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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  April 3, 2024 7:55pm-8:57pm MSK

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i think that we are unlikely to find out anything, but why do i say that this is positive? because the public frame was chosen to be something that emphasizes, well, some kind of non-conflict story, it seems to me that this is a very important signal, and given that i think that the conversation was very tough, i hope that sergei kuzhigetovich found the right words for sebastian licarniu, so that france will not make any mistakes again. doll of the heir tootie on channel one. there are men who are henpecked, and there are, it turns out, men who are henpecked, such just annalena berba, the head of the mido of germany, berbak herself has no time to take care of the house, let her husband raise the children, while she jumps on...
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the german-polish diplomatic union decided to formulate a triple union. more accusations against russia, threats and calls to militarize the european economy by berbak, sejornaya and sikorsky. the minister of foreign affairs again promises to support ukraine as long as necessary in the volumes that will be necessary. we should not be mistaken, today we are under attack ukraine, and tomorrow it could be any other part of europe, in order for peace to remain in europe, russian imperialism must be stopped. we cannot allow gray areas to exist. as a repainting of the gray area in
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other colors, an increase in military budgets is seen not only to the minimum 2% of gdp, but also to exceed this indicator, and the entire defense potential is proposed to be modernized, increased, strengthened, produced new weapons and invested in the latest military technologies, all for this purpose to counter russia in future wars against her. russian president vladimir putin is once again demonstrating that his imperial ambitions extend far beyond the borders of ukraine, he is encroaching on the very idea. european world order, its full-scale invasion of ukraine also proved that the policy of making concessions to russia in the hope that this could return peace and stability to the continent is naive. apparently, berbock was given a face for such frenzy, because just recently she answered journalists’ questions about the supply of taurus to ukraine with caution: some things are not discussed at the press conference, as far as long-range weapons are concerned, this includes a wide range of weapon systems, first of all. taubits, which we installed
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a long time ago. interestingly, the german taurus manufacturer announced the end of their production due to a lack of orders. now missiles will come off production lines for american orders, as defense chief rain metal warns. the united states, in the event of a military threat , will leave the eu countries alone, although the falsity of the fear is obvious, but it is important washington's message, apparently, during her last visit to the usa, berbaco once again signed an agreement to turn germany into an armed one. american colony, so far nothing has worked out with guarantees for ukraine, burbock tried to establish connections with the republicans in case of a possible loss of the democratic candidate, but she had little success, upon returning to berlin she found herself on the pages of the german bilt with headlines about her unconditional nazi past grandfather, with reference to the archives. the case concludes that the military officer waldemar berbak was not just an officer, but also an ardent supporter of national socialism. minsk line served in
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the wehrmacht, paternal grandfather waldemar berbak, in hitler's army from the thirty-ninth, as a sign of imitation of the fuhrer, he grew a mustache, read his forbidden book, which in modern germany does not gather dust on the shelves. anna lena chose the best tactics. i was always proud of my grandfathers, but didn’t know the details, or it was convenient not to know, although i absorbed and implemented the ideology when the curators dragged it through the green party into bundestag. with all unceremoniousness it began to drown industrial germany, and eco.
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it is generally unclear if she makes key decisions based on news from the network. if i see on youtube what is happening in gas, i watch it every other day, because it’s impossible to watch it every day. they ask me why the head of the german foreign ministry does not call for an immediate ceasefire, because i looked at this situation from the other side, accustomed to talking unsubstantiated nonsense, and considering ignorance a convenient form of behavior, i turned around again to her favorite 360°, or even half as much, here she sheds a tear at a meeting of the bundestag of the village...
