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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 4, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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you need to slightly expand the characteristics in the individual rehabilitation program; i can contact the bureau of medical and social examination to speed up this process. we still have a number of problems related to the provision of, for example, absorbent linen. in st. petersburg, people receive diapers, but in the leningrad region we simply have a failure, they cannot.
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why do you allow yourself to communicate like this? tell me, please, you have a lot of parents, now say: sew, write, where to work, we called, it doesn’t work, ok, be happy, the moment has come, exactly the products that were necessary for the child were purchased, now explanatory work is being carried out on similar situations.
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it’s scary, cockroaches appear here, lice crawl from her, an alcohol den, that is, she brings her friends, drunks, and she ’s been drinking for a long time, since she was eight years old, you evict me, you have no right, i won’t fight, i’m a cult person, why did you shave, well, because of lice, you drink, don’t wash, breed lice, he just doesn’t see when i wash, thank you for you, lord, she started drinking all month without drying out with her brother, you can’t code him, he can... you’re a loser, you lost yourself a long time ago, i’ll provide you with plenty, i’m not a drunkard, a freeloader, a tinder, a tinder, well, here you go valentina lilina believes that nothing will help you, valentina, come to us, good evening, there is a big game on the air, and i am vyacheslav nikonov, today with the president. vladimir putin's russia has a very
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busy working day. currently , he is holding meetings with government members on the implementation of regional programs development, with a focus on youth projects, is reflected today in the opening of a large number of youth centers in various regions of our country. well, before that the president spoke at the congress. federation of independent trade unions of russia, he touched on a number of issues, primarily, of course , social, but spoke about a special military operation and the terrorist attack in crocus city. let's listen to what the president said. we have every reason to believe that the main goal of those who ordered the bloody, terrible terrorist attack in moscow was...
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it is precisely the damage to our unity; other goals are not visible, they do not exist, because russia cannot be the target of terrorist attacks by islamic fundamentalists. we have a country that demonstrates a unique example of interfaith harmony and unity, interreligious unity, interethnic.
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well, they should have behaved completely differently, if this were so, you can say, then, where, as they say, the next terrorist attacks, they should, if international terrorism has raised its head, he must go to france in... germany in the united states, this is about the fact that there was an attempt to violate interethnic relations in our country, there was an attempt, if you can’t win on the battlefield, then you need to win using terrorist methods, the west is always resorted to these methods, he raised terrorists all over the world, prepared them, then, although very often they turned against them these very methods, these very terrorists, but... but our president said the most important words, that the main thing is the unity of our multinational, yes, multi-religious people, this was precisely the goal, obviously, to try to set us at odds, to try to create hostility on ethnic-religious grounds, why don’t they see it differently, they are so
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used to it, it was in yugoslavia, it was in all over the world, americans see an opportunity in undermining multinational states, they believe that through... yes, it really wasn’t possible to do this, society rallied, and the investigation into the crocus city terrorist attacks continues, today it was reported that three more were arrested suspected of organizing a terrorist attack, they are involved in making payments for
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participants in this heinous crime, in recruiting supporters, so that the number of arrests in this case is growing. naturally, we are getting closer and closer to identifying the real customers, and of course, our retaliatory strikes, they follow, on many of the shells that are now flying towards kiev, on those missiles that exploded in kharkov, it was written for belgorod , for crocus city, so the answer is a very serious idiot, in kharkov. there were blows giraniyami on a manhole in the kharkov region , here is a news report about a strike on a tank school in kharkov, let's listen: the russian military attacked a tank school of the armed forces of ukraine in kharkov, where foreign tanks and instructors were located,
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said the coordinator of the nikolaev underground , sergei lebedev. the russian military also hit the rvd building. in addition, the merefiyansky mechanical plant in the city of merefa, near kharkov, came under attack. at the enterprise from... good evening, good evening, yes, against the backdrop of blows, which, of course, destroyed not only kharkov, there were arrivals in the zaporozhye region on the right bank of the dnieper, at least two substations were also put out of operation over the past 24 hours, they also continue to attack the actions of our troops, over the past 24 hours our troops have advanced a little more on the rabotinsky ledge, we are mainly moving
