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tv   Vremya  1TV  April 4, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm MSK

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all those who, in honesty, like litvinenko, a person graduated from the kgb high school, and no matter how hard they did, are disgustingly very sad. well, that’s what they are, the dolls of tutti’s heir. maria butina was with you, now, on the vremya program. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. meeting with tears in her eyes, the girl who miraculously survived the crocus saw her savior. there are three more detainees in the terrorist attack case. the landing is not
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only a parachute, a bmd throw, an exclusive from the tula division and new responses to the enemy’s attempts to attack our energy sector. russia from source, educational centers for youth, which after the opening vladimir putin spoke with ministers about, quoting the bible. protected labor, social guarantees, wages on time and in full, new ones needed. speech by the president at the congress of trade unions, in the grip of the elements, villages cut off from the world, closed roads, boats instead of cars on the streets, high water, three dozen regions. where, how much, zelensky bought the palace where prince charles, now king charles and princess diana lived. let's study the article in the london newspaper. seal of spring. where to go for new books, idea
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there is a fair of nonfiction, especially the novel by marquis and other season premieres. heroes of crocus. a chain of events that began with footage filmed in a burning building by former border guard ilya krasnikov. and his meeting with kamil nasibov continued. he also saved people. today, kamil herself was brought to the one whose action gave her the strength to survive. valentina solovyova was there. the person who gave me hope of salvation, at such moments when everything was already starting to burn, the person on the phone really helped me, he may even be there thanks to this i didn’t pass out and that’s because i was talking, that is, i didn’t sit there mindlessly, i didn’t think about death there. camilla came to this meeting with her mother and younger sister; seeing them from afar, camille could not restrain himself. on that terrible evening of the tragedy in croco city holly, they kept in touch by phone for more than an hour, but... how are you, it’s already
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good, thank you, i just can’t find the word, but they’re not there, they shouldn’t be, that’s right, yes, well so. kamil nasibov worked in a cafe in crocus, he was on the street when the terrorists started shooting everyone point-blank, mechanically rushed inside, began to lead people out, assisted the wounded, helped pull them out of the building, handed them over.
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the caller to my mother was trapped at that moment, it was just a room between the walls, well, roughly speaking, it was two meters long, and a meter wide, that is, there were these pipes on the sides, when i heard that there was only one person, that there was a person still in the building, what are you, you’re still in the building, so most likely, well, he started calling someone, talking to someone, there he says, there’s a person still inside, kamil immediately tried to calm camilla down in this chaos, talking to her, encouraging
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her, at the same time trying to listen, asking camilla to knock on the pipe with her fist, because it was completely unclear where she was, all this while running, at the same time he was rushing to the rescuers. i say that the connection is a girl, i say, the second floor, i don’t know further, he listened to me, he heard me, don’t worry, knock, don’t scream yourself, you won’t lose your voice, you’ll inhale, knock on these pipes, i knocked as best i could, i told her i said three strikes, wait, there’s one more break, right, and i told her that don’t shout, just say, a whole group of rescuers was already looking for camilla, at some point the phone in kamil’s hands died, the last thing he managed to say is, we are looking for you, the crocuses, between which camilla was stuck, began to burn, hot coals rained down on the girl, at that moment the slab underneath her collapsed and kamila was able to get out, it was incredibly important that at that moment i was not alone, that there was someone on the other side who was looking for me, who heard
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me, and who was trying to help me, that is, his words , his support, she was crazy important, when they were leading me to the ambulance, a rescuer runs up to me, says, camilla, it’s you, you, camilla, i say, yes, i, you are that girl, you were sitting in the hole, i say, yes, oh, we were looking for you, kamil after that continued to help the rescuers, like many other people, real heroes, like ilya krasnikov, a former military man, that evening also an ordinary visitor, during the terrorist attack, he rushed to help the victims, it was in his lens cameras caught kamel, for a while they reported, risking their lives, they tried to save others, they saved them by helping each other, acting clearly.
