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tv   Taksi pod prikritiem  1TV  April 3, 2024 10:00pm-10:53pm MSK

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she fed litsky soup, then we sat down with him, worked with him, worked with him for 6 years, and came to a solution to one important problem, it didn’t work out, it turned out to be a contradiction, and viktor borisovich said let’s take a break, and i didn’t sleep for about a week , walked around at night, thought about this problem, i dreamed about it, i called viktor borisovich, i said, i decided, come, when i showed him, he said, well, this theorem. earthly overloads, for example , a formula was needed for the circulatory system, to drive blood away from the legs, as in space, formulas for load vectors, chest, pin, all this was calculated mathematically, thanks to such a simulator you can prepare for flight.
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documents were needed, they were given only to those who worked, so i had to work, study in gorlovka, at the mine, and there was no other work there, after the mine, i was barely alive, so i went to school, as a rule, sat on i was sleeping in the back desk, they didn’t wake me up, because they understood that the sooner a child has the opportunity to do everything, think for himself, he can then choose the right direction himself.
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in my life i had both parents illiterate and did not know how to write, but in the field they took books for their son, together they counted how long it would take to get from point a to point b. the son watched his father as he put on the stove, you read something, not knowing mathematics and only in the first year got it, this is a theorem. victor sadovnichy will build his own universe, a global novel, it was he who figured out how to collect information from all satellites and combine it into one meteorological picture, so we recognize the movement of the cyclone. to make a discovery you need to be able to solve for...
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exams and still viktor sadovniche writes another novella, a university one. half of the country's science is here. each student is taught a course on artificial intelligence; in the laboratories they were able to record the process of the birth of thoughts. they are creating a quantum computer and have their own observatory. a telescope is being prepared for launch into orbit; it will observe exoplanets like ours, in the hope of finding new life, the future lies with technology, and the future of technology lies with them, with students. when sadovnichy talks about this, it is clear that he is dreaming, perhaps this is how short stories are written in history of mankind, yana podiban, alexey labushkin, nikolay maloshenkov, mikhail kunitsin and konstantin zhukovsky, victor of science, the premiere of a documentary about the rector of moscow state university on our air at midnight, well, right now an undercover taxi, a new series.
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the whole outfit, vyborg district, a series of explosions on cherkashova street in the courtyard of house 13. yes, tovach major, turbin, they called from the headquarters,
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tomorrow at 80 you should be in the internal security service, in the internal security service, what do you think, you killed a man, right? okay, let's go point by point again. so, you saw a citizen. what happened next? then i became pursue the suspect. why didn't they wait for reinforcements? because i was afraid that other people might get hurt during this time. it's written here. a state of passion, my hands were bleeding, i tried to detain him, he ignored my demand to stop, took out a bladed weapon, i demanded to drop the weapon, he did not obey this demand, showed armed resistance, trying to hit me with a knife, then i used my
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weapon. something like this? further in the report you indicated that you first fired a warning shot into the air, absolutely right, i acted strictly according to the instructions, and what time did you have for this, the suspect rushed, they shot in the air to avoid consequences, maybe that was the case, and i could also start dancing in a squat.
