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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 3, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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and gathered with delight, oh, what a great guy he is, he knows how to think, from the moment of the exam until now, viktor sadovniche has been writing another novel, a university one, half of the country’s science is here, he teaches a course on artificial intelligence to every student, in the laboratories they were able to record the process the birth of thought, they are creating a quantum computer, they have their own observatory, a telescope is being prepared for launch into orbit, it will observe exoplanets just like ours, in the hope of finding new life. the future lies in technology, and the future technology behind them, behind the students, when sadovnicze talks about this, it is clear that he is dreaming, perhaps this is how novels are written in the history of mankind. yana podzyuban, alexey labushkin, nikolay maloshenkov, mikhail kunitsin and konstantin zhukovsky, channel one. and today at 0 o'clock, the premiere on our channel, the documentary film victor of science. well, now we return to the first topic of the issue.
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in accordance with the constitution, our government provides the state duma with an annual report on the results of its activities already in fifth time. in 2020, in his address to the federal assembly, the president identified two main tasks for the near future, which guided us. and the first of them: this is the implementation of the socio-economic development program, the second is the growth of the quality of public administration as a whole, both of them are inextricably linked with each other, it was impossible to make significant progress in matters of the economy, social sphere, without improving public administration, and under the leadership president, we built a new technologically advanced, efficient a system of public administration that allows... to quickly formulate and
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make verified decisions, coordinated at all levels of government, to implement the most complex initiatives. all the details of the prime minister's countdown are already in the next news releases, we are following the development of events, and the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell, we welcome the viewers of the first channel, we should not admire, of course, the sophistication of western democracy, not much for this institution, so to speak centuries, we're just well true, everything seems so familiar about this.
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these are our well-known pranksters vavanny lexus , another european official has fallen on their hook, they are not the euro, global, so to speak, world, an official for the world, well, not for the world, in general, a global official, thomas bach, this is the head of the international olympic committee, in a conversation, so, with an african politician, it was ivavan and lexus, he told a lot of interesting things, including, well, including the new principles of olympism, that’s what i would call it.
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we have a special observation a commission that also works with an independent company, they monitor the internet, the media, public statements, so that if an athlete appears with such statements, he cannot take part in the benefit. here, of course, well , in principle, it’s logical, but if such statements imply any political statements in any direction, relatively speaking, you’re a badminton player, go to badminton, then it’s not your thing, don’t get involved in politics, do statement, go to work, everything is fine, i would understand that, i would i approved this, because this is quite within the framework of the olympic strategy, sports policy, and so on, but this applies only to one category of people, russians, their statements are monitored by... there, accordingly, for everyone there is a daddy, this is such a new principle olympism, daddy, he said something wrong, here’s the whole sport for me politics, i don’t know, well, how in general, here’s sasha, look, let’s discuss this now, i just understand, i’ll say the formula again , i understand that between look what a game, and there
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well, you have to do something, change the usual way of life there, the distance is quite serious, in different ways, in different ways, well, maybe a long distance. well, this is just really crazy, but isn’t this obvious to anyone yet? well, again, as with the american president, let’s rewind a little, there were precedents, in exactly the same composition, i will remind you that we also talked to merkel in advance lexus, with merkel in this conversation she said that they were not going to carry out, it was complete nonsense, and it became one of reasons for the special military operation, it’s not that long, a few months have passed, so it happens differently, as for this... statement, it’s certainly shocking in general , by and large, i’m already kind of trained, and almost thick-skinned, but in all likelihood, if, look, if mock had announced, publicly
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declared this kind of policy, that it would apply to all conflicts in the world, that they would be like all athletes in the world, and israeli ones, for example, me wanted... just us. and the principle that they demonstrate, very simple. we have created many russian athletes. yes. well, let’s assume that they all want to go to the olympics, they want to, they are athletes, this is natural. so, he could do this, look, there is a frame, that means where
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all the dossiers are placed and we will only let traitors through the frame. traitors to russia, of course, this may be a tough position, but...
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that this is an ordinary official who is subordinate in principle to those who pay the money, look at the general sponsors of the olympics, the olympic committee, coca-cola, general electricks, panasonic, samsung, when gazprom is there, there will be no questions, how china solved a similar problem is very simple, he took it, as when they tried to put such things on him, he limited these sponsors, he says, so these products should be banned, these boycott, oh, everything began to be resolved, that is, there was no pressure on china anymore, well, that’s the old time.
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the information world is transparent, that is , it is impossible to close completely now, so bad luck, but the information gets through, it is still knocking on the fragile brains of europeans, americans, someday they will get stronger, and with your permission, well again, this is my my my position, i would radicalize our discussion a little, because from the presenters i seem to hear questions about what and what we need to do, nothing, well, i agree. wait, maybe we can make friendship games, that’s right, yes, and i have something about this, yes, come on, okay,
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wait, if we don’t have, there’s no way to redo it in our own way, let’s make our own, that’s the comment, please, that’s it the same, not the same, bah, please, i think that it is very wise not to destroy the relationship on either side, no, but in this context they must realize that by taking part in these games of friendship, they are taking sides, and even if you take a position, if you take part in so called friendship games, you too may face risks in the future.
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these are political games, just like during the soviet union. look how much restraint the guys have, listen to this long argument, they say that, and specifically so that it’s hard for him to speak to such a skarikan politician in english, he is selected. bax says that whoever goes to the friendship games will be subject to a sanction, because for friendship
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the russians have come up with another weapon of their own, this is a nasty friendship, we have to fight, well , it sounds completely oorulov-like, sorry, this is already a common place , but remember , this european peace fund, which supplies ukraine with weapons, means games of friendship that need to be turned around by sanctions, this is support for war, yes, yes, yes, this is unacceptable, support for war, and so on, but nevertheless less, but there is also a good one, look , boom, what does it say, to jeopardize, this is actually a risk for the entire sports system, the good ones should be taken in general just like that, because another center of, let’s say , power will arise , because sport, sport, it has actually become a business, that is, it has ceased to be some kind of just pure competition, it is a modern professional sport, it is also for money, i understand, that is, there should not be any confusion here, you also say, we are a mishmash, because in theory the olympics are not professional sports, this is amateur.
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that’s why the creation of an alternative center of power, where it really is a sport that will return to the ideals of pierre decoubertin, perhaps, perhaps, at some point will drag sponsors there, because sponsors, sponsors have nothing personal, they also only have money, well, broadcasts, what should we do , you know, we need to develop sports within the country, these are a bunch. dough, ask me, who was dying, to spend on schoolchildren, on the development of mass sports in cities, from there athletes will grow up, we have good funding, even more so when you say.
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they stopped showing oscar regularly demanded you don’t need to wear shoes, that is , a proposal is born, it’s still a two-sided story, that is, you don’t just have to show it and it will be shown anyway , i’ll give you an example but... we don’t officially show formula 1 races now, we can’t show them, they don’t sell them, nevertheless, i watch them perfectly, and i watch them in a much more interesting format than i watched, with wonderful commentators, i have the tv connects perfectly to the internet, with stereo sound, with everything, let's not
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pay, but show it, they said, they said, they said, and what dmitry vitalievich is offering us is to violate copyright. wait, stop, what does this have to do with copyright, the idea is, so to speak, a super idea, here we are two philosophers, i just think, it seems to me, this was meant, beyond the ideas in not, not showing, in order to punish, so to speak them for money, listen, well, they, they will get theirs, no, at home, to be frank, straight there was no real interest, so that there would be some kind of alternative, so that, relatively speaking, so that they would watch some, well , conditionally, so that the russian championship, for example, would supplant, yes, so that it would be more interesting, because their own games, well, i don’t know , russia will set records that are cooler than the olympic games, and after that it means there, and
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not in the broadcast, suddenly it’s closed, and after that it’s reported that you are an olympic champion. you ran in 15 seconds, you ran in 9 , what a champion you are, at our russian figure skating championships received the highest possible scores, and the europeans canceled them, but we don’t recognize them, and their skates are wrong, well then we again hang on the ellipses, so to speak, for one more second, because we haven’t said it yet, they’re just games of friendship, they’re ours, and we will call everyone to ourselves.
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weigh in, look, as for daddies, that ’s where bach said, yes, that now we are turning to the ukrainians, we invited the ukrainian side, which means, to provide information about behavior and so on, statements, that is , the ukrainian side has, naturally, whoever i doubted this kind of information, but it should be noted that the ukrainian side in the strong sense of the word, it is not only, so to speak, engaged in collecting information, it is engaged in sabotage,
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this means that there is a well-known folk chick, well, not folk, among the people, there is mind. we often use this abbreviation, yes, but it’s not funny at all, it’s not a joke, it’s actually a serious sabotage unit, it’s just that they don’t carry out sabotage on railways, not on real life, but there in our heads, it should be noted, this is very professional, that means the structure, they understand where to hit, look, please, yes, look at the quote from the british edition of the times regarding the methods, and most importantly, the directions of work , please. ukrainians conduct psychological operations in russia. andrey kovalenko, the new head of the ukrainian center for countering disinformation, openly said that one of the main tasks of his center is inciting interethnic ones. and chats, spreading lies in order to cause mutual
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discontent. after crocus they kindle hatred against tajiks turns inside tajik groups, against russians. this is another thing, but in general it’s really shocking, of course, yes, but pay attention, friends, this is the times, in fact, they’re writing this, someone admits it openly, this... means they’re printing it, people are interested they read, well , then, i don’t know, then they apparently put the newspapers aside, as for the crocus, yes, today information literally appeared that immediately, well, in fact, it somehow began to slip through, but today it’s just like information, and not like rumors, so after terrorist attack in crocus, a massive call was recorded from the emergency services of the russian federation of the russian federation from ukraine with complex messages about mining, russian security secretary nikolai patrushev said this, it was in astana at...
