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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 4, 2024 10:50am-11:59am MSK

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develop with paroxysm and arrhythmia, it’s difficult to live with crazy people, you want to live with stable people, but this is our opinion, and this is your son, so now you have the opportunity to tell us what decision you are making? well, i am grateful for the advice that you gave me, you armed me with the arguments that i lacked for the necessary conversation with... and now i will be able to convince him to point in the right direction so that he understands the truth of their relationship and the consequences, which can be for his health, and for himself, for his future families, what do you say, love, love for children is the only eternal love that exists in the world, we are for children... in general, we ourselves
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are encroaching on bungees into any basements, that’s right, as long as they are alive, healthy, happy, that’s an absolutely understandable choice for us, an understandable sacrifice. further, i wish you to have a conversation with your son, because what will it be like, what decision will the boy make, our children, they are also still small, without experience, they sometimes believe in what we adults already say. it will be different, but this is the time they have, what’s here say, so let him hear you, we had a good time with you, may you live healthy.
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hello, the information channel on the first one is starting to work live, time will tell the program, studios ruslan astashka, olesya loseva. our military continues to carry out high-precision retaliatory strikes against ukrainian armed forces targets. surgical precision strikes are a response to the ukrainian armed forces’ attempts to cause damage in our energy sector. our goal is infrastructure and enterprises associated with the armed forces of ukraine. these shots have already been published by the ukrainian country, on them. one of the damaged buildings, view from the inside, well, it looks like no equipment there survived. any aggression against russia receives a response, and the organizers of the terrorist attack in crocus will also receive their punishment. unfortunately, the number of deaths in this tragedy has increased, today it is already 145 people. a child died in the hospital, for whose life doctors fought for almost 2 weeks. unfortunately, it was not possible to save him. what about the terrorist attack in crocus - the head said.
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reverse and send the hands of the clock of our lives in the opposite direction, to this and other questions we will answer in the program to live healthy, tomorrow on the first arzamas is translated as a city of beautiful people, here you can feel like a parisian, an englishman, well, exactly by the clock, it’s all coal-fired, this locomotive is made in 1955. everything
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is for real, goose caviar goes well together, such a luxury as a merchant, your salary is not enough to pay for this burger, there is an installment plan for you, that is , it’s essentially chalk, yes, that is, you can gnaw it right on the wall, you can , if the ring is not enough in your body, rat and even lick, if you want to fight, ready, start, look, the masked goose has arrived, let's go, the premiere is on saturday, on the first, calmly, comrade, we are coming to you, professor. here ’s the matter, i cut you off, cut you off, you can say whatever comes to their mind, whatever you want, that you’re painfully oppressing me, dad, what kind of dad i am to you, my god, i’m only now beginning to understand what can happen from our balloon, and now they understand what kind of shining nonsense this
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is, why, i’m worse than people, well, i was married, i don’t care, azina, an innocent girl, good, that i woke up, take everything and divide it, that ’s what i thought, heart of a dog, the famous film adaptation of mikhail bulgakov’s story on saturday on the first, he also dances, dances, russian in hollywood, from a to z american americans, b) bandits, vladovin, g, head, toe, what is your evidence e. we'll be with your health and brief kalinka l lshtshfum m callus syrup n novosi oirsk leave bad dobich rasha with
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secret russian weapons actually this is a birdhouse t. topant u ou, f . to all of us, x. cold, i’m not used to such a dubak, tsesyuzhty, chelyabinsk, hat with earflaps, sha - hard sign, s, soft sign, e, yu, ya. on saturday, on the first.
