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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 3, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm MSK

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well, this climate just doesn’t suit you, and what does your mother do next? in her room around the child she will artificially create the climate that he needs, i don’t know, well , she will put a basin of salt water, i don’t know, some kind of palm tree in a pot, or she will take the child and move her, i ’m just asking, i would took me away from an aggressive environment, that we decided to move from this city, what is the question here, we decided and well , it’s just that this is also the time to prepare some moments for people. can i ask another question about your financial history at the moment? yes, that is, you live with your aunt for free, but here, yes, we live for free, free of charge, that is , essentially, if you move out, you will have to pay for it, well, yes, i found out, that is, it’s to pay the amount for a month, a deposit commission, that is, well, the amount is rather big while i i’m preparing resources for the move, 1000 i need to pay for 2 months in advance, pay a commission and at least settle in. yeah, in
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a new place, if you need a garden, a special education system, you have the phone number of the editors, that’s right, yes, but on my own i can offer you, to speed up the move, the same 100,000 that you need now to move, thank you, for irina to be with us, this is my biggest dream for the near future, i want to deprive my dream. parental rights, so where are the children now? they called and they themselves complained that she was drunk, that they wanted to eat, they are very small, but i ’m always next to them, and when you slept drunk, why do you even need children, well, what’s the war over? started because i started to arrange my personal life, the child does not live with you, she undertakes to bring her to us, and why don’t you help, it’s you who succeeds, everything goes into money for you, they had fights...
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they called the police, the fights were either in the entrance, or when maxim broke your mother’s jaw in your apartment, your ex-mother-in-law, your mother, it turns out, yes, she came to our studio, let's call her, good evening, there is a big game live, and i am vyacheslav nikonov, today the president of russia,
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a scientist who has done a lot for russia and as an organizer science school of higher education, in the most difficult times moscow the state university under your leadership not only survived, but also developed, i repeat, even in the most difficult times, it stood confidently on its feet, you continue to engage in this science, and you help young people.
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this is, of course, a milestone and a pillar of our science, i have known viktor antonovich for well over 40 years, he is the dean of the faculty of moscow state university, and viktor antonovich is a mathematician, and such a renaissance mathematician, i would say, like leonardo davinci, lomonosov mathematician, who decides... so completely fantastic equations that no one could ever solve, a man who writes works that are later recognized as reports of the club of rome on the development of mankind, he calculated the centrifuge on which astronauts are trained, medicine and much, much more, that is, he is truly an absolutely renaissance man. a brilliant treasure
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at the opening and talked about how he actually came to mathematics, about his childhood, he himself was from donetsk, his parents did not go to school, they were illiterate, work in a mine, a school for working youth, then moscow university and a doctor of science at 32 years old, what is a doctor of science in mathematics. this is a serious social lift, you know, i am the dean of the faculty of public administration, and so viktor antonovich at my faculty took mathematics as an entrance test for applicants, i was categorically against it, resisted, was indignant, and then stopped doing it for
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two reasons, firstly, because if viktor atovich has decided, then he is unlikely to step back, he is a fairly firm person. a secondly, he is absolutely right, because this definitely guarantees against fools, that’s for sure. viktor antonovich, taking this opportunity with all my heart, i would like to congratulate you on behalf of, well, everyone present, and on behalf of channel one, on behalf of all tv viewers of channel one, on this anniversary with a well-deserved award, today by presidential decree,
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and surprisingly optimistic , given that we are in a situation of international sanctions, a special military operation, i was sitting in the hall recalling the reports in the first state duma with which i spoke viktor stepanovich chernomyrdin, after all, it was all down, everything was down, just four-digit inflation, 200% there, 1. horror, now in war conditions... we are showing very good results, despite the increasing external pressure. let's listen to the minister's example. the conditions in which we all had to work last year remained very difficult. external pressure on russia did not
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weaken; on the contrary, it expanded. according to a number of experts, the restrictions imposed against us exceed all sanctions combined against other countries of the world. now they are aimed not only at domestic big business, at our managers, but at representatives of foreign states, at foreign companies, at organizations, at those who have not given up cooperation with russia, who sincerely want to do business with us, implement joint projects , not on a unilateral self-interest, on a mutually beneficial basis, and despite the increasing pressure,
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this level of indicators in russia has a different type of economic policy than on in the west, so in the west we see a very sad situation, especially in the european union, when industry is dying, in russia industry is being restored, expanding, growing, and this
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becomes one of the foundations for the country’s fairly rapid economic development, this poses challenges for the education system, poses tasks for the social sphere, because russia, as a... manufacturing nation, as a production state, will continue to move forward, in this sense, it must be said that the government did a good job in the first turn, of course, mishustin did the work. and there belousov, and i would specifically separate the financial, financial block a little, but those who were involved in the real sector, they were able to do a lot, the russian economy went through a very difficult year in 2023, because in 2023 the west tried to harm us by lowering world oil prices, a reduction in all world commodity prices in general, so that russia would lose in exports, and indeed we received less revenue from exports, but at the same time we received very good... internal economic indicators, which demonstrate that the russian economy is