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yes, its own call center, and then the crater will remain, but the russians will say, they bombed, an ordinary businessman, a psychological war, they exist, existed, exist and will exist, here the rule, the most important thing, is that there are no rules, this is generally the first thing, then if we call the freaks are precisely these tseps officers who carry out such operations as on earth forever, lord, come back, these are all of them, let’s put it this way.
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and this is one of the yes, but nevertheless, you say, you just need to take it and, so to speak, educate people critically, by the way, i think that this is a very important conversation, although it would seem that this is not what it was about initially, but this
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what is dmitry vitalievich’s example about? this is important.
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in principle, i propose not to hide the fact that what is really happening in ukrainian social networks at the moment is that the ukrainians are making fun of us, so to say, psychic attacks, moreover, there is a direct, in my opinion, recruitment of the population, and of various segments of the population, ranging from marginal, mentally unstable, ending, in general, even with a healthy population, for example, in voronezh, in i think last year a young teacher
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set fire to the military enlistment office. i believe that after all, the so-called, if you can of course still call them that, the slavic brothers know us better, this is the answer to your question, but daniel says correctly that someone is helping them, collecting dossiers someone has compiled a dossier on us, that is, on this teacher, for social assistance , no, this is understandable, the methodological and technical ones are actually true, come on
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please? listens to the speech of our president, then he went through that frame for traitors, of course, and after that, it means he listens to the speech of our top officials , that’s all the nuances of course, which of the text an american won’t understand a damn thing, this is when we had there russian studies during the cold war, they understood then, now they have lost, let's talk more, we have why , yes, yes, why exactly we ordinary people
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fall for this bait on... about this, remember it was, i don’t know, maybe this is also some kind of speculation, but i remember, remember the story with some blue whale, where children were forced to , excuse me, please, commit suicide there, of course serious, that is, there is some kind of manipulation, there is some kind of set, i don’t know, i don’t know, some... then formulas, something else, techniques that can force people to do anything, or something, tell us andrey nikolaevich, that’s exactly it, yes, it’s possible, that is, some... people,
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well, ordinary people, let’s say, believe that they cannot be hypnotized, well, hypnosis is also stereotypes, it’s a suggestion, it’s directive hypnosis, i’ll count to three, you can do this, this is how it is... i said, this is a very primitive idea, so, in fact, it’s possible without any hypnosis, directives, you can, if you understand, deduce, know weaknesses person, human values, yala, bring him to highly emotional states and program, do, that is, the basis is neurophysiological, neuropsychological, it is understandable, and this is, as it were, used and manipulated, you need to understand that - and social networks, we are tied to them, i mean, facebook, many people there no longer use it, whatsapp, well, of course, yes, telegram, yes, they, this is a toolkit, it allows that
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side to know a lot about us, yeah, our weakest link, i have children, young people, is directed, let’s say, influence, but rightly so , sorry, a lot. i understood you correctly, based on your the first formula, everyone, everyone proudly says that i definitely don’t give in to hypnosis, i really do, that is, other than cutting off the internet, there is no other effective method of dealing with this, well, i hope it won’t come to that , cut off the internet, everything is simpler, how to recognize this recruiter, how to recognize, well, if it is clear that that...
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interest and preferences of young people, yes, with the help of the internet you can see where a person goes, where he puts likes, well, let’s say he interested in shevchuk, or grebenshchikov, what i understood is that’s all, that’s all information about him, that’s all, then the linking is done in an elementary way if we know about the young man, that he doesn’t just give likes, but where does he, well, support likes, what materials, what articles are there and so on, further done.
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not in the frame, i was detaining a dangerous criminal, this is where you are wrong, okay, i’ll give you a chance, here is the address, a man has been spotted who looks like the suspect in the attack on you, you can drive up, you need help, undercover taxi, premiere, watch after the program time, some argue, that the main building of moscow state university is in fact a huge, perfectly camouflaged spaceship... for the eighty-fifth birthday of viktor sadovnichy: managing such a university is of course difficult, but for me this is life. now university
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science is taking the lead because we have the most young people. in all countries, science is done by young people. alma mator of every tenth scientist in russia, here they come up with our tomorrow. and at this global level, without false modesty, we do not lag behind the best examples, schoolchildren, where do you dream study, i believe... i believe in science, that the main development of society will be a vector, a vector of science, a science victor, the premiere, today on the first, arzamas translates as a city of beautiful people, here you can feel like a parisian, an englishman, well, just like clockwork, it's all coal-fired, this transport is from 1955. what's for real?
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does goose caviar go well together? such is the luxury of a merchant, your salary is not enough to pay for this burger. evgeniy, we have an installment plan for you, that is , it’s essentially chalk, yes, that is, it can be directly you can gnaw right on the wall if you don’t have enough calcium in your body, gnaw and even lick if you want, fight, ready, started, look, the goose is behind the masks. let's go, the premiere is on saturday on the first. calm down, comrade, we’re coming to you, professor, this is what we’re talking about, i cut you off, cut you off, you can say whatever comes to their mind, anything, you’re painfully oppressing me, dad, what kind of dad am i to you, god my, i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our ball, and now do we understand what kind of shining nonsense this is? what am i worse than people? well, i was married, i
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don’t care about azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and divide it, that’s what i thought, the heart of a dog, the famous film adaptation of mikhail bulgakov’s story on saturday on the first, he’s still dancing, dancing , russian in hollywood, from a to z, huh? a americans, b) bandits, vladovin, g. head, toes, d, what is your evidence, f, yo, g, h, your health, we will be healthy, and short, k, l, lshtshfun, m. corn syrup, n, novosi oirsk, leave r rush with i multiple russian weapons
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actually, this is a birdhouse t topant at uou f snamnam x) cold i’m not used to such a dubak tsesyuyzhty chelyabinsk hat at the shank now hard signs and soft signs. eh, this is peter i, beckoning, that’s how they go, on saturday, on the first. i am the grandson of a manufacturer, i can do everything, but all i have to do is come to any team, perform there, everyone else goes down. through the night and the wind, i am destined to go, there is no light anywhere.
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this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery korablev. and at the beginning of the state duma, mikhail mishustin is there today with a work report government, the results for last year, what was done to fulfill the president’s instructions in all key areas. the head of the cabinet of ministers has been speaking for about an hour, after which
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he will answer questions from parliamentarians. the state duma is now in direct contact and we will find out all the details from our correspondent dmitry kochitkov. dmitry, hello, what statements have already been made? valeria, hello, the government prepared very seriously for this report, ministers met with relevant parliamentary committees, and mikhail mishustin with factions. and at noon moscow time, the prime minister, his deputies and ministers appeared in the duma corridors. almost the entire office today. works on okhotny row. now mikhail mishustin talks in detail about the results of his work in carrying out the president’s instructions. this report in parliament is taking place under conditions of unprecedented external pressure. so one of the topics was opposition to sanctions, the entire parliament, according to a number of experts, the restrictions imposed against us exceed all the combined sanctions against other countries in the world, now they are no longer aimed only at domestic big business, at our managers, but at representatives of foreign states, at
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foreign companies, at organizations at those who have not given up cooperation with russia, who sincerely want... to do business with us. russia has successfully passed the difficult period of initial adaptation. at the end of last year, according to preliminary estimates from rosstat , the domestic volume of domestic product increased by 3.6%. which, by the way, is more than twice as high as the average for developed countries. so, despite external pressure, economic the indicators are now very good, special attention is paid to the fight against inflation. one of the main challenges of last year was inflation. we took the necessary measures and carefully monitored the situation, because the level of real incomes of citizens depends on its dynamics. in particular , prices for gasoline and diesel fuel were stabilized, and important decisions were made to limit the export
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of petroleum products. we have banned their export so that domestic consumers have more resources. although annual inflation was higher than target values,... thanks to interaction with the bank of russia still slowed down significantly to 7.4%. the government is taking systematic measures to improve the well-being of citizens, indexed benefit payments, and insurance pensions have increased by a total of 15%. the minimum wage has also been increased; the salaries of millions of people depend on this indicator. the government is constantly paying attention to the issues of remuneration of budget employees. sector, other medical personnel, specialist teachers, university teachers, doctors and social, cultural spheres, science, and we together with the regions, we bring their salaries into line with the may presidential decrees. last year , about 190 billion rubles were allocated from federal funds for this purpose. this decision
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affected over 5 million state employees. the duma regulations do not limit the countdown time for the prime minister, so everyone. now china is facing a rising death toll from the worst earthquake in taiwan in a quarter of a century. at the moment, there are nine people on the list of victims, over 800 injured, but obviously the numbers are inconclusive: many people may be under the rubble. the 7.7 magnitude of the most powerful earthquake continues to shake . stills as if from the movie disaster.