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towards the northwest from verbovoy in the direction of the eastern outskirts of rabotin, our troops are also actively operating on the vremyaevsky ledge, here we are crushing the enemy in the area ... sheltered to the north in the staromaisky area there there is a slight advance to the southwest of the village, in the ugledarsky direction our troops continue to successfully advance in novomikhailovka, we also have an advance to the south to the north of novomikhailovka, here the dynamics are very good for us, which means that in the georgievsky direction our troops are few we have advanced to the villages in krasnogorka without any changes so far; in the avdeevsky direction our troops have reached the closest approaches to kumansk. who cares about this from the thin one, there despite the counterattacks of the enemy resistance, we have advanced quite noticeably over the past few days, also our troops are now storming semyonovka and berdychi, there is progress there, especially in berdychi, where we have advanced both along the southern and northern outskirts, the enemy there is gradually forced
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to pull back to the northwestern the outskirts, and behind the berdychs , a unique tactically, well, unique space again opens up, along which you can further move towards the umansk charetina line. that means our troops are in the artyomovsk direction they continue to fight near the outskirts of the yar clock, here the enemy has lost a number of important support forces, and we also have some small progress. danovka in the krasnoye area, there we are also advancing in battles for the heights, in the solidarsky direction, well, on the seversky ledge we have small advances in the vesyoly area, as well as in belogorovka, where we gradually bypass the quarry dominating the area from the south, we also squeezed out the opponents from the first streets of begorovka, in the krasnolimansky direction , our troops were already hooked directly on the outskirts of the village of terny, there are battles on the outskirts, also ours... actively operating in the svakupyan direction in the area of ​​tabaevka and krakhmalny, and at sinkovka today there are no
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changes, we also pressed east of petra-pavlovka, in general, the initiative belongs to our troops everywhere. thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich rozhin, as always for detailed information on how our troops support their initiative in all main directions of military operations on the line of combat contact. one of the most mysterious events. diplomacy happened here over the past 24 hours, for the first time in many months, and maybe even years, the french minister of defense, lekarnu, suddenly began persistently trying to talk with our minister of defense, sergeyomovich shaigum, it seems that such a desire did not arise, that’s where it came from , after this, naturally, there are different interpretations of what ... the conversations are about, and we will now try to figure out why this was necessary and
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how this conversation ended, first the version of our ministry of defense, let's listen. sergei shaigu emphasized that the investigation launched in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus holly will certainly be completed, all those responsible will be punished, there is information about the ukrainian trace in the organization of the terrorist attack. the kiev regime does nothing without the approval of western curators. we hope that in this case the french special services are not behind this, the head of the russian military department said regarding the statement of the elysian palace about sending a french contingent to ukraine, sergei shaigu indicated that if they are practically implemented, this will create problems for france itself. the readiness for dialogue on ukraine was noted. the starting points could be based on the istanbul peace initiative; holding a meeting in geneva without russia's participation is pointless. this is a statement from the ministry of defense of the russian federation, now a commentary. macron himself, the president of france, based on the results of the conversations, let's listen, when the minister
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of the armed forces provided a report, as ministers usually do about conversations with their colleagues, some comments from the russian side were lordly threatening, but we did not we justify this, it is simply ridiculous, so to speak, to say that france may be behind this, that the ukrainians may be behind this, all this makes no sense, this does not correspond to reality, this is a manipulation of information that is. part of the arsenal of military actions used by russia today, so what, the general called? you know, i think that this crocus is very important, but this is not the main thing, for me, i am almost convinced that the political decision to send some kind of contingent to ukraine has already been made, otherwise macron will simply look like a fool, he has already said so much, so much about this, that if all this, so to speak, blows away, he will simply not be very...
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if they appear in ukraine, by the way, they already exist there, then i think , as a result, he received firm guarantees that these strikes would be carried out as a matter of priority, which is why there is such dissatisfaction on macron’s part. uh, now, of course, the most important question is whether ukraine will receive money from the united states of america or not, well, they promised to consider the issue
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in the house of representatives after the christmas break, oh, sorry, easter break. speaker mike johnson is still looking for ways to soften resistance from his republican colleagues, according to multiple party officials, and johnson's team has not shared any additional support. republican lawmakers appear undecided on what concessions they will push for from the biden administration, making it difficult for spieter to win support for a vote. next week. two republican leadership officials said that, in theory, johnson could still decide on a ukraine aid plan over the weekend to speed up passage of the bill next week, but
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such an accelerated schedule could risk the vote being thrown out. in addition, such a move could cause even more dissatisfaction.
