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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 4, 2024 3:55am-4:58am MSK

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by the way, cool, nastya, thank you, you are wonderful, thank you, my friends, you are lucky with a girlfriend, your girlfriend is cool, she will grow up, become wiser, go to your room, she is such a romantic nature, here is sergei, a romantic nature, here you go, here you are do you think she suits him best, i think yes, sergey, i really liked anastasia, something about her, of course, excited my brain, but overall... the surprise
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is magnificent, she is gentle, and i really like that she promotes that she is not pretending that she has the child of a gypsy baron, and she says: i’m from komi, listen, now everyone who comes to moscow, they are either half poles, or they have a quarter of gypsy blood, everyone is ashamed of themselves, everyone is ashamed of their roots, this irritates me wildly, but look, she teaches language, i was worried, no, in general it seems to me that your gift was the best. i was hooked sincerely and emotionally everything was fine, but it seems to me that you were the most real of all the girls, well, in principle , there is some kind of one, there’s no falsehood at all, i ’m a little in his eyes, as if it had become weaker, but it’s not as if, the excitement of the performance, it’s damn it, hoping for a saddle, the girls can’t be good. who can argue, but if
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you choose a bride, then only dasha is the first, you just wanted a doctor, i wanted a dog, also a doctor with a dog, this is generally more, yes, already with a cat, they kept thinking and thinking about the cat, so a cat is already ready for you, in general, when you play at the wedding, a dog for me and a dog will carry out the rings, well, you think with your head, wait, daindelson, mindelsonic, who do you recommend, to me all? i liked them, but i would recommend the second daria, and by the way, i will clean up her surprise, many women start riding their men after the wedding, daria did all this already in the first surprise, but it seemed to me that she put a collar on him too early, but well , it seems to me that he won’t come, although it seems to me that he liked me, but it seems to me that he won’t come, as if he is now, he is a follower, it seems to me that he is now. their opinion will be completely
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relied upon; they will make their choice, it seems to me so, yes, it’s possible, and even if he it will turn out, what do you think, it’s a secret, in any case, whoever you go to, we will support you, come on in, i invite everyone to come out and support sergei, i still decided to take another veterinarian into the family with a dog uh, which i want so badly. cool, this is very nice. let's go, let's go. what a wonderful couple, sergey and daria, if you are single or you liked one of the participants in today’s program, write to the channel one website. and i larisa guzeeva
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wish that my loved one will definitely told you, let's get married, yes! hello, it's time in the program.
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they write in the book the strongest earthquake in a quarter of a century in taiwan, the terrible power of nature and the consequences for the global economy. sadovnichy’s formula, from a mine in the donbass to ideas on a cosmic level, congratulates the rector of moscow state university on his birthday and the title of hero of labor. in the year
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of the family in russia there are new medical facilities, sports education, new residential areas. today. putin received reports on the readiness in the donbass of the olympic reserve school in lugansk, ten apartment buildings in mariupol and the perinatal center in donetsk, 10 departments, 45 hundreds of doctors and nurses, 7,500 births per year, this, as they say, is an estimated figure. the first two children were already born. anton vernitsky will tell you more. similar meetings at which the president is reported on the opening of new buildings built from scratch or restored. in our new regions they became almost monthly. donbass and novorossie are being rebuilt at great speed. let me remind you that in 2030 the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions must reach the all-russian level in key indicators
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of people’s quality of life and socio-economic development. we build and repair housing, roads, facilities, social and energy facilities. infrastructure, healthcare institutions, education, sports culture, all this in difficult conditions, continuous shelling from the country of ukrainian nationalists, how necessary such accelerated construction is, was shown by the example of a new perinatal center in donetsk, before it had time to be solemnly opened, the light came here new citizens of russia have appeared, today two babies have already been born, because well, they are not waiting, a perinatal center has opened, so they were born, and volodya is a boy and a girl. in general, the donetsk perinatal center is designed for 7.00 births per year, and there can be 140 women giving birth at the same time. the center is not just huge, but, as the head physician said, beautiful. to which the president noted, the main thing is that it was built efficiently and quickly. the center was built in record time. and
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today it is the most modern, equipped with everything necessary equipment of a medical institution for this profile in the region. its staffing level. more than 620 employees, these are 160 doctors and 290 paramedics, and the team is already almost 70% staffed. all this is a serious contribution to the great overall work of supporting russian families, the birth rate, the formation of high social prestige, and large families in russia. the minister of health immediately picked up that they trained donetsk specialists, and then took charge of them.