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maria saushkina has collected everything that is known at this moment. the aftermath of a major earthquake in china. houses in the east. before we pull people out, we need to ensure our own safety, we need to look for something to hold onto ourselves, the buildings are very fragile. there was a swimming pool on the roof of this skyscraper, it rocked so that it turned out to be a real waterfall, and this is a giant bridge that curved as if it were made of plastic. on buses, cars,
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motorcycles were crossing at that moment, in these frames the collapse of a gigantic part of the mountain, fragments of rocks fell into the sea on the coast, and a coastal embankment slid into the water. the dust cloud was visible tens of kilometers away. a leading semiconductor manufacturer in taiwan evacuated staff from factories, and the city administration issued an appeal to citizens. there were 57 people in the building; during the evacuation , almost everyone was able to get out, but three people still remained inside, they were trapped by the structures. the latter was rescued around noon, at this time only one person was injured. now autoshocks continue, that’s why they still preserve it. based on past observations, there is a 10 to 20% chance of similar earthquakes happening again, so please be vigilant over the next few days. repeated shocks can lead to a tsunami. at the same time, russian experts declared our far east in no danger. maria saushkina, anastasia
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slobodenyuk, stanislav opletin, channel one. now about the progress of the special operation, su-25 aircraft hit ukrainian armed forces positions in severo-donetsk direction, used unguided aircraft missiles. kupinsky sector, tankers destroyed enemy dugouts. the right bank of the dnieper, the target of the tos-santsepek crews were temporary deployment points. and this is footage published by the ukrainian side. tets - view from the inside. consequences of the russian strike. there is no information about what region this object is in. it is reported that 80% of generating capacity has been lost. let me note that our army carries out only surgically precise strikes on energy facilities that are directly related to the supply of the armed forces of ukraine and the work of military enterprises. let me remind you that at the end of march there was an attack on the dnepropetrovsk gas station, the turbine hall was destroyed, and the tear devices were destroyed. power transmission, station operations stopped. our military also targeted energy facilities in the kharkov, ivano-frankivsk, and lviv
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regions. prompt support without bureaucracy and a special approach to everyone. exactly a year ago, vladimir putin signed a decree establishing the defenders of the fatherland foundation to support our fighters and their families. but in less than 2 months from june , branches were opened in all our regions. for that almost a million requests have been received and most of the issues have already been resolved, such as quick paperwork and receiving benefits, rehabilitation and employment; the head of the fund, anna teveleva, told the president about how the work is going. annavna, you’ve been working less since june, in my opinion, really, well, during this time , amendments were recently made to the decree signed a year ago in order to do more of your work. more productive, what have you managed to accomplish during this time and what problems do you consider more important? on today there are 910,000 hits, that
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is, we are approaching a million. 780,000 appeals have already been resolved out of this amount, this is the appointment of social support measures, just to name a few of the most basic ones, 144,000 appeals, cash payments have been issued to participants of the svo 96,000,
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about strategic goals, this was stated by the secretary of the russian security council nikolai patrushev in istana at a meeting with colleagues from countries of the shanghai cooperation organization. patrushev emphasized: modern weapons and surveillance equipment are being transferred to terrorists. the russian side calls for condemnation of the actions of countries supporting extremists. in russia, the number of people wishing to enroll in military service under a contract has increased significantly. since the beginning of the year, over 100 thousand people have already joined the ranks of the armed forces. especially a lot. after
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the terrible events in moscow, i don’t want to stay on the sidelines and i want such a disaster not to come to my hometown, the extreme point of choice was the event in crocus city, this terrorist attack, and i understand that i have a family, children, and so that this didn't reach me families. i decided to go for a contract, my family supported me. the kiev regime is already, yes, already crossing all the boundaries of what is permitted, we need to stand up, go sign a contract, defend our homeland. additional rescue forces have been sent to areas most affected by the flood. altai territory, orenburg region, these are the most difficult places right now. the water is coming rapidly, roads and houses are flooded, people are being evacuated by boat, to
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the moscow region, where there is snow, and there was a lot of it, so... they are rapidly continuing to save wild animals, lions and tigers from the shelter park. about more details, tatyana kozlova. the water is getting higher, just every hour. something terrible, it’s horror, as if the end of the world has come. this is something, there aren’t even any birds. flooded streets, empty houses. this is what several dozen settlements in the altai territory look like now. also on the weekend due to heavy floods. a state of emergency was introduced there. on site 24/7. rescuers are working, residents are being evacuated, elderly people and women sometimes have to be carried out in their arms, more than a thousand households have been drowned by steel waters plots of about 400 houses, there are now more than 150 people in temporary accommodation centers, including children, in some areas, people had to leave their homes in a hurry, the first thing they came across, they left
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in a row - these two got it, the third got nothing at all, the very thing that is in a jacket, in pants, a jacket. the most difficult situation remains in the mikhailovsky district. the village of rokity is now completely cut off from the outside world. on the one hand, a regional highway washed out by water, on the other, a flooded section of the road. you can get to the village now only by boat. the active phase of the development of spring water is observed in twenty-six regions of siberia. privozhsky, central and northwestern federal districts. now, in total , over 440 houses have been flooded. a high alert regime is in effect in the orenburg region, where people have already begun evacuating people in some areas. a rapid situation is unfolding in the bryansk region. in the last 24 hours alone, in some areas the water level has risen by 30 cm. the crack is larger than the palm of your hand, yes. and this moscow region. residents of the village of znaminskaya
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lost their only crossing due to floods. platinum collapsed there. comrades, this is an emergency situation. the water, as you see, is noisily moving past the platinum, past the overflow. and, in fact, that’s all. goodbye, dam. a bridge collapsed in istra. our bridge fell onto the road. tough. because of the river flood , the park, the shelter for wild animals, the land of paradise are suffering, yes, the water has flooded the enclosures. some animals were evacuated, while the condition of others is being monitored around the clock. mode, another night round, we check hector and white, they are lying down, they feel relatively calm, there is water everywhere, the water is not going away, all forces are being thrown into the fight against the spread of the elements, in the flood zones, the ministry of emergency situations employees are pumping out water, laying canals, the situation in the regions is being controlled with the help drones, and weather forecasters' forecasts remain disappointing,
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in the regions where floods began, they promise yes...
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remain unchanged, transferring personnel from russian territory to belarus is elementary, so the threat it existed all this time and it never disappeared. i just hope that i know that our military is up to par. the general staff does not exclude such a development of events, so it is preparing in advance for a possible defense in this direction too. well, if in the case of kiev this is still just speculation, then in kharkov the situation is heating up. let us recall that this week the mayor of the city of terekhov said that almost all critical energy infrastructure in kharkov was destroyed, and now he declares that there are plans to evacuate the city.
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what is happening in the city of kharkov, because i have a lot of friends and acquaintances there, and naturally, they convey what is really happening, and so, now there is an evacuation, an evacuation from the populated area is already underway, but this is more an initiative of the citizens themselves than an initiative authorities, because citizens, having already seen enough of what is happening, simply do not want to become another such living brush for ukrainians... well, in fact, now the city of kharkov is really turning into such a kind of concrete jungle, enterprises there, almost everyone has become, people have no work, absolutely nothing, they rely on
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their livelihood, the benefit of civilization, it’s a very rare phenomenon there, right now, at the moment, there are interruptions in electricity, water supply, heating, communications, that is, with almost everything there already, as they say... the planet of hardware is coming, and of course, the fire is being fueled by the radicals, who are now literally flooding kharkov and the kharkov region, forcing normal, adequate people to communicate in ukrainian language, so they say, they are spilkuvaty sovereign, naturally, people don’t like all this; they understand that the prospects in the near future should not be expected to be bright, the administration seems to see this too, moreover, the situation... which is at the front, now says that everything is not going in favor of the ukrainian militants, if we are talking about the line of military contact, then the situation there is now very
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difficult for ukrainian militants, the initiative is completely on our side, now, well, what i am analyzing, receiving information, i can say that, in principle, over the past 24 hours the situation on the line.. .no touch has changed, but our military personnel, in my opinion, are switching to this kind of millstone tactics, when they do not advance, that is, the offensive is paused, they are literally grinding everything that kiev seems to throw at stopping the advance of our troops, that’s a lot they throw in reinforcements, but you know, unfortunately there are a lot of them, they have resources and, let’s say, i don’t trust them. a statement that everything is so critically bad for them. our guys, absolutely, no matter who i talk to, on the line of contact, do not see anything hunger, they don’t see that they don’t have human resources, that is, they are constantly being thrown into
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harm’s way, and in large quantities, well , they probably should defend kharkov, because this is really a very key, significant settlement, these are the events that are unfolding near kupinsk now. let me remind you that again yesterday there was a very good such a large blow to this populated area, an entire unit was destroyed - which was hiding - near the spartak stadium there, the spartak sports complex and stationed at the school, well, as they say, a precision strike buried them all there, they lost their armored vehicles, they lost their personnel, but i repeat, they are still working on the line of combat contact, they even manage to carry out rotational activities, so the situation in kupinsky direction is quite complicated, but we work naturally. we are advancing to the best
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of our ability, but again i will emphasize that i do not see now the need to directly storm the city of kharkov, go to the lock on kupinsk, because, again, we have already completed they did their own fortification work, they almost completely managed to create such a unique line of defense, and quite well, they replaced the terrain, they placed anti-tank barriers, that is, despite...
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after ukraine regained part of the territory , their residents suffered at the hands of the ukrainian authorities, using an overly broad and vague criminal definition of cooperation, the ukrainian authorities persecuted and convicted local residents who performed ordinary work in their local community. in some cases, my office also documented torture and ill-treatment, arbitrary detention, and violations.
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if it is true that he can be called an actor, they are preparing for the inevitable collapse of ukrainian statehood and the ukrainian regime. in these conditions, that policy, when they covered up all these crimes for almost two years, can lead to the fact that he already has a tarnished reputation, may be left without a reputation at all, which is why until the end, until the very end, they must work with public opinion. look, it turns out that after 2 years we saw that these violations still exist. it turns out that there was torture, it turns out that it is necessary to conduct investigations, of course, if the situation on the battlefield had been different, for example, like a year ago, the whole world was preparing for a ukrainian counter-offensive, nothing would have surfaced, nothing would have been remembered, moreover, imagine , how terrible the level of these tortures is, if under constant pressure, through the transfer, again, of our diplomats, who constantly talk about what horrors were happening before the special... operation in
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the donbass, and even more so after they were still forced to publicly voice it. this means that the degree of violence, essentially genocide, that is happening in ukraine against russian people is so high that even the un, which has always been a puppet in the hands of the west and a kind of platform where, by and large, one can say, these semantic narratives are western, if even these officials say that... there are not just violations, but there are specific crimes, that’s why they , first of all, of course, want to protect themselves, or at least that authority that somehow still remains somewhere, but the second point is very important, apparently, the level of crimes is really such that it can be tolerated with him, well, directly, let’s say, it means or to keep silent, it means solidarity, to identify with a regime that is about to fall, no one wants, even over there, so this regime, one might say, has already fallen, who, who is at the helm, at the helm nobody? who is ukraine without
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legitimate power, ukraine without legitimate the president, just someone. well, this is perhaps one of the reasons for the change in rhetoric, because they are changing the rhetoric and the states there have once again announced that they will not send their troops to ukraine. let us recall that the ideological inspirer of this thesis to send western troops to ukraine was emmanuel macron, who at the end of february, speaking after the summit on supporting ukraine in paris, allowed for a scenario in which nato countries could send their military there in the future. to directly fight against our country, this is what he said about this yesterday us secretary of state anthony blin. president joe biden's policy is very clear.