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what is this? terrible hypocrisy or no longer shy at all? dear colleagues, honestly, it’s difficult to understand what we’re talking about here? there is a little confusion here, let 's try to sort it out now. the fact is that when 20 years ago she said that she was standing on the very spot from which her grandfather defended the whole of europe from bolshevism. russia, this speech was a little about another grandfather, it was a speech about a grandfather named victor or victor, this is her grandmother’s first husband, this is the investigation that bilt, which means we are talking about her grandmother’s second husband, this is a grandfather named voldemar, which means why is he interesting,
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this is a colonel of the field division luft wafe, awarded, i emphasize, the cross for military merit, a very considerable award, i tell you, but why was it given? it was given for a feat, a military feat, namely, committed on the battlefield, mainly, yeah, because in general, formally, he served a luftwaf anti-aircraft gun, formally, but i emphasize, to receive such a cross for just lubricating an anti-aircraft gun is impossible, it’s already interesting, then to the question that she allegedly did not know, her child died in 2016, at that time she was, in my opinion, 26 years old. that is , this is an adult, accomplished person, already deeply involved in politics, she could not possibly not know who he is, moreover, let’s check, roman, how she talks about her grandfather, who is almost the same as she thought, but turned out to be different, i she herself comes from a region near berlin called
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brandenburg, it was part of eastern germany, had a direct border with poland along the oder river, and my own grandfather fought near this river in the winter of 1945, right next to this river, these. and i stood there in 2004 on the bridge that was rebuilt between poland and germany, then joschka fischer, the minister of foreign affairs, together with his colleague from the polish side, again celebrated the reunification of europe, and at that moment, being there, i thought: wow, we stand shoulder to shoulder not only with south fisher, but with our grandparents who made it is possible for countries that were enemies to live in peace and friendship again. this. is it a feeling of wow or is it a feeling of shame? look, there’s all sorts of shame here, but i don’t see any shame here at all. i understand that this is a state of some pride for the fact that this happened to her grandfather. the following: if for a long time the germans generally had the topic
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of nongrata for them, that is, they did not discuss it, it was hidden somewhere in the families, you say that she just now admitted or talked about the fact that she did not know who the grandfather was, lies, blatant lies. they all know everything perfectly well remember, but even more so, literally a month after recording this video message, what it was, she writes in her book about her grandfather, literally the following: at that moment i thought about my grandfather, waldemar berbak, who was a wehrmacht officer in the repair of anti-aircraft guns and arrived on the eastern side of the city of frankfurt on odor during the retreat in january 1945. vladimir, i have questions for you then, is this still private? the phenomenon of berbak and her, this incomprehensible story, then i have the following the question is, why does bilt consider this to be compromising if this is already the norm, the norm or not the norm in germany? build has a lot that he can afford to write, the newspaper is still the same, the fact is that germany in its essence is 99.99
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of the population, i mean in percentage, of course, these are the descendants of the fascists, the descendants of the nazis, this is the entire population, there is a big difference between denazification, which took place under the soviets. a union where there really was anti-fascism and denazification, which was in west germany, where it went like this: if you are a fascist, but we need you, then you are with us, we’ll compose your biography, make a repentance there, well, in general, we’ll turn on the technology. and there was no real denazification, but there was also an awareness in western germany that you cannot raise your head, there is a master, there is someone who will never allow you to take a rifle, and the most important thing is to kill the german spirit, the german core, you must be a weak-willed, spineless creature, before our eyes, scholz declares that they are relieving themselves of the feeling of historical guilt, scholz, you can remove yourself as an impostor as much as you like, the feeling of historical guilt, in in this case, many politicians are playing along with this, let's relieve ourselves of the feeling of guilt, let's... talk about our grandparents, for me it is a big victory that annalena berbukh publicly distances herself from
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nazism, there are other people who do not distance themselves, who call not just there deliver taurus cruise missiles, and they also say targets specifically hit the ministries, hit the kremsky bridge such as the tsemerman strike, she hides who her grandparents, mother, father were during the third reich, not only is she hiding, there is a clear positioning, it is accepted in germany, and yes, many have grown up. on the laps of their grandfathers, and many, when you go to a lawyer’s office, he just put down a book, he removed the photo of his grandfather so as not to lose clients, and there has always been a discussion in society about how to treat the past, revanchism is in demand today, but this revanchism , don’t let us yawn again, let’s show russia that it is an enemy, it is alien, we have moral values, this phrase is not mine about the fact that if fascism comes to power again, then it will will be called anti-fascism, they turn it around all the time, they are western... they will always come up with some euphemisms in politics, that is, the peace fund will buy weapons there, defense of democracy, and this will not be defense
