition to this, zelensky really needs him, because he expands not only the age limit, but he also expands the opportunity to close holes for evasion, for evaders, that’s what he is very much needed, so in this way he is trying to push a law through the verkhovna rada, which will significantly free him hands, which now, well, the old one does not allow this to be done in the wording, this is what happened yesterday, that is, this should not be confused with one another. i understand correctly that he just doesn't could have voted positively for this law in the verkhovna rada and with a single usurper decision, because the question of its legitimacy is, to put it mildly, very open and it is now
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illegitimate, he simply took this decision, that is, the people, through the verkhovna rada , are categorically against signing this bill, against these changes, but he did it, no matter what, you understand the situation absolutely correctly, it will affect... people, for these brigades there are not enough people or equipment, they cannot, these people they constantly go to staff the losses, even last fall, and so for these
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, that is, they are now working only in order to somehow, and even then, not fully staff those units that have been created, but in order to further resist russia, but again, the numbers were announced yesterday or i don’t remember today, i’m confused and ours. the ministry of defense reported that in the first 90, it turns out, in 90, one day , about 100 thousand people were mobilized, that is , the most interesting thing is that after the terrorist attack in in crocus, the number of people, let’s say we count it at 90,100,000, that’s about 1,100 people per day, yes, then after the terrorist attack in crocus, in 10 days the number of people who sign contracts with the ministry of defense, the number of volunteers increased by about one and a half. the contract is replenished by our armed forces, and about 1,600 people are now going to work every day . we thus form at least one battalion per day, that is, in addition to what we already have, and thus create
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a numerical superiority, and in order to resist our army in 24 year, they not only need to preserve the parts that they have, they need to form something new, that’s what they don’t have enough people for, hence these hysterical attempts to somehow, by any means, expand the base for mobilization. how is the situation at the front? well , as a matter of fact, the situation at the front continues with all this, they have problems, yesterday they were immediately in the chasovyarsky direction in the ovdeevsky sector, our troops took a new... positions in the area of ​​​​a private yaar, and in two sectors at once, and, accordingly on avdeevsky direction, well, they couldn’t crush the line of defense that they held on berdychi and semyonovka, but they significantly weakened it, that is , we were able to make a breakthrough, in berdych we occupied the western part of berdychi, now the enemy is trying to knock us out of there with counterattacks if he fails , again advanced a little in semyonovka, if they fail, it will be possible to say that this line of defense, on which the enemy relied very heavily, will already be ...
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the new owner of the high-grow mansion, which was used by king charles as country residence since 1980, although there is no official announcement of the sale yet, there are many details indicating that it took place in late february, early march. grant harold, the king's former butler, believes the purchase was agreed upon during zelenskaya's visit to the uk on february 29. perhaps it was zelenskaya's closeness to queen camille that helped negotiate the deal. the fact that the mansion now has a new
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owner is also indicated by the fact that six employees were fired. it is unknown for what amount zelensky was sold to highgrou, but his market price is around £20 million . well, just like that, just for a second, 20 million pounds sterling - for the sake of understanding, this is somewhere around 2 billion rubles. well, it turns out that for some people in ukraine the bottom is golden, but for zelensky it’s exactly golden. well, let's remind you that this is not the only rumor about huge ones.
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poroshenko for his rich life, it’s amazing how prophetic this speech turned out to be, to live, they want to live better, but think about how you can survive when i live, and have you ever thought about me, have you ever thought about how to make my life better, you didn’t think about it, but i thought about it and came up with an idea. i do everything for this, and you people don’t fit into this scheme, but i fit in, i fit in as much as i want to fit in, in fact, it seems that ukrainians are tired of putting up with zelensky, these are the stickers with expired zelensky that have now appeared on the streets kiev, but pavel sergeevich, will zelensky come out rich and dry? from this puddle in which
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he found himself, or is zelensky still overdue now it’s more important that it will be overdue, it will turn out rich, that’s how long it will live - this is a big question, it’s clear that it’s like in schwartz’s fairy tale, but about a dragon, i came to fight the dragon, in the end i became one myself, the reserve airfield is prepared, the brush is full, now the question is to what extent his british special forces, who are currently guarding him, will continue to guarantee his safety after he is asked to release me... for the next puppet, that is , his prospect is not very bright, kirolna, legally, do any questions arise to zelensky from the point of view of his income, it was a london tabloid that threw out this information for a reason, well, there are generally a huge number of questions, not only for zelensky, but also for everyone , so to speak, his companions, because yachts and at home, and some completely incomprehensible oligarchic habits for, again, a warring country, to which they consider themselves. therefore,
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of course, all this angers the, in general, extremely, as it seems to me, irritated ukrainian population, in general it seems to me that well, the question is often discussed whether some kind of popular rebellion is possible, i don’t know, what about the popular one, but if i were in the place of the ukrainian army and generals, i would put the question bluntly, namely that they give their lives in general -they are actually doing some real work, while the political leadership, whose... legitimacy, as we have already found out today, is under huge doubt and is just leaking out drop by drop, in general, it is screwed up and in no way doesn’t refuse, this would be really very interesting, i like it it seems like a turn, but in general... in fact , you know, if he buys so quietly for himself, that means for that kind of money, mansions, that means he received some kind of guarantee, that means it turns out that he is sure that he will be accepted there, that’s the question, what will the reception be like, how beneficial will zelensky be then? well,
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in fact, all these downed pilots, as a rule, end up very poorly, this concerns how their fate generally develops, that is , they naturally never return to politics. at best, at worst it's really just, well for example, there is some kind of vehicle accident, completely random, absolutely, and so on, that is, in fact, this is all a very dangerous slippery slope, but he has already taken it and, as i understand it, there is no other way for him, except to throw in your lot, well , obviously not with ukraine, because the mansion was bought not on ukrainian soil, but on hospitable british soil, you know, maybe it will be that the arrears will be liquidated? you see, but they will say that the mansion was bought, in general, illegally, yes, and they will return it everything is back, maybe it’s some kind of thing, i don’t understand, they have a plan thought out in advance about what the ending of this actor will be, well, you have to understand, i completely
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agree with kyrie here that britain in general is such a sink for various fugitives, former , whoever was there, you can remember, for example, there was fate, if i’m not mistaken, the shah there was a former iranian, he was found for a long time, also a former one, but here it is necessary. by the way, kiri lvovni, why are the military keeping silent? the problem is that in this case there is corruption at all levels, starting there from the commander of the ukrainian brigade, who simply receives money for his killed soldiers, because he does not submit it in the lists of the killed, and accordingly, these salaries, this money go to him, ending there with the same commanders there and others who have, as it were, their own shares there from the procurement of the military-industrial complex, from the same all sorts of volunteers, that is, this is generally a vertical scheme, such a vacuum cleaner in which everyone who...
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well, was a good actor, he created, so he became, here is zelensky, when he was an actor, in general - as they say, the president felt the smell of power, the smell of this blood, well , he became not only a vampire, but just started doing things that make your hair stand on end, he did that, that’s right, vlad, news on channel one. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. all attention at these moments is focused on the state duma, where today the head of government mikhail mishustin is speaking with a report, deputies are waiting for a report on the results for the past year and the main ones.


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