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the fsb has distributed footage of the arrest of three more defendants in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus. the operation took place in moscow, yekaterinburg and omsk. according to intelligence services, two transferred money to buy weapons and cars for terrorists who were stopped the morning after the tragedy in the bryansk region on their way to ukraine, the third
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financed them and recruited accomplices. everyone understands why they were taken. do you know why he was detained? for what? detained for trucking, let me remind you that the perpetrators of the crime are on the list of victims, of which 145 people are in pre-trial detention, just like those who sold them a car and provided them with an apartment for rent. the terrorist attack in crocus was beneficial to those who relied on ethnic hatred in russia. the plan did not work; after the tragedy, society only rallied more closely,” vladimir putin emphasized. we have every reason.
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an example of interfaith harmony and unity, interreligious unity, interethnic, and in the external arena it behaves in such a way that it can hardly be an object of attack from islamic fundamentalists, this is the goal of undermining the unity of russian society, especially in modern conditions, it is certainly visible, these words. president's speeches were made at the congress of trade unions, we will return to it in the issue, as to youth centers, their opening is also on the schedule of the head of state today, but for now it is also about youth - this is a meeting with ministers, a report by konstantin panyushkin. i remembered, oddly enough,
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the gospel. the president’s thoughts were prompted by today’s opening of twelve new youth centers, after which vladimir putin discussed with the government the development of the national project “youth and children”. remember, jesus came to galilee and... next to the sea of ​​galilee he saw fishermen, some were catching fish, some were straightening their nets, and he said to them: follow me, and you will be fishers of men.
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starting from the new academic year, advisers will receive payments of 5.00 rubles,
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the corresponding government decree is ready. in the same message, vladimir putin instructed to increase payments to teachers for class management in small settlements and to raise similar ones even earlier allowances for doctors. as for additional payments to primary care medical workers, first and second, to teachers, class teachers, when will this decree come out and when will people actually receive the money? orders opinion polls over the past 5 years , the proportion of young people who believe in
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the possibilities of self-realization in russia has increased from 64 to 81%, who feel a sense of pride in the life priorities of young people, according to surveys , 71% name the creation of a happy family and raising children, and the state will continue popularize family values ​​from school. from september 1 of this year , schools will introduce the subject of family studies for older teenagers. classes we introduce it as part of a conversation about important things or extracurricular work, i want to immediately note that this will not be a lesson in the usual sense, it is important that according to statistics over the past 5 years , the number of children who do not study and do not work has decreased by one and a half times over the last 3 year, the youth unemployment rate dropped to five and a small percentage. the situation has improved employment even in the most difficult age group, this is among applicants under 24 years old, here we are seeing a decrease in unemployment by more than... today, every tenth teenager receives work experience before the age of 18, for those who know what they want in
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adulthood the state is simplifying targeted recruitment for a higher position; companies will be able to formulate their proposals for targeted training starting from may 1 of this year; applicants will submit documents for targeted admission with the start of the admission campaign on june 20. on this background russian science is also rejuvenating. today , domestic science is one of the youngest in the world, almost every second researcher today. under 39 years old, this is 44%. at the same time , last year there was an increase in the number of scientists in a long-term trend. at the same time, receiving secondary vocational education is becoming increasingly popular among high school students to upgrade college equipment; huge amounts of money are being allocated for the development of vocational training programs; 1,600 enterprises have already been attracted to participate in this program more than 500. and the task set by you, vladimirovich, to prepare 1 million qualified people by the twenty-eighth year.