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of democracy, it will be new evidence of that that we are allowed to kill russians, but not with our own hands, with our weapons, leopards, these are taboo topics a couple of years ago in german society, if you spoke, then it was a movie for someone to say, give us our german weapons, which we have qualitatively we are doing, he will kill russians, before this person was spat on politically, but today this is normal, but today let’s see how... and it seems to me that this is a form called german exceptionalism. i worked a lot on issues of american
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exceptionalism, i began to draw parallels with german, with german exceptionalism, now we see a certain embodiment of this exceptionalism, when the germans, in the words of anna lena berbog, say: “we have the right to life, we can live just like us want, we have the right to do what we want." and most importantly, we are real people. in europe, this is a country that has produced much more for humanity than germany. when russia is a country not only equal to all others, we are talking about germany , of course, certain composers, philosophers, german ones come up in our country, but first of all, alas, what comes up is hitler. we talk about philosophy, then we talk about something, but still the ideology of fascism, american exceptionalism, it
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infected everyone. now we see how spins the idea of ​​exclusivity, onna berba, when she says that we have enough money, she says what she wants to say, if scholz tries to somehow say, we don’t have enough money, our knapsack is half empty, no, we have they have money, she rents it out with sex, you understand what the matter is, what is the money for, they ask her for ukraine. for the farmers, they say: our task is to change the structure of the economy,
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to militarize it so that germany becomes the locomotive of military europe. great. yes, you noticed well, because in general, initially, let's remember what agenda anna lena comes with. she comes with a peace agenda, a dove of peace jumps like this on a trampoline, then there is a 180 turn, not 360, as is her custom, that’s what happens next. we will not only continue to support ukraine, we will expand it, especially from the federal republic of germany, ukrainians have been ukrainians for 2 years now.
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the virus of god's chosenness and exclusivity of racial superiority, which hitler and his clique read from english racologists in in due time, they will actually lead to the possibility of a big conflict in europe, this time, of course, the degradation of the economy, she wants, or rather those people who stand behind it, want to completely transform the structure of the german economy with this green transition, when a person loses control over reality when he is in captivity of these completely crazy ideas. this could be a theory of racial superiority, it could be a theory of economic superiority, by the way, i’ll also note a small historical excursion, in fact, german foreign policy did not release brown gin with the hands of bärbock, and back in 1990, germany was one of the first to recognize independent croatia. croatia is the only country in the world, well, the current one, which was formed in 1990, which
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declared succession with the openly nazi state of anta pavelic, your creature after the german occupation and a half. with this state proclaims franja tudjman in 1990, begins ethnic cleansing in the serbian region, in western-eastern slovonia and germany one one of the first to recognize this state was under hansi dietrich genscher. accordingly , hundreds of german neo-nazis went to croatia in the nineties, there were mercenaries and assistance with weapons, loans, and in vukavari alone, in the ninety-ninety-first year , they appeared. almost one and a half hundred german neo-nazis, plus americans, french and others, respectively, annaline berbuk has excellent continuity, accordingly , she is not at all, you know, special in this regard, unfortunately, this is an attempt to open a crack in verton’s window, it has been observed for a very long time, it’s just berbach, well, she is the ideal personification of this kind of green or brown transition, so, of course,
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such a german policy will not bring anything good to the german people, the germans are already on their own in their wallets... in their own way welfare people understand that all this leads to the degradation of the german economy, this whole green transition, but this is just hype, as dostoevsky said, it means they found her somewhere, somewhere because it was after an internship in florida that her career took off sharply, well it would seem, absolute mediocrity , absolute, well, clinical, well , such a presumptuous hobalka, who is absolutely confident in her own rightness, then suddenly it turns out, here she is at the pinnacle of power, i propose to include in our conversation, in fact, a person from germany, this is gregor shpitsin , independent journalist. hello , please tell me, is it really so sad, in germany again, through the averton window, it turns out that nazism is normal. well, you know, in fact, i want to say that annalena berbak, in fact - this is simply not the most intelligent woman who accidentally found herself at the top of
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political power because of her, let’s say, level of general intelligence, level of general. erudition, according to many german experts in normal germany, for example, the germany of vile brant or even helmund kohl, would not have allowed her to even get the post of an intern in the foreign ministry, and she holds the post of the entire minister of foreign affairs, well, doesn’t narost have the power that she deserves , unfortunately, this is just happening as part of the general decline level of elites, not only in germany, but in general in western europe and the usa, which we see in the examples of such politicians as the list of ras, for example, or... in the usa, when a whole galaxy of city mayors came to power, for example gender and racial quotas, the same thing is a typical example, this is annalena berboch, so of course she is not responsible for her grandfather.