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over the past year more than 7400 were accepted births, which is 6% more than a year earlier and this is probably an integral indicator of confidence in the fact that... what is happening in the region today, in general 82 regions have taken patronage over donbass and novorossia, tens of thousands of builders from all over the country are helping to restore roads, communications and housing. and in total we have already restored 18.00 objects, from small ones to those as large as today, to those that today have an area of ​​tens of thousands of meters. in general, if you count like this, every day on average we end up with construction in four regions and repair of approximately 25-30 objects. also , according to khusnulin , more than 500 apartment buildings have been restored recently. today in mariupol, for example,
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a whole new microdistrict was rented out, with 600 apartments at once for those who lost their housing during the battles with ukrainian nationalists. i would like to greet you from the city of mariupol from the new microdistrict, here we are on gugal street. a wonderful new modern quarter, as marash krizyanovich already said, 10 houses, 10 buildings, built in a short time, literally less than a year, apartments turned out. thank you so much for everything, thank you for your
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happy life, we are our children, our grandchildren, thank you for being russia, thank you for your heroism and for your attitude towards russia as a whole, regarding the memory that binds people in all territories our huge country, our... our common culture, our common traditions, we are one people, and we have never forgotten about this and will never forget, but i would like to now return to evgeniy aleksandrovich, evgevich, nine houses have been completed there, and - mine doesn’t have one, and another one is at the final stage, a couple of months and will also be completed by a single customer, this wandering of the house, finishing work is already underway there, khoronovich, so... in housing construction in general, we plan
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to restore almost all apartment buildings in mariupol by the end of this year, we have such a task, and this communications, another facility practically built anew in mariupol, a branch of the volgograd academy of the ministry of internal affairs, there was once a police school here, but during the fighting the building was destroyed, now the academy is ready to accept cadets who are temporarily study in volgograd. six months ago. 269 ​​first, second and third year donetsk cadets took the oath of law enforcement officers at the main height of russia on mamayev kurgan, 39 of them are participants in combat operations. at the new place, everything is ready to begin the educational process and so that the children receive the necessary knowledge and skills to become real professionals. the report is finished. thank you very much, this is one.
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well, if i may, we have a problem in football, today we have a very strong team in football, in general, we want to restore the good name of the zarya football club, but in general, we have the avangard stadium in a very, well, let’s say, unusable condition, this is our central stadium in the city of lugansk and... if only we could it was, in general , to restore it, well, there is no need to build a new one,
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it is necessary to carry out a major overhaul of this, that would be very cool, definitely, leonid ivanovich, that is, with women's weightlifting in the lugansk people's republic, everything is in order, so you, apparently , head of the lpr asked the president to help local football players. maria sergeevna, and you, are you also a weightlifter? yes, i am a master of sports, we are trying to change stereotypes about weightlifting and girls in this sport. how are your female athletes distributed? did a lot of girls come to study? well, since i’m still an active coach, then... i have two groups of athletes and i train about 60% girls, 40% boys, that is , there are more girls than boys, yes, this is exactly in my group, because i like it, yes , yes, i win over girls, total volume financing the development of new regions is more than
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4 trillion rubles, decent money, as putin put it, we just need to ensure that every invested ruble grows..., the budget is less dependent on the export of oil and gas, and, despite sanctions pressure, our the country has good prospects for taking a place among the four world economic powers. mikhail mishustin spoke about this today when speaking in the duma with the government’s annual report. anastasia kobozeva watched. according to the constitution, the cabinet of ministers reports annually to the duma on its work.
