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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 4, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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an operational headquarters has been deployed, the situation remains difficult; in the altai region, about fifty villages are flooded. well, the capital region is recovering from a stormy wind, as a result of the rampant nature, two people were killed, 17 were injured, including children, said moscow mayor sergei sobyanin. many required hospitalization due to injuries. the gusts were such that they tore off roofs and siding from houses and felled trees. dozens of cars were damaged. communal. services are now clearing the streets of damaged structures, but it’s too early to relax, they say forecasters predict that rain will cover moscow in the coming hours. that's all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell. we are discussing the education system in the united states, we are having discussions, it’s interesting, but that’s not what we’re talking about now, we welcome viewers of channel one, friends, thank you for being with us, ekaterina shugaeva, anatoly kuzichev, we have several topics for... discussion, they
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are connected, the first is this law, or rather, the law is in the bargaining stage, it lies for now, it means in the ukrainian rada, the law on new rules of conscription, mobilization, the law is actually terrible in concept, the second thing we want to talk about is how ukrainian terrorists literally turned icons into bombs, several dozen, three dozen almost like that, i don’t know what to call the devices seized by the fsb in the puskovo region, and in general this is such an ethical milestone, excuse the pathos, which...
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for what reason, cut off, cut off, you can say whatever comes to their mind, everything that calm down, comrade, we are coming to you, professor, here whatever, you’re painfully oppressing me, daddy, what kind of daddy i am to you, my god, i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our little ball. and now they understand what kind of shining nonsense this is, why, i’m worse than people, well , i was married, i don’t care, azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and divide it, that’s what i thought, heart of a dog , the famous film adaptation of mikhail bulgakov's story on saturday at the first, he is still dancing, dancing in the land... where there is eternal snow and
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cold, people wear earflaps all year round, and so that to warm up, having drunk a lot, all the people are dancing in a squat, the unknown is flying in retribution, to attack novosyoersk, at one secret base, you can take corn syrup, the guy is hardy there and strong, he has no troubles, he even solves problems in space with a wrench, here...
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the battle for the inheritance of a star of the nineties is entering the home stretch, all participants in the conflict are in our studio, you filed a lawsuit, why does a person write a will at the age of 30. roman is sure that the entire inheritance was once received unfairly. sister christina, if i wanted to throw it out, i would have come from the very beginning, formalized everything for myself, why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want to find out the truth, you recognize my dad’s handwriting, i’ll be honest, no, but you were officially divorced, it turned out that the court divorced us, can you imagine such a blow for me after 26 years, an exclusive with dmitry borisov, the premiere on saturday on the first, when you were about to take over? you told the notary that there are still potential heirs, you see, i was like that state, the man i loved, probably my only love life, has died, there is still snow in the fields, and
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in the spring the waters are noisy, running, waking up the sleepy shore, running and shining, and they say, they say to all ends, spring is coming, sleep coming, we are young spring messengers, she sent us ahead, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first, returned, and you returned to us, accordingly. why, well , aleksandryevich is with us, semchenko used a completely, very accurate image on the occasion, i asked him, after all, this mobilization, so to speak, law, this is the law, the bill, what’s wrong with it, why is it lying there or about what discussions, he says no discussions, i quote sasha,
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he says, like in the film, that means 12 chairs, money in the morning , in the evening, a chair, he says, of course, great, but you can, he says, in the morning, a chair, you can, he says, of course, but the money is up front. now there is a bargaining with the americans, to simplify, yes, the americans will give money on the condition of a large new recruitment, mobilization, we need a lot of people at the front, yes, but these people say, no, that is, we will give money with this law, they say, no, we’ll pass the law when you give us the money, that’s all, unfortunately, this is a vulgar discussion, now, as for the content of this law, there is a reduction in the conscription age, now it has been reduced to 25, that’s right i understand, yes, up to 25, actively discussing. with a reduction to 18 years of age, well, in general, i repeat, this is that you can laugh at jokes, like a chair in the morning and money in the evening and so on, but in general it’s not funny at all, it’s not funny at all, the law is deadly, and those who accepts it, those who bargain with the other side of the atlantic
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understand everything perfectly well, but nevertheless, we have a call from our viewer, uh, let's accept it, hello, hello, hello anatoly, and phoenix flam i have this question , now there is a lot of information on the internet about how mobilization is taking place in ukraine in this actually quasi-terrorist state, as i understand it, absolutely all the quasi-states are already rowing there, but a terrorist one without any quasi-state, and simply openly terrorist, what? there, and almost in the light of the latest events, which are openly terrorist, and so absolutely everyone is already being rowed there, people who are partially fit and people of older ages, recently... we have spread information that a whole network of regional military centers is being created there, where they are already recruiting teenagers, starting from the age of 14, and by the way, ex-pentagon adviser douglas
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mcgregor spoke about this more than a year ago, so the information, strictly speaking, is confirmed, and this, in fact, in my opinion, is the creation of a certain volkssturm or even hitler jugend, we know that children were recruited there from the age of 10. so i’m afraid that this is a correct analogy, yes, so i have a corresponding question, what should our fighter do on the line of contact when he actually has this child in his sights, in a military uniform with a machine gun, in his sights, wait, stop, stop, phoenix, wait , excuse me, phoenix, i’m saying it right, uh-huh, yes, what, what, what is the question, what should our fighter do when another fighter of such and such age comes at him, you, well, it’s like...
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you’re right in this situation, but we understand that uh, our, strictly speaking, training of combat units provides, well, certain certain ethical principles, we... let's say, liberate these territories, so when ukraine shouts that there are some innocent victims, it does not want to talk about what it is actually recruiting juvenile kamikazes and terrorists, this, accordingly, there are certain doubts about what to do, maybe we should prepare in advance for such a confrontation, keep in mind that when our fighters at the front they will kill 18 or... even younger ukrainians, then everyone will say that russian creatures are killing children, right? well, of course,
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they will say about this, on the other hand, you know, when, when ours entered mariupol, they took mariupol, for example, i also came here and all our soldiers say that children went to mariupol, in fact, just ten- and-eleven-year-old children, they knew, where our fighter needs to stick knives under his body armor, these children walked around mariupol ready to meet ours, they stuck knives straight into the liver under the body armor. so what? do like oh, no, baby, i won't be with him, anyway, anyway, thank you phoenix for this, because this is a complicated story, thank you for, for raising this issue, so to speak, i just i also want to remind everyone of the words of the famous ukrainian thinker vitaliy klitschko, who once gave an interview to vladimir pozner, and remember how he put it neatly, he said that you, he says, in the end painted yourself in the colors that you painted yourself . so if you're paraphrasing or rethinking this formula, if you put on a military uniform,
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picked up a machine gun and are trying to kill me, my actions are completely unambiguous, then you can reflect, at this moment there is no need to tell these historical facts, please, we have princely squads - they took twelve-year-olds, because in in ancient russia , 12 years old was already considered a normal age to get married, so what kind of fourteen-year-old children are there... he says: in ancient russia we already had warriors at the age of 12, take hitler yugen, your patron, he shoots at our people, he is 10 years old, this is the enemy, take isis, the zahadids, they are 9 years old, they also kill people, why is age here, this is an enemy who is actually wearing a uniform and armed, there should not even be any understanding of who is against you , you know that this is the enemy, so this question, of course, was incorrect if you are fighting against ours. state, no matter how old you are, no matter what gender you are, you must be destroyed. well, at the level of the formula
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i agree with this, the question, the question is actually correct, because well, it’s very it’s difficult to raise a weapon against a child, even if this child is armed against you. and how many such cases there were, a huge number of cases in fact, when soldiers of the red army died at the hands of just hitler yuganda, these uh, hitler’s militias. azov camps, for example, they also appeared
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camps, they did not appear now, that is , in the fourteenth year, they proudly showed how they raise children, in fact, these are these pumping camps, that in the moskal bi and so on, these camps appeared back in 1989 years on the territory of the ukrainian soviet socialist community since '89, since '89, yes, when the people's movement still had that name, the ukrainian people's movement for perebudova, for perestroika, i... we have a picture, as i understand it, well, it’s like this to say, it’s not from those times, it’s modern, but it’s the provoseys who recruit and train completely, sabotage, look. such as sasha, translate for us what is written there, i don’t see the inscription, just the children, in general, okay, it doesn’t matter, the right-wing youth in
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the dnieper will make an opening, yes, the youth there, tactics, working in pairs, practicing stances, yes, these are fifteen-year-old children, so you understand, well, he recruits fifteen-year-old people, the age category is 15-20 years old, well, that’s the contribution of 150 hryvnia please, and well, this is just an illustration when i i wanted to ask, first to ask a question, but how will mothers let their children go? it turns out that it is irrelevant, because they themselves will happily run to kill russians, and you also say this correctly, there are different mothers, there are mothers who come into conflict with their children, that’s why.
