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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  April 3, 2024 4:05pm-5:01pm MSK

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now something is generally rotten, rotten, yes, well, she’s also so on him, by the way, she ’s sitting there, she’s still defending her position, nastya, look, sitting in front of you is a cool guy, seryoga, a doctor, educated, he’s not like that anymore big requests to the future wife, that unfortunately, you are ready, well, somehow i don’t know, tense up a little, look at the man and say how lucky i am, do something for him, do something, how.. .
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moving in his direction, that’s something, in general, just a small step, but sergei, as if not connects with this image of a veterinarian, and i really like it, that he is so modern, it seems to me that we could find a common language with him, i know that only children, or maybe old ones , can, as if this is the image of such a modest doctor, without tattoos without piercings, this surprises me, i like it, on a starched cap is not usually with... i like it, so i read in the questionnaire that you are proud of your nationality, what is your nationality? i’m komi, purely komi, you know, my native language and training are smooth, yes, yes, i offer mendelsonchik to talk to you and test your knowledge of your native language, it will now load, well, let's try, i've been learning this language for about a minute, anastasia, tenyta zhanik, yes, yawn, at least translate for us. yes,
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i really like it, do you like the groom, i asked anastasia. i said that i liked it. fact i know about komi, the oldest skis found by archaeologists are 5.00 years old, cool, thank you, i never knew that komi women are such beautiful women and so tall, i will know now, this is such information for me, thank you big, show anastasia the surprise, and hello to mom, this is a magnificent, simply beautiful thing, definitely, i wonder what surprise she will show, well...
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pay attention to it, by the way, cool, nastya, thank you, you are wonderful, thank you, friends my, you are lucky with your girlfriend, your girlfriend is cool, she will grow up, become wiser, go to your room, she is such a romantic nature, sergei is a romantic nature, here you go, you think, she suits him best, i think yes, sergei, for me i really liked anastasia, something about her, of course, excited my brain, but... in general it seems like a great surprise, she is gentle, and i really like what she is promoting, that she is not pretending that her grandfather is a gypsy baron, and she says: i am from komi, listen, now everything who comes to moscow, they are either half poles, or they have a quarter of gypsy blood, everyone is ashamed of themselves, everyone is ashamed of their roots, this irritates me wildly, and look, she is learning the language, she is worried, no, in general it seems to me that your gift was the most. the most sincere,
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they flooded and it was emotional, it was emotional, it was normal everything, but it seems to me that you were the most real of all the girls, well, in principle , there is some kind of one, here... no falsehood at all, i died, excitement, performance, damn it, a little bit in his eyes, as if would become weaker, but it’s not as if it ’s a song to put on a saddle, no, maybe the girl is good, who can argue, but if you choose a bride, then only dasha is the first, you just wanted a doctor, i wanted a dog, also a doctor with a dog, this.
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after the wedding, daria did all this already in the first surprise, but it seemed to me that she it’s too early to put a collar on him, but it seems to me that he won’t come out, although it seems to me that he liked me, but it seems to me that he won’t come, as if he is now, he is a follower, it seems to me that he is now on their opinion will be completely relied upon and will not make their choice, it seems to me so, yes, it’s possible, and even if it comes out, what do you even think, it’s a secret, in any case, no matter who you go to, we will support you. come on in, i invite everyone to come out and support sergei.
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i finally decided to take another doctor from the same town into the family and... immediately the dog that i want so badly, cool, it’s very nice, let’s go, what a wonderful couple, sergey and daria, if you are single, or you liked one of the participants in today’s program, write to the website of the first channel, and i’m larisa guzeeva, i wish that your loved one will definitely tell you, let’s get married, yes! he stomps, he screams, the neighbors immediately come running with indignation. our neighbor ruslan is fighting with us, he is fighting with a three-year-old child, he wants us
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to move out, our child is not easy, and here we have to be patient. i rose alone once, he said, guys, not only do you not let me sleep, you also drown me. by the way, you look good, minus 8 kg, that is, no weight. excellent weight loss, lack of sleep, of course, well, that is, yes, work has become much more difficult, squeals, knocking on the floor, panic attacks, he doesn’t like something, or he starts crying, they give him a ball, and for an hour or two he can just... so to hammer, there are two options, either he yells, or he plays the ball, and when he plays the ball, they also yell. tatiana grigorievskaya, who is above angela lives, she has no less claims against her than those who live under. let's call her.