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to enter this populated area, but it looks like the hardest battles for the city await us ahead, because kiev is drawing the most elite units in the ssu to the chasvyar. we’ll find out what’s happening in this direction right now from war correspondent arti vladislav andritsa comes to us for direct communication. vladislav, hello, what is the latest
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news from this direction? yes, hello, hello, it continues the advance of our troops in the direction of chasvayar, in particular the ninety-eighth division is working on this section of the front. it works clearly, it works hard, it works ruthlessly towards the enemy, although there is from 5600 to a kilometer somewhere left to the very, and to the very city limits, it is necessary to note the great work of our aviation, the large use of cabs, cabs, adjustable aerial bombs, with which the main strongholds on the approach to the city limits are being dismantled, and these strongholds are located in... in a populated area bogdanovka, which is right there about 700-800 meters, now we are already going beyond bogdanovka, and there are heavy fortifications there, it is clear that the enemy is clinging with his teeth to his strongholds, trying not to let our troops into the very city limits, well
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, within the city itself, of course, there are already residential buildings, a residential area is being equipped, equipped as observation posts, that is, a battle for the city awaits us, directly to the southern part of chasoy yar, where there are water barriers, where the seversky
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donetsk canal, donetsk, it’s called, if not i’m mistaken, they’re building a fortification directly behind the water barriers to make it even more difficult for our fighters to get through there, but aviation is working, now, of course, of course, we have the ability to hit forces that enter directly within hours, since the city is already quietly , little by little, that’s right... our multiple launch rocket systems are reaching him, aviation, in general, we are waiting, waiting for good news, difficult terrain, i must say that these here are from 900 there to 500 m, where our fighters are now, open area, forest shelf, that is, we see that the foliage has not yet bloomed, that is, it is not green, and moving through open areas is very difficult to dig in directly in the ground, so we wait and wait. news from this from this city, we are all worried here, the guys are on a roll, it feels like we are
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on the verge of an initiative, please tell me, what does the city of clocks look like now, what is it like? and the clock is still almost untouched, almost untouched city, there are multi-storey buildings, also directly near water barriers, houses two two three-story canal there is a water, and a water barrier is always an advantage. for the defending side, which will, of course, allow them to strengthen and move away, that is, until we approach the water directly, they will see us, that is, it will be necessary to work out with aviation, and with a barrel, a barrel of a multiple launch rocket system at a long distance, then there is, we will have to dismantle these dugouts at a distance, before leaking, so let’s summarize again and indicate why in the ssu they will fight for hours. ar with incredible rage, because, as i heard you correctly, i hope that the hours, the liberation
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of the hours opens the way for the slavic-kramatorsk agglomeration, which at the moment, remaining in the donetsk people's republic, is the largest, probably the most equipped in terms of defense for the armed forces of ukraine part, these are really the keys to the slavic kramatorsk agglomeration, because then, in fact, the way is open and the battles will take place for this territory. definitely yes, it is, he is an important, very important point now, because production is carried out there in slavyansky, kramatorsk, firstly, there are headquarters there, all management commands, secondly, a large amount of equipment is repaired there, two, thirdly, they have bc warehouses there for the supply of reserves , the deployment of fighters, manpower, everything is in these cities, it directly moved through chasov yar, through the highway that goes from chasov yar.
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russia is always learning, they don't give us a second chance, they succeed at it, said one of
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officers. well, if the ukrainians don’t have a chance, then he will certainly come up with one and loudly present it to zelensky. well, while he is collecting his brains, instead of which the green slurry remains, ukrainian telegram channels admit that the militants are surrendering en masse , their defense is about to collapse. the situation at the front is complicated by the low level. morale, which leads to an increase in the number of cases of surrender. the soldiers do not want to fight to the end; they prefer to immediately face the pressure of the armed forces of the russian federation surrender. they are silent about this now in kiev, but... the situation will soon become critical, which will lead to the collapse of the defense. well, the western media are also starting to fan this hysteria, literally shouting that how is it that russia is rushing forward? let's take a look
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at the overall situation in ukraine. at the moment, russia controls about 1/5 of the territory. especially considering how they mobilize their forces, they have a chance to use the gains they have made in recent weeks to launch a big strike, especially in the avdeevka area, which is essentially located at the junction of the southern and eastern fronts of the russian-ukrainian conflict, it is there that russia’s offensive can begin, in addition, the russians can launch an attack in the vicinity of kharkov, in these areas the russians
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are concentrating their troops, and if russia can use ukraine's weaknesses, then it can... noticeably move forward, then the ukrainians will have to move their troops to strengthen themselves on other frontiers. russia can concentrate its potential offensive in the donbass in late spring or summer, says a report from the american institute for the study of war. the think tank claims that the russian military command may consider the area near avdievka as a priority for a large-scale strike. ukrainian officials recently warned that russian troops are amassing forces on at least four fronts, but the institute for the study of war believes that russian forces are likely to launch a concerted large-scale offensive operation only in one direction, in order to accurately develop and consolidate success, since russia does not have the means for a large-scale offensive in several areas. and looking at