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age by 2 years - this is about 180 thousand additional mobilization potential, but i want to say one thing, it means, look, according to this law, this law does not actually give anything new in relation to the practice that already exists, that is, there is a practice illegal, but at the same time it exists, it gives them the opportunity to mobilize, well, in february the figure was made public by 47 people, they thus
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brought them to the front, how many are still missing for march, but i doubt that this figure less, but they somehow force people there. to fight, that is, there is no mass desertion, although logically there should have been one, because in the first 2 months almost 100,000 people came to the front of these people, as if they didn’t want to , for the first 2 months of 24 there was no desertion , while there is no mass desertion, and at the same time we see some videos about how russian soldiers take prisoners - even a unit, but this unit is there by platoon, for example, here is a mass transfer of a company, a battalion, this unfortunately this. not not present there, well , there are certain technologies with which they trick people, that is, that is, they are simply somehow expressed ideologically charged, that’s the point, it’s not entirely ideological, fear or ideology, fear, no, no , well, if they had an ideology, they would have come as volunteers, that is, those who had an ideology, they came as volunteers, those who were pumped up in the camps of the same azov since the fourteenth year, they
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are still, as it were, well, who survived , yes, they are volunteers in the third brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, they volunteers in... they came, and these are no longer volunteers, these are those who are literally under the threat of death, either their own, or maybe there is blackmail by killing relatives, you know, it seems more interesting to me here, well, sort of then we are now going into such a rather complex topic and, as it were , ambiguously, well, let’s say here we are sitting there , throwing up our hands, fourteen-year-old children there, well, listen, we actually had our own. quite a positive experience, we remembered about the red army soldiers, yes, but so what, and that we didn’t have pioneers, heroes, yes, excuse me, please, but what about us, and we didn’t have, so to speak, young saboteurs, so let’s, well, just like that, the cat, the chief of the army, his first, in he failed shepetovka when he was 11 years old, 11
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years old, so why are we starting to engage in moralizing here, that i thought, how can this be, yes - here it’s more interesting, here it’s more interesting, just briefly, tell me, you probably understand, it seems to me, i repeat, well, in war it’s like in war, excuse me, i have a simple answer, it’s interesting technical parameters, how much they can do in this way, tell me again, sash, please, this is more important here, look, my potential, that is, here are men of military age aged 25 to 27 years, what they can potentially pull about 180 thousand people, well, some of them exist. already in vysa, you see, there is a loophole there, in fact, people from the age of 18 can now be taken there as volunteers, well, he was dragged into tsk, then with threats he was forced to write a statement saying that i am going, i am going as a volunteer, here you go, that's it, he this is a volunteer itself, plus, if a person served urgently, let’s say, he was demobilized there at the age of 20-21, this norm does not apply to him for 27 years, he is immediately subject
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to mobilization, i understand everything, 180,000, okay, here... look, let’s now we, well, it is clear that from a good life such decisions, so to speak, are not made, from a good life, so to speak, such laws are not pushed through, and so on, and in general there is, of course, such a smell in all this, i don’t know, and generally a bad smell, the smell of rotting, including decomposition, sorry, but really there is a smell in this, even these, give these, who else is possible, it is clear that everything is very bad for ukraine at the front, but something needs to be done, so they were elected. as it seems to them, well , it’s kind of painful for us, and therefore for them, so to speak, acceptable, very effective - like a strategy, namely terrorism, terrorist methods, and so - we’re about this, probably, well, we sort of understand everything, yes, and they talked about this more than once, yes, they were ready, but what i personally was not so internally prepared for was the fact that they, so to speak, well, that’s it, well, literally
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i mean, everything, i don’t know how to say it, rules, ethics, morality, i don’t know what the guidelines, well, human, they’ll just be able to step over, just like that, i’m talking about icons mined, yes, which were taken to russia on instructions from the sbu, show me us? yeah, 27 homemade bombs from ukraine through yes, here’s an even more interesting moment, of course, not only what they lost, it’s already official, remember, there’s such a slogan, now it’s official, now officially they ’ve lost their human form , absolutely, if it was possible there about everyone, about everyone there their terrorist act could have been discussed, it was possible both for and against, it was possible somehow, well, somehow discussed, it was possible, there’s nothing here, it’s just an official loss of human... appearance, insist on this, but there’s also interesting, look, through the eu, in general, 27 icons with so much hexogen, through the eu, there on the border,
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they are mined, so that they can then explode remotely, that is, i buy icons in a shop at my house, they then explode, it’s hard to say, so i think, that they transported it in this way, because 2-3 kg of rdx per this is enough for one icon, it’s still a bit much, well, where is it anyway, look where it would be, well, yes, but the total mass is 70 kg, and as for what it is, show the route there again, guys, just here it’s incredibly interesting that, so to speak, glorified in epics, so to speak, and in the news , all these countries are missing, just look, look, through all these countries and cities, yes, this cargo passed through, uh, with hexagen, the dog is nothing, not just one dog in literally of course. intelligence services, so the corridor was open, but i wanted to say how many sabotage services already exist in many countries of the world, but such blasphemy, when
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explosives were added to holy icons, has never happened before in the history of mankind, well, of course, we are expecting easter holidays here, and i think this was just prepared for so that during the crusades it is the divine service during easter that these very ones are blown up, i am also sure, this is of course not about...
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these are like schismatics, who for them are even worse than the pagans, yes please, using as it were certain symbols that are important for schismatics, but who are harmful to christianity in their opinion, they did it, that is, there is nothing surprising here at all for their protestant puritan ethics, then they really like to emphasize that zelensky is a jew, for jews icons are a kind of, well, also haram, then there is a forbidden thing - this is idol worship.
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this is profit on one side of the scale, losses on the other side of the scale, we weighed it, there is more profit, we are working, there are more losses, no, let’s slow down, do a different scenario, there are no other restrictions, icons. some other holy things, for us they are saints, for them it doesn’t matter, then let no one ever tell me that we are christian brothers and brothers in general, everyone was then, what’s the point with whom we are christian brothers, well, it doesn’t matter with the puritans, well, we they talked about the ukrainians, we are not one people, well, he said that there is one people, i absolutely agree with him, we are one people, let’s not repeat the mistakes when the whole people must answer for the sins of a few, why should the entire ukrainian people ...
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this is the norm for all countries of the world, but in these people come to camps not because they are brainwashed there, but because they were already brainwashed before they went through, fine tuning begins in the camps, that is, the formation of hatred, the whole ideology goes to the camps, and there is no need to confuse patriotic work or anti-patriotic work and... defense skills, because we understand perfectly well that all countries in the world are preparing children so that they can defend their fatherland, i emphasize, defend. that’s it, i won’t comment further on this, because we start a lot like this demonize some things, although we forget that there are private and general ones, i said the general ones, the whole atmosphere in ukraine is the formation of such a bestial appearance of people, in the camps they are simply undergoing fine finishing, and now i
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would like to say about: here this cargo that was detained, now we are very often indignant, why did they pass through all the borders of the european union, and have you seen border guards somewhere at the borders in the european union, only customs officers stand there, and border guards only station there passports, so of course, if there was no information, if the information was not, so to speak, actively disseminated by special services to suppress this smuggling, then this smuggling went through, and there is no need to be surprised here, it went through in an elementary way.
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and most importantly, i ’ve talked about this many times, we always like to live in conditions of some kind of global conspiracy, if such a special operation is carried out from one special service, no one, i emphasize, no one ...
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contacts and you and i everything is fine, we'll agree and not there will be no leakage, and the two of us are just a grave, then you and i will absolutely calmly carry tens of kilograms, literally in backpacks, well, no one notified the border guards and customs officers, so you and i will carry this explosive across the border, i understood you correctly, absolutely that’s right, if there is no tip, if there are no prerequisites for checking this cargo thoroughly, i’m just speaking from our experience, my service, and we very often even opened diplomatic messages based on a tip. and the cargo in the ninety-first ninety-first year we seized 1,248 icons there was a whole truck of diplomatic cargo that was going from moscow to italy, we were forced, on a tip, to open this this this truck, so to speak, and eliminate this possible channel,
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so you never need to say that such a coordinated, well, cannot be coordinated such work, they simply took into account the fact that no one would check anything, especially since it was disguised in icons. well, who will check the icons, what kind of dogs, what are you talking about? well then look, because they knew for sure that the ukrainians were sending, they knew, that most likely we will check later on the border and there with latvia, then this set-up for all the countries through which the truck passed from ukraine is just a set-up, well , it’s not a set-up, they don’t even think about who they are setting up , they have already framed so many people from so many countries that we have already lost count of how many countries the ukrainians have framed, remember the explosion.
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what kind of damn illusions, icons, children’s toys and so on, we don’t have illusions, thank god, but this is actually just that, this is a direct path to security, promotion, don’t feed illusions, i am. i think, well, i wanted to say that today we realized that a terrorist state is at war with us, so we must warn the population about how to behave during mass events, what exactly needs to be done, pay attention to some strangers , and this is very good, it was krokhus who showed that we need to be vigilant, we need to explain to people about where we are now , what the state of our society is, and we just... now have finally started doing this, 2 more years ago, although we already have
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there were a lot of these sleeper cells, no one even thought about them, but our sleeper cells are multinational and we can get hit in any city, anywhere from any nationality, and this is the worst thing, today people are already understands that you really need to be vigilant and the intelligence services are starting to work more or less successfully, thank god, by the way, remember about sleeper cells, i remember a few years ago a film came out just on... the recruitment process itself ended in the nineties, well and
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so on, there it developed in the two thousandths, on in fact, there were such sleepers, both sleeping and awake, in russia in the 18th and 19th centuries, in the soviet union we carried out ideological sabotage and not only ideological sabotage, they constantly acted against us like this, that is, we are somehow embarrassed by attitude towards them , i remember the interview stalin gave to one of the american tycoons. in sverdlovsk, when they found out that the source
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of the spread was just a dispute at one of the stops, how they appeared there is interesting, but for some reason the leadership of the soviet union i didn’t have the courage then to blame those who were really to blame for this, such examples, sabotage against our country, what is this, this is excessive, i don’t know, good upbringing, i don’t know, we can be shy, i don’t know why, today, what our main problem has always been the intelligence network, yes. today, unfortunately, we don’t have it even in central asia, where we should have had it a long time ago, and the fact that we don’t have the necessary information is the problem of our special services, but in the times of the soviet union we didn’t they especially talked about the fact that we were experiencing some kind of sabotage, terrorist attacks, supposedly everything was fine in the country, and therefore the public did not know about it, but i wanted to say that the state security committee worked very well, if we take the sleeper cells that they were left with us after the great patriotic war. how many of these former policemen were arrested later
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? it’s time to unpack it, it’s time to stop being ashamed to actually call enemies, it’s true, in fact, of course, it’s time we’ve all been talking about this for a long time, well, listen, there must be for isn’t this some kind of reason to push these icons? isn’t it a push? it’s time to stop experiencing illusions and wake up, so to speak , thank god we are on the right path, so to speak , thank you for your attention, friends, see you soon on the air. this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. and at the beginning, footage from the kherson region, which once again shows what the kiev regime is like. a deliberate attack on civilians. the truck was carrying food and water to the village, and they were hitting with precision. a drone flew into a car the operator saw where he was directing him. the driver died. the passenger was immediately wounded, managed to crawl away and even put a tourniquet on his leg, well
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, then the ukrainian militants acted according to the already proven practice: strike with a second drone, killing a wounded civilian lying on the ground. arriving in donetsk , a man died under fire at the stadium, two people were injured, another hit was in a multi-storey building, the roof was broken, several apartments were destroyed. our military carries out attacks on ukrainian armed forces targets, causing explosions in the city of lozovaya, kharkov region. there is a railway junction there used for the transfer of military equipment in the direction of kramatorsk, explosions in kharkov, this was confirmed by local authorities, presumably the target was the building where ammunition was stored, as... the news writes : arrival at a tank school, foreign instructors conducted training there using nato equipment, russian troops inflict precision strikes on everything related to the ukrainian military industry are a response to the ukrainian armed forces’ attempts to damage our energy facilities. well, this is footage from the ministry of defense. the fighters defeated several
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american howitzers in the south donetsk direction. near artemovsk, artillerymen destroyed enemy positions and equipment. and... our exclusive filming, the daring operation of the tula paratroopers, everything happens at lightning speed, the rush of assault troops, the destruction of enemy strongholds after clearing the trenches from ukrainian militants. the task of occupying a strategically important height has been completed. footage of the battle in the reports of alexey kurchinin. the courage and skill of our paratroopers is known to everyone, but the guys never cease to amaze. here are some recent shots storming of a platoon stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​the village of vesyoloye, by soldiers of the 106th tula airborne division. on the move they water the ukrainian trenches with lethal rapid-fire cannons. an assault group instantly jumps into enemy positions under fire cover. we arrived at the point in no more than 10 seconds to unload the landing party’s ammunition and everyone began to leave.
