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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  April 3, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. to help people in
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the flood zone, vladimir putin spoke with the head of the ministry of emergency situations and the governors of the regions where the big water came. and stormy winds in moscow. the cold snap is accompanied by downpours; even the zoo was closed due to dangerous weather. citizens are asked to avoid shaky structures. the economy is growing, unemployment is falling. results of the government's work over the past year and immediate plans. mikhail mishustin counted down to state duma deputies today. there were more volunteers everyone can be even more confident in the support of the state. vladimir putin met with the head of the fatherland defenders foundation. china recovers after the earthquake. taiwan took the brunt of the blow. many buildings even tilted, but stood, and the damage to industry was serious. victor sadovnishchiy celebrates his birthday. and scientist, teacher, mentor, rector of moscow state university,
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let's start with news from regions affected by powerful floods about the situation in the altai territory and the orenburg region. today the leaders of these subjects, viktor tomenko and denis pasler. in addition, the president had a telephone conversation with the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov. as the kremlin press service reported, vladimir putin gave all the necessary instructions to provide assistance to the people in the area. in the flood zone. let me remind you that a state of emergency is in effect in the altai territory, almost two hundred residential buildings remain in the water, rescuers are providing assistance to local residents, delivering food and basic necessities, and temporary accommodation centers have been organized. big water and in the suburbs orenburg, where there are almost a thousand private houses in the wetland zone. in order to stabilize the situation, water is being released there from the chernovskoye reservoir. support for special operation participants and veterans has become one of the main topics of conversation today.
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in short, we are preparing the economy, everything, engineering infrastructure and so on for winter. we are the leaders in the far east in financing these programs, we do it with all our hearts, because these are brothers, and let’s be honest, our fighters are also nearby, and the miners also support them donetsk and in conclusion i would like to say that i wanted to ask for blessings to run for the post of governor this year in september.
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state duma deputies about the work done by the government over the year and spoke about plans for the future. the country's economy is growing, + 3.6%. revenues in the twenty-third year exceeded 29 trillion rubles. at the same time, the budget becomes less dependent on raw material exports. by successfully coping with sanctions pressure, russia has an excellent chance of becoming one of the four leading economies in the world. grows and industrial production, especially for products necessary to achieve goals. special operations. anastasia kobuzeva listened attentively to the prime minister. according to the constitution, the cabinet of ministers reports annually to the duma on its work. the government in the building on okhotnoy ryad is almost in full force. prime minister mikhail mishustin appears in the corridor along with state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin.
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meanwhile, in the conference room, deputies are already waiting for the prime minister and are ready to ask their questions. in touch and regions. according to a number of experts, the restrictions imposed against us exceed all the combined sanctions against other countries of the world; now they are aimed not only at domestic large businesses, at our managers, but at representatives of foreign states, at foreign companies, at
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organizations, at those who have not given up cooperation with russia, who sincerely want to do business with us, russia has successfully passed through a difficult period. initial adaptation based on the results of last year, according to preliminary estimates of rosstat, the volume of domestic product increased by 3.6%, which, by the way, is more than twice as high as the average for developed countries. if we remember the words of the us president that the russian economy will be torn to shreds, then we can see with what results the year has passed and... let's say and admit once again that the political system, the economic model created by president putin, have shown their effectiveness, despite the more than 19 thousand sanctions that have been announced to our country, this is a great merit of the government
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of the russian federation. unemployment in russia to the end of the twenty-third year decreased to 3%, one of the main challenges of the past. the most important decisions were made to limit the export of petroleum products, we banned their export so that domestic consumers had more resources, work was also done to saturate the domestic market with food, although annual inflation was above target values, but thanks to interaction with the bank of russia it still slowed down significantly to 7.4%. people's incomes must increase, as well as the quality of life; these tasks were set by the president. launched in 2021 primary health care modernization program. during this time , we managed to put more than 3,500 facilities in order, purchase new medical equipment, and all this not only in big cities, but also in villages.
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families with children are in the area of ​​special attention of the government. last year, the maternity capital program was extended to new regions, according to the results of the twenty-third year, about 670.
