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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  April 4, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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in full force, vyborg district, a series of explosions on cherkashova street in the courtyard of house 13. stop, police. “stand, i said, turn around, hands up, yes, i was just coming from my shift, hands, i said,
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yes, comrade major, turbin, they called from the headquarters, tomorrow at 8, you should be in the css. what do you think? killed a person? yes, that's right. i identified the murdered woman because a few days before these events, i witnessed her being run over by her husband. i detained him, after which she stated that she was afraid that he would kill her next time. will kill, write a statement against him, ok, let’s go point by point again, so, you saw citizen sevridova, what happened next, then i began to pursue the suspect, why didn’t they wait for reinforcements, because i was afraid that other people might get hurt during this time, it’s written here in your army , i suspect... he was drunk, in a state
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of passion, his hands were covered in blood, i tried to detain him, he ignored my demand to stop, took out a bladed weapon, i demanded to drop the weapon, he did not obey this demand, showed armed resistance, trying to stab me , then i used my weapon. eh, fedorych, fedorych, why are you doing this, further in the report, you indicated that first. fired
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a warning shot into the air, absolutely right, i acted strictly according to the instructions, and what time did you have for this, the suspect rushed at you with a knife, well, as you can see, i had time, well, with the same success you could have just shot the suspect right away, intuitively, mechanically, and then, having realized what you did, shoot out the air to avoid the consequences, maybe that was the case, and i could also start dancing in a squat position. but i didn’t do that either, you are not rude to turbines, there are no witnesses who can confirm the development of your events, and although you have a dvr installed in your car, you parked the car so that the opposite part of the road was visible in the video, you are not a suspect in the frame , absolutely true, because at that moment when i saw ambal walking down the street with bloody hands, i didn’t think about the camera, i didn’t see the video until i tried to film a youtube video about mentosaurs, i was detaining a dangerous... criminal, nevertheless, on
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today we have one fact: you killed a man, absolutely right, i killed a man, a man who attacked me with a knife at the moment when i was on duty, i acted solely according to instructions, a warning shot in the air, only after this murderer, what kind of murderer are you kidding, citizen sviridov, the man who killed his wife, this is where you are mistaken, citizen sveridov is alive, although she is in the hospital, in serious condition. here is the address, lazoy street 5, apartment 15, lane
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today, malozo, he is renting a hut. the issue was resolved with the old man, don’t turn your head around, uh-huh, okay, i’ll give you a chance, in the legs, look. “you will remove the cash register for the store, the address will be later, consider this the final exam, that’s it, get out, in
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the area between the highway and the great parkhovskaya revolution, this night they again removed the wheels from the car, i remind you that this is already the fifth theft in a week, to everyone who works in this square, take it to..." let's move on. yesterday evening on cherkassov street , an atm was blown up, almost 5 million rubles were stolen, put the whistlers aside, at the crime scene, the robbers left a hose. with with the help of which they fed a gas mixture into an atm for an explosion, fled in a cherry-colored chrysler car, stay put, what are you doing, what did i do?
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lieutenant turbin, special pps regiment, tell me who is working on the atm explosion in cherkassy? wait, where did you get wet with them? in cherkassovo, it’s not normal to merge into oncoming traffic. farat
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candle is not visible from the rooms. wait a minute. the t-97 was smeared with mud, they’re not fools, i’ll go and try the designs, fortunately the color of the model is not popular, but you sit, think, look through it, maybe an idea, what the smart one will visit? yes, i just gave him money for the first last month and haven’t lived here for a day yet, and what did this owner look like, well, he’s so young, big-faced,
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shaved, this one, yes, that’s him, documents for the apartment, you didn’t think to ask , guessed it. at the crime scene, the robbers left a hose with which they supplied the gas mixture, an atm for the explosion, i came up with why car repair shops should be checked, what other car repair shops? look, particles of machine oil and several other highly specialized compounds were found on the hose, which... the number of which begins with t-97,
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there are only two, and the first one immediately disappears, why does it disappear, because it is under repair, the owner of the second one, tadam, has been convicted twice for theft and robbery, and are you sure that it is him? i’m also sure that the first rider is not running, i called the owner, he’s a normal guy, he has some kind of flower business, the car is in service on the bypass highway, the second one is our patient, so thank you, i think this case has been solved, i with this fucking gang, the bosses are already all...
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now they see in every second taxi driver cement, so it turns out they just decided to change tactics, just like that. what do we have with kalina? not very much, in the city in the suburbs there are about 500 gray ladkalinas, we will sift them out manually, with mixtures, don’t ask, i will soon have dreams about these mishans, all these medvedevs, mikhailyuks. this all needs to be checked manually, we check, of course, but so far there is silence, it’s bad.
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guys, maybe it will let you down, listen, let's get there, there's a kirdyk to the back, okay, 200 before the garages of urinovsky prospekt, what are you, my, let's go 300, trunk, open, listen, maybe help, no problem. it’s just that my brother-in-law, i mean godfather, brought new wheels, he was in a hurry, and in front of my house he just
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threw them off, now i need them in the garage, my car doesn’t move, i heard you, oops, oops, they took the wheels off the car again in the central area, if there is anyone near the italian one, check it out,
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okay, thank you, come on, let's do it some other time, okay, i... i'm not feeling very well today, i'm not even driving, but i'll give you a ride, no, my taxi has already arrived, see you tomorrow.
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hi, hi, i'm not distracting, you're not. not do you want to meet when now? well, yes , let's sit and chat, damn it, i just got home, i still need to feed the loaf, i hear him being indignant, i hear, okay, feed your loaf, bye. yes, come on
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tomorrow night, come on, then see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow, buddy, is dinner ready, thinner? have you forgotten here, let’s go, i’ve already prepared dinner, for the first time in my life, you don’t want to eat, i understand you, but we have to move
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on somehow. pull yourself together, well, in your case , pull yourself together, let's go, let's go, let's go, that's enough, i'm so tired, it looks like... i lost my brother in vain, there's no reason give up, it seems the fog has closed my sky forever, i so wanted to fly, but i tried everything, alas, not finding freedom anywhere, i lived without a head, but my heart led me here, people are alone here, in huge cold cities,
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something is wrong with us , because if our sun no longer shines, everything has covered the path, all that remains for us is to find freedom within ourselves, i know our sun, lanterns will not replace, i know loved ones are more valuable than banknotes, i know our sun will hear us rise again. on june 5, during the arrest of citizen litvinov, you opened fire and shot him shoulder. on the 13th of the same month, you
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shot half the clip during the arrest of citizen okoptsev. so i didn’t catch him myself. i deliberately shot over my head, when trying to detain citizen polozov on the 21st you also opened fire, on the 24th you wounded citizen momygin in the hand before he blew himself up with the car, finally now you opened fire to kill, as a result of which sviridov is dead , and this is all in a month, turbines, in a month, this begs the question, are you shooting at everything, what? moves, are you kidding me if we turn to turbine statistics, then it will show us that an ordinary police officer shoots: once a year from his service weapon, and then at a shooting range. how can you explain such frequent use of your service weapon?
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specifics of the work. i work undercover, combine the duties of a police officer and an opera, out of uniform. give me the form and send me along the route to nevsky, then i will use the weapon once a year at the shooting range. yes. everything will be so, and now let’s return to citizen sviridov. so that day you were moving along your duty route. yes. the whole outfit, a man with a machine gun was spotted on kuznetskaya street, i repeat, a man with a machine gun in his hands is moving along kuznetskaya street, central 812 towards pursuit.
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damn, girls, back, back, back, back, stand, stand, police, frozen, machine gun on the ground, quiet, calm, slow. three steps forward 1 2 3 stop, turn to face me, let me explain, hands behind
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your head, but there won’t be a lesson, back, everyone to school, back, and what to do there, there won’t be a lesson, you keep the samsancha here, you teacher, or what? what do you think, benladon, why was he walking down the street with a machine gun, and i had to fly along it, why with a machine gun, i ask, it’s not a machine gun, it’s a model for life safety, i took it home to repair it, now it’s back to school carried. let's go, thank you, let's leave, it's over,
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i'm listening, hi, can you drive up? what is needed, and what happened? yes, with your gavriks, which you took with tires yesterday, there was a problem, what, i can’t split them, so what can i do to help, let you drive up, i’ll buy you coffee, and we’ll let's talk, okay, as you know, we are conducting an official pre-investigation check of the turbine on behalf of the investigative committee. and besides everything else, we talked to a couple of his former colleagues, do they have anything good to say about him? strange, why strange?
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his personal record was exemplary, excellent preparation, exams, certifications excellent, disclosure rate above average, no complaints, no reprimands, if nothing good can be said about someone like him, then who can. however, i have information that you we weren't thrilled when he was transferred to you. i try not to criticize or even discuss orders from my superiors. well, this is commendable, semyon nikolaevich, but you weren’t delighted when such an ideal policeman was transferred to you, or do i have erroneous information? no, you’re right, i wasn’t delighted , but only because. that i would prefer to choose a person for this pilot program on my own, without orders from above. okay, semyon nikolaevich, then let's do it. to
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the point, great, as promised, thanks, so happened, but they both refused, saying they caught him red-handed, okay, we’ll take one episode of ourselves, but the rest were nothing, we weren’t there, we didn’t see, we don’t know, well, there wasn’t any stolen goods, that’s just one time in a row all garages.
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“listen, i don’t want to advertise their resistance now, i also have this osb question, why do i have excesses in my service so often, bro, yes, i understand everything, write a rapport, i promise you, it won’t go anywhere further, y i really have no evidence or witnesses against them, they are pure bastards, with this rapport i can distinguish them, well, help me out, 200 before the garage of urinovsky prospekt, what the hell are you, irinovsky prospekt, what does it intersect with, remember, the obezy "? highway: the first extreme on the move, i phoned the owner, there a normal guy, he has some kind of flower business, the car is in service on the bypass highway, so what can you write, you see, we have no witnesses to the circumstances under which turbin shot citizen sviridov, well, in other words, we don’t know how it is there everything really happened if there is, so to speak, a critical mass of indirect evidence of illegal actions.
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turbine, we will open a case. hence the question, semyon nikolaevich: could the turbine first open fire to kill, and then shoot into the air? for what? to justify your actions. oh, what are you getting at? no, i didn't think so. and are you sure, all 100, more likely yes than no, that means no, okay, let’s write it down, all the thefts took place in the same area, between the big parkhovskaya and the highway of the revolution, this is this square, and those comrades whom i. ..
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they were transporting stolen wheels to garages in front of irinovsky prospekt, it’s here, so what? but the fact that irinovsky prospekt intersects with the bypass highway. do you know how many car repair shops are open next to this garage? how many? one. our cherry chair was being repaired just there. that is, do you think that if they sold stolen spare tire parts to a car service center, then they could be related to the story with atms? what is the connection? the most direct one, first of all, remember, at the site of the theft from an atm they found a hose that, with machine oil and all sorts of other crap, they could i’m not convinced to take this hose from a car service center, well, from any garage, i also have oil and hoses in my garage, secondly, if they buy stolen goods, then they are already related to crime, thirdly, new ones are brought to them every day cars leave them for repairs, now if you imagine, they take these cars and commit
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crimes on them. because, look, now a gang is looking for a murderer, they committed robbery in a taxi until they almost got caught, now they drive their cars only with the wrong license plates, you understand why i’m telling you this, to the fact that someone commits an official crime by murder, they leak information about their work to you, no, for every gang one of the main questions is where to get wheels for business, most of them are stolen, but this is a huge risk, our guys from the car service do not
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risk anything , they have an ideal scheme, they rob clients in cars, only this time they were caught taking a rather rare model, a cherry chrysler, i don’t know, a taxi driver, i don’t know. i was in that car service, at first glance everything seemed clean, we are now working on searching for the owner of the second chrysler, well, the one who has two criminal records, i’m sure it’s him, but they haven’t found it yet, yeah, well , i liked your speech, well done, convincing, thank you, you would make a good sales manager, in i mean, well , you’ll have to earn something when they trample on you from the organs? thank you very much for caring about my well-being, please contact me, in the fifth grade i watched all the episodes of the police academy and decided how cool it was, i want to be like them, i hope you
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didn’t talk about this in the personnel department, no, you didn’t, but the trick is that by the eleventh grade nothing had changed, i said how cool it was, i wanted to be like them. why didn’t you go to school right away? army, my father believed that anyone who didn’t serve is not a man, so as soon as i was embarrassed, i immediately went to the nearest department on the very first day, and there they offered me service in patrol, it turned out that everything was not as in my childhood dreams, this is how to say, judging by the number of idiots, turbin, you know, there is only one more letter in my name, maybe you can try, okay, alexey,
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super, you got divorced recently, and as i understand it. i haven’t been on a date for a long time, yes, yes, something is wrong, if you touch my hand, it won’t bite you. i’ve been talking to myself for the last 3 hours, you haven’t said practically anything to yourself, talk less and
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listen more, the first and main rule of opera, by the way, i didn’t understand how you ended up in threat, well, you’re a girl, oh, you noticed that, you just a natural opera. true , there are a lot of women in the investigation, up to knowledge, but not in threat’s circumstances, how it happened, it means that i was walking past the gvd and saw a sign from above, almost.
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comrade mayor, have you called? yesterday they called me to the css and told me in plain text that if i don’t like you, then i can deny myself nothing and pour everything on you, as
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best i can. in general, as i understand it, they were given the order to wet you. it’s clear who i didn’t please. and you know, turbin, that your partner’s uncle was a big man in management, i know, but it’s definitely not chernakov, we found out everything with him, no offense there. are you sure, absolutely, okay, free, yes.
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8:12 central 812 812 in the yakovevsky area a man similar to the suspect in the attack on you was spotted in the alley ; they didn’t check the documents; he disappeared; check it yourself; you’re right there nearby; now the suspect, apparently , is moving towards the center; if it’s really him and you recognize him ; i’ll immediately report to them to help. yes, well, are you there already? yes, right next to the store, where are you? yes, i’m coming, sec again.
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fireworks, well, ready, but not very much, come on, ners. come on, kuznetsovskaya 34, armed attack on a store, police, weapons on the ground! razor, what are you doing, where are you going?
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razor, on his knees, on the ground, with his hand up, where he went, the pack went, more precisely, near the prison, on the ground, on the ground, hands behind his back. it is necessary to block all the streets around the park, the strip meets with someone from the gang there. you won’t come, this happened to me in piralovo,
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everything went fine in the store, polozov is dead, the killer has left, we need to unhook and
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comb the whole area, urgently, who hasn’t been questioned yet, no one saw anything, there are no witnesses, with the workers spoke, of course, they heard the shot, but they didn’t see anything, and their camera didn’t reach there. who lives there on the fourth floor? you know? i know, students, they took it off. they set up a hangout there, that is, they drink, listen to music loudly, never sleep at all, the neighbors complain, and they also film everything on their phones on the internet and then post it, i recently visited them too, and they immediately filmed me on their phone too, and my daughter later showed me how they put me on the internet, so
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you say on the phone, let’s go captain, you have no reason to visit, why, or maybe... i also want to be put on the internet, what are you up to? to the ground, no move, run. oh, how unexpected and pleasant, very pleasant.