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$40 billion in debt, all because the stakes are so high, the amount of debt is so high, and it happens every night while we sleep, so no, we don't want to put $60 billion into... johnson keeps talking about the kind of christian he is, he says, helps him in all his decisions, but how does this relate to the fact that he funds the government of ukraine, which literally throws priests behind bars, bans the christian faith and uses the army to close churches. i don't understand how a christian can approve of the idea of ​​sending
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american taxpayer money to imprison other christians, how is that even possible?
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the possibility of shifting powers towards nato and for nato to gradually develop some mechanisms where it can pay directly, and not directly from countries, just a couple of days ago it was announced in the form of apparently testing the public, a hundred billion dollar aid package from nato, and if we read, well, the foreign policy strategists around trump, their concept is called sleeping nato, we are talking about europe and the nato bureaucracy. for the protection of its territory, america is moving away from this, so i assume that they will allocate some money, in addition to this , some legal framework will be worked out in order to nato began to allocate money together with the contingent from... well, today nato members are helping ukraine, but most importantly, nato is celebrating its 75th anniversary, today they are discussing, of course,
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today. how the alliance celebrates its anniversary. after the commercial. the suspect gave sirgi to his lover, to his mistress, he promised to marry, now both are standing crying, my children. era, watch the time after the program. how mercilessly time flies? is it possible to turn back
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the hands of the clock of our lives ? send them in the opposite direction. we will answer this and other questions in the live program great. tomorrow on the first. calm down, comrade, we are coming to you, professor. here’s the thing, cut off, cut off, you can say whatever comes to their mind, whatever you want, you ’re painfully oppressing me, dad, what kind of dad i am to you, my god, i’m only now beginning to understand what can happen from our ball, and now they understand what kind of shining nonsense this is, why, i’m worse than people, well, i was married, i don’t care, azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and divide it, so i thought, heart of a dog, famous film adaptation of the story by mikhail bulgakov on saturday at the first, he is still dancing, dancing,
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the will of zhenya belausov, the battle for the inheritance , the stars of the nineties are reaching the finish line, all the participants in the conflict are in our studio, you filed a lawsuit, why does a person write a will at the age of 30, roman i am sure that at one time the entire inheritance unfairly went to sister christina. yes, i would have come from the very beginning, documented everything myself, why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could be a fake, i want to know the truth, you know dad’s handwriting, i’ll be honest, no, but you were officially divorced, it turned out that the court divorced us, can you imagine, 26 years later it was such a blow for me, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday, on the first, when you you were entering into an inheritance, you told the notary that there are more... potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved died, probably the only love in my life, i am the grandson of a manufacturer, i am everything i can, but it’s
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enough for me to come to any team, to perform there and everyone else falls down, through the night and the wind, i’m destined to go, there’s no light anywhere from a window that’s not my own, in the army too... this is how major novikov wrote me recommendations, he’s prone to criticism, but they just push, push buttons all in vain , for, for, but there are no roads, for, for, but there is no money, i have nothing to follow, i’m not going to replay anything, under no circumstances would i live my life differently, in memory of vladimir zhirinovsky, on saturday at the first, more there is snow in the fields. and in the spring the waters are noisy, running, waking up the sleepy shore, running and shining, and they say, they say in all directions, spring is coming,
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spring is coming, we are young spring, messengers, she sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first. i am proud that i live in such a beautiful country, that we have so many regions, so many different cultures, i know a lot about our homeland and i want people to know about it too, this is very important, this is the homeland of lenin, koramzin and goncharov. taganay is a whole adventure park, there are bears and more. fyodor chaliapin once called his entire life
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yourself simple. the white nights of leningrad, the gray peaks of the caucasus, the blue lakes of karelia, the green sea of ​​taiga are as beautiful as our sunny mountains, no one returns from a trip the same person, so travel, develop yourself, on any route, in any village, we everyone is one big family. the big game live, exactly 75 years ago, on this day in washington, we now see these shots, an agreement was signed on the formation of the north atlantic bloc, the nato bloc, the only meaning of existence which throughout all these 75 years there was.
