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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  April 3, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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oh, how unexpected and pleasant, very pleasant. just don’t need any, i told you, okay, i won’t, we accepted them on time, he already took the tickets, i heard they are digging osb for you, yeah, maybe you should go to egypt too, before they grab them, let them dig, at least they're digging, i acted according to the regulations, okay, look, otherwise it will be too late, but seriously, thank you, yes, there's a reason. and
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then razor asked me to hang out with me for a couple of days, he said that the cops burned down his apartment, the apartment on lazo street, yes, some boozer of some sort pointed it out, i say, well, live without problems. who do you know from the gang? no one, the razor always said, the less you know , the better you sleep, you won’t fall from the fifth floor, but comrade major, what about the turbine? congratulations
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on what? css has left you behind. i mean, are you serious? seriously. the pre-investigation check did not find any violations in your actions. how about more details? there were witnesses who not only saw everything from the balcony, but also filmed everything on their mobile phones. in general, everything is behind us, the turbines. as far as i understand, this couldn’t have happened without your help. i'll send you the video now, enjoy it myself from the outside, thank you very much, comrade major, okay, go ahead, and if everything goes wrong with the store. promised
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to talk to the elder about me, so that they would take me into this gang too, and the store was like some kind of exam, they gave him a sawed-off shotgun and told him to rob the store, but they wanted to see how he would show himself in action, and why did he rush after the robbery, they went to the park to this fountain, so they killed the shooter there, he had to give both the money and the sawed-off shotgun, who exactly was razor supposed to meet in the park? this is their main one, have you seen him? some day? no, i never saw, i never saw their gang at all, i only know about them that the razor leaked, what they look like never came up in the conversation, but how mishanya went to the razor, he told, yes, they sat together during her last departure. well, look, he’s amusing him now, he
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’s amusing him now, for real, i’m answering you, there’s a big game on the air. there is an ongoing debate in the united states about how america should approach the conflict around ukraine and whether it is necessary to provide this country, this regime with military economic assistance. here,
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unfortunately, i have to say, the news is not very good, mike johnson, the speaker of the house of representatives said that he is going to. in the coming days, next week, the bill on aid to ukraine will most likely be put to a vote in the house of representatives, and he explained that given that the republicans have a negligible advantage in the house and that many republican members of the house actually want to support ukraine, that, as it were, one must proceed from his position. and not from what is ideal, but what is real, and what so he will most likely put the bill up for a vote, what he didn't explain is what will be in the bill if he puts up the
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bill that passed in the senate, where the democrats have a majority, if he puts it up, i'm always afraid to make a prediction, but i think that he won't be long... speaker of the house, i think he 'll be ousted because it will be so unacceptable to a significant group of republicans that johnson will have a hard time holding on. i don't mean it will happen immediately. but i just don't see how will he be able to control the republican members of the house after such, well, humiliation, if you like, when he said that he would never, never, well, later. it seemed, never, when and for what, and again, again, again, here is a verbal question with president trump, his attitude towards assistance to ukraine is known, it is purely
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negative, but i don’t know how much he will put pressure on johnson, because johnson is clearly makes it clear that if he does not do... what is expected of him, then a vote may take place according to a different formula, which will not help the democrats immediately, but it will take several weeks to put this bill to a vote, and given that two more republican members of the house are going to resign now, without waiting for the elections, johnson simply may not have enough votes. and of course, for the republicans to lose control of the house on the eve of the elections, well, frankly, for trump this is not a gift, this is a situation that largely depends not on what is happening in ukraine, not on
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what johnson wants or even what trump wants, but from the american domestic political situation in the election year, but of course, this would not happen. since no one knows what putin might do as a european member of nato, combat readiness must be increased to address weaknesses . at the same time, the united states and its nato allies must recognize russia’s fair concerns about the threat to its national security, and russia,
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like all other countries, actually has them. and think about how to dispel them, it will be difficult, and will cause a lot of controversy due to the passionate desire to make russia pay for what it has done, but in a reasonable state way. on such a scale, and most importantly, he believes that in addition to assistance to ukraine there should be real constructive diplomacy, which would include guarantees from russia regarding ukraine’s non-entry into nato and, in general, respect for russia’s legitimate interests
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in europe, and he says that in russia has legitimate interests in its security, which in general in the current american debate is. nazarov, film director, general director of the massfil studio, we talk a lot about what is happening in the united states, you know, i have such an ambivalent feeling, on the one hand i am pleased to hear that there are reasonable people at harvard university, that they are published by a reputable magazine forem policy, on the other hand, i have the same feeling, are we not deceiving ourselves? rejoicing too much in these kinds of statements, because they only cover up the real lack of
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serious debate in american politics, in the american congress, and the growing likelihood that ukraine will again dry out and receive all the military assistance it needs, maybe i exaggerated about all of it, because zelensky is, let’s say, tireless of him easily. from your point of view, we should be worried about this in moscow. no, i don’t think we should worry, because i am absolutely sure that you are not mistaken, they will receive all the help they need. i, you see, there’s nothing you can do about it, as a pupil in soviet education system, i retain the clichés that were put into my head.