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fact, you killed a man, absolutely right, i killed a man, a man who attacked me with a knife at the moment when i was on duty, i acted solely according to instructions, a warning shot in the air, only after that the killer, in what killer, citizen sveridova is alive, although she is in hospital, in serious condition. here is the address, lazoy street 5, apartment 15, hair is already on the vase, i have a question with the old man. don’t turn your head
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around, uh-huh, okay, i’ll give you a chance, in the legs, look, with them consider this the final exam, that’s it, get out, in the area between the stages of the revolution. big prokhovskaya, this night they took the wheels off the car again, i remind you that this is already the fifth theft in a week, everyone who works in this square take note, this is your area, and so i hang around there every shift, which means you’ll hang around there every shift , let's move on, last night on the street
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in cherkassov, an atm was blown up and almost 5 million rubles were stolen. wow. put aside the whistlers. at the crime scene, the robbers left a hose with which they fed a gas mixture into the atm for an explosion. they disappeared. orient me to a special regiment of teaching staff. after the explosion of an atm on cherkassov, it works, wait, so where did you get too dry with them, on
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cherkassov, they rushed along the oncoming traffic like crazy, the headlights reflected the license plates , you couldn’t see the license plates, they covered them with mud. i’ll go and check the numbers, fortunately the color model is not popular, but you sit, think, look through it, maybe some idea the smart one will visit, yes, it’s him, documents for the apartment, you didn’t think to ask, you guessed, of course, am i stupid or something? he told me that he forgot them at work, and
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this evening he promised to start them, some argue that the main building of moscow state university is, in fact, a huge, perfectly camouflaged spaceship, here they are inventing our tomorrow, at this global level, without false modesty, we keep up with the best. samples, schoolchildren, where do you dream of studying? i believe in science, i believe that the main development of society will be vector, vector of science, victor of science, premiere, sat in a dirty puddle, at his age, i think it’s better to learn to distinguish russia from canada and the feat of female doctors, how to save 300 lives in a year and a half... set a record for the number of operations in a year one day. antifake premiere. tomorrow on the first. virtual
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reality is a place where everything impossible is possible. i see you, you are now in my room. hello. virtual space may contain allergens that can be detected. the main leitmotif of our collections are sheepskin coats. and we also produce leather items, suits, coats, trousers, skirts. our brand's style is everyday luxury. our everything. premiere. on saturday, on the first. in a region where there is eternal snow and cold, people wear earflaps all year round, and in order to keep warm, the drink is already pouring, the legs and the head of the finger are floating, scraping the bottom with screws. this is how americans see it. our russian world in its cinema. on saturday at the first, i am the grandson of a manufacturer, i can do everything, but all i
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have to do is come to any team, perform there, everyone else lets everything go in vain, for, for, but there are no roads, for, for, but money no, i have nothing to follow, i’m not going to replay anything, under no circumstances would i live my life differently, in memory of vladimir zhirinovsky on saturday at the first. at the crime scene, the robbers left a hose with which they supplied the gas mixture, an atm for the explosion, i came up with an idea why auto repair shops need to be checked, what other auto repair shops? look, particles of machine oil and a few more were found on the hose. specialized compounds that are usually used in auto repair shops, there are thousands of them, and what do you
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i will check all the st. petersburg auto repair shops, there are only two cherry chryslers, the number of which begins with t-97, and the first one immediately disappears, why it disappears because it is under repair, the owner of the second one, tadam, has been convicted twice for theft and robbery. and are you sure it's him? how sure are you? the first one is on the move, i called the owner, he’s a normal guy, he has some kind of flower business, the car is in service on the bypass highway, the second one... our patient, so thank you, i think this case has been solved, i and this the bosses have already eaten up all their baldness with a fucking gang , they are still playing heroes, they killed the old man,
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the runner has jumped off the hook, and we still have no clues, why? theirs and the car is a gray lada kalinna, whose jewelry store was robbed, yeah, provided that we start from the fact that this car is definitely theirs, they just put stolen license plates on it, then the question is, why not by taxi, as before, but it’s necessary , that’s exactly what we have with the kolins, not very well, in the city in the suburbs there are about 500 gray ladkalins, we will sift them out manually. with targets, vyacheslav nikalovich, don’t ask, i ’ll soon be dreaming about these mishans, all these medvedevs, mikhailyuks, everyone needs to be checked manually, we check, of course, but for now there’s silence,
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guys, maybe a ride, listen, let’s get there. there’s a kirdyk in the back, okay, 200 before the garages near rinovsky prospekt, what are you, my, give me 300, trunk, open, i just threw them off, here in the garage, now i need them, but my car doesn’t drive, i heard you, oops, oops. took the wheels off the car again in the central area, if there is anyone nearby italian, check the square, well, until tomorrow, yeah, bye, come on, that’s all, ina, what are
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the plans, simple ones, i’ll go home, or maybe we’ll sit somewhere and chat?
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okay, feed your loaf, bye, yes, come on tomorrow evening, come on. when tomorrow, my friend, dinner is ready, be careful, have you forgotten here, let’s go, i’ve already prepared dinner. i understand you,
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but we need to somehow move on with our lives, pull ourselves together, well, in your case, get into our paws, let’s go. enough is enough, i'm so tired, it seems everything is in vain, brother, i'm lost, the reason not to give up, it seems stupid. closed my sky forever, i'm so i wanted to fly, but i tried everything, alas, i couldn’t find freedom anywhere, i lived without a head, but my heart
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led me, if our sun doesn’t shine anymore, everything has covered the path, all that remains for us is to find freedom within ourselves, i know our sun doesn’t will replace the lanterns, i know my loved ones are more valuable than banknotes, i know our sun, will hear us for june 5th during the arrest...