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an extremely risky throw, fast and maneuverable bmd-2s do not feature super-strong armor. his listeners could simply burn them by hitting them with direct fire from the trench, which is what they tried do. directly, my driver-mechanic, senior driver-mechanic, an anti-tank gun was flying towards us, he noticed it in time, thank god, it didn’t reach us. the stormtroopers are advancing along the trench, the opponents are getting closer, but after the first paratrooper throws a grenade, the airborne soldiers turn sharply and run to the edge of the strong point. apparently to where they have their main infantry guns. ours continue to advance under enemy fire. comes to the rescue. drone operators smashing a ukrainian armed forces firing point with a kamikaze drone. opornik taken, but there is another one nearby in rocha and it is being stormed under the cover of a t-80 tank. the crew flies straight to the forest edge. the impact of 125mm shells at point-blank range will usually paralyze even a resilient enemy. the most suitable and at the same time the most dangerous job
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for tank crews. the feeling is yes, adrenaline, a very big surge of adrenaline. well, the most important thing is not to overplay yourself. the landing forces burst into the grove, finish off the stunned enemy and gain a foothold. in new positions, the camera of our copter meanwhile monitors the armored group, which is retreating under powerful enemy fire, there is artillery, including, judging by the arrival of jets and kamikaze drones. the tank commander with the call sign boomerang managed to close the hatch 10 seconds before a kamikaze drone with a shell loaded with shrapnel exploded nearby. here is this moment in the video from the drone: it approximately flew up in the area of ​​the barbecue and hit the deception of the barbecue. naturally, an explosion occurred and the balls. the so-called bearings have already flown into trimpiks. tula paratroopers took important positions, which, hanging over the village, allowed the ukrainian armed forces to control the surrounding area. crews, those who provided fire cover for the rapid landing of troops were nominated for state awards. in addition to supporting attack aircraft and working at short range, tankers have many other tasks.
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no one is canceling shooting at planned targets from indirect firing positions. such shooting, as a rule, is not carried out in the dark. shot. after shooting, the crew, without turning on the headlights, first goes into the so-called settling tank, where they need to wait before returning to base. if the enemy still spotted the combat vehicle and followed it, there was no way it is impossible to give out a permanent location for tank crews. alexey kruchinin, roman khrolenko, ruslan mecheryakov, yulia khodorova and denis larin. first channel donetsk people's republic. ukraine has become an openly terrorist state. kiev's involvement in many terrorist attacks on russian territory, as well.
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and one more topic, information provocations in the west: supposedly our country is going to attack a nato state. sergei lavrov called this nonsense and nonsense, and the representatives of the alliance themselves, who speak with similar statements. chief of the general staff valery spoke today about shadow sponsors of terrorism.
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the modern level of medicine in our new regions in the lugansk oncology center there are now two devices for radiation therapy; the launch of this unit was reported to vladimir putin the day before by the minister of health mikhail murashka during the opening ceremony of social and residential facilities. now, to receive high-tech treatment, patients do not need to travel outside the republic. thanks to the new method it will be possible to reduce the number of side effects reduces the length of hospital stay. united russia, how
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work with the regions is going was discussed by the secretary of the general council of the party andrei turchak and minister sergei krovtsov. everything must be completed efficiently and on time. it is important to create comfortable conditions in schools not only for learning, but also for children’s self-realization. particular attention to our new region. today i especially wanted to note our unified territories. these two regions are fully participating in the program for the first year and are doing everything to a high standard on time, they do despite constant shelling and other wartime difficulties, that’s why i use them as an example, because we have prosperous territories that are far from the front line, but they constantly miss the deadlines and quality of work and are behind schedule, such regions there are 30 of us, provided. the deadline for concluding contracts for repair work is no later than march 20, again later, if
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some prices increase there, you will again say, we didn’t have enough here, if we do everything deadline, everything is feasible, so we must fully ensure parliamentary control here, including from united russia. a state of emergency has been introduced in petrozavodsk due to a strong snowstorm, there is a collapse on the highways, and trucks are temporarily. roadway, a rockfall begins, the driver reverses, but does not have time, a huge boulder, larger than the car itself, flies straight at
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her. another motorist, the one whose video recorder recorded all this, manages to escape. well, this is a maternity hospital, the nurses, when the earthquake began, rushed into the ward with newborns, they quickly moved the boxes to the middle of the room, wrapped their arms around them, held them with all their might so that the babies would not fall out, and stood there until the tremors subsided. no one was injured at the hospital. a tournament that changed the idea of ​​sports: the legacy of the games of the future, a powerful incentive for the development of the figital movement, those who want to try themselves more and more, there are opportunities for this. specialized centers are opening all over the country where you can train at the highest level. pyotr deryagin will confirm. competitions in two realities, for which the whole world watched, almost 3.5 billion
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becomes part of life for millions of fans and of course athletes. this is how figital training takes place at the college of automation and information technologies in moscow. first the game is on the basketball court, and then instead of the ball there is a gamepad. one of the brightest discoveries in gaming. city ​​tournament in russia , a huge number of regional all-russian championships appeared in all two dozen fidital disciplines, all thanks to
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the games of the future, it was something phenomenal and it was... very pleasant to observe what is happening in our country, some kind of pride appears, figital centers are opening in russia, ultra-modern sites equipped with powerful computers, consoles, as well as professional sports equipment, this is a territory where fidget athletes can train at the highest level. it’s a balance between physical sports and e-sports, together it’s all a great symbiosis that is simply incredible. in kazan , the training is monitored by researchers from the volga region university of physical education and sports. disciplines are a new invention, but now such athletes have appeared all over the world, it is important to develop techniques on how to be at their best in reality and in cyberspace. sensors for a comprehensive assessment of the biomechanical parameters of an athlete’s figurative muscles; they make it possible to determine not only the work of muscles, but also the movement of the athlete’s figurative hand in space. thanks to such studies, it turned out that,
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for example, the heart rate when playing a computer game is quite comparable to serious physical activity. disciplines five dota athletes who have we have, here is our team, they all have at a certain moment, a strictly defined moment, a very strong load on the heart begins, and this load on the heart ends very quickly, the fact is that e-sportsmen in terms of reaction time are very similar to hockey players, because that during hockey the puck moves very quickly, and along the perimeter, an athlete in a game in a dota game must very quickly respond to changing conditions inside the game, and this is a new fidital center in tyumen recruitment in russia we will try to make sure that
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the legacy of games of the future was exploited to the maximum. kazakhstan, uzbekistan said, it is clear that russia has turned the world of sports upside down, brazil, mexico, the united arab emirates, iran, ecuador, peru and chile have already shown what real competitions of the future can be. mariana soboleva, svetlana kostina, vladimir bokarev, anna lepatova, channel one. that's all for now. following the development of the event, the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell, the information channel on the first continues, time will tell this program, we are working in live broadcast, american intelligence did not know that terrorist attacks were being prepared specifically in crocus cityhole, and therefore could not warn russia about this, at least this
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is stated by american investigative journalist seimar kersh. the cia repeatedly warned russian intelligence, and at least one message marked urgently by the cia was sent before the concert. the united states transmitted data that the information about the upcoming attack was reliable, the terrorist attack itself was supposed to happen in the near future. american intelligence i didn’t know in advance that crocus was supposed to be the target of the terrorists. the warning was about a place of public gathering. well, it’s worth adding that in the same article, hürsch claims that the whole story with... supposedly from the united states, this information was deliberately fabricated by western journalists in order to accuse russia of failure. we remind you that quite recently the washington post, just a few days ago, wrote that the americans , 2 weeks before the terrorist attack, allegedly warned russia that this would happen in crocus more than 2 weeks before
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terrorists staged a bloody terrorist attack in the moscow region, the us government reported. underscore washington's belief that the attack was planned by an islamic state, contradicting moscow's claims that the us warnings were too general to help prevent the attack. elena vladimirovna, who benefits, who is the customer? seimer hirsch does not have the easiest relationship with the american authorities, it is unlikely that he would defend them, but... the media were ambiguous. this good amateur performances of the media or they are somehow prompted very vaguely. he has sources in the us intelligence services; not everyone there agrees with the line that is being pursued by one president, then another, then one party, then
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another party. cia larry johnson, for example, who is now sharply criticizing the course of the joe biden administration, in order to understand that everything is not so simple in the american intelligence services, and here... in my opinion, hersh is not defending the american intelligence services, he openly says that who -is trying to ride this wave, that is, these someone - this is not the american media, but this is again the american leadership, which acts through its own channels, through the same american intelligence services, that they want to show, they want to show that they were supposedly open to cooperation and want to shift the blame and responsibility to the other side , but... it’s all sewn with white thread, it’s visible to the naked eye. alexander geonnovich, could the western intelligence services not know about the terrorist attack in crocus, rustanovich, i heard your question,
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in my opinion, everything here is quite transparent. firstly, there are protocols when with the help of which, within the framework of the anti-terrorist coalition, one national anti-terrorism committee conveys information of this kind to another, this is one, two. if such statements are made, why are they unfounded, then either sources are cited, because this is a very serious statement, or well, if journalists have any materials that confirm that the transfer of information on crocus city took place, we do not see anything like this and never we won’t see, thirdly, this is a lie through omission, including the person whom i respected before, i prosiemrahersha, why? yes, the americans might not have known all the details, but they will say it in the same way, because i said... and i will say that mishivest is behind this terrorist attack, with british intelligence, by the way, as the main evidence, now at the moment, when with we are talking to you, the french are making an agreement so that, through british intelligence, they can
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come to an agreement with the islamists so that there will be no terrorist attacks at the time of the olympic games in paris, because it is essentially the official information that these owns all the networks, this is their cage with terrorists, they are responsible for it, the americans just like that, they stood nearby, so they didn’t need to... know everything in detail, they knew in general what it would be, and they were responsible for everything these are the people who blew up the crimean bridge for us and who were 100% preparing the northern streams, and many other things related to the death of our citizens, so in my opinion, the best answer is the explosion of the mi-6 central office, but these are my dreams , excuse me, alexander germanovich, please tell me, okay, could the americans not know specifically about crocus, but if you say that they were aware of the impending terrorist attack, could they?
