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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 4, 2024 6:30pm-7:56pm MSK

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kamil nasibov, the one to whom both owe their lives, and not only them. on that tragic evening, everything happened before his eyes. the man first carried the wounded out of the building, then returned to the concert hall engulfed in fire, helping hundreds of people get out. he saved camilla when he was already losing strength, showed the employees of the ministry of emergency situations the premises where the girl was blocked, an example of incredible endurance and fortitude, but today he could not hold back his tears. thanks a lot. thank you, details of this touching meeting and new stories about real heroes, watch the program today at 21:00. that's all for now, we'll keep an eye on it.
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developments, and the information channel on the first will continue with the program “time will tell.” hello, live on channel one, the program “time will tell.” i am artyom shenin, today we will talk, as always, about the most important current events, and one of these events from yesterday evening is on the agenda.
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defense of france, but a representative of one of the countries of the nato alliance, which in fact is, no matter how many times they say it, in fact, a party to the conflict, without which the conflict on the territory of the former ukraine would have ended long ago and would not have lasted with such harshness, with such cruelty, in general, the results are not yet completely predictable, let’s be honest, we believe in victory, but when and how will we we will reach it , taking into account the fact... that the entire nato there is supported by this terrorist entity, i wouldn’t risk saying now, but this very nato alliance, which is supported by the very hidden ones, is celebrating its seventy-fifth anniversary today, and i would be very glad, if it were possible, like in previous years, well, 5-10 years ago, we would laugh at what kind of cake they have, well, the cake is really poor, as some people think, as
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one friend told me, she says, yes, in moscow, any the confectioner, therefore, would have done better, well , that’s the whole problem, that they have achieved that they cannot now turn to moscow confectioners for cakes, but unfortunately, events especially, especially the last 2 years, indicate that that in general you can giggle at the cake, especially the one, now i’ll draw your attention, of course he says a lot, this is an alliance that teaches everyone, so to speak, how to do it, these are such superhumans. well, there is a suspicion that pay attention, now as they say here, yes, watch your hands, they will eat it with your hands, they have actually already started, then, apparently, it dawned on them that somehow there is something wrong, continuation this video was nowhere to be found, maybe from somewhere the italian pilots flying past dropped them some beautiful forks painted in colorful colors, but these are all jokes, in fact certainly. cakes with cakes, orchestras, orchestras,
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that means family photographs, family photographs, i wouldn’t give a damn about all this if it weren’t for what i started with, now, today this alliance in the military and military-technical sense supports that formation, with which our armed forces are conducting very difficult military operations on the territory of the former ukraine, why are we still with...
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the fact that the french were seated at the victors’ table, we all know perfectly well, thanks to whom and whose desire this was, it was, by the way , in the pursuit of at least something contrast with the anglo-saxons. in the security council and in the new world order, well , how the french repaid for this, we all know very well, although of course they rocked the boat with nato several times, but rocked the boat until the money ran out, now the money ran out, and now it’s like only macrons , medicine, duty, and well, that’s all, so to speak, and therefore, why it is very important to understand this now, because the anglo-saxons in this case are british. still view this alliance as a way to keep europe under control and let it draw to it enemy and somewhere in the future it may once again push it towards something that
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will once again lead to europe lying around, destroyed, in the economic sense this is already happening, but they do not exclude military methods . in any case, the british minister of defense, grand sheps, and in his statements in his articles, which he literally just wrote, and it seems to me that he does not even hide this. well, now we have to break for advertising, but who cares about sheps, about those signs that he draws about the balance of forces between nato and the russian federation, and which, apparently, should lead everyone to the idea that this pre-war period, which he talks about in the article for the telegraph, is, well, so to speak, some kind of reality, for those who are interested in looking at the signs, i just now... posted them on my telegram, look, this is actually a continuation of our conversation, well, so that the advertisement has something to occupy not only the eyes, but also the brain, and we will be back soon, the suspect sirgi was given by his lover, to his mistress, he promised to marry, now both are standing crying, my
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actions, reception, well, what actions could there be, film it on your phone, let them say it’s real, you can make me a copy of his files, wait for me, i’ll be there soon. and don’t let the lights on in the car, sit there, yeah, you know this man, we’re working, you’re in the homicide department now, for completely different matters, hello, you can talk, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program, virtual reality is that place where everything impossible is possible, i see you, you are now in my room, hello. in virtual space can there are several people at once, that is, for example, the plant is located in talyat, the customer is in st. petersburg, so they can meet together and discuss, for example, a car, a model, as if it actually already physically exists, our company is developing ,
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producing diagnostic tests to determine allergic reactions using our reagents, the laboratory has the widest range of allergens that can be detected, mainly... the motif of our collections are sheepskin coats, we also we produce leather items, suits, coats, trousers, skirts, the style of our brand is everyday luxury, our everything, the premiere is on saturday on the first, calmly, comrade, we are coming to you, professor, that’s what we’re talking about, raggedy, you can say whatever comes into their head, anything, that you hurt me...