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who showed good results, it is clear in these regions that they, excuse the - for the cinematic expressions, do not confuse their own wool with the state, but work quite effectively, it’s somehow a pity, a pity for them - well, to knock out support tools from them , if they achieve results,
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also in the presence of vladimir putin , officials today argued about how to write off debts on budget loans subjects to reduce. funds from loan write-offs are a real source of infrastructure financing. for regions with low budgetary security, which often do not have enough funds even for priority expenses, write-offs are not such a source. therefore, in our opinion, in some of these regions, it is necessary to write off part of the budget loans without additional conditions. what does write-off mean? is this the money? should be returned to the federal budget, but we do not demand this money, we say, direct it to the necessary and important measures for the development of infrastructure, there will be public infrastructure, emergency services, which means that the benefits provided for investment tax deduction and so on, the topic can be considered in what areas it will be possible to direct for such regions with low
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budgetary provision, but simply write off without conditions, i think this is wrong, the discussion is not over yet. will continue in the bowels of the government konstantin panyushkin, ekaterina iravenko, kirill loginov, channel one. to the special operation, new precision strikes by our forces on ukrainian military infrastructure. probable targets: a tank school in kharkov, where nato instructors test militants in western vehicles. a train with ammunition and manpower and publications of the local police department. the security forces were hiding there. we are waiting for confirmation from the russian ministry of defense, which today announced the destruction of a mercenary deployment point near kharkov. our troops are working exactly. on facilities that supply power to ukrainian military factories. such strikes are a response to attempts by the ukrainian armed forces to attack our energy complexes. in the peredovoy area , the enemy lost more than 900 militants in one day, and a ukrainian su-27 was shot down. and the battle of the tula paratroopers was filmed from a drone, quickly, on light armor, then with the support of a tank. exclusive report
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by alexey kruchinin. the courage and skill of our paratroopers is known to everyone, but the guys never cease to amaze. here are some recent shots. under fire cover , an assault group instantly drops into the enemy position. before the mission, we performed training maneuvers with the attack aircraft for two weeks. and thanks to this i think and... thanks to the skill of the driver mechanics , we completed this task, arrived at the point - no more than 10 seconds to unload the landing party with their ammunition and everyone began to leave, an extremely risky throw, fast and maneuverable bmd-2 are not distinguished by super strong armor , the listeners could simply
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burn them by hitting them from the dug with direct fire, which is what they tried to do, there was fire impact from the side too...
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the feeling is yes, adrenaline, a very large surge of adrenaline, and the most important thing is not to play around, mostly listen the commander’s command, what he says, and not to make any other movements, under the cover of these shots, the landing forces burst into the grove, finish off the stunned enemy , gain a foothold in new positions, the camera of our copter, meanwhile, monitors the armored group, which is retreating under powerful enemy fire, here and artillery, including, judging by the arrivals of jets and kamikaze drones, the car remained on the move, from the first kamikaze strike it spun, i... said, it spun very much, but thanks to the actions of my driver, directly, he an experienced mechanic-driver, he managed to hold the car, we continued to move forward. such daring operations are trusted only by the most experienced. fighter, each of them served in the airborne forces even before the start of the war, since february 22 the guys have been thrown through the most difficult areas. experience also gives rise to lightning-fast reactions. the tank commander with the call sign boomerang managed
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to close the hatch 10 seconds before a kamikaze drone with a shell filled with shrapnel exploded nearby. this is the moment in drone video. approximately flew up in the mangal area and hit an omangal. naturally explosion there were balls, as we call them. we bearings have already flown to trimex. tula paratroopers took important positions, which, hanging over the village, allowed the ukrainian armed forces to control the surrounding area. the crews who provided a quick landing and fire cover were nominated for state awards. however, there is no need to relax while waiting for them. in addition to supporting attack aircraft and working at short range, tankers have many other tasks. no one is canceling shooting at planned targets from indirect firing positions. and such shooting is carried out, as a rule, in the dark. days. working in complete darkness, you need to remain a dark horse yourself. night birds notice even a slight illumination from afar; aiming the same kamikaze drone at
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a tank standing in a field is not difficult. there are no lights, only momentary flashes cut through the black air. shot. after shooting , the crew, without turning on the headlights, first goes into the so -called settling tank, where they need to wait before returning to base. if the enemy did spot the combat vehicle, he kept an eye on it. monitor civilians from drones in order to kill them later, such a terrorist attack was carried out in kherson region, a direct hit by a drone on a car with groceries, the driver died immediately, and a wounded passenger who was trying to apply a tourniquet was finished off with a second copter, another person died during the shelling of donetsk. the shell hit a sports ground in the kuyboshevsky district, where an elderly man was working out at that moment, and a school and an apartment building were damaged. punish the terrorists and
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bring back peace. the tragedy of the crocuses shook. more and more volunteers are serving under contract. one of the selection points in the moscow region. in a week and a half more than 800 people signed the necessary documents there. they have already begun training at the training grounds in training centers. during this time, hundreds of citizens voluntarily joined the ranks of the armed forces.