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somehow distanced themselves from the ukrainian issue and support for kiev, here are the details journalists provide: why would macron speak out on topics that were previously taboo and risk crossing the red line of world war iii. there are several options for its goals. for example, the intended target of his statements is not russia at all, but the united states and germany, since american funding for the conflict is stuck in congress, and germany refuses send long-range taurus missiles to ukraine. europe is also the intended target. europeans should prepare for the possibility that the trump administration could weaken its commitments to the eu and nato. this would place greater responsibility on europe for ukraine and itself. andrey frantsivich, i heard correctly that money is around everything. that is, macron spoke about
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sending nato troops or western countries into the territory of ukraine to fight with us just so that it would be a little easier for him, macron, financially. well first power, macron loves power very much, he is a psychotype who has been approaching this for a long time, i will remind you that macron is in his final term, he cannot be president later, and he now sees the weakening of europe, he sees the weakening of germany, the loss of its subjectivity, and he wants to be the leader who will lead europe, slightly disconnected from america, i will remind you of macron’s twenty-second year on board his mistral carrier helicopter in the port. very beautiful, against the backdrop of the national security of france, where he was flying helicopters, talking about a new strategy clearly articulated that we are a new geopolitical center that will , among other things, discuss issues with america, russia, and china on equal terms, and we see that he is moving towards this goal, so macron is very dissatisfied
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with the fact that the americans are taking a piece of bread from him in the form of orders with australian submarines. macron is dissatisfied with the fact that the americans are selling american f-35 and other aircraft to... europe, and not the french rafales, as he said. macron really doesn’t like it, he’s not afraid to talk about it, that the americans are pushing their new tank abrams x, for now, which is called that, instead of the joint german-french development of a european tank, which is stuck, it is a leclerc and a tank, which means a leopard, so the french president is now gaining points for himself, his task is to raise the rating in his own country, thereby pushing aside... these demonstrations, he’s there, but why does he need a rating if he won’t continue to be elected, hasn’t he seen enough of zelensky, who usurped power by canceling all elections, he says, and what if he can, then maybe i can, no, i i think that macron dreams of some kind of supranational body, he does not exclude himself, there may be an alternative to nato, macron is looking at the fact
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that he will either lead nato in general, or a united european nato, european troops, which is also a lot of talk, because he says : i am the only european power that has nuclear weapons, the americans will also take us into account, in general, you know, macron is not stupid, look, he has this idea in his head, which we just told and expanded , on the other hand he understands perfectly well that if it doesn’t work out, then there will be dissatisfaction, it pays well, and kiev is an example of this, well, it won’t work out, it will take it, as they say, with money, well, in general, it’s worth... to note that american rhetoric towards russia is obviously changing yesterday, permanent representative of the united states julian smith said that there will be no armed conflict between the alliance and russia, at least in the foreseeable future. much effort is being made to strengthen our defenses
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deterrent potential, but we are not signaling to anyone that war is coming. in our opinion, all of russia's efforts are focused on ukraine, and signs of what is coming... in developing a clear road map, movement towards this goal. and i think that
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the alliance's seventy-fifth anniversary summit, which will take place in the summer, will focus on how to draw up this map, which is the bridge that is needed for ukraine to join nato. of course, the west is terribly upset, because, in fact, the country’s accession to nato implies the absence of armed conflict on its territory. listen to what german chancellor olaf scholz said last year. one thing is absolutely clear, ukraine knows this and has been said many times, during the war their entry into nato is generally impossible, the condition for membership is the absence of unresolved border conflicts. well , ukraine may not be accepted into nato and most likely will not be accepted, but they will support it in every possible way. this is what the head of the north atlantic alliance, stoltenberg, said. ukraine needs more support and any delay has consequences for
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the situation on the battlefield, it is necessary to change the dynamics of our assistance, to create long-term support that ukraine can rely on, it is necessary to rely less on voluntary supplies, more on nato commitments, this is what these words of stoltenberg say, in essence as if, well , they are obliging to take over ukraine as a salary and... sponsor it further, this is perhaps some kind of, well, i don’t know, pre-election move before the upcoming presidential elections in the united states, what does this mean? yes it indeed, oles, you are right, absolutely, it seems that everyone is preparing for changes, and until trump comes, factor x, some kind of black swan, yes, everyone is really trying to legally make sure that this suitcase has no handle under the name of ukraine, at least somehow continued to exist.
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military equipment, this is not happening, that is , they must play the same role in showing that well, if we once stood up for their defense, i will say, again, in the popular way, we harnessed ourselves for them, then we must to do this, on the other hand, specific resources, the presence, and to be precise, of a truly powerful military-industrial complex in the west, which has already
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scraped by the bones and given a lot to ukraine, this is the very reality that every official must face by the way, i just double-checked that 16 years ago there was the famous summit in bucharest in 2008, where for the first time the united states and great britain promised that ukraine would become a member of nato. 16 years have passed, a very interesting remark. vaclav klaus, former president czech republic, who said that it was at this summit that, by and large, the conflict in ukraine began, that is, on the one hand, the west understood perfectly well that such promises in the public space, they, of course, would help in every possible way to win ukraine over to their side , become a weapon, a battering ram against russia, on the other hand, well, listen, for 16 years ukrainian society, if it remains there,
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has obligations, why do this, so in this sense, ukraine will be used to the last piece of land that will be be called ukraine, that’s all. now news is coming from our prosecutor general's office, they reported that they sent requests and appeals from a group of state duma deputies to the competent authorities of the usa, germany, france and cyprus, talking about the criminal role of the usa and other western countries, involvement in terrorist attacks in russia and acts of international terrorism, and as a prime example, this is subversion. gas pipeline to nord stream, previously a similar appeal from deputies and public figures was received by
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the investigative committee and here it is necessary to clarify that the aggravation of these issues at the procedural level was caused by the terrorist attack in corkus. the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole, today the secretary of the russian security council nikolai patrushev in ostan at the annual meeting of the secretaries of the security councils of the sco states made a statement, i quote verbatim: they are trying to impose on us that the terrorist attack was not committed by the kiev regime, but by supporters of radical islamic ideology, possibly members of the afghan branch of isis, however
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, it is much more important to quickly establish who is the customer and sponsor of this heinous crime. its traces lead to the ukrainian special services, but everyone knows that the kiev regime is not independent and is completely controlled by the united states, characterized by the inadequate reaction of zelensky, who accused the russian authorities of organizing the terrorist attack, at the same time in slovakia they directly say that the kiev regime has been in existence for a long time time shelters isis on its territory and uses them for its own purposes, it also looks indicative that the west immediately after the attack.
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what can influence, because it is impossible not to notice, that after the terrorist attacks in sitiholi, the rhetoric towards ukraine, well, let’s say, changed a little. well, unfortunately, i think that the requests will not affect anything, the americans are in the state of such an offended nation, no matter how they officially communicate with us, although through some channels, of course, there are still opportunities for dialogue, because we understand that the strategic safety, it is very important, it is of a planetary nature, you can simply do this throughout your life. planet to destroy, but as for terrorism of customers, very our president clearly expressed that this is a double-edged knife, that terrorists, they do everything for money, this is, in principle, such a modern business, they carry out terrorist attacks for money, it’s expensive, the customer is always clear, and these are unreliable agents, as
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the president said, for they will tell us the money, including who the organizers are, they can go against their own... customers for money, the question is who will pay more, and for the west it has now become very inconvenient and scary, what if the russians get to the bottom of the truth, what if russians along the chain, using, among other things, opportunities intelligence services of our central asian regions, which are now working, using agents from all these countries, we will join forces, we will reach and reveal who the original customer was, where the traces come from, and this truth becomes very inconvenient and... it is not excluded here , you and i assume that the americans are the main actor in this story, but there is a possible option here that ukraine is playing its own game, and we see that recently it has actually slipped into blackmailing america, as if making such serious escapades that here if you don’t give us money, we will be this and that, and we understand this, perhaps ukraine is the end or a mediator, including leading
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to the west, so in the near future we will definitely know the details. this is an inconvenient truth, it will be very difficult for them to hide it, because if they are able to protect their residents from this with a soap bubble, then the world majority is now silently observing the results of the investigation. nikita, we don’t have much time left, in fact, here is patrushev’s statement, which i read out here literally there a minute ago, it says that we have an evidence base, we will present it, how they will react to it, how to get out of it, i think the only thing...