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dances, that it will drive for a long time, quietly, bicycle, bicycle, that’s right, i work in a circus, which room, tell me, as a janitor, i clean cages, the youngest city of the golden ring, ivanova, ivanova, right, the city of brides, my beloved, my life, my beloved, i am yours. i know i ’m singing something next, i’m premiering, i love my country on saturday at the first, i’m the grandson of a manufacturer, i can do everything, but all i have to do is come to any group,
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perform there, everyone else falls down, through the night and the wind, i have to go destined, the non-native shines nowhere. for, but there is no money, i have nothing to follow, i’m not going to replay anything, under no circumstances would i live my life differently, in memory of vladimir zhirinovsky, on saturday on the first, graffiti in sao paulo is everywhere, it’s true that you can choose any place in the city and draw whatever you want, if you start drawing at some police station, then of course you will be punished, they won’t put you in prison, but they will give you a fine. small, what kind of men are here in brazil, very attentive and caring,
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it’s clear that sometimes someone’s husband can go to the left, our blood is hot, but we have our own woman, she is always alone, i see that you mostly have women working here , we just want the women's coffee business to develop along with the men's equally, brazil, coffee is just bliss, the lives of others, premiere on sunday on the first. the snow is still white in the fields, and the waters are noisy in the spring. they run and wake up the sleepy shore. they run, they shine, and they shout. they shout all over the place. spring is coming, spring is coming. we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us forward. what where when? spring series of games, on sunday on the first,
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time will tell the program, we continue to work live, well, now we are moving directly to current events, although current events, as i said at the beginning, are certainly connected with today’s events in headquarters i was feverishly searching to myself enemy and feverishly continues to create one from the russian federation, not only in relation to the conflict on the territory of the former ukraine, but from the point of view that if we don’t stop them there, now they will trample on further, precisely from the point of view of this frame, this context in which we all find ourselves, and of course such attention was aroused by yesterday's news, on which we finished the broadcast yesterday that, on the initiative of the french side, a telephone conversation took place
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between the ministers of defense of france and the russian federation, in general, there is nothing unexpected in the fact that the versions of what was the content of these conversations diverge quite strongly on both sides, this happens quite often, but in my opinion, this is indicative, the french version, let’s say, is a statement of what. .. what was at the center of the conversation, quite a lot of space is devoted to the fact that there was, condemnation of the terrorist attack was expressed, france’s solidarity with the victims and their families was expressed, it was also confirmed that france has no information linking this attack with ukraine, well, it’s not like that nothing unexpected, except that we all understand perfectly well that, in general, probably on the 13th day after the terrorist attack, it was clearly not to express solidarity. the french minister of defense called, this, in principle, could have been done earlier, but on the other hand, i
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said this yesterday, i think it’s important to repeat it today, that the fact that this context is like this, let’s say, well, not a conflict, is emphasized by the french side, this also says something important, despite the fact that even in their version, it means once again it is written that they condemn the aggressive war that russia. blah blah blah in ukraine, this is where it’s interesting and reminded me that france will continue to support ukraine for as long and as actively as necessary, and well , blah blah blah, security and so on, but in general, given that the conversation lasted an hour, it is also generally clear that for the sake of solidarity and condolences, reminders that they will support as long as necessary, i would hardly have called, i probably called for something and... also from our version , the version that is officially
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yesterday, after our broadcast , the ministry of defense posted it in its resources, we see that naturally, of course, here is the answer to these condolences, but here, of course, the answer is that ukraine does nothing without curators, and that these traces go where -that is, so to speak, in the direction of the curators, that is, it is confirmed that we still believe that ukraine is somehow connected with this and that ukraine itself is not connected with this, although there is a phrase there that, well, we kind of hope that france... had nothing to do with this, by the way, i think that france really had nothing to do with this, perhaps, therefore, even in the current situation , it is the french minister of defense who makes this call, what was once again told to him, what has already been heard publicly more than once, sergei shaigu indicated that in the event of a practical the implementation of these plans to send troops there will not end well,