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what is moving, are you kidding me, if we turn to statistics, the turbine fires once a year from its service weapon, and then the shooting range than can you explain such frequent use of your service weapon, the specifics of the work, i work undercover, combine the duties of an opera singer, and am not in uniform. give me a form and send me along the route to nevsky, then i will use the weapon once a year at the shooting range. yes, most likely it will be so. now let
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's return to citizen sviridov. so, that day you were moving along your duty route. the whole outfit, a man with a machine gun was spotted on kuznetskaya street, i repeat, a man with a machine gun in his hands is moving along kuznetskaya street, central t 8:12, joined persecution.
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damn, girls, back, back, back, back. stand, stand, police, frozen, machine gun on the ground, quietly, calmly, slowly, three steps forward, 1, 2, 3, stop, turn around to face me, let me explain, on the floor, hands behind your head, there will be no lesson , what , back to school, back, what? there’s no business, there won’t be a lesson, you ’re keeping sansanovich here, are you a teacher, or what? who do you think?
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why was he walking down the street with a gun? and i was supposed to fly along it? why with a machine gun? i 'm asking, this is not a machine gun, this is a layout for life safety, i took it home to get it repaired, and now i’m taking it back to school. let's, thank you, let's disperse, that's it, the national security and defense council in ukraine has a new leader, a certain litvinenko, he once even studied at the kgb higher school. and then changed his shoes. nato is a matter of our survival. his teacher is vladimir gorbulin. already at that time, the west was preparing to drag russia into
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the conflict. russia is not the past or the present, it is our future, which must be prepared with all responsibility. foreign intelligence services provide him with career. koroevsky college is now working very closely in ukraine. litenenko was the person who was involved in developing plans for the collapse of the front of the military defeat of ukraine. they are preparing to create a government of knowledge. letvinenko is considering the issue of legal substantiation of the document on the appeal of the president of ukraine to western countries on the deployment of a limited contingent of troops. that is.
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everything is real, goose and caviar go well together, such a merchant’s story, your salary is not enough to pay for this burger, evgeniy, we have an installment plan for you, that is, it’s essentially chalk, yes, that is, you can gnaw it right on the wall , you can, if you don’t have enough calcium in your body, gnaw it and even lick it if you want to battle, ready, started, look, karzamaski has arrived, let's go, the premiere is on saturday at the first, calmly, comrade, we are coming to you, professor, this is the matter, interrupted, interrupted, you can say what comes to their mind, that's it, whatever, you 're painfully oppressing me, daddy, what kind of daddy i am to you, my god, i'm only now beginning to understand, what can come out of our ball, and now
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we understand what kind of ... shining nonsense, why, i ’m worse than people, well, i was married, i don’t care, azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take it all yes, share, that’s what i thought, the heart of a dog, the famous film adaptation of mikhail bulgakov’s story on saturday on the first, he is still dancing, dancing, the will of zhenya beloosov, the battle for the inheritance of the star of the nineties. is entering the home stretch, all parties to the conflict are in our studio, you filed a lawsuit, why does a person write a will at 30 years old, roman is sure that once the entire inheritance unfairly went to sister christina, if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, documented everything myself, why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want to know the truth, dad’s handwriting, you know, i’ll be honest, no, but you were divorced on purpose, it turned out that the court divorced us, can you
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imagine for me? after 26 years such a blow, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiered on saturday on the first, when you entered into an inheritance, you told the notary about that there are still potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved, probably the only love of my life, died, paint everywhere in sao paulo, it’s true that you can choose any place in the city and draw what you want? if you start drawing at some police station, then of course you will be punished, you won’t go to jail, but you will get a fine . what kind of men are here in brazil, very attentive and caring, it’s clear that sometimes someone’s husband can go to the left, we have hot blood, but we have our own woman, she is always alone, i see that you mostly have women working here, we just want the women’s coffee business to develop along with the men’s in the same way.