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good afternoon, in chelyabinsk neighbors declared war on a family raising a boy with autism, with such headlines you... the child is diagnosed with autism, he is disabled since childhood, so what kind of war are you having there with your neighbors? the whole entrance turned out to be on us, our neighbor ruslan is fighting with us, he is fighting with a three-year-old child, he wants us to move out, he wants us, well, he is not satisfied with the screams that he is my child making noise, stomping, running, well, basically doing those things,
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which even ordinary children do, do you have your own apartment or a rented one, no, this is the apartment of my aunt, my relatives, yeah, how long ago did you move there, right? at the beginning of january, yeah, and that is, right from the beginning of january it all started, yeah, and before that where did you live? before that, i lived in a rented apartment, everything was fine. there were no such problems, such problems, well, this is the first time i have had such a situation, listen, well, maybe that rented apartment was in some other building, where i don’t know, the walls were five times thicker, and this was the same house, just the same, but it so happened that we live just in a different entrance, and what are the peculiarities in bogdan’s behavior, i want to understand why the neighbors are so picky, the screams, stomping and noise of the child when the situation reached its climax, that they already contacted the local media, they wrote everything about it, when his wife came with a showdown and started,
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ruslan’s wife came to my apartment, when the child woke up at 6 in the morning, she came and, well , knocked on the intercom for a long time, just hammered so that i open the door for her, and after that through an hour later the police came to us, from that day on we just had inspectors come to us, well, just every day someone comes to us, they check me for my vigilance, as it were, adequate mother of me. it’s just that the whole internet is saying that i’m an inadequate mother and i need to be deprived of parental phrases. tell me, well, you turned to the media yourself, right? the first time, yes, well , as if with the goal that they would help me, that they would simply get rid of you, so that i would feel psychologically comfortable in general in this house live, we can’t even go out into the entrance, everyone is yelling at us, we can’t, but look, you turned to the media, local and after the publication of several articles. the city is literally divided in half, if you
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know that you have a child with special needs, why not choose an apartment on the first floor, the neighbors did not choose life with such a child, that is, the neighbors should think about your child, and you brush off your neighbors with a certificate of autism , they need a private house, they mock the neighbors, the child does not guilty, but... but that's all, it's turning out the lights, hitting the switch, there's no other way to say it, they
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create so much noise around them that of course i can feel sorry for any neighbors, but what can i do, not live, what is it? well, here’s how to get out of this situation, tell me, well, you tried to talk to them somehow normally as a human being, but we agreed on a meeting, went with my mother to them, you yourself agreed, and we offered to talk without cameras, without any media records. they suggested, well, constructively, calmly, we ran into such aggression, such a general lack of acceptance, i realized that there was simply nothing to talk about there, but what were they saying? we want silence, we want it in one throat, they shout that they want silence, yeah, and they offer us to move out, move, in general, isolate yourself, move out, free us, we have had a silence regime since when, and it is regional for us, we don’t have a federal one, i guess that’s all. from 7 am to 10 pm, but here after 10 pm he makes noise, no, we
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take him from him after 10 o’clock, the ball was closed here, here we had it, and that is, we comply, that is, everything where it is to the maximum made noise, it’s as if you don’t let him do anything after 22, well, i’m interested, look at what complaints, just wait, i’m interested to see how you live first, and then we’ll talk about the complaint, what do you want, show with your finger, are you thirsty or do you want yummy, show me, show me, difficulties in behavior in understanding addressed speech, he has difficulty understanding, fulfilling some requests, he has no pointing gesture, speech, speech is missing, put it on the table, put it, put it, the child is special, it’s difficult for him , new actions, it is difficult for him to dress, daily routine, new exercises, raise your hands,
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let's raise your hands, well done, don't take it off, every day we study for 5-6 hours according to this special program, let's go, kitty, repeat after me, repeat after me down, let's go down, down , well done, propos, every new action is very difficult for us, hysterics are all a year later. tears, what to do, he stomps, he screams, the neighbors immediately come running with indignation, let's talk, come on in, i won't go through, the child is screaming, he has behavioral characteristics, they are sleeping at this time, you are an expert, but don't bother me give unsolicited advice, i will, look, they’ve already hesitated, it’s very hard for me, it’s hard for me...