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infrastructure, but what are really customers and curators, and those who covered for them will be liquidated, destroyed, and there are different ways, i have no doubt about it, we have a statement from the president, you know, they of course chose. a very convenient scheme now, or rather even the wording, it used to be highly liked, now they have already written off how and such a boo with such a long mileage, and now they say: that’s it, we said a period, so we don’t put a full stop, we put a big comma in all this, to be continued, a short advertisement and we’ll come back, shameful somersaults, she’s lena berbak and far jumping goals in unbalanced fantasies, german foreign minister. germany
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must never, under any circumstances, be threatened with war. she loves money very much, she is straight about money. are you rich? i'm richer than many, many, many, many other people in this country. it is finishing off the german economy, a huge number of factories have closed, it is destroying everything. does its job perfectly well, but it is not in the interests of the german people or german industrial power. the task is to change the structure of the economy, militarize it so that germany becomes the locomotive of military europe. and who needs germany directed against russia? burbak serves as a globalizer. anna lena berbak, somersault 180°. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. oh, friends, how many lemons do you have to eat to get vitamin c from these? lemons cured your cold.
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we will answer these and other important questions in the “live healthy” program. tomorrow on the first. calm down, comrade, we are coming to you, professor, this is the matter, ragged, ragged, can you tell what comes to their mind? whatever, you're painfully oppressing me, daddy, what kind of daddy am i to you, my god, i'm only now beginning to understand what can come out of our little ball, and now we understand what kind of shining nonsense this is, why, i'm worse than people, well, i was married, i don’t care, azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and divide it, that’s what i thought, the heart of a dog, the famous film adaptation of the story by mikhail bulgakov, on saturday on the first, he is still dancing, dancing, the will of zhenya beloosov, the battle for the inheritance of the star of the nineties is entering
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the home stretch, all the participants in the conflict in our studio, you filed a lawsuit, why does a person write a will at the age of 30, the novel is sure that once the entire inheritance unfairly went to sister christina, if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, drawn up everything for myself, why is the singer's son sure that the widow... is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want to find out the truth, you will recognize dad’s handwriting, to be honest, no, and you were getting divorced from the king, it turned out that the court divorced us, can you imagine for me it was like this after 26 years blow, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiered on saturday at the first, when you were entering into an inheritance, you told the notary that there were still potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved died. so, probably, the only love in life. in the land where eternal snow and cold, they wear earflaps all year round, and to keep warm, after drinking a lot,
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the whole people dances in a squat, the unknown flies to the banner, to attack novosyoersk, at one secret base you can take corn syrup, the man there is hardy and strong, he has no troubles for anything , even on saturday first, there is still snow in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running, waking up the sleepy
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shore, running, shining and shouting, they shout to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are young spring ghanaians, she sent us ahead, what? where and when is the spring series of games, on sunday on the first. roads in the donbass are a problem, well , you could probably say number one today, mines, drones, regular artillery shelling, the promotion of heavy military equipment, all this turns the roadway into some kind of obstacle course, so maryana naumova within the framework of the we project i talked to
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the guys who are doing it. road repair work, there are few of them left, most have gone to the front, but those who remain are doing their duty and doing everything possible to put these roads in order. many people say there are no roads, everything is bad, but here i am, i see, you are working, we are working, as if they are discussing us with very bad words, utility workers, bad ones, do nothing, they don’t do anything, they don’t do this, it’s insulting. although we
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are trying, we are trying to do something, well , people, in my opinion, simply don’t see this, from almost all our districts, all our boys were taken away and in each district there was its own composition, 10 asphalt workers, 15 handbrake operators, plus the bus stops, there are also people there, of course, i would like... the guys to return, safe and healthy, so that everything we were returning to work, dmitry, i found out that your male staff has been reduced very much, you have mobilized about 400 people there, almost 50% of your staff, how do you cope when you have so few men, we have fighting girls, so with they all
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care about them... they help a lot, well, we also try as best we can, why did we decide to choose this particular profession, and i’ve been dreaming all my life, i don’t know what kind of road worker i like, damn, it’s nice when you go, you see your work there, well, here i am on the markings, let’s say i’m here you go, you look at your work, it’s nice, i just understand that for you roads are now probably the number one problem after the shelling, well, of course they are, yes, i myself live in such an area that i live in staromikhalovka, we used to work in staromikhalovka, we recently went there, and more orta used to work there. and at least it can be heard, now they tell us, it’s not even the drones, now it’s drones, drones, there are now more drones, they’re coming, drones too, you know, you can already hear where you are, where you’re not, somehow not anymore you get used to it, the burning sensation, yes, you’re already used to it all, that now you get from staramikhalovka by bus, 41 and it runs constantly, it’s normal, the drivers are great too, they are heroes, that they carry us, that everything else arrives in the morning, and we accordingly do for them so that they
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work, for work, yes, let’s put it this way, but they told me in confidence that you are the boss here, what’s your name? olya, olga, very nice. olga, what tasks need to be completed today? fill up the deepest holes so that there is at least some passability, because there are buses, public transport, people here. complain. will linger in the pits, something will fly out, well, at first it helps, something of course, we on this street, by the way, literally a month ago came under fire, but thank god we managed to leave, no one was hurt, it was scary, yes, well little by little, the tractor is...
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drowning out the main sounds, so what to do, you have to work, well, god forbid something happens, what is your general plan of action to protect the group, at least first fall, lie down, so that we don’t get hit by shrapnel, and then, if possible, we get on the buses we’re leaving, there’s a little pocket over there, we ’ll get there now. “but you have to react quickly while driving if something starts, yes quickly, but other times it’s not good to be on the bus at all, that is...” to be lower to the ground, but you can’t lie lower here, you ’re better jump out of it, yes, the main thing is not to forget, but here on the bus, even if you open the doors for the workers to jump out,
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you still have to be high up, so it’s better to jump out, well, if possible, they were a little silent, of course, right away on the gas, so what? we we live in donetsk, no matter where we jump, we all encounter the same thing, why do you think they hit you like that, i know drones now... they work specifically for repairmen, for tamanali, it seems to me , this is trivial, students are trained by these coptors, well, that side trains its newcomers, you don’t have them anywhere but civilians, so i live in the petrovsky district, apparently it doesn’t reach further, maybe it doesn’t get a connection, it flies to the galaxy regularly, the copter every time he just throws it at cars, at ordinary cars, but they suffer from it ordinary people, well, they suffer understandably, well, they don’t care there. there are no people here for us, there are no separatists there
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, last year we filmed a story about utility workers in the petrovsky district and we will allow shelling in our area. we couldn’t work, we couldn’t because everyone was shooting , we went to the city. we also covered so many streets, not a single person, so i got on the bus, i put them on the bus at 7 o’clock, we went, we arrived at the kirovsky site, i left some of the people there, some went to varshelovsky, others went to kuibyshevsky, i went further to budenovka proletarian, like this every day, but in spite of everything, not a single person, no one said, i don’t want to, i won’t, it’s hard, we recently learned that our heroine was awarded a medal for bravery, of course... we don’t might not have stopped by and congratulated her, hello, hello, oh, thank you very much, oh, what a blessing that you were recently awarded, yes, 2 weeks, listen, to be honest, i
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don’t have the strength anymore, every day, i give it to her on the phone interview, two weeks, but this is not just my merit, it is the merit of all of us team, i’m nothing without them, everyone helps, so...
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hello, i’m coming to you, you have
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a lot of work here, i see, yes, there’s enough work, there’s even more, let me hang up a microphone for you, where do you live? , in the kiev region, so you have bang-bang there, every day today. and i heard that you were mobilized, well, yes, some of them went to fight from the enterprise, yes , the majority, here almost all the boys fought, some received shell shock, some.
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now it’s warmer here, as usual, we need to clean up the city, someone is at war now, someone is putting it in order, someone is landscaping it, someone plants roses, something else, everyone who can, fulfills his mission, he did not stop, he continues to live.
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there are shelling, but we are working - said one of the utility workers and once again emphasizes the importance of the feat that utility workers are now performing in the donbass, because the issue is not only about roads and not about roads in general, the issue is about people, because this is their land , and since the age of fourteen they wanted to prove that they were strangers there, no, this...
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mikhail mishustin spoke about this today time of his report to the state duma. dmitry kochitkov listened attentively to the prime minister's speech. it goes live. so, dmitry, we are waiting for details, what else did the prime minister talk about? andrey, hello, very serious prime ministers and deputy ministers were preparing for this report in the government, just 2 hours ago.
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understandably fair, but colleagues, i would like to draw
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your attention to a very important fact: the preparation and discussion of all initiatives, and even more so their approval, must take into account the position of law enforcement agencies, within the competence which includes the safety of citizens and the state as a whole, these are the services that implement the decisions made, are responsible for their results, therefore it is necessary to carry out coordinated work, the only way it will be effective, as... russian foreign trade. trade turnover with
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friendly countries has not only increased, but today is comparable to the volume of trade between russia and the whole world, which was 4 years ago. rebuilt. support system for raw materials, non-energy exports, industrial agricultural products, helped entrepreneurs redirect cargo flows, the decrease in trade turnover with the european union, of course, is largely compensated by increased trade with china, india, turkey, belarus, kazakhstan, the united arab emirates, africa, latin america, and the share of friendly countries has grown to... so difficulties also give rise to new opportunities to achieve true economic sovereignty. the main indicators are now very good, gdp grew by 3.6%. unemployment fell to 3%. in in the european union, this figure is twice as high,
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the volume of investments in russia increased by about 10%, this is a record for 12 years, special attention is paid to the fight against inflation. one of the main challenges of last year was inflation. we took the necessary measures and carefully monitored the situation, because the level of real incomes of citizens depends on its dynamics. in particular , prices for gasoline and diesel fuel were stabilized, and important decisions were made to limit the export of petroleum products. we have banned their export in order to have more resources. was among domestic consumers. annual inflation, although it was above the target values, but...