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an economy of increasingly complex production, an economy of import substitution, and if something is not done, then these are only opportunities to do it further, because in the future we will get continued high the growth rate in mechanical engineering, in microelectronics, it is clear that... there is growth in a number of areas, it is coming from low positions, but it is also clear that russia was able to withstand the blow of sanctions, in the sense that russian trade exists, is developing, especially trade with china, in the sense that russia is developing its own production, and this is becoming the main thing in economic policy, to develop its own production and provide jobs, so by the way there is not a particularly strong problem with employment, there really are problems with employment... no, this is one of the lowest indicators in general in all recent years, even decades, under these conditions it is possible
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to maintain an increase in living standards, which is also surprising, and which the west cannot now to ensure that the increase in well-being was absolutely obvious, and mishustin had already figured out how he and his government were implementing the president’s instructions in terms of solving these key tasks : a year earlier, indexation increased insurance pensions by a total of 15%, raised them
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for 2024, and consistently, on behalf of the head of state, we are also increasing the minimum wage, at a rate that is faster than inflation; for the current year it has increased above 18%. the government is constantly paying attention to issues of wages public sector employees, teachers, university professors, doctors. and other medical personnel, specialists in the social, cultural spheres, science, all of them raise our children, take care of people’s health, engage in important research and introduce millions of citizens to art, and we , together with the regions, bring their salaries in accordance with the may decrees of the president. dear colleagues, everything i just said is the basis for systematic work to combat...
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the figures, which were quite optimistic, this is really a very good step, maybe it is a small step for what is called the global economy, but for russia it is a very, it is a leap into the future, in fact, because we have finally managed to do what we could not achieve for the last 30 years, to do a sovereign economy focused on people for themselves, remember, western actors have always told us, take care of your own economy, well, we actually took care of our economy, in my opinion, quite well. they did this, judging by the fact that the prime minister read for more than an hour and a half
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quite optimistic indicators, introduced them to these, and i think that in fact, especially under the conditions of the sanctions regime and largely thanks to it, these results turned out to be achievable, because we all know from history that, unfortunately, russian civil society is structured like this , until the thunder strikes, the man does not cross himself, well, so let’s thank you loudly. in his report to the government before the state duma, the growth in production in the defense sector is actually impressive, let's listen chairman of the government, so that our defenders have everything they need, we have significantly increased production, additionally involving hundreds of enterprises, research institutes,
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design bureaus, scientists, engineers who have developed advanced models. increased the production of equipment, weapons, protective equipment, electronic warfare, sets of medical equipment for use, including military equipment in the field, for many positions at times, for cars and armored weapons by three times, weapons of destruction by seven times, electronic warfare communications equipment by nine times by reconnaissance, that’s it, well, all this work. perhaps, few people know, it was carried out according to plan, on the one hand, because the enterprises of the military-industrial complex were not modernized, that is , the technical equipment and technology were modernized, that is, it was a special national program when the machine park was updated, fleet of equipment, that ’s what made it possible, as they say, to free up
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the same areas that, when disaster struck, were filled with other equipment and... mass production of those products that were required in the zone of a special military operation was established; in addition, military enterprises carried out diversification, that is , they sold some of their technologies , including for civilian purposes, we had dual-use enterprises, for example, an air defense enterprise created a domestic airspace control system for civilian ships when we revived engine. building for military aviation, in parallel this was done for civil aviation, so now we have aircraft for which the national program has been created, will only have domestic engines, consisting of domestic components, that is, this work is an investment in the military-industrial complex , who previously believed that this money was kind of one way, only then it would work if there was a war tomorrow, it worked
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, it worked, when a special military operation began, we were able to mobilize. the military-industrial complex is establishing mass production of military products, but it also affected the civilian sector, because the majority of military enterprises began to participate, among other things, in the restoration of our economy, that’s what the prime minister said, it’s like the merits of the military-industrial complex number, of course, because it pulls the entire economy along with it, one way or another, this is the most integrated industry connected with the rest of the economy, but today mishustin spoke about a new paradigm for our economic policy, that this is... supply-side economics, the president emphasized the need for a proactive economic policy in order not only to respond to the current situation, but also, which is very important, to create demand for new goods and services that we produce in our country in first of all, last year the government prioritized this work, the formation
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of a supply economy, which is impossible without ensuring food supply...