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everything that was happening, general secretary of nato en stoltenberg came up with a new, i would say, brilliant strategy: nato should not defeat russia, but convince us that we are losing. the reality is that if we want this war to end, the sooner we can convince moscow that it will not win on the battlefield, the sooner we can reach a peace agreement in which russia will understand that she cannot win the war, but... must sit down and negotiate an agreement in which ukraine will become a sovereign, independent state. well , in the world of western illusions, stoltenberg now claims to be the main illusionist, alexander davydovich. what tricks have they prepared for us? how are they going to convince us of our loss, what options do they even have, will they intimidate us,
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bargain? in the history of many years, even thousands of years, the fact that... when things go wrong on the field battle, battles are transferred into the minds into the hearts, i don’t want to be clever among respected experts, but i want to remind aristotle, he said that, uh, combat strength is in three positions: mind, uh, feeling and, uh, will, here, on what are obviously losing on the battlefield counting on, because pay attention, uh, this noise that last year was still about the so -called contour offensive, everything is about it, no one talks about it, they said it a million times, but didn’t jump over it even once, now we are talking about only one thing: defense, to what extent it effective, how long, how long it lasts and how it will effectively slow down, so we need to understand, be prepared for this, not
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be afraid of this, that efforts from the battlefield will be redirected. well, he means that there are still opportunities, including in terms of the use of
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military instruments, as it seems to them, in order to convince russia to stop, let’s say, a russian steam roller that has accelerated, in theory it is impossible to stop, in general, by the way, sane western military experts, everyone remembers just this combination, russian steamroller. and that history has always shown that as soon as he accelerated, it is useless for him, do what you want, any promises are impossible, that’s it, he will demolish the enemy, now they, they are watching this, convince him, on the other hand, stoltenberg has arguments, well , remember, the seventeenth year, we managed to ruin russia, ninety-first year, we managed to ruin russia, let's try now to come up with an option when we ruin it, but their mistakes are on the battlefield, and let's say in... a hybrid war, when they hire scoundrels to carry out terrorist attacks in russia, this only unites russian, russian society, and they, too, unfortunately, watch with horror, they do not understand how this can
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be so, any means they use for another european country, any, this everything would have been a mess, everything would have fallen apart, the people would have gone against the authorities, the authorities would not have understood their people, everything would have ended quickly, here it ’s the other way around, they can’t, the mysterious russian soul, well, the third option, of course, the third point, from stoltenberg he no longer teas when he will still jump from this general secretary position, who will hire her for this position, no one wants it, they tried this lady from latvia, i forgot what her name is, i think i can imagine, everyone was surprised and laughed, well, that means, he is still sitting in horror, what should i do here, and he understands perfectly well that he will be appointed as one, one of those who will sign the capitulation, but he really doesn’t want to, he wants, he wanted to be a banker , that means it didn’t work out, he wanted to... go over, that means, this mission, a non-military mission in ukraine, to lead it, looking after, say, the economy of ukraine, and he didn’t succeed in that either, he thinks about his own things, so
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you know, he has some kind of dissonance in his head, he’s talking nonsense, because, well, how could the nato general sect say such a thing, you are obliged, obliged, therefore, to supply ukraine with more and more, whereas what nato is, it is a consensus organization and... one sect should defend this position, should say: guys, we decide everything together, and he already says like a fur: i order you forward, well, like every time he approaches the end of his term of office, he asks his bosses, what are you going to renew, and every time he is extended, extended, they can’t let him go to a well-deserved rest, well , they just wait until macron’s powers expire, apparently macron is very, it didn’t work out for him, this means that macron failed to create such a, well, european one. ivan pavlovch says that stoltenberg is talking
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nonsense, but it seems to me that we still shouldn’t underestimate them, they still have some kind of plan brewing in their heads, what should we prepare for, because they won’t convince, they can convince directly on the battlefield, first of all, i congratulate all of us on our anniversary, today... i dare to assure you mark rutto, simply despite the fact that he is still acting prime minister of the netherlands, nevertheless has already forgotten about that , that he travels to all countries, just yesterday there was a tour in the baltic states, no one is hiding it, he is coordinating his position, before that he met with erdogan, and in the summer i can assure you that the nato secretary general will definitely change. at the anniversary summit, that is, they won’t wait for macron, no matter how much they want it, rutto is a favorite, biden personally approved him last year, maybe he will really forget by this
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time, you understand, the man has his own problems, but there are also competitors, in particular from these great tribaltic emirates, well, that is, there are such as for what stoltenberg is saying, you know, i am very grateful to him, yesterday... he made a whole series of speeches, by the way, you noticed, you saw how he was shaking there, you just showed, yes, i don’t know what who bit him, but what he stated is really very valuable things, yes, he directly frankly said what he sees in the future with russia, yes , to do, he directly says that our goal, nato, yes, is to weaken the military potential of russia, through the hands of ukrainians, thank you, ukrainians, that’s true, expendable .
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maybe he doesn’t understand, but the most important thing is that now we really succeed, we can say directly, well, our goal is then to weaken nato’s military potential, okay, maybe with someone else’s hands, but since nato is at war with us, we must answer , stoltenberg is at the head of such a very powerful military financial pyramid, he has such a task, like a charlatan,
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to convince everyone as much as possible... and so, in his opinion, nato is now literally waltzing with death, while nato secretary general jens stoltenberg continues to pretend that he has everything under control, but he simply has no other choice and demands that his partners urgently give even more money to zelensky. nato chief en stoltenberg will propose allocating $100 billion over 5 years to ukraine at a meeting of the alliance's foreign ministers on wednesday. financial package, two diplomats said.