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the government in the building on okhotnoy ryad is almost in full force. prime minister mikhail appears in the corridor. the prime minister summed up not only the results of the past year, but also spoke about what had been done over a four-year period. the russian economy responds adequately to all difficulties. there is a pandemic, unprecedented sanctions pressure, but the collective west has miscalculated, we are growing in many respects. according to a number of experts, the restrictions imposed against us exceed all the combined sanctions
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against other countries in the world. and now they they are no longer aimed only at domestic large businesses, but at our managers. but for representatives of foreign states, for foreign companies, for organizations, for those who did not refuse cooperation with russia, who sincerely want to do business with us, russia has successfully passed the difficult period of initial adaptation. according to the results of last year, according to preliminary estimates by rosstat, the volume of domestic product increased by 3.6%, which , by the way, is more than twice as high as
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the system and economic model created by president putin showed their effectiveness efficiency, despite the more than 19 thousand sanctions that have been announced to our country, this is a great merit of the government of the russian federation. unemployment in russia by the end of the twenty-third year dropped to 3%. one of the main challenges of last year was inflation, says the prime minister. measures have been taken and the situation is under control. prices for... gasoline and diesel fuel were stabilized, and important decisions were made to limit the export of petroleum products. we have banned their export so that domestic consumers have more resources. the work has been carried out and to saturate the domestic market with food. although annual inflation was above target values, thanks to interaction with the bank of russia, it still slowed down significantly to 7.4%. people's incomes
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should grow, as should the quality of life; these goals were set by the president. on behalf of the president, we are developing a comprehensive support system from the moment a woman becomes pregnant, the birth of a baby, through all stages of his/her growing up up to the age of 17 years. since january last year, we, you know, launched a single one. benefit that is provided every month, based on the situation of a particular family, it was assigned to almost 11 million children and approximately 400 thousand expectant mothers. parents are paid a monthly allowance for caring for a child up to one and a half years old; at the moment it has been increased by almost half, to almost 50 thousand rubles. in 2021
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, a program for the modernization of primary healthcare was launched. during this time , we managed to put more than 35 objects in order, purchase new equipment, and all this not only in big cities, but also in villages. countrywide children's hospitals are also being built, where innovative medical solutions are used. its development, and russian innovators managed to create a drug that can help tens of thousands of people, we are proud of such successes. as you know, the government
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prepared for the report very seriously, meetings were held with factions and relevant committees, and the issue of migration after the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole was discussed. the prime minister raised this topic today. i am sure that those responsible will be punished, i share your desire for retribution when it comes to terrorists, with understanding i regard... the numerous proposals on migration issues in light of the recent tragedy, the desire to make additional decisions is understandably fair, but colleagues, i would like to draw attention to a very important fact: the preparation, discussion of all initiatives, and especially their approval, must take into account the position of law enforcement agencies , whose competence includes the safety of citizens and the state as a whole, these are the services that implement the decisions made;
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the number of unjustified sanctions and restrictions has not only withstood, but shown height. all forecasts about the deterioration in the quality of life of people in russia have not been confirmed. in addition, in addition to the growth that the economy as a whole has, we see that construction and trade grew by 7%, and that hotel business and catering grew by 10%. more than 20 questions were asked to the government today, such as a deputy from united russia asking about the reform of supervisory control.