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peace, in the end it turned out that it was necessary to destroy russia, supply weapons to ukraine, and pay money to stylists. actually, that's all. in this case we are not only talking about analine berbuk, not begging her guilt, but about the entire green party, which turned out to be olive-green hypocrites, who, in general, the party was created in the wake of anti-war sentiments, rallies for peace, for disarmament, against american medium-range missiles in europe, in as a result, they came to supplying weapons to ukraine, to a war with russia, to universal armament. in general, the second member of the coalition to help ukraine to send weapons to ukraine, in general, this, of course, is just a stunning example of hypocrisy, but here berbak is only one of many, because her
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party colleagues, such as anton hofreiter, respectively, and robert habeck, who are ruining the german economy with their actions, are, in general, no better , just like her predecessor as head of mit yoshka fischer, who also began by participating in leftist opposition demonstrations for palestine, and is now one of the main apologists. thank you very much, that is, we started for health, then, as you know, for peace, and nikolai, well, a respected german expert tells us about the fact that she accidentally ended up in her post, they didn’t remove her by chance, but the listras were removed after 3 months, annalena berba, who is generally not popular, said so many stupid things and impossibilities. she is not being removed from the post of head of the ministry of foreign affairs, so the main question in anna lena’s career is her vitality, who found her and promotes her, look, the head of
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the ministry of foreign affairs always pursues the policy of the state, he serves the state, he has his own ideas and beliefs, but state ideas are ahead, your beliefs somewhere off to the side, it’s good if they match, if they don’t match, they resign, what does she say, i’ve come. there will be a new foreign policy, feminist, what it is is very difficult to understand, because if you are fighting for the rights of women and men, then why don’t you care about the rights of russian women and girls in donbass, why did you cut them out of this community, for which you are worried about, if you are fighting for the green agenda, then why don't you demand to find those who blew up nord stream 1, nord stream 2, because the gas exhaust was such as never before, those words of stupidity that she...
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stupina, this is where you are mistaken, okay, i’ll give you a chance, here is the address, a person has been spotted who looks like the suspect in the attack on you, you can drive up, you need help, a taxi is under cover, premiere, watch after the program time, cnop gin, stellar group product, cognac, monte shop. product lar group romca product lar group vodka veda
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product stellar group. old barrel cognac, a product of the steller group. large-scale historical falsification. such a publication simply could not appear in the soviet press. let's show a photograph that has been replicated by tsypso for a long time. chamberlain, the prime minister of france, anyone, but not joseph vessarvich, met with hitler. everything here is actually wrong. a very crude fake. and also how the fake maker tried to humiliate russia, but in the end he himself sat in a dirty puddle. at his age, i think it's better. learn to distinguish russia from canada and the feat of female doctors, how to save 3.00 lives in a year and a half and set a record for the number of operations in one day. antifake, premiere, tomorrow on the first. arzamas is translated as a city of beautiful people, here you can feel like a parisian, an englishman, well, just by the hour, it’s all
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coal-fired, this steam locomotive is 50. everything is real, goose caviar goes well, such a luxury as a merchant, your salary is not enough to pay for this burger, evgeniy, we have installment plan for you, that is , it’s essentially chalk, yes, that is, you can gnaw it right on the wall, you can, if you don’t have enough calcium in your body, gnaw it and even knit it, if you want to fight, ready, start, look, the garbage came for the masks, let's go, the premiere is on saturday on the first, calmly, comrade, we are coming to you, professor, on this matter, i cut you off, cut you off, you can say whatever comes to their mind, anything, you are painfully oppressing me, dad, what kind of dad am i to you, my god, i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our
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ball, but now we understand what? shining nonsense, why am i worse than people, well , i was married, i don’t care, azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and divide it, that’s what i thought, heart of a dog, the famous film adaptation of mikhail bulgakov’s story on saturday on the first, he is still dancing, dancing, graffiti in sao paulo. day, is it true that you can choose any place in the city and draw whatever you want? if you start drawing at some police station, then of course you will be punished, you won’t go to jail, but you will get a significant fine. what kind of men are here in brazil, very attentive and caring, it’s clear that sometimes someone’s husband can go to the left, our blood is hot, but we have our own woman, she’s always alone, i see that you mostly have women working here, we we just
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want women's coffee business... developed along with the masculine in the same way. brazil, coffee is simply bliss. the lives of others. premiere. on sunday on the first. maria butina is with you again, this is the doll of the heir to tute. now our focus is on annalena berbak, with her interesting family background, which she, as it turns out, is completely. are you not embarrassed that this is a particular example or a general trend for germany? we find out that while we are now drawing such a complex combination, at the head there must be a very executive fool or fool who will be at the same time, well, promote the party’s policy, but there are nuances, fools or fools also make
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mistakes, very much.