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three five eyes, they are all attached to the general array of information that is being prepared by the nsa, the national security agency and the cia, and mishest, and australian intelligence, and new zealand, and therefore canadian, five
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eyes, on this matter, they, of course, are on 100%, if they wanted to know, they could have found out everything, but they were not interested, because kirb told us, together with nuland, there will be many big surprises, i promise them, therefore, the answer should, of course, first of all be to those who did these things, but... treat the americans mercilessly, everything is clear to me with them, here you know that ilina vladimirovna is interesting, you say, the matter is sewn with white threads, yes , and we understand all this perfectly well, we are hitting it, and we have such a good evidence base, we tell them, look at your warning on march 7, yes, why do you constantly say that at the hands of the ukrainians, it means they will hit the crimean bridge , here you supposedly knew, but they remained silent, but this means a terrible terrorist attack...
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they will weaken russia, spoil our brilliantly conducted elections, as they understand it, do something even on the eve of the inauguration, yes, this is visible, but apparently they are counting on some unprepared listener, viewer, i don’t know who, but it definitely turns out they don’t understand anything about us at all, it’s as if they’re not counting on their audience, they’re probably making things up.
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some half-truth, some lie, you know all this, like the american film was about the intelligence services in the middle east, the totality lies, this is a mixture of some kind of truthful, half-truthful, false information, but the essence is the same, and the political goal is clear, it is in this vein that the cia is now operating, what william brens wrote about, that before all this was under a bushel , they were always silent, did not make statements, and now... they are throwing something
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out in order to again achieve their goals. ukraine can no longer pay its debts to western creditors, the ukrainian publication focus asks the question: is it worth paying off debts to europe at all, or ukraine will be understood and forgiven. ukrainian finance minister sergei marchenko signed an agreement with the united states to defer payments on the national debt. total debt on eurobonds ukraine. is almost 20 billion dollars. already in september 2024 , there will be a need to make payments on debt obligations to the european union. even loans with preferential interest rates must be repaid. the war economy cannot service the volume of debts. now we are talking about either deferring payments or partially writing off some borrowings. ukraine is not going to waive its obligations on these debts. but there is an unconditional need to write off part of this debt, as well as reduce interest rates.
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it doesn’t work for them, because they don’t say anything from western creditors themselves about writing off debts in ukraine, the formula to understand and forgive doesn’t work very well in the west, although they’re not in a hurry to lend new money, and not everyone likes this idea, here’s the chapter nato en stoltenberg proposed to give... nato secretary general spoke with proposal to allocate $100 billion for ukraine over 5 years. we will discuss the extent to which such a proposal can be implemented; there are no plans to make decisions; they are preparing for a summit in july. of course, belgium is not the biggest player in this international geopolitical arena and hardly anyone cares about belgium’s opinion, but the problem for stoltenberg is that...
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belgium is not alone, a number of countries already doubt that the alliance is even capable raise that kind of money for ukraine. some allies have questioned how nato can raise $100 billion if the alliance has no leverage to raise money among member countries. it is also unclear whether washington will support such changes. last month , united states secretary of defense floyd austin called the current contact group format very effective. previously, the north atlantic alliance had been reluctant to take on itself. take a more active role in the conflict in ukraine for fear of provoking a broader and harsher military response from russia, which already views the conflict as a proxy war between its country and nato. alexander germanovich, how do you understand the creation of this fund of 100 billion euros, and for ukraine, stretched over 5 years, and does this mean that the united states is somehow trying to distance itself or is trying.
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the countries of traditional europe spent no more than an average of france, germany and others - 2%. so that everyone participates in the process of waging war, if they are unable to participate, then they send either their soldiers, as macron or the poles want to do, or the germanopol armored brigade, i remind you, which said that it would support the french initiative in the person of its
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commander, who probably just agreed with the polish minister of defense of this kind of statement, so i think that this is not a safety net, it is rather an expansion of the conflict, i will prove it, i will illustrate it. i stated my position by saying that i already spoke once on our air, because somehow this information did not resonate particularly strongly with us, i repeat, on the twentieth of december a meeting was held in washington and according to the results of this meeting, christopher kavolle, he is the commander of the silat in europe, provided the ukrainian army has access to the strategic, i don’t mean nuclear, strategic during the entire war, nato arsenal, which is located in western europe, i mean, what kind of arsenals are these? these are tanks, these are armored personnel carriers. this is, respectively, class m113 equipment, these are three sevens, that is, new arrivals, these are spare barrels, that is, everything that is accumulated in case of war is a kind of emergency reserve, that is , warehouses were opened for them, and there was a corresponding decision, made together for now luet austin treated his painful prostate,
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together with christopher kovole ruslan, who died in fact two more figures, was there yet and not removed then... zaluzhny for his part, and there was antonia vaguta, who is now sitting in kiev, so the four of them decided this issue, about providing similar kinds of arsenals, that is, they prove that even if there is no direct access to the us budget now, then the war will still be in the form in which they want it, and of course it is necessary to fully engage the forces of their allies, especially since macron, again about two weeks ago, well, to believe in the macrons, but why not believe from the other side, he said that he is now trying to find 200... thousand soldiers for the ukrainian front, well, in the end , there is always enough of all sorts of rdk-class rabble, the so-called russian volunteer corps, maybe he’ll find it somewhere, so all these things are balanced, recorded in debit on credit, in the general balance, so yes , we can say that the war is most likely
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expanding, unfortunately, but it’s written down in the general balance, who will then have the bill presented, elena vladimirovna, the formula to understand and forgive, which was invented in ukraine, which they want... to offer to the european union and the united states, how viable it is, because in the west it is somehow not customary to forgive, or they will still try somehow lands and resources to repay these loans? i mean, then not returning anything, it won’t work, why is it convenient, in fact, when ukrainian politicians say that from zelensky’s team, when they say that 80, or even 90% of the investments,
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now we see the same most of all, it's work american military-industrial complex, these are shadow schemes, they also exist, not only zelensky and his team are involved in these schemes, in particular from the experience of afghanistan, we know well that the pentagon has repeatedly conducted investigations into where numerous millions and billions went dollars allocated for afghanistan, it turned out that...
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well, look, the americans always want to remain profitable, but the two previous world wars, they emerged as economic winners, they are counting here, they slam. they promise europe some fabulous riches in ukraine, forcing
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them to allocate money, but in essence europe is such a double cash cow, because the european union is obliged to allocate money to ukraine and nato, who are part of nato, the same european countries, that is, it turns out like this double cash bottom, and as a result the europeans will be forced to fork out very seriously, shell out everything, and they won’t get anything from ukraine, it’s just not a damn thing, but they don’t understand it yet... they understand they’re going to do all this to intensify the situation in every possible way, and what is interesting is that a number of european nato member countries, among other things, are still preparing to secretly send their military to ukraine, so as not to damage the supposed authority of the alliance. this was stated today by us state department consultant edward lutwak. nato countries will soon be forced to send soldiers to ukraine or face catastrophic defeat. the british and french, along with the nordic countries already. advanced,
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the latter could play an important role by freeing their ukrainian colleagues for retraining for combat missions. alexandrevich, how real is the threat that they are talking about, yes, that questions are already being considered, what kind of contingent can we talk about, is it hundreds, thousands or maybe tens of thousands? ruslan sevich, well... firstly, again, it’s worth repeating the same line here: in my opinion, nato troops are already present in ukraine, and not as some kind of instructors and teachers, so to speak, they are really present. i give examples, now i will give the thirteenth dragoon prushtit regiment, french an army of 870 people, which is already a unit, not even a unit, but a formation, which is constantly present in the village of mariupol on our lands occupied by the ukrainians. army, which conducts subversive, developed sabotage activities, is particularly cruel,
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in fact, what can we talk about, macron actually directly admitted this, if we take other units, we also captured a bundeswehr tankman who died on the battlefield of otran, who directly admitted that he is an active member of the bundesfer, examples a lot, they are not one of the numbers, it is worth talking, of course, about tens of thousands, not about hundreds of thousands, simply for the simple reason that they do not have hundreds of thousands. they are being drawn into war, macron said that he is building two factories for the production of ammunition, the british said the same thing,
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these are already four factories, they are preparing people, they are little by little accustoming their people to war, we have to believe in this, your forecast, as experts, will they openly enter the territory of ukraine with troops or not? raslam stenislavich, they will enter the territory of ukraine and will become the second echelon, in my opinion, it is more accurate to unmask the fact that they have already done this, and whether it’s a call to kurnu, the french minister of defense. ruslan, i beg your pardon, sergei kuzhugetovich, indicates that usually the french, when they try to hit, at the same time try to lick you on the cheek, so that you do not notice the telephone conversation on the initiative of the french side, i will stab you a little, on this occasion, that’s less all you have to do is believe what they tell you, you have to believe exactly the opposite, here you know what’s interesting, they mean they will come in, and not under the guise of being married, but under the guise of such a united european contingent, yes... so as not to openly start a war of confrontation with nato, so they will come in with the intention of fighting, or they
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will come in with the intention of marking their presence and zones of occupation here , we will then divide, that means ukraine, divide the same kiev, as it means at one time they divided germany into occupation zones there and the same berlin, they may be counting on this, that they will come, stand up, that means the french are there, well, relatively speaking, yes, everyone will take their specific position cells, say, now come on... they are trying to prove to us that the territory where the nato soldier’s foot landed is already their territory, on which we should not trespass, this is how macron said, the proposal for an aggressive dialogue, they don’t want to fight with us, they are not crazy, they are sure that we will not interfere directly. ukraine is not a nato member. but
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the member countries of the alliance are trying to prove that why, vladimir vladimirovich, do you want to confront us directly, this is if you want, a frontal collision, if someone ’s nerves can’t stand it, it’s called clearly, but elena vladimevna, what do you think, why will they come in, firstly, no one can give them any guarantees and will not give them, even if i agree that moscow doesn’t want a direct clash with nato, but...