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so it will be effective, as the president said, terrorists have neither nationality nor religion, representatives of many people live peacefully in our country nationalities, many.
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simply because of excitement, the child did not do the job efficiently, this could put an end to his
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fate, his career, so this is the most important decision, and i am glad that we will have such an opportunity in the near future, during the report, prime minister mishustin spoke about , what steps need to be taken to develop technological sovereignty, this is the key to the sustainable development of the country. in difficult economic conditions, you have created a whole set of tools to support industries. producing products with maximum set by the president in the message, they add value, but the tasks are much broader, how the government plans to solve these problems. first of all, we have formed 11 megaprojects in our works, work on which will continue, our, in this sense, technological sovereignty simply directly depends on this, these are machine tools, and microelectronics, and new materials, in general, this is all that well, excuse me, i left, because you can’t cry about the industry there.
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with which the party discusses quite often. is the government going to end the vicious practice of registering russian enterprises abroad, prohibiting our companies from doing business abroad, especially in friendly countries, i think it is impossible, we will not do this, i want to speak on this topic, but this is very important, this is a way to attract investment, strengthen economic ties, this is a very important element, and this, of course, does not mean that we will turn a blind eye to those who simply create profit centers abroad and try to extort them.
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what support does the government provide to new regions in this direction? russian federation now and what is planned to be done in the future. yes, thank you, great support, medical rehabilitation for all residents of the new regions, including our own participants, their families, it is now being carried out, if you know, in the moriupol multifunctional center of the fmba, which was.
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everyone will be fully realized, we will do everything to ensure that our best country in the world prospers, i am absolutely sure of this. anastasia, ekaterina yarovenko, marina eliseeva, vladimir bokarev, alexey dushenkov, channel one. the prosecutor general's office requested competent authorities of the usa, france, germany and cyprus to investigate the possible involvement
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of foreign structures in terrorist attacks against russia. the request is supported by facts collected by the deputies. state duma and public figures. their statement was previously received by the investigative committee. it talks about the participation of top officials of the united states, nato and the kiev regime in sponsoring terror. the crimes include not only sabotage on our territory, but also the undermining of northern streams, the damage from which was suffered by european countries. the prosecutor general's office called on foreign colleagues facilitate the proceedings and thereby fulfill its obligations under international conventions. countering terrorism was discussed today in astana. at a meeting of the secretaries of the security council of the countries participating in the shanghai cooperation organization, nikolai patrushev, he led our delegation at the negotiations, said: “the terrorist attack against sitikholi was carefully organized, and the way the tragedy was covered in the western press” suggests that all this was in advance directed. that same evening , a wave followed from the territory of ukraine telephone terrorism, there are good reasons to believe that the traces of the attack also
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lead to kiev. ukrainian embassy in dushamba, lies. ukraine’s attitude towards the commission of this sabotage and terrorist act. now about how the special operations are going, a report from our ministry of defense; in the donetsk and avdeevsky directions, our units took more advantageous positions, improving their position along the front line. operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery destroyed a hangar for production and
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storage of drones, a weapons depot, as well as more than 130 manpower concentration areas for armored vehicles.
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this terrorist attack, and i understand that i have a family, children, and so that all this does not reach my family, i decided to accept a contract, my family supported me, according to the ministry of defense, only in the last 10 days
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16 people came to them thousands of contract soldiers, this is more than a battalion per day, i have already participated in the northern military district zone, signed a contract, the contract ended, now, after the terrible events in moscow, i don’t want to stay on the sidelines and i don’t want such trouble to come to my hometown. corrupt creatures who committed murder, more than 140 people must be punished, nazism, koroinsky, who is coming to bring this chaos, corresponds to, helps this terrorism, must be destroyed, so i went under ...