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yes, thank you, dmitry, about the prime minister’s report in the state duma, dmitry kochitkov. to other topics. the terrorist attack in kroku cityhole was carefully organized, and the way the tragedy was covered in the western press suggests that it was all orchestrated in advance. statement by secretary of the russian security council nikolai patrushev. in ostan he meets with colleagues from countries
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participating in the shanghai cooperation organization. during the negotiations, patrushev stressed: there is no doubt that the sponsors of this monstrous attack will be punished. when trying to break through to the russian state border, where a window for crossing was being prepared on the ukrainian side. all this speaks to ukraine’s direct attitude to the commission of this sabotage and terrorist act. now it is important to determine who the customer is and
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work in this direction is underway. the prosecutor general's office sent inquiries to a number of western countries about the probable involvement of foreign structures in terrorist attacks against russia. documents are addressed to competent authorities of the usa, france, germany and cyprus. the requests are based on facts that were previously submitted to the investigative committee by state duma deputies and social activists. they collected information confirming the existence of an organized group with the participation of top officials of the united states, nato and the kiev regime. the crimes, as stated, include not only murder and sabotage on our territory, but also the undermining of northern streams, the damage from which was suffered by european countries. all these materials have now been carefully studied by the prosecutor general's office.
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and the direct perpetrators, their accomplices, the masterminds of terrorist attacks, no matter what countries and under what masks they would... federal security service, our law enforcement agencies showed the highest level of professionalism and very quickly detained the criminals of these non-humans. our doctors rose to the occasion. these days, our country has proven once again that it is impossible to intimidate us, embitter us, or shake our moral foundations. the russian answer. society's response to this vile crime was unity, compassion, mercy, those
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qualities that traditionally unite the peoples of russia, grigory reports, and today the federation council adopted an appeal to the un and parliaments of the world, in which senators call to condemn the actions of the countries of the collective west, which, in coordination with the united states, grossly interfered in the election of the russian president, as noted by the head of the committee on international affairs: verkhnyaya chambers of parliament grigory karasin. the document contains specific examples emphasizing the gross violation of international norms and the charter of the united nations. the collective west has slipped into promoting terrorism and extremism in order to destabilize the situation in russia during the election campaign. and another evidence that the hostile steps of the west have united the country, the ministry of defense reported after the terrorist attacks in crocus that the number of people wishing to participate in a special military operation has noticeably increased. in just a week and a half , 16,000 people signed contracts for military service. hundreds of
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candidates come to selection points in different cities every day. after the terrible events in moscow, i don’t want to stay on the sidelines and i want such a disaster not to come to my hometown. in the extreme point of choice was the event in kroku city. this is the terrorist attack. and i understand that. i have a family, children, and so that all this does not reach my family, i decided to sign a contract, my family supported me, the kiev regime is already, yes, they are already crossing all the boundaries of what is permitted, i need to stand up, go sign a contract, defend my homeland, according to according to the ministry of defense, since the beginning of this year , more than 100 thousand people have already entered contract service. in ukraine, the nazis brutally beat an orthodox priest, footage from the vinnitsa region, the rector of the kazan church prayed
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together with parishioners at home. at that moment, the thugs burst into the room, having broken the locks; several people attacked the clergyman with their fists, threw him to the floor and began to finish off the man who was lying down; the women who defended him threw chairs. it can be seen that the police who arrived did not even try to stop the attackers; after completing the pogrom, they calmly did so. and left with impunity. this is not the first time that due to threats and persecution of the orthodox church, believers in ukraine are forced to hide and hold services outside churches. the diocese believes that the attack carried out on a tip from schismatics. at least nine people were killed and more than 800 injured in the earthquake in china. the most powerful blow came in taiwan. they also stated that there had not been such strong tremors on the island for a quarter of a century. the consequences are colossal, including for industry. taiwan, let me remind you, is one of... 7:58 am in taiwan, the working day began,
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so many residents of the island were caught by the earthquake on the way, cars and motorcycles were thrown up on bridge spans, passengers on the high-speed railway did not understand, what to do, not to go down high above the ground, the trains stopped and could not move further, the canvas cracked, gaps formed, some high-rise buildings were leaning.
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behind the development of events, and the information channel on the first will continue the program “big game”. good afternoon, “big game” is on air. today mikhail mishustin spoke at a plenary meeting of the state duma with a government report on the results of its activities over the past year, which are truly impressive. russia has become the fifth largest economy in the world by volume gross domestic product at purchasing power parity,
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russia's economic growth rate is twice as high as in developed countries. unemployment is at a record low, all this in the context of total hybrid war sanctions from the west. today is still a tragic anniversary. on april 3, 2017, a suicide bomber carried out a terrorist attack in the st. petersburg metro. then let me remind you that 16 people were killed and 87 were injured. and here are the scum who staged a bloody terrorist attack in crocus. march 22 were not suicide bombers, not were religious fanatics, but were murderers hired for money, trying to escape to ukraine, where, according to the investigation , they were supposed to be paid the second part, so to speak, of the fee. at the same time, the united states continues to shield ukraine in every possible way , and at the same time promotes the false thesis that russia itself allegedly failed to prevent the terrorist attack in crocus. today, at
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the instigation of the american intelligence services, there are two at once. the leading american newspapers washington post and new york times published articles that washington allegedly warned moscow that crocus in particular could become the target of a terrorist attack. let's listen to what the washington post writes. more than two weeks before the deadly terrorist attack in the moscow region, us officials told russian officials that the popular concert hall crocos city hall was a potential target for attack, according to us officials familiar with the situation. the high degree of specificity of the warning is emphasized. washington's concern is that the attack was being prepared by an islamic state, although the united states regularly sharing information about possible terrorist attacks by foreign countries under a policy known as duty to prevent sharing information about specific targets with an adversary is unusual, officials and experts say. well, firstly, what is said in this article contradicts what american officials previously said,
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namely, that the information transmitted was incomplete, which... and the officials in the article that i quoted, they note , which is extremely second, the american experts themselves it is unusual for the united states to convey such clear information to its adversaries. and the politician’s publication today published an article by two prominent american intelligence experts, one of whom is a cia veteran with twenty-seven years of experience, this article states that inaccurate and incomplete information is always transmitted to opponents, and most often it is perceived as disinformation, so leaking information that the united states allegedly warned specifically about crocus is most likely
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a lie related to the progress of the russian investigation of this terrorist attack. here the kiev regime once again betrayed itself with fucking. in an interview with the british times, the head of the so-called center for countering disinformation under the national security and defense council of ukraine, alexander kovarenko, completely confirmed everything that is said at the official level in moscow about the goals and motives of the crocus terrorist attacks. let's listen to him. ukrainian agents are carrying out psychological operations to destabilize russian society by stirring up anti-immigrant sentiment after the croc city hall attacks, the... times, new head of the center for countering disinformation at the national security and defense council of ukraine, andrey kovalenko. according to him, tension between slavic and non-slavic ethnic groups in russia is fertile ground for ukraine. to exploit divisions and mistrust among russians. by infiltrating russian telegram chats, ukrainian agents are trying to set them against each other. we are doing everything in our power, because we know that by inciting interethnic hatred, we are weakening russia.
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this is nothing more than self-exposure, from stupidity, from arrogance, but self-exposure. and today, secretary of the russian security council nikolai patrushev, speaking in astana, said that it began immediately after the tragedy in crocus. complex messages about mining, that the traces of this terrorist attack lead to the special services mass calls of russians from the territory of ukraine to the kiev regime, which, to quote patrushev, is not independent and is completely controlled by the united states. well, patrushev also noted that isis, to which washington is trying to shift its focus, also created the united states of america. your comment, andrey frantsievich. we have long ago discovered and know that terrorism is a kind of terrorism.
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it is completely supported by american government funding, all the actions they do, including the involvement of intelligence services, are generally collective actions, it is also important to mention here that social networks, which suddenly suddenly stopped working for us at the time of the terrorist attack, there was a problem with communication, dispatches, it was a powerful attack, this is the preparedness of the special services, the choice of this object is a very serious planned operation, we are now finding out, these are people who don’t even have a secondary education, they are not able to plan such a thing, they followed the instructions exactly, their task was outlined step by step, and when something was not planned, they acted the way they saw fit, so they were
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actually caught without changing their cars, clothes , anything else, but the americans were now seriously scared, our president said, terrorism and these actions are a double-edged knife, and these agents are their intermediaries - unreliable agents, for money they will tell us: who hired them, otherwise their, let’s say, forces can be sent, including to the level of the first customers, so the task now is to divert attention from themselves, from ukraine, and most importantly, i will remind , when the terrorist attack occurred, on the same day, both zelensky and a number of mainstream media, in particular the british the telegram , said, and now the russians understand that they are fighting the wrong ones, their task is to paint a new mythical enemy in the form of isis, to deceive him with what -opportunities and tell what here we are... we are fighting together, a common enemy unites us, in fact it’s not like that, the common enemy remains for us for now, it’s them, for sure, it must be said that our people, the russian people, the russian people, cannot be deceived, instead in order for us to incite
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ethnic hatred here, which is what they are trying to achieve in ukraine, and i quoted the official leader of the corresponding organization that is engaged in inciting interethnic hatred, in fact, the result was the opposite, and let’s listen to the statement: the ministry of defense about how the terrorist attack in frocus will affect the number of people willing to serve under contract in the russian armed forces. let's listen. in moscow and other russian cities , the number of people wishing to enroll in military service under a contract of the armed forces of the russian federation has increased significantly. since the beginning of this year , more than 100,000 people have already entered military service under contract, while over the past week and a half , a significant increase in the number of people wishing to enter into contracts has been recorded at selection points for military service under contract. to accept participation in a special military operation. during interviews conducted over the past week at selection points in russian cities, the majority of candidates, as the main motive for concluding a contract, indicated the desire to avenge those killed in the tragedy
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that occurred on march 22, 2024 in the moscow region. that is, instead of national hatred, we received a rise in patriotism, i would say, noble rage, yes, let the rage be noble, this is what we are now seeing among our fellow citizens. this noble rage, which means the situation for the ukrainian armed forces will be to become even more deplorable, about how the situation is now happening, the situation is developing, in particular in the avdeevsky direction, military correspondent andrei komyzhikin will tell us, he got in direct contact with us, andrei anatolyevich, good afternoon, the floor is yours, i greet you, yes , the avdeevsky section of the front remains one of the hottest in the entire zone of the north military district. active hostilities continue throughout the entire sector from berdychi to pervomaisky, in pervomaisky itself there are fierce battles, fighters ours are squabbling forward, the enemy is snapping back.