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it’s very dangerous, this is a scenario of the real possibility of a third world war, and even if everyone wants to avoid this, no one can guarantee that this cannot happen. let's break into advertising and then the broadcast will continue. suspect sergegi was given by his lover, to his mistress, he promised to marry, now they are both
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standing crying, my actions, reception, well, what actions can there be, film it on your phone, let it be. they say he’s real, can you make me a copy of his file? wait for me, i ’ll arrive soon, and don’t let the light on in the car, sit there, uh-huh, you know this man, we’re working, you’re in the homicide department now, for completely different matters, hello, you can talk, undercover taxi, premiere, watch after program time, how mercilessly time flies, is it possible to turn back time and send the hands of the clock of our lives to the other side, we will answer this and other questions in the program to live healthy, tomorrow on the first. calm down, comrade, we are coming to you,
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professor, this is the matter, interrupted, interrupted, can you say what? the battle for the inheritance of a star of the nineties is entering the home stretch, all the participants in the conflict are in our studio, you filed a lawsuit, why does a person write a will at the age of 30, the novel is sure that once the entire inheritance unfairly
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went to christina’s sister, if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, decorated everything for myself, why is the singer’s son sure that... that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want to know the truth, you know dad’s handwriting, i’ll be honest, no, and you were officially divorced, it turned out that the court divorced us, can you imagine for me it was 26 years such a blow, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiered on saturday at the first, when you were entering into an inheritance, you told the notary that there were still potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved died , probably the only love in my life, i'm a grandson factory owner, i can do everything, but all i have to do is come to any team, perform there and everyone else falls down, through the night and the wind, i am destined to go, nowhere does my home window shine, in the army, i also criticized,
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major novikov wrote me recommendations , prone to criticism, they push, push buttons all in vain, for, for, but there are no roads, for, for, but there is no money, i have nothing to follow, i’m not going to replay anything, under no circumstances would i live my life in to another. in memory of vladimir zhirinovsky on saturday first. anatoly konstantinovich, give me maria as my wife. you can give it away. it's a good idea to collect your dad's dowry. we have embroidered shirts here. very beautiful. in the vologda province, an amazing ritual of sowing has been preserved. the bride was placed on a table decorated with a rich tablecloth, and her friends helped her dress in...
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the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, they run and wake up the sleepy shore, they run and shine, and they say, they say to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are young ghanaians of spring, she sent us forward, what, where, when, spring series of games. yes on the first,
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good day, this project helps the children of our country take the first steps towards their dreams, this is danya cherkasov from makeyevka, he is a kind, bright and purposeful boy, and danya is also an orphan, all responsibility for the child’s future lies on the shoulders of his beloved. .. grandmothers, knowing everything that dana had to experience, and how much he believes in his dream, we simply could not ignore his story. my name is danil, i'm 13 years old, i'm from makeyevka, i'm interested in modeling and military equipment, i really love tanks. i have dream, when i grow up, i want to become a historian or archaeologist, and i also want to ride a real tank. dani’s mother died 10 years ago in a terrible fire; she
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was only 29 years old and was preparing for her wedding. if dane had not stayed with his grandmother that night, he would no longer be alive today. a tragedy occurred, danyusha was left without a mother, and i was the only one without a daughter. we lived in this house, this tragedy happened here. happened, no one has lived here for 10 years, come in, we did a little cosmetic repairs so that it doesn’t remind you, in this corner, here there was a small christmas tree, there was a candle, it all started to burn, it was all for christmas. the door was still here, it was burning, smoldering, everything, the glass was broken, everything was so black, she didn’t reach about one and a half to two
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meters to the door to stay alive, i went in, she was lying here in my hands, she was suffocating , i tore it off and held the cross in my hands, i remember my mother, when i do something here, i think, what would my mother say? i really want to believe that dani’s mother is looking at him from heaven and is proud of what a worthy son he has she grew up, he was not broken by tragedy, he was only made stronger on the way to his dream, here is my mother, i would tell my mother that i love her very much, i would give anything to tell her this, they teased me because... for the fact that i didn’t have a mother, i remember very well my feelings at that moment, anger very, very much, aggression, resentment, it’s not my fault that i... without my mother, i feel unprotected, danyusha , go, the tea has already boiled,
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pies for you, soup, what will you have, you feed me, then i will feed you, thank you, honey, let me show you my room, my grandmother gave me the biggest one. this is my desktop, probably for your arrival, grandma put certificates and medals, diplomas for modeling, you see, well, it’s not in vain. i’m proud of these certificates, these medals. danya is an excellent dancer, he has been doing ballroom dancing since he was 5 years old, but for some reason it seemed to me that he wanted to please his grandmother with this hobby; his real calling is modeling military equipment. all my models that i made. the terminator is our tank, it was created to help the infantry participated in svo, in lmnr. i remember when i went to the tank museum with my mother, well, i was there then.
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small, well, i still remember my delight, it was his dream to get to kubinka, it’s one thing to see, and one thing to touch, and if you drive in a tank, then it actually happened, for dani, my team and i prepared a lot of surprises, but we decided keep everything secret until the last moment, to fulfill a dream we brought danya and his grandmother to moscow, it’s all a fairy tale, it’s not all with us, when i got in the car, i didn’t realize where i was going. i couldn't even imagine that while waiting for me, danya definitely didn’t expect this, we organized a whole adventure for him at a tank training ground, danya and i were completely delighted, people, look, i wish i could take you for a ride in such a car, me, yes, sit down, hello, hello, you are already
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on your way somewhere, right? polina, my name is, hello, lyudmila, danya, i watched you from there, i saw a smile, you are happy, satisfied already, hello, polina and danila, please take on the correct form of clothing, well, fighters, let’s change for the exit, like you i've been fattened up, stretch me, everything is tucked in, the laces shouldn't stick out. so, danil and polina, today we are at the tank route training ground, here we are training real driver mechanics. are you ready to start military work today, yes, you’re ready, well done, the tank is ready to go, let’s go, people, take a photo, let’s smile, mommies. something to hold on to, and little world,
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hold on, hold on, mommy, god, polina is very beautiful and kind, i liked it most when... she climbed into the tank with me, i didn’t expect her to do such a thing capable, our girl, that they are shy, i felt responsible for her, raspberry, don’t cry, i’ll pay myself now to become a tank driver, you definitely need to go through the rounds, you know what it is, the child is there, mommies, go to bed.
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well, how scary, scary, i, i was very, i was very scared, it was probably the best experience of my life, it’s unforgettable. i’m so happy, so glad that he saw all this, you know, we are closed people, well, those who are near the front line there, we you’ve forgotten how to be happy, you’re thinking about whether you’ll survive or not, they’re already on their way, well , today danya was initiated into a tank crew, real, yes, yeah, you’ve become a real man, you could say in the tank world, cool, next point on our route...