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it’s morally hard, and so on, and then there are all these people who are just ready to devour you, drive you out, and i just don’t know, this is aggression towards my child, i just don’t understand why there is such an attitude towards children in the world, and you and bogdan went through some kind of rehabilitation? yes, we studied in different centers, we visited different specialists, then i started studying with him myself, since i was with him for 24. seven i went to study correctional pedagogy in this topic somehow develop, because, well, because i’m with him all the time, only i think i can, but why, why not send him to kindergarten? and he ’s not ready for kindergarten now, we went to a regular kindergarten, it’s you who decided us, no, we were denied a regular kindergarten because they couldn’t cope with bogdan’s behavior, i
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understand, but there are specialized children’s, and you we were looking for something like this, yes, of course, i applied , they turned us down because... there was no place, they offered to study in another program for mental retardation, but it doesn’t suit us, we have autism spectrum disorder, we’re waiting place in court, uh-huh, angel, you are raising your son alone, my mother helps me, i’m alone, yes, uh-huh, that is, you live together with your mother, yes, well, essentially everything is on you, your mother came to our studio today, please tell me, eldara, how often do neighbors come with complaints against you, neighbors literally from the very first days - ruslan started knocking on our door, and after we were told that he complained to the management company, he left his phone number, i i called him, well, to tell him that our child is not easy, and here we have to be patient, we had a good time with him conversation, not very positive, it ended with him threatening that he
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would go to custody and take him to court. let's listen to your conversation with ruslan. the situation is this, the child has been screaming since 5 am and jumping up and down at night, it’s very creepy, i haven’t slept for a week and a half, i’m under terrible stress, i’m thinking of calling the police tonight, call me, we’ll just show him a certificate, our child has autism, is disabled from childhood, on what basis will the police deal with us, we also don’t sleep, where should he go on the street to live, and i where to go to live, here i am a man, i bought an apartment for living money, our confrontation will reach the point that i will definitely inform the guardianship and i will bring it to you, will i go to court? my adequacy, that i am not registered well, ruslan called the pdn on me in order to check with a psychiatrist, a neurologist and in general he has a claim that i am not taking care of the child and that the child is in a difficult life
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situation, shameful somersaults, she is lena berbak and far away jumping targets. in unbalanced fantasies, german foreign minister, we are waging a war against russia, they are calling not only to put taurus cruise missiles there, but they also say that the target specifically carried out an actual constitutional coup from the territory of germany, under no circumstances should there be a threat of war, she loves money very much, she is directly about money, you rich, i am richer than many, many, many, many other people in this country, she is finishing off the german economy, huge... a number of factories have closed, she is destroying everything, she is a destroyer, she does her job perfectly, but this is not in the interests the german people or german industrial power, the task is to change the structure of the economy, militarize it so that germany becomes the locomotive of military europe. and who needs germany directed against russia? burbucks serves as a globalizer. anna
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lena berbak, somersault 180°. dolls. heir tutti, today on the first. oh, friends, how many lemons do you have to eat for the vitamin c from those lemons to cure your cold? we will answer these and other important questions in the program to live healthy. tomorrow on the first. will, battle for inheritance the stars of the nineties are entering the home stretch. roman is sure that sister christina once unfairly got the entire inheritance; if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning. why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and that the document could have been forged? i want to know the truth. you recognize dad’s handwriting, to be honest, no, but you were
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officially divorced, it turned out that the court divorced us, can you imagine such a blow for me after 26 years? exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. and when you are here entered into an inheritance, did you tell the notary that there are still potential heirs? do you understand? i was in such a state, the person i loved, probably the only love of my life, died, calm down, comrade, we are coming to you, professor, on this matter, cut off, cut off, you can say what comes to their mind, anything, anything, you are painfully oppressing me, daddy, what kind of daddy am i to you, my god, i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our little ball, and now we understand what kind of shining nonsense, what? looks like people, well, i was married, i don’t care, azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and divide it, that’s what i thought, the heart of a dog,
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the famous film adaptation of mikhail bulgakov’s story on saturday on the first, he’s also dances, dances, the neighbors know. can understand, i left the city and don’t live in