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and they intend to increase these military expenditures, they have accounted for a huge number of aggressive wars, millions of lives lost, the stated goal of promoting democracy, but the only goal is the destruction of our country, today, naturally, celebrations are invited, naturally ukraine. and
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antony blinken, secretary of state at nato headquarters, kuleba's company, makes a statement. let's listen. we have gathered here , among other things, to discuss the upcoming nato summit, which will be held in washington this summer. ukraine will become a member of nato. the purpose of the summit is to help build a bridge that will lead to membership, to create a clear path for ukraine to this goal. we 've done a lot of work in this area over the last couple of days here. there is still more work to be done before the summit, which will ensure that the summit demonstrates strong support for ukraine's progress on this issue. kuleba, however, somewhat spoiled the party with his statements, let’s listen to what he said. i didn't want to spoil nato's birthday celebrations, but i still contacted a sobering message on behalf of ukrainians about the situation with russian air strikes on my country. they destroy... the system,
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the economy, and kill civilians. i called on the allies to provide ukraine with additional air defense systems, the best of which are patriot. only it can effectively intercept ballistic missiles. well, he somehow forgot that it’s nato’s anniversary, not ukraine’s, so they expect gifts the other way around, from ukraine, and not from nato. well, besides, he basically gave advice to the american congress on how, how, actually make this decision? let's pos'. i would like to thank the people of the united states, the biden administration and all those in congress who are working tirelessly to find a solution to a problem that, in my opinion, can be solved very easily, you just need to put the issue to a vote, no one doubts that the absolute majority will vote in favor, overcoming this last hurdle is key and must be done as soon as possible. you know, i would like to add about nato, because this was precisely
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the subject of my... well, a number of my studies, the task was, of course, to counter the power of the soviet union, but to forever prevent the formation of germany as an independent phenomenon of history and culture, to prevent the formation of little europa, that is, this very central middle of europe, many germans understood this, as i was convinced of in the conversation already on the sidelines with one current general of the bundesweir. after the torgau debate, dedicated, then, to the meeting on the elbe, which they wanted to turn out our accusations about the crimea and so on, when later in kulary said: “do you understand that everything that the americans did in europe was not only against us, he squeezed my hand like that and said: “i understand, it’s so sad, you know, it could have been simple, well, if i were dishonest use, and of course, that is why it was very important for them that germany would always be such a watchful dog." how much they
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supported these so-called west german revanchists, franz joseph strauss, such were the figures, without ever intending to satisfy these claims in any way , so when the brand changed that... all program documents, starting from the nineties, completely distorted the meaning of this, this is already completely, it appeared there that the reason for fulfilling obligations is ethnic unrest, i remember, and rejection of western values, you can
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imagine, if rejection of western values, you can invade and bomb, so of course, what we just saw is this, remember, there was such a parkinson’s law, because when an organization...
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signs up for the mandatory provision of funding and weapons to the kiev regime, as long as he continues to fight with the russian federation, we all know that kiev is not independent, it only follows the instructions
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of its superiors, masters who need to implement the anti-russian project, this is not hidden if you listen to the speech of the leaders of the united states. in britain, france, germany, nato, the european union, you will see that the main thing for them is to defeat russia. this mandatory funding that they want to introduce into nato is already announced in material terms as 100 billion dollars, well, it’s true, the hungarians immediately said, that we will not pay, most countries simply said that this is not located.
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must sit down and negotiate an agreement in which she will understand that she cannot win the war, and in which ukraine will become a sovereign, independent state. the situation on the battlefield is very serious, we see how russia is moving forward, and we know that they are trying to win this war by waiting out us, we need to send them a clear answer in the form of practical and financial assistance to ukraine. we need to develop a structure that will show that we are with ukraine for a long time, this is the only way we can end this war, why is he so nervous? well, the hat is on fire, by the way, i remembered in the context of lavrov’s statement about the combination of nazi tendencies and nato. i remembered about the secret nato programs that were published in ninety, ninety-one , operation gladio, all these things, where in
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neutral territories, finland, switzerland, mi6, the cia were actively preparing very far-right groups that should not only territory, first of all, i recently read excellent article about france, belgium and the netherlands. and something needs to be done urgently, apparently, in my opinion, i assume there will be some kind of shift towards the center of power, which will undertake obligations to promote nato policy in the near future, the next 2-3 years, well this is the center of power, well, the european center of power is not located on the continent, well, britain, judging by their military doctrine, at least in 23, which came out, and judging by the nato strategic document, which came out in june 22, this is is quite compatible, if this... also add here trump’s ideas about how nato
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should self-regulate in europe, and we switch to the focus on the south sea in 1927 and prepare for such and such a collision, then i think that our most aggressive, most in many ways, such rabid rival will focus on the european theater of military operations and take on the role of some kind of curator of this alliance, but i’m not sure about money, well, i honestly don’t think it’s nato. may exist without the united states, but 95%, this is the united states of america, but the west, in principle, really has no logic in their policies, so lavrov today, in my opinion, very well noticed one of these logical nuances, inconsistencies in nato policy , let's listen, at the beginning of the special military operation, even before it, probably, western... ideologists said: let's quickly accept ukraine into nato, when ukraine does not
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dare to attack it, because russia does not dare to attack it, because russia does not could attack a nato country. now, as you see, the statements have changed, they are now saying: ukraine is about to lose, we cannot allow ukraine to lose, because as soon as it loses to russia, russia will immediately attack nato. here "- where exactly?