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danya, i closed your eyes so that you can now simply feel the whole spectrum of joy and happiness. one, two, three, how many are there, class? you are in the central patriot park, this place is a museum of armored vehicles. not just metal, someone created it, above it the best minds of our country worked, our tanks were the best in the world, you have to touch what armor is, this is armor, no, this is it,
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here you can see the thickness of this armor, what is it like in general, of course, of course, i dreamed of being here , for some reason, what i love at home on the computer is one thing, touching them live, looking at them... all this is completely different , inspiring, yes, very inspiring, at the end of the pavilion you just see the martyr from the karl series, it’s shooting like that martyr with a projectile weighing 2 tons 170 kg. i don't believe i'm here at all place, this is a real mouse, i always wanted to see it live, thank you, my dream was to see two of the rarest tanks martiru adami and to see the super-heavy maus tank, i not
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only saw it, but climbed on it, i just fulfilled my dream, we and we’ve already ridden a tank with you, yes, yes, but we haven’t driven a tank with you yet, now we have such an opportunity. dan, this is a t-80 tank simulator, right foot on the gas, left foot, free position, i leave everyone to do this, this is the first, this is the second car. well, you'll be a tank driver, yes, yes, very
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it’s difficult to control when you hit a hill, this one jumped up sharply, the taxi drivers are still real heroes, it’s difficult. well, now, don’t rush, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, you almost missed another opportunity to get into a real tank, this is a t-35, a turret tank, damn it, don’t you want to form a mini-company , with pleasure, come on, oh, i'm inside. yes, there’s a place here, live reporting, live reporting from a tank, well, the place, to be honest, it’s certainly very, very small , very stuffy, yes, imagine, just like that
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we rode it, yes, yes, the operator asks me to tell you that he didn’t fit, here are his legs, so we’re filming ourselves, yes, i turn the gun, be careful, i can’t even imagine how it used to be, well, when there was the second world war . they fought in tanks like these , these guys are real heroes. any thing is a memory that comes to life when we see it. tv presenter ksenia teleshova decided to give dana a gift in a military equipment model store. we all really wanted danya to take with him something that would remind him that his dreams are coming true. i have never seen such a store, especially the assortment. models, how many are there, what companies are there, hello, hello, you are danya, yes, danil, danil, i learned about your dream, my family and i will be very pleased to give you any gift, you can choose whatever you want in this store, thank
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you, thank you my dears, well, let’s choose, wow, happy, dani’s path to his dream did not end there, he had the chance to see russia in an instant. meaning, as for a person who loves models, is engaged in this, a museum called the king layout, here you can even see what people are doing. come on, you
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turned my day into a whole fairy tale, well, let it last every day now, i’m more of a fan of diaramas, for me it was a big shock, inspiration for my future diaramas there for models, i didn’t even know that this exists, i hope that your dream has become closer and that this charge that you received here will give you an impulse only forward, upward, thank you, my dears, we talked a lot with grandma dana about it... in the future and even though admission is still a few years away, we need to start preparing now, we decided to help dana with this when we arrived in donetsk, we rushed to them with good news, we are with gifts, a computer, a printer, everything as promised, let’s support polina, my dear, thank you, here is the model i will make. yes, so many details, fantastic, there is one
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more thing, we agreed, there is a person who will help and fully pay for the donation for training, classes with tutors, in all subjects that are needed for admission, thank you very much for the gifts, and in general for your help, for everything, for everything, making other people happy is real joy and harmony, if you want to become participants in our project, write to us by email, the address you now see on your screen, hello , news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you, let's start with the footage we just received. vladimir putin is taking part in the congress of the federation of independent trade unions of russia, this is what the head of state said at the beginning of his speech. is among the leading institutions of domestic civil
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society, carries out a responsible mission, protects the labor rights of employees of companies, enterprises, teams, entire industries, those who work in the field of education, science, and culture. you are doing a lot to improve legislation and to harmonize relations in the field of employment. here the principles of the social have become a solid basis. partnership between the state, business and trade unions, the corresponding norm, i emphasize, at the initiative of trade unions, is now enshrined in constitution of the russian federation. such practical interaction has been established within the framework of the russian tripartite commission. last year alone, she reviewed more than 100 draft federal laws and government regulations, including the draft. the federal budget, the budgets of the compulsory
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health insurance fund and the social fund. at these moments, reports of powerful explosions are coming from kharkov. the russian army is attacking ukrainian armed forces facilities, military enterprises and energy infrastructure. there are no details yet, but details are emerging our night raid. eyewitnesses talk about many explosions in the city and share footage. our attack drones were working. in kharkov, let me remind you, there are many factories that the enemy uses for... the production of armored vehicles, local authorities confirmed that at least one of these factories was seriously damaged. there is information that a drone assembly workshop was also targeted. in addition, according to some reports, our military hit a train carrying militants with western ammunition, another arrival at the police department building, where local security forces were hiding. explosions also occurred at energy facilities. ours strike with surgical precision at everything that works for the ukrainian military machine. and... the strikes themselves are the russian response to
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the ukrainian armed forces’ attempts to attack our energy facilities. ukrainian terrorists today hit a car with humanitarian aid in the kherson region. two people died; they were transporting food and water to the remote village of babino. the enemy tracked them down using drones and hit a civilian car. driver died immediately, the passenger survived, tried to help himself, but was again attacked from the air. this is a favorite tactic of the militants of the kiev regime. and one person died during the shelling of donetsk. this morning , a school and an apartment building were damaged in the kuibyshevsky district; it was reported that a shell landed on a construction site where an elderly man was working at the time. ukraine has become an openly terrorist state, which has been using these methods against its own citizens outside the country for 10 years. sergei lavrov stated this today at a meeting with foreign ambassadors. “no one,” said the head of the foreign ministry.
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the un security council issued an appeal. to get the kiev regime to provide at least the names of those people whose bodies were allegedly shown in the massacre, to appeal directly to the un secretary general so that he would use his authority, and to get kiev and its owners to provide such a list,
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no one is doing anything, it’s just that as another illustration of the fact that the kiev regime... everything is allowed to it, and i ’m not even talking about the many examples of arrests of ukrainian citizens who oppose neo-nazi tendencies in the life of the modern ukrainian state, not to mention the persecution of ukrainian citizens for political reasons, the murders of journalists and public figures. the west acts as a shadow sponsor of international terrorism, fueling hotbeds of tension in various places.
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military-political situation in the world along the perimeter of the borders of the commonwealth, threats and security challenges for our states, issues of combat training, field training of troops, military professional training of military personnel of friendly armies, taking into account modern requirements. the meeting participants were given the opportunity to get acquainted with modern types of weapons created by enterprises of the russian military-industrial complex, and they were also informed about modern approaches to organizing countermeasures, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, and the experience of performing mine clearance tasks during a special military operation. news from britain, which is like an information bomb
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for kiev and personally for the head of the regime, zelensky, allegedly bought a palace in the united kingdom for £20 million. edition. harry, in recent years the royal family has regularly held official events there, the house is famous for its gardens, the century in which prince william grew up and which tens of thousands of tourists come to see every year. according to the newspaper, zelensky’s wife, elena, was involved in processing the deal. london is in no hurry with official confirmation, but that’s it. the truth was told to journalists by former servants, some of whom were fired at the end of march. a gang was busted in the chelyabinsk region, which helped illegal migrants move to our country and get a job here. more than a thousand foreigners were illegally legalized in this way. the channel was opened by employees of the ministry of internal affairs together with
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the russian guard and the fsb. the ministry of internal affairs clarifies that a preventive measure will be chosen in the near future; there are 17 of them, including the organizer. based on the circumstances of the crime, the investigation of the regional police headquarters has opened and is investigating a criminal case, the defendants provided services for registration of fictitious registration for place of residence, production of fake employment contracts, preparation of documents for obtaining citizenship of the russian federation using false medical documents and the results of passing various commissions. further investigative and operational activities are ongoing to identify all participants. organizing a channel for illegal migration. now, in addition to the situation with floods in russian regions, a state of emergency has been introduced in the orenburg region. there are hundreds of houses in the flood zone, almost 1,500 people were evacuated, a quarter of them were children. the strongest flood in 58 years is in the vologda region, and people are being displaced there too. there is a lot of water in mordovia and
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the samara region, roads are washed out, bridges are flooded. employees of the ministry of emergency situations provide assistance to residents, delivering everything they need and food. well, this footage from khimki near moscow was flooded so much that residents moved to inflatable boats, water is being pumped out, and public utilities are working in increased mode. today , pavel gusev, editor-in-chief of the moscow newspaper, celebrates his anniversary. komsomolets is 75 years old and has devoted more than 40 years to mk, completely revolutionizing the idea of ​​print journalism. he turned the soviet party publication into one of the most popular newspapers of the new era, which now has a huge following.
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of course, it’s often self-restraint, because over many, many years of work i ’ve become convinced that you shouldn’t throw out your emotions too much under any circumstances, it interferes with your work, creative people and creativity, well, in my opinion, can’t stand a fist, now more 40 years old, every day begins with the morning planning meetings, strictly at 10:30, must be done for boys and... gone and uh for dogs for pets always makes a splash, but before him
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, only photographs of workers and milkmaids were printed on the front pages of newspapers, the young head of the moscow komsomol member in 1983 at his own peril and risk, he decided to start with what really worried him, including himself. everyday problems, the real economy, high-profile judicial investigations, despite the name of the elite and, of course, sports, these breakthroughs were given by challenges on kovervets, as well as... printed version by the website, and today we are one of the few in russia who continue to publish a daily newspaper, many have switched to weeklies, we continue to work weekly and publish a printed version for a week, it can be very difficult, but... i think that we in general -we are winning here, because we are not losing our main reader, he
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could have become a geologist, but the student quickly got bored with exploring the uranium deposit, the charming, energetic gusev first went along the komsomolskaya line, which he always willingly talks about, and then in absentia graduated from the literary institute. at the time when the position of editor-in-chief became vacant, i ended up in the party at that time, because it was very tough with personnel. the only one who had a party biography, and also a literary education, all this together resulted in me becoming the leader of the moscow komsomolets, that is, this is fate, this is fate, this is absolutely fate. the son of a theater costume designer and military translator, he is full of affection for his grandfather, the commissar of the chipaevsky division. since childhood, gusev dreamed of finding out the details of his biography, but fate decreed otherwise. in '37 he was arrested. shot for 2 months, already being the editor-in-chief, i managed to ask and managed to be shown
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the file of my grandfather, who is in the depths of the regiments, read, and with tears in his eyes, how he denied everything during the first interrogations, was indignant, and then it happened you can see from his words... how they broke him, i would really like to meet him, but that’s how life turned out. he collects antiques, old newspapers, all the walls of the editorial office are covered with them, because the younger generation of journalists should know where it all began. and here is the first anniversary gift from the singer’s wife nina shatskaya, a unique release of youthful truth, the great grandmother of the moscow komsomolets from the first publication of the writer sholokhov, still under the pseudonym moloch. this is the first story, tests, unique, he will spend his birthday with his family, close friends, he can
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afford to take a break from work for a while and listen to his favorite romance, and tomorrow again at the planning meeting, strictly at 10:30, they wouldn’t approach him like that the radiance of the harsh green of your eyes. separate space for representatives children's book publishing; in total
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, over 300 events are planned as part of the fair, but it was specially held longer. that’s all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the “big game” program. good afternoon, “big game” is live and i’m vyacheslav nikonov. russian president vladimir putin has a busy day today. now he is speaking at the congress of the federation of independent trade unions of russia. naturally, we are talking about workers’ rights, but today is planned. and meetings with government members on issues of the development of russian regions and the re-affirmation of new regional development programs, as well as the opening of new youth centers in various regions of our country. the special military operation continues, at night, the enemy tried to strike without piloted aircraft, they were
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shot down in the tula region, ours delivered a powerful blow. in kharkov, there was indeed a drone attack, which again led to power outages - in the city itself and in its environs. yuri ivanovich podalyaka monitors what is happening on fronts of a special military operation, the floor to him, good afternoon, ivanovich, good afternoon, yes, it’s also very hot on the fronts, and our troops began to go on the offensive on those lines where they had not attacked before, that the front is expanding, well, towards the vdeevsky direction , where the enemy yesterday desperately tried to knock us out of the western part of berdychi, which we took the day before, but nothing worked for him, there is information that we are gradually occupying this settlement, i really hope, maybe today tomorrow our ministry of defense will announce its complete liberation, and there are also battles for semyonovka, it is very hot here, the enemy is also trying to knock us out from the southern part of the village, which we occupied, in fact, we have him here in a pincer movement and thus, if they fail, then i
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think they will in the near future they will lose, this is critical. an important line of defense for them, because behind them goes further there is the novakhmutovka ochretina, and this is generally a strategically important point, after which we can, as you know, attack in any direction, this is for the enemy it will be very very painful, the same applies to chasyar, that is, the same strategic importance, and this morning aviation has been working very powerfully, artillery has launched our attack aircraft, there is information that has not yet been confirmed that we are caught on the outskirts, there are intense battles , the enemy is trying to knock us out... artillery, the drones are working, they are working very well, they are working powerfully, i really hope that by the evening there will be confirmation of progress, well, for today, now as of lunch our troops have entered there, they are hooked, and now the main thing is not to resist gaining a foothold, and another place where we are attacking, or rather one of the places is the seversk direction, we are developing an offensive north of vesyoly in the direction of seversk, we received tactical success, we
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walked more than a kilometer, took one of the oporniks on...