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i can understand wonderful neighbors, too, every city only because of the noise, because it cannot be controlled in any way, well, you have to understand that you will never predict what kind of neighbors you will have, but that’s all right, but i also understand ruslan, so i invite him to the studio. now, come on, ruslan, come to us, hello, dear studio, dear presenters, angela, why paint the same picture as you have already done, was done before, that you are white and fluffy, and we, excuse me, are sadistic freaks, allow me, after all , i’ll tell my version in the studio and destroy your idyll, which is in public, i’m very glad, let’s not do it one on one, as you like, let’s do it this way, let’s do it this way, wait, if anything happens, we’ll record everything, speak, of course, you will tell now our... version, but we have gathered here to find a compromise, do you remember that? yes, of course, okay, i’m here for this, yes, you say, our life turned into an acoustic hell in early january, by the way, you
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look good, and -8 kg, that is, lack of sleep is excellent weight loss, that is, it’s like the truth is so-so for health in general, the situation looks like this, on the fifth this whole funny story of the fifth of january began, fortunately i didn’t have a wife in the city at that time, she was on vacation, that is, well... how i would be loyal to this for about 10 days, why? to the noise, from above, so that you understand, but there was noise, the stomping of a child, quite large, that is, this is not a baby, but the child is already quite old, running, stomping, children do not know how to run like adults, when, roughly speaking, they step on on the sole of the foot, they run with their heels, that is, accordingly, there is a constant hammering from above, which ends around one in the morning, begins, maybe at 4:00 in the morning, maybe at 5:00 it starts, all this is also accompanied by... children's , yes, let's add here, as you noticed, the trampoline, the trampoline at that time was not only there until ten, it's like, well , excuse me, but it's not true, the trampoline
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was present as well as the ball, well, i endured it, because the whole country was on new year's holidays resting, as if you can sleep at any time and be quite loyal to these things, but then i went to work, i realized that i had become extremely, let’s say, my cognitive abilities began to decline, i work with drawings, that is i... can read a drawing twice as long as it takes necessary, lack of sleep, of course, well, that is , work has become much more difficult and well, this has really begun to affect the quality of life, so let’s really let the child break the law, after 11 he makes noise, but now you’re lying, just now your words about that my wife came running at 6 in the morning, in fact the noise started that day at five, now i just didn’t want to hold my wife, but this is not true. what do you see as the solution to the problem, how will you solve it? in fact, i have a small request for silence when people adults come to relax after work,
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are you still there? what do you think, that if the mother could somehow cope with this, she would n’t be able to cope with it, because she’s actually sitting next to him, so if she could make sure that he didn’t yell, she obviously would did, then in this case, what to do with health problems, there is a real health problem, you are prescribed antidepressants, but together with your wife, we were at the reception, panic attacks, 10 minutes before the entrance, you are sitting, your favorite apartment , you furnished it for 10 years this...
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this is what you could have done before coming to the first channel to shout to the whole of chelyabinsk, money, but health is not money, and comfort is not money, it turned out that way, it was an accident, no one is to blame, well, this is how you solve the problem, like adults, another neighbor came to visit us, you still live on the floor below, it’s true that you hear everything, well, yes, the sound reaches our floor, we live on... and what kind of sounds? well, the squeals, the knocks on the floor, in a different way, but as you hear, the knocks on the floor through, so i just came to support ruslana, what can i imagine, what is going on in his apartment, since we hear it from across the floor, yes, it could be there at five, at five at five, say, at five something like that, there was noise more than
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once. we once moved a musician, he was looking for space for a studio, we found him a room, an 80-year-old grandmother lived upstairs, who had a very good bitch, she said, if i hear, i’ll write everywhere conveniently, well, wherever you need it, fly out, we did it for him sound insulation, indeed, as they said, the ceiling, they’ve been here for a year, he’s already playing there, is being recorded, it has never come, so all this can be solved, there are still adequate ones here, yes, well... now i practically see decent people, that is, but there are socially such elements that can use force there, and then yes they will sit down, but this will not make anyone better, look, i ’m looking at your floors like this now, i understand that it’s just laminate, here’s to putting carpets, for example, at least, angela is talking to you, sasha is talking to you, that is, well put a carpet, where the child is larger, cover 70 square meters with carpet, and why not, we have a huge
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apartment? i don’t have the money to make noise insulation and cover everything with carpets, my child pees every hour there, for example, and that i will make the carpets so that they stink, how will i dry them, well listen, let’s do it if you came only to complain here, you consider your mission completed, you complained because ruslan came here to express his point of view, we will now show you a story that we filmed at his house about how...