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“just don’t need any, i told you, okay, i won’t, we accepted them on time, he already got me tickets to egypt, i heard the osb is digging for you, yeah, maybe you should go to egypt too, before they grab it, yes let them dig, at least they dig, i acted according to the regulations, okay, look, otherwise it will be too late, but seriously, thank you, yes, there’s a reason for it!” and then razor asked to stay with me for a couple of days, he said that the cops burned down his apartment, an apartment on the street lazo? yes, someone pointed it out to her,
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some boozer, i say, well, live without problems. who do you know from the gang? no one, the razor always said, you know less, you sleep better, you won’t fall from the fifth floor, but comrade major, what about turbines? congratulations on what? css has left you behind. i mean, are you serious? seriously, the pre-investigation check did not find any violations in your actions. how about more details? there were witnesses
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who not only saw everything from the balcony, but also filmed everything on their mobile phones. in general, everything is behind us, turbines, without your help, as i understand it, not it worked out. i’ll send you a video now, admire yourself from the outside, thank you very much, comrade major, okay, come on, so what if everything goes wrong with the store? razors promised to talk to the boss about me, so that they would take me into this gang too, and the store was like some kind of test, they gave him a sawed-off shotgun and told him to rob the store, well, they wanted to see how he would show himself in business, and why would he after the robbery, he rushed to the park to this fountain, so they shot the shooter there,
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he had to give both the money and the sawn-off shotgun. who exactly was razor supposed to meet in park? with'? shani, this is their main one, have you ever seen him? no, i’ve never seen it, i ’ve never seen their gang at all, all i know about them is that the razor leaked, what they look like, never came into conversation, but how mishanya went out to the razor, he told, yes, they sat together while she was the last to leave. well, look, he’s going to kill him now, he ’s going to overwhelm him now, i’m actually answering you,
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good morning to everyone who is celebrating this day with channel one, evgeniy pokrovsky and anastasia orlova are with you, on the calendar thursday 4 april, we would like to say in unison. spring is gaining momentum, this can’t help but rejoice, the snow is receding, in many places there is no longer even a wet place left from the snowdrifts, the day is getting longer and the thermometer columns are reaching new heights every day, it’s even pleasant to look at them, it’s warm, so we’ll wake up soon , we smile, we recharge with vigor, and what invigorates best in the morning is, of course, a warm-up from russian bodybuilding champion evgeniy rytsarev, but then i still drink coffee, maybe even two. good morning, how to increase volume biceps? include
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one simple exercise in your daily routine; it is suitable even for beginners. girls, join us, beautiful hands will not harm you. we take dumbbells in our hands, if you don’t have them, half-liter bottles of water, bend your right elbow, lift the dumbbell to your left shoulder, like this. keep it parallel to the body and return to the starting position. we perform the exercise with one hand or the other. for those with little load, you can increase the weight of the projectiles, but not much, so that you don’t have to deviate and jerk with effort to lift dumbbell, so break your back. for a long time, we work exclusively due to the strength of our arms, while our shoulders are straightened and our back is straight.
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the exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the arms and chest, of course, provided that you do not... we continue, the suspect sirgi was given by his lover, his mistress, he promised to marry, now both are standing crying, my actions, reception, well, what actions could there be, on the phone take it off, let them say it’s real, you can make me a copy of his file, wait for me, i’ll arrive soon, and don’t let the lights on in the car, sit there, yeah. you know this man we’re working, you’re now in the homicide department, for
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completely different matters, hello, you can talk, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program, calm down, comrade, we’re coming to you, professor, this is the case, cut off, cut off, you can say whatever comes to their mind, anything, are you hurting me? daddy, what kind of daddy am i to you, my god, i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our little ball, and now we understand what kind of shining nonsense this is, why, i’m like people, well, i was married, i anyway, azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and divide it, that’s what i thought, heart of a dog, the famous film adaptation of mikhail bulgakov’s story on saturday on the first, is he still dancing? dancing: april 4, today is international internet day, on which we congratulate you all, you are probably
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sitting on your phone right now, yes, we will certainly not be mistaken if we assume that you barely woke up, first of course, you turned on the first channel, good morning, well, then they got into their gadgets, picked up their phones, tablets, you need to check your email there, read social networks, look at the news, watch, and we often also have breakfast without looking up from our gadgets, and this, by the way , is not at all useful, well, really. only you drink coffee or tea, look good morning, it’s possible, it’s possible, for the younger generation, after all, in general, it’s probably not necessary, it’s harmful, it’s an experiment, we asked several families to film themselves at lunch, to eat twice, once you can, as you are used to with screens with gadgets, how do you like the soup, well, so-so, but the girls simply waved their spoons without looking, didn’t think at all about what they were eating, that is, they didn’t look up from the cartoons, they... didn’t even remember what the soup was made of, although they were told the other one was strictly without, and that as a result, at least the taste sensations
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were added, well, like soup, like that, amazing. when we spend time with gadgets at dinner, we don’t notice how quickly we get full, you can excel and eat everything unnoticed, but how serious is this? we continue the experiment in one of the families, we have two identical plates with the same set of favorite cakes, we will leave one here in a familiar place, yes, where the child always eats with his family, the second we will move to another table with some... maya and adele are sisters of the same age, maya with a smartphone, ate almost in 5 minutes half a plate, four cakes, yes, adele, without being distracted, ate half as much in the same time, not even one, that is, one and a half turned out, experts explain, distraction while eating reduces the metabolic rate and is therefore dangerous, at least not
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by cooking due to poor chewing when we... watch some kind of movie, get emotionally involved, we release the hormones adrenaline, nouranaline, that is, such emotional arousal that slows down digestion, slows down the absorption of nutrients, the child, teenager is distracted, eats more than he needs, because the brain does not give signals of satiety in time, and if this habit is reinforced, that is, repeated day after day, then this leads to excess body weight or... families where they eat together and are not distracted, healthier ones with less are likely to suffer from weight gain, even though the timer is set to 20 minutes, no messages from work. we consciously pay attention to the phone, well, at least put it on the windowsill, and then yes, it will become a habit, getting up from the table a little hungry, but there was good advice: satiety, if we take a ten-point scale, then you need to get up somewhere 6 -7, this is good, that
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is, if you can eat about another quarter of the portion yourself. i don’t know, but these people exist, and let’s say a huge thank you to them for what they do a complex, but very important and necessary task, they add coziness and beauty to our lives, rubbish , scribbled walls, rusty pipes, only the wall newspaper reminds of the past of this high-rise building, the house council brought order under the clear leadership of marina bordukova, they managed to organize a conservancy service, cctv cameras , repair of the roof, entrance,
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attic, fallen from the walkway, replacement of the engineering systems of hot water supply, hot water supply, sewerage, we achieved the allocation of money for insulation of the facade, marina did not spare any effort, health, or time , our house is beautiful, warm, comfortable, we want to live here, if the house is maintained by a management company, there must be a chairman of the house council, a requirement of the housing code, this is the owner from among your neighbors, who is...
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neighbors are valued for their initiative, in the regional renovation program entrances, i discovered the nomination for designer renovation of an entrance, then only two entrances from each municipal district are participating in it, i applied for luck, as a result i won, now there is space inside, and a functional one at that, new porch, doors, lighting, stroller access, cozy entrance area, although there are also enough worries, 24x7, lyosha is always in touch, he is the one
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whose soul is watered. alexey doesn’t take money for his work, but according to the law, the chairman can count on incentives, how much do the bullies decide? they divide this by square meters and determine how much is plus to yours. true enthusiasts of their craft, who live for sports and are ready to captivate others with them, thanks to precisely such people , new projects for the development of mass sports are appearing in all corners of our country.
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big country. and now you can make yourself known thanks to the all-russian competition of sports projects “you’re in the game”, held with the support of the federal project “sport” - the norm of life, and the national project “demography”. the winners in the main categories will receive 300,000 rubles. owner. the grand prix for the development of his project will receive 1 million. among the semi-finalists of the 2024 competition, selected by the expert council, the kaluga project pitank as a corporate sport, it helps fight a sedentary lifestyle, strengthens team spirit, stimulates innovative thinking, and most importantly, food is accessible to almost everyone. all you need is balls, a jack and a relatively flat area with gravel, and of course, a good mood from your work colleagues, but... a kind of chess, too, because pitank is not just about throwing balls, it’s about tactics and strategy . sometimes there are experienced players on the team who just tell you where to throw, how to throw, and you seem to do it, you
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succeed, this is it, i don’t know, you get pleasure from it. pleasure quickly turns into sports excitement. among the former amateurs there are already professionals who have achieved great heights, including russian champions. during the break, we went out into the yard and played, but in fact, in order to play there for ourselves and even participate in tournaments, well, you can not pay attention to skill, that is, you need to have fun, the main thing is to do it correctly. if you win the you're in the game competition, the project's authors plan to invest the prize money in the construction of an outdoor complex of professional playgrounds for playing pit. but the organizers of sportmarathon fest have long found a home for themselves; this is the largest outdoor festival in russia. which is held in the largest art museum in europe, nikola lenivets near koluga. everyone can take part in activities such as trail riding, cycling, orienteering, and rock climbing. a great
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opportunity not only to spend time with friends or family away from the bustle of the city, but to try new activities. you can explore bright initiatives and support the participants you like on the website competition "tyvigre.rf". join the popular vote for. the best projects of mass sports. and now we will find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this time. the news broadcast is on air on channel one. don't switch, stay with us. this is news from the first maria vasilyeva studio. hello. in the southern donetsk direction, the special operation crew of the rszzo grad destroyed a hangar with nato equipment, and several american gaub-777s were destroyed. intelligence confirmed an accurate hit, and the crew of the combat vehicle was awarded the credit for the successful operation.
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awarded state awards. the artillerymen also worked effectively near artyomovsk, where the crew of the d-30 goubitz hit camouflaged enemy positions and equipment, and suffered heavy losses. and on the northern sector of the front, our paratroopers carried out a successful operation and liquidated them. a group of ukrainian militants hiding in a dugout. airborne troops carried out the task at night, approached enemy positions at a minimum distance, no more than a thousand meters, and opened fire. in a few minutes, they fired about 500 high-explosive fragmentation ammunition. operators of drones equipped with thermal imagers helped correct the shooting. we aim according to the coordinates, according to the radio station, they say, we also take it, aim according to these coordinates and... sighting begins, we release about five sighting guns, then we make corrections again, we also get somewhere again, we correct ourselves and we continue to work, just as they begin hit, we’re already missing everything, our soldiers
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show courage every day on the front line, here are new examples, guard private ilman babaev discovered the advance of enemy equipment and opened fire on it, and as a result, thanks to elman’s decisive actions, it was possible to stop the advance of the ukrainian armed forces and destroy three enemy vehicles. defense minister sergei shaigu led a large group of ukrainian infantry. telephone conversations with the head of the french defense department sebastian lecarnu. the conversation took place at the urgent request of paris. lekarniu expressed condolences in connection with the terrorist attack in kroku cityhole, while persistently trying to convince ukraine and western countries that they were not involved in the attack, shifting responsibility to isis, which is banned in russia.
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sergei shaigu emphasized that the investigation launched in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus city holly will certainly be completed, and all those responsible will be punished. there is information about the ukrainian trace in the organization of the terrorist attack. the kiev regime does nothing without the approval of western curators. we hope that in this case the french special services are not behind this,” said the head of the russian military department. regarding the statements of the elysee palace about sending a french contingent to ukraine, shaigu indicated that if they are practically implemented, this will create problems for france itself. ukraine cannot win, so it has switched to sabotage tactics in the russian rear. the deputy head of gur, vadim skibitsky, told the guardian newspaper. it is obvious that the forces are not equal, kiev is running out of ammunition, there are not enough fighters, so now ukraine is developing targets for its drones on russian territory. it operates according to nato patterns, these are targeted strikes on priority targets. the guardian that
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ukraine will definitely try again inflict damage on him, including in order to raise the spirit of his soldiers who are suffering setbacks on the front line. kiev has not given up hope of persuading germany to provide its taurus missiles for an attack on the crimean bridge, but chancellor olaf scholz is not backing down yet, because he wants to avoid a dangerous escalation in relations with russia. services uncovered a criminal network of ukrainian agents. among them were citizens of the union state. by order of the kiev regime, they carried out sabotage in russia. we are talking, in particular, about drone attacks. recruited sbu the perpetrators transported explosives and drone parts for money, set up hiding places on the border, so that later other agents of kiev would carry out the dirtiest work, a bloody attack on our country. during interrogation, one of the detainees said that he was instructed to pick up components hidden at the border.
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who is celebrating a new day with the first channel on the calendar april 4th with you anastasia orlova and evgeniy pokrovsky right in the morning an important topic: spring is sweeping across the country, snow and ice are actively melting, finally in moscow, then we wait and wait, but in winter there was a lot of snow, floods are just around the corner, and in some places those same floods have already begun, where and how they are met, is everything ready for big water in our next report . the country is preparing for a flood. in the chelyabinsk region
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on the uy river there is ice melting, the thickness of the ice is approximately 50-60 cm, we deepen it by 25 cm, make cuts, uh, then cut it into cubes with saws, and take out these cubes, thereby the rescuers weaken the ice so that the river has easier to open up. ottey also helps in storms selenga river, cutting here is the only permissible method, because rare... species of fish are found in these parts, and on other rivers they undermine the ice. in udmurt, in the village of gavrilovka, residents of all surrounding houses gather to watch. by the way, local fish are also taken care of here. we initially make a small explosion in order to drive the fish out of this place. they are undermining the ice in bashkiria, here in some places they have already been washed out, the situation cannot be left to its own devices, otherwise more than 80 thousand people will end up in the flood zone. near mountain rivers, water rises 3 m in just
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couple of hours. now the level is monitored using sensors. this is an ultrasonic sensor that directly measures the water level and receives it from the spot to the surface. and this information is helpful. this station and the base station are automatically transmitted to the server in real time, this data is analyzed by the neural network and a forecast of water rise for 2 weeks is made, drones also help monitor the situation, this is what the populated areas of altai look like from a bird’s eye view now, it’s flooded here more than a hundred houses, rescuers are deploying water dams, pouring soil along the roads, evacuating residents, and not forgetting about pets, thank you. at the height of the flood in the central and volga districts, residents of the orenburg region say there is so much water for the first time. the water came quickly, within an hour it probably rose, me and my two children were wearing boots like that. ekaterina was sheltered by her neighbors, and the inhabitants of a shelter for
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wild animals were evacuated to the moscow region. some, such as the lions hector and white, escape from the water by hills, they are preparing for big water and in the ryazan villages, zaokskoye and korostovo, they are at the epicenter of the aki flood every year, the water has already risen by 80 cm, and is predicted to reach 8 m, but people calmly say this happens every year. we have eight boatmen in zaokskoye, seven in korostov, they have passed a technical examination, because during a flood anything can happen, but it’s precisely without the help of our villagers that you can’t do it. each village has a fire truck , and local stores have already stocked up product.
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it was like that here too, there is an absolute double, well, a complete tyrant, yes, that is, well, he has the same last name, first name and patronymic, that’s exactly what he owes, but what to do about it and how to even deal with such a situation, now let’s try to figure it out , the story is like in a movie, in the same district of st. petersburg there live two anastasia vladimirovna pavlovas, born on september 19 , 1985, they recognized each other, when adult life began, i went to get my license, they told me that i already had it, the second call would have come to the antenatal clinic and the woman who gave out the meth cards, he says, oh, are you on the fourth? i say, in the sense of the fourth, so on the map, i say, no, the second, and it turned out that my mother-in-law and i in st. petersburg even lived in the same area, were observed in the same antenatal clinic, that’s when i realized that someone
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is there some more. it’s funny, until loan debts started coming in, taxes on the car of one, and for the apartment of another, the credit history is the same for two, and somehow a double’s card was loaded in the bank’s application. up to 30 years old, that i, that my mother-in-law went with one inn, one сnels, we discovered this by accident, when my mother-in-law came to re-register something there, we began to redo the documents, in the end they gave me my smilos, and her documents, but the error lives in the databases and still changes from department to department, for example, in the tax office said so, everything is loaded automatically, and we send clarification requests in the same way electronically. we use an interdepartmental system of electronic interaction, therefore the influence of the human factor is minimized, here girls write a statement every time they receive an error, although from 2022, according to the new rules, to establish the identity of the debtor , several documents are needed, and not only
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the date of birth, it is mandatory to indicate нals or a passport, well, one of these identifiers , the fourth identifier is the driver's license number, now in the executive. but this rule should protect new doubles that have not yet appeared in the databases; alexander zhuravlev from samara, for example, has had his money regularly written off since 1917 for his caring from novosibirsk, he even sued the bailiffs, received compensation of 15 thousand, but the debts still went on. the main problem is that they take exactly mine from daniel, they write all the other data. according to the debtor, this debt is tied to government services. recently, the bank mistakenly transferred the account to a double. good point, they fixed it quickly. now alexander is watching everything. about once a week i regularly checked government services to understand that no matter how there was a new debt,
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it was important to catch this moment and contact bailiffs, according to the bailiffs themselves , need at least 3 years to remove this error from all database documents, which means tracking and writing a statement to the department every time. sergey abramov sotnik, anastasia novokhatnya and sergey folendysh, channel one, oh, friends, so many. you need to eat lemons so that the vitamin c from these lemons will cure your cold, we will answer these and other important questions in the program to live healthy, today on the first one, we will talk to you about money, but more precisely about those who steal it, yes, about scammers who are now increasingly found on the internet, well, by the way, ordinary pickpockets , unfortunately, have not gone anywhere, they still love crowded places, and at the same time they can look quite harmless. a gallant young man, a beautiful lady, and even there, you know, such a grandmother of god's dandelion,
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so watch your things and don't let your guard down. never watch videos from surveillance cameras on the internet, sometimes you come across interesting things. here, for example, is the work of a pickpocket in action. apparently, this is happening in the clinic, one of the pensioners i went to return my jacket to the cloakroom, i left my bag unattended, please, so, by the way, no one will think about it, as you can see, anyone can be a pickpocket , a grandmother, a grandfather, a young beauty, a gallant young man, this criminal has either a coat on her hand , or a jacket, the essence of it was attached to the same pensioner, is that it is a screen, the thief puts it on someone else’s bag and takes out the wallet, when the owner returns, the scammer is already far away, in general, theft can take place. we can go anywhere, so we take care of our things. if in a cafe
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you come without company, put your bag on the chair next to you, cover it with your own things, a scarf, for example, so your valuables will not attract the attention of a pickpocket at all if he happens to be nearby. if you travel on public transport, then hang your bag like this, throw the belt over your head and turn it over your stomach. in this case, it is almost impossible to miss an attempt. to rob you, yes, in principle, pickpockets will not take such risks, in general, be careful, take care of your wallet. today, well, if anyone i didn’t know, another very interesting date: international carrot day, isn’t this a reason to talk about this root vegetable, which, by the way, was described back in 512 by the roman physician diascaritus. very soon the carrots will begin to chew on our beds, but for now, together with yulia kozlova, we will find out who needs to eat the carrots and what is in them. so healthy and whose merit is that it is orange, so i love, for example, lettuce, carrots and apples.