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suddenly raised sergeemovich shaigu urgently asked for the phone for negotiations, sebastian licarniu persistently sought this conversation, achieved it, well, let's read what the ministry of defense of the russian federation reports on this matter. april 3, 2024 to at the urgent request of the french side , telephone conversations took place with the minister of defense of the russian federation, general. sergei shaiga with the minister of defense of the french republic sebastien lacaru. sergei shaigu emphasized that the investigation launched in connection with the terrorist attack in crocushallei will certainly be completed, and all those responsible will be punished. there is information about the ukrainian trace in the organization of the terrorist attack. the kiev regime does nothing without the approval of western curators. we hope that in this case they are not behind this french intelligence services, said the head of the russian military department. regarding
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the statement of the elysse palace about sending a french contingent to ukraine, sergei shaigu indicated that if they are practically implemented, this will create problems for france itself. the readiness for dialogue on ukraine was noted. the starting points could be based on the istanbul peace initiative. on this occasion they held an entire information marathon, where they said that france has modern weapons, there will soon be an underwater boat, with new ballistic missiles and so on and so forth, that is, the west decided that since france has weapons and macron
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behaves quite aggressively, then he will be the one with whom moscow will talk, well, yes, they achieved conversation with our defense ministers, and what already happened there, well, as they say, he always called, they ask, he tells the crook. this is not ukraine, now, the minister of defense clearly said that the investigation is ongoing, there is a ukrainian trace, a clear trace and so on, the work continues, soon we will contact the beneficiaries and those who ordered this case, and of course, it’s somewhere with you guys, get ready there, we ’ll talk to you soon, the second thing is just about these contingents under some kind of flag, with some mission, he says: it will be worse for you, well, what’s worse, the supreme commander said, everyone will be destroyed, well, where is it even worse for you, what are you going to do? but despite this, as russia would say, yes, we are ready to negotiate in the istanbol format, this is the very format that our president voiced and talked about,
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that ukraine is a non-aligned, neutral country, but we have already gone through this process, that is, our next proposal will be much worse, and the result is that france talked to russia, well, we talked, what is the result, we remained in our positions. but i think vladimir vladimirovich clearly outlined that guys, one of these f16 lines, if our legitimate target flies from the airfields of nato countries, what other red line do you need? you don’t hear us, you
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are following the path of escalation, escalation is for you will end very badly, but that we know the state of your armed forces, we know the state of your military-industrial complex, and even the nuclear arsenal, we are all aware of how you are trying to do this with dirty cards or something... should not win, that is, a conversation it’s already a draw, now they’re basically arguing among themselves, in my opinion, about what red lines they have, green lines, white lines, and some other ones in negotiations so that these
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lines are varied for the entire western team , acceptable, while russia is in is almost not involved in this process, although sometimes someone sticks out and says that we have our own lines here, whether you like them or not, in my opinion this was one of the conversations with this frenchman on this topic. but so far i don’t see that there is a single western position on ending the conflict, an active position, no, it’s constructive, there isn’t even one, you know, and even more so i don’t see that we even pay attention to it, but if they are interested and call, then we will participate, we will talk, well, in general, in my opinion, symptomatic, and this is clearly not a manifestation of force, yes, because they said that let them tell us something, let them call, well... maybe they have something constructive there, but i honestly highly doubt it , this is really an attempt, it seems to me.
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we show their faces, they allow it, now you see this, she is performing at the tenth brigade as a guest, these are the sapper guys again you see, and people are just so happy when they see that yulia is performing, coming, here this is it the hospital is on the front line, in the artyomovsk direction, you can see she is performing now, together with one of the doctors, the reception is amazing, now she is performing in the russian guard, that is, during this time yulia passed through. and on five points she performed, gave about 20 concerts, this is a huge workload, that is, she gives five, six concerts a day, so i remind you once again that we are collecting yulia checherina, it is in her gathering of the popular front we rap, this is electronic warfare, the essentials, what we need now is when fighting coptors. uavs and fpv drones that
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destroy our transport, unfortunately, many are now wounded from this type of weapon, now such a strange war has begun that fpv and drones are now such the most powerful weapons, both on our side, on their side, on the enemy’s side, so so help us , join our collection, thank you all very much, we have already collected 27 million rubles with the help of viewers.
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product of the stellar group, calm down, comrade, we are coming to you, professor, on this matter, cut off, cut off, can you say what comes to their mind? everything, anything, something, you
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are painfully oppressing me, daddy, what kind of daddy am i to you, my god, i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our ball, and now do we understand what these shining caps are? why am i worse than people? well, i was married, i don’t care, azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and divide it, that’s what i thought, the heart of a dog, the famous film adaptation of mikhail bulgakov’s story on saturday on the first, he’s still dancing, dancing, russian in hollywood, from a to z, eh? americans b) bandits in vladovin d) head of the toe d what is your evidence e f your health we will be and brief to lshtshfun m
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callus syrup n novosi oirsk o put the plump finishing touches of the rush with secret russian weapons actually this is a square t topant u ou f snamnam x) cold i’m not used to such an oak tree cesyuzhmgty chelyabinsk sha - hat with earflaps, hard sign s soft sign. uh, this is drinking, yu, i. on saturday, on the first. testament of zhenya belausov. the battle for the inheritance of the stars of the nineties is reaching the finish line. all
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participants in the conflict in our studio. have you filed a lawsuit? why does a person write a will at 30 years old? roman is sure that the entire inheritance was once unfairly given to sister christina.
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yes, someone’s husband can go to the left, our blood is hot, but we have our own woman, she is always alone, i see that you mostly have women working here, we just want the women’s coffee business to develop equally with the men’s. brazil, coffee is simply bliss, the life of others. premiere on sunday on the first. there is still snow in the fields, and the waters... in the spring are noisy, running and waking you up sleepy shore, they run, shine and shout, they shout in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us
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ahead, what, where, when, spring series of games, on sunday on the first. big game live, on this day, exactly 75 years ago, an agreement was signed on the creation of an organization whose only goal was destruction.
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the bloc that has perhaps 80% of the world's defense spending accounts for a huge amount.
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simultaneously in the west and you know, it’s like two waves colliding and it’s unclear what it turns out, on the one hand, they want to cause maximum harm to russia, before they said strategic defeat, now there is exhaustion, well, with the help of the kiev regime , to cause maximum harm to us, on the other hand, especially in recent months and weeks , they have become jittery, what if instrumentation, this kiev regime will break, it’s... crackling very seriously, the russian advance forward is noticeable to everyone,
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so on the one hand they would like to inflict defeat on us, on the other hand, on some days it begins almost panic attacks, statements about the fact that everything is about to fall apart very quickly, end very quickly, these two waves of sentiment, they are changing so quickly in the west. first they are on the same wavelength, then they are on the other wavelength, which of course i sympathize with our diplomats, because these signals are picked up and understood by us, but it’s not even clear what to talk to, because the words change all the time, the meaning changes, they really have glory there are constantly changing, thank god now our diplomats there are especially there is nothing to talk about, but the fact that their position is absolutely contradictory, sergei vekovich lavrov spoke about this today, let’s listen to him,
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she lost, because as soon as she loses to russia, russia will immediately attack nato. where is the logic here? at first, we proceeded from the fact that russia would never allow itself to attack nato.
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so we started to fight on the battlefield, factories flew in, so that, yes, there, your help doesn’t work, your money doesn’t work, your sanctions don’t work, well, which of us, as they say, who is exhausting, you yourself we were exhausted, we drove ourselves into a dead end, we suggested that you come to your senses before the start of the massacre, you didn’t listen to us, now they think that we will react to something with these words,
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that we will react by saying: okay, we won’t fight, let’s talk , well, call, this minister called. he says, he thought that we would say so, no, we are going to the end, this was clearly stated, a special military operation has been set before the end of all tasks, and it is impossible for any chatterboxes to chatter, well , of course, now nato will try no longer views itself as a euro-atlantic organization, but as a global organization; it is actively moving east, actively trying to involve us allies in the asia-pacific into its orbit.
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the united states will continue to take necessary
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measures to prevent the use of advanced american technology to undermine american national security. china-us relations this year should focus on stability, not create problems, not cross borders, and maintain common stability. xijenping stressed that the taiwan issue is a key red line in china-us relations. china will not allow separatist activities, as well as external connivance and support for the forces of independence in taiwan. connected. the states have launched an endless stream of measures to suppress china's economy, trade, science and technology, the list of sanctions against chinese companies is getting longer, this is not reducing risks, but creating them. if the united states is ready to carry out mutually beneficial cooperation and sharing development dividends, china's doors will always be open. if the us insists on suppressing china's high-tech development and depriving it of its legitimate
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right to development, china will not sit idly by. here's janet yelin today. us treasury secretary in china, and her main message with which she went was to stop industrial production in china, or stop industrial production in china. what's happening? well, if we talk only about the negotiations between the two heads of state, they outline an approximate range of issues, according to which will be the contacts. behind this is the american idea that we will compete with china, that is, put pressure on it - on a limited range of issues, where we can, and where it is too much...