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the assertion in the west that russia is going to attack nato countries is an information provocation, which the representatives of the alliance themselves understand. today, by the way, he is 75 years old; in addition to this, there is a plan to raise a new hundred-billion-dollar fund for ukraine, not to mention the initiative of the same macron, to send nato troops to help the zelensky regime, the essence of which is terror, foreign minister sergei lavrov reminded foreign ambassadors. ukraine has become an open terrorist state has been terrorizing citizens in its country beyond its borders for 10 years, i would like
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to express to everyone present... no one has any doubts anymore, i mean the terrorist attacks that cost the lives of journalists dugin and tatarsky, which led to the injury of prilepin , the death of his driver shubin, the death of civilians when the crimean bridge was blown up and much more. i spoke about shadow sponsors of terrorism today in moscow, chief of the general staff valery gerasimov. he chaired a meeting of the committee of chiefs of staff of the armed forces of the cis countries.
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recent events indicate the consistent destruction by the west of the fundamental foundations of strategic stability and international security institutions. not without external influence , hotbeds of tension arise in various parts of the planet, and international terrorism, with the support of shadow sponsors, still remains a global threat to the world. in these conditions, more and more. vladimir putin said. for industrial breakthrough requires professional personnel. and there is special control over the implementation of social guarantees. anastasia kobazeva will tell you more. this is the largest association
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of workers in russia. one of the main tasks of the federation is to protect the rights and interests of workers so that people live better and can earn more. vladimir putin, opening the meeting of the congress, noted that only where work is decently paid will professional, qualified personnel work. this is the future. technological expansion. and industrial potential of russia and strengthening the domestic economy should directly translate into increased well-being of our citizens and increased wages. in the next 6 years, the share of wages in the country's gross domestic product should grow steadily. look what happened here, it is already growing here, in the twenty-second year its share was 38.5%, in... educational
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programs need to be changed depending on the demand in the labor market, says the president. next year, for example, the national project “personnel” will be launched. about him vladimir putin spoke during the announcement of his address to the federal assembly. it is expected that a career guidance system will be deployed in all schools in the country. it is important. many regions, especially new ones, are now experiencing a shortage of personnel. trade unions of the kherson region are among the first to note this problem. we have a lot.
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jobs should appear in all regions of the country, the president says. the coming 6 years should be a time of accelerated industrial development in russia. the share of domestic goods in our domestic market should increase, equipment, machine tools, vehicles, medicines, consumer goods and so on. in this regard, i want to emphasize that the most important task of trade unions is to be, as they say, the first supporters.
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good in - in 2023, unemployment in russia for the first time dropped below three, as i said percent, amounted to 2.9%. in february of this year it dropped further to 2.8%. this is one of the most important indicators of the state of the economy as a whole. and these indicators were achieved despite the unprecedented sanctions that are being imposed.
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pre-sauria, what is now and where the water level has exceeded dangerous values ​​in a way that has not happened for decades, dmitry tolmachev is talking about this, a powerful blow, these shots were taken in the south of the chelyabinsk region, the bridge over the kurasan river simply cannot withstand the flow of water from the pressure of the ice floes, we witnessed bridge collapse, it's very sad, it's very sad, it's vital. the bridge cut off the village of varna and several other settlements from the mainland. this is what the yard looks like: a river, just a river. water flows over the dam, about fifty private farmsteads. the situation in the neighboring orenburg
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region. a state of emergency has been declared in the region . the main blow fell on the territory along the border with kazakhstan. the authorities have already evacuated about a thousand people from here, a quarter of them are children. in connection with the concept of a river. wild animals also have to escape from the flood, the cows swim across from the other side from the forest, here they are , poor creatures, domestic dogs, for example, left in the import, are saved by people, a shepherd dog was taken away, flooding of populated areas was recorded in samara and penza regions, as well as in bashkiria, in these frames a family is being rescued, whose car was washed off the road by the current of a river that had overflowed its banks. the largest rise per day was recorded on the usen river in a populated area. the water rise was 184 cm. according to the ministry of emergency situations, active phases of spring floods are now observed in thirty-four russian regions. the altai region is one of the first where the disaster raged; several roads are still blocked here.
