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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 4, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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attitude towards china and the united states over the past year in southeast asia, if a year ago 61% considered the united states and china 38% to be a promising strategic partner, now for the first time in history the majority of people in southeast asia consider china a more promising partner, this happened within a year, these are truly revolutionary changes that are very... to the states, well, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. let's give the floor to the news and see you again at 17:00. this is news first. hello, in the studio valeria korableva. the most important thing for the state is social.
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industrial development of russia , the share of domestic goods, equipment, machine tools, vehicles, medicines, consumer goods and so on should increase in our domestic market. modern production and jobs should appear everywhere in all regions of the country. for this, we will additionally set up tools and mechanisms to support business, the development of our territories, and the expansion of technological and industrial sectors. russia's potential and
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the strengthening of the domestic economy should be directly converted into an increase in the well-being of our citizens and an increase in wages. in the next 6 years, the share of wages in the country's gross domestic product should grow steadily. in fact, we have no unemployment; this does not threaten us in the coming years. therefore, because this is the kind of work and such changes, they are in general. conditionally meet the interests of russian citizens, we will definitely continue to index the minimum wage, in 2030 the minimum wage should increase almost doubled to 35,000 rubles. that of course, you know, all these mechanisms will have a positive impact on real wages in the economy and in the public sector. and another statement on...
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other goals are not visible, they don’t exist, because russia cannot be the target of terrorist attacks by islamic fundamentalists. we have a country that
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demonstrates a unique example of interfaith harmony and unity, interreligious unity, interethnic, and in the external arena, it behaves in such a way that it can hardly be an object for attacks by islamic fundamentalists, this is the goal of undermining the unity of russian society, especially since...
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the regime has become the norm for western countries, as you can see, now from voluntary military assistance to ukraine, they want to do.
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let's discuss how we can strengthen our support for ukraine, because it is important for our own security. in general, they are forced to fork out money, and this despite the budget crisis in some european union countries. but mountains of gold for arms barons, for military-industrial complex enterprises, dozens and dozens of new
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orders. footage that once again shows the essence of the kiev regime. a tragic incident in the kherson region. the militants deliberately hit a truck that was carrying food and water to the village. to the cabin. managed to crawl away and even put a tourniquet on his leg, well, then the ukrainian militants acted according to the already proven practice: strike with a second drone, killing a wounded civilian lying on the ground. arrival in donetsk, a man was killed under fire at the stadium, four people were injured and another hit in a multi-storey building, the roof was broken, several apartments were destroyed. before the broadcast , a report came from the ministry of defense, the russian military hit the base of foreign mercenaries in the kharkov region, but earlier the following footage appeared on the internet: explosions in kharkov, presumably the target was a building where ammunition was stored. as they say, they arrived at the tank school, foreign
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curators conducted training there using nato equipment. russian troops are launching precision strikes on everything related to the ukrainian military industry. this is a response to... attempts by the ukrainian armed forces to harm our energy facilities. more and more new volunteers are signing up for contract service; the number of volunteers has increased significantly since the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole. this is one of the selection points in the moscow region; over the past week and a half , more than 800 people have signed contracts in the region. they have already begun to prepare at training grounds, in training centers; in just 10 days, there are over 16 thousand volunteers throughout the country.
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anything will help, now they started paying drivers in january, january-february, they received a special payment. large-scale program in moscow has begun. the design of the central hippodrome is not only a unique sports facility, a complex with a rich history, our cultural heritage; large works are planned in the adjacent territory. we see crumbling buildings and an unsuitable stadium for code competitions. the president made a decision to revive, in fact, the central hippodrome of our country; in fact, it will be a world-class hippodrome. meeting the most modern standards, and of course, high-quality landscaping will be carried out, both
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stadium, and around it. we plan to complete all major work in the twenty- sixth year. the moscow hippodrome is the largest hippodrome in europe, the fact that it will now take on a completely different look is a very big, serious matter, which will give another impetus to the development of equestrian sports in the russian federation. and i really hope that... from the point of view of organizing large cultural events, this will also definitely take its place in moscow. new footage appears of what happened during a powerful earthquake in taiwan, a rockfall begins on the roadway, the driver reverses, but does not have time, a huge boulder larger than the car itself flies straight at it. another motorist, the one whose video recorder filmed everything, had to save himself, but this is the maternity hospital, when the earthquake started, they rushed into the room with
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newborns, quickly moved the boxes to the middle of the room, wrapped their arms around them, held with all their might so that the babies wouldn’t fall out, so and stood until the underground shocks subsided. no one was injured at the hospital. in petrozavodsk a state of emergency was introduced due to a strong snowstorm. there is a collapse on the highways, trucks are temporarily prohibited from entering the city, they are intercepted by checkpoints on the roads. storm wind - 17 m. per second, well, this is a flood in the moscow region, a cottage community in khimki, residents move along the streets in boats, cars stall, these are low-lying areas, water flows from all slopes and does not go anywhere, this is what residents say, this is happening periodically, but this time the situation was especially difficult, there was much more snow than usual, excellent weather, hood day, a grand premiere, the action-packed film gold off malta is coming out in wide release, a star-studded cast, breathtaking filming, the pursuit of a real treasure against the backdrop of fateful events in the history of the country,
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adventures of great love, a fatal beauty breaks hearts. kristina levieva met with the creators of the film. 40 pounds. what lengths is a person willing to go to for gold, steal, kill, betray? should you overtake them? how to convert gold into money? i 'll decide? please listen, the heroes of the film gold from malta have a difficult time the choice between wealth and honor, between love and fortune, and yet the events unfold at the most turning point in our history, between two revolutions, the february and october. the truth is that the holy man grigory yafimovich rasputin died a martyr. who is this? is grishka the saint rasputin? this is a difficult era, this is an era of destruction, and for cinema it is always very interesting to see how...
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let's just say that life includes both the love of sleepyheads and the love of gold, myths and legends told by hundreds of local residents archival documents studied by the scriptwriters, the film is based on a real story, in 1917 exactly the same daring raid of robbers took place in these places, and the stolen gold is still being sought to this day, before the audience is a cross-section of pre-revolutionary society, a communist, an anarchist, a white officer, a card sharper and a fatal beauty , her past is vague, but... sonya, nicknamed the golden navel, believes that she can change her future, return her son and outsmart everyone
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around her. she is a swindler, and also a redhead, i decided to dye my hair red for this role color, and it seemed to me that it would be interesting to play such a cunning, resourceful fox. moreover, this genre frees us from assessing good and bad. we are just following the story, this is action, when we see each other, this is an officer, a white officer, it seems to me that there is one phrase that... the filming of the film took place in the most picturesque places of the khabarovsk territory, bear lake and amur pillars.


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