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on inspections and switch to a risk-oriented approach, we completely shifted the emphasis to prevention, we reduced inspections by four times, there were approximately 1.5 million of them in nineteenth year, now about 350,000, a digital system for managing control activities online has been introduced, all stages of inspections are visible, issues in the field of education: during the announcement of the message, vladimir putin proposed giving graduates the right to choose to retake one of the unified state exam subjects before the end of the university admissions session. the guys who rent. the exam is ahead of schedule, their parents are worried that they will not be able to take advantage of this opportunity, are legislative decisions needed to ensure that all school graduates, without exception, have a second chance
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or from the government? enough authority, no, we don’t need it, everything that we need is done, 2 days will be retake days, the guys are of course worried, everything happens in this life, but if, simply because of worry, the child did not do the work efficiently, this can put an end to his fate , on his career, so this is the most important decision, and i am happy that we will have such an opportunity in the near future; during the report, prime minister mishustin spoke about what steps need to be taken. to develop technological sovereignty is the key to sustainable development of the country. in the most difficult economic conditions, you have created a whole set of tools to support industries that create products with maximum added value, this has already had an effect, and we see double-digit growth rates in these industries, but the tasks set by the president in the message are much broader, we first of all formed there are 11 megaprojects in the works, work
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on which will continue. our, in this sense, technological sovereignty simply directly depends on it, these include machine tools, microelectronics, and new materials, in in general, this is all that, well, excuse me, went away, because it was impossible to look at the industry there without tears, i happened to be in the region and met, well, the father of my classmate, who worked in new materials, made special tools and new things, he told me this, well, almost everyone left, some abroad, some stopped, but for... him, where he worked, he was given under, excuse me, the lease of retail space, so i went, called mantora, and we restored the directions, related to new materials, people gathered there, talked about development of agriculture, 500 billion rubles were allocated to support this area last year, the results speak for themselves, the second record grain harvest in the modern history of russia was collected, nikolaevich patrushev works extremely carefully, professionally, here the equation
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of export... grain, a ban on the export of seeds, rapeseed, rice, what else is solid, in my opinion wheat, these are tariff benefits for imports, a whole set of tools works here, we monitor this very carefully, when we sum up the results, i must honestly admit, the result impressive, and today i must say thank you to minister patorshev, a very modest minister, but there is real merit here. from year to year and there is no topic about the harvest, last year there was a problem with eggs, corrected, colleagues, after all, let's applaud that in the end, where there is a result, it is necessary to evaluate the deputy from the communist party of the russian federation raised an issue that the party is discussing quite a bit often: enterprises must pay taxes where they are located and operate, is the government going to end the vicious practice of registering
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russian enterprises? prohibit our companies to do business abroad, especially in friendly countries, i think it is impossible, we will not do this, i want to speak on this topic, but this is very important, this is a way to attract investment, strengthen economic ties, this is a very important element, and this of course, this does not mean that we will turn a blind eye to those who simply create profit centers abroad, try to pump funds there at the expense of our natural and labor resources, and develop foreign economies. we are absolutely right, we will fight them.
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infrastructure, what support the government of the russian federation is providing to new regions in this direction now and what is planned to be done in the future. yes, thank you, great support. medical rehabilitation for all residents of the new subjects, including members of their families, it is now being carried out, if you know, in the moriupol multifunctional center of the fmba, which was built with funds from the federal budget, an excellent center, it already has rehabilitation, they have just started working there in my opinion. 150-200 people we received 300 by the end of the year; i already know that there is a plan; in january of twenty-four , the donetsk republican prosthetic and orthopedic center was also launched, where up to 700 people annually will be provided with rehabilitation means. over the past 2 years , over 18 thousand facilities have been built and restored in new regions: kindergartens, schools, hospitals, roads, there is still more to be done, it is important to continue supporting our fighters and helping
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the defense. these are real heroes, our pride, they defend the national interests of russia, are fighting for the safety of all citizens. our big country, with our courage showing an example of genuine service to our native fatherland, and all together we, the people of russia, are talented, versatile, who at all times overcame all any challenges that our state is now overcoming, of which we... are proud of the enormous potential and through the efforts of everyone, it will be fully realized , we will do everything to ensure that our best country in the world prospers, i am absolutely sure of this. anastasia, dmitry kochitkov, anna zayakina,
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ekaterina yarovenko, kirill loginov, channel one. now to the special operation. outside artyomovsk, a ukrainian mi-35 helicopter was shot down, which was only recently handed over to czech militants, and the air defense clearly went off. the ministry of defense reported that the hangar, where drones and a weapons warehouse were assembled and stored, was destroyed within a day. the strike was carried out by operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery. in total, targets were hit in more than 130 areas where enemy forces and equipment were concentrated. russian troops carry out precision strikes on everything related to ukrainian military industry. this is a response to the ukrainian armed forces’ attempts to damage our energy facilities. shots from the other side, one of the affected women, view from the inside.