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unfortunately, we cannot , something is going on there, some kind of weird thing is happening, and we start at home look for corners, and where can we get that hour and a half or two, where is it quieter, so you understand, the kitchen as a whole is not the most comfortable sofa for sleeping comfortably on, but there is not much choice and we even have to sleep on this uncomfortable sofa , where to go, the most important thing is to sleep in silence, in addition to the noise in the apartment, and they are still flooding us, so... from here we were flooded twice, water was dripping, the tiles began to come off, well, we need to do repairs, but i wouldn’t want to open up the ceiling yet, apparently , my grandmother is engaged in hairdressing services, in fact - right here they have a sink for washing hair, where the child is located, what kind of hairdressing services can
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be provided? everything really floods you, but you must understand that probably the story with the carpets seems to cause rejection for the wrong reason. that they are describing it, but because it’s inconvenient to remove the hair from it, you can comment on yourself, of course you can, you ’re a hairdresser, i’m a hairdresser, i rent a chair, i don’t work at home, why then do you need this washing chair, we don’t have a chair , i have you seen chair, i rent a chair, i don’t have hairdressing services at home, yeah, that is, the chair that you have at home is for personal use, well, this chair just wasn’t introduced to me as to what this chair was worth, they were moving from one places. the other one, i’m angela’s friend, i’m sort of participating in the situation, i’m also with the child, so the chair is standing like, well, it moved from one filming location, and it’s standing here just like, well, like any other thing, there’s skis on someone’s balcony well, sleds in the summer, you better tell me about the flood
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tell me, you really flooded them, why did i not even once, we didn’t have such a flood, we didn’t have anything like that in our apartment, well, they had drops from the ceiling, the tenants lived before us, the video was probably filmed during that period, show. official bodies that would record this, because now we can take a video from anything, from anywhere, as if to present anything, well, in general, that this was a situation, you can explain, well , look, that is, this is the moment such that this turns out to be the twelfth in my opinion date, if i’m not mistaken, according to the methods, roughly speaking, video recording, it’s impossible to deceive the date of its filming, which is february. january january, that is, until that moment i understood that perhaps there was something up there , a difficult child, then when water poured from above, the only time, despite all the stories about how bullying the neighbors were, i stood up one and only time and said: guys, you don’t let me sleep, not
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only do you not let me sleep, you also drown me, that is, that was the only time i came to them, wait, usually, when a person is drowned and he sees what is pouring from his ceiling, you go to the apartment, go in there together, see what happened, what spilled there. doesn’t open the door, but behind the door they shout: we have a sick child, autistic, with a certificate, the certificate is covered up like a red banner, an ideal robbery scheme, for murder, someone commits a malfeasance, leaks information about their work, still no clues, and the car, talk less, listen more, you are not a suspect in the frame, i detained a dangerous criminal, this is where you are wrong, okay, i’ll give you a chance, here is the address, the person you noticed is similar. a suspect in an attack on you, you can drive up, you need help, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program. arzamas translates as a city of beautiful people, here you can
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feel like a parisian, an englishman, just like clockwork, it’s all coal-fired, this steam locomotive is from 1955, what ’s real? goose and caviar go well together, such luxury as a merchant, your salary won’t be enough to pay for this burger evgeniy we have an installment plan for you, that is , it’s essentially chalk, yes, that is, you can gnaw it right on the wall, you can, if you don’t have enough calcium in your body, rat and even lick it if you want to fight, ready to start , look, the husker has come for the masks, let’s go
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x: it’s cold, i’m not used to such a dubak, i kiss it. you are chelyabinsk sha, shanka’s hat, shashcha, hard sign, soft sign, uh, yu, usa, me,
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hollywood, on saturday on the first, ruslan’s wife became. problem of children with such a diagnosis and realized that in general, probably, from her point of view, of course, yes, you can cope with these lead children differently, yeah. see, let's ask her how she came to such a conclusion, okay? well, hello, as soon as angela and i started communicating, actually looking for some kind of compromise, as soon as the conversation came up about the need to lay carpets, she ran away, and you suggested the same thing? yes, i suggested carpets, i suggested rubber covering, i suggested removing it, it turns out to be a trampoline. remove the ball, to which i was told, we were prescribed a trampoline and a ball, and we