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part of a broader initiative to encourage allies to support kiev as a $60 billion us military aid package stalls in congress. one idea is for the alliance's 32 members to contribute $100 billion to the fund in the same proportion as they fund nato's overall budget, based on their gross national income. stoltenberg’s castles in the air for western customers require serious funding. however, nato listens to stoltenberg. they are in a hurry, many nato partners propose to hold back the question of creating a $100 billion fund for ukraine for now, for example, here are the statements made by the belgian ministry of foreign affairs. the nato secretary general made a proposal to allocate $100 billion for ukraine over 5 years. we will discuss the extent to which such a proposal can be implemented; there are no plans to make decisions; they are preparing for a summit in july. moreover, a number of nato countries generally
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doubted the alliance. basically able to raise that kind of money. some allies have questioned how nato can raise $100 billion if the alliance has no leverage to raise money among member countries. it is also unclear whether washington will support such changes. last month , us secretary of defense lloyd austin called the current contact group format very effective. the north atlantic alliance has previously been reluctant to take a more active role in the conflict in ukraine for fear of provoking a broader and harsher military response from russia, which is already sees the conflict as a proxy war between her country and nato. but it turns out that the ukrainian patient is more likely dead than alive, and is immediately compared directly with a patient tied to an iv. a senior official at the ukrainian defense ministry's main intelligence directorate, brigadier general dmitry timkov, compared the country to a patient on life support desperately in need of
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additional help. they are going to allocate 20 billion annually, of course, not enough, we know how much this voracious beast and monster under called ukraine, but nevertheless, for support in such a state, they believe that it is enough, and thus, it seems to me, they are trying to create some kind of cushion, in case trump comes and stops funding for ukraine, that is, they will say,
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we have a fund has already been created. maintain it for 5 years, and for the insurer, most importantly, to intimidate the client, and therefore they are now intimidating countries that are members of the north atlantic alliance, as you think, you know, which is funny, really. trump in all the headlines proof, the trump-proof fund, what if, if trump wins, we already have a decision made, allocated funds have been accepted, you understand, i understand, when it is europe, the european union is discussing it there, but when the secretary general of nato, despite the fact that we know what the united states of america is in the alliance, yes, well, that is, you are saying that you are going to create a safety cushion against a potential, well...
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patient tied to an iv, very bright, interesting, and really true , western writes about this press, what to do while doctors are thinking about how
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to treat a patient tied to a drip, he may die, excuse me, i will answer your medical question, but first i would like to complete the previous one, since it’s not just about trump, this innovation 5 years in advance, shows that he himself is not personally confident in the future of nato and does not trust his european partners, you yourself said, decisions are made by consensus, every year, and he does not know what will happen in a year or two, so he a priori tries 100 in advance billions to immediately determine, so that later it would be impossible to even refuse it, since consensus is needed. as for the patient, the question is serious and serious; the fact is that russia does not want death. not to ukraine as a state, not to the ukrainian people, the head of state has stated this many times, he says: we do not consider ukrainians our enemies, the ukrainian people suffer not from russia, but from the toys of the west,
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from the west’s attempts to make ukraine, the ukrainian people are a bargaining chip, dirty gloves in hands of their struggle against russia, so we must understand and know that our... main goal, we talk about this all the time, our main goal, the goal of the northern military district is the demilitarization of ukraine, the denazification of ukraine, its confident neutral status, and we declare that ukraine will never be a member of nato, and this is true, and russia will not allow this, so nothing threatens the ukrainian people, but the sooner the ukrainian people understand who their enemy is, the more painless this story will be. and more calmly for the ukrainian people directly will end. ivan pavlovich, just a few minutes ago, our foreign minister sergei lavrov said that they want to make financial assistance to ukraine from voluntary, necessarily forced, the salvation of ukraine
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is only finance in this context, or are they simply trying to kill this patient as much and quickly as possible should we share this money among ourselves? well, you know, you are right in asking the question this way, because the west always makes the same mistake. bets on money, that is, on a mechanistic solution to any problem, invested money, solved the problem, this is not so, especially when it concerns ukraine, and they always throw away the moral factor completely, this is always their loss, although their napoleon, the western commander who once united europe, said that the moral factor relates to the technical battlefield like three to one, well, you have to remember this already, they just can’t, so the amount of money is nothing. won’t solve it, by the way, stoltenberg is offering 100 billion, it’s like an offer from the head of nato, and the nato secretary general, well, this is an annual injection adrenaline, yes, but look, and already the european union has been butting heads for six months about 50 billion, also for 5
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years, for 4 years, or rather, for ukraine, so that ’s what happened, the european union is the basis of nato, basically all these countries are members of nato, they don’t have money in the european union, which means they spent a long time there, judged, they said, okay, 50 billion, we’ll fix this figure, but in fact it’s already passed, today is already april, they should have had about 2 billion there by this time to list it, it turns out that this money isn’t even there. can record any numbers, when it comes to real events, everyone will start, well, you understand, i don’t have it there, i need to buy bread here, another story, when a military alliance asks for money, it doesn’t ask for it, it demands it, try not to give money to people with guns and tanks, but wait, these guns and tanks actually look like gummy candies, you know, because no, but nevertheless, ivan palovich , these gummy candies are shooting on the battlefield, you know. we are not talking about this now, they shoot on our battlefield, we