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either, well, for this purpose these are all important statements. but it is absolutely clear that for this purpose it was probably not necessary to call each other, which means that the question still remains, what was the reason for the call, what was the main topic of the conversation, and of course, the most important point that everyone paid attention to, in our version of the description of this conversation, is that the readiness for dialogue on ukraine was noted, the starting points could be based on the istanbul peace. initiative and holding a meeting in geneva without russia’s participation is pointless. from which, on the one hand, we can conclude that licarniu was trying to talk about this geneva story as a kind of intermediary. ukraine and france are quite actively trying in this clearing, somehow imagine yourself as some kind of mediator, so perhaps the mention of the istanbul peace initiative
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concerns precisely the antithesis of this geneva one. a story about which, let me remind you, we have long said through the mouth of the ministry of foreign affairs that even if they invite us, we will not go, and no one has yet invited us anywhere, therefore, and at the same time, it is no less interesting that regarding the question of the british anglo-saxons, here what he said about this, the retors interpret how they reacted to our version, the french, listen, france denied the statement. russia that it has expressed its readiness to conduct a dialogue on ukraine or discuss possible peace negotiations during the conversation between defense ministers. it is not true. we have never shown any readiness for dialogue on ukraine, negotiations or anything like that. - said a source in the french government. paris emphasizes that the conversation was about the increased terrorist threat after the terrorist attack in moscow. note. the british retors
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quote some frenchmen, the french themselves keep it. well, there’s already a question mark for me, this the fact that when they turned to the press secretary of the president of the russian federation dmitry peskov for clarification, this is the content of the istanbul peace initiative, well, as i understand it. in the realities of april twenty- four, because well, we all remember that as soon as something sounds like istanbul in combination with a peaceful initiative, there is still good will, here we are somehow all like that, yes we are somehow all like that well, we’re going, so the press secretary of the president of the russian federation sent everyone away,
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sent them, addressed everyone to the ministry defense of the russian federation, this is such an interesting story, considering. well, i remember from my army service that it is unlikely that the minister of defense of the russian federation, a man with shoulder straps, could discuss this kind of thing, and his subordinates state it in press releases, without coordinating it with the political leadership, so it’s clear that what it’s actually difficult to understand, but it is possible and necessary to analyze, let’s start, let’s start with you, well, for me , this whole story was really exactly the same surprise, and i tried one way or another...
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within the framework of this, of course, the position and place of france in one way or another in contacts with europeans, it is understandable, yeah, it arises. question: why then the minister of defense? here, in general, too, for me, to some extent, the answer is obvious: macron’s story is completely ruined, we know that no one cares for him, that at least our
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president will not forgive him for his chatter, that’s all that, in general, has been done and has been said, that is, the level of contact in this case is too frivolous for our president, it is destroyed, imagine contacts through the foreign ministry are even more difficult, because who is the husband, who is the wife, who is doing what, figure it out. it’s impossible, in general, it’s not in our, how to say, habits to get involved in all this, and especially to communicate with such people, so to speak, well, we’re boys, right, well, within the framework in this case in this case of a certain orang report card, all that remains is the minister of foreign affairs, the minister of defense, that is, the minister of defense, i beg your pardon, that is, the minister of defense, who, in principle, is a person by virtue of his position who is immersed in all these topics terrorism, on the theme of war.