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doesn't help, what can you buy with them? for 75 euros, i won’t take your pocket money, because i earn enough myself.
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in my opinion, of course, it’s not the horse’s feed, that is, perhaps she has stylists, but the money is not taken away, because this money is simply in the taxpayer’s trash can, which is what i want to say, well, first of all, what catches my eye , you can dress a person any way you want, put any clothes on her, but if specialists don’t work on her gait, and the person walks like a pit bull terrier, yes, then in this case we can’t fix anything, we can’t do anything, that is, this needs to be addressed first of all , i speak as a specialist, she has a disproportion by nature length of legs and torso. and of course, in this case, it is absolutely categorically forbidden to dress her in trousers with a snowy waist, banana shapes, then they always pile it all up with heels, in general it all looks so-so. there is a certain handwriting especially among green politicians, you’re walking down the road, you meet a green politician,
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he has this one on him like this, like this - yes, i corrected it to him like that, he said thank you to me, he walks away 3 meters, since he did it again, i asked him why you did this, there is a certain idea. a politician of the greens or even better of the left should look like, he should be shabby, careless, she’s actually a miracle, he should have such a bad hairstyle, you should be a little stoned, a little drunk on light drugs, that is, you should too to inspire that you are your guy is a shirt for your audience, it looks to typical green politicians really like a rich cobra bitch, yes a novel, yes thank you, that means everything, it means that many greens are trying to be more. green, that is, smoky , a little, you know, like that, i’m with the people, i’m all that stuff, she ’s running away from this, she’s trying to show that i’m not like that, that i’m richer than i am, but why are you telling the child that i’m much richer, who are you sitting here in front of and
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you're showing off, yes, why bother with a child, i understand that there is some deep, profound complex here, this man who didn't have a bicycle as a child, i said that figuratively, he could have had one, but there was something that -something... your little one doesn’t have a bicycle, but you understand, he can now buy at least 200 of these bicycles, cars, planes, anyway he didn’t have this something, that’s why she behaves exactly so, what makes her good, she is a very good athlete, objectively a good athlete, from the series the coach said, an athlete i did it, i don’t need to think, it was just told to me, it was done by me, i will fulfill it, and from there these ridiculous blunders, and why is the athlete holding on?
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and in front of us for a moment is jean-claude juncker, this is the former chairman of the european commission, well, i think that in these shots of claude juncker before his retirement he... is glad that he no longer needs to lead this whole european circus, so he gives free rein to our feelings, when we say obanna berbok, let’s compare the clothes, on the one hand they are a little folk, but only a little bit, in principle, she
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dresses very often, well, let’s tell the truth, quite in accordance with her post, well , at least in my non-professional opinion, while she says nonsense, they don’t remove her, that means she is promoted. not for her mind, for any post , she has already participated in the elections of the chancellor, took third place, instead of the post of chancellor she received the post of minister of foreign affairs, she is running for the post of chancellor and... all her disadvantages, stupid, narrow-minded, but like a rhinoceros, ready to go towards the goal, does not like russians, ready to roll out the carpet in front of the americans path, these are five advantages for the new chancellor of germany, you know, the analogy immediately comes to me, a universal woman, by the way, in the twenty-first year, spiegel called analena berbak exactly that, a universal woman, annolena berbak, who is she and why now no one. ..