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there are more than forty settlements in the flood zone. rescued residents say the water has risen to their houses in a matter of minutes. five minutes, that's probably all. and they pulled us out. hello everyone, rescuers. the spring floods also turned out to be unexpected for residents of the moscow region, a region that appears much less often in such reports. a few warm days after a snowy winter, the streets are already turning into rivers. the village of katazhny, little scotland, today is more reminiscent of venice. this is what one of the streets looks like now, or rather its lower part. the residents of all these houses leave their cars here on dry land, then, as we see, they only wear high waders, well or into the swim.
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in khimki near moscow, melt water has flooded the parking lot of a housing complex; the country block has been pumped out for almost a day; we live on the fifth floor until the water reaches us, but in general we are afraid that... that it is washing away the foundation, because such waters were flowing, jets of pressure that this is true to the point that the house may be in disrepair . roads, streets of the large cities of nizhnekamsk, naberezhnye chelny and kazan, where parents could no longer pick up their children from school in the evening, during the day it was surrounded spring waters, in the tikhvin district of the leningrad region , not only residential buildings, but also the famous ancient monastery are at risk of going under water. dmitry tolmachev, kirill kushnev, rafail iradzhev, lilya zorina, natalya sidrova, fedor yurasov, channel one. now advertising. in the second part of the program: know history, find yourself. new educational centers for youth. read correctly, where do they go for new books,
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there will be another, don’t switch, the suspect was given by his lover, he promised to marry his mistress, now both are standing crying, my actions, reception, well, what actions could there be, film it on your phone, let them say it’s real, you can make me a copy of his file, wait for me, i’ll be there soon, and don’t let the light on in the car, sit there, yeah. you know this man, we’re working, you’re now in the homicide department, for completely different matters, hello, you can talk, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program, oldbar cognac, stellar group product, steersman bourbon. product of stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of
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the stellar group. сnop gin, a product of stellar group. cognac monte shock. product of stellar group. rom. castro. product of steller group. vodka. veta. product of steller group. russian. in hollywood style from a to z americans b) vladovin’s bandits d head toes d what is your evidence e f your health we will and brief to lshtshfun m syrup.
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x: cold, i’m not used to such a dubak, tsesyuyzhty, che - chelyabinsk, sha - shank’s hat, sha -
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i love my country on saturday on the first, i am the grandson of a manufacturer, i can do everything, but all i need to do is come to any team , perform. didn't live my life differently, memory
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vladimir zhirinovsky on saturday on the first. this is the program time and we continue. year-round youth centers, created on the initiative of vladimir putin, opened today in twelve regions of russia. as we have already said, the president took part in the ceremony via video link. there are four such sites. chersonese is a sacred place, the spiritual source of our entire civilization; it was here, according to legend , that the holy equal-to-the-apostles prince was baptized in 988. vladimir, and orthodoxy, since then, from these very places has spread throughout russia, now chersonese or karsun, as it is called in ancient russian chronicles, is experiencing a rebirth, a new city has been built from scratch, in the center there is a museum of christianity, tourist pilgrimage centers, an amphitheater, an ancient river, museums of the crimea, byzantium on the shores of the black
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sea our statehood was born, here are our origins , a year-round youth educational center in sevastopol, which today... guides and mentors, one of them a graduate student of the tauride theological seminary thanked the president in 2015 it was vladimir putin who proposed creating a historical and archaeological park in chersonesos. on this land, saint clement and the apostle andrew the first-called preached, and it is from this place that the origins and the symbolic
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name of which our youth center bears begin. there is no need to talk about the importance of your work, the importance of this place.