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in this case, britain is not looking for negotiations, and britain doesn’t need it for nothing, but within the eu, where everyone more and more, one way or another, but they realize that ending the war on the ideas with which they started is literally impossible, then there is no military defeat, there is no internal russian crisis, there is no political crisis, the costs are increasing, and the most important thing is that, in general , the horse itself, on which everyone is betting... is ukrainian, it is starting to limp more and more, try to put negotiations into action later, when the horse begins to fall on its front hooves, so to speak, on its front legs,
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in this case it will be too late, so you need to create some kind of bridgehead or some kind of territory for at least a preliminary exchange, even not just opinions, but simply in order to be able to at least somehow negotiate on this territory, within the framework of this i proceed from this. that this is just a purely french, not even an initiative, but a french direction to build relationships with russia no matter what, but without any serious elaboration directly, so that we now let’s, uh-huh, that is, you think that this is some kind of attempt to discuss a potential protocol of intent, they say: well, here, for example, something in geneva, and we tell them, no, here... something like, you know, this is clearing a site where maybe we will meet someday, like this, yeah, and in this situation, as you said, and this is actually a very
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interesting version, defense ministers are only because, well, the highest levels there are like everything would be complicated, and this is the highest level at which communication can still be carried out, taking into account plus this and plus this, in principle, this is the only other option at which there is a reason, because in general , it’s like an official reason. as we heard, after 13 days, suddenly express condolences to us, theoretically, here are two people of this military level, they can kind of talk about it, it’s not for nothing that i emphasized yesterday and today that this is a story with condolences and solidarity in connection with a terrorist act and some willingness to jointly fight against terrorism,
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the fact is that in march there was another round again, when there were some publications about the possibility of some kind of platforms for russian-ukrainian negotiations, they were going on, and erdogan spoke about it , and the minister of foreign affairs of turkey spoke about this, once again said that he was ready to play a certain role, so istanbul, i think, is also no coincidence now sounds, but just then... the crocus happened, now it’s like a certain - some new circle of something, perhaps begins. mikhail, let's talk about the simple first, then the complex. a simple one looks like this: nato is the largest terrorist organization in the history of mankind. mikhail, how do i and terrorist organizations work? they bind their members with blood. therefore, when one terrorist commits a crime, or organizes
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a crime. the soviet union, as we know from our close relations with degol, not only from history textbooks, but also from england,
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as we remember. he is also, in general, a very pro-english comrade, so it is possible that in addition to speaking for themselves, they also said: guys, you guys have all sorts of publications about england, it’s all nonsense, the british have nothing to do with it either, we’re right next to each other, we know that, on the other hand, comrade macron... expressed great resentment over the fact that they somehow formulated that the russian defense minister somehow spoke very harshly, even threateningly, to the french defense minister. in what situation could such connotations arise? i fully admit that our minister of defense politely informed the french said that if its people appeared on the territory of ukraine, they would be a priority target for the russian, the official
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statement said, that this would be the case. this may have been said somehow, the civilian minister of defense may have misinterpreted it, but nevertheless, this is about well, and this is like a retelling of what happened, both what lies on the surface, and now about slightly more complex things, came, as our israeli, some friends call the shame of the jewish people, to paris the day before.
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a very funny process happened not so long ago not far from france in the hague, several dozen foreign ministers gathered there and...
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so that this term could be heard: what kind of istanbul is it, when the situation on earth has changed beyond recognition over the past 2 years, but, but, but, no one says that who - this will be seriously considered, this is the stove from which they will dance, because there is no other stove, and they will dance very far away, but nevertheless, this is - if not an invitation to dance, then this is not a refusal to dance, no, we never we are not giving up anything, please note attention, not from ever.
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not a single bridge across the vnepr will remain; there will be a completely different, not only geopolitical, but also military situation. yes, well, i completely agree with mikhail gennadievich. i think we should say that while agreeing completely on something, mikhail gennadivich expressed several different versions, in general, yes, i’m just, i’m just clinging to the phrase first, yes, we all understand perfectly well that all the bridges across the dnieper will remain, and this explains a lot, i looked at the media field, but around this call, it is clear that none of us are there was present, and it would be strange to ask us what they could be talking about, but...
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history, unfortunately, teaches us and military history, mainly diplomatic history, teaches us that such military victories do not happen.