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chinese technologies will put pressure all over the world, this is where we need to agree, china produces too much, this is a unique story, that is, for somewhere one state or a group of states to dictate others... this is all disgusting, some people, the american climate lobby, brilliant inventors with goods that are without without no one will take brainwashing for free, but
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china produces it, it just so happened, that is , while they were gathering there, china monopolized the production of solar panels around the world, electric vehicles, in europe they have now started a completely false process, they are finding out whether it is subsidizing in some sense of the word, china is the production of electric vehicles. now, when elien talks to her, well , to those with whom she will talk in china, that you produce too much of these useful good things, well, it’s clear that funny, because we had to do this, and secondly, it reminds us of what the climate agenda is, why china doesn’t object to it, it’s profiting from it, the agenda is when someone, and we see who, should explain to everyone the rest of the world, what should they produce there, how much there, how quickly, and so on. yes, with china, of course, such things obviously won’t work, especially since jean arrived exactly on the day when it is actually a holiday in china, yes, today is a public
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holiday, qingming, this is such a thing with them ancient times, it is between easter and holy week, among others there is such a custom, you need to clean the graves of your ancestors, that is , in general, this is the day when graves are washed, so i had an idea when we were talking about the anniversary, there is a round date, so to speak about nato, that of course it’s too early to talk about the need to wash nato’s grave, but for good thoughts, like this holiday, well , first we need to bury it, and then wash the graves, yes, but the question, in fact, is relations with nato is on the agenda, but how is it may decide, we will continue after the commercial, virtual reality is the place where everything is impossible. perhaps i see you, you are now in my room, yes, hello, several people can be in the virtual space at once, that is, for example, the plant is located in talyat, the customer is
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in st. petersburg, so they can meet together and discuss, for example, a car, a model, as if it actually already physically exists, our company is engaged in the development and production of diagnostic tests to determine allergic reactions, using our reagents, the laboratory has the widest spectrum. by the hour, it’s all coal-fired, this steam locomotive is from 1955, it’s all for real, it goes well with goose
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caviar, such a luxury of the merchants, your salary won’t be enough to pay for this burger, evgeny, we have an installment plan for you, that is it’s essentially chalk, yes, that is, you can gnaw it right on the wall , you can, if you don’t have enough rings in your body, rat and even lick it, if you want to fight, you’re ready for... look, the goose is behind the masks come, let's go, the premiere is on saturday on the first, welcome to visit us, as a rule, work there, you have to use it, i 'll break you, such a blockhead, so to speak, well, maybe he's a good guy, but still an idiot, what is your evidence, comrade colonel, are you okay,
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it’s still madness, we won’t let a third world war start, often this is just the work of the special services, who order scripts, sometimes they write the script, my mother, she was excluded from the lists, we visited and said, this is not your mom, it says your parents aminovs from the weapons defense, bathhouse, vudka, garmon, hollywood, on saturday on the first, the will of zhenya beloosov, the battle for the inheritance of the star of the nineties is entering the home stretch. all the participants in the conflict in our studio, you filed a lawsuit, why does a person write a will at the age of 30, roman is sure that once the entire inheritance unfairly went to sister christina, if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning and drawn up everything for myself , why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i i want to find out the truth, you recognize my dad’s handwriting as jerome, i’ll be honest, no, but you got divorced intact, it turned out that the court divorced us, can you
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imagine it was such a blow for me after 26 years. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday on the first. and when you entered into an inheritance, you told the notary that there were still potential heirs. you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved died. probably the only love in my life. i am the grandson of a manufacturer, i can do everything, but all i have to do is come to any team, perform there, everyone else goes down. through. night and wind, i’m destined to go, there’s no light anywhere from my own window, i also criticized it in the army, so major novikov wrote me recommendations, he’s prone to criticism, but they push, push buttons all in vain, for for, but there are no roads, for , but i have no money, i have nothing to follow, i’m not going to replay anything, under no circumstances would i live my life differently.
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in memory of vladimir zhirinovsky on saturday at the first. i feel like a happy person when my loved ones are with me and when everything is fine with them and we spend common evenings playing board games. and when i... poison-sister, the main happiness is my family, and we say hello to everyone to our grandparents and sisters, brothers, many thanks to my parents for raising me, making me a real person, i am happy makes the health of loved ones, not only loved ones, everyone around me, and this is very important, i wish our country to be healthy, i love my country, i am proud of it and i wish...
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everyone in it to find their own happiness, a big game at the first, today in connection with the seventy-fifth anniversary of the nato bloc, our deputy minister of foreign affairs alexander grushko, who for many years was the ambassador to nato now. european direction, gave a long interview, where he also answered the question: how to actually conduct a dialogue with nato. let's listen. russia has repeatedly raised questions with the north atlantic alliance about creating a solid foundation for relations based on the principle of indivisibility, security and politically in the field of military development, the citizen’s activities are aimed at confrontation with our country. when nato doctrinal documents classify russia as
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the most significant direct threat. it makes no sense to talk about any specific modalities of hypothetical agreements with the west, but if when western capitals realize that they will not be able to dictate their will to our country, just as they will not be able to build security without russia, and especially against it, then maybe there may be an opportunity to talk about new architecture. the fundamental point for us is architecture must meet the security interests of the russian federation. well, that is, in fact, well, obviously, they haven’t crossed out their doctrine. defining russia as the most significant direct threat, yes , that means absolutely, and even in the new strategy, which is not now blindly following the instructions, nato 2030, russia remains for them a rival, an enemy, and then everywhere, as they say, now the wording is simply being selected, if earlier they called us there a rival, an adversary, now openly in nato countries they say that we an enemy who wants to attack them, although we
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say that we are not going to. attack, and we don’t have any programs, attacks, there are no land acquisitions, we are carrying out a special military operation, we went to it for a long time, we talked for a long time with the west about this, the americans reported about this recently, i think that this is very strong will scare china, then biden will call, and china will meet him
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halfway, no, the world has changed, the fact that your nato, when it was 75 years ago, was created for one purpose, has been reformatted into ninety first year, and after 2001 she began to generally manage the entire planet, running for... the world does not want to play by your rules, by your casino. the world is going to build a different kind of security, indivisible, not for the benefit of one state, but equal for all. the owner of the western casino is the united states of america, and ukraine depends on american help, well, more than on the help of all other western countries combined. and the question is, will ukraine still get it?
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shared any detailed plan for a relief package by republican lawmakers, it seems has not decided what concessions it will push from the biden administration, making it difficult for spieter to win support for next week's vote. two republican leadership officials said that, in theory, johnson could still decide on a ukraine aid plan over the weekend to speed up passage of the bill next week, but such an accelerated schedule could risk the vote falling through. in addition, such a step could... cause even more dissatisfaction among the hardliners of the republican party, it seems to be postponed again, the situation, i think, will become clearer only, actually, on april 9, i believe that speaker johnson is absolutely right that he does not
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reveal his plans, because the democratic administration, that the white house, that its apologists in congress in the upper and lower houses, they play with marked cards. therefore, a conversation with them is absolutely impossible , but somehow openly and more or less honestly, i think that under the pressure johnson is under, he will take some steps, to demonstrate that the allocation of assistance to the kiev regime is possible, but what kind of assistance, on what terms, through what bill, is simply to dance the bait of their political opponents, who want to deceive him and put him to a vote. the bill that was passed by the senate, i think, is practically 100% excluded. introduce another bill, there are now two other drafts in the lower house, he can, but on what exact conditions, what he
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will agree with his fellow party members and what conditions he will set for the democrats, we’ll see, but i think it will be a very difficult week, very nervous... in the states, but again, this is not all about the kiev regime, this is all about the elections that will be in november, that’s all about the fact that democrats and republicans are preparing for the fact that elections may go beyond the constitutional field, they are now creating such political mechanisms in order to work with this, the kiev regime has already become just a bargaining chip in this whole game, they are kind of each other this question... the democrats are blackmailing, trying, trying to hang the kiev problem on the necks of the republicans, and the republicans are trying to hang the kiev yermo on the necks of the democrats and drown each other with this issue. yes, it must be said that on the occasion of
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nato’s seventy-fifth anniversary, kuleba demanded from stoltenberg a gift to kiev in the form of patriots, but, probably, he forgot that the anniversary is after all nato’s, and not ukraine’s, so gifts, a gift. must go in the other direction, the united states, of course, is now trying to compensate for the lack of funds for ukraine by they want our funds. indonesia, which acted as such an unusual triangle, which stated that in general there is no need to do this, let's listen, countries sympathetic to russia demand... the eu abandon any thoughts about the mass confiscation of moscow's state assets.
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representatives of china, saudi arabia and indonesia are privately calling on the eu to continue to resist pressure from the us and uk to confiscate the more than €200 billion in russian state assets they have frozen in february 2022. these countries are extremely skeptical about the idea, said one of the officials, who requested anonymity because the negotiations are so sensitive. the problem is... what is interesting here is the composition of the participants, here are saudi arabia and indonesia, by the way, the president of indonesia will begin to function as president in the fall, he just
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visited china and there also had a long friendly conversation, including about military cooperation, this is the country , in which the americans imprisoned president suchart so that he could deal with the communists, after which at some point several administrations passed there and for several years it turned out that it was necessary to destroy him, that he was a dictator, they began to quite calmly undermine him, saudi arabia, about the same case, it was a friend there... now we’re talking about how this is, how
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to resist it, here i see gold bars, thanks for the tip, conversations about the gold standard for the brix countries have become livelier simply because there are new estimates that everyone is now buying gold, west and east , and so on , everyone is starting to believe in gold already seriously, preparing for some kind of collapse, and the brix countries are really working on one of these projects, and with the help... that this is the rapprochement of indonesia, the leading countries in asean with china, this is really a fundamental change in general, it’s very interesting how the attitude towards china and the usa has changed over the past year in southeast asia if a year ago.
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and victory will be ours. let's give the floor to the news and see you again at 17:00. this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. the most important thing for the state is social guarantees, control over compliance will be tightened. statement by vladimir putin. at a meeting of the federation congress.


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