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the bright orange signature color of carrots is due to carotenoids. these pigments are not only they color the root vegetable, but they are also converted into vitamin a in our body . most of the myths are associated with it, for example, about improving vision. vitamin a is part of the protein rhodopsin, which is responsible for twilight vision. and if you... decreased vision or night blindness is caused by a deficiency of vitamin a, that is, only in this case can it help, but if a person has myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism, carrots will not help here, but will not harm, unless, of course , root vegetables are fresh, healthy and thoroughly cleaned. we wash carrots three times in order to release a safe product. the first pre-wash bath, where we wash the usual one.
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ah, but will be deficient in protein, it will never grow. protein in carrots is only 1%, but there is a lot of fiber, it improves digestion, normalizes intestinal microflora, this in turn has a positive effect on the skin, but the fact that carrots promote a beautiful, even tan is still a myth. we develop a tan when, under the influence of ultraviolet rays, a pigment, melanin, is formed in the skin, it is produced special cells, which... by the way,
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after heat treatment, its amount in carrots does not decrease, but digestibility increases several times. yulia kozlova, mikhail chetveryako, vasily yurov, tatyana yus, channel one, family is love, first of all, it is support, it is support, these are the people who...
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are ready to give their whole lives, my family, my loved ones, my friends , this is my homeland, and i want it to smile every day along with its inhabitants, these are the signs of spring, well, it’s clear there, kopel, sunshine, the days are longer, and what else cyclists and scooter riders, for sure, here it is another sign of spring, in general, a bicycle is such a great invention, it strengthens the lungs, it doesn’t mind traffic jams, so i took it and went to ostankaya, yes, but there is one small thing: but so that your two-wheeled vehicle doesn’t fell into the wrong hands, he needs, you know, a good, reliable, strong lock. evgeniy polikov dived into the topic and found out why a cable is good, what a clamp lock is, and what does the grinder, mothers with strollers have to do with it, even if you are far from cycling , it will also be useful for you to look, that’s why you'll find out now. for baby strollers,
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bicycles, general anti-theft locks, how to choose, we’ll figure it out, bicycle master valery plays the role of a thief. will check three types of locks: shackle, chain and cable. let's start with the cable. professional thieves in most cases use either bolt cutters or metal cutters. the diameter of the cable is small, not even 1 cm. a small bolt cutter is used, which is usually used by non-professionals. 3 minutes passed, the braid gave in, chewed the metal, 5 minutes to open it. such a lock, it is suitable for you to move away, for example, a few minutes...
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longer, but still the lock will also be opened, so it is better to leave bicycles and strollers with such metal that the lock can withstand this load in crowded places, not for long, when choosing, pay attention to the length of one and a half meters, so the stroller the bike can be attached to a pole, to a tree, a shackle lock will not fit here, the small size... knock it down with a hammer, since metal rods are used inside, and you won’t be able to cut through the darling with a professional bolt cutter, given that the lock has a fairly thick shackle
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metal, such a lock can be opened with a grinder or a hacksaw... an unprepared person will not be able to do it, for example, for a professional, again, it’s too much time, and to complicate the task as much as possible, it’s better to use a couple of locks, the first lock you can hook the rear wheel and frame and, accordingly , the front wheel as well attach separately , also for the part you are attaching, this is the same fence or bicycle parking, the important thing is that prices are cheap, there is no hope, like a cable 400 rubles, a bracket around 300, evgeny palyakov, nikolay krysanov, smirnov, popov, the first channel. spring is a blooming, joyful time of year, but not for allergy sufferers, while some enjoy the aroma of the first flowers, others sneeze, wipe away tears, and generally feel unwell. i have allergies in my family. and labor reddened eyes. what exactly causes you to feel unwell and how to distinguish an allergy from a cold. and how to deal with this?
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the pollen season is open, and many regions already have average pollen levels. how do they react to... cases of rejecting substances with a protein structure, and they are found in plants, more in food or animal hair, that is, protein is for our... hopten, which is perceived as a foreign antigen, cause the release of biologically active substances such as histamine, prodikenin, clinic and is caused by these substances. the symptoms are similar to a cold, but what is characteristic is that the temperature does not rise, the nose is running, it’s as if sand has been poured into the eyes, a cough may develop, some have been suffering since childhood, others after 40 years, and there are more and more allergy sufferers every year, why exactly no one... will say, polynosis is not completely studied. allergic diseases, unfortunately, can occur at any age, and no one can predict whether you will have an allergic reaction or not? yes, there is a predisposition, a family history, this is
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a stress factor, this is the large number of preservatives that we use in our diet. it is unlikely that you will be able to ignore the symptoms from year to year; allergies, like a snowball, may first arise to pollen, and over time to some products. it’s even more difficult to treat this kind of thing, so for beginners yes... even now, during the polynosis season, people are sent to donate blood to quickly figure out what the reaction is to. natalya has been suffering for 13 years. the first year, my eyes reacted very strongly to rhinitis, and i was prescribed drops that relieved the itching. over time, asthma appeared. in general , it is important for all allergy sufferers, without exception, and especially those with asthma, to monitor the condition of their lungs. take a deep breath, inhale, inhale, inhale, inhale, inhale and exhale sharply. pull, pull, pull, any untreated asthma leads sooner or later to the formation of subepithelial fibrosis in
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bronchi, this very reversible obstruction turns into irreversible when the drugs stop working. after the tests they will prescribe antihistamines, what else should i put in the bird? eye drops, nasal rinse spray, inhaler, barrier ointments and adrenaline, these are the vasoconstrictor drops that should be used. caution causes addiction already in the second week, for patients who are allergic to pollen, herbal medicine, that is, herbal treatment is strictly prohibited, and this causes an even worsening of the condition, up to swelling, for example, of the larynx, morning is the most active period of dust, it is better to ventilate the room in the evening, ideally after rain, when there is no wind, wear a mask, glasses, a hat outside, bring clothes from the street to wash, take a shower yourself, even hair is better wash every day. maryana zhukova, denis panomariov, yulia bykova, channel one. let there be light, this is the motto that organizer of the space irina galanova works under today. with a slight movement
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of her hand, she creates local lighting in the house. note, without help, the electrician is a master. it happens that in the morning you’re getting ready for work and can’t find the thing you need; you simply can’t see it in the dark. but i don’t want to turn on the main lighting and be with my husband. i found a way out, organize local lighting, glue double-sided adhesive tape over the crossbar, attach a wireless lamp with a built-in motion sensor to it, see how convenient it is, open the closet, the light bulbs automatically turn on, now all the outfits are in sight, you can choose any item without disturbing your spouse’s sleep, and for the children's room i saved the flexible one. one tape, degreasing surface, i wait for the solution to evaporate, i glue the tape, if the child needs to go downstairs at night, he will not have to do
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this in complete darkness, so that the children are not afraid to walk in a dark corridor, i attached portable lamps with a motion sensor along the walls. these bulbs can be hung on a nail or double-sided adhesive tape. thanks to additional lighting, the house has become even more comfortable. today , andrei bogatyrev’s historical blockbuster, malta’s gold, is being released in wide release. chase, adventure, fatal love, brilliant cast, and this is all a film that is a must see. and they began, i am the host of the visits here. tomorrow we go out to look for my gold. you won't be offended. and you have a lot of gold. 40 hearths a true love story for treasures that have not yet been found. gold. malta has a history of a daring robbery that happened more than a century ago, he is preparing gold for shipment, the security is thin, i relied on a western, i really love serge
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lyon and quentin tarantin, and yes, i really love paul newman, when i thought about that , how to play, for some reason i have more bright male characters, how they sit coolly in the saddle, how they conduct a dialogue with such an easy little guy, an american. director andrei bogatyrev himself, like a treasure hunter, collected facts bit by bit. when we were filming in those very places in the khabarovsk territory, a wheel from an old cart was found, perhaps the very same cart in which the gold once traveled disappeared, and this became the starting point of our script. 40 pounds of gold were stolen by people in shaman masks. mine owner leon tebulygin ruined. he blames the local tribe for everything and
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gathers loyal people to search for him. bulygin's friend, actress sonya, will begin her hunt for gold, a loving officer helps her. when we see each other, when you have something to pour into my navel, my angel, my doletsky, of course, he is uncontrollably, probably unrequitedly in love. the chase, the adventures - a real eastern, an eagle soaring in the sky above umalta, like another guardian. our film is about fate, do we shape our own destiny, or is fate still something that cannot be changed, stop, well, volodya, how much since we said this, now that the golden cast, alexander samoilenko, sofia ernst, artyom tkachenko, pavel derevyanko, alexey shevchenko, together with director andrei bogatyrev, presented the film on tuesday at the premiere at the oktyabr cinema, post.
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searches in the cinema, malta has gold to feed us, we leave at dawn, go to the rental, today, you will die from the gold rush, wait, what’s wrong, we ’re filming her, filming, filming, she’s like some kind of enchanted woman, svetlana neymanes, asya ratkevich, joseph kobrin, channel one, next on the air is a news release, stay tuned. this is news on the first one, studio maria vasilyeva, hello. two drone control centers were destroyed within 24 hours by fighters of the central group of troops in the avdeevsky direction of the special operation; in total , strikes were carried out on 400 targets. ukrainian armed forces losses - 300 militants. a lot of equipment was hit, including western equipment, including
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an american howitzer. m-777, an entire hangar with such guns destroyed the crew of the rszzo grad in the southern donetsk direction, according to four military guns were destroyed. the accurate hit was confirmed by reconnaissance; for the successful operation, the crew of the combat vehicle was awarded state awards. the artillerymen also worked effectively near artyomovsk, where the crew of the d-30 howitzer hit camouflaged enemy positions and equipment, he suffered heavy losses, a successful operation on the northern sector of the front... our paratroopers led, they eliminated a group of ukrainian militants who had taken refuge in a dugout. vdvm soldiers carried out the task at night, approached enemy positions on minimum distance, no more than a thousand meters, and opened fire. in a few minutes, they fired about 500 high-explosive fragmentation ammunition. operators of drones equipped with thermal imagers helped correct the shooting. we are guided, as if by coordinates,
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by a radio station, they say. we also take it, aim at these coordinates and the sighting begins , we release about five sighting guns, then we make corrections again, we’ll also get somewhere again, we’ll get better and we’ll continue to work, as soon as the exact hit begins, we’re already missing, our fighters every day they show courage on the front line, here are new examples of the guard, private ilman babaev discovered the advance of enemy equipment and opened fire on it, as a result, thanks to decisive actions... mana managed to stop the advance of the ukrainian armed forces and destroy three enemy vehicles, including a tank and an infantry fighting vehicle. guard private denis glazunov, finding himself with his artillery crew under fire, accurately determined the location of the militants and aimed the equipment. as a result, our soldiers destroyed a western-made artillery gun, armored vehicle and eliminated a large group of ukrainian infantry. defense minister sergei shaigu held telephone conversations with the head of the
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french defense department seba. the conversation took place at the urgent request of paris. lekarniu expressed condolences in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole. at the same time, he persistently tried to convince that ukraine and western countries were not involved in the attack, shifting responsibility to isis, which is banned in russia. sergei shaigu emphasized that what was started in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus city holly the investigation will certainly be completed, and all those responsible will be punished. there is information about the ukrainian trace in the organization of the terrorist attack. the kiev regime does nothing without the approval of western curators; we hope that in this case the french intelligence services are not behind this,” said the head of the russian military department. regarding the application.
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the treatment will shorten the length of hospital stay, which means that more than a thousand patients per year will be able to take it there and reduce the number of side effects. ukrainians on the front line are exhausted and waiting in vain rotation, once again confirmed by western journalists, filming. everyone answered that they were looking forward to being sent home, but they could only dream about it; the ukrainians complained about russian drones,
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which, according to them, had become a real disaster for the ukrainian armed forces; they were trying to shoot them down, but often without success. nato has not yet been able to agree on a fund for ukraine, the head of the dutch ministry of foreign affairs reported this.
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structures, sheets of iron, roofs were torn from the walls, as if they were made of light fabric, road signs and traffic lights have to be reinstalled, which was torn out of the asphalt and thrown onto the roadway, the wind died down only towards night, and today in the capital region weather forecasters promise rain, that’s all for now, now a word to colleagues, good morning, april 4, today is international internet day, with which we welcome you congratulations to everyone, you are probably sitting on your phone right now, yes, we certainly won’t be mistaken if we assume that as soon as you woke up, first of course you turned on the first channel, good morning, and then you went into your gadgets, picked up your phones, tablets, you need to check your email there, read social networks, news, look , see, yes, we often have breakfast without looking up from our gadgets, and this, by the way
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, is not at all useful, but unless you drink coffee or tea, watch good morning, this is possible, this is possible, for the younger generation still, in general, it’s probably not harmful, an experiment, we asked several families to film themselves at dinner twice, you can have one meal, as you are used to in front of screens with gadgets. how do you like the soup? well, so-so. and the girls just waved their spoons, without looking, without thinking at all, what they eat, that is, they did not look up from the cartoons, they did not even remember what the soup was made of, although i told them. the other is strictly demon, and that as a result, at least the taste sensations were added. how's the soup? that's it, amazing! when we spend time with gadgets at lunch, we don’t notice how quickly we get full, you can be different and you’ll eat everything unnoticed, but how serious is this, we continue the experiment in one of
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the families, we have two identical plates with the same set of favorite cakes, we’ll leave one here in the usual place, yes, where the child always eats with the family, we’ll move the second one to another table with some... maya and adele are sisters the same age, maya with a smartphone, in 5 minutes she ate almost half a plate, four cakes, yes, adele, without being distracted, for the same i ate half as much time, even one, that is, one and a half , experts explain that distraction while eating reduces the metabolic rate and is therefore dangerous, at least not with boiling due to poor chewing. we watch some kind of movie, get emotionally involved, we release adrenaline hormones, oradrenaline, that is, such emotional arousal that slows down digestion, slows down... the absorption of nutrients, a child, a teenager, is distracted, eats more
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than he needs, because the brain does not give satiety signals in time, and if this habit is reinforced, that is repeated day after day, it leads to overweight or obesity. families where they eat together and are not distracted, healthier ones are less likely to suffer from weight gain, even though the backwater timer, 20 minutes no messages from work. consciously pay attention pay attention to... the phone, well, put it at least on the windowsill, and then it will become a habit. and get up from the table a little hungry, but there was good advice: satiety, if we take a ten-point scale, then you need to get up somewhere around 6-7, this is good. that is, if you can eat about a quarter more of the serving, it's time to stop. dmitry kuzmin, konstantin struchkov, evgeny smirnov, channel one. we remind you that you are looking at good morning on the calendar on april 4, which means that a little more is all. countries will come, they will be all-russian testing
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work, well, what used to be called annual controls, but this does not change the essence, now these are also the main control years, here are dear schoolchildren, also mothers, fathers, grandparents, the main thing is to remain calm, i tell myself, first of all, to my parents, well and of course you need to prepare, well , there is still time, before the all-russian test work the main test of the year is a few minutes away, there is a little excitement, i think that i will pass at 4-5, but they also write the vpr in all regions. in soviet times, packages arrived from pano, schools opened them. the teacher wrote two options on the board, and the children completed them. vpr is the same thing, only based on modern technologies. works in the unified state exam format - testing knowledge for the year. i can accurately understand my level of knowledge, i can clearly understand my mistakes and what i need to improve. and also vpr - stress resistance training. but, of course, everything is not as strict as in the exam. no observers, no video cameras, they take place at
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school, take place in class, and are taught by the same teacher. the school sets the date herself, some in april, some in may. with the help of our federal information system, each school is generic, that is , its own unique set of options is created, that is, the answers in one school will not coincide with the answers in another school. the first, second and third grades are exempt from the ed, and final tests are held. from fourth to eighth grade, in ninth grade there are none, because ninth graders take the oge, in tenth grade they don’t write either, the school decides whether eleventh graders will take it, the students don’t choose their subjects, fourth grade is always mathematics, the russian world around us, in elementary school right on the vpr, the usual warm-up, arms forward, up, warm-up helps to concentrate, attentiveness... the key to a good result, i wrote, i think,
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excellent, maybe, maybe for five, maybe for four, seniors classes are already writing cds in four subjects; in addition to russian and mathematics , history or geography, physics or biology are added, which students and teachers sometimes learn exactly in just a couple of weeks; for eleventh graders, an individual approach is written in those subjects in which they fail unified state exam. is vpr assessed not in points, but as a percentage, does it put a mark for vpr in the journal, are schools here? completely independent, 40% do not take into account the result at all, 60 on the contrary. in our school, traditionally, again, in order to improve the mathematics skills of students, these grades are given and will be considered as the final certification at the end of the year. this year , several innovations of the russian language test in foreign languages ​​have been canceled; in some subjects, for example, mathematics has become shorter, 45 minutes instead of 60. there is still more than a month of all-russian testing work ahead, hope truth. good morning, how to increase the size
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of your biceps? include one simple exercise in your daily routine; it is suitable even for beginners. girls, join us, beautiful hands will not hurt you, we take dumbbells in our hands, if you don’t have them, half-liter bottles of water. right elbow, raise the dumbbell to the left shoulder, like this, hold it parallel to the body, return to the starting position, perform the exercise with one hand or the other, who doesn’t have enough load? can increase the weight of the shells, but not much, so that you don’t have to
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deviate and jerk with effort to lift dumbbell, it won’t take long to break your back, we work exclusively using the strength of our arms, while our shoulders are straightened, our back is straight. this exercise will help strengthen the muscles of your arms and chest. of course, provided that you are not lazy. let's continue.