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a politician, yes, besides the fact that he doesn’t like russia, he promotes the whole set of such progressive liberal values ​​from non-traditional orientation, green agenda, feminism and everything else, plus, of course, quite traditional ones, scandals and plagiarism, the fact that there was plagiarism in her book, everything else, questions about her education, again, yes, i’ll remind you that she studied at the london school of economics, which also graduated a considerable number of those people who are now promoting a certain the atlantic agenda in a variety of countries, not only... even in europe, yes, even the current, well, retired president
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of taiwan tsain also studied there, that is , it seems to satisfy everything, but at the same time i would still call look at the lady berbak is more like a politician , firstly over the national, secondly european, yes, of course, now her task is to promote this whole set of atlantic values ​​of the atlantic agenda within germany, she copes with this remarkably well, promotes a certain agenda like this one a loose coalition led by scholz, if the social democrats there are like... they still rush around a little, hesitate, are green, like in the nineties, when they supported the bombing of yugoslavia, now everyone 100% supports the war with russia, is there she has a political future, in my opinion, there are questions about this, yes, that is, you need to understand that she gained 15% in the elections in 2121, at the next elections the green party according to polls there is something in the region of 11% , yes, perhaps they will enter into a coalition with the christian democrats, as many say, maybe they will not, we’ll see, but it is quite possible that they will receive fewer cabinet portfolios. will analena berbak receive something or the same significant position
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as minister of foreign affairs? that's the question. what future career might she have? well, for example, in brussels, yes, brussels is here, as we know, this is such a wonderful stereotype, where all the national-level politicians who failed in your countries end up, that is, i think they would be happy to see her there , there will be elections in germany in a year and a half, but this is my forecast. to be honest, it seems to me that it will work to a greater extent precisely on the euro-atlantic agenda. i agree. the woman completely removes everything connected with this diplomacy, which is from bismarck, this bismarck inside the german foreign ministry, what is called feminist policy, it is not limited to women, no, it is actually a doctrinal thing. which is now being disseminated through berbock and its
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main success is the destruction of these institutional principles in diplomacy, that is, this is its function, i think that yes, and this is a misfortune and a tragedy, i agree there you can look at its future, i i don’t see her in ursula fondelen’s place, because she herself won’t give up her place in the coming years and, as a rule, such politicians are erased like fisher's dog, they will disappear into oblivion, but i see her in a good business, her business, she has already created a fund of 13 billion euros for this very feminist policy, in fact this is femism, no...
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a stable percentage , that is, these are their voters who will always vote for them, that is, these are surprisingly wealthy people, that is, people who, let’s say, earned good money in their time and decided to do something good for the world, that is without going into details, the party is green, they, of course, as a brand
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are known for their supposedly environmental orientation, that is, if i do something good, i’ll vote for the greens.
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and they vote as usual for the greens, thank you very much, listen, well, it’s an amazing thing, because in fact the greens have had nothing green left for a long time, because look, for example, at berbak’s statement on this matter: as a politician , representing the green party, you had to experience some discomfort, because your party is on the side of the pacifists, not is it true, from a young age you participated in anti-war actions, now you support the supply of weapons to the war zone. no, because we're doing the right thing, and i think that 's what politics is all about. the question is not to read out your party program, despite the fact that the world around has changed, when we saw that this happened, we found ourselves in a completely different world, because a war of conquest came to europe again. we have always believed that
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politics is the art of making the right decisions. decisions, so for me, as well as for my green party, everything was very clear, we must take the side of the victim. is certainly present, there is such a root electorate of the greens, when they will always vote not contrary to common sense, it is very important to note that the last quote from bärbock, it is not addressed to germany, it is addressed specifically to the anglo-saxons, according to the leader, in this transatlantic tandem, that is, this is a report about the work done and the oath of vassal
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allegiance regarding the future of berbock in in the european madhouse, firstly, it is not so easy to remove it, because, unlike a leaf. unlike england, in germany now the coalition government in the coalition agreement clearly states which ministries will be transferred to which personnel, but germany’s foreign policy has been slaughtered by the greens, scholz admitted this in the coalition agreement, i can reassure the people of germany, berbuk will never, fortunately, be chancellor will become, because in order to become chancellor, your party must win the elections, it must occupy at least 1% more than the other, and accordingly only the winning party nominates the candidate for chancellor, and then goes...