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fighter aircraft, well, of course, well, where
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is the logic that russia will attack nato, on the one hand, yes, then, well, if they have 20 times more gdp and military expenses, why raise them anymore, it would seem, yes, but at the same time it’s somehow interesting, there are several, some there are clearly no graphs, yes, which are, in fact, quite equalizers, what are called great equalizers, you know, this is my position.
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the union is ready to reach paris and so even brzyzinsk, which has always hated us, in one very large article, i remember, debunks this theory and says that after the war the soviet union was so absorbed in its problems and carried out large-scale demobilization that what kind of speech could there be about that, well, here of course i would also draw attention to the fact that he is a grand schnapps somehow omitted some weapons components, such as strategic missiles.
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one of the worst things that has ever happened to humanity. throughout its seventy-five-year history, nato, which has caused incalculable damage not only to the peoples it has recognized as enemies, but to all the countries it has included in its membership, continues to carry out its plans, which bring new sacrifices to humanity. nato is not a protective umbrella, it is the number one security threat to the entire world,
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especially to turkey. nato is ruthless a terrorist organization that constantly plans new invasions and wars interferes in internal affairs.
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forces are developing on their own, and the turkish army is much more combat-ready today, less than all the other nato armies, why nato, yes, well, oh, nato, its asianization and the security council, we will continue after the advertisement, at the national security and defense council on ukraine has a new leader, someone
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litvinenko, he once even studied at the kgb high school, and then changed his shoes. nato is a matter of our survival. his teacher vladimir gorbulin. already at that time the west was preparing to drag russia into the conflict. not with russia, this is not the past or present, this is our future, which must be prepared with all responsibility. foreign intelligence services provide him with a career. royal college is now working very closely in ukraine. litonko was the person who worked on plans for the collapse of the front and the defeat of the ukrainian military. they are preparing to create a government. letvinenko is considering the issue. legal basis for the document on the appeal of the president of ukraine to western countries about the introduction of a limited contingent of troops, that is, to involve norway, finland, france, and great britain. alexander letvinenko, secretary of the security council of the ninety- fifth district. dolls of the heir tutti.
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today is the first one. russian in hollywood: from a to z. a. americans. b. bandits. v. vladovin. g. g head of the toe. d. what is your evidence. e. e. z. we'll be with your health and brief to lshtshfum m corn syrup n nova si o irsk leave rush with the secret russian weapon actually this is a birdhouse t topant in chelyabinsk sha, a hat in a shank,
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hard sign, soft sign, yu yadka, on saturday on the first. virtual reality is a place where everything impossible is possible, i see you, you are now in my room, hello, several people can be in the virtual space at once, that is, for example, the plant is located in talyat, the customer is in st. petersburg , so they can meet together and discuss, for example, a car, a model, as if it actually already physically exists, our company is engaged in the development and production of diagnostic tests to determine allergic reactions using exactly... our laboratory reagents have the widest range of allergens that can be detected. the main motif of our collections
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is sheepskin coats. we also produce leather items, suits, coats, trousers, skirts. our brand's style is everyday luxury. our everything. premiere. on saturday, on the first. anatoly konstantinovich, give me maria as my wife. you can give it away. good. the idea of ​​​​gathering devotees with your dad, we have embroidered shirts here, it’s so beautiful, an amazing one has been preserved in the vologda province ritual of dressing up, the bride was placed on a table decorated with a rich tablecloth and her friend was helped to put on her wedding attire, someone came to us, well, who is young, bring out our beauty, well, why should they have a wedding, they got into trouble? faced off, quarreled, fought off, chasing, years, chasing,
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we're having a wedding, on sunday on the first, graffiti in sao paulo is everywhere, it's true that you can choose any place in the city and draw what you want if you start drawing on some at the police station, then of course they will come to you, they won’t put you in jail, but they won’t give you a fine small, what are they like here... in brazil, men are very attentive and caring, it’s clear that sometimes someone’s husband can go to the left, our blood is hot, but we have our own woman, she is always alone, i see what you basically have here women work, we just want the women's coffee business to develop along with the men's equally, brazil, coffee is just bliss, the lives of others, premiere on sunday on the first.