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the united states, ultimately they, both of them, they, they, they make approximately the same decisions that are in their interests in their understanding of the united states. in that sense, to expect them to change the republicans in any way is, in my opinion, naive. i had no doubt that, by the way, i thought that this would end with johnson, i had no doubts,
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moreover, i said many times, no matter how trump spoke about this today, if he will become president, god grant him, by the way, after all, at least from the point of view that for me he is a much more charming character than the current president, so i would, but this does not change the fact that he will remain enemy of russia, he will continue to support you... and in general it’s good when your opponent is at war with someone, especially since you don’t spend
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either your lives or your resources for this, nothing except money that still comes back to you , since you supply weapons, so i don't really understand, na na place, if i were an american in this, so to speak, in this cohort of the ruling class, it probably doesn’t matter whether i’m a republican or a democrat, i would think that this is an ideal situation than to somehow torpedo it, so what’s happening , their articles, their statements there, this is all, in my opinion, a game or some kind of intellectual fun, but essentially the interest that remains remains. another question is what in general, if you look at this situation in general from the point of view of more than the selfish interests of the political elite of the united states states, from the point of view of the west in general, in my opinion. they made a tragic mistake, because in fact, the anti-system
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character in this story was not russia, but ukraine, it was ukraine that threatened the western system, russia, in fact, initially, it was actually part of this system, by the way, let me remind you you, literally three or 4 days after the start of the svo, our president met with our business, so far...
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the top of the american ruling class, they have gone through a contradiction with the interests of the west. in as a result, this resulted in a global conflict in which, in my opinion, the west has no chance of returning to the situation in which they were. and in this sense , it seems to me that this is such a tragic mistake on the part, but as they say, when god wants to punish, he deprives one of reason. and in this sense , we see that the current leaders of the united states. “well, you know american history and politics better than me, but in my opinion, these are the weakest leaders that have ever been in the history of the united states, this includes biden, by the way, trump, with all my sympathy for trump, he doesn’t care, biden, so to speak, is burdened by this history of his global imperial self-awareness, trump dreams of
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returning to the united states in the times of elvis, pressley and multi-cylinder shawarales, that is, "as if this is also not the most, as they say, a progressive idea, in my opinion, but this speaks of the crisis that exists in the american system of power, but unfortunately, we cannot expect any relief from this, we need to rely only on our minds, on our organization, on our capabilities for in order to win this fight. dmitry drazdenko, presenter... military expert, you heard what chuck nazarov said to karen, that we cannot relax, that we must rely only on ourselves, well, in general, this is my conclusion from what you said, what we must do everything necessary for the security of russia, but in general we must be prepared for serious challenges, absolutely, your reaction,
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well, first of all, i absolutely support karen georgivich, because i also come from that soviet education and, as it were , returning to dialectical materialism, in in principle, the world has entered a new phase, that is , we really did not begin to destroy the system that existed, it began to destroy itself, just as the roman empire was once destroyed, just as, in principle , all empires are destroyed, that is, this processes that are going on from within, the americans could not have done this, they could have, but they did it, now what is happening, that is , the process has started, it cannot be stopped, you cannot turn the minced meat back into meat, but the process will take a long time. this is a question, probably even for a decade, until the new situation settles down, and god forbid that it wouldn’t be, let’s say, excuse me, from a military point of view, i hear people, at least until recently i heard people, talking with a joyful grin about how ukraine will now not receive anything, like the american congress , so they