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and exists, our company is engaged in the development and production of diagnostic tests for determining allergic reactions, using our reagents; the laboratory has the widest range of allergens that can be detected. mainly our collections are sheepskin coats, we also we produce leather items, suits, coats, trousers, skirts. our brand's style is everyday luxury. our everything. premiere. on saturday. on the first. in a land where there is eternal snow and cold, people wear earflaps all year round, and to keep warm, having drunk a lot in a squat, all the people dance, the unknown flies in exchange, attack novorsk, at one secret base you can take corn syrup, the man is hardy,
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there he is strong, he has no troubles for anything, he even has problems in space. with a wrench, here's kazan's gym, it's only for members it’s open, and somewhere there in the background, a wonderful anaya is already flogging, legs, the head of a finger are swimming, scraping the bottom with screws, this is how americans see our russian world in their movies. on saturday on the first. a funny story happened in one of the districts of st. petersburg. now i’ll tell you: in the yard local residents found a lost beaver, how he ended up in the city remains a mystery, well , maybe his navigator is faulty or he forgot his compass. in general, the rescuers who arrived caught the animal and returned it to its natural environment. a habitat. we remind you that on the calendar, april 4,
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it was on this day, only in 1704 , that the signal bell was lit on the sovereign bastion of the peter and paul fortress in st. petersburg. to retire, especially since the lighthouse is satellites, but the good old lighthouses are in no hurry ; real maritime romance, you must agree, well , let’s go ahead, the light of the lighthouse, the very first lighthouse in russia appeared in st. petersburg, when the sovereign’s bastion was completed, its ... on top there was a grate in the form of a bowl, on which overseas stone firewood was burned coal. there was an international trade port here, although not for long; the bastion was later rebuilt. today there are 250 lighthouses in russia. one of the most picturesque tokarevsky lighthouse in vladivostok,
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stands in the narrowness of the eastern basfor strait, in peter the great bay, sea of ​​japan. the twelve-meter tower is the highest point of the strait with a secret. was not visible, glimpses of the lighthouse struck the bell, this bell remained at the lighthouse for quite a long time, until 1998. today there is the latest equipment, visibility range. and there are dozens of unusual lighthouses in russia, there is a wooden openwork one on bely island, there is a floating inhabited one, the last of its kind in the whole world, the irbensky lighthouse, today it is retired, in addition to the light and sound signal , a hydroacoustic signal was also issued as needed, that is, for underwater boats, that sound, and of course, what a lighthouse without a lens, a revolutionary discovery. centuries has increased the range of light by ten kilometers, it stands on the baltic lighthouse, it’s not just a lens, it’s a whole room. the lens itself, it consists, as it were, of
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three parts: dome, vestibule, middle part. the light range is more than 25 km, 16 miles, one working light bulb, three spare ones, the baltic lighthouse is the westernmost in russia. we have a lighthouse-house, called a lighthouse. the red stripe is a heading sign for ships. this is the first front building, there was a second one. the rear one was once located on the slope of the markut ridge, in the form of a truncated pyramid. the ships could turn the bay only when they entered the target, that is, when the front leading mark was the second, they stood on the same straight line as the ship. now ships are guided by light, it has become easier. in general, lighthouses are coastal or floating, light or radio-technical. in the nizhny novgorod region, the village of bogorodskaya, a lighthouse can theoretically. call it light, only there is no fresnell lens here, the so-called lighthouse is a temple, the crosses themselves glow. this design was developed by andrei ivanovich
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delvik, a very famous engineer, he proposed such a design of crosses with natural illumination, the sun and the moon, they are perfectly visible from any direction for 30 miles. the secret is in the refraction of rays - glass the crosses are multi-faceted; not only ships from the vitluga river, but also people orient themselves towards it, so as not to get lost in the forest. elizaveta nikishova. we present to your attention the astrological forecast for today, april 4 april 4, 25 lunar sixteenth solar day, friendly, sociable, like yesterday, very creative, and at the same time he has excellent intuition, he knows how to, what is called, immediately grasp the essence of the problem. on such days it is easier for us to understand other people and motives. their actions, the other side of this coin is that we can be gullible and easily become infected by someone else’s mood, it’s not difficult to pity us,
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working with numbers and everything that requires focus and concentration will not work very well, drivers, you heard it, drive especially carefully through puddles, and many more today will, let’s say, be a little in the clouds . aries, however, is unlikely to be threatened by this, they stand firmly on the ground, they know exactly what they want, unless they buy something unnecessary, but this is a trifle. after lunch, there may be an important meeting, for which it is better not to be late, and do not leave your personal information on unverified sites. a busy day for taurus, when they need to tackle several things at once and manage to get to several places at the same time, and this is rarely possible. the stars hint that sometimes you need to be able to shift something onto someone else’s shoulders, and the evening clearly has some pleasant things in store for you. geminis today are very charming, as they say, they are doomed to success, however, from office romances, stars. advises to refrain, especially from affairs with superiors. expect good news later in the evening. this day is also
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going to please cancers with something. more likely, it will be something personal. when it comes to business, your motto is careful attention, especially if the work involves money and numbers, and watch your step. leos, get ready to fulfill some promises or provide favors for favors, and do not rush to believe everything they tell you. they may try to deceive you or mislead you. information, expect guests in the evening. virgos are just having a wonderful day, work, career, earnings, personal life, good luck with you in everything, more self-confidence, everything will work out, just don’t rush and don’t rush events, let everything take its course. libra also has a good day, especially for everything that can be done together. someone today will understand that his or her hobby may well become a business that brings money, but why not, be careful with fire. scorpios can.
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the support of some necessary people, but you will have to pay for it later with something, and the evening seems to be preparing something entertaining and educational for you and without alcohol. aquarius can spoil it. someone who interferes with their plans, the day is generally a little inconvenient in this regard, when something is distracting, preventing you from concentrating, get over it calmly, tomorrow everything will go like clockwork, just be careful with the money. a positive day for pisces, when everything works out, although not immediately. a couple of tips from the stars: try not to get involved with any intermediaries and keep secret what outsiders don’t need to know, well, good luck.
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contest. you're in the game, the popular vote is underway, and you too can join. our colleague igor prutnikov has all the details. true enthusiasts of their craft who live for sports and are ready to attract others with them, thanks to precisely such people, new projects for the development of mass sports are appearing in all corners of our big country. and declare to yourself: now you can, thanks to the all-russian competition of sports projects, you are in the game, held at... the winner of the grand prize will receive 1 million for the development of his project. among the semi-finalists of the 2024 competition, selected by the expert council of the kaluga pitank project as a corporate sport, it helps combat sedentary lifestyle, strengthens team
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spirit, stimulates innovative thinking, and most importantly nourishes. accessible to almost everyone, everything you need, balls, cachanet and a relatively flat area with gravel, and of course, a good mood, work colleagues, but this is a kind of chess, too, because pitank is not just about throwing balls, it’s about tactics and strategy, sometimes there are experienced players on the team who just tell you where to throw, how to throw, and you seem to do it, you succeed, this is it, i don’t know, you get pleasure from it, pleasure quickly turns into... sports passion, among former amateurs there are already professionals who have achieved great heights, including russian champions, during the offended break we went out into the yard and played, but in fact in order to play there for ourselves and even participate in tournaments, well, you can not pay attention to skill, that is, you need to have fun, the main thing is to do it correctly, if you win the competition you are in
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the game, the authors of the project plan to invest the prize money in the construction of a street complex. russia, which is held in the very big art of europe, nikola lenivets near koluga. everyone can take part in activities such as trail, bike rides, orienteering, rock climbing, an excellent opportunity not only to spend time with friends or family away from the bustle of the city, but to try new activities and explore. you can find bright initiatives and support the participants you like on the competition website you v igre.rf. join the popular vote for the best mass sports projects. premiere performance of the play at the russian academic youth theater philip gurevich leningrad fairy tales. an astonishing story in which the life of one leningrad family during
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the war years, children's fantasies and absolutely everything are intricately mixed. siege of lening premier show at the russian academic youth theater. it is based on the pentateuch, leningrad tales, the novel of the same name by yulia yakovleva, and the performance consists of three parts: leningrad, evacuation, victory. a mythological, mystical journey through the past of our country. and it is precisely this move that allows us to distance ourselves somewhat from some literal things, but not from the real events in the center, the children of the blockade, tanya, shurka and bob, are such a trembling topic for me personally, because with great respect and with great memory, love for all those who fought,
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first they lose parents. that's it, we are now on our own, tutevera, maybe she even came under fire, that's enough, later events separate them, this is a play about how children are desperately trying to gather their family, then in the end we understand that everything seems to be fine, but they are all kind of broken, complex topics are not hushed up here, they are talked about in youth language, sometimes in slang, all accompanied by music. light helps to achieve this effect, there is a lot of it, they use little frontal light, well, only literally,
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so that the face can be seen, everything else is shaking light that creates a picture, a certain atmosphere, all this is almost 4 hours, but it looks in one go, a performance for the whole family. leningrad fairy tales in the russian academic youth theater. intelligence confirmed for a successful operation the crew of the combat vehicle was awarded state
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awards, the artillerymen and podtemovsky worked effectively, there the crew of the d-30 howitzer hit camouflaged enemy positions and equipment, he suffered heavy losses, our paratroopers carried out a successful operation on the northern sector of the front, they eliminated a group of ukrainian militants who... . opened in a dugout, airborne troops carried out the task, at night they got close to enemy positions at a minimum distance of no more than thousands of meters and opened fire, in a few minutes they released about 500 high-explosive fragmentation ammunition; drone operators equipped with thermal imagers helped adjust the shooting. we aim according to the coordinates, according to the radio station, they say, we also take it, we aim according to these coordinates and the shooting begins. we release about five turnouts, then again we make corrections, we also get somewhere again, we correct ourselves and we work on further, when they start getting accurate hits, we already miss them. defense minister sergei shaigu
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held telephone conversations with the head of the french defense department sebastian medicine shop. the conversation took place at the urgent request of paris. lekarniu expressed condolences in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus city hall, while persistently trying to convince of the non-involvement of ukraine and western countries. to attack, shifting responsibility to isis, which is banned in russia. sergei shaigur emphasized that the investigation launched in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus cityholi will certainly be completed, and all those responsible will be punished. there is information about the ukrainian trace in the organization of the terrorist attack. the kiev regime does nothing without approval of western curators, we hope that in this case the french intelligence services are not behind this,” said the head of the russian military department.
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sources assure the guardian that ukraine will certainly make a new attempt to damage him, in part to boost the morale of its soldiers who are suffering setbacks on the front line. kiev is not giving up hope of persuading germany to provide its taurus missiles for an attack on the crimean bridge, but chancellor olaf scholz is not yet acting because he wants to avoid a dangerous escalation in relations with russia. belarusian intelligence services uncovered a criminal network of ukrainian agents. among them were citizens of the union state. by order of the kiev regime, they carried out sabotage in russia. we are talking, in
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particular, about drone attacks. performers recruited by the sbu transported explosives and drone parts for money, and set up hiding places on the border, so that other agents of kiev would then do the dirtiest work. bloody attacks on our country. during interrogation, one of the detainees said that he was instructed to pick up the hidden border components of the drone along with explosives and hide it all on the territory of russia in the smolensk region, i asked for the last year, i stopped by and said, well, like, depending on how much you want to earn, there, like, like, look at some area, like yes , send photos there if you have more money, yeah, like you need it. go to follow some military man, yeah, well, like transfer the coordinates or put the territory of smolensk under the car , you had to come to the indicated place to install it. eu ambassadors refused
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to honor the memory of soviet soldiers who died during the liberation of bratislava from the nazis. slovak prime minister robert fitze invited diplomats to the slavin memorial. a solemn ceremony dedicated to the anniversary of those events was planned there today, but was refused under the pretext that representatives of russia and belarus would also come to the memorial. your extreme bewilderment.
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liberating slovakia from the nazis, more than 60 thousand red army soldiers died, about 7,000 fell in the battles for bratislava, robert fitze called on the slovaks to come to the memorial to lay flowers, and also showed a bronze memorial plaque installed in january 1946 in honor of the soviet soldiers who, having expelled the invaders in record time, restored the bridge across the danube destroyed by the nazis, a few years ago it was handed over in... april with us in our warm company , anastasia orlova and evgeny pokrovsky are with you. who is the eldest in the house? well, if we are talking about an apartment building, the answer is obvious: the one who was chosen by the majority of owners at the general meeting. do you even go to these meetings, zhenya, to be honest, i don’t even know, zhenya, there is a chairman of the house council. how could you not know, i
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don’t know, but these people exist, and let’s say a huge thank you to them for doing a difficult, but very important and necessary thing, they add comfort and beauty to our lives. garbage, scribbled walls, rusty pipes, and only the wall newspaper reminds of the past of this high-rise building; order was restored by the house council under the clear leadership of marina bordukova. we managed to organize a conservation service, a cctv camera, and repairs to the roof, entrance, and attic. e basement blind area, replacement engineering systems for cold water supply, hot water supply, sewerage, and achieved the allocation of money for façade insulation. marina spared no effort, no health, no time, our house is beautiful, warm, comfortable, we want to live here. if the house is serviced by a management company, it must have a chairman of the house council, as required by the housing code. this is the owner from among your neighbors. who, based on
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the decision of the general meeting, is elected to exercise control over the management of the maintenance of common property. residents are inactive, the meeting is organized by the local administration, but this way the house risks getting a formal house manager. on the contrary, the interested chairman actively communicates with the manager, monitors how the residents’ money is spent and suggests what to repair, there was no heating or water, he asks for a recalculation for everyone, so that each owner... does not push the thresholds of the management organization, the chairman may be assigned such powers that he draw up such an act in the council of the house and already make demands for recalculation to the entire composition of owners. chairman also has the right to complain about an unscrupulous management company to the housing inspectorate, but he has responsibilities. he is also accountable to the general meeting, that is, he must publish his report annually. here i was, here i participated, here i came up with proposals. neighbors
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value alexey sofin for his initiative. in the regional program for the renovation of entrances, i found a nomination for design renovation of an entrance; only two entrances from each municipal district participate in it. i applied for luck, as a result i won, now there is space inside, moreover, it is functional, a new porch, doors, lighting, a stroller area, a cozy entrance area, however, there are also enough worries. 24x7, lyosha is always connected, he is the one who... alexey does not take money for his work, but according to the law the chairman can count on encouragement, how much the residents decide, they divide it into square meters, they determine how much is plus to yours, to yours the receipt will be added to the expenses for his remuneration, this is, of course, when pravdom has everything under control, but if the activities of the chairman are not visible at all, the owners have the right to re-elect him at a new general meeting.