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a big game on the first, and today on the day of the seventy-fifth anniversary of nato, deputy minister of foreign affairs alexander grushko, who was ambassador to nato for many years, gave a long interview in which he spoke about the prospects of our relations with this organization. russia has repeatedly raised questions with the north atlantic alliance about creating a solid foundation for relations based on the principle of indivisible security, and politically in the field of military development , the alliance’s activities are aimed at confrontation with our country. when nato doctrinal documents categorize russia as the most significant direct threat, it makes no sense to talk about any specific modalities of hypothetical agreements with the west, but if when western capitals realize that...
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we then had good relations with them, why? well, you understand, this is a standard procedure, if there are air bases, if there is a naval base, it should, so to speak, immediately undergo modernization to nato standards. here is the answer to the question posed: they never did, or do they need to be disbanded and new organizations created? yes, but it’s not for nothing that when
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the soviet union collapsed, i remember the articles for...
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china, indonesia and saudi arabia, who said, don't be naughty, let's listen. countries sympathetic to russia are demanding that the eu abandon any thoughts of mass confiscation of moscow's state assets.
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representatives of china, saudi arabia and indonesia in private. yes, here, well, firstly, when the first step was taken to expropriate our assets of the sovereign fund, this was the destruction of the principles of the capitalist system, which is based on trust, first of all, in capitalist institutions, but then they we paused and realized a little that well, we see some countries here, one of the most numerous countries in southeast asia with the maximum strategic interest,
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saudi arabia, which has the largest funds in american and european. including banks and investments everywhere, there are more than a trillion, and china, of course, they understand that if this happens now, this is a very blatant step, of course. they will have to urgently do something with the financial infrastructure, withdraw money, this will simply destroy all understanding of how the world capitalist system is working at this stage and well, that is, this is not just a shot in the foot by the european american bureaucracy, probably in this case, this is something that will probably really make a new world architecture, but most importantly, this is not will cause damage to us, because we will immediately confiscate their forces for a similar amount, plus we are simultaneously building a parallel infrastructure, but now the main incomprehensible variable in world politics is how iran will respond to israel strike on the iranian consulate in damascus does not
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respond iran cannot respond, it is obliged and it will respond, this is how it can respond, what could be the corresponding reaction of the country of israel of the united states? well, the situation in the middle east remains very tense and of course that’s a fact. that blows were struck at diplomatic representation in general is unprecedented, because there is a corresponding convention on diplomatic relations, and it is categorically always, even in the most difficult moments, to strike blows to diplomats, this is the realm of fantasy, this is evidence of the collapse of the system of international relations in which we find ourselves, it is obvious that the united are primarily interested in the collapse, chaos, and setting fire to the region... quite serious patience, even there 30-40 years ago everyone would have rushed screaming, throwing
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israel into the sea, but now it should be noted that the countries of the region were patient, everything was at the level of rhetoric, but after this strike it is obvious that iran will respond, in fact it is already talking about it directly says, and from the point of view of the system this is very bad. because everything is moving into the stage of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, which means that the norms stop working, and until humanity matures to create these very new norms of a polycentric world, undoubtedly polycentric, conflict interaction will develop at various points world, and of course the middle east in this regard is very dangerous from the point of view of this conflict potential, unfortunately, the west, as part of the pursuit of hegemony, on the contrary , is trying to set it on fire, and not... stop this the most conflict? yes, the united states is clearly interested in maintaining tension here, but i would not underestimate the role of israel, which also plays an independent role here, netanyahu himself,
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for whom, whose situation is now very precarious, people are demanding his resignation, war with iran - this would be just the thing that would allow him to sit in his chair, this is a small victorious war, as he believes, could save him, but i think it’s unlikely. iran's response will be harsh, they they will not be able not to respond to this obvious provocation, well, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. let's take the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00, don't miss it. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. three more defendants in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus, detained in moscow, yekaterinburg and omsk.


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