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is being created by someone else, and there is a global by the majority or some group of countries, and this is truly sovereign development and this is very important, that in the modern world we realize that welfare is inseparable from sovereignty, and because such a point of view existed for a long time, frankly speaking, in our history there were examples that confirm this point of view that activity... in the international arena is due to the mobilization of resources and to some extent the diversion of resources from, including the well-being of people, like now russia. changes the world and how the world is changing under the leadership of russia, this does not divert resources from our economy, and this precisely creates opportunities for both macroeconomic
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indicators and improvement of well-being, and the transition to a supply economy, that is , the creation of some primary opportunities for economic growth on its own, this is a fundamental shift in our development, and a fundamental shift in the fact that this economy is supply-based. on the growth of the real sector, industry and agriculture, more on this after the advertisement. shameful somersaults, she is lena berbak, and far -jumping targets in unbalanced fantasies, the german foreign minister, we are waging a war against russia, they are calling not only to install taurus cruise missiles there, but they also say that the target specifically carried out a virtually constitutional coup from the territory.
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d) the head of the toe, what is your evidence of your health? dy and brief k - lshtshfun m corn syrup n novosi oirsk leave r rasha with secret russian weapon actually this is a skvoreshnik t topant u uou f snamznon. x: it’s cold, i’m going to such an oak tree not used to it, chelyabinsk, sha: earflap hat,
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hard sign, soft sign, uh, on saturday on the first. will, the stars of the nineties are entering the home stretch, all the participants in the conflict are in our studio, you filed a lawsuit, why does a person write a will at the age of 30, roman is sure that once the entire inheritance unfairly went to sister christina, if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning to document everything myself, why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want to know the truth, dad’s handwriting, you know, jerome, honestly i’ll say no, but you were divorced on purpose, it turned out that the court divorced us. can you imagine such a blow for me after 26 years? exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere. on saturday on the first. and when you entered into
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an inheritance, you told the notary that there were still potential heirs. you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved died. probably the only love of my life. i am the grandson of a manufacturer, i can do everything. but it’s enough for me to come to any group and perform there. everyone else falls down through the night and the wind, i’m destined to go, there’s no light anywhere from my own window, i also criticized it in the army, so major novikov wrote me recommendations, he’s prone to criticism, but they push, push buttons all in vain, for for, but there are no roads, for for, but i have no money, i have nothing to follow, i’m not going to replay anything, under no circumstances would i... here, is it true
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that you can choose any place in the city and draw whatever you want? if you start drawing at some police station, then of course you will get a penalty, they won’t put you in prison, but they won’t give you a fine small. what kind of men are here in brazil, very attentive and caring, it’s clear that sometimes someone’s husband can go to the left, our blood is hot, but we have our own woman, she’s always alone, i see that you mostly have women working here, we we just want the women's coffee business...