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brazil, coffee is... just bliss, the lives of others, the premiere is on sunday on the first, i 'm listening, hello, can you drive up, i need help, and what happened, but with your gavriks, which you yesterday... they are not i can, so what can i do to help, come on, you come over, i’ll buy you some coffee and we’ll talk, okay, as you know, we took on an errand, a problem has arisen, what, let’s break it down the investigative committee is conducting an official pre-investigation check of the turbine, among other things, we talked with a couple of his
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exes... exams, excellent certifications, detection rate above average, no complaints, no reprimands, if you can’t say anything good about someone like him, as long as you can, hmm, however, i have information that you were not delighted when he was transferred to you, the orders of the authorities, i try not to criticize or even discuss, well, this is commendable, semyon nikolaevich, but you are not delighted.. . when was such an ideal police officer transferred to you, or do i have erroneous information? no, you’re right, i wasn’t delighted, but only because i would prefer to choose a person for this pilot
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program on my own, without orders from above. okay, semyon nikolaevich, then let's get closer to the point. “great, as promised, thank you, so what happened, but they both refused, they say they took it with a stick, okay, we’ll take one episode of ourselves, but the rest were nothing, we weren’t there, we didn’t see it, we don’t know, well that’s it there was no stolen goods, only once in a while garages, everything, everything before that is not us, we are honest, so five crashes in a week? so that’s the point, but in a month i have a dozen and a half, they only take one myself, well, okay, i how can i help, in short, they resisted you during your arrest, so you write a report on them, i
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will intimidate them with this rapport, i will say that if they don’t confess, i will resist them to the police officer in full, listen, i don’t want to now this is resistance to advertise, i already have a question about osb: why do i have it so often? excesses arise in the service, bro, yes, i understand everything, write a report, i promise you, it won’t go anywhere further, i really have no evidence or witnesses against them, well, the bastards work purely, with this rapport i’ll smack them in no time, help me out, 200 before the garage near irinovsky prospekt, what the hell are you, irinovsky prospekt, what does it intersect with, remember, the public highway, the first one is extremely fast, i phoned the owner, there’s a normal guy there, he has some kind of business . you see, we have no witnesses to the circumstances under which the turbine was shot citizen sverido, well, in other words, we don’t
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know how everything really happened there, if there is, so to speak, a critical mass of indirect evidence of the turbine’s illegal actions, we will open a case. hence the question, semyon nikolaevich, the turbines could first open fire to kill, and then shoot out the air, why, in order to justify their actions, that’s what you’re getting at, no, i didn’t think so, and you’re 100 percent sure, rather. yes, than no, means no. okay, let's write it down. all the thefts
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took place in the same area, between a large porkhovskaya and revolution highway, this is this square. and those comrades whom i detained were transporting stolen wheels to garages in front of irinovsky prospekt. it's here. so what? but the fact that irinovsky prospekt intersects with the bypass highway. do you know how many car repair shops are operating next to these garages? how many? one. our cherry cruiser was being repaired there. that is, do you think that if they sold stolen spare tire parts to a car service center, then they could be related to the story with atms? what is the connection? the most direct. first, remember, at the scene of the theft from an atm to... a hose that contains machine oil and all sorts of other crap, they could have taken this hose from a car service center, well, from any garage, i also have oil and hoses in my garage, i’m not convinced, secondly, if they they buy up stolen goods, which means they are already related to crime, thirdly,
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new cars are brought to them every day and left for repairs, now if you fantasize, they take these cars and commit crimes on them, let’s say the license plates are blacked out, there are hundreds of such cars, thousands, it all depends on the model. once the police break through the model and contacts the owner, it turns out the owner has the car being repaired. the car service, of course, confirms this, and the guys from the car service confirm this to me. suspicion, the trick is in the bag, all that remains for them is to just lie low, wait a while, they will do it all again, the ideal robbery scheme, what is it ideal for, why are you placing such emphasis on the car, because look, now in one gang is looking for a murderer, they committed robbery in a taxi until they almost got caught, now they drive their cars only with the wrong license plates, you know what i mean to you i’m telling you that someone commits an official crime and leaks information about their work to you. no, for every
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gang one of the main questions is where to get wheels for business, most of them are stolen, but this is a huge risk, our guys from the car service do not risk anything, they have an ideal scheme, they rob customers in cars, only this time they got caught on the fact that they took a rather rare model, a cherry chrysler, i don’t know, a taxi driver, i don’t know, i was in that car service, at first glance everything seemed clean. "we are now we are looking for the owner of the second chrysler, the one with two convictions, and i ’m sure it’s him, but we haven’t found him yet, yeah, well, i liked your speech, well done, convincing, thank you, you would make a good sales manager , i mean, well, you’ll have to earn something when you’re out of the organs, thank you very much for caring about my well-being, in the fifth grade i watched all
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the episodes of the police academy and decided how cool, i want to be like them, i hope , you didn’t talk about this to the hr department, no, you didn’t, but the trick is that by the eleventh grade nothing had changed, i said how cool it was, i wanted to be like them, but why didn’t i immediately go to school, but the army? my father believed that anyone who did not serve is not a man, so as soon as i was discharged, i immediately went to the nearest department on the very first day, and there they offered me service in patrol, it turned out that everything was not like in my childhood dreams, yes , this is how to say, judging by the number of idiots i met on the streets, all the same. turbin, you know,
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my name has only one more letter, maybe try, okay, alexey, great, you got divorced recently, and as i understand it, you haven’t been on a date for a long time, yes, yes. is there something wrong? if you touch my hand, it won't bite you. i'm talking to myself. for the last 3 hours, you
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haven’t said practically anything to yourself, talk less, listen more, the first and main rule of opera, by the way, i don’t understand how you ended up in threat, well, you’re a girl, oh, you noticed it, you’re just a born opera , however, women in the investigation. a lot, in the inquiry, but not in a threat, how it happened, the circumstance, so, i was walking past the gvd and saw a sign from above, almost.
