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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  April 4, 2024 7:55pm-9:00pm MSK

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give for sporting reasons, but for non-sporting reasons, for political reasons, they were not given the opportunity to do this in a fair fight, there are a lot of examples, this federation gave it today, now i’ll post it on my telegram, read it, there are sealers, well, there are a lot of people, this is straight very worthy, this speaks of the heart with which we will achieve victory in everything, well, along the way, of course, we will look at the dolls of tuti’s heir, they will invigorate us. to betray means to foresee, this is the motto of alexander letvinenko, the newly appointed head of the national security council of ukraine, an inglorious path, from the kgb academy to betrayal of the oath, then the oath of allegiance.
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this is russia, which will consider this an order with belly. a few years ago, litvinenko justified the need for ukraine to focus on the west and prepare for a military confrontation with russia. during the first meeting of the national security and defense council of ukraine, the new secretary said that he would continue the work of his teacher, predecessor in the same post, vladimir gorbulin. after the collapse of the ussr, it was gorbulin who had a critical influence on the reversals of the then kuchma policy on the west, for decades, has been engaged in adjusting the theoretical basis of ukrainian russophobia to suit it. the confrontation with russia is not the past
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or the present, it is our future, for which we must prepare with all responsibility. through gorbulin, who was an assistant to several ukrainian presidents and secretary of the security council, letvinenko fell into the orbit of us interests as a promising career politician. he was prepared to work in the power unit since his studies in britain, at the royal college of defense sciences in educational institutions in germany and canada. after school, litvinenko, a resident of kiev, entered moscow. to the higher school of the kgb of the ussr, however, over time he chose to hide this fact. in ninety-four he returned to kiev, even then he declared that intelligence should be on the chain, the answer to the question of whose lies on the surface. we need a special service that can protect our state over which we can establish control, because the special service is like a dog, on the one hand it must be strong, on the other hand it must be on a chain. his predecessor danilov, who did not hesitate to earnings are repainted with nothing. dogs and sold
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them under the guise of wolves when he was still a zoo worker, then he started selling red-skinned flamingos for barbecue, later he took on competitors danilov, a typical representative of the nineties with all the paraphernalia characteristic of that time, crimson jackets, raiding, murders, racketeering and extortion, became legalized in power , originally from the luhansk region, during the hostilities in 2014, he never took his mother out from under ukrainian shelling. the russians need to be destroyed so that they, as a country, stop exist. after his resignation, he was predicted to have a diplomatic post with norway as a base for the fight against russia in the arctic, but the immediate vector of interests shifted to moldova, where danilov was sent as ambassador to a closer, warmer place that would destabilize the situation in a region strategically important for ukraine, transnistria. perhaps ukraine’s desire to open a second front was still alive, the national security and defense council under danilov practically lost its strategic importance, its functions were taken over by ermak, although danilov managed not to have an obvious conflict with '. rumor has it that with ermak
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relations were strained, with his successor the opposite was true. litvinenko has been a friend of yarmak’s brother for more than 20 years, they even engaged in military tourism with him, for example, they took photographs in the city of shchastya against the backdrop of tets in the location of the aidar battlefield with the subtext “hard everyday life in aidar in the fourteenth year.” during the post-maidan government, he was already in the nsdc system, he was deputy to the then secretary turchynov, he started as a decryption specialist, he worked at... at the national institute for strategic studies, he helped to make a career in the sbu, promoted to head of ukraine's foreign intelligence service. letvinenko, unlike his predecessor nezamarno, who has a gangster past, considers himself a career intelligence officer with a clearly defined approach. perhaps western curators put him in this place for finer tuning in the interaction of different intelligence services, although some analysts call this a promotion after the terrorist attack in moscow. considering the involvement of nato intelligence in the preparation of the terrorist attack and the need for selections.