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will not remove anything from this, in the end removed, they say, well, i don’t know, well, the noise is the same, they played ball at 12:00 at night, to my question, why can’t you manage your child, make some kind of schedule, but if he is special, you how do you know what our schedule is, tell you our daily routine, what we eat, how we play, how we work out,
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it’s necessary, i haven’t slept for 2 months, so it needs to be solved then, well, that is, if the child is intact , what are you for? you are doing this, i need to solve the problem today, play ball, make noise in... what did we
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hear? the guys came, they were sane, not marginalized people who really suffer, i understand them perfectly, because i also feel about noise, exactly the same way, maybe even more acutely. they came and said, let's make sure that he won't be there from 5:00 in the morning, let's make sure that he won't be there after 11 at night, that's all. at every opportunity, the child begins
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to not like something or he starts to cry, they give him a ball, and for an hour or two he can just hammer like that, well, that is , apparently, this is the only thing that calms him down so much, this is his favorite game, game the ball, this is the only bridge in our communication, no, i ’m talking to you now, that is, well, judging by what experience you are going through now, the only thing after which a child calms down is when they give him a ball, that is, there are two options, either he he yells, or he plays the ball, and when he plays the ball he also yells. here, in principle , it doesn’t matter, we just understand that your hell began when in january, yes, that is, angela and bogdan relatively recently moved into this apartment, and before that, as angela told us, they lived in the same home, but in another entrance, i’m wondering whether there were problems there or not, so in order to answer this question, let’s call irina marupova, call the previous neighbor and ask her. hello, dear studio,
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hello, dear neighbors, did angela and bogdan bother you when you lived next door to them? well, to be honest, no, we lived, of course, not for long, i don’t even remember how long, well, just like ruslan, below them, we lived on the same platform, on the same platform, yes, we lived on the same platform with them, well, a child is like a child, all children they scream, it also happened at the entrance, they go out into the street, you can hear... screams, at first, of course, i went out onto the platform to see if maybe something happened to the child while they were waiting for the elevator, well, look, the child is normal, no one beats him, no one offends him, well , that is, you had the feeling... at first that someone was beating him, well, at first yes, well, you also communicate with other neighbors, of course we communicate, they had complaints against angela bogdan, no, it wasn’t, you know what’s surprising is that we conducted a survey among that neighbors’ entrance, yes, and the opinion was unanimous, they didn’t bother anyone, for some reason, this is a feature, it
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progresses, since no one is taking care of the child, and well, judging by the fact that playing ball is not an activity for a child, but you didn't study well. autism, you still need to study, i read a lot in the populace, popular on our internet, you can read about anyone, you know what was interesting in these articles, but ordinary children live according to a strict regime so that the child, roughly speaking, does not jumped up, suddenly nothing did, he must get tired there at a certain time, go to bed, for children with special needs the schedule should be like a speeding, that is , worked out right up to automatism 10 sleep seven get up, because if a small child with special needs falls out of this schedule, that’s why he ...starts to sway, scream, run, be hyperactive, all the other things, there is no regime here, it is absent, none of you are professionals in this matter, we have a psychiatrist, he will tell you his opinion, then a little later, we are in there is also a woman visiting, who also has an autistic child, but there are no such problems with neighbors, she will also tell you why a little later, she is also from
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chelyabinsk, yes, but what i’m talking about is that ruslan had an idea to move you to the first floor, then it’s like... well, all these mice and cockroaches are in the basement, they still hit them with a sword, and the neighbors above, look, just tatyana grigorievskaya, who lives above angela, she has no less affection for her claims, what those who live under, let's call her, hello, you know, i live on the tenth floor, but this is simply impossible, this is constantly... here they are running, these heels are hammering the poplar, this endless ball, these screams, this is from morning to evening, why do i know that they are all they make noise during the day, because i have a train schedule, i work both morning shifts and night shifts, well, that is, i get it, i come home from the night shift, i can’t get enough sleep, because