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the workshop, the remains of military equipment, was completely destroyed. the forward offensive of our units is supported by artillery from camouflaged positions in the so-called nomadic mode. and the revelation of a prisoner who completed the nato recruit course in deception, reporting by evgeny lyamin. the work of the crew with the stub gun is the ovdeevsky direction. now the artillery of the group of troops is supporting the center with fire infantry advance. a strong point, this is one of the goals of the building, the enemy has entrenched there. every shot, even the sighting shot, is effective, the fighters say. the advantage is in caliber, in the scattering of fragments when hit, despite the fact that even if we cannot
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hit the equipment with the first shell, we can disable it with fragments, and then with the second we finish everything off. the main thing is speed, not hitting, and of course, after shooting, also quickly camouflage yourself. they are trying to track down enemy reconnaissance drones. calculations, after training the target, they immediately lower the barrel so that it is not visible where the fire was coming from, they cover it, that’s who in the fire zone does without camouflage, a nona self-propelled artillery mount jumped out, struck, well-coordinated work of the crew, the gunner removes the host and restores aiming, at this time the loader puts it in the ammunition again. we don’t stand in one place, after work we can immediately change our firing position, we work like a willing weapon. this artillery mount based on the btr-80 can be found, by the way, less common than on the basis of a tracked
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armored personnel carrier, the advantages of nona, in addition to mobility, a variety of types of ammunition, it all depends on the task. minami works with shells and active-rocket shells, well, any shells... which is suitable for 120 mm, by the way, if necessary, you can use ammunition, including foreign ones, the only thing is that the caliber matches. the main tasks are to support our advancing motorized rifle units and also to identify enemy guns, enemy mortars and their defeats. the division of the group of troops center in the avdievsky direction continues to move forward. bogdan shevchenko, originally from the kharkov region. he was captured by fighters from one of our assault squads of the brave unit.
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i didn’t qualify for mobilization, well, no matter how i went, i didn’t know grief, so to speak, but at some point the laws changed, the age changed from 27 to 25, i don’t know it myself, once again the military registration and enlistment office came to change the date on the agenda, and i have already received a combat summons with orders to the unit. it's interesting that the verkhovna rada adopted a law lowering the mobilization age to 25 years last may , but zelensky signed it only now.
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storm the trench head-on, four people cover, supposedly suppress with fire, and four run in short dashes close to the trench. the work of their pividrons was not taken into account, it was as if they simply did not exist, they were trained by instructors from denmark, they generally have a much unique vision. well, not much time was devoted to drones, just if you hear a drone, you need to slowly find shelter, preferably under a tree, that is. slow actions without
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sudden movements, why slow? well, as the drone was explained to us, when the one who controls the drone flies and sees, notices sudden movements on the monitor, he concentrates his attention on it, and if it is smooth or there is no movement at all, he may not notice, he may stand a group in an open field will not move and the drone may not notice it. bogdan shevchenko recalls that ukrainian armed forces soldiers who had combat experience trained with him, and of course, such... the teaching that you need to stand or smoothly move away from the drone, to put it mildly, they were surprised, everything was according to the book, as the book says, that’s how they taught it, if any questions were asked that this is not so, well, at the front, then they said, we teach you according to the book, and you do as you want, and then do it, how long, according to that very foreign book, they were supposed to hold out in a defensive position, it is unknown, but it turned out to be only a few days. evgeny lyamin, dmitry kachurin, nikita sebastyanov, tatyana bakulina, channel one.