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real, why did you have to leave like that, but after all, why was danilov formally removed? look, i don’t understand who can take our territories, our lands and throw them away like that, because some heh, i ’m sorry, last name, whatever, or someone else
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thought that they should decide this, this will decide the people of ukraine , led by the president, in such videos, in addition to the formal side of the issue, i have... it’s about insulting a chinese government official, the reaction of the co-hosts is interesting, who at this moment begin to giggle, and i, as a person, who has traveled quite a lot abroad on business, i can tell you that our surnames are often pronounced strangely for them, nevertheless, this is a matter of respect, especially when it comes to a person holding a public post, this is of course unacceptable, but this is a formal reason or is he just such a fool? no, in fact, the decision was made at least in december, and maybe even earlier, his communication really went completely wrong, first of all with ermak, yes, there is a direct conflict there, but more importantly, the conflict with ermak was with danilov’s senior, let’s call it so, partner
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, the ukrainian-british oligarch gaiduk, who, in principle, was the lobbyist for danilov’s appointment, but at that time they were still like a single structure, now they are kind of different towers, if desired, gorbulin the wisest was in fact a politician and official, this structure was implemented in such a way that it could either be a complete dummy, or be instantly pumped up with the most serious content, because the decision of the national security council and defense are mandatory for any ukrainian authorities, mandatory, and this tool was used at the beginning of zelensky’s term.
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they began to introduce sanctions that are prohibited by the constitution, sanctions against their own citizens, there is no such thing, but they began to massively introduce sanctions against legal entities and individuals.
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was it strong? danilov was not strong, most likely this was a social lift that came at his time, that’s my opinion, what if we compare the figures of the new litvinenko and danilov? i have known danilov since 1994, he was elected mayor of lugansk, i was mayor of cherkassy, ​​of course, we were on opposite sides of the barricades before, as today, i was the chairman of the court, he was the foreman in the op.
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the head of the security service of the lugansk region zemlyansky and says: “vladimir nikolaevich, you worked as the chairman of the court, our colleagues in the cherkasy region speak well of you, stop by me on the way before you meet with danil, i come to the sbu, he lays out materials for me observational proceedings, criminal proceedings, i read it all, and he came to alexey and said: “alexey, where did you see politics here, this is about the affairs of the past, plus the present for you.”
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lugansk, a very strong apparatchik, now we are absolutely sure that ukraine will move to the west, well, in general , it turned out interesting, and as for the current formal reason for insulting the chinese special envoy, i think that this is of course absolutely formal history, yes, let's look at all the somersaults of this ukrainian lack of diplomacy in recent years. at the same melnik, for example, in germany, yes, who called the german chancellor a liverwurst, but after that some time passed, but he was sent to another post as ambassador to brazil, or in fact zelensky, let me remind you, not so long ago in in davos at the beginning of twenty-four , zelensky was offered a meeting with chinese foreign minister wang yi, to which zelensky replied that this was too small fry for me, i only want to meet with the leader of china and xi, but this was an obvious insult, but nevertheless like this fine. for the current ukrainian lack of diplomacy or ukrainian politics, so now i think that, frankly speaking,
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if there had not been internal confrontation, danilov would have quite calmly remained in this position, and this was simply used as a certain formal reason to remove him, and even more so , he was not completely removed, he was sent as ambassador to moldova, where it is quite possible that he will still try to create some problems. by the way, indeed, it was originally discussed the question is that he will be sent to norway, and i followed the news, i think yes, it’s apparently under this northern... transnistria, the situation there is now very difficult, sandu comes to transnistria, people come out to meet her not with flowers, with protests posters, and the situation is really heating up. recently there was a council of europe, where the president of romania spoke about moldova, so maybe they even put him in a position to grow? there are two components here:
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firstly, indeed, moldova or moldova, as you like, is now coming together from romania. one of these transit centers, again, and in romania they are building the largest nato base, in moldova there is an agreed upon story that their airfields can be used for ukrainian f-16s at a minimum, that is, and this is really not accidental in this sense, that is a man who, be that as it may, is sent to look after an important direction. the second question, again , the business interests of the same haiduk in moldova and in moldova and transnistria are the potential business interests of his elder.