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you see, people who immediately become numb from some of these same phrases then begin to look for an explanation for their numbness, this is not a sign of anything, it is a sign of the structure of the head - of certain people, that’s why it is necessary to analyze not the structure of the heads of these people, but that we can, well, from the practice given to us in sensations, find out, you know, if every time istanbul says that a is, that is, istanbul is not synonymous with drain, then yes. you see, that’s why a theme just arose here, like, let’s
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not go to istanbul, let’s do it here in geneva, the swiss are working, we’ll call you, and here, too, there are two lines and two phrases, which if our phrases, which if it fits together, then it fits together dialectically, the first phrase was actually spoken about by representatives of the foreign ministry, yes, that even if we are invited to this geneva, we will not go, this is said officially, yes this is said officially in the official we read that a meeting in geneva without russia is meaningless, that is, we will not go, without us it is meaningless, that is, this can be understood dialectically, it can be understood dialectically, just as dialectically one can understand, for example, that... that this one is not public anywhere erdogan’s initiative, which has not yet been seen, and it, for example , overlaps quite strongly with the proposals of the chinese, as people say who, well, at least pretend that they are aware, but i don’t know, so this is actually the initiative of the chinese for
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everything is good, against everything bad, we haven’t seen the specifics either, so actually , as it was said, we are also for everything good against everything bad, we just have our own ideas about the good.
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if you lose, you won’t win, so, and since you are addressing this, this is numbness, and that today you see some signs on the battlefield and in general in the military situation that would push us towards this, no, absolutely, and then why freeze,
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i agree, but history, history, military history, oh, here is military history, starting from russian-turkish wars.
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sekorsky said, please, we have decided to create a nato mission in ukraine, this does not mean that we are going to war, but it does mean that we will now be able to use the coordination, training, planning capabilities of nato to support ukraine in a more coordinated way. so, these
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are also, like, rather general words, from which, if you wish, you can deduce something specific, and you, if you wish, this is... general political chatter, in your opinion, this, this is not it that on others, on another it may remain something like the tip of the scales, which is like, well, rudely, i’m now saying very rudely, like, guys, that means, well, we can agree on something that’s not very pleasant for you, or we’ll tighten up our degree of participation, like the resources that we seem to have, you can of course swagger, but we have the resources and so on, that is, well, again the same conditional whips, conditional strand. yes, but here the nato mission, the key word here is a flexible concept, that is, it could be just a diplomatic mission, that’s how it is so it is, yes, and it can be a full-fledged military one.
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an even more ideal option for them, because, well, it is clear that there will be casualties, but as they say, their military also took an oath, so let them carry it out, but the situation is qualitatively different, yes, the ukrainian troops are supplemented by the nato mission, that is, the military the nato command, nato military contingents, i’m just a little familiar with nato peacekeeping, from yugoslavia, from other things, everything seems to be very good there with heavy weapons. and with everything else, all this directly fights against us, nato officially nothing to do with it, nato doesn’t want
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escalation, a hotline is already being created, what remains for us to a- express concern, b- come up with a new stock of creative curse words, no, c - enter into some kind of negotiations, well, actually d- win, yes , well, to win is a, and to win, if not a, then then all these other options are already there... either numb, or petrified, or a set of curses. the same question, vlad, actually, given this situation, it’s clear that these are calls, hotlines, negotiations, exchanges proposals for sites, this is not good for us, this is good for you. in general, as far as the current situation on the battlefield is concerned, and what they can do about this situation, practically not in words, but practically adding, as far as generally, well, allows...
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he communicated with putin there, although there was no communication at all from the word i’m not confusing at all, it was this gentleman who told us that , in my opinion, it was him, but nevertheless, he became the minister of foreign affairs not so long ago and apparently forgot that the nato mission in ukraine was created 2 years ago, it exists, all this time, let me remind you, ukrainian troops were being trained abroad in a bunch of nato countries, all this time there was the famous ramstein format, this is also nato, sorry. and accordingly, plus a bunch of countries, well, when he talks about this, we tend to conclude that we are talking about some other step, so i ask, is this some other step, it
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exists in the real world, i move on to this case, just in time for this, i don’t see the possibility now, at least i’m talking about at least 8-9 months for nato to get into the territory of ukraine, why, because in in principle, of course, to gather a certain number of troops, and clearly not a determining one, this is not a grouping. another thing is that the factory of these people without cover is nothing at all, but the main thing is , in principle, sending them to slaughter, which
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our ministry of defense and not only quite frankly once again confirmed. even from the air, that is, in this case , the presence of even a small contingent, for example the french, it requires the presence of everything, like the french army from the point of view of everyone, everything is everything, yes everything is everything systems.
