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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 4, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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losers after losses on the battlefield, relying on sabotage and terrorist attacks, recognition of the deputy head of ukrainian intelligence. at the call of the heart after the attack on crocus city hall across the country, there was a queue and those willing to serve under a contract. we will do everything possible to ensure that the citizens of the russian federation, our friends, family and loved ones, can sleep peacefully. gone by the wind, fences, siding, trash cans are just making it in time. to turn out after the violence of the elements in the capital there is a big cleaning. massive attacks on ukrainian armed forces targets. explosions in city ​​of lazovaya, kharkov region. there, the railway junction is used to transport military equipment in the direction of kramatorsk. arrivals in kharkov, this was confirmed by local authorities. russian troops are carrying out precision strikes on everything related to the ukrainian military industry. this is a response to the ukrainian armed forces’ attempts to damage our energy. and footage from the ministry of defense. the russian
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military destroyed several american howitzers in the southern donetsk direction. near artyomovsk , artillerymen destroyed the enemy’s position and equipment. well, also exclusive footage, in including from our drone - a daring operation. tula paratroopers occupied a critical height. footage of the real battle in the report by alexey kruchinin. the courage and skill of our paratroopers is known to everyone, but the guys never cease to amaze. here is footage of a recent platoon assault.
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an extremely risky throw, fast and maneuverable bmd-2s are not distinguished by super-strong armor, the listeners could simply burn them by hitting them with direct fire from a trench, which is what they tried to do. directly, here is my driver mechanic, senior driver mechanic, in ptur was flying us, he noticed him in time, thank god, he didn’t reach us. the stormtroopers are advancing along the trench, the opponents are getting closer, but after the first paratrooper throws a grenade, the attack aircraft suddenly turn around and run to the edge of the strong point, apparently to where... the main infantry guns are. ours continue to advance under enemy fire. drone operators come to the rescue, destroying the firing point with a kamikaze drone. the opornik was taken, but there is another one nearby in rocha and it is being stormed under the cover of a t-80 tank. crew flies straight to the forest edge. the impact of 125mm shells at point-blank range will usually paralyze even a resilient enemy. the most suitable and at the same time the most dangerous job for tank crews. the feeling is yes, adrenaline, a very big surge of adrenaline. well, and the most
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important thing is not to play around, but the landing forces burst into the grove, finish off the stunned enemy and gain a foothold in new positions. meanwhile, our copter’s camera monitors the armored group, which is retreating under powerful enemy fire. there is artillery, including, judging by the arrivals, rockets, and drones kamikaze. the tank commander with the call sign boomerang managed to close the hatch 10 seconds before a kamikaze drone with a shell filled with shrapnel exploded nearby. this is the moment in drone video. it almost flew up in the area of ​​the barbecue and hit.
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arranges sabotage in russia because he cannot achieve success on the battlefield, confession from the deputy head of the main intelligence department of ukraine in an interview with the british guardian, new attacks are being prepared, the crimean bridge is called one of the targets, they plan to use it for attacks on our targets, among other things recruited agents. according to major general vadim skibitsky, victory on the battlefield is currently impossible, given russia's military superiority and the ukrainian side's lack of fighter artillery shells. therefore, he said,
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kiev has no choice but to start hitting targets deep behind enemy lines. skibitsky says ukraine planned to carry out more strikes on russian targets, and not without the participation of undercover agents. belarusian special services uncovered a criminal network, ukrainian agents found performers who were offered to come to the smolensk region for money to launch a drone from there. the issue price is 2-3 dollars. a belarusian tv channel showed footage of the confession of one of the recruits. his task was to deliver explosives. the security forces did not allow it. if there is more money. like for some kind of military, yeah, well, like transmitting the coordinates or putting it under a car here in smolensk, you had to come to the indicated place, install it somewhere, you wanted to force it and then put it there.
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russia has confirmation of the ukrainian trace in organizing terrorist attacks in crocus cityhole, defense minister sergei shaigu informed his french colleague sebastien licourgne about this. the telephone conversation took place at... the urgent request of paris. likor neu expressed condolences over the tragedy, but at the same time persistently tried to convince western countries that ukraine was not involved in the terrorist attack, shifting responsibility to isis, which is prohibited in russia. shaigu said: the kiev regime does nothing without the approval of western curators. moscow expects that in this case this is not french intelligence services are standing by. we were talking about recent statements by president macron. the russian minister emphasized the sending of the french contingent to ukraine. will create problems for paris itself. the readiness for dialogue on ukraine was also noted. the starting points could be based on the istanbul peace initiative. holding a meeting in geneva without russia's participation is pointless. more and more new volunteers are signing up for contract service.