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it works for every meter, artillery, aviation are working, everything is still the same, the most - the most striking situation is developing in berdychi, where our fighters reportedly managed to make a breakthrough during the night, yesterday night, advance more than a kilometer, after of course active preparation with the help of toses, multiple launch rocket systems, artillery, aviation against previously reconnoitred all enemy positions,
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that the city of chasyar itself is located on one huge dominant hill, respectively having entered one of the branches of this hill, so to speak, we are now trying to enter two more in the area of ​​bogdanovka and ivanovsky - in the area of ​​ivanovsk we managed to advance and climb up a little, that is, we are now trying to advance on a broad front, although of course the knot is very difficult, complex, but on the other hand, the capture of this stronghold opens up simply amazing opportunities for us for a further offensive, not only here, but in...
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what the goals specifically say was actually a constitutional coup with the territory of germany must never, under any circumstances, be threatened with war. she loves money very much, she is straight about money. are you rich? i'm richer than many, many, many, many other people in this country. she is finishing off the german economy, a huge number of factories have closed, she destroys everything, she is a destroyer, she does her job perfectly, but this is not in the interests of the german people or german industrial power. task. change the structure of the economy, militarize it so that germany becomes the locomotive of military europe. a who needs germany directed against russia. burbak serves as a globalizer. anna lena berbak, somersault 180°. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. сnop product of
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stellor group. virtual reality is a place where everything impossible is possible. i see you, you are now in my room. several people can be in the virtual space at once, that is, for example, the plant is located in talyat, the customer is in st. petersburg, so they can meet together and discuss, for example, a car, a model, as if it were already real physically exists. our company is engaged in development.
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americans, b. bandits, vladovin, g. head, toes, d. what are yours? chelyabinsk sha, earflap hat, sha, hard sign,
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soft sign, uh, yu, i, manyavodka, hollywood. on saturday on the first. the will of zhenya beloosov. the battle for the legacy of the star of the nineties is entering the home stretch. all participants in the conflict are in our studio. have you filed a lawsuit? why does a person write a will at 30 years old? roman is sure that the entire inheritance was once unfairly given to sister christina. if i wanted to be honest, i would have come from the very beginning and decorated everything for myself. why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged. i want to know the truth. do you know jerome's dad's handwriting? i’ll be honest, no, but did you get divorced in one piece? it turned out that the court divorced us; just imagine , 26 years later it was such a blow for me. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. when you entered into an inheritance, did you
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tell the notary that there are still potential heirs? you see, i was in such a state, my man died, whom i loved, probably the only love in my life, i... the grandson of a manufacturer, i can do everything, but all i have to do is come to any team, perform there and everyone else falls down, through the night and the wind, i’m destined to go, nowhere the light is not from my own window, in the army, i also criticized, so major novikov wrote me recommendations, he is prone to criticism, they just press and press buttons, everything is in vain, for, for, but there are no roads, for, for, but there is no money, i there is nothing to follow, i am not going to replay anything, in no way in this case, i would not have lived my life differently, in memory of vladimir zhirinovsky on saturday on the first, the big game is on air, today
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the country's foreign minister will gather in brussels.
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act in the framework of self-defense, we believe that it is russia that is the aggressor, in such circumstances it is hardly possible to add anything else, i think you understand me, well, that is , france supports the kiev regime’s strikes on the kiev regime’s terrorist strikes on civilian targets on russian territory ,
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the second disagreement concerns precisely this the issue, which i have already noted, is macron's idea of ​​placing french troops on regular french troops in ukraine. the united states, again, does not support this idea, let's listen to what blinken said the day before in an interview with one of the television companies. but macron does not give up his position; today the wall street
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journal published an article in which it wrote that, firstly, macron had already discussed this idea several times with biden and scholz and assured them that if russia launched a military strike on regular french troops, located in ukraine, or who will be in ukraine, this will not entail. give an order to use nuclear weapons, but there is one thing, the fact is
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that nato strategies say: gentlemen , french, you have introduced your units into the territory of ukraine, there is not a single square meter of land on the territory of ukraine where the russians cannot, guaranteed with 100% probability of a strike, including with hypersonic weapons, now answer us, when will your headquarters be blown apart? cool, how was it with your volunteers? what next you will call us like save, help, deliver your troops there, we don’t want to do this, the french say: no, we will sort it out ourselves, now a possible scenario: firstly, not if we strike, but this question , when we immediately said that this would be a priority target for us, no matter where they stand, western ukraine, along the border with belarus and so on, even if they are not on the line of combat contact, this is a military target for us , they will become lines. contact, as soon as they appear in ukraine, they will become a line of contact, this is the first, second, france will have
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nothing left but to increase the contingent, because threatening us with a nuclear response or launching a strike from french territory on our territory will be direct aggression, and here retaliatory actions are already possible, france understands that with its small potential of nuclear weapons, it is simply incomparable with russian ones, this is the guaranteed destruction of france as a whole, including parts.
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their lack of money, that is, this is such a poor, i would say, courage that macron demonstrates, because it turned out, last week it turned out that france had formed, and the french government officially announced this, a colossal budget deficit that exceeds all the limits allowed in the european union, paris does not understand where to get money from in order to compensate for this deficit, which means that in order to balance the debit with the credit, the reduction of social programs is already being discussed and uh-huh.
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the ability to produce, not only because there is no money, but because there are no resources, no steel, no coal, no, again, no energy, no workers, that is, in this regard it turns out that there is nothing. no, only we see that france has a new defeat, a defeat already in africa, this is another one, which , in general, essentially closes the entire french colonial empire, in this regard, france finds itself in the position of being on one side of a person who is macron , a position where he can promise anything he wants he knows for sure that he will not be responsible for this, that is, in the case when you have
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nothing, you can promise the whole world, because then you can empty your pockets and say, well, yes, they are empty, but i had an impulse. i wanted it so much, even in terms of troops, some weapons, well, the maximum that france can field, and then in general, this is 20 thousand people, despite the fact that in this case it will critically deplete its own armed forces, leaving them without weapons without the ability to defend france itself, if suddenly something happens this will stick, but you can promise, that is , again, it is clear that france is being pushed to the point where everything is lost, yeah. made a beautiful knight move, led poor europe, but poor in the literal sense, raised this flag, led, became the new leader instead of germany, leading it to defend transatlantic values ​​there, but france is very cheap on the part of the united states, and i would say that for us it will be quite ineffective, that is, it will suit us quite well,
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i agree, well, one of the main topics is already today's meeting, the foreign ministers of nato countries in brussels will discuss the plan proposed by nato secretary general stoltenberg to strengthen the role of nato as an organization in providing military assistance to the kiev regime, transfer the so-called ramstein contact group under nato control and generally institutionalize the role nato in terms of long-term support for ukraine, and one of the imperatives, one of the reasons why to discuss this. from wind-policy changes that could cost dollars for 5 years, trying to protect ukraine to raise trump's second presidency, the so
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-called mission for ukraine, which nato foreign ministers will discuss on wednesday, was put forward by the secretary general. stoltenberg, according to five informed alliance diplomats, the plan will coordinate the actions of the 32 members of the military alliance to provide assistance in the amount of $100 billion. if approved, nato would gain control of the us-led contact group. ramstein would be able to regulate the supply of lethal weapons to ukraine for the first time since the start of a full-scale russian invasion. this will not only provide long-term funding for kiev in the event of a possible trump election, but will also bring concrete results to ukraine and immediate progress on the path. to the desired nato membership, which many members of the alliance consider impossible. sergei sergeevich, will the adoption of such a plan allow one to protect oneself from donald trump, like onitrislavich, complete nonsense. today, i believe that all europeans depend very much on the elections that will take place in the summer, the elections to the european parliament. yes. i i am deeply convinced that those parties that share conservative values, those parties
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that stand for traditional values, they find very great support within. ordinary citizens, they say: we, we are tired of transvalues, we don’t need this, we want to move towards the concept that a family is a man and a woman, we need something else, but there is a political elite that believes that 100 billion dollars is quite the amount that will allow nato to gain independence, independence in making many decisions, but here is one big thing: 1 trillion, 1.360 billion is approximately the nato budget, but how much do the states pay? of this, well, almost up to 900 billion. that is, by and large, nato is viable as long as the united states opens its wallet and finances. how do nato purchases happen? up to 68% of everything that nato purchases is produced by americans, not by the french or germans, and then not by crazy cool estonians. and in all this now we see falsehood
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and some kind of performance, that is, they are trying to put on a very good face on something monstrous. lost, that’s why they want to accept well, they don’t want to admit that they have corresponding plans, you know, 100 billion for 5 years, it would seem not much, yes, it’s only 20 billion a year, but it’s their intention to accept that worries long-term in nature, because this is exactly the main point, and if they really accept the plan for long-term militarization.