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destroy them, but where in nato is that leader, who can unite something, someone , something macron claims, here you go, well, well, if history is a nuclear power, now it’s a farce, yes it was, that is, there was a tragedy, there was hitler, yes, now that means macron is a farce, please, this is their way, with the minister of foreign affairs, with him, they generally have a cheerful, childless trinity there, the most important thing. once again i insist on this thesis, the most important thing in any military alliance, in any military bloc, in principle, in any military vertical of power, vertical of power, you show me where it is in nato, no, there is something there, some kind of chaos is happening in the usa , everything needs to run away, everyone is there, that means there is a wife, a husband in tver, a wife at the door, yes, that’s all, please , well, this proves that no nato exists without the united states, and the united states is in trouble. everything, nato began to fall apart, and if the usa all this
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ends completely, the situation will fall, as it were, but there is no feeling that against the backdrop of these statements by donald trump, well, he, too , in different ways, you know, throws in and speculates that if what does it mean he is going to leave nato, you know, he’s intimidating, but i say, they ’re hedging their bets, but if something happens, can nato even exist on its own without the united states, maybe they ’re preparing for this anyway. army, european army, europe will have a huge opportunity to form up to the beat of drums with flags, go to surrender, that’s all, a good offer from the americans, they will march in formation and surrender, well, while the west is arguing about methods of treating ukraine, square itself is preparing for an aggravation, colonel sbu is a jerk to the armed forces of ukraine the decisive battle will take place this summer. what did slavkom syrsky say? he said that we are preparing for an offensive, he, in principle, as a military man... correctly, absolutely correctly, an offensive, and what is the probability, if
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it succeeds, the probability, because the enemy has huge resources, which means the probability can lead to that the enemy will break through somewhere, and if he breaks through somewhere, then we may lose not only the initiative, but we may also lose even more territories; in the summer we will have very serious battles that, in principle, will resolve the issues. already at the operational-strategic level, interestingly, in the west they are also afraid, and rightly so, that russia’s summer offensive could break through the defenses in the ssu, that’s what bloomberg writes. zelensky's allies increasingly fear that the russian summer offensive could breach ukraine's defences. the flow of western military aid to ukraine has dropped sharply, and some ukrainian armed forces guns fire just one salvo a day to conserve dwindling supplies. meanwhile russian. the strikes damage ukrainian infrastructure. one of the officials called
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the damage inflicted over the past few weeks was the worst of the conflict and predicted long-term strategic consequences that would only exacerbate the effects of the ammunition shortage. yuri ivanovich podalyako joins our conversation. yuri ivanovich, hello, why in the summer are they waiting for our counter-offensive, or rather the offensive , do they think that we are almost guaranteed to break through the defense? well, because it’s almost halfway through spring, and the summer campaign begins in may, well, so that no one knows, because in military strategy, it’s like there is a summer company, there is a winter company, well, sometimes you can highlight the spring one, but usually it is not distinguished, summer and winter, the summer one starts when the roads are a little rutted, that is, it won’t be dirty, again, let’s look at this, this is not the moscow region, this is the south of ukraine, often, even the north of ukraine, the middle zone of ukraine, but this is still may. in may it is already possible to quite calmly carry out
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large-scale offensive operations there, from here until may there is less than a month left, from here nothing else can be expected, then this is an open secret, in my opinion, no one is hiding it, and the sbu colonel said absolutely nothing new. and ukrainian telegram channels write that there is a formula for a modern, new war that will help us win and are actively discussing it. let's listen, your comment will be very interesting on this topic. in the ukrainian crisis, the one who can succeed in this formula: uavs, artillery and bombs will win on the battlefield. as discussed on the sidelines, first the positions are attacked with powerful bombs. after artillery, and then uavs individual targets are targeted. all this time, there is constant surveillance of the enemy with the help of reconnaissance uavs, while ukraine is inferior everywhere except the uav case. the situation with drones in ukraine is still acceptable, but time will tell how it will be in six months. so, drones, artillery
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, bombs, how much do you agree with this formula for a successful offensive? well, you know, they just take our information. i think he is one of the most important nazi criminals, who is largely guilty of many things, and so he is very close to me with the situation, he immediately commented, he commented very reasonably, there is his comment that this is all fake, but he says, in principle, he says the maximum, this is parity, in some areas russia has bypassed ukraine and most likely forever,
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so for now i, for example, i don’t see any arguments as to how sirsky will attack here; he has nothing to attack, not even personally. we will overcome the defense lines, that kiev will almost be taken in the near future, but we always treat with caution what they say well, they unanimously say that we are calm in the west, and if they are laying out so beautifully, then
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there must be pitfalls somewhere, in this case they exist or they are forced to state, can i tell my opinion, it seems to me that they are not easy.
