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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 5, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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i want to say a huge thank you to our doctors who saved us further into the battle, just forward, everything will be fine, but what is known about the criminal, a private, who in the first battle became a commander, machine gun, come here, here, grenades, quickly, quickly, here , american bradleys were shooting, shells were flying, the enemy tank was being hit with direct fire, come on, come on, let's go, let's go, let's go, stop! the feat of radimir maksimov, how did you take a strategically important height? the list of contacts where the criminal chain leads, three more defendants in the case of the attack on the crocus were detained, which found in terrorists' phones, photo evidence, message from curators. the capital is in the grip of a scandinavian cyclone, but the cooling will not last long, the weather will change, and from monday the temperature will again be far from normal. the treasure of the nation
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, the leopard land nature reserve is already 12 years old, the rarest cat on the planet has been saved, the population has quadrupled, and there is still more work ahead. attempt on the life of the head of the murmon region andrei chibis was wounded with a knife in the stomach. the emergency happened the night before, before which the governor invited residents of the city of apatity to a meeting. the conversation took place at a local cultural center and continued until late in the evening, when andrei chibes was leaving the dcc. a criminal attacked him, the head of the region remained conscious, the governor was promptly sent to the hospital, and before the operation he called his wife to calm him down. the surgeons have already reported that everything went well. the operation lasted more than an hour. now andrei chibes is in intensive care in a stable and serious condition. he came to his senses and even found the strength to say words of gratitude to the doctors and everyone who was worried about him. dear friends, i have come to my senses after the operation, thank you very much, i want to say. to our doctors who saved us,
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did everything quickly, clearly and correctly, and of course to all of you for worrying and supporting us, thank you very much, now i will recover and continue to fight, i just got into it, everything will be fine, the attacker was immediately detained by the officers russian guard, he tried to escape, was wounded, this forty -two-year-old city resident had already testified, as reported by the investigative committee, the attacker had previously been convicted of... causing bodily harm. now your actions explains the hostility, although he did not know the governor personally. appointed forensic examinations, including medical ones. it is known that the detainee is not registered at the psychoneurological dispensary. to other topics: assault after assault and not a step back. an incredible story, a difficult battle, unequal enemy forces, artillery, drones, tanks, but taking the heights is a task of strategic importance. and in this.
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heroic guys from the assault detachment of the thirty-ninth separate guards motorized rifle brigade, forward, grenade, come on, machine gun, come on or you'll die, machine gun here and there, grenades quickly, an area called clay, the soldiers defended for two days before the arrival of reinforcements, then... a very difficult
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battle, fragments from mine shells wounded the group commander, most of the guys, and radimir was also hurt , forgetting about the pain, he bandaged himself, helped others, reported back to headquarters about the situation, in response received an order to lead the group, just like that, a simple machine gunner, a private in rank, in his first battle he himself became a commander, there was cover there, we were there too boys, everyone was there, everyone it was just somehow in a convenient place, probably lying, i don’t know.
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measured courage and heroism of machine gunner maksimov. on the left in the shelter is radimir. there are seven militants on the right at once. the distance between them is a couple of tens of meters. the vysrushniks are trying to crawl closer. the fighter, in short bursts, stops all attempts by the enemy to get closer. you had a direct position, and you were completely open. yes. iron man. no, it’s just them, they didn’t expect this, that we would meet. after the battle, the hero was delivered straight.