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for this money there are only 3,000 shells, although they haven’t even delivered them to ukraine yet, but the money has already run out, and there are still plans for 5,000 somewhere, but we still have to get ready, the money has run out or the shells, because that’s what i’m hoping for, right now the problem is not only to find money, to find shells, you know, he started it, he’s talking about his own, about czech, you know, it’s not for nothing that peter pavel looks like such a famous gypsy harrow of the 19th century as their then they showed, you know, that is, for them it was a question about money before total. they say: let’s chip in for another 500,000 shells, because otherwise nothing will work out, everyone understands that in general this whole conversation about a million, it was a conversation about how the czech republic will simply, as they say, make money on this matter, in in this case, the following thing arises from this: in addition to chekhov’s shells , the very contingent that will enter will also need shells, and this depends on where he will stand, if he is not standing right, he
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will need them if he is in western ukraine will stand up to parts of ukrovermah. transfer there, then he won’t really need shells here, you know, the fact is that in the western part of the ukrvermakh there is not much, there is an ukrvermakh on the border with belarus, of course there is, well, that means the french on the border with belarus won’t have much use for them yet are needed, but i’m just saying in this case that, in principle , nato does not have the technical and logistical capabilities for full support in the next 6-7 months, i understand, i understand, now briefly or after advertising on ...
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substantiation of the document on the appeal of the president of ukraine to the countries letvinenko is considering the issue of the legal west on the introduction of a limited contingent of troops, that is, to draw in. "norway, finland, france, great britain. alexander litvinenko, secretary of the security council of the 95th quarter. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. veda vodka, a product of the stellar group.
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old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group. how mercilessly time flies? is it possible to turn back turn back time and send the hands of the clock of our lives in the opposite direction? we will answer other questions in the program live healthy! tomorrow on the first! arzamas translates as a city of beautiful people, here you can feel like a parisian!
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premiere! on saturday on the first russian in hollywood from a to z americans b) bandits vladovin d) head toes d what is your evidence e f your health we will be with and brief to lshtshfum. m. corn syrup. n. novosi oyirsk. o. deliver. p. r. russia. s. secret russian weapons.
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actually, this is a birdhouse. t. tapant. u. whoa. f. in samnam. x: cold. i'm not for such an idiot i'm used to it. tse.zhty. chelyabinsk sha, earflap hat, sha, hard sign, s, soft sign, uh, yu, usa, i, beckoning, that’s how a pocketbook is on saturday on the first. family is love, first of all, it is support, it is support, these are the people who can support you at any time, our mothers, wives, daughters, these are the most beloved, every
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week the whole family goes to some restaurant, cafe and we just spend time together, being parents is great, it’s good, but in general it’s very, very exciting, it’s just an attraction, i wish mothers that they always win. in some games, mommy, we love you, yes, oh, motherland, you are my second mother, i am dear to you, i am ready to give my whole life, my family, my loved ones, my friends, this is my homeland, and i want she smiled every day along with her residents, time will tell the program, we continue to work in...
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not exactly the way it would have ended if it had been turkey alone, well, let’s say, the treaty of paris was not a loss in the crimean war, just like was not her gain, precisely because the joint resources of england and france plus turkish infantry turned out to be a factor that played a certain role, in this sense we analyze, if today’s ours are no longer quite the same, or rather, not at all the same french and not quite the same british, well, this whole west, something like that about 100.. billions of euros that they are going to collect in europe, and i already mentioned, they are already writing that many countries there are rolling their eyes, in general they don’t really want it, this is on the one hand, on the other hand, why do i
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say that they are not exactly the same, but nevertheless, those british, here you go, that same sheps, with which i started today, here you go, on this day we must again urgently think about the future of the alliance, we have entered the pre-war period from the post-war period. russia threatens our neighbors. china is becoming more and more aggressive. iran is using its proxies to cause regional chaos from the middle east to. strait of yemen, and north korea constantly sashes its nuclear sabers. even 10 years ago , nato allies agreed to spend 2% of gdp on defense, and we need to plan to increase this indicator for the sake of strengthening our defense. however, some countries still don't spend even 2%. this cannot continue, we cannot play russian roulette with our future. the real question is, will sheps succeed somehow ? to move, well, sheps, collective
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sheps, to move someone in europe, and that they will decide to play russian roulette for everything, and something else serious will oppose us in the military-technical or, by the way, in the economic sense, that means in economically will be contrasted further under command of the americans, but now, as far as i can understand, their task is to confuse us in order...