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are starting to think more realistically, so for this category of people, what is likely to happen next week in congress may be a disappointment, but when i talked to the military in moscow, almost everyone assumed that some kind of american help will arrive absolutely true, in this situation in war , in general, optimists are much more dangerous than pessimists, pessimists are also dangerous, in war realists are correct, about american military assistance, well, in principle, if we are talking about various types of armored vehicles, then armored vehicles after the training of the first cavalry armored division it should have remained somewhere in the rotterdam area in quite large numbers, these are bradleys, and strykers, and abrams, that is, they have something to supply, especially since the financial situation looks like something like this, that is, they basically utilize old stocks, because what they supply is from the times of the mostly iraqi company, well, with the exception of maybe the patriot complexes there,
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they put the money back into their military-industrial complex, everyone is talking about it , even zelensky is already saying: well, we give you money, that is, you simply become indebted to you, you supply us with weapons, they are launching their industry, they are updating their arms stocks, as in principle all this is happening everywhere in europe, it’s us we only look at the usa, the same processes started in norway, the same processes began in sweden, that is, all this is happening there in this area, so they will supply it, we really only have to rely on our own strength, that’s why the main task is, for example, in our defense industry. industrial complex, that is... they cannot produce them again, for many, many products a very interesting question arises, that the supplies were either from other countries, where manufacturers, let's
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say, of the second or third level of cooperation simply curtailed their production. in this situation, we are in a more advantageous position, that we have, as it were, reserves, but we must not forget that the west is still a united west, it is a huge industrial machine, not only military-industrial, but industrial in general, with large resources, yes, it takes a long time to accelerate, but... it knows how to accelerate, we again remember how america accelerated during the second world war, that is, for me, if i understand you correctly, two questions, question one, no one , i think, will not be happy in moscow, but if there are still some outcasts, maybe they will rejoice, but the overwhelming majority of people will not rejoice if congress votes to help ukraine, but it will not take russia by surprise...
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its defeat, because it would be a defeat for their entire system of domination in world. if this is so, does it seem right to me that it is in russia’s interests to use existing military capabilities in order to achieve an advantage before this whole western machine begins to work at full capacity, in two or three years, right? well from 3 years, that is, it depends on what type of weapons are used, that is, it is either, let’s say, that is, ammunition, or we are talking about more complex types of weapons, such
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as tanks, armored vehicles, but i repeat, they are pushing away the old ones, if we say about air defense systems, then yes, this is a rather scarce thing, especially american, that is, it says that petriot are bad systems, but you can’t say that, but the point is that the supply of these missiles is also probably to go along this path, then there is , for us, it would probably be right show the west that there are certain
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measures of containment, because the chain of escalation will ultimately lead to bad things, but they must see that this will lead to bad things, they need to prove this, because you can play games as much as you want to increase power, money, but this is all a dead end , the second thing is to show that, apart from escalation, we are ready to negotiate, that is, to give them two options for approach, and the main thing is to give them publicly, dmitry, i completely agree with you, and not only completely agree with you, but we we'll talk about this in more detail via a few minutes, and while we're off to commercials , after that we'll talk about the terrorist attack again. in krasnogorsk and not so much about the act itself, but about how they are trying to use it, some in washington, we will discuss this with senator dzhabarov. let's go to advertising. some
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argue that the main building of moscow state university is actually a huge, perfectly camouflaged spaceship. schoolchildren, where do you dream of studying, i believe in
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science, i believe... that the main development of society will be the vector, the vector of science, the victor of science, the premiere, today on the first, calmly, comrade, we are coming to you, professor, this is the matter, ragged, ragged, you can say whatever comes to their mind, anything, you are painfully oppressing me, dad, what kind of dad am i to you, my god, i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our ball, and now we understand what kind of shining nonsense this is, why, i’m worse than people, well, i was married, i don’t care, azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up , take everything and divide it, that’s what i thought, heart of a dog, the famous film adaptation of mikhail’s story bulgakov on saturday at the first, he is still dancing, dancing, meeting of zhenya beloosov.