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this is all the running around, this here are the screams, and before the night i can’t rest, you know, because i go to bed, it starts, before morning shift. that is, at 10 i need to go to bed in order to be well-rested at work, but it turns out that i don’t sleep there until one to two with a square head, i remembered the sunday before last, at 12:20 i realized that our neighbors have some kind of keyboard instrument, i tell my daughter, let’s take out the synthesizer, show them that we also know how to play the piano, but what was it like 12020, you can imagine, and we live like this all the time, this running around screaming. did you talk? and what did she say to the owner? the owner said: buy it for yourself house and go, live without neighbors, that’s what the owner also suggested to us, in fact, buy a house on the edge of the forest and live there, we have gathered here, i say again,
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in order to try to come to an agreement, so i already announced to you mavlikha, who is also raising an autistic child and is also from chelyabinsk, you... somehow agreed with the neighbors, i’m sure that when we bought an apartment 12 years ago, when we were looking for an apartment, we looked for him there so that it wasn’t on the 9th floor, bought in a three-story, oh five-story building, and we bought on the third floor, in our entrance, it turns out there are two apartments per floor, it’s like, well, there are fewer people, it’s calmer for us, my muratik was heavy, he didn’t talk, he’s just like your child, he probably hummed all the time, he was all ma, he had different intonations, this is ma, when... we just moved, i immediately went downstairs to my grandmother , i said, this is such and such a situation, our child is sick, if suddenly there are any problems, then we we can solve it with you, but at the beginning we had silence for two or three months, because it was summer, in the fall the grandmother began to be indignant that she did not like the way the child walked, they say here that auchists walk on their heels, we walk on chains, it turns out that
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when he walks, he seems to bounce a little, we have on the floor there was not laminate then, but these were parquet... the floor was glued to bitumen right there and it was already creaking from old age, when my grandmother came for the first time, i said, let me go down and listen to how it all happens , to at least understand, well, yes, it’s very loud, and we immediately laid a carpet on the floor, this is the minimum that we did, and i began to further communicate with my grandmother, at what time we disturb her there, so that in which room we disturb her the most, we re-made the floor after a year, it turns out that we re-made the floor, but before... i went to my grandmother, talked to her about how they did it, what we should do to reduce this sound, but we often talked with her, we had complaints, a local police officer came to us, they came... from jo they talked the district police officer was with us once, but i showed him a document that our child had a daily routine, we 7:00 in the morning we get up at 9:00 in the evening we can no longer
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hear, everything is quiet, very rarely, when you look at what, what the guys are now insisting on, that the mother simply cannot cope with the child, this is what the mother needs help, we have a center in chelyabinsk, i can give you the address later, there is a temporary stay center for children, there for 3 hours for 4 hours. they take children , specialists work with the child well, you will tell us the center without problems, yes, all the contacts i have, i can share, some claim that the main building of moscow state university is in fact this is a huge, perfectly camouflaged spaceship for viktor sadovnichy’s eighty-fifth birthday. managing such a university is of course difficult. for me this is life. now university science is taking the lead because we have the most young people. in all countries, science is done
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by young people. almamator of every tenth scientist in russia, here they come up with our tomorrow. at this global level, without false modesty , we do not lag behind the best examples. students, where do you dream of studying? i believe. i believe in science that the main development of society there will be a vector, a vector of science. victor science, premiere, today on the first. calm down, comrade, we are coming to you, professor, on this matter, interrupted, interrupted, you can say whatever comes to their mind, anything, are you painfully oppressing me, dad? what kind of dad am i to you? my god, i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our ball, and now we understand what kind of shining nonsense this is, why am i walking around with people, well, i