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zaluzhny great britain, which is predictable in my opinion, then melnik is sent to brazil, well, there are several direct resignations, such as shiffir, in fact, denisova, pushkareva, verbitskaya and smirnov. denis, please comment on what this means, who, where, what dispositions, i would express my opinion about the resignation of the chief, this is not a resignation, he left on his own due to a conflict with yarmak.
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and the one who is here, from being here, will leave tomorrow, he has no right to tskat tomorrow, everything is the same in the carpathians, everything is like ukraine to take place in the baltic-black sea-caspian region, and all the configurations in which they will operate, activities, will be in this region, approximately
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from which, from the recruitment of actors, may already change yes...
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then we are talking about change of mr. danilov and him, the following happened here, the fact is that the main function of the national security and defense council is analytics and thereby they strengthen the competencies of this very instrument. this is very important, and he is good in this regard, and you know, you can call him whatever you want, he may not know how to perform, something else, his voice is funny, he gives a rooster, the whole point is that this man is a real strong enemy, thinking, conscious, let’s say, danilov too, you know, such an enterprising clown in the style of chanson, i would like that named him, if you take litvinenko, he is more, you know, more of a fool, this is his image, so our experts have put forward several.
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alexander litvinen, stay with us! how mercilessly time flies? is it possible to turn back the hands of the clock of our lives and send them in the opposite direction? for this and we will answer other questions in the program live healthy! tomorrow on the first! monte shococa cognac is a product of stellar group, rum castro
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is a product of stellar group, veta vodka is a product of stellar group, old barrel cognac is a product of stellar group, burbon сtirsman is a product of stellar group. arzamas translates as a city of beautiful people, here you can feel like a parisian, an englishman, well, exactly by the hour, it’s all coal-fired, this steam locomotive was made in 1955, everything is for real, goose caviar goes well together, such a luxury of the merchants, you don’t have a salary stop paying for this burger, eugene, we have an installment plan for you. that is , it’s essentially chalk, yes, that is , you can gnaw it right on the wall, if you don’t have enough calcium in your body, you can gnaw it and even lick it, if you want to fight, you’re ready, you’ve started,
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look, the goose is behind the masks came, let's go, premiere on saturday on the first, russian in hollywood, from a to z americans, b: bandits, vladovin, d. head, toe, e) what is your proof, f, f, g, h, your health , we will be happy, and short, k, l, lshtshfum, m, syrup, calluses, n, novosi oirsk, o. put. p.y.r.rush. s. actually, this is a birdhouse. te. topant, u. woah. f. in samnam.
8:20 pm
x: cold. i'm not used to such a dubak. tse. tses.zhty. che. chelyabinsk. sha. earflap hat. right now. solid sign. soft sign. e. this is peter. yu usa i'm beckoning vodka accordion hollywood on saturday at the first one, which will take a long time to drive chick's bicycle, bicycle, that's right, i work in the circus, in which room, tell me, it seems to me, the cleaners, i clean the cages, yes, the youngest city of the golden ring , ivanova.
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i love my country on saturday on the first, this program was seen in the video, my name is nikolai drozdog, it was the first time i saw such contact between a person and a whale, it’s scary with whales, not very, he was blowing bubbles, he was blowing bubbles, and i burst, i don’t know like you, and i just love cleaning, we bought him a ball for his birthday, it took a long time to choose it and he destroyed it in 5 minutes, we didn’t even have time to go out... it’s always a new year, always a housewarming party, if the owner is with him, you saw the video, watch with us, the premiere is on sunday on the first, alenavna, let's do it let’s pay more attention to our work, that’s all for today, okay? family is love,
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first of all, it is support, it is support, these are the people who can support you at any time, our mothers, wives, daughters, these are the most beloved, every week we go with the whole family to some restaurant, cafe and we just spend time together, being parents is great, it’s good, but in general it’s very, very exciting, it’s just an attraction, i wish mothers that they always win in... mommy, we love you, yes , oh motherland- motherland, you are my second mother, i for you, dear, i’m ready to give my whole life, my family, my loved ones, my friends, this is my homeland, and i want it to smile every day along with its inhabitants, maria butina is with you again, this is the doll of the heir to tuti, we continue to understand castlings and
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changes. which zelensky is building, what and for what, and most importantly, everything is determined by the personality, who these new or old persons are, our attention now, well, i’ll say this, needs a certain alexander litvinenko, this is the new head of the national security and defense council, our experts before the break made their assumptions about who this person is, what his character is and what to expect from him, now there is a special guest in our studio, a man...