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categories, and also apply to people with foreign rights. hope is true with details. let's start with the advantages; we can score more penalty points in the practical part. it used to be five, now it's seven. first task: installation on the rise. you can make more minor or medium errors, one point if, for example, you drove too slowly or braked too hard unnecessarily . three points if, say, you didn’t turn on the turn signal. and even after rough mistakes are 5 points, the exam does not stop, before a person made a gross mistake, then in fact he got out of the car and did not pass, come back next time, a gross mistake - for example, driving through a red traffic light, not allowing a pedestrian to pass, now appears relaxation, you can take the exam
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further, you have two points left, the minimum width of the turning space has also been increased to 7 m. this is an insignificant increase, the percentage of those passing may not... increase, because this freedom can be fully compensated for in quotes by stricter taking the exam. the percentage of people passing the first time is extremely low, ranging from 10 to 12%. in terms of timing, the rules have become stricter: if they do not pass the practical part of the exam after three attempts, the next fourth attempt is six months later. previously, it was possible to repeat the fourth attempt in a month, it seems that the tightening is not too serious. but the fact is that the theoretical exam lasts for six months, it turns out that he will first have to give the theory again again, and then come to practice again, and for a beginner it’s not so easy, if i don’t pass on the third , then i try again only after 6-9 months, for me it will be critical,
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because i can lose my driving skills, forget the theory, the list of those who will not be allowed to pass the license has been specified : firstly, this is a deviation from... left-handed cars, for this you only need to pass a theoretical exam, it is mandatory, there is no need to pass practice, and students of gray driving schools, which exist only on paper, will not be allowed to take exams, is your school in the allowed list, you need check on the traffic police website. nadezhda pravdina,
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nikolai krysanov, channel one, well, now about money, or rather about debts, it happens like this, a person lives for himself, and, in general, does not worry, suddenly he receives a fine for something he did not violate, yeah. in one district of st. petersburg there live two anastasia vladimirovna pavlovs, born on september 19, 1985. we got to know each other when adult life began. i went to get my license and was told that i already had it. the second call came to the antenatal clinic, and the woman who gave out
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medical cards, says: oh, are you on the fourth? i say, in the sense of the fourth, so on the map, i say, no, the second, and it turned out that my mother-in-law and i in st. petersburg even lived in the same area and were observed in the same women’s room. that’s when i realized that there was someone else. it’s funny until loan debts started coming in, taxes on the car of one, and for the apartment of another, the credit history is the same for two, and somehow the double’s card was loaded in the bank’s application. until the age of 30, that i and my mother-in-law went with one inn, one seals, we discovered this by accident when my teska came to re-register something, we began to redo the documents, in the end they gave me my snials and...
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i need several documents, not only the date of birth, inn, сnials or passport must be indicated, well, just one of these identifiers, the fourth identifier is the driver's license number. now in executive documents the full set looks like this : last name first name patronymic, date of birth, place of birth of the citizen one of these four identifiers, but this is the rule should protect new doubles that have not yet appeared in the databases, alexander zhuravlev from samara, for example, since 17 , money was regularly written off for his name from novosibirsk, he even sued the bailiffs, received compensation of 15,000, but the debts still went on. the main problem is that from the nells they take exactly mine, as well. all other data is written by the debtor, it is according to the inn number that this debt is tied to
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government services. recently, the bank mistakenly transferred the account to a double; it was well noticed and quickly corrected. now alexander is watching everything. about once a week i regularly checked government services to understand that there was no new debt. it’s important to catch this moment and contact the bailiffs. according to the bailiffs themselves, it will take at least 3 years to erase this error from all ebas documents. and this means tracking and writing a statement from the department every time. sergey abramov, sotnik, anastasia novokhatnya and sergey falendysh, channel one. the will of zhenya beloosov. the battle for the legacy of the star of the nineties is entering the home stretch. all participants in the conflict are in our studio. you submitted to court? why does a person write a will at 30 years old? roman is sure that the entire inheritance was once unfairly given to sister christina. if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning and formalized everything. why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want to find out
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the truth, you know dad’s handwriting, i’ll be honest, no, but you were getting divorced for the purpose, it turned out that the court divorced us, can you imagine it was through for me 26 years such a blow, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first, when you entered into an inheritance, you told the notary that there were still potential heirs, you see, i was in... the state of the person i loved died, probably the only love of my life, mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group , gin sheaf, a product of the stellar group, monte chococa cognac, a product of the stellar group, rom castro, a product of stellar. veda vodka is a product of stellor group. anatoly
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konstantinovich, give me maria as my wife. you can give it away. it's a good idea to collect the dowry with your dad. we have embroidered shirts here. so. very beautiful. in the vologda province , an amazing ritual of equipment has been preserved. the bride was placed on a table decorated with a rich tablecloth, and her friends helped her put on her wedding attire. came, well, who, who is young, bring our beauty out, well, the groom, to be at the wedding, let's go, quarrel, believe, quarrel, believe, we'll play the wedding, on sunday on the first, today, well, if anyone didn't know, yet one very interesting date: international carrot day and isn’t this a reason to talk about this root vegetable, which, by the way, was described back in 512
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year, roman doctor diaskarit, very soon carrots will begin to inhabit our beds, but for now, together with yulia kozlova, we will find out who needs to lean on carrots, what is so useful in them and whose merit is that they are orange, so i love, for example, lettuce, carrot and apple, the bright orange signature color of carrots is the merit of carotenoids, these pigments... not only color the root vegetable, but also turn into vitamin a in our body . most of the myths are associated with it, for example, about improvement vision. vitamin a is part of the rhodopsin protein, which is responsible for twilight vision. and if you have decreased vision or night blindness due to vitamin a deficiency, then only in this case can this help. but if a person is nearsighted, farsighted. astigmatism, carrots will not help here, but will not harm either, unless, of course, the root vegetables are fresh,
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healthy and thoroughly cleaned, we wash the carrots three times in order to produce a safe product, the first bath is a pre-wash, where we wash with plain water, then a bath with prepared with special water, where we wash the carrots a second time, the third time - we wash them before drying, vitamin a is not water-soluble, so losses during washing... are minimal, children are also advised to lean on carrots, supposedly they will grow faster, but is this true ? for normal growth, not only of children, but also of adolescents, normal tissue renewal. we need protein first, if a person consumes vitamin a but is deficient in protein, he will never grow. protein in carrots is only 1%, but there is a lot of fiber, it improves digestion, normalizes the intestinal microflora, this in turn has a positive effect on the skin, but the fact that carrots promote a beautiful, even
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tan is still a myth. we get a tan when, under the influence of ultraviolet rays , the pigment melanin is formed in the skin, it is produced by special cells that are located in the skin. vitamin a does not affect the production of melanin in any way, but it protects from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, vitamin a - a powerful antioxidant, helps cells renew, and by the way, after heat treatment, its amount in carrots does not decrease, but digestibility increases several times. yulia kozlova, mikhail chetveryako, vasily yurov, tatyana yus, channel one. you see, good morning, today is april 4, if anyone doesn’t know, this is not only international internet day, but world rat day, and we decided to connect, our columnist yegor uspensky, of course, could not pass by such a date, he had a whole hit a parade of the most outstanding, as they should be called, rats, little rats, all of them, and our hit parade opens with the rat, which has a lot in common with me, well, at
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least the fact that she loves to wash herself just like me and is the most fussy rat in the world, is she living for the first time? in peru her name is sandra and she became famous for the fact that she loves to take a shower, and, as you can see, she does it with great pleasure, so enjoy yourselves sandra, well, we move on, what a smart girl, in fourth place is a representative of the rat family named pepper, or in our opinion pepper, is distinguished by his intelligence, knows three dozen teams, plays basketball and even football, and can also throw out trash, earn millions of likes from his loyal fans, it seems to me that he is a good match for sandry, how was he trained, or maybe he is saving up for something, the top three today are opened by these furry artists, they paint with their paws on canvas, special ones, please note, with harmless paints, the result is such works of avant-garde rat art, and over time, i think, their canvases will only increase in price, that’s for sure, the honorable second place goes to a little rat named mr. blick, one day he saw how
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the hostess plays the cube harmonica and also decided to try, mr. blick is doing well, well, you can see for yourself... you hear, all you have to do is practice a little and you can perform on the big stage, you will also earn a lot, i wonder how they made such a small harmonica, well, at the top of our hit parade is the little rat fillya and his friend the cat perseya from rostov-on-don, they have, perhaps the most important talent, the ability to be friends. following the lives of these inseparable friends, who have their own blog, by the way, on the internet, watched by 200,000 users every day, oh, look how cool they are, how cute. we’ll talk about money, but more precisely about those who steal it, yes, about swindlers who are now increasingly found on the internet, by the way, ordinary pickpockets, unfortunately, have not gone anywhere, they still love crowded places, at the same time, they can look quite harmless, a gallant young man, a beautiful lady, and there is even, you know, such a grandmother of god’s dandelion, so watch your things and don’t let
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your guard down, never look on the internet surveillance video? sometimes interesting things come across. here, for example, is the work of a pickpocket in action. apparently, this is happening in the clinic. one of the pensioners went to return her jacket to the cloakroom and left her bag unattended. and please, the same pensioner settled down next to her. therefore, by the way, no one will think about her. as you can see, anyone can be a pickpocket, a grandmother, a grandfather, a young beauty, a gallant young man. on the hand of this criminal. whether it's a coat or a jacket, the point is that it's screen, the thief puts it on someone else’s bag and takes out the wallet, when the owner returns, the scammer is already far away, in general, theft can happen anywhere, so we keep an eye on our things, if you come to a cafe without company, we put the bag on a chair nearby take it with
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you, cover it with your own things, a scarf, for example, so your valuables. will not attract the attention of a pickpocket at all if he is nearby. if you travel on public transport, then hang your bag like this, throw the belt over your head and turn it over your stomach. in this case, almost it's impossible to miss a thief's attempt to rob you. yes, in principle, pickpockets will not take such risks. in general, be careful, take care of your wallet. today is rich in all sorts of dates, among them there is one very interesting one - world rat day. official status of the holiday. for some reason it hasn’t yet, but we still congratulate all, how to put it correctly, rat lovers, rat breeders, then congratulate me, because i adore, and, by the way, rats lived with me , wonderful animals.
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but also about all the decorative rats, let's let's get to know them. irina has five living with her. by the way, you can say this, not only about her, the decorative rats, these are girls, they are all very tame. this is a domino rat. this is sour cream, they are very playful, they are very playful, like all children, yes, they do not sit still, they study everything, they want to climb. all the rats came to irina from volunteers; these are rescued animals that were thrown away by unscrupulous owners. decorative rats have poor health, they have no chance of surviving on the street, moreover, they can even get sick at home, for example, these little ones recently started sneeze. we gave them an x-ray, an x-ray of a rat, yes, such small animals are also given an x-ray, with such a small x-ray machine, no, an x-ray, an ordinary machine, it turned out that
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my girls have a little bronchitis, they need treatment, they also need to feed the rats correctly only with food for rodents, human food is not suitable for them, and they must live in a spacious cage, look how irina has everything equipped. rats are perhaps the smartest rodents, so they need intellectual stress. we have this educational toy komodik. rats they open this drawer with their paws and take out a tasty treat from there. my dog, to be honest, has an educational toy that is absolutely of the same principle. yes, sometimes i even call them little dogs. very similar to dogs, they respond to a nickname, and they can also be taught a variety of tricks,
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they are very gentle, very tactile, i call them my little antidepressants, if you also fell in love with rats, keep in mind, even though they are small, but require attention and time, because any animal is a responsibility. the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, they run and wake up the sleepy shore, they run, sparkle and shout, they shout to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us ahead, what, where, when, the spring series of games. on sunday at the first, bon appetit to everyone who
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is having breakfast now or just getting ready, the chef, igor molodkin, i’m sure the most delicious pancake is a zucchini pancake, by the way, i love it too, yes, but also made with your own hands, if you go with them add more cheese, herbs, fingers, the same ones used to make it, lick it, write down the recipe, pancakes can be made from anything, i add zucchini to the dough, peel the fruit, grind the pulp on a coarse grater, drain the mixture in a colander, salt, leave for 15 minutes, the spice will draw out excess liquid, and so that the pancakes turn out dense and non-watery, i additionally squeeze out the shavings with my hands, for a bright taste i add finely chopped onions, chopped herbs, dill, parsley, and even refreshing mint are suitable, another ingredient is cheese. to make the dough sticky, add a little flour and break one egg, carefully
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i stir, fry the olade as usual, on both sides until golden brown, and turn up the heat. the zucchini pancakes turned out tender and juicy. the cheese gave the dish a rich, creamy taste, and the greens added a bright aroma. bon appetit. and now we will find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this time. the news broadcast is on air on channel one. don't switch, stay with us. this is news from the first maria vasilyeva studio. hello. two drone control centers destroyed by fighters within 24 hours. central group of troops in the avdiivka direction of the special operation, in total , strikes were made on 400 targets: 300 militants were lost in the ssu, a lot of equipment was hit,
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including western-made ones, among... american howitzer m-777. an entire hangar with such guns destroyed the crew of the rszzo grad in the southern donetsk direction; according to the military personnel, four guns were destroyed. intelligence confirmed the accurate hit. for the successful operation, the crew of the combat vehicle was awarded state awards. the artillerymen also worked effectively near artyomovsk. there the crew of the d-30 howitzer was struck decoyed enemy positions and equipment, he suffered heavy losses. and on the northern sector of the front, a successful operation was carried out by... paratroopers, they eliminated a group of ukrainian militants who were hiding in a dugout. airborne troops carried out the task at night, approached enemy positions at a minimum distance, no more than a thousand meters, and opened fire. in a few minutes , about 500 high-explosive ammunition were fired, and drone operators equipped with thermal imagers helped correct the shooting. we aim as if by coordinates, on the radio station, they say, we also pick up and
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direct to these. our soldiers show courage every day on the front line, here are new examples: guard private ilman babaev discovered the advance of enemy equipment, opened fire on it, and as a result , thanks to elman’s decisive actions , they managed to stop the advance of the ukrainian armed forces and destroy three.
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does not do without the approval of western curators. we hope that in this case the french special services are not behind this,” said the head of the russian military department. regarding the elysee palace's statements regarding the dispatch french contingent to ukraine, sergei shaigu indicated that if they are practically implemented, this will create problems for france itself. in lugansk, at the republican oncology center, two modern devices for radiation therapy and
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equipment appeared there. has been updated since the eighties, now high-tech devices that were put into operation as soon as possible will allow residents of the republic to receive innovative treatment without leaving its borders. this became possible thanks to the help of the russian ministry of health and national radiology research center, which oversees medical facilities in our new region. the use of gamma therapy devices will reduce the number of side effects from treatment, shorten the length of hospital stay, and this means...
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about a fund for ukraine, the head of the dutch foreign ministry announced this in the bruins slot hank. the day before was the first day of the alliance foreign ministers' summit in brussels. nato secretary general en stoltenberg presented his proposal to raise $100 billion for kiev over 5 years. the main argument, although not new, not a single nato soldier will be harmed in battle, bears all losses. one ukraine. supporting ukraine is in our interests, in the interests of us security, to send ammunition to ukraine. we provide small funds from defense budgets, and the ukrainians destroy a significant part of russia's combat capability. at the same time, not a single nato or us soldier is at risk. and we must not only continue this, we must do more. the consequences of bad weather are being eliminated in moscow. a storm hit the capital last day
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wind reached 21 m/s, two people died, 15 were injured, city services are sawing and removing fallen trees, many of them fell on parked cars, dismantling damaged structures, sheets... the wind died down only towards night, and today in the capital region weather forecasters promise rain. and that's all for now. good morning to everyone who is celebrating a new day with the first channel on the calendar on april 4th. together with you anastasia orlova and evgeniy pokrov.