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they are actively recruiting for contract service in the special operation zone there were more volunteers after the tragedy in crocus. going to the front, they are confident of victory with the support of the state. vladimir putin discussed caring for the soldiers and their families with the head of the defenders of the fatherland foundation. today is exactly one year since its creation. alexander lyakin has details. training in urban conditions. look at all this, the extreme point of choice
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was the event in crocus city, this terrorist attack, and i understand that i have a family, children, and so that all this would not reach my family, i decided to go for a contract, my family supported me , according to the ministry of defense, in the last 10 days alone, 16 thousand contract soldiers came to them, this is more... than a battalion per day, already participated in the northern military district zone, signed a contract, the contract ended, now, after the terrible events in moscow, not , i don’t want to stay on the sidelines and i want such a misfortune not to come to my hometown, the corrupt creatures who committed the murder of more than 140 people must be punished, the karain nazism that is coming brings this chaos and accordingly. helps this terrorism must be destroyed, so i
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i went and signed a contract for volunteers in the northern military district, victory will be ours. here at the training ground , everyone has a military specialty, everyone has completed either conscript or contract service, but the level of training among volunteers is different, until combat skills are practiced to the point of automatism, the unit will not go into battle. it is also very important that all participants in the special military operation are confident in social support from the state. this and timely payment of allowances help. families and quality medical care, this was discussed conversation at a meeting between vladimir putin and the chairman of the fatherland defenders foundation, anna tsiveleva. still, what are the most noticeable problems? remain that both your fund and departments would need to pay attention to in order to close them as quickly as possible. i would probably now highlight two main points that really need to be paid attention to, but firstly, the most pressing issue is obtaining a
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combat veteran’s certificate. this is very important for the guys, because all further steps depend on it receiving social. guarantees of assistance to states, together with the ministry of defense, we have developed a number of programs that allow us to partially close these issues for certain categories, these are volunteers, defenders of donbass and private military companies; for the defenders of donbass, through a branch of the fund, the collection of necessary documents has been organized, as of today i can already say , we have good results, 12 thousand volunteers received a certificate thanks to...
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we must treat everyone with love, both directly to our soldiers and to their members families, this is the attitude towards people that needs to be preserved in the future, many of those who today... sign the contract will join the reserve units that are now being formed by the ministry of defense. as sergei shaigu stated, by the end of the year two new combined arms armies and 30 formations, including 14 divisions and 16 brigades, will be created. alexander lyakin, kirill danilov, channel one. the list of those killed at the hands of terrorists in crocus city holly has grown today, already 145 people. doctors fought for the child’s life for almost 2 weeks. in the meantime it was replenished argumentation. illustrating the picture that emerged literally immediately after the tragedy: the ukrainian trace and involvement from the west. anatoly lazarev will continue. secretary of the russian security council nikolai padrushev flew to ostana for the nineteenth annual meeting with colleagues from the shanghai cooperation organization. the main topic is countering terrorism and extremism, and
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therefore, of course, the conversation immediately turned to the terrorist attack in the city hall building. terrorists began to be used as an instrument of geostrategic struggle, patrushek said. they are given modern weapons.
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that day, as witnesses reported, the perpetrators of the terrorist attack visited the hall to assess the situation on the spot. it is also known that the ukrainian embassy in dushamba is carrying out recruitment work, attracting mercenaries who want to join the international legion, formed by the kiev authorities to conduct military operations against russia.