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there were significantly more people interested after the terrorist attack in kroku cityhole. this is one of the selection points in moscow region. over the past week and a half, more than 800 people have signed contracts in the region. they have already begun training at training centers in training centers. during this time, hundreds of citizens came to enroll in the armed forces in vladivostok. the same situation is in st. petersburg. in just 10 days , there were over 16,000 volunteers across the country, and this figure is growing. the situation in crocus city, this was actually the last straw. we will do everything possible to ensure that citizens of the russian federation, our friends, family, friends, they could sleep peacefully. i've wanted it for a long time. to serve under a contract, my friends are all already there, the latest events that happened in moscow, cityhall, as it were, i want to go personally, and not sit out at home, over the past week and a half the flow of candidates for contract service
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has increased significantly, the main motive is the desire to protect their relatives close, to prevent a repetition of the events in the moscow region, the selection point is working...
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introducing a limited contingent of troops, that is, involving norway, finland, france, great britain. alexander letvinenko, secretary of the security council of the ninety- fifth district. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. russian in hollywood, from a to z. a, americans, b. bandits, in vladovin. d. head, toe, d. what is your evidence? yo, f, z, your health, we will, and, brief, k, l, lshtshfum, m.
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corn syrup, n. novosi oirsk, o, put, r. russia. s. t. tapant. u. whoa. f. vsnam mzton. x - cold. like such a fool. chelyabinsk sha - hat at shanka sha - hard sign and soft sign uh, this is peter yu yavud on saturday at the first will of zhenya belousov, the battle for the inheritance of the star of the nineties is entering the home stretch. all the participants in the conflict in our studio, you filed a lawsuit, why does a person write a will at 30 years old? roman is sure that at one time the entire
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inheritance unfairly went to sister christina, if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, documented everything myself, why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want find out the truth, you'll find out dad's handwriting, jerome, to be honest, no, but you got divorced on purpose, it turned out that the court divorced us, can you imagine, for me after 26 years there was such a thing... a gift, an exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday on the first. and when you entered into an inheritance, you told the notary that there were still potential heirs. you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved died. probably the only love of my life. the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running and awakening the sun. spring is coming, spring is coming, we
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young spring messengers, she sent us forward, what, where, when, spring series of games, on sunday on the first. this is the news for perma, we continue: in moscow there is a lot of cleaning up after the hurricane, abnormal heat, then a cold snap, and, as often happens in such cases, a storm wind, two people died, 15 were injured, injuries, gusts were such that the roofs were torn off houses , felled trees, traffic lights, now the wind has died down, and during the day they promise rain, the brightest... the hurricane begins instantly, but a passerby in balashikha
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does not have time to notice how the wind breaks metal fence of a neighboring construction site, the man steadfastly withstands the blow, he’s lucky that it wasn’t covered with something heavy, the wind is so strong that the concrete bases of the pillars couldn’t withstand it, so people are crossing the road following a traffic light signal lying on the ground. on the playground, the gate was turned over. benches, scooters, sales tents lay there, even several bus stops were blown away. the wind blows garbage cans across the parking lot among the cars, their owners can only watch everything from the window. it’s safer in the building, but the students were caught up in bad weather, when they tried to pass between the university buildings. the wind tears out the skin of buildings, double-glazed windows, everything that holds weakly immediately becomes dangerous for others. a woman got out of her car to go shopping, at that moment part of the roof of the shopping center flew into the car. i pulled out the roof and opened the car. during the time that the hurricane raged in the moscow region.
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that all victims receive the necessary medical care. today bad weather hit moscow, strong winds with temperature changes, wind gusts reaching more than 21 m/s. we took all warning measures in a timely manner. large city parks and other open public places were promptly closed. messages about the danger were on the city’s screens, the warning boards of the data center and others, but unfortunately, there were casualties. 17 victims, two of them died. two students from one of the capital's schools received minor bruises.