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a consultant, a government expert, he, being a candidate of science and ssbu, he came only from the ministry of foreign affairs, i came immediately the main senior consultant below, while he was a candidate of sciences, immediately defended his doctoral dissertation, i defended my candidate’s dissertation only eight years later, he is so talented, he means, here is a very important point, i agree with everyone, it means who are letvinenko’s parents, really it's a secret, we don't know no further, you will not find any materials
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from the military and ... mother, it is clear that here he himself says that he was always pulled by the ears of the dnepropetrovsk people, two secretaries of the security council, both vladimir gorbulin and alexander turchinov, they pulled him by the ears, but at the defense of his doctoral dissertation, two generals stood next to me, the dissertation was on information security, frankly weak, they said, that means, yes, he became a doctor of science today, we ...
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the authorities, he has a feeling of arrogance , he looks contemptuously even at any this also means a feeling of autocharism, he believes that everything has been given to him from god, but in life it’s more of his mother’s pie, a complete major. i’ll also add what his motivation is, secret power, he really wants some kind of power, like, you know, from the series, let them talk, but i do it, i solve
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the problem here, this is important for him, you say, he looks down on him, he looks down on him mo, but he will never contradict, which means that for him power is not money, it is impossibilities and that means commands, for him power, he believes that the world... revolves around him, now he has been sent down, that is, in any case, his purpose is demotion, a person who has, therefore, more than 2 billion budget, this is a foreign intelligence service, 500 people in the apparatus, which means the national security council, this is not a demotion at all, this is salvation in a sense and the creation of it again a counterweight at the level of gorbulin, because the foreign intelligence service will now be merged with the gourmo and... he worked in cryptography, but he encrypted, in connection with this he may not have developed speech, because
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he has a more different mindset , and by regarding his, say, career growth, i can give another example: in ukraine the government changed so often that his career could change in the same way due to a change in leadership, and that’s okay. in general, i don’t see this, but regarding the scientific ones, let’s say, well , yuri would probably say better than yes regarding the scientific ones, litvinenko was a supporter, which means the concept of the united people of russian ukrainians, what a year it was, it wasn’t until 2012 that he didn’t change this concept , the main idea of ​​his book published in russian is that the problem of a single people is that there are two states, so his career was going downhill, we found some of him...
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it is also possible that the actual indifference of the usa, great britain and other eu countries to east-central europe makes it possible for moscow to use different, in including crude means, in 2-3 years it will change with a more attentive attitude. consequently, the attack on kiev will unfold in the near future and will be decisive and merciless. the rhetoric is clear, it is pumping up hatred. yes, that is, this is an article from 2009 under by litvinenko, the one mentioned above.