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the government mikhail neshustin named, in my opinion, really very impressive figures for the development of our real sector, industrial production grew by 3.5%, with the manufacturing sector driving growth by 7.5%. now let's see how it is spread across industries, in shipbuilding the increase was 4.1, in the automotive industry 16%, in aircraft manufacturing 19%, in energy machinery. 36.8 s tank building, this is something that we have not had at all, in general over the past 30 years, an increase of 60%, in general the machine-building complex is associated, of course, with the defense industry by 21%, and another interesting figure was mentioned, it was not on table, electronics production growth by 32%. but the food
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security of our country. i’ll just remind you that in the nineties we had an average level of food security about 30%. bushy legs are still remembered by veterans , yes, these blue-green frozen chicken legs that came from the united states, now we have a supply level of more than 100% for meat, 108% for sugar, 153 for fish, 170% for grain , 226 for vegetable oil % of security, the second record... last year's harvest was 145 million tons of grain, that is, in fact, this is the basis of this economy, not some kind of financial bubbles, yes, as in the west, this is completely real production, in the west they could say that this is absolutely not post-industrial economy, it’s absolutely simple, but for some reason instead of air they fish, grow wheat, produce machine tools, build ships, why - this is not from the point of view of american western textbooks and
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the professors lured by them. russia must follow the path of a post-industrial economy, destroy its industry, buy everything abroad and not develop. instead , we are seeing something completely different , and we are seeing it because the west is zealous in self-destruction. the west is self-destructing of course, to a lesser extent the united states, but the european union is trying very hard to collapse, so our supply economy is the supply economy not only of our own products for the domestic market, but also of products for the foreign market, which is especially clearly visible. for the export of grain, for the export of other agricultural products, then we will apparently see significant exports of other russian products, as soon as our internal needs are covered, this concerns the internal needs there for energy equipment, if you don’t take nuclear generation, this applies to shipbuilding and many other areas, mechanical engineering, now there is still a very large shortage of this kind.
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products, well, from the point of view of intercepting western positions, developing consumption in the domestic market, but then it will be possible to export it, yes, export opportunities are great and it is no coincidence that the share of non-oil and gas exports is growing strongly and in general the share of non-oil and gas industries in our economy is also noticeable increased over the year, the structure of the economy has really changed to the side.
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also a significant place in his speech, let's listen, to solve social issues, the defenders of the fatherland fund has been created for the fighters of their relatives. its employees help restore documents, obtain medicines, medical products, undergo vocational training and, if necessary, find a job, and they placed special emphasis on the efficiency of providing benefits, simplified the procedure for issuing a combat veteran’s certificate, now the department does everything on its own, without personal statements, without paperwork , is assigned as required state support, on behalf of the president... we will reduce the financial burden for our defenders, exempt them from property taxes, it is important that those who perform military duty receive state assistance in full and in a timely manner, we are closely monitoring this, serious support well
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, of course, there is great hope that the whole country associates with the veterans of a special military operation, of course, of course, i recently returned from nizhny novgorod, i’m just at the level of... the local government, local authorities, due to the fact that the russian government has taken a very large program of support for veterans of a special military operation, they have focused on issues of social rehabilitation, socialization of people who return, of course, retraining, employment, there is a whole program in place support so that a person who comes to a special military operation to be wounded there and so on, he did not feel... separate from society, he joined this society and contributed to the development of this society, because people from there come with a slightly changed creation, which is more based on justice on other traditional values ​​that should be
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present in our society, but they can go into the education sector, they can go into the industry and so on, that is, these people are socialized, and this is what the government has taken upon itself to be big. program, there are such programs in the regions, we still have numerous funds that provide support to such veterans, that is, the issue is being resolved much more quickly than, for example, it was resolved when we had veterans of afghanistan, the well-known franz klintsevich, who heads the society of veterans in afghanistan, said that then it was impossible to do anything because the state collapsed, the new it came and said, we don’t need you, but now everything is different. that is, the calculation that was made, for example, in the west, that we would again have an afghan crisis or syndrome, and this would be, for example, the ukrainian syndrome, it does not work, then we socialize all these people, without exception, we equalize them in benefits,
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improve their lives, improve the lives of their families, and this, of course, will be the stimulus for the growth of the consciousness of our society, which will give further steps forward, that is, the economy... it these already renewed citizens will support, it’s not for nothing that vladimir vladimirovich called them the new elite, namely, if you remember the elite, this was such a unit in the roman legions that did not need to be explained what to do, they knew what to do, in this case, what is needed to do for the well-being of the state, you know, that’s how the veterans of the great patriotic war made up this great generation, yes, which made us a great power, took us into space and so on, here’s another generation like that.