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the country is preparing for a flood, in the chelyabinsk region there is ice on the uy river, half a layer of ice is approximately 50-60. residents of all the surrounding houses gather to watch; by the way, they also take care of the local fish here. we initially make a small explosion in order to drive the fish out of this place. they are blowing up the ice in bashkiria, here in some places it has already been washed away, the situation cannot be left to its own devices, otherwise
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more than 80 thousand people will end up in the flood zone. near mountain rivers, water rises 3 m in just a couple of hours; the level is now monitored using sensors. this is an ultrasonic sensor that directly measures. level water is obtained from place to surface, and this information is automatically transmitted to the server using this station and the base station in real time, this data is analyzed by a neural network and a forecast of water rise for two weeks is made. drones also help monitor the situation, this is what the populated areas of altai look like from a bird’s eye view now, more than a hundred houses are flooded here, rescuers are deploying water-filling dams and pouring soil along the roads. evacuate residents, do not forget about pets, thank you, at the height of the flood in the central and volga districts, residents of the orenburg region say, this is the first time there is so much water, the water came quickly, within an hour, it probably
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rose, i and two children are wearing boots like this, ekaterina was sheltered by her neighbors, in the moscow region, residents of a shelter for wild animals are being evacuated, some, for example, lions hector and white, are fleeing the water on... zaokskoye and korostovo, they are every year at the epicenter of the aki spill, the water has already risen by 80 cm, and is predicted to reach 8 m, but people calmly say this every year. we have eight boatmen in zaokskoye, seven in korostov, they passed a technical examination, because during a flood anything can happen, but without help, it’s our villagers who can’t be avoided. each village has a fire truck , and local stores have already stocked up on food for the whole month. olga sazonova, denis demeshina nadirnagumanov, channel one. we remind you that you are looking at the good morning calendar on april 4, which means that
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in a little while they will come to all schools in the country, they will conduct all-russian tests, well, that previously they were called annual controls, but this does not change the essence; now these are also the main control years. and here, dear schoolchildren. also mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, the main thing is to remain calm, i tell myself, first of all, to my parents, well , of course, we need to prepare, well, there is still time, before the all-russian test, the main test of the year, a few minutes, a little there is excitement, i think i will pass at 4:5, in the spring they write vpr in all regions, in soviet times packages arrived from early, they were opened at schools, the teacher wrote two options on the board, and the children completed them. vpr is the same thing, only based on modern technologies. work in the unified state exam format, testing knowledge for the year. i can accurately understand my level of knowledge, i can clearly understand my mistakes and what i need to improve. and also vpr - stress resistance training. but, of course, everything is not as
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strict as in the exam. no observers, no video cameras. they take place at school, take place in class, and are taught by the same teacher. the school sets the date itself, some in april, some in may. with the help of our the federal information system for each school is generated, that is, its own unique set of options is created, that is, the answers in one school will not coincide with... the lights in another school. the first, second and third grades are exempt from the ed, final tests are held from the fourth to the eighth grade, in the ninth there are none, because ninth graders take the oge. they don’t write in the tenth vpr either. the school decides whether eleventh graders should take it; students do not choose subjects. fourth grade is always mathematics, russian surrounding world. in elementary school, right on the vpr. normal warm-up. hands forward. top!
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warm-up helps you concentrate. attention is the key to a good result. i wrote it, i think, excellently, maybe, maybe five, maybe four. senior grades are already writing cds in four subjects; in addition to russian and mathematics, history or geography, physics or biology are added, which students and teachers sometimes learn in just a couple of weeks. for eleventh graders , an individual approach is written in those subjects for which they do not pass. unified state exam. vpr is not assessed in points, in percentage. should i put a mark for vpr in the journal? here the schools are completely independent. 40% do not take the result into account at all. 60 is the other way around. in our school , traditionally, again, in order to increase the motivation of students, these grades are given and will be considered as the final certification at the end of the year. this year, several innovations of the vpr in foreign languages ​​have been cancelled. in some subjects, for example, mathematics has become shorter. 45 minutes instead of 60. there is still more than a month
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of all-russian testing work ahead. hope pravdina, maxim mikhnevich, alexey kinkovich, channel one. oh, friends, how many lemons do you have to eat for the vitamin c from those lemons to cure your cold? we will answer these and other important questions in the program to live healthy. today is the first one. calm down, comrade, we’re coming to you, professor, this is what we’re talking about, i cut you off, cut you off, you can say whatever comes to their mind, anything, you’re painfully oppressing me, dad, what kind of dad am i to you, god my, i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our ball, and now they understand what kind of shining nonsense this is, why am i worse than people, well, i was married, i don’t care, azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up. take everything and divide it, that’s what i thought, heart of a dog,
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the famous film adaptation of mikhail bulgakov’s story on saturday on the first, he is still dancing, dancing, good morning, how to increase the size of your biceps, include one thing in your daily complex. a simple exercise, it is suitable even for beginners. girls, join us, beautiful hands will not harm you. we take dumbbells in our hands, if there are none, half-liter bottles of water, bend your right elbow, lift the dumbbell to your left shoulder, like this. we hold it parallel to the body, return to the starting position, and perform the exercise with one hand or the other.
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for those who don’t have enough load, they can increase the weight of the equipment, but not much, so that they don’t have to deviate and jerk the dumbbell with effort, which won’t hurt your back for long. we work exclusively using the strength of our arms, with our shoulders back and back straight. the exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the arms and chest, of course, provided that you do not to be lazy. let's continue! thank you, dear tv viewers, for welcoming this beautiful morning. on april 4, with us in our warm company, anastasia orlova and evgeny
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pokrovsky are with you. who is the eldest in the house? well, if we are talking about an apartment building, the answer is obvious: the one who was chosen by the majority of owners at the general meeting. do you even go to these meetings, zhenya, admit it, no, to be honest, i don’t even know, zhenya, there is a chairman of the house council, how could you not know, i don’t know, but these people exist, and let’s say a huge thank you to them , what they do a difficult, but very important and necessary thing, they add comfort to our lives. rubbish , scribbled walls, rusty pipes, only the wall newspaper reminds of the past of this high-rise building; order was restored by the house council under the clear leadership of marina bordukova. managed to organize a conservation service, cctv cameras, repair of the roof, entrance, attic, basement blind area, replacement of the utility systems for hot water supply, hot water supply, sewerage, achieved the allocation of money for façade insulation, marina spared no effort, no health, no time
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, with us the house is beautiful, warm, comfortable, we want to live here, if the house is serviced by a management company, it... must have a chairman of the house council, the requirements of the housing code, this is the owner from among your neighbors, who, based on the decision of the general meeting, is elected to exercise control over the management of the maintenance of the common property . the residents are inactive, the meeting is organized by the local administration, but this way the house risks getting a formal building manager. on the contrary, an interested chairman actively communicates with the manager and monitors how money is spent live on money. and proposes what to repair, there was no heating or water, he asks for a recalculation for everyone, so that each owner does not knock down the thresholds of the management organization, the chairman can be entrusted with such powers so that he draws up an act by the council of the house, such an act already imposes requirements for recalculation to the entire
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composition owners. the chairman also has the right to complain about an unscrupulous management company to the housing inspectorate, but he has responsibilities. he is also under report. general meeting, that is, it must publish its report annually, here i was, here i participated, here i came out with proposals, alexey sofin, the neighbors appreciate his initiative, in the regional program for the renovation of entrances i found a nomination for designer renovation of the entrance, only two entrances from each municipal district participate in it , applied for good luck, as a result i won, now there is space inside, and a functional one, a new porch, doors, lighting, stroller space... a cozy entrance area, however, there are also enough worries. 24x7, lyosha is always in touch, he is the one whose soul is watered, you see, he is a business executive, alexey does not take money for his work, but according to the law , the chairman can count on incentives, how much the residents decide, they divide it into square meters, they determine how much, plus
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yours, your receipt will be added to the expenses for his remuneration, this of course, when the truth is everything is under control. now, if the activities of the chairman are not visible at all, the owners have the right to re-elect him at a new general meeting. maxim petrenko, vasily valetov, sergey myakin, tatyana yus, first channel. the national security and defense council in ukraine has a new head, nekhta litvinenko. once he even studied at the kgb higher school, and then changed his shoes. nato is a matter of our survival. his teacher is vladimir gorbulin. already at that time, the west was preparing to drag russia into... the conflict with russia, the confrontation with russia is not the past or the present, it is our future, which needs to be prepared with all responsibility, foreign intelligence services provide him with a career. royal college is now working very closely in ukraine, letvinenko was the person who was involved in developing plans for the collapse of the front of the military defeat of ukraine. they are preparing to create a government of knowledge.
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letvinenko is considering the issue of legal justification for the document on the appeal of the president of ukraine to western countries, on the introduction of a limited one. contingent of troops, that is, to involve norway, finland, france, and great britain. alexander litvinenko, secretary of the security council of the ninety- fifth district. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. these are the ones you know signs of spring, well, it’s clear, drops, sunshine, longer days, and what else? cyclists and scooter riders. exactly, here it is, another sign of spring. in general, a bicycle is such a great invention that can be strengthened with light weight. scaba, and what does the grinder have to do with it, mothers and i found out why a cable is good, what a stroller lock is, even if you are far from cycling,
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it will also be useful for you to look, that’s why you’ll find out now, for prams, bicycles, locks from... we’ll figure it out , in the role of a thief, bicycle master valery kulbitsky, will check three types of locks: skabu, chain cable, let's start with the cable, professional thieves in most cases use either bolt cutters or metal cutters, the diameter of the cable is small, not even one centimeter, it's a small bolt cutter, non-professionals usually work with this, 3 minutes have passed, the braid gave in, the metal was chewed , 5 minutes, what... to open such a lock, it is suitable so that you can step away, for example, for a few minutes, but at the same time, even so that the big one is at least in the line of sight, the advantage is that it is light weight up to.. .does not occupy places, so they cut through the cable in a couple of seconds, the bases of the lock, although woven metal
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threads, are very thin, the chain has thick cast metal, heavy, often up to 2 kg, a small bolt cutter cannot cope, and a hammer is here to knock out the locking device and a grinder , extra noise, with a large bolt cutter it took half a minute, the chain is not hardened steel, there are thicker chains. hardened metal, which will withstand this load longer, but the lock will still be opened, so it is better to leave stroller bicycles with such a lock in in crowded places, not for long, when choosing attention to a length of one and a half meters, so a stroller or bicycle can be attached to a pole, to a tree. a shackle lock will not work here, the small size is perhaps a minus, it is easy to attach to fences and bike racks, but this lock turned out to be the most reliable, a good locking device. device, this lock cannot be knocked down with a hammer, since metal rods are used inside, and a professional
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bolt cutter will not cut through the darling, given that the lock has a fairly thick metal shackle, such a lock can be opened an angle grinder or a hacksaw for metal, an untrained person will not be able to do it, for example, for a professional, again, it’s too much time, and in order to complicate the task as much as possible. better a couple of locks, the first lock you can hook the rear wheel and frame and, accordingly , also attach the front wheel separately , also to the part of which you fasten, this is the same fence or bicycle parking, the important thing is the price , there is no reliable hope, like a cable one, 400 rubles. bracket around 3,000. evgeny palyakov, nikolay krysanov, evgeny smirnov, vladimir popov, channel one. we remind you that on the calendar april 4th is on this day only. in 1704 , a signal fire was lit on the sovereign bastion of the peter and paul fortress in st. petersburg; this was the first russian
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lighthouse. it’s the 21st century, sea vessels are equipped with all sorts of modern navigation equipment, satellites show the way, but the good old lighthouses are in no hurry to retire, especially since a lighthouse is a real sea romance, you must agree, well, let’s go ahead, let’s go light of the lighthouse. most.
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and there are dozens of unusual lighthouses in russia, there is a wooden openwork one on the white island, there is floating inhabited, the last of its kind in the whole world, irbensky. today he is retired , in addition to the light and sound signal , a hydroacoustic signal was also issued as needed, that is, for submarines, this is the sound, and of course, what kind of lighthouse would be without a fresnell lens, a revolutionary discovery of the 19th century increased the range of light by ten kilometers, stands on the lighthouse baltic, it’s not just a lens, a whole room, the lens itself consists of three... parts, a dome, a vestibule and a middle part. light range more than 25 km, 16 miles, one
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a working light bulb, three spare ones, the baltic lighthouse is the westernmost in russia. we have a lighthouse-house, called a lighthouse. the red stripe is a heading sign for ships. this is the first front building, there was a second one. the rear one was once located on the slope of the markut ridge in the form of a truncated pyramid. the ships could turn the bay. only when they entered the target, that is, when the front leading mark of the second was on the same straight line to the ship. now ships are guided by light, it has become easier. in general, lighthouses are either coastal or floating, light or radio engineering in the village of bogorodskoye, nizhny novgorod region, the lighthouse can theoretically be called a lighthouse, only there is no fresnel lens. the so-called lighthouse is a temple; the crosses themselves glow. this design was developed by andrey ivanovich delvik, a very famous engineer. proposed such a design of crosses with natural illumination by the sun and moon; from any side they are perfectly visible for 30
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miles. the secret is in the refraction of rays - the glass of the crosses is multifaceted. not only ships from the vitluga river are guided by it, but also people so as not to get lost in the forest. elizaveta nikishova, anastasia zavidova, ilya kuvaldin, channel one. today , andrei bogatyrev’s historical blockbuster, malta’s gold, is being released in wide release. chase, adventure, fatal love, brilliant cast, and this is all a film that is a must see. and they began, i am the owner of the sdege priests. “tomorrow we’ll go out to look for my gold, you won’t be offended, and you have a lot of gold, 40 hearths, a real story of love for treasures that have not been found so far, gold from malta is the story of a daring robbery that happened more than a century ago, he is preparing gold for shipment, the security is thin, i relied on westerns, i really love serge lyon and kenshin tarantino, and yes,
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i really love paul newman when..." i was thinking about that , how to play, for some reason, i have more vivid male characters, how they sit coolly in the saddle, how they conduct a dialogue with such an easy-going rider, american, what is your name, the umalta river keeps the secret of the missing gold, director andrey bogatyrev , himself, like a treasure hunter , collecting facts bit by bit: when they filmed in those same places in the khabarovsk territory, a wheel from an old cart was found, perhaps the same cart in which gold once traveled ; it disappeared, and this became the starting point of our scenario. 40 pounds of gold were stolen by people in shaman masks. the owner of the mine, leon tebulygin, is ruined, blames the local tribe for everything, and gathers loyal people in search. bulygin's friend, actress sonya, begins her
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hunt for gold and helps her. or is fate still something that cannot be changed? wait, volodya, how many times have we said this, now what? golden composition: alexander samoilenko, sofia ernst, artyom tkachenko, pavel derevyanka, alexey shevchenkov, together with director andrei bogatyrev , presented the film at the premiere at the oktyabr cinema on tuesday. accommodate everyone, feed us,
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we leave at dawn, we go to the belt. in the cinema, gold in malta at the box office today, you will die from the gold rush, wait, what is it, we are filming it, we are filming it, it is like some kind of enchantment, svetlana neimeni ssyaratevich, joseph kobrin, channel one, further in broadcast news release, stay with us. this is the news on the first one, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, in the south donetsk direction of the special operation, the crew of the rszzo grad destroyed a hangar with nato equipment, several american m-77 galubis were destroyed. intelligence confirmed the accurate hit, and the crew of the combat vehicle was awarded state awards for the successful operation. the artillerymen also worked effectively
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at podtemovsky, where the crew of the d-30 howitzer hit camouflaged positions. enemy equipment, he suffered heavy losses in the northern sector front, our paratroopers carried out a successful operation; they eliminated a group of ukrainian militants who were hiding in a dugout. the bfg fighters carried out the task at night, approached enemy positions at a minimum distance, no more than thousands, and opened fire. in a few minutes , about 500 high-explosive ammunition was fired. operators of drones equipped with thermal imagers helped correct the shooting. we aim according to the coordinates on the radio station , they say, we also take it, we aim according to these coordinates and the shooting begins, we release sighting pieces again, then again an amendment, we will also get somewhere again, we will recover and work further, as soon as the hit begins, we already miss everything, minister of defense sergei shaigul telephone conversations with
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the head of the french defense department, sebastian lyaknu, the conversation took place on .. sergei shaigu emphasized that the investigation launched in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus cityholi will certainly be completed, and all those responsible will be punished. there is information about a ukrainian trace in the organization terrorist attack the kiev regime does nothing without the approval of western curators. we hope that in this case the french special services are not behind this,” said the head of the russian military department. regarding the statements of the elysee palace about sending a french contingent to ukraine.
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the belarusian special services uncovered a criminal network of ukrainian agents, among them were citizens of the union state, who, by order of the kiev regime, carried out sabotage in russia, in particular about drone attacks. performers recruited by the sbu
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for money they transported explosives and parts of drones, set up hiding places on the border, so that later other agents of kiev would do the dirtiest work and carry out bloody attacks on our country. during interrogation, one of the detainees said that he was instructed to pick up parts hidden at the border.