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comrade mayor, did you call? yesterday they called me to the css and told me in plain text that if
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i don’t like you, then i ca n’t deny myself anything and put everything on you, as per the spirit, in general... as i understand it, they were given an instruction, you wet, it’s clear who i didn’t please, and you know turbines, that your partner’s uncle was a big man in management, i know, but it’s definitely not chernakov, he and i found out everything there without offense, you’re absolutely sure. okay, free, yes, some say that the main building of moscow state university
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in fact, it is a huge, perfectly camouflaged spaceship. let's keep up with the best examples, schoolchildren, where do you dream of studying? i believe in science, i believe that the main development of society will be the vector, the vector of science, the victor of science,
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the premiere, today on the first, russian in hollywood, from a to z. a d) head toes, e) your evidence, f, e, g, h, your health, we will be with and brief, k - lshtshfum, m, syrup, calluses, n, novosi oirsk, o, x: cold, i i’m not used to such a dubak, tsesyuzhmgzhty, chelyabinsk, hat at
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shanka, now, a firm sign, y, a soft sign, uh,
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the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, they run, they wake up the sleepy shore, they run, they shine , and they say, they say to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we young spring ghanaians, she sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games. on sunday on the first.
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8:12 central 8:12 8:12 in the area of ​​yakovevsky lane a person similar to the suspect in the attack on you was spotted, the documents were not checked, he disappeared, check it yourself, you are right there nearby now, the suspicion, apparently, is moving along towards the center, if it’s really him... you recognize him, i report immediately, we’ll send help, yes, well, you’re already there, yes, right next to the store, and where are you? yes, i'm coming, five seconds.
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not really, come on, nerdy, yes, okay, kuznetsovskaya 34, armed attack on a store. police, weapons on the ground, pritov, you're done, where are you going, battle, on your knees, on
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the ground, hands up, where did he go, went to the park, to the park, more precisely, which park, near, near the prison or the shooter rolled, on ground, on the ground, hands behind your back, we need to block all the streets around the park, snake meets someone from the gang there. oh, i thought you wouldn’t come, this happened to me at the store, but in the store everything
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went fine. police, did you see anything? no, i just left, okay, go into the building, it's not safe here. polozov is dead, the killer has left, we need to unhook him and comb the entire
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area, urgently, whoever hasn’t been questioned yet, no one has seen anything, there are no witnesses, he spoke to the cafe workers, of course, they heard shots, well, nothing. they didn’t see, but their camera doesn’t reach there, who lives there on the fourth floor, you know, i know, students, they filmed they set up a hangout in the apartment, that is, they drink, listen to music loudly, never sleep at all, the neighbors complain, and they also film everything on their phones, on the internet... he posts it, i recently visited them the same way they visited me they also filmed it on the phone right away, and my daughter later showed me how they posted me on the internet, so
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you’re talking on the phone, shall we go? captain, but you don’t need a visit, why, or maybe i also want to be posted on the internet, what are you up to? oh, how unexpected and pleasant, very pleasant.
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“just don’t need any, i told you, okay, i won’t, we accepted them on time, and we didn’t already get tickets to egypt, i heard they’re digging osb for you, uh-huh, maybe they haven’t gotten you into egypt yet, so be it they’re digging, at least they’ll dig in, i acted according to the regulations, okay, look, otherwise it’ll be too late”? but seriously, thank you, yes, for that.
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