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ceiling panels fell on them because the window in the classroom was open during a hurricane, and this man was unloading goods from a tool warehouse in podolsk when the wind slammed on the fish truck door. the driver lost consciousness from the impact, but fortunately there were no serious consequences. reportedly suffering from a concussion and bruises, he got behind the wheel and went on to work. the hurricane subsided, the rain began, and then a rainbow stretched over the capital. utility services have started. to eliminate the consequences of the disaster, yards were cleared of fallen trees. only in the morning the wind in the capital became moderate. dmitry kulkoy, sergey komensky, channel one. a big date for moscow komsomolets , perhaps, for all russian journalism. the editor-in-chief of the publication, pavel gusev, is 75. he has been running the newspaper for 41 years, preserving traditions, but at the same time always finding something to surprise. a geologist by training, he quickly realized that this was not his life’s work. i entered the literary department, but how did i end up in the chair of editor-in-chief? at the time when
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the position of editor-in-chief became vacant, i found myself in the party at that time. after all , it was very tough with personnel, the only one who had a party biography, and also a literary education, all this together resulted in the fact that i became the head of the moscow a komsomol member, this is absolutely true, at night he reads the news, and already early in the morning the first meeting, pavel gusev is always full of ideas, is in no hurry, but at the same time manages to do everything, even fishing in the arctic and hunting in africa. the day before, vladimir putin signed a decree. on awarding pavel gusiev the order for services to the fatherland, fourth degree. the action-packed film gold off malta has a grand premiere in wide release. a stellar cast, breathtaking filming, the pursuit of real treasures against the backdrop of fateful events in the history of the country. adventures of great love, the fatal beauty breaks hearts. kristina levieeva
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met with the creators of the film. what lengths is a person willing to go to for gold, steal, kill, betray? you must overtake them, how to turn gold into money, i will decide, please listen, hurry up, the heroes of the picture of gold in malta will have to make a difficult choice between wealth and honor, between love and fortune, and yet the events are unfolding at the most turning point in our history, between two revolutions, february and october, the truth is martyrdom... the holy man grigory ifimovich rasputin. who is this? grishka, is this the holy rasputin? this is a difficult era, this is an era of disruption, and for cinema it is always very interesting to observe how people, against the backdrop of such big events, changed, what was happening in their souls. among the endless taiga in the vicinity of the umalta river , the robberies of the century take place. people in shaman masks
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attack the convoy and steal hundreds of kilograms of gold. a bankrupt mine owner. "tomorrow we'll go out to look for my gold, you won't be offended, i played after all the man who loves life, let's just say, life includes both the love of sonia and the love of gold, myths and legends told by local residents, hundreds of archival documents studied by the scriptwriters, the film is based on a real story, in 1917 exactly the same daring raid took place in these places robbery. her past is murky, but sonya, nicknamed the golden navel, believes she can change her future, bring back her son and outsmart everyone around her. she
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is a swindler, and also a redhead, i decided to dye my hair red for this role, and it seemed to me. why such a cunning one it would be interesting to play a quirky forest, especially since this genre frees us from judging good and bad, we just follow the story, this is action, when we see each other, this is an officer, a white officer, and it seems to me that there is one phrase that characterizes him as accurately as possible, in one of the scenes he says: i can’t do anything, nothing, just shoot, it seems to me that this is exhaustive, everything about him is clear here, i did everything, the gold is hidden under a rock, the filming of the picture took place in the most picturesque places in the khabarovsk territory, medvezhye lake and amur pillars, and there in khabarovsk bears walk along the roads, cool, in khabarovsk there are no bears at all, the approach was leaving, the difficulty
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was not that it was a proruk, that it was cold, but that it was a mountain river, there was a strong current under the ice, when you went under the ice, there was nothing to grab onto, and you were simply dragged under the ice there. i know where your gold is. an adventurous westrem with horse chases, an exciting plot, an unpredictable outcome and the passion that every hero of this film lives with. however, its authors claim that the main thing for them was to talk about our culture and human destinies. kristina levieva, pavel likholetov, ivan strukov, veronika lvutchenkova and isis gurbanberdiev, channel one. so, a film that you watch in one breath, gold in malta, from today on the big screens, let's go to the cinema. that's all for now, we'll be back with more news, anti-fake is on air right now. the final of the russian cup in cross-country skiing, a three-time olympic champion and an early one, continues in kirovsk.


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