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kindergartens, schools, three sports complexes, all these changes are happening literally before the eyes of the crimeans themselves, they are already taking advantage of new opportunities, the same standard of living will be
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available in the donetsk and lugansk people's republics in the zaporozhye and kherson regions. in twenty-three we started to the implementation of the program of their socio-economic development. previously , no one had invested in infrastructure there in such volumes. never, but over the past 2 years , more than 18,000 facilities have been restored, including kindergartens, schools, medical organizations, fire stations, and philharmonic societies. libraries, engineering and utility networks, roads, i could go on and on, all the new infrastructure, it’s interesting, when the special military operation began, the western european countries said we would establish patronage over the ukrainians regions, they have established it, so i’m actually even interested in knowing how many kindergartens they built during this time, at least they built one, i think not, to the question of who is a friend of ukraine and who is not? here we must take into account that yes, they are trying to finance
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the restoration of ukrainian territories, but they have big claims to the fulfillment of these obligations, especially to financial flows, while in russia, as i understand it, a fundamentally different scheme has been created, a different scheme that implies a strict state control over financial flows, that ’s why it’s being restored so quickly, that’s why it’s being restored so well, plus, of course, new regions exist. in a special regime, let me remind you, they are not unrecognized by many western countries, therefore they are especially strongly sanctioned, and this puts them in some kind of special position, liberal economists often teach us that we need either guns or butter, but it turned out that we brought out our own formula gun and oil, everything is important, everything is important in this life, because if you go with with a basket of butter, if you don’t have a gun, then how will you protect your butter from anyone...
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life is getting better, starting to get better almost instantly, civil normal life, without conventions, without different stresses and so on, only from the other side, arrivals from the other side they remind you that a special military operation is still underway; russia, having found itself in heavy sanctions, in the grip of heavy sanctions, has nevertheless built a system of foreign economic relations that have practically compensated for losses from trade.
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last year grew by almost 6%. russia
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has retained and strengthened its presence in key regional associations, but this is primarily brix, in which our country chairs this year, the sco, we also plan to deepen the dialogue with other constructively minded organizations, including within the framework of the humanitarian agenda in education, science, in culture. a very fast turn indeed, we still remember well that more than half of our external one.
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development of our country, the bank of russia is actively working to solve this problem, and the government, for its part, provides full support; here, together we work to ensure that both the trade and investment operations of our companies are protected. first of all, i would like to note that we managed to stop the west’s attempts to organize a blockade of russian foreign trade. trade turnover with friendly countries has not only increased, but today is comparable to the volume of trade between russia and the whole world, which was 4 years ago. on behalf of the president, the government approved a strategy for the development of foreign economic activity and it, of course, takes into account everything current trends in the global economy calculated until the end of the decade. the support system for raw materials and energy exports and industrial
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agricultural products was rebuilt, and entrepreneurs were helped to redirect cargo flows. the decrease in trade turnover with the european union is, of course, significant. china, india, turkey, belarus, kazakhstan, the united arab emirates, africa, latin america, and the share of friendly countries has increased to 7%. essentially, russia was able to avoid isolation; the west was counting on us they will restrict trade, and this will cause confusion within the country and, well, in general. efficiency in foreign trade, we have achieved very effective foreign trade, which, of course, faces difficulties, because here and there, banks in some countries refuse to work, refuse to pay, at least to quickly carry out transfers, these problems exist, that is the united states, the european union and england
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continue to work to put a spoke in the wheels of russian trade, but they have does not work. they are also not succeeding because russia is actively solving its own infrastructure problems, since it is now necessary to transfer large flows of cargo not from east to west, but from west to east, this poses the task of speedy modernization and expansion of the transport system in siberia, this provides additional support for our economy, russia cannot be isolated, because it has a large circle of partners to whom goods can be delivered by waterways, which is why, by the way, we have growing shipbuilding and... extensive land transport trade, a sharp increase in trade with china, trade turnover to kazakhstan, through kazakhstan, through other cis countries. well, the state of our economy turned out to be much better than many of us expected, including myself, we stand very firmly on our feet, and we really need serious tests in order for