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memory of soviet soldiers who died during the liberation of bratislava from the nazis. prime minister ambassadors of the european union countries refused to honor slovakia robert fica invited diplomats to the slavin memorial, a solemn ceremony dedicated to the anniversary is planned there today those events, but was refused under the pretext that... representatives of russia and belarus. liberating slovakia from the nazis, more than 60 thousand
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red army soldiers died, about 7.0 died in the battles for brodislava, robert fica called on the slovaks to come to the memorial to lay flowers, and also showed a bronze memorial plaque installed in january 46 in honor of the soviet soldiers who drove out the invaders in record terms, restored what was destroyed by the nazis. bridge over the danube, several years ago it was scrapped, but the relic was saved, but the board was installed on the former seat of power in bratislava was abandoned. april 4, today is international internet day, on which we congratulate you all, you are probably sitting on your phone right now, yes, we certainly won’t be mistaken if we assume that you barely woke up, first of course you turned on the first channel, good morning, and then we’ve already reached into our gadgets, picked up our phones, tablets... you need to check your email, read social networks, look at the news, see, yes, we often also have breakfast without looking up from our gadgets, and this, by the way, not at all useful, but isn’t it, if you only drink coffee or tea, watch good morning, it’s
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possible, it’s possible, but for the younger generation, in general, it probably shouldn’t be harmful, experiment, we asked several families to charge lunch, twice, once, you can enjoy the trek as usual in front of screens with gadgets. how do you like the soup? well, so-so. the girls simply waved their spoons without looking, without thinking at all about what they were eating, that is, they did not look up from the cartoons. and they didn’t even remember what it was from.
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favorite cakes, we'll leave one here in in a familiar place, yes, where the child always eats with his family, we’ll move the second one to another table with some kind of gadget. maya and adele are sisters of the same age, maya with a smartphone. in 5 minutes i ate almost half a plate, four cakes, yes, adele, without being distracted, but in the same time i ate half as much, not even one , that is, it turned out to be one and a half, one and a half. experts explain that distraction while eating reduces the metabolic rate and is therefore dangerous, at least not due to poor chewing. when we watch some movie, emotionally we get involved, we release hormones, adrenaline, nouranaline, that is, such emotional arousal that slows down digestion, slows down the absorption of nutrients, the child, teenager is distracted, eats more than he needs, because... he does not give
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satiety signals in time, and if this habit is reinforced, that is, repeated day after day, it leads to overweight or obesity. families that eat together and are not distracted are healthier ones and are less likely to suffer from weight gain, even though the timer is 20 minutes, no messages from work. we consciously pay attention to the phone, and at least put it on the windowsill, and then it will become a habit. and get up from the table a little hungry. there was good advice: satiety, if we take a ten-point scale, then you need to get up somewhere around 6-7, this is good, that is, if you can eat about another quarter of the portion, it’s time to stop. dmitry kuzmin, konstantin struchkov, evgeny smirnov, channel one. a funny story happened in one of the districts of st. petersburg. now i’ll tell you: in the yard, local residents discovered a lost beaver, how he ended up in the city remains a mystery, well, maybe his navigator is faulty, i don’t know. i forgot, in general,
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the rescuers who arrived caught the animal and returned it to its natural habitat. today, well, if anyone didn’t know, is another very interesting date: international carrot day. well, isn’t this a reason to talk about this root vegetable, which, by the way, was described back in 512 by the roman physician diascaritus? very soon carrots will begin to inhabit our beds. in the meantime, together with yulia kozlova we will find out who needs to eat carrots, what is so useful in them and whose merit is that it is. these pigments not only color the root vegetable, but are also converted into vitamin a in our body, which is what most of the myths are associated with, for example, about improving vision. vitamin a is part of the protein rhodapsin, which is responsible for twilight vision and if you have decreased vision or night blindness.
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children are also advised to eat carrots, supposedly they will grow faster, but is this true? for normal growth, not only of children, but also adolescents, normal tissue renewal, we first need protein if a person consumes vitamin a, but is in deficiency. he will never
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grow up to be a squirrel. protein in carrots is only 1%, but there is a lot of fiber. it improves digestion and normalizes intestinal microflora. this in turn has a positive effect on the skin. but the fact that carrots promote a beautiful, even tan is still a myth. we develop a tan when, under the influence of ultraviolet rays , a pigment, melanin, is formed in the skin. his produce special cells that are located in the skin. and for the production of melanin. vitamin a does not affect in any way, but it protects from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation: vitamin a is a powerful antioxidant, helps cells renew, by the way, after heat treatment...
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to the management company, and you know, all why, but because this person, by the way, it happened to me too, there is an absolute double, well, a complete twin, yes, that is, well , he has the same last name, first name and patronymic, that’s exactly what he owes, but what to do with it and how in such a situation at all, now let's try to figure it out, the story is like in a movie, in the same district of st. petersburg there live two anastasia vladimirovna pavlovs, born on september 19, 1985, they recognized each other when adulthood began, to get a license, they told me that i have them already there, the second call came to the antenatal clinic, and the woman who issued meth cards said: oh, you're on the fourth, i say, i mean on the fourth, so on the card, i say, no, the second, and it turned out what my mother-in-law and i are doing in st. petersburg, they even lived in the same area
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and were seen in the same antenatal clinic, that ’s when i realized that there was someone else, it’s funny, until the loan debts started coming in, taxes on the car of one, and for the apartment of another, credit history: one for two , and somehow the double’s card was loaded into the bank’s application. until the age of 30, both me and my mother-in-law went with one inn, one сnels, we discovered this by accident, when my mother-in-law came to re-register something there, we began to redo the documents, in the end they gave me my сnils, and nн and her documents, but the error still lives in the databases and changes from department to department, for example, the tax office said so, everything is loaded automatically. sending... clarification requests are also implemented electronically; we use an interdepartmental electronic interaction system, and therefore the influence of the human factor is minimized. here the girls write a statement every time they receive an error, although from 2022, according to the new rules
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, several documents are needed to establish the identity of the debtor, and not just full name and date of birth. it is mandatory to indicate innnils or a passport, well , one of these identifiers is the fourth. the ficator is the driver’s license number, now in executive documents the full set looks like this : last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of birth of the citizen, one of these four identifiers. but this rule should protect new doubles that have not yet appeared in the databases; alexander zhuravlev from samara, for example, has had his money regularly written off since 1917 for his caring from novosibirsk, he even sued the bailiffs, received compensation of 15,000, but the debts still went on. the main problem is that snils. they take exactly mine, all the other data is written by the debtor, it is according to snils that this debt is tied to government services. recently, the bank mistakenly transferred the account to a double, it was well noticed, they quickly corrected it, and now alexander is monitoring everything. about once a week i regularly checked government services to
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understand that there was no new debt. it’s important to catch this moment, turn to bailiffs. according to the bailiffs themselves, it takes at least 3 years to correct this mistake. and don’t shine there in the car, uh-huh, you know this man, we’re working, you’re now in the homicide department, for completely different matters, hello, you can talk,
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undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program, oldbar cognac product of stellar group . stirsman bourbon. product of steller group. whiskey mancacher, a product of the steller group. gin сnop. product, stellor group. testament of zhenya belausov. the battle for the legacy of the star of the nineties comes to the finish line. all participants in the conflict are in our studio. have you filed a lawsuit? why does a person write a will at 30 years old? roman is sure that. once upon a time, the entire inheritance unfairly went to sister christina. if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, formalized everything about myself. why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and that the document could have been forged, i want to know the truth, dad’s handwriting, you know, jerome? i’ll be honest, no, but did you differ in price? it turned out that
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the court divorced us, can you imagine, for me there was such a blow 26 years later, an exclusive with dmitry borisov, the premiere was on saturday on the first. when you entered into an inheritance, did you tell the notary that there are still potential heirs? you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved, probably my only love, died. the rules for passing traffic police exams and issuing driver's licenses have changed. the changes affect those who are taking their license for the first time, or opening new categories, and also affect people with foreign rights. hope is true with details. let's talk about the pros first, we can score more penalty points in the practical part. it used to be five, now it's seven. first task: stopping on the rise. you can do more small things. or average errors, one point if, for example, you drove too slowly or braked too
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sharply unnecessarily, three points if, say, you didn’t turn on the turn signal, and even after a gross mistake - that’s five points, the exam doesn’t stop, before a person made a gross mistake error, then in fact he was still getting out of car, didn’t pass, come back next time, a blunder is driving through a red traffic light and not allowing a pedestrian to pass, now there is a relaxation, you can take the exam further in reserve, 2 points, the minimum width of the turning space has also been increased, to 7 m. this is not a significant increase, the percentage of those passing the test may not increase, because this freestyle can be fully compensated for in quotes by a more strict examination, the percentage of those passing the first time is extremely low, it is from 10 to 12%. here are the rules in terms of timing tougher, if you don’t pass the practical part of the exam, the next fourth attempt is in six months. previously, it was possible to repeat
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the fourth attempt in a month, it seems that the tightening is not too serious. but the fact is that the theoretical exam lasts for six months, it turns out that he will have to pass the theory first, again again, and then come to practice again. and for a beginner it is not so easy. if i don’t pass on the third, then i try again only after 6-9 months, for me it will be critical because... i may lose my driving skills and forget the theory. the list of those who will not be allowed to surrender to the authorities has been clarified. firstly, this is avoiding a visit to the military registration and enlistment office, and such more common things, of course, if there is no medical certificate, the passport is strictly valid. the requirements have also become stricter for those who have been deprived of their license for driving while drunk. they may be allowed to take the exam only after a year has passed after serving a sentence for an administrative offense. those with foreign licenses need to change them to 1 april twenty-fifth. if we are talking
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about categories a, motorcycle category b, cars, for this you only need to pass a theoretical exam, it is mandatory, there is no need to pass practice, and students of gray driving schools that exist only on paper will not be allowed to take the exams. you need to check on the traffic police website to see if your school is on the approved list. nadezhda pravdina, nikolai krysanov. we present to your attention the astrological forecast for today , april 4th. april 4: 25th lunar, sixteenth solar day. friendly, sociable, like yesterday, very creative, and at the same time he has excellent intuition, he knows how to, as they say , immediately grasp the essence of the problem. on such days it is easier for us to understand other people and the motives of their actions. the other side of this coin is that we can be gullible and easily become infected. it’s not difficult to make us feel sorry for someone else’s mood, working with numbers and anything
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that requires focus and concentration will not work very well, drivers, you heard it, drive especially carefully through puddles, and many more today will, let’s say, be a little confused clouds aries, however, is unlikely to be threatened by this, they stand firmly on the ground, they know exactly what they want, unless they buy something unnecessary, but these are trifles. after lunch, there may be an important meeting for which it is better not to be late, and do not leave. your personal data on unverified sites. taurus has a busy day, when they need to tackle several things at once and manage to get to several places at the same time, and this is rarely possible. the stars hint that sometimes you need to be able to shift something onto someone else’s shoulders, the evening clearly has something in store for you pleasantness. geminis today are very charming, as they say, doomed to success, however, the stars advise to refrain from office romances, especially from romances with superiors. wait until later in the evening. good news. this day is also going to please cancers with something, most likely
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it will be something personal; careful attention to business is important, especially if the work is connected with money and is clean. and watch your step, lions, get ready to fulfill some promises or provide favors for favors, and do not rush to believe everything that is told to you they will say that they may try to deceive you or provide you with unverified information, expect guests in the evening. virgos are just having a wonderful day, work, career, earnings, personal life, good luck with you in everything, more self-confidence, everything will work out, just don’t rush and don’t rush things, let everything go as usual. libra's is also good. day, especially for everything that can be done together. someone today will understand that his or her hobby may well become a business that brings money, but why not, be careful with fire. scorpios may find themselves in a situation which will require honesty and integrity. act as your conscience tells you. scorpio and the ladies are simply self-charming today, and men will certainly
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notice this. sagittarians will not go unnoticed, and are not yet in great demand as advisers. to this. stroke your pride, but do not forget that this is obligatory: in the evening interesting news may come that will give you food for thought. this day will help capricorns deal with some problem, there will be a chance to enlist the support of some necessary people, but this will have to be paid for later pay, the evening seems to be preparing something entertaining and educational for you and do without alcohol. aquarians can be spoiled by someone who interferes with their plans. the day is generally a little inconvenient in this regard. when something distracts you, it prevents you from concentrating. get over it calmly, tomorrow everything will go like clockwork, just be careful with the money. a positive day for pisces, when everything works out, although not immediately. a couple of tips from the stars. try not to get involved with any intermediaries and keep secret what outsiders know not necessary. well good luck! the competition for you in the game
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continues, there is a popular vote, and you ... can also join. our colleague igor prutnikov has all the details. true enthusiasts of their craft, who live for sports and are ready to carry others along with them. thanks to these people , new projects for the development of mass sports are emerging in all corners of our big country. and tell yourself: now you can thanks to the all-russian competition of sports projects "you're in the game", held with the support of the federal project "sport" - the norm life of the national project. demography. the winners in the main categories will receive 3,000 rubles. the winner of the grand prize will receive 1 million for the development of his project. among the semi-finalists of the 2024 competition, selected by the expert council, is the kaluga project "pitank" as a corporate sport. it helps combat a sedentary lifestyle, strengthens team
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spirit, and stimulates innovative thinking. and most importantly, pitank is accessible to almost everyone. all you need is
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to find a home long ago; this is the largest outdoor festival in russia, which is held in the largest art museum in europe , nikola lenivets near kaluga. everyone can take part in activities such as trail, bike rides, orienteering, rock climbing, an excellent opportunity not only to spend time with friends or family away from the bustle of the city, but to try new activities, explore bright initiatives and support the participants you like. you can visit the competition website tviigre.rf. join the popular vote for the best mass sports projects. premiere at the russian academic youth theater screening of philip gurevich's play leningrad tales. an amazing story in which the life of one leningrad family during the war years, children's
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fantasies and completely fantastic reality are intricately mixed. with details rita larkina. i’ll have a white roll, there’s no white, the lening siege premier screening at the russian academy. in the youth theater. it is based on the pentateuch, leningrad tales, the novel of the same name by yulia yakovleva, and the performance consists of three parts: leningrad, evacuation, victory. mythological, mystical journey through the past of our country, and it is precisely this move that allows us to distance ourselves somewhat from some literal things, but not from real events; in the center are the children of the blockade, tanya, shurka and bob. this is such a troubling topic for me personally, because... with great respect and with great memory, love for all those who fought,
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first they lose their parents, that’s it, we are now on our own, here my faith may even have come under fire, that’s enough, later events separate them, this is a play about the way the children are desperately trying to collect. my family, then in the end we understand that everything seems to be fine, but they are all kind of broken, complex topics are not hushed up here, they are spoken about in youth language, at times in slang, all this to the music of the beatles, bob dillan and david bowie. another feature familiar to young people is visual. the work of artists anna agafonova and anton troshin. light helps to achieve this effect; there is a lot of it here. it uses little frontal light, well , only literally, so that the face can be seen, everything
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else is shaking light, which creates a picture, a certain atmosphere, all this is almost 4 hours, but it looks in one go. hurray, a show for the whole family. leningrad fairy tales in the russian academic youth theater. already today. rita larkina, sergey morin, channel one. and now we will find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this time. the news broadcast is on air on channel one, don’t switch, stay with us. this is news from the first maria vasilyeva studio. hello. two drone control centers were destroyed within 24 hours by fighters. a lot of equipment was powdered, including including western production, among other things,
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the american m-777 howitzer. a whole hangar with such guns was demarcated by the crew of the rszzo grad in the south donetsk direction. according to military personnel, four guns were destroyed. intelligence confirmed the accurate hit. for the successful operation, the crew of the combat vehicle was awarded state awards. effective. artillerymen also worked near artyomovsk, where the crew of the d-30 howitzer hit camouflaged enemy positions and equipment, he suffered heavy losses, our paratroopers carried out a successful operation on the northern sector of the front, they eliminated a group of ukrainian militants who were hiding in a dugout, the airborne forces soldiers carried out the task at night, approached enemy positions at a minimum distance, no more than a thousand meters, and opened fire. more than 800 people signed contracts for military service. in the moscow region over the past week and a half, they have already begun training at training centers in training centers, in primorye, military registration and enlistment offices, over the past 10 days they have received about 500 volunteers, almost the same number in st. petersburg. and in total
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, since the beginning of the year, the ranks of the russian army have received about 100,000 people from all over the country received the contract. many say that the motive was the tragic events in the moscow region and regular shelling of border areas. the city situation, yes, we all know. defense minister sergei shaigu held telephone conversations with the head of the french defense department, sebastien lekarnu. the conversation took place at the urgent request of paris. lekarniu expressed condolences in
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connection with the terrorist attack in crocus cityhall, while persistently trying to convince that ukraine and western countries were not involved in the attack, shifting responsibility for isis, which is banned in russia. sergei shaigu emphasized that the investigation, which began in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus city holly, will certainly be completed. all those responsible will be punished; there is information about a ukrainian trace in organizing the terrorist attack. the kiev regime does nothing without the approval of western curators. we hope that in this case the french are not behind this. intelligence services, said the head of the russian military department. regarding the statements of the elysée palace regarding the dispatch of a french contingent to ukraine, sergei shaigu pointed out that if they are practically implemented, this will create problems for france itself. ukrainians on the front line are exhausted and are waiting in vain for rotation, once again, western journalists confirm. the film crew of the french tv channel franz-2 visited the krasny liman area. reporters spoke with those
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in the trenches. they try to shoot them down, but often without success. nato has not yet been able to agree on a fund for ukraine, this was reported by the head of the dutch ministry of foreign affairs in hanke bruins slot. the day before the first day of the summit of nato foreign ministers in brussels took place . the us sends ammunition to ukraine, we provide small funds from defense budgets, and the ukrainians destroy a significant part of russia's combat capability, while not a single
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nato or... us soldier is at risk, and we must not only continue this, we must do more. in lugansk , two modern devices for radiation therapy appeared at the republican oncology center; the equipment there has not been updated since the eighties, but now high-tech devices, which were put into operation in the shortest possible time, will allow residents of the republic to receive innovative treatment without leaving its borders. this became possible thanks to the help of the russian ministry of health and the national radiology research center, which oversees medical institutions in our new region. the use of gamma therapy devices will reduce the number of side effects from treatment and shorten the length of hospital stay, which means that more than a thousand patients will be able to be admitted there per year. in moscow is eliminating the consequences of bad weather. last day, a stormy wind hit the capital, gusts reaching 21 m/s. two people died and 15 were injured. city services.