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in london, this time, well, you know, in the chathamhouse magazine they don’t publish about russian people in a special way, yes, there very often current or former mi-6 intelligence officers present their reports and articles, well, look, in general such a scheme is possible, that is, young a future employee who graduates from high school, the kgb, and they select him somewhere, foreign intelligence services provide him with a career, please tell me, when did you work with him, like an information president on the euro-atlantic integration of russia and
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ukraine, but he was like a cool analyst and was considered in the razumkov foundation, although he is a teacher at the same royal institute, and he oversaw all these you know, the same generals about whom i spoke about litvinenko, excuse me, well ... a couple with whom, when james walked ahead, they sent us at meetings, they came up, and i always asked him: “james sher, how do you know the russian language so well?” he said: "i am self-taught." because he never had an internship in russia, ussr, that’s all they laughed because they knew that this meant the royal intelligence institute, and this was a resident, and he, in fact, was the person who communicated with litvin, yes, yes, and here is a very important point, why, then, litvinenko’s life is like a roller coaster, because when ekaterina yushchenko and chumachenko came, she demanded that everyone who studied in russia be sent away. to illustrate, it means that he rises only thanks to turchinov,
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it means that the idiot, excuse me, there was still such a secretary of the security council reference from the madhouse, andrei parubey, and he received a certificate in the seventh grade, which means that andrei porubiy is somehow covered up, which means that the acting president turchinov, who was just installed by litvinenko, is being removed further, which means he comes when together with the british, that's where cher comes from, he comes. in 2020 , his revival begins, and the british just wanted to appoint him as a foreign intelligence service, which , in fact, they did, now there is a new appointment of the national security and defense council, there is another interesting fact in his biography, let's see, with who he is, as a matter of fact, i didn’t make a reservation, with whom he actually studied in what educational institutions, in this case we will follow the person, thank you very much and so, education,
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perhaps one of the most interesting for us, is 2012-2013 and 2002, advanced courses, york university toronto and royal college of defense sciences , london. do you find any interesting places for education, yes, mine are good, well, it’s obvious, this is the community of five eyes, the so- called anglo-saxon, british, american, canadian, australian and new zealand intelligence services, these are their training centers by and large, you need to understand.
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kgb, this is his language, when he studied in high school he mastered the russian language brilliantly, the rules he always worked only in russian, the russian language, a cryptographer is a person who knows the language brilliantly, a cryptographer - you know, he is close to a philologist , he knows very clearly what he is talking about when you show him as a stutterer. you know, from the outside it certainly looks disgusting, but you
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must understand, he speaks a foreign language, you are absolutely right, everyone who has studied english knows, you can immediately see whether a person speaks the language or a person translates, so he translates, and now imagine, any war ends in peace and negotiations, these are the people who will represent the british side, will he somehow be able to earn all the bread that he received from the british, taking into account all his complexities of character, plus obviously he... after all, he was recruited, and the fact is that if now everything will end well, after all , they will come to him and ask him, like a brother, but generally speaking, where did you study and who did you sell something to, he will be against russia to the last, but the key question is how far he can go, you have already answered this question, he is the person who, unlike his predecessor, who was put in moldova, also for a reason, and we know why, because there will now also be a great revolution for moldova. romania and everyone is already talking about it, the ground has been prepared, danilov will play his
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the role is quite large, but unlike danilov, litvinenko, he will go to the end, that is, by and large, even if it is may of 1945, he will remain inside, and he will not run away, because he is functionally in his place, another , if they had been appointed, he would have run away, malik, before we go to advertising, i would like to give you the floor, there are two points here, we have already said a lot about his connections with the british, and i think...
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influential republican neocons in his era , and through this marshal center passed a huge number of politicians in eastern europe, mainly the czech republic, slovakia, slovenia, the balkans and romania, by the way, they themselves say that there are currently about 230 ministers in different countries of eastern europe, and something in the area 200 deputies in different countries went through their programs, but this is, as it were, a purely american story, so i still would not say that he is a conductor of only english there.
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suspect sirgi was given by his lover, his mistress, he promised to marry, now both they’re standing there crying, my actions, reception, well, what actions can there be, film it on your phone, let them say it’s real, can you make a copy of his file for me, wait for me, i ’ll be there soon, and don’t let the light on in the car, sit, uh-huh, you know this man, we’re working. you are now in the homicide department, for completely different matters, hello, you can talk, undercover taxi , premiere, watch the time after the program, mancacher whiskey, stellar group product, cnop gin, stellar
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group product, monte chococa cognac, stella product. rom kastro product of stellar group, vodka veda, product of stellar group. virtual reality is a place where everything impossible is possible. i see you, you are now in my room. several people can be in the virtual space at once, that is, for example, the plant is located in talyat, the customer is in st. petersburg, so they can meet together and discuss, for example. model model, as if it actually already physically exists. our company is engaged in the development and production of diagnostic tests for determining allergic reactions. using our reagents, the laboratory has the widest range of allergens that can be detected. the main theme of our collections is sheepskin coats; we also
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produce leather items, suits, coats, trousers, and skirts. our brand's style is everyday luxury. our. that's it, the premiere is on saturday on the first. calm down, comrade, we’re coming to you, professor, this is the matter, i cut you off, cut you off, you can say whatever comes to their mind, anything, you’re painfully oppressing me, dad, what kind of dad am i to you, god my, i’m only now beginning to understand, what can come out of our balls, and now we understand what kind of shining nonsense this is, what, i like people, well, i. the famous film adaptation of mikhail bulgakov's story on saturday at the first, he still dances, dances, i am the grandson
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of a manufacturer, i can do everything, but all i have to do is come to any group, perform there and... life is different in memory of vladimir zhirinovsky on saturday at the first.