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university science is becoming a leader, because we have the most young people, in all countries science is done by young people, the almamator of every tenth scientist in russia, here they come up with our tomorrow, and this is world-class, without false modesty we do not lag behind the best examples. students, where do you dream of studying? i believe in science, i believe... that the main development of society will be a vector, a vector of science, a victor of science, the premiere, today on the first, an ideal
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robbery scheme, a murderous someone committing official crimes leaking information about their work, so far no there are clues, but the car, talk less and listen more, you are not a suspect in the frame, i detained a dangerous criminal, here you are you're wrong. okay, i'll give you a chance, here's the address, a man has been spotted who looks like the suspect in the attack on you, you can drive up, you need help, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program, calm down, comrade, we're coming to you, professor, here on what matter, cut me off, cut me off, you can say what comes into their head, anything, anything, you’re painfully oppressing me, dad, what a... i’m your dad, my god, i’m only now beginning to understand, what can come out of our ball, and now we understand what kind of shining nonsense this is, what, i like people, well i was married, i don’t care, azina,
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an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and divide it, that’s what i thought, a dog’s heart, the famous film adaptation of mikhail bulgakov’s story on saturday on the first, he’s still dancing, dancing. testament of zhenya belausov. the battle for the legacy of the star of the nineties is entering the home stretch. all participants in the conflict are in our studio. have you filed a lawsuit? why does a person write a will at 30 years old? roman is sure that the entire inheritance was once unfairly given to sister christina. if i wanted to throw, i would i came from the very beginning, decorated everything myself. why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and that the document could have been forged? i want to know the truth. handwriting. you know his dad, jerome, to be honest, no, but you were officially divorced, it turned out that the court divorced us, can you imagine such a blow for me after 26 years, an exclusive with dmitry borisov,
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the premiere on saturday on the first, when you were entering into inheritance, you told the notary that there are still potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, i the person i loved died, probably the only love in my life, i’m a grandson... but i have no money, i have nothing to look after, i’m not going to replay anything, under no circumstances would i live my life differently, in memory of vladimir zhirinovsky , on saturday on the first.
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graphite is everywhere in sao paulo, is it true that you can choose any place in the city and draw whatever you want? if you start drawing at some police station, then of course you will be punished, they won’t put you in prison, but they will give you quite a fine. what kind of men are here in brazil? very attentive and caring. it’s clear that sometimes someone’s husband can go to the left, our blood is hot, but our own woman, she is always alone. i see that you mostly have women working here. we just want the women's coffee business to develop along with the men's coffee business equally. brazil, coffee is simply bliss. the lives of others. premiere. on sunday on the first. the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running and waking up the sleepy shore, they
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run and search and shout, they shout to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are the young spring, messengers, she sent us ahead, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first. there's a big game on the air. the west and the united states demonstrate a complete inability to negotiate and a categorical unwillingness, at least in the slightest, not only to take into account, but to listen to russia’s interests in the field of security and unwillingness to engage in any serious dialogue. that's how many times russia has said
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that one of the main problems. because of which the current ukrainian conflict actually began, this is the expansion of nato nato's attempts to draw ukraine into its fold. but let's listen to what united states secretary of state tony blinken said the day before. as the allies already stated at the meeting in vilnius, ukraine will become a member of nato. the main problem for us now is to create a correct and clear roadmap to achieve this goal. and i believe that the nato summit on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the creation of the alliance will indeed take place. is largely devoted to the rather specific issue of developing this road map, or in other words, building a bridge that will allow ukraine to become a member of nato. they really don’t leave russia a chance to end the conflict diplomatically and don’t leave ukraine a chance to survive. this is what, in connection with these plans of the united states for the upcoming nato summit, a prominent
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harvard university professor, stephen walt, wrote. if i am right, and moscow really attacked ukraine in the first place in order to prevent its entry into nato, then inviting kiev into the alliance right now will lead to prolongation of the war that the country is currently losing, as a result , ukraine will have even more losses, which may threaten its existence in the future. sergei sergeevich, well , it seems to me that the united states does not care whether ukraine will exist, whether ukraine will not exist, that it is important not to show weakness towards russia.
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investment, nothing personal, nothing moral, politics and morality must be separated once and for all. and modern politicians, those who also live in they say correctly: war is in europe, in the big collective west, they think in exactly the same terms, because for these politicians, for them the concept of life is
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the ideology of forrest gump. what great happiness for you in life is to carry out your orders? well, it makes even less sense to talk about anything with the current european elites, the atlantic-oriented elites of western european countries, you know, until yesterday, i thought that the collective west had reached the bottom in terms of hypocrisy, cynicism and lies, but then i read article in a publication policy, which was published by three foreign ministers.
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a war against its own population and was preparing, militarizing for a war against russia, well, let’s listen to what else is written in this article, russian president vladimir... putin again demonstrates that his imperial ambitions extend far beyond the borders of ukraine. he encroaches on the very idea of ​​the european world order. our support will continue as long as needed and as intensively as needed. we should not err. today ukraine is under attack, and tomorrow it could be any other part of europe. for peace to remain in europe, russian imperialism must be stopped. we cannot allow gray zones to exist because putin views them as an invitation to undermine territorial integrity and sovereignty. drawing fictitious borders on a map ultimately led to the use of military force, his full-scale invasion of ukraine also proved that the policy of concessions to russia in the hope that it could return peace and stability to continent is naive. these are the kind of concessions we are really talking about here,
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that in general the expansion of nato to ukraine is a concession to russia, the unwillingness to discuss this issue is a concession to russia, the minsk agreements, which, as we understand, no one except russia was actually going to implement, etc. .. naturally we will have to restore order,
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because what they did, there is no forgiveness for this, this is, in fact, the policy of criminals who are trying to cover up their tracks, in fact, a confession, on the other hand, here, in the same way, another second dimension is visible. these are the politicians who have gained, well, in fact, a credit of trust not only from their voters, because the ukrainian operation means a lot of money, and under the promise of russian resources that will be received, in fact, this is a declaration to those shareholders who invested, that’s all okay, keep investing, then everything is fine, sooner or later your investments will certainly work, thirdly, the third dimension is amazing, this is the confidence of people who live in computer reality. who are confident that the word, their word, can actually shape reality, that their audience is so stupid, well, the ideal of this world order was realized by cameran in an avatar in 2009, where essentially everything that is said is everything that needs to
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be handed in, it is said on the internet, that is , it is said in the tree, that is, connect, the voter must connect, find out the latest version of the truth, reflash his brain and, accordingly, further from this , i am sure that it works, this is what we see. this product of today's western culture, in fact, it is a great happiness that we are on a completely different shore, oh, this is undoubtedly a great happiness that we are part of big eurasia, and not big europe, that we are part of the world majority, and not this pathetic one, that means , the hypocritical collective west, because there’s really nothing easy to talk about with them, i emphasize once again, they exclude the possibility of any political and diplomatic settlement, because when they say that...
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in fact, this is just last year’s law, which he didn’t sign for a whole year, but now it’s actually locked up, but the politician’s publication today published a very interesting article, which is based on interviews with high-ranking ukrainian officers who worked with zaluzhny, these officers say that this new law does not reduce mobilization will help, let's listen, the situation is deplorable in any case, according to high-ranking ukrainian military personnel who served under the leadership of... general valery zaluzhny, who until february served as commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. according to them according to him, there is a great risk of a collapse of the front line if the leadership of the russian army concentrates the offensive on one sector. moreover, thanks to the significant numerical superiority of controlled air bombs, which have been
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destroying ukrainian positions for several weeks, russia will probably be able to break through the front line and destroy it in some areas. there is nothing that could help ukraine right now, because there are no serious technologies that would allow ukraine to compensate for its superiority in numbers. troops that russia will probably be thrown at us, we don’t have such technologies, and the west doesn’t have them in sufficient quantities either, one of the high-ranking military sources told the politician. there is nothing that will help ukraine right now.
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mobilization, because this is a key story, next week the rada must vote for a comprehensive law, in which one of the elements will include lowering this age, and zelensky understands to 18 years. this is what is currently being discussed for the base under 18 years of age, he is doing it ahead of schedule, because that he understands that these 2 years will give him several hundred thousand of these recruits who urgently need to be sent to the front, and since last year they have had a negative trend, more people are dying at the front than the number of personnel who are called up, no matter how, they are not able to form new brigades, they need to maintain their numbers at least in those regimes that exist, unlike, by the way, in russia, where... kroksa, you said today, the figure has grown to 1,600 people per day,
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volunteers who they come, so here they come this situation is quite critical, this suggests that zelensky is beginning to look for the last resources in order to compensate for the lack of technology, with personnel who will actually have to quantitatively replace trying to stop our highly effective weapons, but this is impossible, a person cannot stop a three-ton ammunition , which will crumble in... on its way, well, in the context of all this, and what are you saying, what the politicians and ukrainian officers told the publication, in fact , the news that the british newspaper london cryer wrote about looks quite plausible, and the news is that, according to sources of this newspaper, in february of this year, vladimir zelensky, through his wife, who was then visiting london, acquired... the current king of great britain, charles ii, his
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high grows mansion worth 20 million pounds, and this mansion was the residence of prince charles, which means since 1980, and this information was confirmed by the butlers there and others the service personnel who actually work in this mansion, that yes, from now on it belongs to zelensky, that is, it is clear where zelensky will run away. if he remains alive after the defeat of the kiev regime in this war, zelensky will escape, if again he remains alive, but the question remains, this is how the collective west will react to the already inevitable, apparently, defeat of ukraine, which i emphasize once again, will mean the defeat of the west itself, now we have come to a very dangerous situation indeed, critical. i flee when the risk of escalation
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from the west is greatest, and this risk today is more expressed by the position of macron, who believes that since france is a nuclear state, russia supposedly will not dare to strike french troops on the territory of ukraine, it will dare, and moreover , the fact that france is a nuclear state makes the russian position even more definite and decisive. we now turn the floor over to the news. the big game will return at 17:00 don’t miss it, this is the news on the first, hello, in valery korablev’s studio: gdp growth and budget revenues, economic development, counteracting sanctions, solving social issues, supporting svo participants. mikhail spoke about this and much more today. shusn, head of the cabinet of ministers in the state duma with a report.


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