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the battle for the legacy of the star of the nineties is entering the home stretch. all participants in the conflict are in our studio. you filed a lawsuit. why does a person write a will at 30 years old? roman is sure that the entire inheritance was once unfairly given to sister christina. if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, formalized everything about myself. why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and that the document could have been forged? i want to know the truth. do you recognize dad's handwriting in fat? honestly, no. have you ever gotten divorced? it turned out that the court divorced us, can you imagine, for me it was such a blow after 26 years, an exclusive with dmitry borisov, the premiere on saturday on the first, when you were entering into an inheritance, you told the notary that there are still potential heirs, you know , i was in such a state, the person i loved, probably the only one in my life, died. there’s a big game on the air, it’s quite
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clear that in moscow, in russia, they remember well the terrible attack in krasnogorsk, i have a feeling that they don’t want to talk about it at all to forget in washington and they don’t want to forget, not in the sense of drawing any conclusions. that we are all in the same boat, in the face of islamic terrorism, they say that this is an act of islamic terrorism, but instead the real emphasis is to use this terrorist attack to expose russia in every possible way, to sow some kind of discord between russia power by the people and between different ethnic groups. the russian government, for obvious reasons, has
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absolutely. the terrorist act was carried out by isis, however, various sources have repeatedly noted that the united states created al-qaeda and is also related to the formation of isis. westerners do not even try to hide their role in the planning and organization of terrorist attacks. it amazes me to what extent in
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washington. they want to assure us that they know for sure that it was isis, and supposedly they handed all this over to the relevant authorities in russia, but for some reason they were not heard from washington, well, i’ll start with the obvious, that when you organize, encourage regular...
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bladlen tatar, with many others, shelling in belgorod, they do not deny in any way that the united states was involved in this, that they knew about it.
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a forest of evidence, it seems to me that this is exactly what the americans are afraid of, they are trying to throw in more and more new versions, they are trying to again lead us to a worthless facility, because when it is revealed who really was the customer, the beneficiary of all these packages, of course, i
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think, many and overseas will become uneasy, because such facts will be hidden that many will not be well, then i think that you know, you spoke in the first part in relation to...
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along the lines of disunity in russian society, a person i didn’t know about before, andrei kovalenko, who relatively recently headed a special official center in ukraine for combating disinformation. according to andrey kovalenko, head of the center for countering disinformation at the national security and defense council of ukraine, tensions between slavic and non-slavic ethnic groups in russia are fertile ground for ukraine to exploit. disagreements and mistrust among russians. by infiltrating russian
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telegram chats, ukrainian agents are trying to set representatives of different nations against each other. the terrorist attack provoked a surge of national hatred in russia. it is very beneficial for us to support these sentiments and fuel them in the information field. russia is an ear of grain on clay legs that needs to be rocked from all sides, if we want to win this war, we must weaken it by any means, and information is crucial in this. we do our best because we know
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question, but quite, as it were from my point of view, relevant to the matter, the reaction of some
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in the american intelligence services to the israeli attack on the iranian consulate in syria, where several iranian general officers were killed, so let's listen to what the new york times writes about this , according to these former senior cro employees. us officials on tuesday expressed concern that an israeli airstrike on the iranian embassy in syria could lead to an escalation of fighting in the region and provoke retaliatory strikes against israel and usa. ralph govf, a former senior cia official who served in the middle east, called the israeli strike completely reckless. this will only lead to escalation on the part of iran and its subordinate groups, which is very dangerous for american troops in the region, who could become a target for retaliatory strikes. it seems to me that if we
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want reliable deterrence, it is very important that washington understands that strikes against russia, especially terrorist strikes, even if they are not carried out directly by the united states, but, say, by allies of the united states states, as in this case by israel, or even more so by clients and assistants of the united states, as when we talk about ukraine. it seems to me that washington understood that russia might hold the united states responsible for this, and that there might be consequences. steps towards the united states, american military personnel, american bases, american military infrastructure, which has spread throughout the world, that steps may follow that washington would not like, do i understand correctly, not proposing no specific actions, but
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simply reacting to what they say, they themselves say in the cia, which is in the interests of russia... so that washington understands that using henchmen for terrorism against russia is not only wrong, but extremely dangerous. absolutely true, but for this you need to go up the escalation ladder. if we take iran as an example, then i will simply recall those cases when iranian ex-soldiers calmly captured american marines, brought them to their knees, and as a result, the united states unofficially. bought them, that is, the americans are at their peak they couldn’t build their power, they were afraid, iran is not a nuclear power, that’s the first thing. iran does not hesitate to strike back in response to us actions. proxy by force or some other means. that is,
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the question here, you know, is quite rhetorical. if we take, for example , the situation, what happened was done by israel, but israel now benefits from dragging the americans into war. this. i really really want to, especially since israel said that if iran responds to these actions, then we will then respond accordingly territory of iran, that is, the united states is directly dragging it there, the americans don’t want to go there, they don’t need a second conflict, they have huge confrontations with china ahead, they need to somehow get out of the conflict in ukraine, at least as much as possible, and not get involved in the conflict in in the middle east to do our big things, that is, everything is in our hands and gentlemen, then... we can use a really extended network of american bases, we have various kinds of allies that we can help with intelligence information, target designation, that is, what the americans are doing openly and unashamedly, especially since the terrorist attack that took place in crocus, everyone is convincing us that it is isis, isis, there
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is nothing about isis at all, i will not talk about the report of the special services, just remember the footage detention of one of the terrorists, why did you kill people for money. a jihad warrior will never say such a thing, and this is not the handwriting of isis at all, absolutely, that is, these are killers for money, who were hired by the special services, where they trained, this is the tenth question, that is, he this terrorist himself said why he committed the murder, that is, not for the glory of allah, nor the punishment of infidels, for money, and those who paid him this money and those who gave...