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they won’t put you in jail, but they’ll give you quite a fine. the men here in brazil are very attentive and caring. it’s clear that sometimes someone’s husband can go to the left, bleeding we are hot, but our own woman, she is always alone. i see that you mostly have women working here. we just want the women's coffee business to develop along with the men's coffee business equally. brazil, coffee is simply bliss, the life of others. era, on sunday first, there is still
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snow in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running and waking up the sleepy shore, they are shining, and they are shouting, they are shouting to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are the young spring, messengers, she sent us ahead, what? where, when is the spring series of games, on sunday on the first. so, have the national security and defense council in ukraine has a new leader, a certain litvinenko, a very difficult character; he once even studied at a kgb higher school.
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2002, 2005 promotion in germany, and what courses did he improve? he took the most valuable things from there,
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because working with encryption, so to speak, schemes is more than one year of work, and he revealed and told, probably to the special services , about mom and dad and what he studied there, so what is an agent, now that the task is set in my opinion, firstly, they do not rule out understanding that there may be a defeat, what zelensky is already saying openly: there will be a defeat, their task is to maintain the situation until biden’s election, that is, to take the form of a military dictatorship, just think about it, the parliament is already paralyzed, in march 100 deputies came to one meeting, but 226 are needed for adoption, which means there decisions on the courts, on the government, on personnel and on parliament will be concentrated, the second concept that they are working out, and if there is a defeat and the territory... is liberated, they are preparing to create a government in the byznaniya, so on the post of ambassadors begins to appoint his own
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people, you understand, add to this in switzerland, venedict. further resistance, this will be appreciated by the west, and it’s so easy to leave, leaving with the loot will not work, and where is the gold and foreign exchange reserves of ukraine, part of the securities and art treasures was transported to poland, and 22 tons of gold were transported to the united states of america, which means they are not preparing only personal loot to move there to the west.
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be removed from the faction in the near future, but the situation here is not entirely clear, because that arakhamia among the deputies is still such a swindler who is able to negotiate, that’s how he is perceived, more favorable to him, not that he has authority than ermak, they hate ermak, so arakhamia always agrees, he doesn’t put pressure on them easily, so remove him from the head of the faction, of course , it will be difficult for iermak, but he will work on it, that is, danilov gaiduk was removed, but
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a likely candidate for the presidency.
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manifests itself as a counterweight to the potential zelensky and yermak himself, so this is a strengthening of an unambiguous position, as a counterweight, hmm, interesting, because the first thing, that ’s what it means to analyze in depth, yes, you see the first thing, you say, well, here are two people, budanov, litinenko, we studied together, there are probably some connections there, but they could teach as you know the karsin beks, this is what westerners really like to do, yes, they are strengthening the two polar shores and launching, which
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means they are already running there and competing. yes, i would like to add one more practical thing: firstly, i agree with my colleagues who said that letvinenko will be go to the end, because he has something to lose in this situation, i have information that... the national security and defense council is now considering, litvinenko, even as head of the svr, was already working on this topic, they are considering the issue of legal justification for the document on the appeal president of ukraine to western countries on the introduction of a limited contingent of troops. this will be a police mission, a limited contingent, justified by the fact that it is to protect against a man-made, environmental disaster, which may happen, and from military operations, well, that is, it is the protection of nuclear power plant facilities.