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everything to work, it worked, in spite of those who can now to do whatever they want, in fact they are on the verge of defeat, in my opinion this is good. understood in kiev in brussels. news from there after the ad, like boris rozhen with the latest news from the northern military district. some argue that the main building of moscow state university is actually a huge, perfectly camouflaged spaceship. to the eighty-fifth birthday of viktor sadovnichy. to manage such a university. of course it’s difficult, but for me this is life. now university science is taking the lead because we have the most young people. in all countries, science is done by young people. alma mator of every tenth scientist in russia, here they come up with our tomorrow. at this global level, without false modesty, we do not
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we lag behind the best examples. students, where do you dream of studying? at nsu. “i believe in science, i believe that the main development of society will be the vector, the vector of science, the victor of science, the premiere, today at the first, calmly, comrade, we are coming to you, professor, this is the matter, interrupted, interrupted, you can say whatever comes into their head, anything , anything, you’re painfully oppressing me, yours, what kind of dad i am to you, my god, i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our ball, and now we understand what these shining nonsense, why, i’m worse than people, well, i was married, i don’t care anyway. innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and divide it, that’s what i thought, heart of a dog,
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the famous film adaptation of mikhail bulgakov’s story on saturday on the first, he is still dancing, dancing, in the land where there is eternal snow and cold, they walk around in earflaps all year round, and to warm up, having drunk a lot in a squat, the whole people dances, the unknown is known to fly, to attack novosyoersk, at one secret base corn syrup can be taken, the man is hardy there and strong, he has adversity, no matter what, he’s even in in space he solves problems with a wrench, here is kazan’s gym, only it is open to members, and somewhere in the background it’s wonderful. it’s already flogging, the legs, the head of the finger are swimming, scraping the bottom with screws, this is how
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americans see our russian world in their movies. on saturday on the first. the will of zhenya belousov, the battle for the inheritance of the stars of the nineties is reaching the finish line, all participants in the conflict are in our studio. you filed a lawsuit, why man? on saturday first, when you were entering into an inheritance, you spoke to the notary about the fact that there are still potential heirs,
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you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved, probably the only love of my life, died, i am the grandson of a manufacturer, i can do everything, but all i need to do is come to any group and perform there , everyone else is falling down, through the night and the wind, i am destined to go. on the first. the snow is still white in the fields, and
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in the spring the waters are noisy, running, waking up the sleepy shore, running and shining, and they shout, they shout to all ends. spring is coming, spring is coming, we are the young spring, messengers. she sent us ahead. what do you mean where? when the spring series of games, on sunday on the first, the big game on the first, president of ukraine zelensky signed the accepted ones. last year , the verkhovna rada passed a law to reduce the conscription age from 27 to 25 years. that's why it
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took him so long to sign this law? in fact , the reason is obvious if we look at the demographic pyramid of ukraine. and we will see that the number of people, actually twenty-five years old, tends to zero, it is significantly less than 100 thousand men, of which, i am sure, more than half are outside. that in fact, if you lower this age, then in ukraine there may be no men aged 25 to 27 left at all, this is the genocide of its own people, which zelensky is now engaged in, just look, yes, this generation does not exist, it happened during the years of the formation of a sovereign and independent ukraine, then they didn’t give birth to children, as they do now. that is, it will be a simple demographic catastrophe, it is a bomb, nevertheless,
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it was signed, it says something, because boris aleksandrovich rozhen is in direct contact with us, boris alexander. do you think this is already a step despair of the ukrainian president? and good evening, well, i believe that they are now trying to push through the extremely unpopular law on mobilization in ukraine with such separate decisions, that is, they are trying to divide it into several fragments, gradually adopt it for 25 years - this is not, of course, not the final term, then there are already developments there in order to lower it in the future to 23 and even to 20 years, these standards are already emerging.