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thanks to the power of the ancestors, there are those in the family who he fought in these same places during the great patriotic war. since childhood, he himself has been able to hold weapons in his hands, went hunting, and also sings well. ardakhtanygar, graduated from the yakut music college in vocal class and even won republican competitions. what is the song about? and the holiday of the best, private maximov was presented by the command for a high state award, alexey ivanov, valentin stukanok, alexander napalkov, anastasia slobodenyuk, channel one, donbass. the russian army carried out massive attacks at night attacks on ukrainian armed forces facilities in the kharkov region. arrivals have been reported in the area of ​​the village
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of korotych, where a military airfield is located. telegram channels write about explosions in izyum. this is an important transport hub. there is information that energy infrastructure could also be targeted. meanwhile, in four areas. ukraine has limited energy supplies, there is not enough power, and because of this , factories operating on the apu have shut down. let me remind you that at the end of march the dneproges was put out of action, flights via power systems in the ivano-frankivsk and lviv regions. russian troops carry out precision strikes on everything related to ukrainian military infrastructure and industry. this is a response to the ukrainian armed forces’ attempts to damage our energy facilities. over 500 volunteers have signed up in the last 2 weeks. contract with the ministry of defense only in the sverdlovsk region, they have already begun to prepare at training centers in training centers, the number of people wishing to become participants in the special operation continues to increase in different regions, the crocus city holi tragedy left no one indifferent, these are personnel from the murmansk region, volunteers at the points
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selection for military service, in just 10 days throughout the country, more than 16 thousand citizens joined the raids of the armed forces, i was inspired by the fact that we all need to end this and... which did not happen again, when all this happened, there was even more desire, yes , he called twice a day, asked before lunch, after lunch, when the case is prepared , this will not happen again like in the corcus, victory will be ours, in connection with the latest situations, it ’s cool that there was a terrorist attack, i can’t stay away , i think i have a responsibility to protect mine people, i believe that everyone who is capable, who is able...
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almost a month before the attack on february 24, on the anniversary of the start of the special military operation, the curator, through the helpers, sent them photographs of the concert hall. the pictures were on the phone of one of the terrorists. the results of an expert study of the mobile phones that the terrorists tried to destroy made it possible to obtain information that is significant for the investigation about the circumstances of the preparation for the crime. on the instructions of the curator who led the terrorists’ actions, the crocus city hall concert hall was chosen as quality. the location of the attack, one of the accomplices, on the instructions of the curator, found on internet resources and sent him screenshots of images of the entrances to the crocus city hall building and the access roads to it. the accused confirmed all this in his testimony. the day before
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, three more accomplices of this crime were detained. the operation took place in moscow, yekaterinburg and omsk. there have already been several such arrests. this man transferred money to the terrorists’ card, with which they paid for housing. and this one was detained in dagestan, he brought kalashnikov assault rifles to mytishche, i brought them weapons to these guys who attacked the etiologist building. the implementation of a set of investigative actions and operational measures
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to verify the involvement of representatives of the ukrainian special services in organizing and financing the terrorist attack continues. the terrorists did not have time to get rid of the phones, because until the last moment they received instructions from the curator, who promised that they would be met not far from the ukrainian border and would be helped to cross it. exactly there in a white renault the criminals rushed immediately after the attack on crocus city hall. there on the m3 highway they are behind... paris, this time it is not farmers, medical staff, what are they unhappy with, we will tell you a few minutes after the advertisement, do not switch, virtual reality is the place where everything impossible is possible, i see you, you are now in my room, yes, hello, several people can be in the virtual space at once, that is, for example, the plant is located in talyat. the customer is in st. petersburg, so they can meet together and discuss, for example, a car,
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the model, as if it actually already physically exists. our company is engaged in the development and production of diagnostic tests for determining allergic reactions, using our reagents; the laboratory has the widest range of allergens that can be detected. our collections are mainly inspired by sheepskin coats; we also produce leather items, suits, and coats. trousers, skirts, the style of our brand is everyday luxury, our everything, premiere, tomorrow on the first day, calm down, comrade, we are to you, professor, this is what it’s about, i cut you off, cut you off, you can say whatever comes to their mind, anything, anything, you ’re painfully oppressing me, daddy, what kind of daddy am i to you, my god, i’m only just starting understand what can come out of our ball? and now they understand what kind of shining nonsense this is, why, i go around people, well, i was married, i
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don’t care about azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and divide it, that’s what i thought, heart of a dog, the famous film adaptation of the story by mikhail bulgakov, tomorrow on the first, he still dances, dances, russian, hollywood from a to z americans b) bandits in vladovin d head of toe d what is your evidence e f your health we will be healthy and short to lshtshfum m syrup - callus