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and the foreign intelligence service, now this is precisely the main task for him, which was assigned to him at the national security and defense council, yes, they named me the countries with which negotiations are directly taking place on this issue, great britain, france, germany, for some reason they named me norway, for each from these countries, i want to emphasize, a separate specific proposal is being prepared for each of the countries, that is, there will not be some kind of collective request, let alone nato or some kind of collective request, each country will have a separate proposal, so the option from the president is being considered ukraine. because in any case, nato countries cannot support, they understand perfectly well that the conflict with nato, and first of all, i will
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talk about finland and norway, what i understand, these two countries, being small countries of europe and northern europe, they today they are asking a very simple question, which thoroughly shows us whether you have a doctrine according to which we can come to you. today, it would seem very simple, the british or the united states of america could have come up with this doctrine, propose it to draw new blood into this war, that is, to draw norway, finland, france, great britain, germany, the five countries that will have to go there, in the united states of america they have even written if we gather a fist of 3000 people , we will definitely win, we will achieve the victory that we so need, we will be able to defeat russia, litvinenko is our hero today. doctrinally we understand that he remains, and he will have to justify this, but it will be enough for him to justify this it’s complicated, but at the same time he writes well, he has a basis, yeah, taking into account the fact
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that he studied in all these western colleges, they will say for sure, as if we wouldn’t have guessed right away, and it will be entered as fact, that is, here someone must be the instigator, there must be such a presentation, hence the chaos in the chat, hence the articles, here. yours, and litvinenko is yours, yes, you should help him in his career growth, why, for example, at the same time, levochkin was deputy director of the institute of strategic
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studies for 4 years, levochkin covered, and after this is where he went, lyovochkin’s project, and you showed, the new ukraine, and eermalayev is there, he is there, and so on, that is, they pass them on like a baton, because they work completely under the control of the special services. and another question, who else, what awaits? look, we made a little graphics, please show us, these are all the main characters who, well, these are the ones we hear the most, yes, who’s next to go? we discussed klitschko, we discussed arachamia, ermak’s positions up and down, budanov’s positions up and down, we also have a bright character, lyovochkin, there is kuleba, there is a polyak, from these individuals will there be any shuffles, i ask from the point.
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that this is the only resignation that is not in fact, as in a code, for example, yes, when it merges people who are no longer part of the decision-making circuit, this is a resignation for the purpose of transfer, he is most likely transferred to the deputy minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, that is, this amusing kuleba leaves, and two players arrive who are tied to the western residency, tied to iermak, and this issue has already been resolved by 140%. for the rest it’s more difficult, because they’ve been digging for a very long time, two or two approaches, what does he call...
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there were approaches to the bar, but he relied primarily on the germans, he was able to fight back on the european union today, whether it will work out further, i don’t know yet, you need to understand that , that klyuchko not only has contacts with the germans, but also with republicans in the united states, yes, with whom he actively worked, another thing is that the republicans are now in the minority in the senate, so they are not agreeing on some ukrainian tranches, so of course it’s difficult to judge how much this roof helps, but if let’s assume yes, that the republicans win the elections in november 24 in the usa, then i admit that he will have a few... simpler david arakhamia, well, it was correctly noted that the verkhovna rada is paralyzed, absolutely dysfunctional, does not accept anything, so here in this state, as if everything could continue there for a very long time, especially since, apparently, elections to the verkhovna rada are not planned in the near future. but as for ermak, today mikhail correctly noted that there is this internal confrontation over the position of the prime minister of ukraine, yes , the americans had their own candidacy, oksana markarova, yes, the ambassador of ukraine to the united states, but ermak, zelensky, they resist this in every possible way, they do not want to give up power, everyone.
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i graduated from the kgb high school and, no matter how hard i left it, it’s disgustingly very sad. well, that’s what they are, the dolls of tutti’s heir. maria butina was with you, now on the “time” program. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. meeting with tears in her eyes, the girl who miraculously survived the crocus saw her...


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