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i really hope so. thanks a lot. podolyaka was in direct contact with us. yes, we really want nato to switch to self-destruction mode sooner rather than later. a short advert and we'll be back. suspect sirgi was given by his lover. he promised to marry his mistress. now both are standing crying. my actions, reception? well, what could be here? actions, film with your phone. let them say this for real. can you make me a copy of his file? wait for me, i’ll arrive soon, and don’t let the light on in the car, sit there, uh-huh, you know this man, we’re working, you’re in the homicide department now, for completely different matters,
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hello, you can talk, undercover taxi, premiere, watch after programs time, virtual reality, the place where everything impossible is possible, i see you, you are now in my room, yes, hello, several people can be in the virtual space at once, that is, for example, the plant is located in talyat, the customer is in st. petersburg, so they can meet together and discuss, for example, a car, a model, as if it actually physically existed, our company is developing the production of diagnostic tests for determining allergic reactions, using exactly our laboratory reagents have the widest range of allergens that can be detected. the main motif of our collections is sheepskin coats, and we also produce leather items, suits, coats, trousers, skirts. our brand's style is everyday luxury. our everything. premiere. on saturday on
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the first. arzamass is translated as a city of beautiful people. here you can feel like a parisian, an englishman. well, exactly by the hour. it’s all coal-fired, this locomotive is from 1955. everything is for real. on saturday on the first. calm down, comrade, we’re coming to you, professor, this is the matter, i cut you off,
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cut you off, you can say whatever comes to their mind, anything, you’re painfully oppressing me, dad, what kind of dad am i to you, god my, i’m only now beginning to understand, what can come out of our ball, and now we understand what kind of shining nonsense this is, why, i ’m worse than people, well, i was married, i don’t care, azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and divide it, so i thought, heart of a dog, the famous film adaptation of mikhail bulgakov's story on saturday at the first, he is still dancing, dancing, the will of zhenya beloosov, the battle for the inheritance of the star of the nineties, are reaching the finish line, all the participants in the conflict in our studio, you filed a lawsuit, why does a person write? wills at 30 years old. roman is sure that the entire inheritance was once unfairly given to sister christina. if i wanted to cheat, i would have
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come from the very beginning and prepared everything for myself. why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and that the document could have been forged? i want to know the truth. dad’s handwriting, you know, to be honest, no. have you officially divorced? it turned out that the court divorced us. can you imagine, it was such a blow for me after 26 years. exclusive with dmitry borisov, prime minister. on saturday on the first, when you entered into the inheritance, you told the notary that there are still potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, the man i loved, probably my only love life, died, the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running and waking up the sleepy breg, they run, shine and shout, and the days shout in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are
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messengers of the young spring, she sent us forward, what, where, when, spring series of games, on sunday on the first. the ugledar direction is one of the hottest now on the donetsk front, about what is now is happening there, we find out from the war correspondent of the union tv channel. radion dudka is in direct contact with us. radion, hello, most of the attention now is probably diverted by the informational clock, it is, in fact, logically understandable, but events on ugledar are developing no less intense. here's more details, please tell us where the fighting is going on now. why this direction is so important now. hello, studio, of course, i want to tell you about the ugledar direction.