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was married, i don’t care, azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and divide it, that’s what i thought, heart of a dog, the famous film adaptation of mikhail bulgakov's story on saturday on the first, he is still dancing. dancing, the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running and waking up the sleepy shore, they are running, sparkling and shouting, they are shouting to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are the young spring, she sent us ahead, what is where? when the spring series of games, on sunday on the first, you said that you were standing in line for
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kindergarten, that’s right, yes, now look, we went to the pdn clinic, that’s where we heard something interesting, let’s see kurchatovsky police department. the department of the vdr of russia in the city of chelyabinsk received a message from a man that a child was often making noise and screaming in the neighboring apartment. police officers went to the scene of the incident. based on the results of the inspection, no signs of administrative offenses or crimes were identified. conversations were held with neighbors and recommendations were given to resolve the conflict situation. the child is registered with a psychiatrist. to our clinic, mom. visit the child regularly, undergo medical examinations, preventive vaccinations are carried out according to plan, we have a neurological medical
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health center, correctional kindergartens, we also have a rehabilitation department on the basis of the regional children's clinical hospital, all this is free and accessible, and the mother can always take advantage of it, unfortunately, children with this disease cannot control the regime... is engaged, who does this, explain to me, yes, before the program we asked a psychiatrist to talk with bogdan, let's listen to
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what conclusions he made, child bogdan - 3 years. he has autism spectrum disorder, stereotypies, attention disorder, there are a lot of complaints against his mother that she doesn’t take care of him, so i want you, as a specialist, to either confirm these complaints, the child is, in principle, quite orderly, behaviorally he is quite adapted, that is, it’s clear that no, no, he’s not a neglected child, that’s the most important thing, you heard that, anna, are there really so many lines in this case? regime and if it is not followed, these emotional breakdowns occur on a constant basis, there is a relationship between this, after all , the regime must be strict, the regime must be strict on the one hand, but on the other hand , forcing the child to follow the regime strictly, strictly will not work, neither the mother nor anyone, that is, how he ran after 12 but you heard how the head doctor of the clinic
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where the child was assigned told you that this is not fast. that yes, a regime can certainly be created, but it doesn’t take a year, not two or three, based on the characteristics of the child’s development, well, okay, you all feel sorry for angela, her her family is complicated, who will feel sorry for us, we are like zombies in our apartment, we come home to relax, even in this studio you manage to hear what is beneficial to each side, at first angela said that we mean everything here.
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well, it will be easier for you, it will be easier for them, if they have financial difficulties there, even if it doesn’t match the color there, it’s not scary, but the noise will be less, because if you continue to quarrel, then, unfortunately, judicial practice is very very negative , to the point that guardianship comes, removes the child, and the child is put in a psychiatric hospital, and the parents are under... then they start running around , it’s too late, so before it comes to the courts, come to an agreement, that’s what i told you, because the situation here is really complicated, there are situations when the child has climate intolerance, well, he was born somewhere, the doctors say: listen, well, of course you can live here, but it will be much better if you move somewhere, but this climate
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is simply not suitable for you, and what does the mother do next? .. in his room around the child will artificially create i don’t know the climate that he needs, well, he’ll put a basin of salt water, some kind of palm tree in a pot, or he’ll take the child and move him, i’m just asking, i would take him away from the aggressive environment that we decided to move from this city, here is the question, we decided and well, it’s just that it’s also time to prepare people, yes, but can i also ask you some kind of financial history at the moment, yes, because? do you live with your aunt for free? and here? yes, we live for free, free of charge, that is , essentially, if you move out, you will have to pay for, well, yes, i found out, that is, it means paying the amount for a month, a deposit, a commission, that is, well, the amount is not small, while i am preparing resources, and what amount, well, for moving 100,000 do i need to pay for for 2 in advance pay a commission for a month and at least settle down for a while.


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