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on this day, only in 1704 , a signal fire was lit on the sovereign bastion of the peter and paul fortress in st. petersburg. this was the first russian lighthouse. it's the 21st century. sea vessels are equipped with all sorts of modern navigation equipment; satellites show the way. but good old lighthouses are in no hurry to retire, especially since a lighthouse is real sea romance. agree. well , let's go ahead? let's go to the light of the beacon. the very first
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lighthouse in russia appeared in st. petersburg, when the sovereign's bastion was completed; on its top there was a grate in the form of a bowl, on which overseas coal was burned for firewood. there was an international trade port here, although not for long; the bastion was later rebuilt. today there are 250 lighthouses in russia, one of the most picturesque is the tokarevsky lighthouse in vladivostok, standing in the narrowness of the basfor vo strait. when the lighthouse was not visible, the bell rang, this bell remained at the lighthouse for quite a long time until 1998. today there is the latest equipment here, the visibility range of the lights is 22 km, and there are dozens of unusual lighthouses in russia, there is a wooden openwork one on bely island, there is a floating inhabited one,
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the last of its kind in the whole world. the irbensky lighthouse, today it is retired, in addition to the light and sound signal, it also produced a hydroacoustic signal as needed, that is, for submarines, this is the sound. and of course, what kind of lighthouse would be without a fresnell lens? the revolutionary discovery of the 19th century increased the range of light is tens of kilometers, it is located at the baltic lighthouse. it's not just a lens, it's an entire room. the lens itself, it consists of... three parts, a dome, a vestibule, the middle part, a light range of more than 25 km, 16 miles, one working light bulb, three spare ones, baltic...
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all lighthouses are coastal or floating, light or radio engineering in the nizhny novgorod region, the village of bogorodskoye, the lighthouse can theoretically be called a lighthouse, only there is no fresnel lens, the so-called lighthouse is a temple, the crosses themselves glow. like this the design was developed by andrei ivanovich delvik, a very famous engineer, he proposed such a design of crosses with natural illumination, the sun and the moon, from any side they are perfectly visible for 30 miles. the secret is in the refraction of rays: it is multifaceted; not only ships from the vitluga river, but also people are guided by it, so as not to get lost in the forest. elizaveta nikishova, anastasia zavidovo, ilya kuvaldin, channel one. thank you, dear tv viewers, for
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welcoming this beautiful morning of april 4th with us, in our warm company. with you anastasia orlova and evgeniy pokrovsky. who is the eldest in the house? well, if we are talking about an apartment building, the answer is obvious: the one who was chosen by the majority of owners at the general meeting. do you even go to these meetings, zhenya, admit it, no, to be honest, i don’t even know, zhenya, there is a chairman of the house council, how could you not know, i don’t know, but these people exist, and let’s say a huge thank you to them that they are doing a difficult, but very important and necessary thing, they add comfort and beauty to our lives, rubbish written on walls, rusty pipes, only the wall newspaper reminds of the past of this high-rise building; order was restored by the house council under the clear leadership of marina bordukova. managed. video surveillance, repair of the roof, entrance, attic, basement blind area, replacement of engineering , organizing a conservancy service, cameras for cold water, hot water, sewerage systems, achieved the allocation of money for facade insulation, marina
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spared no effort, no health, no time , we have a beautiful house , warm, comfortable, we want to live here if the house is serviced by a management company, in there must be... the chairman of the house council, the requirements of the housing code, this is the owner from among your neighbors, who, on the basis of decisions of the general meeting, is elected to exercise control over the management of the maintenance of the common property. the residents are inactive, the meeting is organized by the local administration, but this way the house risks getting a formal building manager. on the contrary, an interested chairman actively communicates with the manager, monitors how residents’ money is spent and makes suggestions. what to repair, there was no heating or water, he asks for a recalculation for everyone, so that each owner does not knock on the threshold of the management organization, the chairman can be entrusted with such powers so that he draws up such an act on the website of the house and
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makes demands for recalculation to the entire composition of owners. the chairman also has the right to complain about an unscrupulous management company to the housing inspectorate, but he has responsibilities. he is also accountable to the general. that is, he must publish his report every year, so i was there, here i participated, here i came out with proposals. alexey sofin, neighbors just and are appreciated for your initiative. in the regional program for the renovation of entrances, i found a nomination for design renovation of an entrance; only two entrances from each municipal district participate in it. i applied for good luck, and as a result i won, now there is space inside, and it’s functional, a new porch, doors, lighting, stroller space, a cozy entrance.
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therefore, keep an eye on your belongings and remain vigilant. never watch cctv videos on the internet. sometimes interesting things come across. for example, work pickpocket in action. apparently, this
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is happening in the clinic, one of the pensioners went to return her jacket to the cloakroom and left her bag unattended, please, the same pensioner settled down next to her, so, by the way, no one will think of her, as you can see, anyone can be a pickpocket, grandma, grandfather, a young beauty, a gallant young man, this criminal has either a coat or a jacket on her arm, the point is that it’s... a screen, the thief puts it on someone else’s bag and takes out the wallet when the owner returns the scammer is already far away, in general, theft can happen anywhere, so we keep an eye on our things, if you come to a cafe without company, we put the bag on the chair next to you, cover it with your own things, a scarf, for example, so your valuables will not be lost at all attract the attention of a pickpocket if he happens to be... nearby, if you travel on public
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transport, then hang your bag like this, throw the belt over your head and turn it on your stomach, in this case it is almost impossible to miss a thief’s attempt to rob you, and in principle, pickpockets don’t will take such risks, in general, be careful, take care of your wallet. well now, let's visit one unusual confectionery, where they prepare all kinds of desserts, but really for dogs, instead of additives harmful to tailed animals. like there is salt or sugar, and they add applesauce, honey, and so on, that dogs eat applesauce, wow, cakes and pastries turn out healthy, judging by the happy faces of the four-legged ones, they are also incredibly tasty, oh my cat, i would love to eat some small cake like this, bon appetit to everyone who is having breakfast now or just getting ready, the chef, igor molotkin, is sure that the most delicious pancakes are zucchini pancakes, by the way, i also love them, yes, but also made with my own hands. if you add cheese, herbs, fingers to them, the same ones
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you lick them with, write down the recipe. pancakes can be made from anything, i add zucchini to the dough, peel the fruit, chop the pulp on a coarse grater, drain the mixture in a colander, salt, leave for 15 minutes, the spice will draw out excess liquid, and so the pancakes turned out dense and not watery, dill, parsley and even refreshing mint will do, another ingredient is cheese, to make the dough viscous, add a little flour and break one egg, mix thoroughly, fry the pancake as usual on both sides until golden brown, blazing hot ! the zucchini pancakes
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turned out tender and juicy! the cheese gave the dish a rich, creamy taste, and the greens added a vibrant flavor! bon appetit! i am the grandson of a manufacturer, and i can do everything, but all i need to do is come to any team and perform there the rest go down. through the night and the wind, i am destined to go! good morning to everyone who is celebrating a new day
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with the first channel on the calendar on april 4, with you anastasia orlova and evgeniy pokrovsky right early in the morning, an important topic, spring is sweeping across the country, snow and ice are actively melting, finally in moscow, then we we wait, we wait, but in winter there was a lot of snow , floods are just around the corner, and in some places those same floods have already begun, where and how they are met, is everything ready for big water in our next report, the country is preparing. to during the flood, in the chelyabinsk region on the uy river the ice is melting, the ice thickness is approximately 50-60 cm, we deepen it 25 cm, make cuts, then cut into cubes with saws and take out these cubes, thereby the rescuers weaken the ice to make it easier for the river to open . during a storm, the otays also help the selenga river. chanting is the only acceptable way here, because in these parts. rare species of fish are not being hunted; ice
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is being undermined on other rivers. in udmurt, in the village of gavrilovka, residents of all surrounding houses gather to watch. about local fish here. here in places have already been washed, the situation cannot be left to take its course, otherwise more than 80 thousand people will end up in the flood zone. in the vicinity of mountain rivers , water rises by 3 m in just a couple of hours; the level is now monitored using sensors. this is an ultrasonic sensor that directly measures the water level obtained from the spot to the surface. information is automatically transmitted to the server using this station and the base station in real time, this data is analyzed by a neural network and a forecast of water rise is made for 2 weeks, drones also help monitor the situation, this is what the populated areas of altai look like from a bird’s eye view now, more than a hundred houses are flooded here, rescuers
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are deploying water dams, pouring soil along the roads, evacuating residents, and not forgetting about pets. thank you. at the height of the flood in the central and volga districts, residents of the orenburg region say there is so much water for the first time. the water came quickly, within an hour it probably rose. me and my two children are wearing boots like this. ekaterina was sheltered by her neighbors, residents of a shelter for wild animals are evacuating the moscow region. some, such as the lions hector and white, escape from the water on higher ground. they are preparing for big water in the ryazan villages, zaokskaya and... korostoogo, every year they are at the epicenter of the aki flood, the water has already risen by 80 cm, and they predict up to 8 m. but people are calm, they say this every year. we have eight boatmen in zaokskoe, seven in korostov, they passed a technical examination, because during a flood anything can happen, but
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without help, it’s our villagers who can’t make do. each village has a fire truck and a local store. we've already stocked up on groceries for the whole month. olga sazonova, denis demeshin, nazir nagumanov, channel one. you see, good morning, today is april 4, if anyone doesn’t know, this is not only international internet day, but world rat day, and we decided to connect, our columnist, yegor uspensky, of course, could not pass by such a date, he got a whole the hit parade of the most outstanding, as they should be called correctly, rats, little rats, you can do them all, and our hit parade opens with rat u. which has a lot in common with me, well , at least the fact that she, like me, loves to wash herself, she is the cleanest rat in the world, she lives for the first time in peru, her name is sandra and she became famous for the fact that she loves to take a shower , and, as you can see, she does it with great pleasure, so enjoy sandra, well, we move on, what a smart girl, and in fourth place is a representative
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of the rat family named pepper, or in our opinion, pepper, he is distinguished by his intelligence and intelligence, he knows three dozen teams, plays basketball and even... football, and also knows how to throw out trash, earns millions of likes from his loyal fans. i think he's a good match for sandra. lord, how he was trained, or maybe he’s saving up for something. and, the top three today are opened by these fluffy artists, they paint with their paws on canvas, with special, please note, harmless paints. and the result is such works of avant-garde rat art, and over time, i think, their canvases will only increase in price. that's for sure. honorable second place goes to a little rat named mister. blik, one day he saw the owner playing the cube harmonica and also decided to try, mr. blik is doing well, well , you see and hear for yourself, all you have to do is practice a little and you can perform on the big stage, he will also earn a lot, i wonder how they made such a thing a small harmonica, well, at the top of our hit parade is the little rat fillya and his friend the cat perseya from rostov-on-don, they have
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perhaps the most important talent, the ability to make friends, behind the lives of these inseparable friends, who have their own blog, by the way in... on these are watched daily by 200,000 users, oh, listen, how cool they are, and how cute, today is rich in all sorts of dates, among them one very interesting one: world rat day, for some reason it doesn’t have official holiday status yet, but we congratulate you anyway all, how to say, correctly, rat lovers, rat breeders, then congratulate me, because i love their pets, yes, by the way, i had rats who were wonderful animals, smart and very clean, and... in this, by the way , asya titova was convinced and will now tell you, and asya we trust titov, this is blackie, a one-year-old beauty, a curious, sociable , very friendly girl, by the way, this can be said not only about her, but also about all decorative rats, let's get to know them. irina
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has five decorative rats, they are girls, they are all very tame. this is a domino rat, this is sour cream. they are very playful, they are very playful, like all children, yes, they do not sit still, they study everything, they want to climb, all the rats came to irina from volunteers, they are rescue... decorative rats have a weak health, they have no chance to survive on the street, moreover, they can get sick even at home, for example, these little ones recently started sneezing, we did an x-ray for them, an x-ray for a rat, yes, such small animals are also given an x-ray, with such a small x-ray machine, no , an ordinary x-ray machine, it turned out that my girls have a slight bronchitis, they need treatment. you also need to properly feed the rats only with food for rodents; human food is not suitable for them. and they must live in
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a spacious cage, look how irina has everything equipped. by the way, all the assholes she sews the bedding herself to make the rats comfortable and safe. rats are perhaps the smartest rodents, so they need intellectual stimulation. we have this developmental one. the rats open this drawer with their paws and take out a tasty treat from there. to be honest, my dog ​​has an educational toy, it’s absolutely the same principle. yes, sometimes i even call them little dogs. rats are very similar to dogs. they respond to their names and can be taught a variety of tricks. they are very gentle, very tactile, as i call them.
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“tomorrow we’ll go out to look for my gold, you won’t be offended, and you have a lot of gold, 40 poods, a real story of love for treasures that have not been found so far, gold from malta is the story of a daring robbery that happened more than a century ago, he’s preparing gold to be sent, the security is liquid, i relied on westerns, i really love serge lyon and evenin tarantino, and yes, i really love paul newman when..." i was thinking about how to play, for some reason i have more bright male characters, how cool they sit in the saddle, how they conduct a dialogue with such
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slight pinch. american, what is your name? the umalta river holds the secret of missing gold. director andrei bogatyrev himself, like a treasure hunter, collected facts bit by bit. when they were filming in those very places in the khabarovsk territory, they found a wheel from an old cart, perhaps the same cart in which gold had once traveled; it disappeared, and this became the starting point of our scenario, 40 pounds of gold were stolen by people in shaman masks, the owner mine leon tebulygin is ruined, blames the local tribe for everything, gathers faithful people to search for him, girlfriend bulygina, actress sonya, begins her hunt for gold, helps her.
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search in the cinema, gold in malta at the box office today, you will die from the gold rush, wait, what is it, we
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are filming it, filming it, filming it, it’s like some kind of enchanted one, svetlana neimanes, asya ratkevich, joseph kobrin, the first channel. our program has come to an end, we say goodbye to you, wish you good morning and a good day, take care of yourself, your loved ones, see you on channel one, see you. this is news first. hello, in the studio valeria koravleva in this issue. daring throw. everything was decided in minutes. operation of the tula paratroopers: occupy a strategic height, footage of a real battle. tactics
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of the losers. after losses on the battlefield, the bet is on sabotage and terrorist attacks, the recognition of the deputy head of ukrainian intelligence. at the call of the heart, after the attack on crocus city hall across the country, there was a queue of people willing to serve under a contract. we will do everything possible to ensure that the citizens of the russian federation, our friends, family and loved ones, can sleep peacefully. blown away by the wind, fences, siding, garbage cans, only having time to dodge. after the violence of the elements in the capital, there is a lot of cleaning. massive attacks on ukrainian armed forces targets. explosions in the city of lazovaya, kharkov region. there, the iron junction is used to transport military equipment in the direction of kramatorsk. arrivals in kharkov, this was confirmed by local authorities. russian troops are carrying out precision strikes on everything related to the ukrainian military industry. this is a response
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to the ukrainian armed forces’ attempts to damage our energy resources.


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