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russian in hollywood from a to z americans b- bandits vladovin d) head of the toe e) what is your evidence e f your health we will and brief to lshtshfum m. mazol syrup n novosi oirsk o set aside r rasha s. secret russian weapons are actually a skvoreshnik t topant u uou f snamznon x) cold
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i’m not used to such an oak tree tsesyuzhmgzhty h chelyabinsk sha - hat with earflaps shaschu hard sign s soft sign e this is drinking yu i vanya that’s like harmony. hollywood on saturday on the first. the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running, waking up the sleepy shore, running and shining, and they shout, they shout to all ends. spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, it has sent us away. forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first,
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the big game is on the air, and now our traditional free discussion, dmitry, yes, thank you very much, if you allow me, i’m not talking about war and not about geopolitics, i’m like once about that where did our discussion begin, that we should become as independent as possible, i am for perestroika, just not the one that mikhail sergeevich gorbachev once came up with, i am about the new perestroika that should happen in our country.
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look, i’m going back to the very beginning, which means that the ukrainians will receive military assistance from the americans, then what, look, in response to the terrorist attack, since the beginning of the year we have recruited 100,000 contract soldiers, a huge amount, we don’t need additional mobilization, we’re doing well preparation, i would like to answer here this gramate, kovalenko, in my opinion, is his last name, was in fact a poor student, apparently, he repeated the words that were said ...
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to the forces that befell him in the forty -first year, and the help that the allies provided, in fact really began only after the battle of stalingrad, when
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this was already done, so... the point, the point is not in quantity, but in quality, in this sense, i agree with dmitry, i think that of course we need iron organization, we need an iron will, in this sense we have i have no doubt that we will win, because the truth is on our side, this shift in consciousness has not yet occurred in us, we still live according to the laws, as
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it were, this, however, is the only task, will you agree that in order to win this war, the full and decisive support of the russian people is needed, and that in order to have this support, if possible, it is important to maintain a normal way of life, which is not easy, but it seems to me that for now
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it is possible.. .but for now this is clearly possible, i it seems that this should also be a government priority, what is your opinion? yes, i agree with you, but in principle, i said this, in my understanding, an iron organization includes all those aspects in which you spoke, it is clear that such an organization cannot be implemented, an iron organization is a society, an iron organization does not mean that it is necessary to place these everywhere there, like...
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because they are not taken seriously, and i somehow ran into him in the mid-eighties , and he told me: but the soviet union, look what they did in lebanon and he spoke about it, let’s say, with respect turning into delight, and he meant the soviet secret operation when they kidnapped soviet diplomats in iran, when there was a soviet operation.
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he came to hand, i don’t remember a single such operation from that moment against soviet citizens, so i ask the question whether you agree from my point of view that convincing the enemy that, if necessary, you are ready to respond not just very harshly what is this, what is this a step towards peace, and not to war, of course, of course, well, this is what i call the iron merciless will to win,
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in this sense there is absolutely no other way, as lenin said, if we’ve already started to fight, let’s fight, well, as the best friend of all diplomats said,
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that’s it vision is also absolutely necessary, it was a great game, we’ll see you on the air tomorrow. according to the big bang theory, the universe appeared literally everywhere.


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