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the united states and other western countries in the first minutes of the tragedy turned on their propaganda apparatus at full capacity and began to actively shield ukraine, in the thief, as they say and the hat is on fire. this company to cover up ukraine will not affect the objectivity of the investigation in any way. moscow recently sent a note to kiev through minsk, in which it demanded the immediate arrest and extradition of those involved in the terrorist attacks. ukraine is obliged to do this within the framework of international conventions on the fight against bombing terrorism and on the fight against the financing of terrorism. if she does not do this, then this should entail international responsibility, the russian foreign ministry recalled. however, to what extent does the international community
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is not biasedly interested in bringing ukraine to justice, this is another question, because the west uses every opportunity, every reason to demonstrate its anti-russian position. new information is emerging about paris’s preparation of a military contingent to be sent to ukraine. for these purposes, the command of the french foreign legion in early march. affairs in a battalion tactical group of about 1,500 people. it is expected that in april the group will be brought into full combat readiness for an operational rush to ukrainian theater of military operations. meanwhile, the russian prosecutor general's office sent inquiries to the competent authorities of the united states, france, germany and cyprus: are foreign structures involved in terrorist attacks against russia? the appeals are accompanied by materials collected by state duma deputies and public activists. they are about participation. top officials of the usa, nato and ukraine in sponsoring terror. the crimes include not only sabotage on the territory of russia, but also the undermining of northern
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streams, the damage from which was suffered by european countries. anatoly lazarev, alexey kozlov, first channel. russian banks will write off the loans of their immediate relatives who died in crocus cityholi until mid-april. governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov said. he visited the family of ilyi almukhametov, who died on march 22. ended up in the building with his father, his wife and her sister, and her husband and was mortally wounded. we understand how important it is to accompany those who find themselves in this trouble, in this grief, given that elijah perished the kingdom of heaven, our task is to materially close the issue, we know that in particular in your the family has two mortgages, thanks to sberbank and domrf, in... this month the mortgages will be closed, when i, as governor, talk about material things, you always hesitate a little,
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because it is impossible to replace our loved ones, but we also know that life is such a thing , what is important is that you know that you have us, life goes on, but we must live, raise children, raise them, two strategic... at certain stages , foreign fighters approached the russian aerospace forces aircraft. everything went in strict accordance with international rules, the military said. long-range aviation pilots regularly patrol key areas in different parts of the world's oceans. floods in russia about the situation in the altai territory and the orenburg region. paslera. the president also had a telephone conversation with the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov
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, reports from governor viktor tomenko and denis and gave all the necessary instructions to provide assistance to people in the disaster zone. almost two hundred residential buildings were flooded in altai. rescuers are delivering food and essentials to people. and in the suburbs of orenburg the reservoir has not risen in 30 years, which is why the village with almost a thousand houses is under threat. some residents have already been taken to relatives. vladimir putin today discussed the development of the far east with the governors of the trans-baikal territory and the sakhalin region. the conversation took place via video link. pavel pchelkin more details. today , the president’s meetings with the governors were held via video conference. the first to join was the head of sakhalin, valery lemarenko. what would please you, what would you like to draw attention to, what issues are the problem? generally, indeed, i looked and industrial production is growing here and...
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days 33 new healthcare facilities have been built, 21 facilities have been overhauled, another problem of the island is transport accessibility, which, according to lemarenko, is being solved, a center for far eastern aviation has appeared, led by aurora airlines, the cleanliness of flights has doubled due to the fact that there is active subsidization, which means we have these prices, for example, a flight on the petropavlovsky section is up to 600 rubles. and continue to fly to moscow for 1300 rubles. we... we intend to purchase new cars, 18 airplanes, 21 helicopters, the sakhalin logistics hub
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will include a new air terminal complex and a new runway. the airport is designed to accommodate 5 million passengers per year; sakhalin residents are very much counting on the fact that a bridge will connect the island with the mainland. how much do you think the bridge will ultimately cost? i assessed, you know, how i used to build nuclear power plants, this is a two-unit nuclear power plant, build a bridge with approaches, this is a two-unit nuclear power plant, so, just like that, the numbers were different, but it was called so, 300 billion bridge and 300 billion approaches. i just wanted to say about this that the approaches and interchanges there will cost more than the bridge, such an area that requires development needs to be connected with a bridge from sakhalin to the mainland and development there will proceed at a different pace, i’m absolutely sure, just work with the government , i will definitely formulate such an order precisely, another