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twelve more, soon such sites in centers, the president today launched work will appear in the zaporozhye and kherson regions, each center has its own direction, so that everyone can find their calling. all these the centers are united by the main thing, they... are called upon to become points of attraction, engines of growth in their regions and throughout russia, together they will give, i am sure of this, they will give a single, breakthrough result, they will seriously, qualitatively increase the opportunities for self-realization of young people, and this, as i have said more than once,
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one of the main priorities of the strategic guidelines of all state policy, from nizhny novgorod those who implement state policy in practice are joining the conversation, in the center of the state start 12.00 managers per year will be able to improve their qualifications, here on sakhalin a unique career hub has been created, a center where young people will be helped to decide on their future profession, talented, purposeful, in love with their country, about a million people, from 18 to 35 years old, annually participate in youth forums , special attention to those who not only develop, but protect russia, its history and values. at the front, the potential of year-round centers will be fully exploited as part of our new national project youth and children. in addition, i separately ask you to actively use the infrastructure and educational capabilities of all youth centers in the “time of heroes” personnel program, which i recently spoke about in my address
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to the federal assembly. today in our work we see how much the heroes of a special military operation are in demand in our field. as mentors, as teachers, and teachers, leaders of our patriotic centers, even in the role of ministers for youth policy in the regions of our country, they really become as a guide for the younger generation, as an example, as part of the work of all centers, we are already this year providing for the possibility of additional training for young soldiers who have undergone a special military operation. in the twenty-third year, 1,500 veterans of the northern military district became participants in youth forums at... the baltic league trains defenders of the information front. in the current conditions, this is also advanced. nineteen-year-old daniil dreamed of creating a media center in his native kaliningrad. 2 years ago he talked about this. to the president, now they are planning to come here invite, including young people from abroad, who share our views and values. thanks to the world
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youth festival and your instructions, today we are developing international relations through joint educational programs so that our year-round center continues the legacy of the festival and becomes a place where they will create tools, trends, and opportunities to convey the value of youth. once again i want to say a huge thank you for making my dream come true. i want. thank you in turn for choosing this direction of activity, very interesting and very necessary, important for your peers, so i wish you success, danilo evgenevich, and i’m looking at - at the picture on the screen, i ’m looking at anton andreevich today dressed up a russian braid, he’s the only person who dressed like that , he does nothing without meaning, anton andreevich, you did this on purpose, does it make any sense? vladimirovich, good afternoon, in fact, guys to support me, they asked me, they said, anton andrevich, wear something dark, some
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shirt, well, the merch merch noise didn’t have time to fit me, so to speak, in size, so i decided to have this one, our local production vladimir vladimirovich, linen shirts are made by our manufacturers, you are also engaged in advertising of local production, promotion, of course, in what sense , we need to promote regional brands, i agree, completely, good, thank you very much. for supporting this project. the permafrost from the northern lights is actually close from moscow to the arctic circle, about a 3 hour flight. yamal should become a locomotive development of youth tourism, but not only. we also pay great attention to the training of tour guides. and for them, last year we created the project “conductors of meaning.” and already in the twenty-third year, more than 8.0 new tour guides were trained. i would like to emphasize that that's all.
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princess diana, now deceased. the publication claims that 20 million pounds were paid for the estate with a huge park, converted to 25 million dollars. for example, this is how much the united states promised ukraine to restore energy in the fall of 23. now it’s clear that the stakes there are different, but now not about that. the palace, pavel krasnov went to see it. the sleepy english town of tatbury is awakened by disturbing news. for many years , people here have become accustomed to being next to royalty.