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chelyabinsk hat - hat at the shanka now k hard sign s soft sign e this is peter yu i'm manyavodkad tomorrow at the first premiere i love my country tomorrow at the first zhenya beloosov's will the battle for the inheritance of the star of the nineties. they are heading to the finish line, all the participants in the conflict are in our studio, you filed a lawsuit, why do people
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writes a will at the age of 30, roman is sure that once the entire inheritance unfairly went to his sister christina, if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, drawn up everything myself, why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want to find out the truth, dad’s handwriting, you know, i’ll be honest, no, but you were getting divorced on target, it turned out that the court was scamming us, just imagine, 26 years later it was such a blow for me. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere, tomorrow on the first. and when you entered into an inheritance, you did the notary say about that? still potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved, probably the only one in my life, died. this is the news on the first and we continue: hundreds of people on the streets of paris,
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a protest of nurses, many have not had their salaries increased for 15 years, and this is against the background of inflation skunks, responsibilities say: it is important to protest, i am like a squeezed lemon, we will retire with broken backs , because we are carrying heavy loads, expenses are growing, but nothing is changing for us, they have added everything to us only 25 centimes, this is a dummy. in italy, people follow the former health minister to the pita. roberto spiranza left his post in the twenty-second since then he has a peculiar retinue. they take turns replacing each other. he is accompanied by relatives of patients who died from coronavirus and those who went bankrupt due to endless lockdowns. the ex-minister is always guarded by 10 policemen, but this does not save him from screaming as a murderer. after
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cool days, warmth returns to the capital, gradual warming will begin tomorrow, but cloudy, next day this week it’s almost june again, the temperature will be significantly higher than the climate norm, on wednesday + 22°, the record for the day may be broken, forecasters say the weather will be like this until the end of the week, well, by the weekend it will get a little colder, today is the birthday of the leopard land national park, the reserve was created on the initiative. putin 12 years ago. during this time , in the primorsky territory , the population of the far eastern leopard, which until recently was on the verge of extinction, has almost quadrupled. the unique territory is also home to tigers, lynxes, himalayan and brown bears. our correspondent, maryana yatskevich, took a walk through the national park. this is how we make our way through the branches into the very depths of the national
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park in order to see the far eastern leopard. the probability is small, but still there. let's not lose hope. we walked for many hours to accompany experienced research workers and finally, a rare find. we finally found the light of the tiger, here it is, along with the scratch, as we were told, this is a special mark that the tiger leaves, which carries a lot of information for its relatives. if there are traces, then there is a place for camera traps are suitable, we install them so that the lens covers most of the trail. that's it, you're in the center, great. after a while they receive gigabytes of valuable personnel. this is how we managed to photograph a female far eastern leopard named grace, she is the pride of the national park, she has already given life to ten kittens, it is a great success to see her together with her offspring. here you can already see that leopardiata they are the size of their mother, that is, in a few more months they will begin to exist independently, but at the same time they still feed on their mother’s milk. this quite an interesting observation, because
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well, we thought that at this age of the leopardeat they no longer have a mixed diet, and how many more discoveries are to be made? to write about the rarest cat in the world, all efforts are being devoted to its study of preserving the species of primorye, in 2012 there were no more than 35 far eastern leopards, and now there are 129 of them in the national park, and there is also an honorary title, keeper of the leopard, which gives the right to choose a name for of his spotting predator, nikolai drozdov named his leopard baikal, they send me his portraits, even once they sent me a small video, it means something like six. the land of the leopard is located a two-hour drive from vladivostok, the size of the protected area is about 500 thousand hectares, this is larger than the territory of moscow and st. petersburg together,
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among the inhabitants are not only leopards, the rarest amur tigers, lynxes, himalayan brown bears, foxes. badgers, roe deer , more than 50 species of mammals in total. by the way, big cats often have, one might say, dual citizenship. the national park borders china. there are about 40 leopards, they are crossing border in both directions, and in china they are called russian leopards and russian tigers, because for the most part they live, of course, in russia. to make the animals more comfortable, russia and china are preparing to sign an agreement to unite the territories of the national parks of the two countries, then the total area will increase to 1.5 million hectares. maryana. with this i say goodbye to the residents of the european part of russia, next on the air is antifake. in uvat, as part of the russian biathlon championship, a men's 40 km marathon race was held, its format follows the mass start the only difference is that the distance is almost three
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times longer, and there are not four, but eight firing lines. myself...


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