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they can reap at the same time telling us about what terrible aggressors we are in the suwalki salient area, especially taking into account the fact that both sweden and finland are now in nato in general is the baltic, but i think that this is the future he’s talking about, they still don’t have it, yeah, i’ll honestly say that for me regional chaos is not a problem from the middle east to the strait of yemen, yeah , neither from french brest to belarusian brest, this is neither one nor the other regional chaos.
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at the click of a button he laughs at something completely different, what are you trying to do, in what installment plan should we return the money stolen from you? well , of course, i was going to talk to you right now about some pistorius who is begging petrio tama about pistorius, why am i also
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surprised, i wanted to say kuleba, pistorius said, and that’s correct, it’s called because there is no kuleba , this is such a collective pistorius, but it’s a pistorius. this is a collective this same lloyd austin, but to be honest, i won’t talk about it, because mikhail, so to speak, colorfully brought me to this really topic about the main slogan, and that it was possible, because we had all these discussions by calling a doctor there, you know, there’s an istanbul the peace initiative, the geneva one , this is the story, but we are not this, but we are not this, we all witnessed a few days ago that the country, which in general has long said that there is world order. and the world law is not written for her personally, she gave us another example that this is possible, i mean israel’s attack on the diplomatic mission of iran in syria, that is, there, as it were, two red lines were simply completely swept away, i think this
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has never happened, that is, this is still one red line, belgrade, belgrade american chinese pi on the chinese embassy, ​​belgrade the american embassy was not the target after all.
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we know the problems of netanyahu, his inner circle, and his, say, work there in gas, it is now starting to get stronger, well, sort of to say, to sag along the political line, it no longer becomes the excuse that it was there one and a half to two months ago, and look, if you now want
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to lead to the fact that he needs some other, well, sort of aggravating the situation, in order to switch from gas, i completely agree with you, but it seems to me... it seems that in order to now understand where to go next with netanyahu’s motivation, everything is more or less clear, the question with the iranians is that because it will flare up or not, it’s not the question of what is needed in the case as an expert step by once again i say, in israel there are those who need war, so let’s take the next stage, let’s say, there are also americans, for americans now the conflict between israel and iran, to some extent , is also, well, what... is called such a serious mobilizing element , at least on the eve of the elections for the same biden, who now needs to receive very strong support, and his unconditional support for israel in repelling iranian aggression, it is ideal, least of all, of course,
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iran is interested in this war, this absolutely exactly, yes, moreover, this is all still developing extremely slowly, i would say, in homeopathic doses in iran itself. formulating an answer suggests that they are very intensively looking for an answer in which iran itself will not be completely drawn into this situation, why? because iran in this case, the stakes are too high, starting from the fact that it somehow dug itself out from under some of the sanctions, ending with the fact that in general it is building relations with those neighbors with those countries in the region, with with which there were no previous relations at all, that is, he has very serious prospects for his... growth within the region, as a regional power, in addition, he has huge tools that he is now used to working very well, his proxy, you see, the houthis, whoever, and they don’t care...