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there is even a website on the internet dedicated to the royal residence, but not a word has been said about the change of owner yet, but it talks in detail about the history of the estate and its
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attractions, and there are also video tours of the garden, so we... imagine that it was zelensky will be at his disposal. high grove estate with nine bedrooms and six bathrooms rooms worthy of a king, but it is thanks to the extensive gardens that it acquired its fame. king charles loves to garden and has transformed high grow house into a masterpiece of horticultural craftsmanship. will the new owner take care of the gardens as carefully and how did it happen that the british monarch agreed to part with the estate so dear to his heart. the publication that wrote about the deal. quotes grant harold, former butler to charles ii. he believes the deal was agreed upon during his wife's recent trip to london. zelensky. at her meeting with the queen , the conversation could have been about just this. according to grant harald, another detail indicating that highgrafhaus is now under new ownership is that at least six staff at the residence have been given redundancy notices since march 21. even
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though we are talking about a sale, this transaction can well be considered a royal gift. zelensky, and britain has a lot to thank him for. he actually surrendered his country, and most importantly the security forces, to external control to the british first . few people doubt that it is the british intelligence services that are behind the attacks on crimea and the black sea fleet, and we must not forget that it was british prime minister johnson who at one time forbade kiev to sign agreements with moscow, essentially ordering ukraine to fight. throughout the history of the conflict until today, it was the british who led it. and zelensky gave them the opportunity to lead, he covered for them, he opened up the green light for them, he allowed uk financial institutions to carry out those operations that they carried out, so for the british this is actually a continuation of the policy of the ostriya company, what they did with china 100 years ago, they are eating the country out from the inside, and zelensky did not interfere with this at all, an interesting detail, the king
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paid attention to at one time to improve security systems. hand, asking for help for the country. in the end, kiev has already turned a blind eye to the previous purchases of the zelensky family, driving in italy and egypt. by the way, a mansion on the shore the red sea was purchased just under a year ago, and a local journalist who revealed the buyer's name was later found dead. however, in terms of cost, all these villas and mansions do not reach the level of an english estate; according to publications, the monarch’s residence cost zelensky 20 million pounds sterling.
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it is unknown whether the king was interested in the origin of this money, but... another thing is important: no matter how much zelensky pays for this purchase, it will definitely cost ukraine much more. only in this case the price is measured no longer with money. pavel krasno, dmitry volkov, victor overin, yulia zagranichnogo and stanislav opletin, channel one, britain. a great event for those who appreciate intellectual literature of all genres. the annual nonfiction book fair opened in gostiny dvor. creative meetings, lectures, concerts, and most importantly, thousands of books. high-profile premieres, see you in august gabriel garcía marquis. the unfinished novel reached readers 10 years after the author's death. pyotr deryagin got acquainted with the latest book releases. have time to print a circulation, many this year, publishing houses first brought their new products to the nonfiction fair, and only then the books will go to the store. among the premieres , the real treasures of the book are the madness of theodore dreiser, the author of the famous
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financier, it was little known, it had not been published in the world for 95 years, it. russian literature by donald rayfield, a new edition of the book the life of chekhov, the author, after many years of studying the archives, proves that chekhov actually had a daughter, more daring theories about leonardo davinci are put forward by the italian historian carla veche, the genius the artist could have russian roots. in the archives he found interesting, very curious and intriguing information that perhaps leonardo davinci’s mother was a russian girl,
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a circassian, who was driven into slavery. that is, he found a document that was signed by the hand of leonard da vinci's father, which grants this girl freedom. bright new items in the science pop genre, how to make stories about space understand.
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when he saw a chinese fortuneteller using the book of changes, it dawned on him that words can be conveyed using long and short lines letters, this is what an illustration of a book might look like, in which i would interview the russian inventor of the time travel telegraph, but with the help of some books at fairs you can actually build real travel routes, a huge olimmon of russian theri.
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artificially, but they experience all our natural emotions, loneliness, disappointment, hope, of course. among the visitors to the nonfiction fair, some are just making their way through the forest of letters, composing their first sentences, others are devouring the volume for
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volume, bright emotions and the most amazing stories for all ages, that’s what books give us. mikhail fedorov, sergey filippov, channel one.


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