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now our fighters continue to move there in area of ​​the village, novomikhailovka, as it is called, and half of the village is already under our control, in asu they are making desperate attempts, transferring all possible reserves there, trying to stuff them with equipment and manpower, but they are not succeeding. our cannon artillery is working on them, mortars are also hitting them, in principle, progress is underway, we are heading towards the village of paraskoveevka to the exit of the village of konstantinovka, this will allow us to actually actually take coal, one might say, well, in a semi-siege like that, well situation, i also want to note that ugledar is generally a small city, a small settlement. but in fact it is a fortress, because well, it stands on a hill and it’s really difficult to approach it to the south, so our fighters
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are trying to approach it to the north, but just... we’re blocking highway 052, which actually connects carbon, it helps, let’s say , supplies, further our advance after the capture of konstantinovka and poroskoveevka will, i think, go easier, because there will no longer be such special obstacles, there are especially fighters there vyisu did not strengthen their positions, it can also be noted that factories also work on them. according to ugledar itself, according to the positions of the armed forces of ukraine, in principle, our military is really fighting very bravely, well, we approached ugledar quite a long time ago and the fighting there has been going on for a long time, but without disclosing the details of the operation, so that god forbid you don’t tell the enemy anything, you can give a hint us, the situation is now changing, breaking, will it be clear that in the near future we will move them
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in this direction, the cia has repeatedly warned the russian intelligence, at least one message marked urgently by the cia was sent before the concert. the united states transmitted data that the information about the upcoming attack was reliable, the terrorist attack itself was supposed to happen in the near future. american intelligence did not know in advance that
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crocus was to be the target of the terrorists. the warning was about a place of public gathering. “you see, it turns out that having made such a black sheep out of russia, the united states is now trying in every possible way to denigrate this crow, characteristic of the american manner. well, by the way, in the same article, hürsch claims that this whole story with the us warning is information deliberately fabricated by journalists in order to accuse russia of failure and to denigrate us once again. let me remind you that the day before in this studio we discussed an article by the washington post, which claimed that the united states allegedly warned russia 2 weeks before the terrorist attack that crocus would be the target. more than 2 weeks before the terrorists staged a bloody terrorist attack in moscow region, the us government told russian officials that their potential the target is crocus city hall. the high level of specificity contained in the warning underscores washington's belief that the attack was planned by the islamic state. this
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contradicts moscow’s statement that... well, it’s obvious that they couldn’t know that it would be a crocus, they couldn’t report it, our intelligence services have already said that yes there was contact with them, but they didn’t have any specific information they didn’t give it, but they lie, and blatantly, this is for internal consumption or they hope that they can convince because of their partners in the west, hoping to produce no less a shock. like the crokuse terrorist attack itself, no less a shock, this disinformation should have an effect on russian society, look what they want to say: we, white, fluffy ones, know everything, we care about you, we love you, we warned you, your authorities, your special services, negligent, indifferent, callous, they didn’t want to protect their russians, that’s what they want
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to say, this is a blow to society, this is a blow to the consensus... because it would have worked for them, it would have worked for them, but russian society experienced, sophisticated russian society, we know that similar things happened in russian history many years ago, many times hundreds of years ago, and russians, of course, are inoculated to this, and you once said that this is what is happening in europe, it works like this, in russia it works differently, remember, the good old joke that a german is dead, a russian
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is healthy, it’s true we were talking about vodka, but... it also works in all other cases, well, look, here i would like to emphasize that when they talk about terrorist attacks, it means that they plan for the crimean bridge. they say this, well, openly, yes, they literally shout about it, that means they didn’t shout, yes, that means, and they want to convince us that we supposedly warned, listen, well, you are warning about terrorist attacks on the crimean bridge , you mean , you write on the front pages through all the foreign media, it means that ukraine is going to hit the crimean bridge, expect terrorist attacks there, and so on and so forth, well, that’s about it in this format, so why?
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regarding this kind of warning, i can just imagine for a second, let the russian embassy in washington start warning every week, yes, keep in mind, next week there could be a terrorist attack in america, throw it in like this all the time, then, and then say, look , something will happen somewhere, we warned you, maria zakharovich just asked, she says, listen, can you be specific about who to warn, who was warned, what exactly, what, who it was, well, you understand, we answer don't get it. since all such warnings in quotation marks were of exactly the same nature as we saw in the public sphere from the embassy of the united states of america, then i would like to ask you, for whom was this article in the new york times, yes,
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which said that we they definitely warned and definitely said that it would be in crocus, they almost named the date and exact time, for whom, after 2 weeks, well , there are many factors here, of course, but in my opinion, one of the main factors is still yourself ... isis is prohibited in our side, they they themselves claim that it was isis, okay , so there is a corresponding letter, so it seems to have been from isis, everyone’s question arose, why did this happen, the islamic state, their leadership is silent, why did they do this, what we have some contradictions with them, no, we have no contradictions with the muslim world, on the contrary, we are just such a consolidating force, rather, that opposes the collective... the west together with them, together with the muslim world and the orthodox the world and so on, then what cause? it is obvious that at the first stage, the americans, having let it slip by starting this
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company in order to whitewash themselves and their protégés from the ukrainian special service, i mean, began to point their fingers at isis, at the waziristan organization, which is based in afghanistan, which the americans took there after defeat in syria.