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for some reason i think that now, of course, everyone in iran is also not very pleased that this happened, and they are in no hurry, but for some reason i think that iranian patriots somehow do not become numb, but simply understand this whole the situation that we are discussing here, although i think that they are also in full swing, they are eastern people, there is no party of war, unlike israel. i - when i was in tehran, there - in the northern quarter of the city of tajrish, there already under the mountains, and there, uh, not far from khamini's house, uh, there is a mosque where the grave of a nuclear physicist, shahriari, killed by an israeli pirate, yeah, they come to the grave, they worship at the grave, well, it’s a shiite practice, the sunnis may not agree with this, but the grave is revered, and uh, then iran, by and large, didn’t respond either, yes, that is, the strategy, when general
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qasem sulaymaniyah was killed, he answered, but well, from the empty barn, well, it became clear that he answered yes, but he answered in a simulacrum, that is, iran does not want to be drawn in, they are trying to draw him in, but here there is for we have two aspects, two themes, theme one. war, it will be
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brief for him that if iran gets drawn into the big no matter armenia and zangur, no, that’s a no, i must immediately make a reservation that if turkey gets access to the caspian sea and the great turan project will thereby gain new breath. but actually we don’t have very many options, preferably the whole world, preferably the whole world, yes, we didn’t leave very many, well, strictly
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speaking, we went through this map of the situation, then you yourself can choose the option with which you most agree, with which you are less willing, you will now have a good opportunity for this during an advertisement, short, very interesting, as always on the first channel, the suspect sirgi was given by a lover, to his mistress, he promised to marry. can you make me a copy of his files, wait for me, i’ll arrive soon, and don’t shine there car, sit down, yeah, you know this man, we’re working, you’re in the homicide department now, for completely different matters, hello, can you talk? undercover taxi. premiere. watch the time after the program. bourbon stir.
7:48 pm
product of steller group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. сnop gin is a product of stellor group. virtual reality is a place where everything impossible is possible. i see you. you're in my room now. several people can be in the virtual space at once. that is, for example, the plant is located in talyat, the customer is located in st. petersburg.
7:49 pm
everyday luxury our everything premieres on saturday on the first. calm down, comrade, we’re coming to you, professor, this is what we’re talking about, i cut you off, cut you off, you can say whatever comes to their mind, anything, you’re painfully oppressing me, dad, what kind of dad am i to you, god my, i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our ball, and now do we understand what kind of shining nonsense this is? why am i worse than people? well, i was married, i don’t care, azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and divide it, so i i thought, the heart of a dog, the famous film adaptation of mikhail bulgakov's story on saturday at the first, he still dances, dances, i am the grandson
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of a manufacturer, i can do everything, but all i need to do is come to any group.
7:51 pm
go to the left, our blood is hot, but it’s our own . it’s clear that sometimes someone’s husband can be a woman, she’s always alone, i see that you mostly have women working here, we just want the women’s coffee business to develop along with the men’s equally, brazil, coffee is simply bliss, the lives of others, premiere, on sunday on the first, in the snow is white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, they run, they wake up the sleepy shore, they run, they shine, and they say, they say in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us ahead, what where, when, spring
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series games on sunday? on the first, and i want to finish this conversation of ours with one more example - an example of what we actually often mention on various occasions and today in other programs, that it is obvious to all of us that that modern world, those of it are at least some rules. at least some, so to speak, here red, green, any restraining lines, it is rapidly changing, we don’t understand what the new one will be like, we know for sure that creating this new world will not be easy, but we understand perfectly well that in order to take its rightful place in this new world, it takes a huge amount of effort,
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but i think it's still worth it, no matter... well, so to speak, what effort it requires from us, because there, that's where this world was when this transformation began, there's nothing to do there anyway nothing, and the point is not only that nato deceived wherever it could deceive.
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we need to make some difficult decisions, and i am very glad that many of our athletes, we often say, here they are, many of our athletes from sports federations, are now making a decision, declaring that they do not... see themselves in a neutral status at these olympic games, this is also said by athletes who can actually compete for places, for medals, i
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mean, they can compete on sporting grounds, and on non-sports grounds, political, they were not given the opportunity to do this in a fair fight, there are a lot of examples, this federation gave it today, now i’ll post it on my telegram, read it, there are sealers, well, a lot of people. this is truly very worthy, it speaks of the heart with which we will achieve victory in everything, well, along the way, of course, we will look at the dolls of tuti’s heir, they will invigorate us. to betray means to foresee, this is the motto of alexander letvinenko, the newly appointed head of the national security council of ukraine, an inglorious path from the academy.


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