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topical topic is the modernization of the korsakov port on the island, the construction of what, the more we play sports, we drink less, i want to immediately to say, 2/3 of sakhalin residents, 2/3 go in for sports on a regular basis, the president called on the head of sakhalin to pay attention to the state of kindergartens, in general he assessed the work of valery limorenko positively, then a conversation with the head of the trans-baikal territory, putin noted that this is a difficult territory and drew attention governor for state
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development programs for the construction of new schools, kindergartens , and modernization. medical institutions, especially in rural areas, we have a large number of programs, i want to first ask you, you to the extent that we are actively involved in the opportunities that these programs provide, we are most actively involved in terms of modernization of primary care - this is our most basic program, we have dozens of hospital facilities in it, well, there is mainly everything that is directly accessible. accessibility from people. osipov noted that the second stage of modernization is planned, and he hopes to receive funding from the federal center for this. in terms of schools and kindergartens, we built 10 new schools, this happened for the first time in 30 years, and built 74 gardens and gardens. there are currently 12 schools and kindergartens under construction. we renovated 159 schools and
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renovated more than 40 kindergartens, carrying out various types of repairs. note. and if you see that something is still missing in these programs, please contact me, because the region is really very large, and a lot of problems have accumulated there, but there is movement, i see it, what is especially pleasing is that you are increasing the volume of construction, construction work, and what is most important, the volume of capital investments is growing, it is so solid, significant.
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disappeared into obscurity, the footage is impressive : passengers of the high-speed railway stuck high above the ground, buses and cars bouncing on bridges, houses frozen at such an angle that it seems like they are about to collapse, the moment of the first tremors was broadcast live on television, the presenter could barely stay on her feet, but continued to produce, special attention to the chinese island due to its share in the global electronics market, production of microchips was affected, 2/3 of it has already been restored, however... work is underway at all factories under construction got up. and in moscow and the moscow region today , a stormy wind, gusts of up to 21 m/s, demolished fences, parts of the building sheathing roof, and even knocked down a bus stop. trees fell on roads and parking lots, parks were closed, the capital's sun ferris wheel at vodnkh and the cable car were suspended.
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there was also a self-propelled toilet cruising along the roadway or as a garbage toilet. more news of the day vladimir putin awarded the title of hero of russia to cosmonaut anna kikina.
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most of his life is connected with the university, which he has headed for three decades, from the student bench to the rector's chair. he devoted all these years to preserving and developing the traditions of the national higher school.
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about the difficult path in science, yana podziuban. learning is light, and there are many scientists, more than a thousand of the best minds in the room. on stage are reports of professor sadovnichy's novels, about discoveries that changed the world, complex formulas that are written in textbooks, theorems that are named after him. litsky’s mother fed me soup, then we sat down with him, studied, studied with him for 6 years, and came to the decision of one important problem, it didn’t work out, it turned out to be a contradiction, and viktor borisovich said, let’s take a break, and i didn’t sleep for about a week, walked around at night, thought about this problem, i dreamed about it, i called viktor borisovich, i said, i decided, come, when i showed it to him, he said, well... this theorem of lidsky sadovnichevo is now in all textbooks. the cosmic sadovnichevo was brought to train the cosmonauts and was asked to create conditions on earth similar to those that arise on the way to space, and he did it. a simulator like no other in the world.
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the centrifuge simulates 30 terrestrial overloads. for example, a formula was needed for the circulatory system. they drove blood away from the legs, as in space, formulas for the load vector, chest pin. all this was calculated mathematically, thanks to such a simulator you can prepare for flight.
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the right direction for their life, my parents were both illiterate and did not know how to write, but in the field they took books for their son, together they counted how long it would take to get from point a to point b. the son watched his father as he... put on the stove, calculating something, not knowing mathematics and only in the first year i realized this is a theorem. viktor sadovnichy will build his own universe, a global novel, it was he who figured out how to collect information from all satellites and combine it into one meteorological picture, this is how we recognize the movement of the cyclone. to make a discovery, you need to be able to solve problems, the professor speaks with a calm voice about his problem book, which all future mathematicians now study from. he treats exams especially, when he remembers his entrance exam, it becomes clear why the garden?


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