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a civilian facility through which trains with passengers travel, cars move, the military has long been using the land corridor in the donbass, through the zaporozhye and kherson regions to crimea, if anyone doesn’t... knows, so, the west is again threatening to destroy the crimean bridge, this is about the issue of terrorist attacks and even names specific dates, this time openly, the second half of this year, this is what the british gardian writes: high-ranking representatives of ukrainian military intelligence, gurg, say that they are preparing a third attempt on the crimean bridge and that its destruction is now inevitable. we will do this in the first half of 2024, one of the officials told the guardian, adding that the head of the intelligence department. budanov already has
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most tools to accomplish this task. officials also indicated that western weapons would allow ukraine to destroy the bridge faster, and zelensky has repeatedly asked berlin to provide him with the taurus long-range missile system. and then they will say: we warned you. and in the same guardian article, by the way, it is written that the main intelligence department of ukraine admitted that ukraine cannot win on the battlefield, so the intelligence services attract saboteurs to carry out terrorist attacks on the territory. russia. budanov's deputy, major general vadim skibitsky, said that victory on the battlefield is currently impossible, given russia's military superiority and ukraine's lack of fighter artillery shells. kiev has no choice but to start fighting targets deep behind enemy lines. ukraine planned to carry out even more attacks on russian targets, skibitsky claims, and planned to use undercover agents. some of them were russians with ukrainian roots, others were non-ideological russians, whom
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recruited for money. according to him, the pool was so large that the gur could select candidates for sabotage operations. in fact, there are always elections, but for ukraine, the west did it. by the way, speaking of a blow to our rear, yesterday the head of the security council nikolai patrushev again confirmed that ukraine was involved in the terrorist attack in crocus city. and here are the details he gave. the ukrainian embassy is infuriatingly carrying out recruitment work, attracting...
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this sabotage and terrorist act. well, the participation of the west here is undeniable, because they are trying to justify absolutely everything that ukraine does, this is how the west reacted to the fact that russia launched a high-precision retaliatory strike against ukrainian targets. a week ago , an article appeared in the financial times that washington was dissuading ukraine from striking oil refineries in russia. what is sweden's position? our position is that ukraine has the right to self-defense, international law provides all the rights necessary for ukraine to defend itself. vladimirovich, how far is it the ukrainian terrorist state will be ready to go to great lengths in its fight against us. as long as western owners and sponsors allow them, i draw attention to the fact that they do not hide another goal, that is, acts of sabotage by acts of sabotage, but the main thing. what they
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recently admitted in the times, the head of the center for countering disinformation, their main goal is to incite ethnic hatred within russia and they are doing everything for this, we should pay special attention to this, and they will continue to incite, they hope for popular rebellion, they are not, of course not folk, not like folk, but what can be passed off as folk, remember makhachkala, it was a rehearsal, of course, they will do, try to do everything to repeat similar ones. of course, now they, he directly admits, in different groups we recognize ourselves as tajiks, we recognize them as russians, we are trying to pit them against each other. alexandrich, do you agree? absolutely true, and i want to say that terrorism in general is the calling card of the ukrainian state, terrorism against individuals, politicians, journalists, terrorism against russian cities, remember, at the end of last year, the attack on belgorod, not an isolated one, people are dying, it is openly done.
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get or win, but that they waited and carried out a terrorist attack after the presidential elections, when they saw the unity of our people, high turnout, great support for vladimir putin, especially against the backdrop of the shelling of belgorod, when the turnout... in the belgorod region was simply prohibitive, despite the threats , did it affect this particular card? of course, they are trying to link all their bright, loud antics with important internal political issues . events in the country, in order to do exactly what you are talking about, so that the russian population, citizens of russia, in order
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to sow distrust in the authorities, sow distrust in the army, nothing will come of it, nothing will work out, ivan pavlovich, your opinion, question complicated, i understand, because... that they are already open to the western media, then they will actually say, we warned you, remember, there was an article, we said that the crimean bridge would be destroyed, and they even name dates, how the crimean bridge differs conceptually because that they themselves call terrorist attacks, they just give themselves a free hand with such statements, you know, and america wants, as always, to remain on the side of the organization, and look, mr. malyuk, who alexander just mentioned, it becomes possible, they say there are already rumors that he will become minister of the ministry of internal affairs, so this is exactly what we are talking about? the fact that they designated us as targets for their terrorist attacks is yes, but the fact that this gentleman from the sbu, a well-known terrorist and generally unprincipled, i will no longer use epithets about him, will become minister of the ministry of internal affairs, if he becomes, it means that terror will unfold on the territory of ukraine,
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against, by the way, and by the way, the national issue was not in vain mentioned, there are nationalities there, hungarians, rums and others, bulgarians, they don’t want to serve, they they don’t want to fight in this army, that’s it.


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