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fatherland anna tsivelyova. still, what problems are the most, well, noticeable remain that you should pay attention to. fund and departments in order to close as quickly as possible. i would probably highlight two main ones now points that you really need to pay attention to. well, firstly, the most pressing issue is obtaining a combat veteran certificate. this is very important for the guys, because all further steps in obtaining social guarantees of assistance from states depend on it. together with the ministry of defense. we have developed a number of programs that allow us to partially close these issues for certain categories, these are volunteers, defenders of donbass and private military
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companies. for the defenders of donbass through the fund's branch organized the collection of necessary documents. today i can already say that we have good results, 12 thousand volunteers received a certificate thanks to our joint work as combat veterans. i look. several times, well, constantly during our conversation, you always talk so warmly about the people you work with, the defenders, our guys, and so on, you have to treat everyone with such care and love, both directly to our soldiers and to members of their family, like this attitude towards people must be maintained in the future. many of those who sign the contract today will join the reserve units that the ministry is currently forming.
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a comfortable residential complex of ten apartment buildings is being put into operation, the president emphasized that the program for the development of new territories is bringing significant results, more than 10 thousand objects have already been restored. we continue consistent work on the restoration and development of donbass and nivorussia, on their effective integration into a single socio-economic, administrative and educational space of russia. i will repeat, despite... the difficult current situation, we are building and repairing housing, roads, facilities, social facilities, energy,
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infrastructure, healthcare institutions, education, sports culture, establishing agricultural and industrial production, everyone is providing great help here the regions of our country and federal departments are certainly volunteers. to whom special words of gratitude. the russian government plays a coordinating role. let me remind you, in 2030, the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions should reach the all-russian level in key indicators of people's quality of life and socio-economic development. already 10 dead, nearly a thousand injured in china are eliminating the consequences of a powerful earthquake. basic. the blow fell on taiwan, they have already stated that there have not been such strong tremors on the island for a quarter of a century, many houses survived, experts point out, but for industry
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the consequences are serious. taiwan, let me remind you, is one of the world leaders in semiconductor production. report from our sapkor in china, natalya lyublinskaya. many people were caught on the road by the earthquake at 7.58 am today, passengers on the high-speed railway did not understand what to do, they were stuck high above the ground. they couldn’t get down themselves, buses and cars were tossed up on the bridge spans, the moment of the first tremors was broadcast live on taiwanese tv channels. the presenter could barely stay on her feet, but continued to broadcast. noon head of the island administration tsaing wen held a press conference at the central disaster situation center. we continue to monitor incoming information and carefully check all new data about the earthquake. the epicenter of the tremors fell on the eastern part of the island, the strongest why. a quarter of a century, an earthquake in the mountainous regions provoked landslides, fragments of rocks raised a cloud of dust that was visible for tens of kilometers, water poured from the pool on the roof
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of the skyscraper like a waterfall. the peak magnitude of the tremor in taiwan today reached 7.7 points, a value comparable to the earthquake in turkey, while there was no massive collapse of buildings on the island, the high-rise buildings were mostly tilted and cracked. the shaking was very strong, it felt like the house was about to collapse. the region is considered seismically active, so special technologies are used in the construction of buildings in chinese taiwan, for example, the recognizable tybay 101 skyscraper was built with an internal and pendulum. which prevent the high-rise from swaying. the world's largest chip manufacturer tsmc is among its clients mainly tech giants like apple were forced to stop production lines. some of the personnel were evacuated from the island, given that in recent years the market has already been experiencing a constant shortage of semiconductors, this forced stop will be expensive, a figure of $60 million has already been cited. bloomberg writes: the potential impact is significant because taiwan plays a critical role in
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manufacturing. advanced chips underlying technologies, artificial intelligence, smartphones, electric vehicles, which instantly was reflected in a fall in asian stock markets, the entire region was under attack, tremors were felt in the southern provinces of mainland china, more than forty autoshocks have already been recorded, a warning was announced on the coast of japan. based on past observations, there is a 10 to 20% chance of similar earthquakes occurring again, so please be vigilant over the next few days. repeated tremors could lead to... moscow city services are on high alert, the reason is stormy winds, gusts near airports reach 21 m/s.
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reportedly in the southeast.
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what tasks the university faces and what is required for msu itself is a separate discussion. what orders? what needs to be done in order to support moscow state university, and in general, you know about all our plans, maybe...
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for the birthday of an outstanding scientist on channel one, the premiere of the documentary victor of science, watch today at 0:00. and that ’s all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue program, time will tell. hello,
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live broadcast. the first channel program will tell time.


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