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straight about money, she understands perfectly well that in order for her to come to this big money, she now needs to destroy what is structural in germany, germany is order, germany is clean streets. germany is the kind of burgers that are full, that are doing well, look what the new germany is, this is a germany that
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speaks turkish, this is a germany where good morning is pronounced for some reason or good afternoon, sabahal khir, masalahir, this is normal, that is, arabic speech is heard there, so it is now universal, universal in germany, france, england, everything is universal , this universal lady who has now come to this germany, she has come there as normal. she’s a nazi, she’s watching, i have a core electorate, from 9 to 11%, even if she walks around with her boots on, they’ll vote for her, well, that’s how the system works, it’s scary, she understands that these 9.11% are wealthy burghers, who gave her great pleasure, for her today's contribution to the destruction of germany will share stakes with it. you will see that when her term ends in 2025, she will jump into big business. let's pause now...
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some argue that the main building of moscow state university is actually a huge, perfectly camouflaged spaceship, dedicated to victor's eighty-fifth birthday. do you dream of studying? i believe in science, i believe that the main development of society will be a vector,
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a vector of science, a vector of science, the premiere, today on the first. stirsman bourbon - a product of stellor group. whiskey. mancatcher is a product of the stellar group. сnop gin, a product of the stellar group. cognac monte chococa, a product of the stellar group. rum, castro, product of steller group. oh, friends, how many lemons do you have to eat for the vitamin c from those lemons to cure your cold? and other important questions we will answer in the program to live healthy, tomorrow on the first, russian in hollywood, from a to z
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americans, b) bandits, vladovin, d) head, toes, e) what is your proof, e, e, f , s, your health, we will f... s and brief k l lshtshfun m syrup mazol n novosi oirsk about put r rasha with a secret russian weapon, actually this is a skvoreshnik t topant at uou f snamznon. x: cold, i’m not used to such an oak, cesyuzhty, chelyabinsk, sha, earflap hat, sha, hard
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sign, s, soft sign, uh, yu, i, beckoning, on saturday, on the first, the will of zhenya belousov, battle for inheritance. the stars of the nineties are reaching the finish line, all the participants in the conflict are in our studio, you filed a lawsuit, why does a person write a will at the age of 30, roman is sure that once the entire inheritance unfairly went to sister christina, if i would like to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, molded myself, why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want to find out the truth, you know my dad’s handwriting, i’ll be honest, no, but you were getting divorced in general, it turned out that the court divorced us. can you imagine such a blow for me after 26 years? exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday on the first. and
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when you entered into the inheritance, did you say? notary that there are still potential heirs, you see, i was in in this state, the person i loved died, the only trusted love in this life, i am the grandson of a manufacturer, i can do everything, but all i have to do is come to any group, perform there and everyone else falls down, through the night and the wind, i have to go destined, nowhere does the native window shine.