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of course they will ask for this, but they are in a hurry because our troops continue advance on most sections of the front and almost everywhere we have progress in one way or another, in the zaporozhye direction, today our troops have advanced a little more on the rabotinsky ledge north-west of verbovoy, on the temporary ledge today there are generally no changes, but in the ugledar direction our troops are still we have advanced more strongly in novomikhailovsky, already pushing
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the enemy to the western part of the village, there is also an advance towards this... from novomikhailovka, in the marinsky direction we have small advances in georgievka, on avdeevsky direction, our troops are already approaching umansky, that is, we, from the tonenkov side , overcoming the fierce enemy, have seriously advanced there to the west, we are also fighting in the possession of semyonovka and berdychi, according to a number of data, the enemy there is now already preparing to retreat to new lines of defense to west of the city, the situation there is rapidly deteriorating for him, our troops are in the artyomovsk direction. they took several more oporniks on the near approaches to the chastar, that is, at mid-day today our troops were already about 100 m from the sign at entry into the city, that is, the fighting had already begun almost hours before, our troops also advanced today in the krasnoye area in the bogdanok area, in general, the offensive is gradually acquiring the character of just such a wide front, which means that on the northern ledge our troops were
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advancing south of belogorovka and a slight advance on the line... cheerful discord in the krasnolimansky direction today without changes in the svatovo-kupyansky direction there is a slight advance at senkovka. in general, we have operational control everywhere initiative, these draconian measures do not help the enemy in any way. yes, thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich rozhen for an accurate analysis of the situation at the front, where no pommers can help radically. and nato members, in my opinion, are already in a state of hysteria. today, stoltenberg’s performance, in my opinion, was the limit. hysterical, in my opinion, he was even under means, let’s listen: ukraine will become a member of nato, it’s not a question of if, when. i think it's important that our allies make decisions quickly, this is, of course, this applies to the usa. they are not the only ones providing support to ukraine. our european partners provide about 50% of supplies, but without a doubt, the united states is
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ukraine's largest ally and provides most of the support. and the fact that in america... they have not yet reached agreement on a bill on additional funding has its consequences. we need to change the dynamics of our support, we need to provide reliable expected security assistance to ukraine for the long term, so we need to rely less on voluntary contributions and more on nato commitments, less on short-term aid, more on multi-year commitments, so ministers will discuss how nato can take more responsibility for coordinating the supply of military equipment and training.
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most of all, naturally, they are afraid that in the united states the republicans do not give money, but of course, he apparently forgot that he is actually from norway, because in general this is taxpayers’ money, this parliament ultimately decides, but it wants to be seen. dollars for 5 years and provision in such a way that newly
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arrived governments in european countries could not change this accepted proposal. well, today this plan was actually highlighted by the belgian foreign minister and he really said that he himself is categorically against this matter. well , only macron is not inferior to stoltenberg. now in his aggressiveness, who is making increasingly harsh statements, here he said that in general the participation of the west is not will be necessary because he himself will solve all the security problems of ukraine. let's listen. the prospect of a western military presence in ukraine raises the thorny question of how allies should respond if someone dies in russian strikes. the biden administration feared that russia could strike french troops sent to ukraine. this could lead to france and other western countries being drawn into the conflict. macron, however, told his allies that in this case nato would be involved or the united states will not need it, france has suffered losses more than once during military campaigns in
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africa, but has not turned to its allies for help. it seems that this is so, you know, like in a political casino, i throw everything, and my pants, everything that is left, perhaps the calculation is made that this bet will win, but we all know that we have to leave the casino for... france is not going to leave the casino on time, and stoltenberg, apparently , too, the question is, staying inside the casino, will they be able to continue playing or not, i, unfortunately, have an answer, no, they won’t be able to, but casinos are generally able to pay out at least something, casinos, of course, are able to pay out, they just can’t produce shells, you know, that is, there is another one there, that is, they can really balance the balances there, yes. they can generously make promises, they can allocate financial assistance, although they know that if it is allocated for real, it will be stolen in ukraine, so they also need to allocate it in the right way, their problems
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are primarily that their own production, and this is production is declining in europe, and in france too, yes, so the casino can pay chips, but these chips are not backed by either finances or shells, so here... the problem is: the real russian economy turned out to be able to produce more shells than the entire the european american economy taken together, which is many times larger than ours, our business is right, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. provide all necessary.


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