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the snow is white in the poles, and in the spring the waters are noisy, they run, they wake up the sleepy shore, they run, they shine and shout, they shout to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us ahead, what, where, when, spring series games, on sunday on... first, look, how is it that annalena berback from the green party advocates for the green agenda, and her husband made 10 million dollars from environmentally harmful air travel,
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does this mean that all the greenness berback is only in... it's incredibly offensive, i'll give two example, one pre-new year, the second post-new year, pre-new year example, when she is on the air of the federal channel tsdf, she shits by the collar of the convict emir, the emir, yes, what, like, she ’ll ask him there so that he doesn’t finance the palestinians, she didn’t know, what's in qatar, honestly, there is a tv and even the internet, she didn’t know that people would watch there, that they would find out about it, she almost ruined this meeting, as a result, the meeting took place in
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an exceptionally cold atmosphere, this is a blow to germany, don’t care. turn the plane around and land in saudi arabia, that is, this is not stupidity, it’s well, look, there is such a logic, when the overton window expands, bring it to the point of absurdity, then reduce it a little, that is , in comparison with it, then it comes to its place someone some character who well a little better, everyone says, words... well , yes, i would say this is not stupidity, but criminal arrogance, well, i think that after the elections of 25, in which, apparently, the christian democrats will win, it will be instructive including the ministry of foreign affairs, there will be some improvement in terms of the level of competence, although the anti-russian policy will still remain, and of course the people in germany will be happy that professionals have come, returned after these 4-5 years, but returning to our today character, we really have a lot
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the correct contradictions were indicated in the green agenda and the crisis. i went to the monarchies of the persian gulf, to africa to beg, yes, at least somewhere to get something in terms of oil and gas supplies, because they refused cheap gas from russia, blew up the nord streams, of course no one questions who did it sets, so, but still somehow structurally systemically, yes, it actually copes with its task, green, simply because it finishes off the german economy, well, the carbon footprint of the average german is reduced, indeed, that’s the way it is, yes, there has fallen by 10-15%, and the consumption of average germans has also... the industrial production index has fallen by 15% since the pandemic, that is , everything is great, the economy is doing well, but everything seems to be getting greener, and as for her future, it was rightly noted here that, in fact, her desire, on the one hand, for money, on the other hand, to become part of this euro-atlantic
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supranational elite, to which she belongs, and she herself, in fact, does not hide what... i was able to earn money during her public career there is around 5 million euros, if i’m not mistaken, and no one knows how she earned it, whether she was selling a book or just some kind of lobbying legal services, but in the future i admit that really there is... there is no chance for her to have a career in the european parliament in brussels, she can head some big fund, a fund to protect, i don’t know, all the good against all the bad, especially you know, in case we now see a very sharp right turn in germany, that's what it's all about, yeah because the population is getting poorer, the level of discontent is rising, the alternative for germany has already become the second party in the polls, and maybe it will be banned, it won’t be banned, let’s see, maybe it will win in these three states, where about...
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do you think that there is a possibility that that in 10-20 years the european union will collapse, i remind you that this is the nineteenth year, that is. the count is, as they say, not for decades, which means that we see france 58%, germany, by the way, 50%, italy - 57%, we are sure that goodbye to the european union, poland - 57%, and spain 40%, so maybe it will go away later, there’s simply nowhere, regarding the european union, the european union has already collapsed, germany still has a lot to spare, which finances, if you look. who is the donor in the european union, who receives the money, dude, we will see how many billions poland received, how bulgaria receives money, spain, in this regard, just imagine for a second, germany cannot finance anymore, then
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there is no point in fulfilling the brussels guidelines, in this regarding annalena berbuk for me the person who performs the function, the ministry of foreign affairs belongs to the greens, this means that whoever dug into who went through and what school of training she went through, including berbak, then this is such a... globalist world, she was straight from a children's camp in florida , in which some things are absolutely clearly stated, these things spell out the severance of economic and cultural ties between russia and germany, who benefits, let’s look at who the beneficiary is, well, not russia, not germany, not china, the usa, i believe that this is absolutely transatlantic protege, i believe that this transatlantic protege is fulfilling, very much looking for a place in the future, this is some kind of globalist, some kind of transnational, corporate, something very big, but... very strong, powerful, and i directly see she is there, but there is one thing: no one needs her today except this narrow sector of the green electorate, whom she is deceiving, democracy sounds
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like: i represent the people, my voter told me, trusted me, i am here she is speaks, i don’t care at all that the thought of the biography shows such an interesting surname albert gore, after all, he’s a complex person, to put it mildly, what kind of clues are there, after all, albert gore, it seems... even proclaimed himself the creator of the internet, if i’m not mistaken, well, in the mid- nineties really bill clinton's administration actively helped the development of the internet and globalization, another thing is that, of course , he was not the creator of the internet, but he openly promoted himself on this, but still, as it were , his main thing, you know, fame or the main thing part of my career, i’m talking about the fact that if now the whole world does not give up its carbon footprint, this very economy built on hydrocarbons, then by the fifteenth year all the glaciers will melt, oh somehow it’s passed?
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such strong turbulence that then in this instability people begin to look for a foothold, at this moment a certain puppeteer appears who says: you don’t know where? i give you narrative agendas, and we are tradition, customs and our great people, we have strength, maria butina was with you, the heir of the dolls, now...


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